Heartfelt birthday greetings to a woman. Beautiful poems for a woman on her birthday Happy birthday to a good woman sincere congratulations

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a woman should be tender and romantic. Having said pleasant words representative of the fair sex on this wonderful day for her, you will notice the sparkle in their eyes and a radiant smile, which is so nice to see for family and friends. Receiving a sea of ​​positivity and kind words from the closest people, a woman becomes even happier and more cheerful. Regardless of her age, she is pleased to hear about her originality, uniqueness and irreplaceability both at work and in her personal life. Unfortunately, not everyone can write a beautiful and touching congratulation on their own. By visiting our website, you will find a huge variety of original and very interesting congratulatory poems that will help you correctly formulate all those wonderful words that you would like to say for the birthday girl on her birthday. No woman will remain indifferent to the warm words you say, which will leave a pleasant mark in her heart for a long time.

Ah, anniversary - this wonderful holiday,
When tears of happiness are on your cheeks...
I congratulate you on this wonderful day,
Slightly lost in joyful words...

I wish you health, success, longevity,
May luck never fail!
Let everything that is beautiful in the world
It will pass through your bright years!

Heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary

The years flew by like a bird,
Having overcome the steep heights,
And a lot of work
You had to for your life
Relatives gathered together
Not forgetting your warm home,
To a badge of high honor
Bring you to the table
And your destiny is rich
(There were all sorts of things along the way)
Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
And reach your great-grandchildren!
So that, celebrating the centenary,
Meet again at your place
No worries and no sorrows
Love everyone who comes to you.

Heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary

We wish you all on your anniversary
Health, long days, luck and light,
So that with the love of loved ones and friends
Your soul has always been warmed.

So that you never know trouble,
Do not drink from the cup of bitter suffering,
And God's grace overshadowed
All your thoughts, feelings and actions!

Heartfelt birthday greetings and anniversary in verse

Today you look
More beautiful than an orchid!
Consonances sincere words
They sound at the anniversary!

Years fly, days pass,
Filled with happiness!
May life work out for you,
As you wish, brilliant!

Heartfelt wishes for your anniversary

On our anniversary we want to say
Beautiful words for you:
You are the best mother for children,
The wife is the best wife.

Let the sorrows go away,
Have fun, dance and sing.
Let the sadness roll away
Bloom and be yourself!

Heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary to the point of tears

It doesn't matter how many years have passed
And the round date crept up,
Let there be happiness and warmth,
Let old age recede forever.

Forget the years, forget the troubles,
Today is a holiday - an anniversary.
We wish you happiness and health
For many, many years and days!

Heartfelt poem-congratulations on your anniversary

Someone started a good holiday
And he named it so wonderfully!
Congratulations on your anniversary
With pleasure, kindly!

Let good days dominate
Happy chances are woven into life!
Let successes clone each other,
Everyone admires you from the bottom of their hearts!

Heartfelt birthday greetings and anniversary to tears

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
After all, today, as before,
You are insanely good!

We wish you good health,
Beauty and kindness.
May from now on every day you
Flowers cover the path!

You, beauty, are incomparable.
Always be like this:
Tender, sweet and desirable,
Naughty and young!

The most sincere birthday greetings and anniversary

for you today,
The peak of your mental strength.
I wish you happiness
A ray of light has entered your life.

There will be sweet achievements,
Family always makes me happy
And the full-flowing river
Your life will be forever.

Let there be no pain
You have places in your life.
Home and work will be a joy,
Your true friends.

The most sincere congratulations on your anniversary

Anniversaries are coming,
Without asking us
What we may regret,
What are we waiting for with bated breath?

May your anniversary be clear
And full of happiness and flowers,
Like the most long-awaited holiday,
Like a song of joy without words.

And many years to you, dear,
And new meetings on the earthly journey,
So that you never get tired,
You continued to bring light.

Sincere sincere congratulations on your anniversary

Today is your anniversary.
There is no more beautiful date in the world!
Let luck be your companion.
And you have a lot of happiness to boot.

In all matters, inspiration to you,
Make your dreams come true on your birthday.
So that you always smile
And they were fulfilled in life.

