Haircut horoscope for February. When can you cut your hair in February? Favorable days in February for haircuts

Photo: Haircut calendar for February 2019

The lunar calendar of haircuts for February 2019 will help not only refresh appearance, become more attractive and stylish, but also improve your hair, improve your financial situation, and find success in your personal and professional life. You will learn favorable days for going to the hairdresser and will be able to determine dates when any changes in appearance are undesirable.

1.02 – thanks new hairstyle you will look more charming and feminine. Also, a haircut in February will make your hair healthier. Coloring guarantees the desired effect and increased income.

2.02 – if you value your vigor and energy, choose other haircut days. Along with the cut off hair, your strength will also go away. Just tint your hair a little to disguise the grown roots, or tint a few strands.

3.02 – a haircut will help increase self-confidence. But it is better to refuse painting and a radical change of image.

5.02 – with the update of the haircut, work will improve internal organs, which will have a positive effect on your supply of inspiration and strength. Today is the day when you can cut your hair short or make a radical change in your image.

6.02 - the haircut calendar for February characterizes a haircut on this day as positive for well-being. You can do a whole range of procedures: haircut, health improvement, coloring and fashionable styling. This will help attract good luck and wealth.

7.02 – dedicate the day to beauty treatments to make your hair look healthy.

8.02 – you can lighten your hair, restore the brightness and saturation of the shade. Having refreshed your hairstyle, new ideas will arise in your head.

9.02 – don’t dye your hair if you don’t want to quarrel. But getting a haircut on this date increases productivity and income.

10.02 – a haircut will have a positive effect on your spiritual and physical well-being. And dyeing your hair will lead to increased attention from men.

Second ten days of February 2019

  • 11.02 - hair cutting February on this day will be unsuccessful. Just wash your hair, but don't blow dry it.
  • 12.02 – you can only cut your hair short hair, since they will take a long time to grow back.
  • 02/13 is an unfavorable date for cutting and coloring. Massage your head and comb your hair to attract positive energy.
  • 02/14 - the lunar color calendar for February 2019 advises going to the salon and getting a fashionable, refreshing haircut, a vitamin or nourishing hair mask. Coloring promises good luck in the profession.
  • 15.02 – trimmed hair will become a protective shield against diseases and a source of new strength. In a stressful situation, any active actions on the head are allowed.
  • 16.02 – a complex hairstyle will attract a successful acquaintance or enhance love. A haircut will lead to prosperity.
  • 17.02 – don’t dye your hair if you don’t want to quarrel with your immediate environment. The haircut is recommended for business people.
  • 18.02 – leave your hair alone.
  • 19.02 – do not cut your hair, as you are at risk of illness. You can straighten it.
  • 02/20 is the best date for dyeing your hair in February, especially in a dark shade.

Third decade

  • 21.02 is a good time for hair coloring: toning, getting rid of gray hair, refreshing color. Blondes are recommended to get rid of yellowness. But cut your hair according to lunar calendar better another day, as this will entail negative changes in life.
  • 22.02 – dedicate the day to caring for your hair using natural and folk remedies. Haircuts are also permitted. After going to the hairdresser, you will be more charming than ever.
  • 23.02 – if you don’t know what day to cut your hair in February, then definitely not today. Trimmed hair will weaken and become unruly. Negative consequences for health and mood are also likely. Even beauty treatments will be ineffective. Coloring can only be done with a safe composition.
  • 24.02 – a haircut will increase self-confidence. But don’t dye your hair – it will ruin your mood along with it.
  • 25.02 – stop using chemicals, don’t wash your hair, unless organic shampoo. A salon haircut will be healthy, but do it without styling.
  • February 26 is one of those days when you can safely cut your hair in February. Also good result will give professional coloring. But care procedures will be ineffective.
  • 02/27 – don’t change your color or cut your hair. The new shade will quickly lose its saturation, and the hairstyle will lose its shape. Limit yourself to simple styling.
  • 02/28 is a great date for a new hairstyle. You will feel a surge of physical strength and internal energy. Hair coloring promises good luck at work: a bonus or promotion.

