36 years of marriage, what a wedding. Thirty-six wedding years

Universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and reason. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, dear subscribers of my blog and random guests! Today we will talk about what to give for your 36th wedding anniversary and what this anniversary is called.

The newlyweds have a lot of experience behind them life together. But if this day does not go unnoticed on the calendar, this indicates trembling feelings in the hearts of the spouses. What is such a wedding called? There are two versions. Some sources say that this agate wedding, others call this holiday bone china day.

We won’t argue with anyone, because this is even to our advantage - the range of choice of themed gifts is wider!

Two characters in the name - why?

But let's figure out a little why this day has this or that name. Bone china is a type of porcelain that is distinguished by its dazzling whiteness, sophistication, has very thin walls and, accordingly, excellent translucency.

What does this mean? This tells us that the newlyweds are at a level of relationship that is distinguished by its impeccability, sincerity and purity. They are full of trust and mutual understanding. But this porcelain is very fragile. And this name of the wedding only emphasizes that relationships that have crossed such a milestone must be treated with care and reverence. The strawberry, amber and coral anniversaries have already passed.

Agate is a mineral that has a layered texture and striped color. In the context of the name of the wedding, it means that this couple has experienced a lot together - both good and bad. There were both sorrows and joys. And from the Greek language the word “agate” is translated as “kind, good, happy.” Well, isn’t this an accurate description of our married couple?)

So, we’ve sorted out the name of the wedding, and now let’s go get the gifts!

What to give your wife on a special day

The wedding is porcelain, which means white and delicate. Today this woman is not just a wife - on this day she is a bride again! Choose a gift for her that matches her current status.

  1. Be sure to give a bouquet of white roses. Even if the wife prefers flowers of other shades, she will feel how much love and tenderness is in each petal of this bouquet.
  2. On the day you got married, you can give your wife an outfit made of light, almost airy materials. It could be Evening Dress, blouse or suit. Products made from organza, chiffon, and silk are perfect. You can also choose a stylish scarf, shawl or cape from such fabrics.
  3. Any woman will be delighted with a new accessory. This could be a handbag, a belt, or even a case for glasses. But to emphasize the peculiarity of this holiday, they can be white.

What to give your husband on his agate wedding day

The name of the wedding is a direct hint as to which stone you can use to give your husband a product.

The most popular, of course, is black agate, but there are also white, blue, grey, yellow and red. Based on your husband’s taste, choose a gift that will remind you of your holiday and highlight his status.

  1. Today there is a staggering variety jewelry for men, made of agate. These are cufflinks, rings, bracelets, pendants or watches.
  2. And if your husband doesn’t wear jewelry, you can choose a money clip with elements made of agate or a business card holder.
  3. If you do not want to focus on the symbolism of the holiday, then organize a cozy home gala evening. Light the candles and open the champagne. Even if your husband is not a romantic, a warm evening with your beloved in the appropriate atmosphere will leave an unforgettable impression of the holiday!

What to give parents for a porcelain wedding

You, children, are perhaps the most dear guests on this holiday for the newlyweds. Whatever you give to mom and dad is priceless for them (just remember the postcard you drew in kindergarten). But, of course, you want to please them with something special on their anniversary.

It’s not for nothing that we remembered the name of the anniversary today. Products made from bone china will come in handy this holiday. There are a variety of options. Tableware or coffee set, salad bowls or gravy boats, a kettle for making tea or saucers for olives. Variety of sizes and amazing shapes.

There are quite a lot of products made from this fragile material. However, if you want them to be individual, make a symbolic engraving on your gift. This could be the filigree initials of the newlyweds or the wedding anniversary number. The memory of the holiday will last a lifetime!

What to give friends on their wedding anniversary

Some people believe that 36 years of marriage is not a holiday at all. But if you remember this day or the newlyweds invited you to the celebration, then you are among the chosen ones.

