Physical education leisure day of cosmonautics in the preparatory group. "Cosmonaut School"

Alesya Kovalenya

Program content:

Expand your understanding of the world around you, deepen your knowledge of space;

Strengthen the main muscle groups to form correct posture;

Develop the ability to navigate in space;

Develop speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, agility;

Exercise children in throwing at a horizontal target;

Form expressiveness and gracefulness of movements;

Promote the development of thinking, imagination, and creativity.

Location: gym.

Inventory: two rocket models, two globes, two hoops, four baskets, red and blue colors according to the number of children, two gymnastic sticks, two balloons, ten “islands”, two hammers from a children’s construction set, plastic cubes according to the number of children, construction set parts for each child, two tunnels, various attributes for the “Martians” competition.

Celebration progress:


Today is not an easy day,

Everyone in the world knows this.

Flew into space for the first time

A brave man from the earth.

first manned flight into space.

1st child:

Today is considered their holiday

Both physics and mathematics.

And also all the people are in a hurry to meet

Great Cosmonautics Day.

2nd child:

Conquer the vastness of the universe

The person really wanted it.

And then into deep space

The first satellite has flown.

3rd child:

And then he went up into space

And became famous forever

Following the satellite in the rocket

The very first person.

4th child:

Everyone in the world knows it well

Brave Russian guy.

He was the first to fly into space

His name is Gagarin!

5th child:

People are conquering space

They even fly to the moon.

And go into outer space

It's very simple for an astronaut.

6th child:

Science moves forward

Having mastered the speed of light,

We'll fly into deep space

To alien other planets.

Children perform the musical and rhythmic composition “Cosmos”

(to the song of D. Bilan).

Music is playing. Dunno enters the hall.

Dunno: Hello guys!

Leading: Hello, Dunno!

Dunno: I woke up this morning to the sun peeking through the window. And suddenly I thought: “Why don’t I take a trip to the moon? Wouldn't that be great?

Leading: Great! What are you planning to fly to the moon on, Dunno?

Dunno: How on what? I have balloons, and I’ll fly on them.

Leading: Guys, can Dunno accomplish this? space trip on balloons? Do you know, Dunno, what people use for space travel? And what are these people called?

Dunno(thinks): I wonder what they fly on? Moreover, what are they called? How do I know?

Leading: Oh, you, Dunno, and you’re also getting ready to go on a trip! Guys, what do people use for space travel? What are they called? Right!

Would you guys like to become astronauts? Then I suggest you go to Star City, to the astronaut school. 1, 2, 3 and here we are at the flight training center.

Dunno: So, this is where I’ll go on a journey from here! (looks in) What do they fly on? Where are their missiles?

Leading: Dunno, what are you still looking for?

Dunno: Spaceship! After all, I am an astronaut!

Leading: To go into space, every astronaut must know and be able to do a lot. Let's listen to a poem about an astronaut and find out what it takes to become an astronaut?


He is an example for all the guys,

They call him a hero.

Proudly worn by an astronaut

This is the title.

To become an astronaut,

We have to work hard:

Start the day with exercise,

Study well.

See a doctor too -

The exam here is strict.

The weak can't handle it

Star roads.

And any profession

You need to know the secrets.

After all, at such a height

Don't ask for advice.

Dunno: Wow, how much do you need to know and be able to do to become an astronaut?

Leading: Well, are you ready to pass the tests at the astronaut school in order to become an astronaut and go on travels?

Dunno: Yes, I'm ready!

Leading: Are you guys ready?

Then we announce the first test for future cosmonauts.

To become an astronaut

There's a lot to learn

Be agile and skillful

Very clever, very brave.

The next test will help you determine how brave, fast, dexterous, and skillful you are.

1. Relay race “Flight around the earth”. The first participant is holding a model of a rocket. He runs to the chair on which the model of the moon is, runs around it and comes back, passing the rocket to another participant.

