What can you give to a 5 year old child? Shop smart baby

The first mini-anniversary in a boy’s life requires especially careful preparation. A lot of questions arise: where to celebrate, who to invite, how to entertain guests, but the most important thing is what to give to the birthday boy. After all, by the age of 5, the baby has simply grown out of many fun activities. At the same time, the range of his interests was completely established, and the toy kingdom expanded to such a scale that, it seems, there is simply nothing left to surprise. So choosing a gift for the little gentleman's 5th birthday is a challenge increased complexity, with an asterisk.

5 important conditions for choosing a gift for a five-year-old child

When purchasing a gift for your fifth birthday, you need to clearly understand that an airplane, a car, a gun are always desirable things for a little man, but these are not surprises that will captivate you for a long time - they last for a maximum of 3-4 days. But you probably want the birthday person to receive a truly useful present. To do this, first of all, it is worth considering age characteristics development of the toddler.

Many parents, having familiarized themselves with the 5 factors of a successful gift, may come to the conclusion that by purchasing an adult gadget, they will satisfy all these indicators. Not to say that this approach is categorically wrong (they still buy it, albeit early!), but a tablet, laptop, mobile phone- Very serious gifts, which should serve as an assistant for the child, and not as a constant companion. And if loved ones do not plan to regulate the baby’s relationship with technology, then it is not worth giving it as a gift.

Who gives: is it important or not?

It doesn’t matter who the birthday person is for you: a neighbor, godson, nephew or grandson. The only thing that matters is how close you are to the baby’s family, how much you know his interests and hobbies. But even if communication is not too close, this is not a reason to give a teddy bear or a mug with a name every year. The best option, if you yourself are lost in ideas, consult with the mother and father of the hero of the occasion. And the parent himself should listen to the wishes of his matured son.

What you don't need to give

If you don’t want to see disappointment in the eyes of the hero of the day, don’t choose a gift that this moment will be incomprehensible to the baby, in other words, the child will not understand how to use new thing Here and now.

Gift options for the fifth anniversary

Most The best way Don’t miss the mark with a gift - delve into all the possible options for each category of gifts.

Educational games

These games are designed to develop your child’s logic, perseverance and attention.

What can you give to a future student?

Despite the fact that school-themed gifts for five year old baby many consider it controversial, there are a number of things that no boy will refuse at any age.

If a boy shows interest in school subjects, then it makes sense to give him a preschooler’s folder. This set contains various thematic cards, brochures, manuals on arithmetic, writing - in general, everything that will help your little one prepare for first grade.

Creative souvenirs for a 5 year old birthday boy

If a child is a creative person, then a gift must be selected that matches his hobbies.

Toys have not lost their relevance at the age of five. True, they become more complex.

A game console for a modern boy is one of the most desirable gifts that can captivate the hero of the day for more than one month, or even a year. But it can only be given with the consent of the parents.

Gifts for active physical development at five years old

Games and exercise equipment for sports are very important for a future man.

Gifts and impressions on your birthday

You can give positive emotions in different ways, including in the form of visiting a circus or cinema. At the age of 5, a boy already understands what an entertainment event is and has his own preferences in these entertainments. So it makes sense to think about awarding tickets to:

DIY memorial gifts

You need to be on guard with memorable gifts, that is, understand that the birthday person will be able to appreciate them in…twelve years. In the meantime, this will be a pleasant gift for parents. IN in this case this is about:

  • collage of photographs;
  • a film about the hero of the occasion based on materials from the family archive;
  • photo frame personally inlaid with shells, etc.

A wonderful DIY gift option is a toy phone case made using the amigurumi technique (woven from colored rubber bands). This bag can be used to store various important boyish things, such as coins, screws and others.

IN 4-5 years- the child is already an established personality with his own likes, dislikes and preferences. He has his own opinion and, at the same time, a huge number of questions for adults. In play, the child models and actively explores the outside world. He has favorite toys that he won’t part with and plays out situations from real life or fairy tales. To do this, the young dreamer needs various accessories: vehicles, furniture, dishes, tools and fixtures. The best gift for children of this age there will be educational play sets with characters from popular cartoon series, films and fairy tales. Interactive toys that can respond to a child’s behavior will be of great interest. Don’t forget also about toys that promote the baby’s physical development: children’s sports and play complexes, wheelchairs, bicycles. A child of this age develops an interest in his own appearance, he wants to be fashionable, different from his peers. Therefore, it will be a good gift new clothes or accessories for it.