This is not a round date, so you can choose a gift without much pomp. But at the same time, it is still worth taking into account the characteristics of a young couple. Let’s say if they are connoisseurs of art - it could be a painting, lovers of outdoor recreation - a barbecue, people who are keen on dancing - tickets to a tango master class, etc.

Give figurines and souvenirs with elements made of agate or porcelain. A pair of doves or swans, which symbolize fidelity and devotion, a candlestick or a figurine in the form of angels are perfect as gifts. The main thing is that they fit organically into the interior of the newlyweds.

Congratulations to the married couple

Everyone presents congratulations in their own way. Someone will prepare a postcard with poems, someone will make a toast (no worse than the Caucasus residents), someone will sing a song.

Spend a little time preparing for the holiday and make your congratulations original and unique. If poetry, then let it be your own composition. It can be comic, humorous and not necessarily 5 pages long. Although if you are a master of the pen and write a poem about newlyweds, honor and praise to you!

And the spouses’ favorite song can be performed by a duet that is completely unexpected for them. Let's say the bride's sister and the groom's father. Of course, you need to meet and prepare in advance. But rest assured, such a congratulation will surprise the newlyweds and will remain in their memory for a long time)) Which, in fact, is what was required.

You can organize a video greeting. Ask friends or relatives who live far away to make a video with wishes for the newlyweds. Edit the videos and present them to the newlyweds.

But no matter what kind of wedding it is - agate or bone china, the main thing is that two loving person together for 36 years. And we are happy for them and happy with them. Even if you have known this couple not long ago, choose gifts from the heart. Show your imagination and creativity!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

All couples celebrate the date of starting a family every year, and each year has a specific name, reflecting the stage of the couple’s stay in the family union. The question arises as to what the 36th wedding anniversary is called and how it is recommended to celebrate such a date. Spouses who have lived together for so long should celebrate their anniversary with great pleasure, because they were able to go through many life trials, maintaining a strong family.




Name of the anniversary and its symbols

As a rule, the wedding date is celebrated every year until 10 years, and then only anniversaries are celebrated. But many couples prefer to delight themselves and their significant other with gifts and celebrations every year. The 36th anniversary in Europe and America is considered the day of bone china, which symbolizes the stability of family ties, the reliability and fragility of the family.

In Russia, until recently, the anniversary was not given an official name. The couple's wedding day was celebrated annually back in Ancient Rus'. What wedding is celebrated on 36 years of marriage in Rus'?

14 and 36 years from the date of marriage were called the agate wedding.

The anniversary has several names, so it has more than one symbol. If you follow European traditions, then bone china will become such a symbol. The material is characterized by fragility and sophistication, it is intended for the manufacture of beautiful tea and coffee sets that are passed on from generation to generation.

Products made from this material are sophisticated and elegant, they are translucent in the light and are durable. The family anniversary is named by analogy with porcelain: family ties are also strong, but with strong blows, cracks appear that can no longer be glued.

According to Russian traditions, the symbol of the anniversary is semiprecious stone agate, which signifies wealth and prosperity. The stone is strong, resistant to mechanical damage, can be cut and after it sparkles with all its facets. Yes and family life in 36 years, the couple managed to adapt to each other, get to know each other from all sides, and tested the strength of the relationship. As a result, over the course of 36 years, the Friendly family, in which the main wealth is love and care.

Agate wedding symbol

How to celebrate 36 years of marriage

By the time of the 36th wedding anniversary, the family has, as a rule, already formed family traditions celebration of special dates. And although it is not customary to celebrate this anniversary on a grand scale, it is recommended to at least gather with your closest and dearest people. We will list the most common bone china wedding traditions.

Porcelain is a fragile and valuable material, and over the course of 36 years of marriage, the family manages to acquire the status of great value. It is important to celebrate the solemn date in such a way that the next year will be successful and happy, and adversity and cracks in relationships will be avoided:

  • There is no need to celebrate this anniversary noisily. It is recommended to spend the holiday in a warm home environment, with your closest people;
  • do not conflict or quarrel over trifles, discuss in advance with your spouse how to celebrate the anniversary in order to avoid misunderstandings;
  • you can take a vacation and go on an unusual trip together, during which you can rekindle the fire of passion and realize your dreams. Such a trip will help you feel happy, young and loved again;
  • An anniversary will be an ideal occasion for memories; you can look at family albums together. This psychological practice will help remind spouses of how strong their love is, even though there have been life’s troubles and trials.