The February days present us with many holidays where we just want to shine. And in general, every person should take care of himself in order to look attractive and well-groomed. Hair, skin and nails require special care. In the cool winter season, the skin peels off greatly, hair and nails become brittle, lose vitality, and do not shine. This means they require special care; when to do it, on what days in order to get only benefits and positive things from it, we will tell you in this article.

Beauty calendar for February 2018 favorable days

  1. Haircuts in February 2018 on favorable days: 1-5, 14-17, 19th, 23rd, 24th and 28th February.
  2. You need to dye your hair during the favorable period of February 2018, namely: 2nd, 3rd, 6-8, 14-16, 19th, 21st and 27th February.
  3. When to cut your nails and get a manicure in February 2018, all favorable days: 1-3, 6-8, 10th, 12-16, 18th, 21st and 28th February.

When to cut your hair and nails, dye your hair and take care of your body in early February 2018

02/01/2018 16-17 hpf, Moon in Leo decline

On this day, it is better not to cut your hair or wear makeup, unless you can trim the split ends of your hair if there is a high need for this. Create a chic nail design. An ideal period for scrubbing and cleansing the skin of the face and body.

02.02.2018, 17-18 hpf, Moon in Virgo decline

A favorable time for dyeing and fashionable hair cutting, for nail care. It is worth doing peeling and fighting cellulite.

02/03/2018, 18-19 hpf, Moon in Virgo in decline

On this day, hair manipulation will only bring joy, health and strength, and the condition of your hair will improve. A good day for manicure and pedicure. Take care of your face every day, especially if you are over 30. Use a cleansing scrub and a film mask. Solarium will make your skin beautiful.

02/04/2018, 19-20 hpf, Moon in Libra on the waning

An excellent time for cutting, dyeing and other healthy hair manipulations. Pedicure and manicure will make your nails irresistible and well-groomed. It's time to start eliminating and preventing wrinkles. Take up fitness, which always gives positive results.

02/05/2018, 20-21 hpf, Moon in Libra decline

Again a favorable period for dyeing and cutting hair. A bad period for nail procedures. Clearing the skin of blackheads will bring pleasant acquaintances and financial profit. It is necessary to try to get to a massage therapist on this day.

02/06/2018, 21 l.d., Moon in Scorpio on the decline

It is not advisable to cut your hair, as this can lead to weakening and brittleness. will be beneficial, the color will ideally suit the owner of the hair. Not a bad day for nail care, do it using the most popular techniques. It's time to start losing weight, spring is coming, which means proper nutrition and training will become the main points of the daily plan. Facial skin care is a must if you want to achieve brilliant results.

02/07/2018, 22-23 hpf, Moon in Scorpio decline

You shouldn't visit the hairdresser today, it will turn out unsuccessful, you can paint over your gray hair. A manicure and pedicure will attract positive and even fun moments into your life. It is necessary to moisturize the skin, it now needs care. Give your body a rest.

02/08/2018, 23-24 hpf, Moon in Scorpio decline

Don't cut your hair, it's better to do a strengthening treatment that will make your hair silky and shiny. Dark color Hair will help to attract new pleasant acquaintances to your person, color it in burning tones. Nail treatments today will bring benefits. It’s a great time to start removing pimples and various types of acne consequences; today there will be no scars left after the procedure. Yoga helps you find yourself, strengthen your nervous system, life position, good time for meditation.

02/09/2018, 23-24 hpf, Moon in Sagittarius in decline

The usual period for hair manipulation. Hair dyeing, oddly enough, will strengthen your curls and make them more luxurious; choose high-quality dyes. It's time to deal with corns and fungal diseases on the nails. Today, the natural ingredients that make up facial masks have an excellent effect. Cleansing the entire body and facial skin can be done in a sauna or steam bath, which will also bring prosperity closer.

02/10/2018, 24-25 hpf, Moon in Sagittarius decline

A day for classics in hairstyles and haircuts. It is better not to dye your hair on this day; disagreements with the opposite sex are possible. Experiment with your nails - today you can change everything, even their shape. Facial cleansing will provide life changes in better side. You can lie on the operating table; this is a very positive day for plastic surgery.

February 2018 lunar beauty calendar

02/11/2018, 25-26 hpf, Moon in Capricorn, waning

Not a good day for manipulating your curls, give them a rest. The same story with nails, let your hands relax on Sunday. Nourishing masks made from natural products will help improve the condition of skin that has noticeably deteriorated over time. winter time. SPA salons - the best place for the body, the procedures will bring many effective results.

