Hot and cold paraffin therapy. Step-by-step instructions with video

For those who regularly take care of their hands, I think they are already familiar with the procedure called paraffin therapy for hands. If not, then now you will learn a lot of interesting things about it. In fact, it is done for the legs and even for the face, but today we will look in detail at the entire process of performing this method on the hands.

The skin of the hands is one of the places that requires careful care to preserve beauty and youth.

Paraffin therapy for hands has the following properties:

  1. Strengthens the skin of the hands;
  2. Increases skin elasticity and firmness;
  3. Has a long-lasting protective effect;
  4. Creates a lifting effect;
  5. Deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  6. Improves blood microcirculation in the hands.

These are the main advantages of this procedure, which can be performed either in the salon or at home, and today we will tell you exactly how to do this.

In order for the effect to be long-lasting and amazing, you need to complete the procedure following all the conditions and steps. This way we can saturate our hands with a vitamin complex and protect them for quite a long time.

The process itself will consist of the following steps: preparing paraffin, peeling hands, nourishing the skin of the hands with a vitamin complex, applying a paraffin mask, removing paraffin.

Preparing paraffin

The first thing we need is to purchase the paraffin itself, and we will need to buy a special cosmetic paraffin, only this can be used for our hand paraffin therapy procedure. We will need about half a kilogram of the product, and the price of paraffin of this volume will be about 200 rubles. Then you need to melt it, and this can be done either in a special bath, which can be purchased additionally (if you plan to do it constantly), or melted in a water bath.

By the way, the melting point of cosmetic paraffin is about 54 degrees. This will take about 15 minutes.

If you are interested in the price of a paraffin therapy bath, it varies from 500 to 3000 rubles on average, and more. If you do it in a water bath, then consider the choice of dishes in such a way that your hands fit easily into the dishes; it should be deep enough for paraffin therapy to take place without difficulty.

Let's perform a hand peeling procedure

To make the effect more powerful and the nutrition to go as deep into the skin as possible, it is necessary to exfoliate your hands. And we will make it according to a special recipe, which is very easy to prepare and quite effective.

In addition to hand creams, there are care products such as masks, peelings and paraffin.

Take the following ingredients in equal parts, about a tablespoon or a little less:

  • Cereals;
  • Baking soda;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Sea salt;
  • Jojoba or olive oil.

Mix all this and apply it to your hands, then rub it over the skin and warm it up thoroughly. Afterwards we’ll wash it off. That's it, the peeling is done and excess dead skin particles are removed.

Nourish the skin of your hands with oils and vitamins

To ensure that the paraffin therapy procedure for hands is not in vain, we need to saturate our hands with a complex of vitamins. For this we need:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Sea buckthorn oil;
  • Calendula oil.

All these components can be bought at the pharmacy and are usually sold either in capsules or bottles.

Creams and oils moisturize and saturate the skin with moisture and vitamins

We also mix them in equal proportions, but the volume needed is very small, 2-3 drops. Mix the ingredients in a heated bowl, and then apply them to your hands, rubbing thoroughly. Now our hands are ready for the paraffin therapy procedure itself.

Paraffin mask or paraffin therapy procedure for hands

At this stage we should already have melted paraffin, but make sure you don't burn your hands. As we already said, the melting point of paraffin is about 54 degrees, and this is enough not to damage your hands.

Paraffin in hand skin care is not an innovation; it has been used for a long time

Now we need to immerse our hands in the bath or our dishes. We immerse one by one and let it set a little, 10-15 seconds after each immersion. Immerse each hand 3 or 5 times, after which a thick layer of paraffin will form on the surface of the skin.

Creating the thermal effect of a sauna

After applying the paraffin mask, we put on cellophane gloves, you can also put a plastic bag on top, and then put on thick terry mittens, if you don’t have any, then use a terry towel and wrap your hands in it. While waiting, a sauna effect is created and hands warm up. The recommended time to wait is from 20 to 40 minutes. 40 won't be too much.

Removing the mask and the effect of the procedure

When the required time has passed, remove gloves and paraffin from your hands, you can apply regular cream. You should feel the effect immediately after paraffin therapy. If you just want to perform prevention, you can do it once a month or whenever you wish.

You will feel and see the difference before and after paraffin therapy immediately. Because your skin will look and feel different too.

Such procedures can be done not only in the salon, but also independently at home.


There are also some contraindications for paraffin therapy. It is not recommended to perform it if:

  1. There are allergic reactions to the substance;
  2. Constant hanging pressure;
  3. Varicose veins;
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Severe skin damage.