Heartfelt, sincere congratulations on your birthday and anniversary

Nice to visit your anniversary,
Don't regret the past for a second!
Always look forward with confidence
Let your soul be forever young!

What should I wish you for your anniversary?
Caring, attentive children,
Let there be optimism, a supply of ideas,
Health, happiness, time for friends!

The best woman in the world
I hasten to congratulate you on your name day,
This is a special holiday
He is loved by you.

You're like a bright flower
You illuminate the path for everyone,
Like a guiding star
You don't let me turn anywhere.

You are young and beautiful
With many prospects
I wish you to be happy
So that the one we love is nearby. ©

The best events
On my birthday I wish
So that there is a lot of good news,
So that your family can come to you.

I wish you women's joys, warmth,
So that peace fills your heart,
So that everything goes well with you,
May your wishes come true.

May your soul never be sad,
Let everything be just fine,
And you be good too
Good luck in your personal life. ©

Let worries dissipate completely,
There will be no difficulties, bad weather and problems,
Let your heart bloom like a flower
And the result will always be happy.

I wish you glory and victories on your birthday,
So that your soul does not know troubles,
I congratulate a beautiful woman,
I wish you warmth, luck and success.

May you always be first
And she was always on top
To enjoy every moment
And success may come to you. ©

It doesn't matter how old you are,
Let this day be the dawn
Dawn for dear life,
With love, with great joy!
Let the fairy tale come in pairs,
Fulfills your wishes
And celebrating your birthday,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

You are a woman - a lady of special blood!
This is why so many people love you.
They came to congratulate and wish you everything.
To live without bothering you, you must be 125 years old.

At this hour, on this day, you were born into the world.
There is no more beautiful, smiling woman.
You have happiness, health and all earthly blessings,
Let the sorrows disappear, forget about them.

We wish your destiny to be inspired by your dreams.
And live, not be sad, and make good.
Let children love you, and children's children,
And you will soon accept our love!

You are a dazzling lady
You shine like a star.
It's hard not to notice your smile
You are happy, beautiful and smart.

Let your relatives be nearby,
Full of health and joy.
Let them warm you with their gaze,
Let men give flowers.

Let problems and adversity
They pass you by.
Let nature smile
Not just on this day, any day.

If you cry, it’s from happiness,
If you love, then to the end,
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
You are happy, beautiful and smart.

Have a beautiful life, like in a good movie,
For necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches...
So that in stores - sales, discounts
For dresses, skirts, ponchos and capes.

So that your hair lies as it should,
So that lipstick goes with everything,
So that the manicure does not bend or break,
So that the makeup remains beautiful.

So that men would curl up in a line,
So that there is frequent rest. And abroad.
And so that everything turns out perfectly
In the family, career and on the personal front!

May luck smile on you
There will be goodness and fun nearby,
Be loved, beautiful, successful.
Happy birthday to you!

Let there be no reason for sadness
Everything will turn out as desired
May men adore you
And you alone are admired.

I wish you flowers and smiles,
The best mood
Avoid failures and mistakes
To be desired, happy, lucky.

May your life be successful
And your dreams will come true,
All our wishes are only for you,
Our smiles and flowers.
Let trouble pass you by,
Meets new joy,
May it always accompany you
Excellent health!

Let bitterness and sadness pass you by
And the sadness in the eyes will melt forever,
Let it fly somewhere far away day after day
And fills with the wisdom of the year.

I wish you all the best in the world!
Let this life not burden your soul!
May your hearth forever be warm,
And the heart always preserves kindness!

The birthday crept up unnoticed,
A year has flown by again outside the window,
Sad, but not at all hopeless,
I send you wishes about

For everything you wanted to happen
So that both soul and body are beautiful,
May the coming year be a better one,
So that you have both happiness and income.

You eat and the stars melt,
Like kisses on the lips
Look, the heavens are playing
In your divine eyes.
You walk and all your movements
All actions and all traits
So full of feeling and expression,
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate gave you to me, dear,
AND best gift I don't know!

Happy Birthday!
We wish you prosperity and blessings!
Great mood and
And everything that is just personal.

Good guests,
Noisy feast,
Beautiful words And
Good health.

So that sorrows would disappear
And success loved you,
So that every new day
It only brought joy.