02/12/2018, 26-27 hpf, Moon in Capricorn, waning

Negative period for hair manipulation; postpone all procedures until another favorable day. In terms of nails - a good day to create stylish design nails and treatment of fungal diseases and feet. You need to take care of your face; any skin procedure is suitable. Ideal day for waxing.

02/13/2018, 27-28 ld., Moon in Capricorn on the decline

It is better to dye your hair in light shades, and under no circumstances is it recommended to cut your hair; it can lead to depression. It is recommended to cut your nails today; it will protect you from the influence of enemy thoughts. Facial exercises will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Anti-cellulite massage will also help smooth out the subcutaneous layer, reducing fat formation.

02/14/2018, 28-29 ld., Moon in Aquarius on the waning

A good day to create fashionable ones. If you want to advance your career, then visit a hair coloring salon. A manicure done today will help increase your self-esteem and confidence, which will help you assert yourself in society. It's time to take care of facial beauty; to make your eyes expressive, eyelash extensions will be the most correct solution, pay attention also to the eyebrows. Give them the correct neat shape. Removed hairs will grow slower today. It's time to start fighting corns and calluses.

02/15/2018, 29-30, l.d., Moon in Aquarius is declining

Amazing period for styling and creating fashionable hairstyles, look funny on the head. If you like to be the center of attention, then give yourself a fashionable smoky blonde hair color. Time to take care of your nails, get a trim or European manicure, give your nails the correct almond shape. This will increase your cash flow. Moisturizing face masks will make your skin velvety and soft. It would be good to contact a massage therapist today for a strengthening massage.

02/16/2018, 30, 1-2 l.d., New Moon in Pisces

Your financial situation will improve if you turn to a fashion stylist today who will create a masterpiece on your head. Fashionable colors with purple, platinum, pinkish shades with a blue tone will attract even more attention to you. Your health will improve after these procedures, you will become active and courageous, and now you will be able to cope with any problems. Trimming manicure and nail care will bear fruit, and some will reveal hidden talents. Cosmetic procedures, injections will make you more attractive. Visit the spa.

02/17/2018, 2-3 l.d., Moon in Pisces in growth

The condition of your hair will improve if you get rid of split ends today. You should not dye your hair in bright shades. Cutting your nails today is possible and even necessary. Devote the day to nourishing and moisturizing creams, creating masks from natural ingredients to improve your condition skin. A pleasant day to start playing sports.

02/18/2018, 3-4 ld, Moon in Growth in development

Unfavorable time for hair manipulation. It’s a good day for nails, as well as for plastic surgery on the face and for fighting sagging skin.

02/19/2018, 4-5 l.d., Moon in Aries in development

Your hair will become stronger and more beautiful if you go to the stylist today and have your hair cut. You need to dye your hair if you decide to update your shade or completely change your image - this will attract pleasant and good people. Let your nails rest today. A great day for toning, moisturizing the skin, the cosmetologist’s recommendations must be followed. Wrapping and sauna will make the skin more elastic.

Beauty calendar in February 2018 - when to cut hair and nails

02/20/2018, 5-6 l.d., Moon in Aries in growth

It is not recommended to have a haircut today, but keratin hair straightening, lamination and other procedures that improve the appearance and structure of hair will be beneficial. Don't cut your nails today, it will worsen their condition. A manicure will improve the appearance of your hands and nails. Extend eyelashes and correct eyebrows; eyebrow microblading perfectly improves their appearance. Favorable time for water procedures.

02/21/2018, 6-7 ld, Moon in Taurus in growth

Neutral day, going to the hairdresser at your own discretion. Natural paints- basma and henna will not only improve the shade and make it expressive, but also strengthen the hair structure. A great day to create a stylish nail design. Massage, facial cleansing and moisturizing creams will help improve skin tone. Body care on this day consists of cryotherapy, that’s what the stars say, so so be it.

02/22/2018, 7-8 hpf, Moon in Taurus in development

Don't cut your hair today, better take care of its proper care. You should not dye your strands. Don't cut your nails, you might get yourself into trouble. Relaxing your facial skin will be the ideal solution for today. Positive day for physical activity- you can do stretching and plastic movements, which will make you sexy.