If you cannot do paraffin therapy, there is some alternative, in the form of using paraffin cream.

2 772 0 Hello, dear ladies! Today we will tell you about paraffin baths for hands, how to do them correctly, which paraffin to choose, whether there are contraindications and much more.

Characteristics and types of paraffin

Paraffin is a fatty, insoluble product that has no taste, color, or smell. It is one of the products of oil refining. Has properties similar to wax.

Widely used in cosmetology and medicine due to its good heat transfer. In medicine it is used together with ozokerite to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Paraffin applications are indicated for patients suffering from salt deposits. Thanks to such thermal procedures, the flow of blood and lymph to diseased areas improves. A sufficient volume of blood allows the tissues to receive more nutrients, which improves the functioning of the muscular system and joint tissue.

In cosmetology, paraffin is used with the addition of various oils, vitamins and herbs to improve skin condition. There are two types:

  1. Hot paraffin helps open pores and stimulates sweating. The film that paraffin creates on the skin retains moisture, removes toxins, and improves blood flow. Thanks to this, the skin retains youth and elasticity.
  2. Cold paraffin has the same properties as hot. The difference is the absence of thermal effects on the skin. Used if there are contraindications to hot procedures.

Paraffin bath treatments in the salon

Paraffin therapy for hands in beauty salons is a fairly common type of service. There are several types and methods of doing it.

Methods of paraffin therapy

In salons and medical cosmetology institutions, paraffin can be used on any part of the body. The following methods are used for this:

  • layering– paraffin is applied using a brush in several layers;
  • dive– paraffin therapy technique by immersing a body part in a bath of molten paraffin;
  • application-napkin The method involves two application methods. The first two layers of cosmetic wax are applied with a brush, the temperature of which is 55 0 C, and gauze impregnated with paraffin, the temperature of which is 65 0 C, is applied on top.

Types of procedures with a paraffin bath and their implementation

Paraffin baths are a fairly popular hand care procedure. Thanks to this procedure, the skin will regain its former youth, become silky and moisturized. In addition, paraffin will eliminate dryness, dullness of the skin, relieve inflammation and itching.

There are 3 types of paraffin therapy:

  • for hands;
  • for legs;
  • for face.

Let's tell you in more detail about each of them.

Stages of paraffin therapy for hands

  • Step 1. The master disinfects hands with special means.
  • Step 2. Next, apply nourishing cream to your hands with massage movements.
  • Step 3. Then the hands are immersed in a paraffin bath several times.
  • Step 4. Next, the master wraps his hands in special disposable bags and terry or fleece mittens and leaves them for 20 minutes to get the best effect.
  • Step 5. After 20 minutes, the paraffin gloves are removed with a damp terry towel.
  • Step 6. Moisturizing cream is applied to the hands with massage movements.

Stages of paraffin therapy for feet

The procedure is similar to the previous type. A distinctive feature is the use of a scrub before the disinfection procedure. This is necessary to cleanse the feet of dead skin cells, which will help make the feet soft, open the pores and improve the penetration of nutrients into the pores.

After the procedure, the master rubs a softening cream into the skin of the legs and performs a massage. This procedure allows you to cope with pain and fatigue in the legs, helps get rid of corns.

Stages of paraffin therapy for the face

The third type is paraffin therapy for the face. It is performed by applying cosmetic wax using a special brush.

  • Paraffin is applied in several layers (3-5), after which a warm towel is applied to the face for 30 minutes.
  • After the specified time, the master wipes the skin with another clean and warm towel and applies a moisturizing or nourishing cream with massage movements.

What is needed to carry out the procedure at home?

If you do not always have the opportunity to visit beauty salons for procedures in a paraffin bath, you can do it yourself at home. To do this you need:

  • container for paraffin (paraffin bath, enamel pan);
  • cosmetic wax - paraffin with additives in accordance with your skin type and the desired effect;
  • plastic mittens or bags;
  • warm mittens or terry towels;
  • scrub;
  • cosmetic oil, nourishing or moisturizing cream.

How to make a paraffin bath for hands at home

In order to get the effect of paraffin therapy, procedures should be performed within 10 days. During this time, paraffin will give maximum effect and accumulate positive results for a long time.

  1. Melt the paraffin using a special bath or in a water bath in a saucepan. It is important to prevent liquid from getting into the container with cosmetic wax. Water can cause burns to the skin of your hands.
  2. Prepare your hands for the procedure:
    - wash your hands with soap and running water;
    - clean nail plates from cosmetic varnish;
    - cleanse the skin with a scrub and rinse with water;
    - dry your hands with a towel;
    - Apply the cream to the skin of your hands with massage movements.
  1. Place your hands in the bath with cosmetic wax up to the wrist for 5 seconds. Repeat the procedure 3 to 5 times.
  2. Wear plastic bags or mittens.
  3. Wear warm mittens or wrap your hands in a towel. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove paraffin from hands.
  5. Apply cream or oil with massage movements.