2. Relay race “Conquer weightlessness.” Each participant must use a gymnastic stick to drive balloon Add to cart.

3. Relay race “Repair in zero gravity”. The first team member has a hammer. On command, he, stepping over the island, gets to the rocket (its model is attached to a chair, “hits” it and returns back.

4. Relay race “Meteor Shower”. Members of one team collect red balls in a basket, the other - blue.

5. Relay race “Collect a constellation”. Each participant has a star in their hands - they need to crawl into the tunnel, run to the hoop, and put the star in the hoop.

6. “Replenish your food supply” relay race. Each participant has a cube in their hands - a “food supply”. You need to crawl into the tunnel, run to the hoop, put the cube in the hoop, and go back.

Leading: Well done, young cosmonauts. Well done, Dunno. You have passed these tests.

Dunno: Guys, I know riddles about space. You'll never be able to figure them out!

Leading: Wait, Dunno. Make a wish first, guys, and then we’ll see.

Space is great and beautiful,

And there are many mysteries...

But only one who knows how to think

Solve any riddles.

Dunno: asks riddles, and the children guess.

1. At night it shines for you,

Pale-faced... (moon).

2. What a wonderful car

Walking boldly on the moon?

Do you recognize her, children?

Well, of course…. (lunar rover)

3. There is a cheerful light shining in the window -

Well, of course it’s... (sun).

4. He conquers space,

The rocket is controlled

Brave, brave astronaut

It's simply called... (astronaut).

5. He floats around the earth

And it gives signals.

This eternal traveler

Under the name... (satellite).

6. Flies from the Earth into the clouds,

Like a silver arrow

Flies to other planets

Swiftly... (rocket).

Leading: Well done boys! You have solved the riddles of Dunno.

All astronauts, take your places!

According to the course, Mars is visible to us.

This one is mysterious

Red Planet.

And now we're going very smoothly

We're all landing.


Martians, where are you?

We are all inhabitants of the Earth.

We are in a hurry to visit you,

We want to meet you.


The Martians don't come out

They don't want to pose

And what will they be like?

Let's fantasize.

Competition "Martians"

Two tables for attributes, wigs, sunglasses, yellow rubber gloves, headbands with horns, etc. I am playing with several children (the goal of the game is to put on all the prepared attributes as quickly as possible; after playing with the children, the game can be repeated with the parents.)

Host: And the last test for you: “We live very friendly, we don’t take boring people into space.”

The outdoor game “Cosmonauts” or any fun dance is played.

Leading: Attention, young cosmonauts! You passed all the tests at the cosmonaut school successfully. You all showed your dexterity, speed and intelligence, and good knowledge in the field of astronautics. Therefore, all of you and Dunno are awarded the title “young cosmonaut”.

Dunno: It turns out to be so interesting to know everything! Okay, thank you for this interesting journey, and I guess I’ll run. I will brag about my knowledge. Otherwise Znayka will fly to the moon without me. Thank you guys! Goodbye!

Leading: Well, guys, this is where our journey through Star City ends, and it’s time for us to return to the group.

Physical education


"Cosmonautics Day"

(preparatory correctional groups for school)

Target: To consolidate knowledge about space, outer space, planets, to develop coordination of movement and the vestibular apparatus, climbing, balance, to consolidate the ability to answer in a complete sentence, and to form it grammatically correctly.

Equipment: benches, hoops, fitballs, tunnels, small trampolines, gym mats, wall bars, landmarks, racks, rackets, baskets.

Location: gym.

Time: 04/11/2013 at 10.00

Conducts: physical instructor education

Children in sports uniform enter the hall and stand in one line on both sides.

(music “Earth in the Porthole” sounds)

Leading: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Leading: Do you like to play sports? (Answers). What sports do you know?

Children: football, hockey, swimming...

Leading: Tomorrow Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This holiday is in honor of pilots - cosmonauts, in honor of scientists, engineers, workers who invent and make rockets, spaceships and satellites.