02/23/2018, 8-9 l.d., Moon in Gemini increasing

Good time to create new ones fashionable haircuts, promises you a replenishment of positive energy. Dyeing light colors will not only make you look younger, but will also make your hair healthier. Shorten your nails if you are a lover of practicality and convenience. On this day, trimmed nails will grow slower. You should always take care of your face wisely. Don't overdo the procedures. Gymnastics will make your figure slimmer.

02/24/2018, 9-10 hpf, Moon in Gemini waxing

The haircut will make you beautiful and you will like it very much. Use mousses, foams, and hairsprays to fix your hair. Don't forget to take care of your hand skin, it's a perfect day for this. Clay wrap will improve your skin. The diet will help improve your shape before spring.

02/25/2018, 10-11 l.d. Moon in Cancer increasing

For those who love curls, it’s time to change their image and get a bio-perm. Dye your hair with natural dyes. We're not touching our nails today. Give your skin a rest.

02/26/2018, 11-12 hpf, Moon in Cancer in growth

Unfavorable time for hair processes. Dyeing hair only in light shades. For your skin, relax for the whole day. Day for hair removal.

02/27/2018, 12-13 hpf, Moon in Leo waxing

Do beautiful hairstyle, don’t forget about your bangs, you can cut them today. If you want to improve memory, increase performance, activate logic and restore the central nervous system, dye your hair. Be careful when trimming nails and creating beautiful manicure, do not leave wounds. Epilation is ideal for the body today.

02/28/2018, 13-14, Moon in Leo in growth

Cutting your hair will bring you happiness, it will radiate beauty and health. Dye your hair only from trusted hairdressers. Try it different techniques manicure, choose the most fashion trends in nail design, it will improve your mood. We cleanse the face so that over time a healthy glow of the skin and a beautiful blush appear. This way you can avoid highlighter makeup. Massage does wonders, trust your body to the master.

Successful haircut, healthy and beautiful hair are the key to beauty for the fair sex - it is for this reason that many of them turn to the specialized Lunar calendar of haircuts, knowing what a powerful influence the Moon has on a person.

Hair cutting in February 2018, favorable days: favorable days

It is known that various events have a certain effect on a person's hair cutting.

By choosing the most favorable day for a haircut, you will preserve your positive forces and get rid of everything negative, and find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

The lunar hair cutting calendar for February 2018 will be able to assist you in planning a visit to the hairdresser and will be able to help you determine favorable and unfavorable days month for hair cutting.

Remember that cutting or coloring your hair at a favorable time can not only strengthen your hair, but also attract good luck in business and even success in finance. Actions with hair performed on unfavorable days according to the Lunar calendar can have an unpleasant effect. That is why many astrologers recommend planning a trip to the hairdresser in accordance with the phases of the moon.

Favorable days of February:

Favorable days:

According to the lunar calendar, February 1-3 are very favorable for haircuts - hair cut at this time will retain its shape and beauty longer. During the waning moon, hair will grow slowly, but will become thick and healthy.

All procedures for hair according to the lunar calendar of haircuts on February 5-6 help to improve its structure and health, but it will grow slower than with the waxing Moon.

According to the lunar calendar, February 27-28 are the most favorable days for various manipulations with hair. Curls trimmed these days become more voluminous and beautiful, and they also grow faster.

Hair cutting in February 2018, favorable days: when should you not cut your hair?

According to the lunar calendar, very unfavorable days for cutting hair are from February 11 to 18:00 on February 13.

If you get a haircut on February 16-18, the haircut will be unsuccessful and shapeless, the hair will be very shaggy and unruly. In addition, haircuts done these days lead to the formation of dandruff.

Among other things, the full moon enhances the unfavorable influence during this period.

The lunar haircut calendar advises not to touch your hair at all, not even to comb your hair on February 19-20. These days, hair is especially vulnerable, and it will take a long time to repair the damage. If you cut your hair these days, your hair will become brittle and thin and will begin to fall out a lot. Shaving on this day is also not recommended.