When it comes to anniversary clothing, it is recommended to give preference to light textures and pastel colors. The wife's image can be complemented with beautiful pearl jewelry and a chiffon scarf, which will emphasize her fragility and tenderness. For 36 years of marriage, you shouldn’t have lavish feasts.

Gifts for the 36th wedding anniversary

Expert opinion

A certified psychologist with 10 years of work experience and a huge amount of experience.

Sincere congratulations and gifts are an integral attribute holiday. On the anniversary of bone china, it is recommended to present the couple as gifts with exquisite and elegant porcelain sets, beautiful dishes, teapots and coffee sets, figurines and candlesticks, which will help create an atmosphere of a cozy and harmonious family hearth in the house.

Spouses give gifts to their halves: engraved pendants and rings, jewelry, family albums. Such souvenirs should not have any connection with everyday life; it is recommended to give things that express gratitude for life together, care and love.

Family birthday is most important event in the life of every person. When celebrating this holiday, you should not limit yourself only to round dates, because every year of marriage is filled with a variety of happy events that require obligatory celebration. 36 years since the wedding - it would seem that the date is not round, and therefore there is no point in celebrating it. Meanwhile, this period also has its own special significance.

Date value

In Russia, the date did not receive a name, so many couples borrowed it from American families and call the 36th anniversary of the wedding a bone china wedding. The holiday is not without prejudices; many superstitious people try to do without festivities on this day, fearing to destroy the fragile porcelain marital happiness. This period is indeed considered a crisis in the life of the family; the spouses are tired of routine and monotony, but if the couple has reached this date together, then the marriage can be considered strong and lasting. Isn't this a reason to celebrate?

Bone china is a rare and expensive material, and therefore the family should be valued and protected this year. You can celebrate the date quietly in a family way. There are no special traditions or rituals associated with the date of 36 years, but it is better to avoid a noisy feast. To forget about boredom and discover new qualities in each other, you can celebrate your anniversary in an unusual way. For example, go on a trip together.

If the date is celebrated at home, then the housewife should take care of the cake and porcelain service, which must be displayed on festive table. There is no need to call a large company. You can have a romantic evening or invite the children.

Looking at photos together will bring spouses closer together on this quiet evening. Flipping through the photo album will remind the heroes of the occasion of their old feelings and awaken new ones. If there are children and grandchildren at the table, then you definitely need to introduce them to the story of the first meeting, the first kiss, talk about the wedding itself and the birth of children. Another interesting ritual is forgiveness. Over these years, and especially in the last crisis year of 1936, grievances have accumulated between spouses, even secrets and mysteries are possible.

During the anniversary celebration, you can cleanse yourself of grievances and tell your partner about your experiences, listen to his secrets and claims. The main thing is to know when to stop and agree in advance that none of the spouses will sort things out right at the table, otherwise the holiday will end in a quarrel. The husband and wife should simply take note of the lover’s statement, ask for forgiveness, forgive and continue living together with a clear conscience and a light heart, leaving all grievances in the past.

What to give to your spouse?

Even if the spouses still refused to celebrate the date, surprising each other with a gift is the most important ritual in the life of the family. Some people love to give gifts, while others panic when choosing a surprise for their significant other. Use the following guidelines when searching for a gift.


If we are talking about the average family, then a new handbag would be a good gift for the wife. Ladies know how quickly this item wears out. And even if the husband doesn’t guess the shape and color, his wife will always be able to choose a dress or accessories to match the handbag.

An unusual surprise for a woman would be organizing a romantic evening on the balcony of a restaurant. However, this option is only possible in the summer.