I know you want to fly into space? Today I received an unusual envelope, but I haven’t opened it yet. Let's see what's in it? Guys, here's an invitation! (Is reading). You are invited to take a space journey and visit the planets of the solar system! Do you want to become space travelers?

Children: We want!

Leading: Then I’ll test your knowledge – you can’t go on a trip without it!

So, listen carefully to my questions. What is space?

Children: This is a huge space. These are stars, planets, comets, meteorites.

Leading: What is the name of the planet we live on?

Children: Earth.

Leading: It is called the “blue planet” because there is a lot of water on Earth. What is the name of the Earth's satellite?

Children: Moon. There is no air, water, plants or animals on the Moon. It is covered with cosmic dust and has many craters.

Leading: Is the sun a planet or a star?

Children: Star.

Relay 3: “Astronaut”

( inventory: 2 pcs. hoop, landmark)

Progress of the relay race: The child puts the hoops on himself, runs around the landmark and comes back, passes the baton to the next one.

Leading: Well done boys! Well, shall we continue our journey through the planets further? Then let's take our seats!!!

For walks on the planets......

Leading: We set course for the planet SATURN She is very beautiful, there are many bright rings around her. It consists of fragments of ice and stones. Look how many there are? Let's help the planet and collect all the stones into space craters.

Relay 4: “Collect stones”

( equipment: crumpled newspaper, rackets, basket, landmark)

Progress of the relay race: The child runs with a racket, puts crumpled paper on it, runs around the landmark, comes back, throws the paper into the basket and passes the baton to the next one.

Leading: Oh, how clean the planet is now! Thank you! We continue our journey.

Children: A fast rocket is waiting for us

For walks on the planets......

Guys! Signals received from the planet URANUS . It is very far from the Sun, so it is very cold. It has a pale green-blue orb with no spots.

And 11 invisible rings. By weather conditions she won't be able to receive us. So we fly to NEPTUNE .

Children: A fast rocket is waiting for us

For walks on the planets......

We are approaching Neptune! Get ready to exit our spaceship! This planet is gigantic in size. Have you heard of her? It is in the eighth orbit from the Sun and is blue in color with white clouds. The surface consists of liquid and gas. Has the shape of a ball. The strongest winds in the solar system blow here.

Let's leave a memory of us on this planet. Let's build a rocket.

Children: Let's!!

Relay 5: “Build a rocket”

( inventory: soft modules)

Progress of the relay: Children take turns running to the finish line, taking one module at a time and building a rocket.

Leading: What a great fellow you are! And now we are preparing to fly to the last planet, planet PLUTO. This is the smallest, dwarf planet, very cold, because it is very far from the planet Sun. The inhabitants of this planet move only on “plutonometers”. They left them for you too, so that you could travel around the planet.

Relay 6: “Plutonometers”

( inventory: landmark)

Progress of the relay: The first child runs forward and puts his feet wide, the second climbs between his legs and so on until the landmark, the children join hands, come back and pass the baton to the next pair.


Leading: We returned from the flight

And they landed on the ground

Your cheerful carriage is coming

And everyone is glad to meet you!

Leading: Did you enjoy traveling around the planets?

Children: Yes

Leading: Fine! Now you have good knowledge about the planets. But can you solve riddles?

Children: Yes

Leading: This is what I find out now!

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian... (COSMONAUT)

A bird can't reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it quickly...(ROCKET)

Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker?... (SUN)

A blue sheet covers the whole world... (SKY)

Above the houses along the path

A piece of cake is hanging…..(MOON)

Leading: You showed yourself to be brave, strong and friendly guys. This was the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Prizes in the form of medals and juice are awarded.

That's our physical education leisure I declare closed! Goodbye, guys!!!

Dear children Kindergarten No. 000 “Swan”.

We invite you to take a space journey and visit all the planets of the solar system! The planets are waiting for you!!!

Do you want to become space travelers?

Gulnara Burylova
Scenario physical entertainment dedicated to Cosmonautics Day in senior and preparatory group

Integrated educational region:

o Social-communicative

o Speech

o Cognitive

o Physical


o Gaming;

o Communicative;

o Cognitive;

o Productive;


Stimulate positive changes in the body, form the necessary motor skills, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body.