Useful properties of paraffin

Our hands are exposed to the adverse effects of the external environment every day: they suffer from detergents, cold and hot temperatures and other aggressive factors. Without proper care, the skin becomes dry, tight, and loses its youth and elasticity.

To restore freshness and youth to the skin of the hands, cosmetology uses special purified paraffin, which, due to its good heat transfer:

  • expands pores, which allows the beneficial substances contained in paraffin to be better absorbed into the skin;
  • moisturizes– heat stimulates sweating, and the paraffin film does not allow it to pass through, due to which moisture is retained in the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • removes toxins through intense sweating– toxins linger on the skin of the hands and are easily removed with a paraffin film;
  • stimulates the process of local blood circulation, which helps enrich your hands with useful substances and oxygen, which allows you to preserve youth and natural color;
  • smoothes wrinkles– after application, paraffin slightly tightens and smoothes the skin during the hardening process;
  • strengthens nail plates, thanks to fortified paraffin additives;
  • enhance the effect of cosmetics, which are applied before applying paraffin.

pros paraffin therapy

  • makes the skin young, smooth and silky;
  • relieves redness and peeling;
  • improves lymphatic drainage and blood flow;
  • opens pores, saturates the skin with vitamins;
  • moisturizes and cares for hands.

Paraffin hand baths are used to enrich the epidermis with vitamins, micro and macroelements that are included in paraffin. The next task of paraffin therapy is to moisturize the skin of the hands. This occurs under the temperature influence of the paraffin film.

Many representatives of the fair sex refuse paraffin hand baths for fear of getting burns. These fears are unjustified, since paraffin has low heat transfer, which allows it to transfer heat “in portions.”

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin;
  • wounds, cuts;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, tachycardia, etc.);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • varicose veins;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • chronic kidney diseases.

What paraffin is suitable for baths?

Often women, when getting acquainted with paraffin therapy, think that the beauty industry uses paraffin, on the basis of which candles are made. However, it is not. This type is not suitable for cosmetic procedures, as it has low heat conductivity and can leave burns on the skin.

Paraffin baths for hands and feet are based on special purified cosmetic paraffin. You can buy such paraffin at a pharmacy, specialty store or online store.

There are several types of cosmetic paraffin:

  • pure – does not contain additives, dyes;
  • paraffin with various oils, vitamins, flavors and other additives.

When choosing paraffin, you should give preference to the product that is right for you and meets your needs.

For example:

  • For owners of hands with cracks, inflammation, as well as ladies prone to allergies, it is recommended to choose paraffin with peach oil or aloe vera, which will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms without causing adverse reactions.
  • If you have dry hand skin, choose paraffin with wheat germ, olive, almond and cocoa oils.
  • For youthful hand skin, choose fortified oil, which must include: vitamin E.

Today you can purchase kits that include all the necessary tools for the procedure:

  • paraffin for cosmetic purposes;
  • a special paraffin bath that melts and maintains paraffin in a liquid state throughout the entire procedure;
  • disposable polyethylene and fleece hand mittens;
  • hand skin care products.

How to choose the right bath and cosmetic wax

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to:

  1. The volume and size are selected depending on which parts of the body you will perform paraffin therapy on: arms, elbows, legs. For hands, it is enough to purchase a 2-liter bath; for feet, a larger bath is needed.
  2. Heating time – the faster the paraffin heats up, the better. This can save time and energy. Today there are baths on the market whose heating time ranges from 90 minutes to 4 hours.
  3. The presence of a thermostat that will indicate when the paraffin reaches the desired temperature and will maintain it.
  4. A filter that performs a cleaning function and frees paraffin from unnecessary particles. The filter will also simplify the procedure for cleaning the bath.
  5. Stability – it is better if the bath is made of anti-slip material or has suction cups on its bottom.
  6. Price. In pharmacies and specialized stores, paraffin therapy baths are presented at a fairly high price; you can save money by purchasing it in an online store.

Where to buy inexpensively

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Cosmetic wax is sold in packages of 450 g. This volume is quite enough for 6 procedures. It is worth noting that if no one except you uses paraffin, it can be reused. Information about this is indicated on the packaging of cosmetic wax.