At any age, ladies are happy to receive a certificate to a beauty salon. Even more an original gift There will be a massage certificate. After so many years, my wife is tired of leading household, she will gladly surrender herself to the hands of a professional massage therapist. If finances allow, then you can buy tickets to her favorite country, give earrings with diamonds and rubies, or buy a fur coat.

To my husband

It is better for your spouse to choose a gift that relates to his hobby. If he is an athlete, then you can buy a sports water bottle, and if he is a fisherman, then a new fishing rod or a comfortable folding chair for fishing will do. A good gift is a bottle of your spouse's favorite strong drink, for example, cognac or whiskey. Mugs are always relevant, because this thing has the ability to break.

If you order a mug with a picture of your husband or with the logo of his favorite football team, then the man will definitely treat such a gift with care. However, take into account your spouse’s preferences: if he drinks tea exclusively from a huge man’s mug, then this is exactly what you need to buy. You can also joke a little, for example, make a custom T-shirt with the inscription “Ideal Husband”. If the spouse is a respectable business man, then a good gift There will be cufflinks with agate or a more original stone, for example, onyx.

How to congratulate parents?

A gift to parents on their 36th wedding anniversary should be given from the heart. Spouses should feel that they are surrounded by loving and caring children. Gift options.

  • Interior items. For parents, you can purchase paintings or tapestries, original candlesticks, scented candles, unusual lamps or porcelain boxes. All these things should not be pretentious, since, let us remind you, 36 years is a calm family date.
  • Porcelain service or set of dishes. To emphasize the importance of bone china for a wedding, you can give dishes made from this material. This set will remind you of the most important date and will certainly come in handy around the house.

  • Festive fireworks. You can end this holiday with a beautiful fireworks display, and also mark the beginning of a new relationship, because the parents crossed the crisis threshold at 36 years of marriage.
  • Favorite song. You can sing the spouses’ favorite song with the participation of all the children and grandchildren. This could be the song to which they met or kissed, or it could be the song to which the parents danced their first dance as newlyweds.

Surprise options for friends

Let us remind you that 36 years should not be celebrated noisily. It's quiet family celebration without karaoke songs and vulgar competitions. Therefore, a gift to friends who have completed 36 years of marriage should be cozy, calm, memorable and at the same time necessary. Examples of gifts are as follows.

  • Tickets for the performance. A joint trip to the opera, museum or cinema will become pleasant surprise for spouses, because over the years their life has become too measured, perhaps the spouses have already forgotten what it means to attend an entertainment event together. However, take into account the interests of the heroes of the occasion. Perhaps they are fans not of ballet and opera, but of concerts, and then it is better to give a trip to the performance of their favorite performer.
  • Frame. This is always a pleasant gift for which there is a place in any apartment. In addition, it can be pre-framed joint photo couples, which you can get from relatives or on social networks.

  • Book. It is better to find out the preferences of the spouses in advance. Perhaps he loves detective stories, and she loves romance novels, then it is better to carefully examine the bookshelves in this family, so as not to give away a book already in the house. Choose a thick-bound edition. You should not impose your gift and convince the “newlyweds” that reading is useful if they do not like to read.
  • Housekeeper. It is an interesting box or hanger with hooks for keys. A very useful item for the home. Allows spouses to keep their things in order.
  • Lamp. A very necessary thing in the house. You can choose a table lamp in a fancy shape - in modern stores they are presented in wide range. Pleasant emotions will be brought to the spouses by a floor lamp that will bring a dose of romance into the house in the evenings.

  • ​​​​​​Plant. This could be a flower that will complement the housewife's flower collection. It is better not to give cacti as gifts, as many family people are superstitious and believe that the cactus brings misfortune to the house. It is better to give a palm tree, an orchid, a “money” tree.

Whatever the date, it is important to celebrate a family’s birthday every year. When choosing a gift for spouses for their 36th wedding anniversary, remember that on this date the couple does not need complex and extreme gifts such as a certificate for a parachute jump. It should be a memorable and useful thing in everyday life that will not only be used by the spouses in the house, but will also remind them of the memorable date.