Program objectives of educational areas


o Formation in the process of motor activity various types cognitive activity (knowledge about space)


o Management emotional sphere child, development moral and volitional qualities of the individual, formed in the process of special motor games, relay races, tasks.


Form muscle-motor skills;

Improve children's motor abilities.

Practice walking, running, jumping.

Develop basic physical qualities (strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements).

Cultivate determination and team qualities.

Cultivate correct posture.

Expected results:

o Formation of the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

o Improving the technique of basic movements (naturalness, ease, accuracy, expressiveness of their implementation).

o Development of physical qualities: speed, endurance, agility.

Preliminary work.

1. Reading literature.

2. Examination of illustrations.

3. Conversation about firsts astronauts.

4. Learning poems


Lego, 2 flags

2 tunnels, 4 baskets



Braid with stars

6 hoops

Progress of the lesson.

Music is playing. Children enter the hall. They line up in a semicircle opposite the jury.

Leading: Today we celebrate one of the most interesting holidays on the ground. Many years ago, in 1961 on April 12, for the first time in the world in space on a spaceship"East" our hero has risen - astronaut number one Yuri Gagarin. (Shows a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin.) Since that very year, the holiday astronautics was erected to commemorate the first human flight in space.

EDUCATIONAL: What else do you know about space?


Ved.: Do you know the planets of the solar system?

Ved.: now I I'll check:

Burns without fire, flies without wings (Sun)

It's so hot on this planet

It's dangerous to be here, friends! (Mercury)

This planet is shackled by a terrible cold.

The sun's ray did not reach her with warmth. (Pluto)

And this planet is proud of itself,

Because it is considered the largest. (Jupiter)

At night there is one golden orange in the sky.

Two weeks have passed by,

We didn't eat orange

But only remained in the sky

Orange slice. (Moon)

Ved.: Why don’t planets collide?

And let’s celebrate the holiday today, properly, so that we remember it. What if after this one of you wants to become astronaut to glorify our country.

Leading: Guys, do you know which one? The astronaut must undergo training before the flight?

Reader 1:

He is an example for all the guys,

They call him a hero.

Wears it proudly astronaut

This is the title.

To become an astronaut,

We have to work hard:

Start the day with exercise,

Study well.

Reader 2:

See a doctor too -

The exam here is strict.

The weak can't handle it

Star roads.

They can take it on the ship

Only strong, dexterous ones.

And that's why it's impossible

No training here.

Reader 3:

Pressure chamber, swimming pool,

Where we are weightless...

This to all astronauts

Well known.

Here's the carousel cabin

It circles around and around.

Not a projectile, but just a beast

This centrifuge.

Reader 4:

There's a lot to come

Different tests.

The one who is in space will fly,

I have to go through them.

He has any profession

Must know secrets -

After all, at such a height

Don't ask for advice.

Leading: Are you ready to take the test? But before we begin the tests, we need to warm up properly.

Warm up to music: 10,9,8,7….

Children sit on benches

Leading: Guys, we have two teams. Rocket crew "Union" and the rocket crew "East". Crews, you will compete in strength, agility and ingenuity. And the competition will be judged by a strict but competent jury.

(Jury Presentation).

Children sit on benches placed at opposite walls. Five participants from each team are invited to participate in the relay races.

1. Build a rocket.

Exercise: You need to build a rocket out of Lego

(The task is given 2 minutes. After completion, you must raise the red flag. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

2. Diving into a rocket.

Exercise: Relay race. Band obstacles:

Step over the barrier;

Climb through the tunnel; run around a landmark;

Run back.

The team that completes the task faster wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

Musical pause. Children sit on benches.

Dance. "Stars"

(The children have stars in their hands, one girl has the planet Earth;

Girl's words "Earth":

I am the Earth! I see off my pets!

Sons! Daughters!

Fly all the way to the sun

And come home quickly.