Advice from professionals on paraffin therapy

Precautionary measures

You should not take paraffin baths if there are contraindications or a tendency to allergic reactions. If you are doing paraffin therapy for the first time, it is recommended to do an allergy test. To do this, you need to dip one finger into the cosmetic wax and observe the skin reaction for 24 hours. If there is no redness, rash, burning, itching or other allergy symptoms, you can dip your entire hand in paraffin.

Before carrying out the procedure not in a specialized bath with a thermostat, it is recommended to test the temperature of the wax by dipping your finger into it. Wax that is too hot can cause redness. After the procedure, you should stay warm for about 3 hours. Also, do not apply varnish or use chemical detergents during the first 2-3 hours after a paraffin bath.

Useful articles:

Find out how to properly carry out paraffin therapy for the face and body at home, features of the choice of material, contraindications and recommendations.

Paraffin therapy: description of the procedure

This procedure is a fairly effective and easy-to-use method that allows you to quickly restore freshness and attractiveness to your skin. But to carry it out you will need to purchase special paraffin, as it has a moisturizing and softening effect. That is why it helps to quickly and easily cleanse the skin of dead cells, has a rejuvenating effect, and accelerates the process of restoration of the epidermis.

One of the main advantages of this procedure is that it can be used on any area of ​​the body, especially if the skin needs additional toning and nutrition. Most often, paraffin therapy is used to care for the skin of the hands, including areas where signs of cellulite appear.

The effect after the procedure will be noticeable after the first session. Paraffin therapy is very simple and gives only pleasant sensations, so it is easy to do it yourself at home. To do this, you need to purchase cosmetic paraffin, which should not contain artificial dyes or synthetic substances.

The ideal option would be to use paraffin made from essential oils, including other natural substances. It is these compositions that have a more effective effect on the skin.

During the procedure, molten paraffin is applied to the skin, which is recommended to be melted in a water bath. It is important that the container with paraffin is completely dry, since even a drop of water can cause a severe burn.

Paraffin begins to melt at a temperature of 54 degrees, has very low thermal conductivity, so it has a fairly slow heat transfer.

The benefits of paraffin therapy

Regardless of which part of the body the cosmetic paraffin is applied to, the skin has the same effect:
  1. After applying melted paraffin to the skin, its temperature slightly increases. As a result, additional space appears between the cells, making it much easier and faster to absorb the beneficial substances and vitamins contained in the paraffin.
  2. There is an increase in sweating, so toxic substances and toxins contained in skin cells are brought to the surface.
  3. After paraffin is applied to the skin, a thin film forms on its surface, preventing the evaporation of moisture, which is subsequently absorbed by the cells.
  4. Toxins are not absorbed back, so they are easily removed from the surface of the skin.
  5. In the area where the product is applied, it has a stimulating effect on the blood circulation process, which accelerates the healing of abrasions and restores damaged areas of the epidermis much faster.
  6. After the temperature of the paraffin decreases, its volume also decreases.
  7. As a result, the skin is smoothed and swelling is eliminated.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy

These types of cosmetic procedures are considered heat compresses. Paraffin therapy is very effective, but it is prohibited to use for the following problems:
  • the presence of ulcers on the surface of the treated skin;
  • a large number of warts on the body;
  • presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • telangiectasia;
  • diagnosing diabetes mellitus;
  • rosacea;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • tumors;
  • hypertension.

What do you need for home paraffin therapy?

To carry out such a pleasant and useful cosmetic procedure yourself at home, you will need to prepare the following products in advance:
  • paraffin, which is sold in cosmetic stores or pharmacies;
  • plastic gloves if paraffin therapy is performed on the hands;
  • gauze pads to cover the face;
  • terry towel;
  • film, if paraffin therapy is carried out to combat cellulite;
  • paraffin bath;
  • a brush with which the product will be applied;
  • scrub;
  • flat spatula for applying paraffin;
  • moisturizing cream.
It is not necessary to use special baths for paraffin therapy, as they can be replaced with any other container. You can purchase a complete set for the procedure at a cosmetic store or pharmacy.

Paraffin therapy: performing the procedure at home

You can carry out this procedure yourself, since this does not require any special knowledge or skills. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and the result will be no worse than after an expensive procedure in the salon. The fact is that in a beauty salon you need to pay not only for the materials used, but also for the work of the master.