To find out what names exist for wedding anniversaries, see the following video.

Tatiana Piteryakova

With the arrival of the next wedding date, the spouses increasingly want to bring all their relatives closer together and gather old friends at one table. Having lived together for 36 years, husband and wife are celebrating their agate anniversary. What to give married couple for a bone china wedding (as it is also called), you can take a closer look.

What original gift to give to friends for an agate wedding anniversary?

If you want to seem original, you can give your spouses themed photo shoot. They will be able to choose for themselves who they are more interested in reincarnating as. Before the start of a photo shoot, a hairdresser-makeup artist is usually invited to create necessary images. His services are often included in the price of a photo shoot.

Bed sheets- Another one the right gift friends for their 36th wedding anniversary, but not very interesting. Photos of husband and wife from their wedding day or first meeting will help make it original. Of course, this gift can only be presented by a close friend.

You can also give your family:

  • personal coat of arms of the married couple;
  • subscription for two to the massage room;
  • souvenir with agates.

The couple, who have lived together for 36 years, became one. They love to stroll along the empty embankment, sit on a bench in the park and stare at passers-by for a long time. Therefore, a joint walk between the spouses would be a good gift. Gift ideas for relatives like this:

  • yacht trip;
  • a short carriage ride;
  • ride around the city in a limousine.

Do not choose an extreme gift option such as a horse ride - it is more suitable for young people

What can spouses give each other for their 36th wedding anniversary?

Spouses know their chosen ones better than others, so choosing a gift for each other will not be difficult. A gift related to his favorite activity will suit his husband. So, if he is an athlete, then give him a sports water bottle. A fishing enthusiast can be presented with a new fishing rod or a comfortable camp chair on which to sit while fishing.

Gifts that are almost always relevant:

  • a bottle of gift cognac or vermouth;
  • a mug with a picture of your spouse or a frame from his favorite movie;
  • T-shirt with the words “Ideal Husband”.

You can give your husband cufflinks with agate or a more original stone, onyx, as a gift.

Cufflinks made of silver with agate, Okami(price on the link)

Silver cufflinks with onyx and mother of pearl, SL(price on the link)

You can choose a handbag as a gift for your wife. This gift is good if you know what kind of handbag she dreamed of. You can choose from gift-impressions romantic evening on the restaurant balcony(unless, of course, the anniversary falls during the warm season).

Surround your spouse with attention, as in the first days of your acquaintance, give her the most precious thing - your attention and care, without which women so often suffer. Your wife will probably not refuse good massage, for several sessions of which you can purchase a subscription.

Other gift options for your wife:

  • fur coat;
  • certificate for a beauty salon;
  • tickets for two to your favorite country.

You can give jewelry made of agate or choose this these earrings with diamonds and rubies.

Gold jewelry with white agate and diamonds: earrings; suspension, all SL (prices via links)

Gold earrings with rubies and diamonds, SL(price on the link)

What to give parents for their 36th wedding anniversary

A gift from a daughter should bring parents closer together. You can give them a subscription to the sauna, where the couple will relax and unwind after a noisy holiday. Such a visit will definitely benefit them. Make this gift if parents really love the sauna. The memorable gift will be:

  • agate dishes;
  • an edited video with photographs of funny moments from the life of parents;
  • comfortable rocking chair.

A gift from a son should be such that the parents feel his presence and help. The son should know what mom and dad need. For example, it is difficult for a mother to constantly wash a mountain of dishes - her back hurts, especially since the time spent washing dishes can be spent on a walk or other useful activity. Present your parents with a dishwasher, immediately purchase dish cleaning products for it.

A good gift for spouses - rest in a sanatorium. There are many beautiful places in the world where you can relax, improve your health, and gain strength. If possible, purchase more serious gift- For example , car.

Original do-it-yourself gifts for the 36th agate wedding anniversary

Such the money house symbolizes prosperity in the family, which you wish for your spouses. Banknotes may be of a different denomination, depending on your capabilities. You will need:

  • 60 paper clips;
  • 30 bills;
  • 8 wooden kebab sticks;
  • set of chocolates. It may be larger than the house itself, so choose any rather large package.