3. Fly to the sun.

Exercise: At the signal, run to the landmark and return. The baton is passed by a baton. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Attraction for fans: « Space wipers» .

Scattered on the floor in random order « space debris» (lumps of crumpled colored paper). By signal: “one, two, three, take out the trash!”- the players begin to put garbage in a bucket.

4. Walk on the Moon

Exercise: By signal on the balls "Fitoball" jump to a landmark, go around the landmark, return. The baton is passed by passing the ball "Fitoball". The team that completes the task faster wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

5. Journey to the stars.

Exercise: Stars are hung on strings on strings, children take turns running, jumping, tearing off the star, and running back.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

8. Return to Earth

Exercise: Run to the landmark by climbing through hoops (three hoops at a time, run around the landmark, run back. The baton is passed with a clap. The team that completes the task faster wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

Guys, our competition is over. but before we find out the results of our game, I ask you to form a semicircle. I know that you have prepared poems for the holiday. Ask.

We look at the blue sky

And we can see the stars in the sky.

Flying comets sparkle

And they give boys dreams.

We want to everyone should visit space

I wish I could make a wish sooner,

Seeing a star falling from the sky.

We know that Yuri Gagarin

Made the dream come true.

He became a real hero

And in made a space flight.

Our country is proud of Gagarin.

And the moon smiles at us from the sky,

We know that the Sun is a big star,

And the boys’ dream can get closer.

We want to everyone should visit space

And take just one step to the moon.

Hurry up to make a wish,

Seeing a star falling from the sky.

The results of the entire game are summed up by the jury.

Rewards participants with chocolates.

Program content:

  • Expand children's understanding of space, Cosmonautics Day;
  • Build skills healthy image life;
  • Develop physical qualities of the individual - speed, agility, endurance, mobility;
  • Contribute to the unity of the children's team, create a situation of emotional well-being in the form of play activities.

Progress of entertainment

Instructor: Hello, guys! Do you know what day it is today? Today the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day!

Instructor: What happened on this day? (Children's answers)

Instructor: The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that our cosmonaut made the world's first space flight. Do you know who was the first person to go into space?

(Children's answers. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He flew around the globe on the Vostok spacecraft.)

Instructor: How do you understand what space is? (Children's answers)

Instructor: There are many galaxies in outer space. And in one of these is our solar system. And our planet is the third in a row. And how many planets in the solar system we learn from the poem.


All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Instructor: Well done, you really know all the planets, but would you like to become an astronaut and see other planets?

Well, then I invite you to the astronaut school; where today two space squads will be tested and compete in strength, agility, speed, and courage. (Command View)

Meet the space squad "Comet". Motto: Comet has a motto - never fall down!

Space squad "Sputnik". Motto: In order to fly into space and to the stars, we are ready to show ourselves now!

Instructor: A jury will evaluate today's tests at the cosmonaut school. (Jury Presentation)

Are the teams ready for the challenge? We will start our competition with a warm-up.

1. Warm up

Teams line up in two lines, break up, and perform general developmental exercises as shown by the instructor, accompanied by musical accompaniment (music from the movie “Great Space Journey”).

2. Space Rocket Relay Race

At the starting line, each team has 8 gymnastic sticks and 2 hoops. Team members take turns taking one item and placing a rocket on the finish line.

Instructor: You have made wonderful rockets, now you can launch into space.

3. Relay race “Running into a rocket”

Children, on command, taking turns overcoming obstacles (walking along a rope while maintaining balance; then jumping through 4 hoops), must quickly take a place in the “rocket”. The whole team must be in the “rocket”.

Instructor: Do you know that a flight in space can last a very long time, so astronauts need a lot of food, supplies of water and oxygen, and equipment. The next competition is called “Loading the Rocket”. You need to, after passing obstacles (walk along a ribbed board; go around cubes arranged in a checkerboard pattern; crawl under an arc), deliver the cargo (balls) to the rocket.