At home, the paraffin therapy procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First, paraffin is heated in a steam bath.
  2. After the paraffin turns into liquid, you need to properly prepare the skin of your hands - the varnish is removed from the nails, then the brushes are thoroughly washed with soap and a scrub is used.
  3. Apply a nourishing cream to the skin, which enhances the positive effect of paraffin.
  4. Place your hands in a container with melted paraffin.
  5. Wait about 10 seconds, but no more.
  6. Remove your hands from the container and wait until the skin dries on its own.
  7. Repeat these steps 7 times, as a fairly thick layer of paraffin should form on the skin.
  8. Without removing the paraffin from the skin, put on plastic gloves, then terry gloves. Thanks to this, heat is retained much longer and the positive effect of nutrients on the skin is enhanced.
  9. The compress is removed after about 30 minutes.
  10. Apply nourishing cream to the skin and wait until it is completely absorbed.
It is recommended to carry out paraffin therapy for the skin of the hands once every two months. If the skin is very dry or damaged, 4-5 sessions will be enough to completely restore it. Paraffin therapy helps to quickly get rid of the problem of dryness, removes small cracks, and returns the skin of the hands to an attractive appearance.

Instructions for paraffin therapy

In order for the paraffin therapy procedure to bring only benefits, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Paraffin heats up to 80 degrees.
  2. The skin must be degreased, but alcohol-based products should not be used.
  3. The composition is applied to the skin with a special spatula.
  4. If paraffin therapy is used to combat cellulite, it is necessary to use wrapping film.
  5. Cover your feet with a warm blanket.
  6. Lie in this position for about one hour.
  7. If you feel dizzy or very weak ahead of time, you should immediately remove the paraffin.
  8. After completing the procedure, a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.
  9. To obtain maximum benefit, you must undergo a full course of paraffin therapy, consisting of 10-15 procedures.
  10. To enhance the effect of paraffin, you can additionally massage your feet.

Cold paraffin therapy for hands

  1. You should only use the type of cosmetic paraffin that has a low melting point. The consistency of this product resembles a thick cream.
  2. Paraffin is easily applied to the skin and distributed with soft massage movements.
  3. Before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned of dirt and dust, and a scrub is used to remove dead particles.
  4. The skin is wiped dry with a soft towel so that it is perfectly dry.
  5. The prepared paraffin is applied to the skin using a special brush. One layer is enough.
  6. Then put on plastic gloves and terry gloves on top.
  7. Leave the paraffin compress on the skin of your hands for 20 minutes.
  8. After the specified time, carefully remove the paraffin and lubricate the skin with cream.
The effect of such a procedure will be noticeable instantly, because for quite a long period of time the skin remains perfectly smooth, soft and velvety. The cold paraffin therapy procedure can be used on different parts of the body; there are practically no restrictions. But the exception is facial skin.

Paraffin therapy for facial skin

  1. In this case, paraffin therapy is used for rejuvenation. Regular use will help restore your facial skin to a healthy appearance and youthfulness. As a result, the skin becomes elastic and soft, small facial wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. The paraffin mask perfectly moisturizes the skin and restores the correct water balance. After using it, swelling and lethargy are instantly eliminated.
  3. After using this type of mask, the oval of the face is tightened and small expression wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. It is recommended to make a paraffin mask before peeling or facial massage.
  5. It is quite difficult to do this procedure yourself, so you will need an assistant, since paraffin must be applied in layers to the skin of the face. And at this time you need to lie down, completely relaxing your facial muscles.
Paraffin therapy for the face is carried out according to the following scheme:
  • the facial skin is wiped with a tonic that does not contain alcohol, otherwise burns will remain;
  • any nourishing cream is applied to the skin;
  • paraffin is straightened in a steam bath;
  • very quickly, using a brush, liquid paraffin is applied to the skin;
  • Paraffin should be applied along the massage lines - from the chin towards the forehead, the area around the lips, eyelids and nose is not treated;
  • the first layer is applied to a gauze pad, which must be prepared before the procedure begins, in which holes are made for the nose and eyelids;
  • Several layers of paraffin are applied on top of the gauze;
  • then a terry towel is placed on top;
  • wait 20 minutes, while trying to completely relax;
  • remove the mask and apply moisturizer to your face.
If paraffin therapy is used to rejuvenate facial skin, its initial condition must be taken into account. To obtain the desired result, you will need to complete a full course consisting of 5–15 procedures. Do these masks once every two days. Not only a paraffin mask brings benefits, but also special gymnastics for the skin. If you take an integrated approach, you can forget about the problem of skin aging for a long time.