Start creating a house:

  1. Roll the first bill into a tube and secure it with paper clips on the sides.
  2. Do the same with all bills.
  3. Fasten the first 6 tubes together using paper clips on them.
  4. Do step 3 3 more times.
  5. From the remaining tubes, attach 7 tubes in a row - you will get a roof. Make two such blanks.
  6. Connect four blanks of seven tubes with paper clips to each other so that they form the walls of the house.
  7. From two blanks of 7 tubes each, create a roof by connecting the tubes with paper clips to the walls of the house.
  8. Insert a toothpick into the paper clips from the roof and bottom of the house on all sides.
  9. Bend the two remaining bills into the shape of triangles - they should close the gaps between the walls of the roof. Secure them with paper clips from the pipes from the roof and walls.
  10. Place the houses on the box of chocolates.

That's all, you can present the gift.

There is nothing easier than creating such a bouquet. Prepare in advance:

  • basket or other container;
  • products you are going to donate;
  • a sheet of thick black paper for gift wrapping;
  • thick tape.

Start creating a bouquet:

  1. Place all the products beautifully in the basket, attaching the most unruly ones with tape.
  2. Complete the bouquet with a couple of ears of corn, wooden skewers with cheese and olives.
  3. Wrap the top of the basket with a thick black sheet of paper so that one of its corners is on top, behind the basket, as shown in the picture. Secure the paper with tape or hot glue. The bouquet of products is ready.

These would make a delicious gift ginger bird doves. To prepare them use:

  • butter – 100 g;
  • egg;
  • flour – 250 g;
  • ground ginger – 2 small spoons;
  • ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon;
  • ground cardamom - half a teaspoon;
  • allspice - half a teaspoon;
  • ground cloves - half a teaspoon;
  • honey – 1 large spoon;
  • cocoa – 1 teaspoon;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.

Start making cookies:

  1. Mix cinnamon, ginger, pepper, cardamom, baking soda, cloves and salt.
  2. Sift the flour and add it and cocoa to the mixed spices.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the powdered sugar and softened butter with a mixer.
  4. Add egg and liquid honey to the oil mixture, stir until smooth.
  5. Add the oil mixture to the spices, mix with your hands or with a mixer. The dough will be soft and slightly sticky.
  6. Wrap the dough in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  7. Take out the dough and divide it into two parts. Place one in the refrigerator, roll the other on a parchment sheet with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1-2 mm. To prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin, cover it with a second sheet of parchment.
  8. Use molds to make dough shapes.
  9. Transfer the parchment sheet with cookies to a baking sheet and place in the oven.
  10. Bake cookies at 180 degrees for 5-6 minutes.

It's time to prepare the icing (white-sugar glaze) for decoration. Prepare:

  • egg;
  • sifted powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • lemon juice – 3 teaspoons;
  • food coloring.

Start making the glaze:

  1. Separate the egg white from the yolk, beat the white with a mixer at low speed until smooth.
  2. Add powdered sugar to the whites and mix.
  3. Pour in lemon juice.
  4. Divide the frosting into thirds to add coloring.
  5. The bird itself will be purple or blue, the beak and flowers will be orange, and the leaves will be green. Colors may differ from those shown in the photo.
  6. Using a pastry syringe, start painting with icing.

Cookies should be stored in a closed box without air access, otherwise they will dry out quickly.

Most often, spouses gather their closest relatives and friends for their agate anniversary. If you are one of them, then give the couple a gift, which your heart prompts, your spouse will definitely rejoice and appreciate your attention.

28 February 2018, 19:18

Living together for 36 years from the date we started living together is a lot of work. All these years we need to constantly take care of each other, understand, support. It’s great if you can keep your love, because what years are you still in? A 36th wedding anniversary is always an event for the whole family, because nowadays many couples simply cannot stand it and their family boats are broken up by everyday life. If your couple celebrates this day, such important date, 36th wedding anniversary, you definitely need to read our article, which contains all the most interesting traditions, which were observed both in Rus' on this day and in the modern world.