February is the coldest and most merciless month of the year. It is especially cruel to our appearance - skin and hair suffer from low temperatures, and therefore require special care and attention, informs rosregistr. At the same time, the smell of spring is already in the air and every woman wants to quickly become as beautiful and magical as possible - in our material we’ll talk about when is the best time to cut and dye your hair in February 2018, because the processes are an integral part of preparing a new, spring look.

The lunar calendar will help you choose a good day for a haircut. As you know, the earth’s satellite has a direct impact on all processes on our planet, including the growth of human hair. A correctly chosen day for a haircut will help to renew not only your hairstyle, but also your personal energy, which will subsequently affect not only your appearance, but also important areas of our existence - the course of business and the implementation of plans, communication with others, and more.

If we talk specifically about hair, then there are a few rules to remember:

- Hair is not cut on the Full Moon and New Moon - the days are considered extremely unlucky and even in some senses “satanic.”

— A haircut on a growing rune will help speed up hair growth and promote its renewal and healing. This is a good time for those who like to change their hairstyles and looks frequently.

— Haircut on the waning moon helps to increase hair volume, but slows down its growth. If you went to a stylist at this time, then do not doubt his professionalism one bit, because you are unlikely to be able to change your hairstyle and “grow” it out quickly.

According to the lunar calendar for February 2018, favorable days for haircuts are “concentrated” in the first days of the month. From the 20th there will be complete stagnation, which means you need to get to the hairdresser before this date. In principle, most ladies will rush to change their hairstyle much earlier, because they are preparing to surprise their loved ones on Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14th.

Favorable days for a haircut in February 2018 are February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 28.

Favorable days for hair coloring in February 2018 are February 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 27.

On energetically unfavorable days, it is better to avoid going to the hairdresser. At this time, along with your hair, you can “cut down” your health, luck, and even harm the course of fateful events in your personal life. It can also damage your hair. which after changing your hairstyle will begin to break and even fall out.

Let us note that February is a unique month in some way, because there will not be a single full moon in it. But the New Moon will be and falls on February 16 - at this time it is better not to touch your hair, but drawing up a detailed beauty and business plan for the future period will be the best idea.

Also, some other days are not suitable for cutting hair: February 5, 10, 13-19, 27-28. Among all the variety of modern hairdressing techniques: chemicals, dyeing, highlighting, coloring, etc., you will definitely choose the one that will help you completely transform or highlight your appearance, because the main thing for this is to choose the right lunar day.

17th lunar day. Moon in Leo

One of better days months to improve and tidy up your hair. For hair at this time, use any nourishing masks- both industrially produced and made from natural ingredients that can be found in your kitchen. It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial effect of wine vinegar or alcoholic tinctures of medicinal plants, as well as the Darsonval device, on the scalp or hair on this day. You can get a haircut.

18th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

Take time today to carefully examine your reflection in the mirror. Assess whether you have swelling under gas, whether new wrinkles have appeared, how your skin looks in general, the whites of your eyes, whether the corners of your lips are cracked. Such a thorough analysis will make it possible to determine exactly how to improve your appearance while maintaining the health of your major organs. On this day, the same benefits for beauty as for general well-being are beneficial. Get a practical haircut.

19th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

Try to improve your intestinal function - on this day you may need to help it by taking appropriate medications or eating foods that promote normal intestinal motility. This is a great time to get a pedicure and cleanse the skin of your feet from calluses and corns. The only thing is to try to ensure the sterility of all instruments and vessels that you will use. You can't get your hair cut.

20th lunar day. Moon in Libra

On this day, be careful about the recommendations to drink several liters of liquid: the kidneys are vulnerable, so by drinking excessively you can provoke the appearance of edema. Even mild hypothermia can also cause problems in the lumbar region, so dress warmly, remember: what is good for a warm climate is not always suitable for ours. You can begin a course of herbal treatment for the kidneys and genitourinary system. Visit a hairdresser.

21st lunar day. Moon in Libra

This is a great time to choose the right makeup for yourself. Ask your stylist for advice. The impression you make on others depends on the color of your hair, mascara, skin tone, and lipstick. Also today your face will not react to new products decorative cosmetics unwanted allergic reactions. You can change the shape of your eyebrows, tattoo the contours of your eyes and lips, or create a new hairstyle.