Paraffin therapy for feet

  1. This procedure can be performed on different parts of the legs.
  2. This is one of the most popular ways to combat the signs of cellulite.
  3. It is recommended to use not only paraffin, but also plankton, sea mud, vitamins, algae and minerals.
  4. It is not necessary to select all components separately, as you can purchase a special mixture with paraffin.
  5. This procedure will help to significantly reduce the amount of fat deposits.
  6. Thanks to paraffin therapy, blood microcirculation improves and the correct water-salt balance of the skin is restored.
  7. The body is cleansed of accumulated toxins and other harmful substances, the skin becomes more elastic, and elasticity increases.
It is extremely rare that dizziness may occur during such a procedure. In this case, you need to immediately interrupt the procedure. But such unpleasant sensations appear very rarely and indicate that the paraffin has been left on the body for too long. It is very easy to avoid such symptoms in the future - keep the paraffin on your body for the specified time and do not exceed it.

After using this cosmetic procedure, there is a noticeable improvement in the skin, the problem of puffiness and fine wrinkles is eliminated. With regular paraffin therapy, the skin becomes velvety and soft, and the general condition of the body improves.

Video instructions on how to do paraffin therapy at home:

Paraffin therapy is a procedure that appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of many girls and women who take care of their appearance.

The essence of the procedure

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparation of materials and workplace;
  2. Cream, optional hand massage;
  3. Hand treatment with paraffin;
  4. Sealing;
  5. Removing paraffin from hands.

It is better to plan the procedure in advance; my bath melts paraffin for about 1 hour.

The paraffin should be completely liquid, slightly thinner than jelly, homogeneous, without individual pieces.

Take a large drop of cream first onto your hands, then apply it onto the client’s hands with massaging movements (at this stage you can do a hand massage, depending on how much you charge for this service, you can skip the massage), add the cream to the client’s hands, you should get quite a large layer.

If you perform paraffin therapy on hands, then simply dip the client's hands in paraffin liquid, do not forget to put a mesh on the bottom (it usually comes with the kit) to prevent burns. Your hands should be immersed just below your wrists.

If you are doing this procedure on your feet, then it is advisable to apply paraffin with a wide brush, since fungi and all sorts of other infections are more common on your feet, so as not to stain all the remaining paraffin. If you work with a brush, you need to do it quickly, since paraffin quickly hardens in air.

Thus we apply 3 – 4 layers. It turns out that a kind of paraffin gloves are formed on the hands. We tear off 2 bags, put our hands in the bags, and tie them. This must be done in order not to stain the mittens with paraffin. We put on mittens, I additionally wrap them in terry towels. A paraffin treatment is considered well done if the client's hands become sweaty while wearing mittens, so the more warmth you provide, the better.

The client sits and enjoys it for 15 – 20 minutes.

At this time, active processes occur in the mittens to moisturize and nourish the skin and nails.

As time passes, we remove the mittens, and then the bags from our hands, and try to carefully pull the bags together with paraffin gloves.

Paraffin is removed very easily; if some amount still remains on the client’s hands, then remove it additionally.

There are contraindications - hand diseases (psoriasis, nail fungi, etc.), thrombosis, pregnancy.

This service is especially in demand during the cold season, as skin dryness increases.

How beneficial is this procedure for the master?

In terms of its effectiveness and pleasantness, paraffin therapy can be compared, perhaps, only with SPA procedures. However, it has a relatively low cost compared to SPA.

All a master needs to start providing this service to his clients is a special bath for melting paraffin, paraffin (3 pieces of 450 grams each - standard packaging), terry mittens - you can buy them in the same store or sew them yourself (I sewed , I just like to do handicrafts, especially since when you sew yourself you can choose the shape, the color of the fabric, make them with ties so that the heat does not escape, in the next article I will write how I did it and attach patterns), a roll of ordinary transparent bags (you can buy in any grocery store) or the cheapest disposable gloves, which are also sold in large packages of 1000 pieces, if you plan to do paraffin therapy after a pedicure, then a brush for applying paraffin to your feet, I use two additional terry towels, wrap them on top, to enhance the effect and rich nourishing cream.

My cost of materials was as follows:

3-liter electric bath for melting paraffin – 1,400 rubles. (I ordered from an online store, but in regular brick-and-mortar stores it costs more);

Paraffin 220 rub. – three packages, respectively, it turns out to be 660 rubles. (it’s better to immediately put in more, at least 3 pieces of paraffin, since a standard bath holds 3 liters and if there’s very little paraffin, it’s awkward to dip your hands in). Nowadays, stores offer a very large selection of paraffin, it differs in composition, essential oils that it contains, smell, and price. Since I bought paraffin not only for myself, but also for my clients, I tried to choose more neutral scents (I chose orange, lemon, I would not buy mint and jasmine - the smell is too strong, it smells like some kind of soap or freshener air, but, of course, there are no comrades according to taste and color, choose what you like best). By the way, you can only use special paraffin, not technical paraffin, since only special paraffin can be cleaned.