So that your friends appreciate you,
And loved ones loved,
So that everyone would come and
Gave gifts.©

I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish your wishes come true,
Beauty, unearthly luck,
And may the Lord grant you health.
I wish you good luck and happiness
And good mood
According to the financial part
There was never any unrest.

Today is a wonderful day - your birthday,
Let me present you with my congratulations:
May your every day be happy,
Let the sparkle dance in your eyes with love.
Let the smile never leave your tender lips,
Let everything bad pass you by,
Let there be success and good luck in business.
And I wish you a cart of money to boot!

It's a beautiful lady's birthday!
We are happy to congratulate her from the bottom of our hearts
And they prepared a lot of warm words,
Beautiful rhymes and festive colors.
We wish you health and love,
May only joy await you ahead.
The path of life will be straight and bright,
Let the star of luck illuminate him.
Over a kind heart, a young soul
The years have no power, anyone will tell you.
We wish you to keep your laughter and smiles,
After all, it’s impossible not to love this life!

Sun, joy, warmth,
May you always bloom!
So that adversity and rain
They passed by.
Let the boss respect
And rewards with money!
Appreciates friendly team
Sometimes it leads to a tavern.
Let the husband bring bouquets,
Carries you around the house in your arms,
Let your dreams come true -
After all, you deserve everything!

Happy birthday my friend!
Surging like a wave,
Joy will wash over you,
Let happiness embrace you with your hand,
And he will live with you forever,
Bringing victory to every battle!
Happy birthday my friend!
So that you won't be alone in the future,
Let there be a hero nearby
Healthy, passionate and big,
With an open, sincere soul,
And he will only be yours! ©

I wish you all earthly blessings,
And all sorts of sweet pleasures.
Let the success be great
Health is as strong as a nut.
I wish you creative heights,
Crazy beauties of life,
So that a love turn awaits,
Which will create your stronghold.
I wish you to live without regrets,
Still have some patience.
Towards the dream of the eternal movement
I wish you on your birthday! ©

Let joy flow like flames,
Success will suddenly rush to you,
Sadness will take and leave,
It will dissolve with rays of light.
I wish you to sing and have fun,
It’s in vain to languish no longer,
To remain so beautiful,
And desperately fight your way to the top.
You will be proud of your friends.
Let the world unite in you,
Suddenly the genius of thought comes true,
And all good things will happen again! ©

To make you beautiful
To please men
So that troubles and sorrows do not upset you.
Our wishes are countless,

So why divide them into parts,
If all of them, whatever they are,
They are contained in the word “happiness”.
I want to wish you a lot:

So that you find your happiness,
So that that road is bright,
The path you took in life!
So that you always smile,

So that there is light around,
To always stay close
At least one, but a reliable friend.

I wish you solid success in business
I would like to sincerely wish you.
May Buddha, God and Allah protect you
You to reveal secrets.
I wish you a mountain of all sweets,
And money - a whole million.
Also, I wish you wild joy,
And be content like an elephant.
Just go forward boldly
With a smile, so that you can live your whole life.
You have become a year older,
For a year, my dear, I have blossomed! ©

I wish to reach heights
Pleasant was waiting for the turn,
So that life would seethe, carry it into the distance,
Sometimes even without a paddle.
Let things be great,
A little, maybe not decently,
But let the joy be sincere,
No one will cool her down here.
I also wish you on your birthday
You'd rather get a promotion
And so that the salary is increased,
Putting checkmate to the enemies! ©

Happy birthday my friend!
Surging like a wave,
Joy will wash over you,
Let happiness embrace you with your hand,
And he will live with you forever,
Bringing victory to every battle!
Happy birthday my friend!
So that you won't be alone in the future,
Let there be a hero nearby
Healthy, passionate and big,
With an open, sincere soul,
And he will only be yours! ©

I wish you all earthly blessings,
And all sorts of sweet pleasures.
Let the success be great
Health is as strong as a nut.
I wish you creative heights,
Crazy beauties of life,
So that a love turn awaits,
Which will create your stronghold.
I wish you to live without regrets,
Still have some patience.
Towards the dream of the eternal movement
I wish you on your birthday! ©