5. Competition “Conquer weightlessness”

Instructor: In outer space, gravity does not act; all objects, even the heaviest, become as light as balloon, in space - weightlessness. And in the next test, our teams will try to cope with weightlessness (each participant must use a stick to push a balloon into a bucket).

6. Competition "Intellectual"

Instructor: It's time to show the teams your knowledge about space. The next competition is intellectual (teams solve riddles).

Chain of riddles for children:

1. To equip the eye and make friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way, so gentle and powerful... (telescope)

2. The life of planets has been studied using telescopes for hundreds of years.
A smart uncle will tell you about everything... (astronomer)

1. Astronomer - he is an astronomer, he knows everything inside out!
Only the full sky is visible better than the stars... (moon)

2. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,
But the fast one can do it... (rocket)

1. The rocket has a driver, a lover of zero gravity.
In English: “astronaut”, and in Russian... (cosmonaut)

2. An astronaut sits in a rocket, cursing everything in the world -
As luck would have it, there appeared in orbit... (UFO)

1. A UFO flies to its neighbor from the constellation Andromeda,
In it, out of boredom, an evil green one howls like a wolf... (humanoid)

2. The humanoid lost its course, got lost in three planets,
If there is no star map, the speed...(of light) will not help.

1. Light flies the fastest, it doesn’t count kilometers.
The Sun gives life to the planets, gives us warmth, tails -... (to comets)

2. The comet flew around everything and examined everything in the sky.
He sees that in space a hole is a black... (hole)

1. In black holes, the darkness is occupied by something black.
The interplanetary spaceship ended its flight there... (starship)

2. The starship is a steel bird, it rushes faster than light.
Learns in practice the stellar... (galaxies)

For both teams:
And the galaxies fly in all directions as they please.
This whole…(universe) is very healthy

7. Competition “Collect a constellation”

Teams must make the Ursa Major constellation out of paper stars. Each participant, in turn, riding on a large ball - a fitball, brings his star to the star map and places it in the right place.

8. Obstacle course “On the Moon”

Instructor: Our teams face the last test. We are landing on the surface of the Earth's satellite - the Moon. There are many obstacles on the lunar surface: craters, mountains, depressions. Let's see how the teams will overcome all the obstacles (crawl along a gymnastic bench on their stomachs, pulling themselves up with their arms; walk a distance, placing foam rubber circles in front of them; hit a hoop with a bag of sand; run back back).

9. Competition “Portrait of an Alien”

On a sheet of paper mounted on an easel, each blindfolded participant must draw one of the alien's body parts (head, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, torso, tentacle arms, legs).

Instructor: The aliens turned out to be wonderful, funny with kind faces (children dressed as aliens enter). And here they themselves came to us from a distant galaxy. And they want to please us all with a real space dance (children perform a dance to the music of the group “Space”).

Instructor: Our competition at the cosmonaut school has come to an end. The jury gives the floor.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Members of both teams are awarded certificates stating that they have completed training at the cosmonaut school, and they are awarded the honorary title “Young Cosmonaut”. Teams are awarded certificates.

Sports entertainment for Cosmonautics Day

in the senior, preparatory group

Prepared by an instructor physical culture:

Razorvina N.A.


Target:activation of motor activity of children

Program content

Educational objectives:

provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills acquired in classes in play situations;

improve outdoor switchgear technique, the ability to coordinate the rhythm of movements with music;

consolidate children's knowledge about space and planets.


develop physical qualities (speed, agility, endurance);

develop children’s ability to play in a team, taking into account the capabilities of the partner, not to quarrel, not to be offended by each other;

develop children's imagination and imagination.


cultivate courage, kindness and friendly relationships;

create a positive emotional mood, joy from joint motor activity.

Progress of the event:

The soundtrack of any marching song about space or astronauts sounds, and children enter.

Rebuilding in 2 (read poetry)

Across outer space 2. Mars, Jupiter and Venus-

Satellites and rockets are rushing, We know a lot of planets,

The stars twinkle like silver, but more beautiful and dearer,

The planets beckon us. What is the native land - no!