Mittens - it’s better if there are 2 pairs, since the essence of paraffin therapy is thermally heating the skin and maintaining the highest possible temperature afterwards - 290 rubles. two pieces – 580 rub.

And socks for paraffin therapy of feet. – 580 rub.

Now there is such an innovation as electric mittens and electric socks - convenient, but more expensive - about 1,800 rubles each. for a couple.

I also wrap terry towels on top.

A brush (I bought it at a store that sells everything for manicure, but I saw a friend of mine have an ordinary brush that she bought at a hardware store. It’s better to use, of course, one bought at a professional store, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in someone their clients), cost 90 rubles.

Cream (it’s good if this cream is thick enough in consistency, has nutritional or moisturizing properties, you can use creams that you probably already have in your arsenal). In some lines of professional cosmetics there are special creams for paraffin therapy, you can buy them, but you can also buy regular ones.

In this case, I use Rich Renewal Passon - with a pleasant aroma of tropical fruits, really moisturizes well, costs about 600 rubles. You can use something cheaper, because the cost of this procedure is quite large, you need to lubricate your hands quite generously.

The cost for one procedure was 60 rubles. approximately, I charge 300 rubles from a client. The benefits are obvious, especially since it does not require much effort and can be sold as an additional service. It is also convenient to use as a promotion - for example, when ordering a manicure with shellac as a gift.

Your clients will be satisfied; none of my clients or acquaintances remained indifferent to paraffin therapy!

Paraffin therapy is a cosmetic procedure used for skin care. Paraffin therapy will be useful for people who want to get rid of scars or scars on the skin, because the restorative properties of paraffin allow you to gradually remove these cosmetic defects.

The main thing in the article

What is paraffin therapy?

Paraffin therapy is the most popular salon procedure that helps restore elasticity and velvety to the skin. Most often, the procedure is done at home for the hands and feet, although paraffin is also useful for the following areas of the body:

  1. Face and neck
  2. Stomach
  3. Hips

There are 3 types of salon paraffin therapy procedures:

  • Dive, used for feet and hands when a certain part of the body is immersed in paraffin.
  • Layering. The layering technique involves applying paraffin to the skin using cosmetic brushes.
  • Application. During the procedure, paraffin, heated to 50 C, is applied to the skin with a brush or spatula. After this, the remaining paraffin is heated to 60C, a napkin is moistened in it and applied to the skin on top of the first layer.

Paraffin therapy: indications and contraindications

  • sagging and premature aging of the skin;
  • dry skin type that needs additional hydration;
  • acne scars, red spots after mechanical removal of acne;
  • Recommended for patients suffering from salt deposits and orthopedic problems.

Paraffin therapy is extremely useful for hand skin care, especially during the period of spring vitamin deficiency.

Paraffin therapy is contraindicated for diseases:

  1. Of cardio-vascular system.
  2. Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  3. Varicose veins and spider veins on the face.
  4. Wounds, ulcers and ulcers on the skin.
  5. If you have hyperthyroidism (increased hairiness of the skin), it is not recommended to do paraffin therapy on the abdomen and pelvic organs.

What are the benefits of paraffin therapy?

Paraffin therapy is not only a magical skin care product, but also a healing procedure. Using paraffin, you can get rid of swelling forever, especially during the summer heat. Paraffin therapy is also an effective remedy against salt deposits, is useful for peeling rough skin on the feet, softens the skin of the hands, and when sea salt is added to the paraffin mask, the effect of lymphatic drainage is enhanced - the elasticity of the skin increases.

By adding oils to cosmetic paraffin, you can cleanse the skin of dead cells, increase blood flow, and after only 3-4 procedures you will notice that expression lines have become smaller. And vitamin E, which is present in paraffin, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, soothing and drying skin rashes.

Under the paraffin film, the skin temperature increases approximately 1-fold, due to which moisture is released from the open pores. The film fits tightly, and moisture does not have the opportunity to evaporate - it is absorbed again, restoring the water balance of the skin.

An increase in temperature promotes improved blood circulation, as a result, damaged tissues heal, sore joints warm up and the body is cleansed of toxins.

How to do paraffin therapy on hands and feet at home?