22nd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

This is a good time to start fighting a double chin, as well as to treat and begin prosthetic treatment of teeth located on the lower jaw. You can pierce your ears, cleanse the skin of your neck from papillomas and age spots. Gymnastics aimed at increasing neck mobility are also welcome. You should keep your feet warm if you want to avoid gynecological diseases and cystitis. You can get a haircut.

23rd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

On this day, the genitals are vulnerable. So sex can be a source of problems. Postpone your love date. It is also better to consult with an “intimate” doctor on another day. You can treat a throat, sinusitis, runny nose, remove tonsils, take care of the thyroid gland. Take hormonal medications with caution. Maintain a good mood, drive away gloomy thoughts. It's better not to cut your hair.

24th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

Today it is better to sleep longer, and you need to eat plenty, but plant foods are preferable. All this will help you accumulate the missing energy, and you will feel much stronger. You should not walk a lot, as stress on the pelvic area can cause joint problems instead of benefit. Postpone the anti-cellulite massage in the thigh area to another day. Make sure that the manifestations of hemorrhoids do not worsen. A haircut will be useful.

25th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

It's time to take care of your hands. Start performing a gymnastics routine aimed at increasing the flexibility of your arm joints and strengthening your muscles. You can cleanse the skin on your hands, nourish and moisturize it. You can also remove age spots and warts on your hands. One of the best days for a manicure, since the skin on the hands is less vulnerable, so injuries and cuts, if any, will be minor. Nourish your nails. Visit a hairdresser.

26th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

Take care of your liver on this day. Do not load it with fatty foods and alcohol, eat foods that promote the outflow of bile. You can cleanse the blood with cranberry and viburnum fruit drinks. Do not schedule surgery to remove gallstones on this day. But breathing exercises are very useful - look on the Internet for complexes by different authors, try which one suits you best. Getting a haircut is not contraindicated.

26th and 27th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn

Today, all manipulations aimed at rejuvenating the body will be especially effective. And they will be accompanied by a long-lasting effect. So you should not be lazy and make every effort to “preserve” the results achieved in improving your own appearance. It is better to start dental treatment and prosthetics on another day. Massage is not recommended. You can cut your hair, but be sure to keep your hair well moisturized.

27th and 28th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn

If symptoms of any disease appear, do not waste time; start treatment immediately so that the disease does not become protracted. Do not use any personal care products that are new to you, as this may cause skin rashes that will be difficult to get rid of. Be careful not to experience constipation. Eat mostly warm and hot food, as cold food can take a very long time to digest. You can get a haircut.

28th and 29th lunar days. Moon in Aquarius

In the first half of the day, you can use the services of beauty specialists to put your appearance in order. In the afternoon, it is better to take care of yourself on your own - this will give you more guarantees that you will not catch any infection, and also that you will not contract negative thoughts and moods from the specialist. Sociability can play a cruel joke on you now: it is possible that you will be repeatedly discharged.

29th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

Today, early in the morning, it is worth making a choice in favor of not so much beautiful and fashionable shoes, but rather comfortable and stable shoes, since subluxations and sprains of the ankle joint can easily and quickly occur. So move carefully and use shoes to stabilize your feet. Try to remain calm in any situation - hypocrisy can cause neuralgia.

30th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

On this day, take care of your eyes - you should not burden them with painstaking work and reading, it is better to walk more and look at the beauty of the surrounding nature. The manifestations of arthritis and arthrosis may worsen. Remove them with therapeutic baths for the joints; planned operations on the joints are contraindicated today. Do not try to improve the shape of your legs through physical activity - the day is absolutely not suitable for this.

1st lunar day. Moon in Pisces. New moon

On this day, you need to give your skin and hair the opportunity to regenerate and heal itself, so you should not do any procedures, except for cleansing with water. An active lifestyle is contraindicated, if only because the feet are very vulnerable, so on this day it is better to give them the opportunity to rest and not put any strain on them. You should not get a pedicure, as the cuts will take a long time to heal, and there is a high risk of infection.

2nd lunar day. Moon in Pisces

Today you can choose a suitable diet for about a month. When choosing, be guided by your intuition: if any food causes internal rejection, do not buy it, buy what you want to eat. It is your body that tells you what is good for you and what is harmful. In the same way, you can choose your skin and hair care products. Getting a haircut today is not very useful - your hair may become thinner.