Only in distant space

I've never been.

The spacesuit is still too big for me,

You can't go there without him!

Leading: Yes, today we celebrate one of the most interesting holidays on earth.

Space is an endless world with many stars and planets, and among these planets is our planet Earth.

Guys, what other planets do you know?

Now imagine that we took off into space and saw our Earth from the outside.

What shape is our Earth? (Ball).

What color is our Earth from space? (blue)

Why? (Because there is more water on the globe than land)

- What is the name of a small school model of the Earth, reduced many times? (Globe).

- What is the name of the device with which scientists observe stars and planets from Earth? (Telescope).

Leading: Guys, tell me, what should astronauts be like?

Children: strong, dexterous, fast, resilient, friendly.

First, let's conduct a survey, be careful when answering my questions, answer “yes” or “no.”

And now, guys, for you,

I'll ask one question.

School of Young Cosmonauts

They're about to open.

Would you guys like

Should I go to this school?

When the time comes to fly, won’t you cry?

Are you guys friendly?



Do you do exercises in the morning?

Do they eat snow?

Do you want to play sports?

Yes, by the looks of it, you'll be great astronauts,

To become an astronaut, you first need to learn how to accurately follow commands. Let's practice.

I give the first command: “Astronauts, get ready for the launch of the spaceship." and you all clap your hands together.

Second command:“Cosmonauts, turn on your contacts ", you all snap your fingers together.

Third team:“Cosmonauts, start the engines!” you rotate your arms bent in front of your chest.

And now I ask you to go to the cosmodrome.

What is this - a cosmodrome?(This is the place from where rockets launch into space). I propose to conduct a smallwarm-up– after all, every sport activity must begin with it.

Let's start preparing, go out to practice.

Warm up with balls

Leading: And now sports competitions. You need to split into two teams: “Rocket” and “Sputnik”.

Relay N1 “Flight into space” "(jumping on fitballs)

Relay N2 “Lunokhods” "(walking on hands and feet)

Relay N3 “Solar System” (according to the principle of joining each other “the sun, then the earth, Mars, moon, Jupiter, etc.) .

Relay N4 “Weightlessness” "(walk between the chips on your toes with a bag on your head)

Relay "Cycling Race". Now let’s learn how to navigate on a special mobile rover. Every spaceship has it and is used to explore new planets. In order for the rover to move quickly, it must be controlled by two astronauts at once. Now, when you and I are training, the rover will replace us with an ordinary gymnastic stick. Two participants need to ride the stick - they are explorers of the planet. Each pair has to “ride”, holding a stick between their legs, to the turning point and back. The fastest ones win.

Relay race “Climb through the hoop”.

Relay "Intellectual". Teams solve riddles.

    To equip your eyes and make friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way, you need a powerful... (telescope)

2.The life of planets has been studied with a telescope for hundreds of years.

Smart uncle will tell everyone about everything... (astronomer)

3. An astronomer - he is an astronomer. He knows everything inside out!

Only the full moon is visible in the sky better than the stars... (moon)

4. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,

But the fast one can do it... (rocket)

5. The rocket has a driver, a lover of zero gravity,

In English: “astronaut”, and in Russian -…(cosmonaut).

6. A UFO flies to its neighbor from the constellation Andromeda.

In it, out of boredom, an evil green one howls like a wolf...(humanoid)

7. The humanoid lost its course, got lost in three planets,

If there is no star map, speed will not help.. (light)

8. Light flies the fastest, doesn’t count kilometers,

The Sun gives life to the planets, gives us warmth, tails.. (comets).

Game "Cosmonauts"( 5-6 hoops are laid out on the floor, take an empty hoop)

Fast rockets are waiting for us,

For walks on the planets.

Whichever one we want -

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

Leading : Great! Well done, guys, you have overcome so many competitions.

Well, it's time for us to have our holiday, dedicated to the Day astronautics, finish.

Rearrangement and exit to the music.