The selection of gifts for children 4-5 years old includes educational games and play sets, characters from popular children's works, toys for outdoor use, children's clothing and accessories. When choosing a gift option, take into account the interests and level of development of the baby and always remember about his safety. Communicate more and enjoy life with your children! We sincerely wish you happiness!

See what else is possible

For a child, a birthday is a holiday that he looks forward to with great impatience. After all, on this day he will find a delicious cake, games, entertainment and, of course, gifts. But adults, unfortunately, do not always know how to please the baby. After all, if it is quite possible to give an envelope with money to an adult birthday boy, then such a number will not work with a child. Therefore, if you are invited to a child’s birthday, you should think in advance about what to give your 5-year-old boy.

Psychological features of age

In order for a gift for a child to truly bring joy, it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the psychology of a particular age. Thus, five-year-old children are indomitable dreamers who love to play role-playing games. The main task of this age is to understand the world through play and active creativity.

If you take a closer look at the games of five-year-old children, you will notice that they often use toys and objects for other purposes. The cube can represent a truck, and the stick can represent the hero's sword. A child of this age exists in his own fantasy world and, as psychologists assure, this is an important and necessary stage of psychological development, which will determine how easily a person will perceive abstract concepts as they grow older.

These age features must be taken into account when choosing a gift for a 5-year-old boy.

Examples of unsuccessful gifts

Before we give advice on what you can buy as a gift for a 5-year-old child, let’s figure out what you definitely shouldn’t give.

Examples of gifts that are unlikely to please a child:

  • Any clothes and shoes. Even if you buy an expensive jacket or boots, the birthday boy is unlikely to be happy with such a gift. Boys of this age are rarely characterized by panache, and they prefer practical clothes so that their mother does not scold them if something gets torn or dirty during a walk. Moreover, it is not worth giving annual supply socks or new pajamas. These are too ordinary things, and the child is expecting a miracle for his birthday.

  • Cheap copies of things. If, for example, you promised to buy a boy a mobile phone, and instead of a real gadget you brought a toy phone, then the gift will cause disappointment.
  • Cosmetics for bathing. Even super effective shampoo or fragrant bath foam are not gifts that will delight a child.
  • School supplies. A supply of notebooks or pens will certainly come in handy in a couple of years, but you shouldn’t give such things as a gift for your fifth anniversary.
  • What the donor dreamed of as a child. Many adults, when choosing a gift for a boy for his 5th birthday, try to remember what would please them at this age, forgetting that time flows and everything changes. Heroes that were popular 20-30 years ago may be unfamiliar to a modern child.

Don't repeat yourself by bringing the same gift for every holiday. Children love surprises, and what a surprise it is that Uncle Vanya regularly brings a box of puzzles, and Aunt Masha buys a plush hare for any holiday.

How to choose a gift?

For a modern child who has everything, choosing a gift is not easy, since it can be difficult to surprise with something. When choosing, you should take into account the interests of the birthday person, since by the age of five, children already have their own preferences. Some people are interested in cars and other equipment, others are more interested in dinosaurs or space.

If the donor is not closely acquainted with the birthday boy, then he should first consult with his parents about what kind of gift will please the boy.

Choosing toys

Most often, children are given a toy as a gift. And this is completely justified, you just need to be able to choose the right one. For a five year old boy you can purchase:

  • Radio controlled toy. It can be a car, a helicopter, a boat or any other equipment. You just need to make sure that the controls are not too difficult for a five-year-old child.
  • Toy weapons. Many boys love to play shooting games, so they will be delighted with a laser machine gun or another version of a toy weapon. But you should not choose toys that shoot balls or water pistols, as there will definitely be no peace for the guests, and later for the parents.

  • Robots. Many boys love transforming robots. In the store, you should consult with the seller which version of the toy is suitable for a five-year-old child.
  • Board games. You can give your child table hockey or a toy railroad; such a game will most likely captivate the birthday boy for a long time.
  • Game console. If the child does not yet have this toy, and the parents are not against its appearance, then such a gift will certainly delight the birthday boy. Especially if the donor does not forget to purchase several games suitable for a given age in the set for the console.