3rd lunar day. Moon in Aries

This is a great time to start taking on many of your planned self-care routines. The only thing is to leave your head alone for now, that is, you can take care of any part of the body, and it is better to start improving your hair and facial skin at another time, since today they are very vulnerable, so accidental injuries will not be uncommon. Plastic surgery on the face, removal and prosthetics of teeth - all these procedures are prohibited today. Like cutting hair.

4th lunar day. Moon in Aries

You can consult an ophthalmologist about which glasses are best to buy. To start the course medical procedures, designed to heal your eyes and improve your vision, the day is also very good. Try not to strain yourself too much, so as not to provoke migraines or fever. blood pressure. Throughout the day, periodically rest your eyes by contemplating absolute darkness. Put off the haircut.

5th lunar day. Moon in Aries

On this day you can treat kidneys, as well as radiculitis, lumbar neuralgia. Today you can even plan kidney operations, operations to crush and remove stones in these organs. But plan operations to correct the nasal septum on other days. You can't pierce your ears. You should not walk without a hat, as spring drafts can be very dangerous for your head. It's not worth getting a haircut.

6th lunar day. Moon in Taurus

Plan a visit to the gynecologist today: intimate organs are the least vulnerable and best treated at this time. Protect your neck from drafts and unnecessary injuries. It is better not to perform a gymnastic complex aimed at improving her mobility on this day. The skin of the neck is also very sensitive now, so it can only be cleansed with non-aggressive care products. Haircut is good for hair.

7th lunar day. Moon in Taurus

You can begin a course of exercises aimed at developing pelvic mobility, and, accordingly, at improving the health of those organs that are located in it. Perform any therapeutic procedures designed to improve the condition of the uterus, cervix, appendages, and in men the prostate gland: side effects will not be. You cannot remove tonsils or perform operations on the throat or thyroid gland. You can get a haircut.

8th lunar day. Moon in Gemini

The bronchi, lungs, and upper respiratory tract are very vulnerable on this day. Inhalations with medicines can cause allergies, even if they always passed without consequences. The cleanliness of the air you breathe is of particular importance. So it’s better not to walk past working industrial zones. But in general, you can walk for quite a long time - load your leg joints without fear. A haircut will make your hair look more airy.

9th and 10th lunar days. Moon in Gemini

In the first half of the day, cut off unnecessary information from yourself if you do not want to provoke problems with the respiratory system, runny nose and sinusitis. For this reason, all visits to beauty salons should be planned for the second half of the day, when there will be less negativity around, and the thoughts of others will become more positive. Today, minimize water procedures; instead of doing good, they can do much more harm.

10th and 11th lunar days. Moon in Cancer

Do not plan to care for your breasts and décolleté on this day. Plastic surgery in the chest area and removal of age spots, moles and papillomas are contraindicated. But cleansing procedures using non-aggressive means, moisturizing and nourishing the skin are allowed. Pay close attention to your stomach, as gastritis may worsen on this day. It is also better not to plan operations on the stomach. You can get a haircut.

11th and 12th lunar days. Moon in Cancer

Today you can take care of your knees, as well as treat those joints that hurt you. Salt deposits, gout, arthrosis and arthritis can be treated on this day, you just need to contact a specialist and choose the appropriate method. It's a good time to visit the dentist, treatment, removal and prosthetics. You can massage your back, since the spine is less vulnerable. A haircut will have good consequences.

13th lunar day. Moon in Leo

On this day, it is worth taking into account the mistakes of the past and not stepping on the same rake that you stepped on before. If you previously got burned by choosing the wrong hairdresser or cosmetologist, then you should not go to see them again. Try not to plan heavy loads for today - your heart may not be able to cope with them. Take care of your hair: get a haircut, make nourishing masks.

14th lunar day. Moon in Leo

An excellent day for treating blood vessels. If you have found a recipe for cleaning them a long time ago, it’s time to try to put it into practice. Surgeries on blood vessels, eyes, and joints can be planned at this time. You should not visit public institutions such as a bathhouse or sauna, as you can pick up some kind of infection. When it comes to self-care methods, choose those that use hot masks rather than cold ones. You can get a haircut.