Let joy flow like flames,
Success will suddenly rush to you,
Sadness will take and leave,
It will dissolve with rays of light.
I wish you to sing and have fun,
It’s in vain to languish no longer,
To remain so beautiful,
And desperately fight your way to the top.
You will be proud of your friends.
Let the world unite in you,
Suddenly the genius of thought comes true,
And all good things will happen again! ©

To make you beautiful
To please men
So that troubles and sorrows do not upset you.
Our wishes are countless,

So why divide them into parts,
If all of them, whatever they are,
They are contained in the word “happiness”.
I want to wish you a lot:

So that you find your happiness,
So that that road is bright,
The path you took in life!
So that you always smile,

So that there is light around,
To always stay close
At least one, but a reliable friend.

Birthday is not just a day -
This is a fun and necessary holiday.
Believe in miracles today
And forget about problems and colds.
No years will spoil
Your appearance is beautiful, your character.
On life's dangerous court
You will experience success in fact.
Fanfare will illuminate the victory
And fill your face with happiness,
Your gift is not an apron,
And the golden eagle!
More wealth for you
More laughter and songs.
Favor your life,
Keep things interesting.
Blue-blue sky
Favorable weather.
Whatever you want, demand it
Let the income allow.

Let the bluebird knock on your house,
I wish your dreams and desires to come true.
You don’t need much for a woman’s happiness -
May your family be healthy and nearby.
May joy adorn you every day,
And the sparkles play merrily in the eyes.
You give warmth, you radiate goodness,
And this makes you shine brighter than diamonds.
May your life be filled with happiness and light
And it will be warmed by the love of all loved ones.
I wish you wonderful, magical moments.
I will tell you from the bottom of my heart: “Happy Birthday!”

Let the sun shine bright, bright
Yesterday, today, this week,
Among the gifts received
Let them be what you wanted

Smiles and applause
Today they surround us everywhere
And life's important moments
They don't escape my memory,

And they stay there for a long time
Memories of happiness
They confess their love with hope
Those who are shrouded in secret passion.

I want to wish everything to be great
A great amount of cash in your wallet
Great colleagues at a great job
Take a five-day break from work on Saturday
Various issues with excellent solutions
You have excellent relationships with your family
Excellent health, and in your personal life
Let everything be just “excellent” for you!

Today is a holiday - birthday!
Everyone is in a hurry with wishes.
So let the congratulations never cease,
The words sound wonderful!
Let there be everything you need in life,
So that happiness increases again -
Warmth of hearts and joy of friendship,
Prosperity, love!

In all seriousness, without any laughter
I just want to wish you success
Success in work, success in salary
Success with your beloved man in bed
On the beach resort success in a tan
Good evening at the dance and bar
Success away and home success
Once again, good luck in your love life
Wherever you have to swim or go
Everywhere and always I wish you success!

I wish a beautiful woman, more voluptuous love, let good luck invigorate your health, and let happiness be given in change. Incredible personal life, A little even indecent. Salaries are sky-high, Always a bright burst of emotions. And let the children be your support, and let them not forget your care. Let the house not be lonely, Then everything in life will be OK!

Wash mountains of dishes
You managed to do it during this time.
I managed to cut my husband down
Marriage is a big burden!

Now get some rest
Celebrate birthday with friends
And take a deep breath
Without heavy thoughts and regrets!

Let the house become a palace from a fairy tale,
Sable fur coat,
And your kitchen is a throne room,
In the corner there is caviar with balyk!

Let the queen enter with a knock,
And let the servants bow to you,
There were so many drinks,
Sweet honey would flow down your mustache!

The inner beauty of the birthday girl illuminates with light and warmth all the places where she visits and spends her wonderful moments in life. The happiness in her eyes is clearly visible in the sparkle of her eyes and her charming smile, which give moments of tenderness and positive thoughts to her family and those around her.

Every sincere birthday greeting to a woman should contain a spark of tenderness and romance. This makes her happy and cheerful. If desired, arrange the most interesting wishes as a journal of future successes, a wall newspaper, a diploma, an album in the shape of a medal, her favorite flower, print the template on a printer or contact a photo studio.