  • House-tent. If the living conditions of the child’s parents allow it, then a children’s tent will be a very good gift. Boys are big dreamers; it will be easy for them to imagine themselves as great travelers or polar explorers. Therefore, the tent will be one of the most favorite toys for a long time.
  • Electric car. Having received his own “motor vehicle” as a gift, the baby will most likely forget about other toys for a long time.

Educational toys

Educational toys will be a useful gift. Puzzles can be a good gift, as assembling them develops perseverance, attentiveness and logic. You just need to choose pictures that are interesting to boys. They will enjoy collecting a picture with a racing car more than with princesses and fairies.

At all times, boys loved construction sets. These could be Lego constructors or other versions of this educational toy. By assembling construction sets, a child develops intelligence, learns patience, and develops fine motor skills fingers.

A children's laptop or tablet is a good gift; such devices, as a rule, have educational games and various educational programs. So, the child will be able to play and study at the same time.

Gifts for outdoor activities

A child must develop not only intellectually, but also physically. That's why good gifts on a boy's fifth birthday can be:

  • Scooter or bicycle. These gifts will be especially relevant if your birthday falls in the summer.
  • Skates or skis. If the boy was born in winter, then these gift options will be more appropriate.

  • Rollers. If there is a roller rink in the city, then you can give roller skates at any time of the year.
  • Sports section. Such a gift will certainly be very useful, but you need to first agree on it with the birthday boy’s parents, because it requires space to install it.

Gifts based on interests

If the giver knows what the birthday person’s hobbies are, then it’s worth choosing a gift with this in mind. So, if a boy is interested in the secrets of nature, then he will like a children's microscope. A child who is interested in the mysteries of space will definitely enjoy a home planetarium. Looking at the starry sky, the boy will be able not only to imagine himself as a star explorer, but also to get acquainted with the bodies that are part of the solar system.

If the baby loves to surprise and has certain artistic abilities, then a great gift for him there will be a set for a young magician.


If you want to present original congratulations Happy five-year anniversary, you don’t have to give material gifts, but organize your child’s day in such a way that he will remember it for a long time. The program can include visits to places such as:

  • Amusement park. Any boy will love swings, carousels and, of course, traditional cotton candy and lemonade.
  • Dolphinarium. Not only the five-year-old boy, but also his parents are unlikely to refuse the opportunity to swim with dolphins.

  • Aquapark. Swimming pool, slides, water attractions - you can have fun at the water park.
  • Guest artists. You can invite a clown, a magician, or an entire theater of life-size puppets to your child’s birthday party. You can organize a show soap bubbles or fireworks in honor of the birthday boy. Here everything will depend only on the financial capabilities of the donor.

Memorable gifts

Can be presented memorable gift, but it will more likely please the parents than the baby himself. You can make a film about the life of the birthday boy using family archives or make a thematic photo album. If you make it with your own hands with love, the gift will be inexpensive, but will become a family heirloom.

When a child turns five years old, he begins to consider himself an adult and puts a kind of dividing line between the periods: then I was small and now I am already big. Noticing this, parents begin to rack their brains over the question of what to give a 5-year-old child for his birthday, what to please him with on his first anniversary in life.

How not to disappoint a child

Soft toys no longer captivate the child as before; they increasingly gather dust on shelves or in the crib. The baby becomes more and more interested in objects and actions adult life. He is increasingly attracted to dolls and sets of children's dishes, soldiers and cars, interactive cats and construction sets.

Every child looks forward to their first anniversary with great anticipation. Having received the toy he dreamed of as a gift, he will remember his birthday for the rest of his life. Therefore, if you have been invited to visit a child whose tastes you do not know very well, you should tell the parents in advance what exactly you are planning to give the child for 5 years.

What to give a child for a 5 year old girl

Knowing the tastes of a little lady, choosing a gift that will make her happy will not be difficult. A child who loves to draw can be given a large set of watercolor paints with various brushes and a large personalized sketchbook.

For a future housewife, a beautiful doll tea set or a children's house with rooms and small dolls in it would be an excellent gift.

You can please your little fashionista with children's cosmetics and princess jewelry. Nice dress will also be a wonderful gift, especially if the girl dreamed of it.

Many girls at the age of five have a desire to take care of someone, and if the little girl dreams of a dog, cat or hamster, it is worth discussing such a gift in advance. But a beautiful living flower in a pot will become pleasant and a useful gift. After all, you can water it yourself and not ask adults to do it.

Almost all boys aged five see themselves as heroes, racers, architects or soldiers. Therefore, you can decide what to give to a 5-year-old boy by watching his games.