Before starting the procedure, lightly exfoliate the skin and then wipe it dry with a towel. When paraffin therapy of any area, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Do not allow water to get into the paraffin, otherwise you may get burned.
  2. Before the procedure, a rich cream is applied to the skin to prevent the possibility of burns.
  3. Test your skin's reaction to paraffin by applying it to your wrist or forearm.
  4. When performing paraffin therapy on hands or feet, the skin should be treated with a disinfectant.
  5. Paraffin therapy during manicure is done in the interval between working with the cuticle and the final massage.
  6. After removing the paraffin, it is recommended to wipe the skin with lotion, because the pores are open and the product is perfectly absorbed.

To carry out paraffin therapy, paraffin is required - the main component of the procedure. Cosmetic paraffin is heated to a temperature of 50C, after which hands or feet are immersed in it 5 times with an interval of 2 minutes.

Many people are intimidated by the prospect of immersing their hands or feet in a very hot mass, but don’t worry, paraffin has minimal heat transfer - it’s simply impossible to burn the skin.

Cosmetic paraffin is enriched with oils and vitamins, which during the procedure have a softening, caring effect. Paraffin will envelop your skin and you need to cover it with cellophane, put on mittens or socks and leave for 20 minutes. It is not recommended to walk during the specified time - it is better to lie down and rest so that the paraffin and its components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

At the end of the procedure, you don’t even have to wash off the paraffin, because it comes off perfectly in layers; you just need to pull one of the edges of the film.

How often is paraffin therapy done for hands and feet?

In the absence of contraindications, there are no restrictions on paraffin therapy at home. The good thing about this procedure is that it has a softening and soothing effect on the skin. You can use paraffin therapy 2-3 times a week, use it after every manicure and foot peeling. For the face and abdomen, 1-2 treatments per week are enough to maintain the skin’s moisture balance at any time of the year.

What does the set for paraffin therapy of hands and feet consist of?

To carry out the paraffin therapy procedure at home you need:

  • cosmetic paraffin
  • clean cellophane bags
  • napkin
  • brushes if paraffin will be applied to the face
  • You can also use aromatic oils (1-2 drops for the procedure), sea salt.

The main component of the procedure is paraffin, and it must first be melted. There are special paraffin melting devices on sale that do the job for you. If you don’t want to buy it, you can melt the paraffin in a water bath.

Paraffin therapy is a fairly economical procedure, and you can buy 450 g of the main component at the following price:

  • Paraffin company WaxKiss with aromatic jasmine extracts – from 350 to 400 rubles.
  • Paraffin Simei tea tree 200 rub.
  • Paraffin Velena with vanilla and avocado aroma 350 rub.

You can also purchase a ready-made set for paraffin therapy, which includes paraffin melt for 1 cartridge, paraffin spray, collagen cream and terry mittens. The economy version of the set will cost you 1800 rubles.

Paraffin therapy bath for hands and feet, how to make a paraffin mask for hands?

Paraffin baths are extremely beneficial for hands and feet; they are used by manicurists and massage therapists who want to relax and soften the patient’s skin before the procedure. A professional bath for paraffin therapy costs in the range of 1.5–3 thousand rubles, and it is simply irrational to purchase it for a trial procedure. To try and evaluate the effects of the procedure at home you will need:

  • cosmetic paraffin;
  • container for the bath (plastic deep bowl);
  • gloves or plastic bags;
  • rich hand cream;
  • gloves or socks.

  1. For the procedure, take paraffin, place it in a metal bowl and place in a water bath. The slightest drop of water can cause a burn, so thoroughly wipe the dishes and spatula with which you will stir the paraffin.
  2. When the paraffin melts and heats up to 50–55 C, pour it into a plastic container and place your hands or feet in it.
  3. Lower, hold for 2 minutes, and then remove for 15-20 seconds. Thus, you get 5 dives, after which the arms or legs are placed in cellophane, warm gloves or socks are put on top and the paraffin is kept for another 15–20 minutes.

At home, paraffin hand masks are a real salvation, because the skin constantly comes into contact with water, household detergents and soap. You can apply paraffin to your hands at least 2 times a day, using baths or the layering method.

We have already discussed the technique of using baths, but applying cosmetic paraffin with a brush is an express method for restoring the skin. For this you will need a brush with synthetic fiber, melted paraffin and gloves.

  1. Cover your hands with a rich cream
  2. Apply liquid and warm paraffin with a brush, paying attention to the wrists and the area between the fingers.
  3. Put on gloves

Keep the paraffin on your hands for 15–20 minutes, then carefully separate it from the skin and wipe it with tonic.

Velvety skin, a well-groomed appearance, a solution to the problem of dryness and savings on salon procedures - these are the main advantages of paraffin therapy at home. Regular use of paraffin preserves your appearance, health and budget!