In the modern world there are many good opportunities for conducting cool event In the circle of those who are dear and dear to your heart, at a camp site in nature in the shade of trees and blooming beauty, friendly communication and a wonderful sense of humor help you to relax a lot.

It is important to decide in advance what to give a woman for her birthday so that she will like the surprise and find it useful in life: a romantic night light with an openwork lampshade, a wall clock with her favorite landscapes and lighting, a small fountain for relaxation. A trip to the world of a fabulous ancient city or tickets to cool museums will greatly surprise and delight you.

Appreciate the warm attitude towards each other, provide support if necessary and in your power, share good news and ideas more often, especially if the birthday girl good friend or colleague.

Create email with animation and sincere birthday greetings to a woman, arrange a gift disc with a selection of her favorite songs and images that inspire her to conquer new heights, as well as help her believe in miracles.

We wish you simple happiness
And quiet earthly joy.
May life's bad weather
Always bypassed.
As always, store it with care.
There are beautiful features in my soul.
As before, give generously to everyone.
Fire of spiritual warmth.

I wish you to be happy!
Bloom more magnificently than any roses!
The road to happiness is hasty
Pass without grief and without tears!
I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, more success.
I wish you to live a hundred years,
Without knowing grief, tears and troubles!

Good luck in job! The weather is pleasant!
Love - pure, mutual and repeated!
Children of different sexes! Coat to fit!
Neighbors in the compartment - they don’t drink or smoke!
Silky hair! Snow-white teeth!
Business husbands, gentle lovers!
The bosses are smart! Spouses are in law!
Mothers-in-law - living in the neighboring area!
Submissive daughters-in-law! Dishes - washed!
Husbands who don't snore and are shaved at night!
Colleagues - not fixated only on women!
Enemies of the weak! Enemies - very weak!
Stockings - without puffs! Not a day without something new!
Husbands are on a very long business trip!
Different intentions - but better than serious ones!
Five-room and five-star housing!

It's a beautiful day and the sun is shining,
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of their hearts,
And you are the happiest in the world,
Where there is a birthday, there are dreams,
And I will congratulate you now,
I wish you great joy,
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday,
I wish you a colorful smile,
And the cake is higher than the ceiling,
So that all postcards shine,
May everything be as never before!

To spite your enemies, live a wonderful life!
In spite of the years - be young!
Drive away all misfortunes from home
And everything will come by itself.
Suddenly you will become prosperous,
Lucky, always lucky.
The reward awaits you, success!
I wish you all the happiness!

Be cheerful and lovely
Be beautiful and wonderful
So that you please everyone,
So that success awaits you in life:
Both in work and in study,
And in the personal firmament,
So that all children's dreams
Come true in an instant, as you say.
In general, I wish a lot
Happy birthday.
Stay beautiful
Cute, fabulous and cool.

I wish you happiness and a little sadness,
I wish that my friends do not forget.
So that in the middle of winter there would be spring and summer,
So that there is a lot, a lot of light
And let what you have in mind come true,
After all, this is why it was worth being born!

Happy Birthday
I sincerely wish you:
Happiness, holiday, luck
And endless love.

May your health be strong
Your worries are joyful.
Gray everyday life will not happen,
Work is always controversial.

May success follow you
And reliable friends to you,
The mood is the best!
There are many bright days in life!

May your life be successful
And your dreams will come true,
All our wishes are only for you,
Our smiles and flowers.
Let trouble pass you by,
Meets new joy,
May it always accompany you
Excellent health!

Let bitterness and sadness pass you by
And the sadness in the eyes will melt forever,
Let it fly somewhere far away day after day
And fills with the wisdom of the year.

I wish you all the best in the world!
Let this life not burden your soul!
May your hearth forever be warm,
And the heart always preserves kindness!

The birthday crept up unnoticed,
A year has flown by again outside the window,
Sad, but not at all hopeless,
I send you wishes about

For everything you wanted to happen
So that both soul and body are beautiful,
May the coming year be a better one,
So that you have both happiness and income.

You eat and the stars melt,
Like kisses on the lips
Look, the heavens are playing
In your divine eyes.
You walk and all your movements
All actions and all traits
So full of feeling and expression,
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate gave you to me, dear,
And I don’t know a better gift!