If a boy sits quietly and builds something out of cubes or builds sand castles, you should opt for a construction set. Now there is a huge selection of construction sets, from Lego to Lesovichok with real wooden parts. It will be interesting for your child to try himself as an architect.

Toy weapons are perfect for active, militant gentlemen. After all, playing war games with friends is obviously in the blood of every future man. And if a child has been dreaming of a machine gun for a long time, then why not give him a dream.

Radio-controlled cars, tanks or helicopters are very popular among boys. Very often, adults also like to play with such toys. And if dad or older brother keeps company, the kid won’t be lonely driving his racing car.

Birthday gift ideas for a 5 year old child

For girlsFor boys
ToysBouquet of flowers

Children's cosmetics

Children's jewelry



Dolls and accessories

Stuffed Toys

Toy wristwatch

Set for weaving from rubber bands

Models of airplanes, cars

Automotive complex for young mechanics

Race tracks

Children's walkie-talkie

Radio controlled car

Toy soldiers sets

Cartoon action figures

Costume of your favorite hero


Battery-powered quad

DevelopmentalChildren's lotto

Children's domino

Set of balloon toys

Board game with dice and chips

Educational drawing aids

Computer educational games

Board games: billiards, football, hockey

Drawing set


Children's musical instruments



Skis, skates, rollers

Swimming circle

Swimming cap

Inflatable vest

Inflatable sleeves

Jump rope


Tennis or badminton set

BooksFairy tales

Children's magazines

Children's encyclopedias

Books about animals

Tales about your child

Gift for two

It's a little more difficult to choose a gift for twins. If the problem of what to give a child for a 5-year-old girl is relatively easy to solve, then choosing a gift for twins is much more difficult. Twins are difficult to please because they think their sister has a better doll.

And, of course, we should not forget that a child can and should be given a holiday. A trip to the zoo or a visit to the circus, swimming in the water park or lots of fun in the play center. The main thing is that the baby remembers this birthday for a long time.

Giving a gift to five year old child– a great pleasure, because at this age children express their emotions so sincerely and violently that you will certainly feel like a good wizard. True, for this you need to make the right choice.

If the surprise is intended for a little princess, you can choose something from children's cosmetics or jewelry. A handbag filled with rubber bands, hairpins, rings and other small things will captivate the baby for a long time. If your child is diligent, he might like a DIY jewelry making kit.

Buying children's cosmetics, Special attention pay attention to its composition. It should not contain fragrances, dyes or other artificial ingredients. Colors should not be too bright and smells should not be strong.

An all-time hit is the doll. Psychologists recommend that five-year-old girls buy a doll with various accessories. For example, with a set of combs and other hair care items. A doctor doll with medical instruments or a housewife doll with household appliances will also not go unclaimed. By the way, a very good choice - individual items for playing with dolls. This could be a set of dishes, a stove or washing machine, “just like the real thing,” a furniture set or a bathroom, as well as an entire doll’s house or castle.

Role-playing games (to a hospital, family, school, store, cafe, etc.) help the child form an idea of ​​the world around him. Children who have experience in such games are easier to socialize and adapt to school.

Five-year-old boys love cars more than anything else. Moreover, the more doors they open, the better. Various agricultural and construction equipment, airplanes and trains enjoy constant success. A toy parking lot, gas station, repair service, car wash and other road structures will help make the game more exciting. Any radio-controlled equipment will also be to your liking young man preschool age.

Interactive toys are a constant success among children. For a boy, this could be a robot that carries out the owner’s commands or a pet that can be fed, treated, and so on. The girl will be happy with a doll that sucks a pacifier, drinks milk from a bottle, yawns when she wants to sleep, cries, and is very similar to a real baby.

Any child should have all kinds of construction sets and mosaics, because they perfectly develop creative thinking and fine motor skills. Pay attention to electronic and magnetic construction sets, perhaps they will help your child master the first basics future profession.

Well, if the child still doesn’t have a bicycle, roller skates, soccer ball, snow scooter and other sports equipment, it is a must-purchase. After all, it is in preschool age love for healthy image life.

Well, one last piece of advice. Buy a gift responsibly, do not buy it at the last moment in a nearby store. Visit the pages of online stores of children's toys, read reviews of parents who bought this or that item. And then your gift will bring joy to the child for a long time, and will not turn into trash cluttering up the apartment.