History and traditions of the thirty-sixth wedding anniversary

People have many names that have been given to this day.

Even in Rus', the day of 36 years of marriage was called a “wood-burning wedding.” Why exactly - yes, because it was believed that the wife, all the years that they lived together, took care of her husband and the house, pleased everyone, cooked and washed, and deserved to rest. Therefore, the bathhouse was heated, and the husband invited his wife to go and take a steam bath, as if to erase all their quarrels and grievances from the wedding day.

Your 36th wedding day is also an excellent occasion to take stock. As a rule, children are already adults, and grandchildren are growing up, it’s time to devote time and attention to yourself. Can be done great gift each other and finally go on a long-awaited vacation together. By the way, many tour operators, having learned about this almost anniversary of the wedding, about a wedding for 36 years, will be happy to give you a discount. After all, it’s time to relax, be alone and make plans for the future.

In many countries around the world, it is customary to celebrate a 36th wedding anniversary with a magnificent celebration. From ancient times, interesting traditions have come down to us, which are usually observed at the holiday on the occasion of the 36th wedding anniversary, which spouses celebrate together after so many years.

  • Europe

In European history, many ancient documents have been preserved that tell how this date was celebrated from the day of marriage. The magnificent celebration was introduced by the French kings, who loved such luxurious celebrations. At all times, it was the monarch who married his courtiers, and was recorded by the monarch. The secretaries always made sure that the courtiers and those close to the king did not forget to mark the date when the next marriage anniversary would come, and especially if it was the anniversary of their life together, the round anniversary of the wedding day.

The wedding on the 36th wedding anniversary was celebrated magnificently, traditionally this day was announced public holiday, if the holiday fell on the monarch's wedding. In addition to preparing traditional sumptuous tables, inviting guests and flowing rivers of wine, guests were invited to hunt. On this anniversary it was considered lucky to shoot 36 partridges or other animals, which the monarch generously donated to the needs of the poor, so that ordinary people could drink a glass of wine and eat meat for their health royal family. Spouses went hunting together, and often the women themselves could hunt wild boar or other large game.

And, of course, neither the monarch himself nor his guests forgot what kind of wedding they were celebrating for 36 years together, and gave traditional jewelry and other valuable trinkets. A special chic for a 36-year wedding was to give thoroughbred horses or rare hunting puppies, which were always in good standing with monarchs.

But in this country everything is much simpler, but no less interesting. Since the national restaurant in this country is McDonalds, don't be surprised if you find yourself at such a celebration as your 36th wedding anniversary. People who have lived together for so many years don’t even bother with what this date is called and how many years have passed. They go to a restaurant and have a lot of fun in the company of guests, children and grandchildren.

And in our country, few people think about what the 36th wedding anniversary is called. This is just another good reason to gather around the table and give yourself a great gift. Take a vacation, go to the seaside, because sometimes it is so important to celebrate the 36th anniversary of marriage with something pleasant and interesting that you have been planning to do for a long time. And don’t forget to gather your friends and family around the table to celebrate this day together after so many years.

What is customary to give for the thirty-sixth wedding anniversary?

If you want to please each other, give everything that can bring joy. Sometimes even a simple gold ring or a bouquet of roses will give a real holiday in the soul and warm you up on your wedding anniversary for 36 years of marriage.

How to celebrate your thirty-sixth wedding anniversary

There are no restrictions on how to celebrate this date. You can fly to Goa, or to any country where you have been planning to go for a long time and did not succeed. Or you can gather guests at your dacha and grill juicy kebab all weekend, washing it down with real Georgian wine! The main thing is that you remember this anniversary day.

Congratulations on the thirty-sixth wedding anniversary

The most best congratulations- these are the ones that come from the heart, and then they will go straight to their destination! Write poems to each other, congratulate each other with a beautiful comic SMS or give important words.