Games for strengthening the mind for elementary school. Hardening the body through exercises and water games

Competitive game “On the benefits of hardening”

“If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”

“Sun, air and water are our best friends! »

Leading . Why do people get colds? The fact is that human skin is much more sensitive to cold than to heat. And in order to ensure that even a slight draft does not cause hypothermia and does not lead to a runny nose, sneezing, or more serious consequences, it is necessary to train the body to cold influences. But that is not all. Our body is a hostel for microbes. The body’s defenses restrain their reproduction and “subversive” activities. But as a result of some strong influence, for example cooling, the protective forces are weakened and pathogenic microbes, which had previously quietly nested in a certain place in the body, begin to manifest their harmful properties. Chronic rhinitis worsens, and a runny nose begins, a sore throat develops, or a general reaction of the body occurs, which was previously called a cold.

Blitz survey

1. How often have you had a cold this year?

0- never

1- from 1 to 4 times

2- more than 4 times

2. Do you have chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis)?

1 - one disease

2- complex of diseases

3- Do you have days of general malaise (lethargy, loss of energy, drowsiness, mild headaches, etc.)?

0 - extremely rare

2- Very often

If you scored 0-1 points, then your health is fine,

2-4 points – you are at risk,

5-6 points – your body is weakened.

Leading Summing up the results of the survey, we saw that many of us have poor health and are susceptible to colds and respiratory diseases. How to help yourself? There is only one answer - hardening.

Hardening the body.

What is hardening?

Modern homes, clothing, transport, etc. reduce the impact on the human body of atmospheric influences, such as temperature, humidity, and sunlight. Reducing such influences on our body reduces its resistance to environmental factors.

It has long been noted that very low or heat the external environment causes illness in some people, while others easily tolerate it. Under the same conditions (age, gender, clothing), the person who has hardened his body from an early age and accustomed it to temperature fluctuations can more easily endure frost and heat.

Consequently, hardening is a set of techniques that are systematically used to train the body’s resistance to environmental temperature influences.

Physiological mechanism of hardening effects.

The systematic and repeated effect on the body of lowering or lowering the ambient temperature and solar radiation causes a restructuring of the level of metabolism and many other physiological functions.

The most important thing is hardening to cold, since hypothermia is the most common reason acute respiratory diseases (ARI). When hardening under the influence of the systematic action of cold air, metabolism increases, immunity increases - the ability to quickly mobilize protective forces. Cardiac activity becomes more intense, blood movement through the vessels accelerates. More blood warmed inside the body enters the skin, which protects the surface of the body from hypothermia. Hardening provides training for these processes and their clearer, more streamlined control.

In hardened people who regularly wipe their bodies with a damp towel or douse themselves with cold water, the expansion and contraction of skin blood vessels occurs faster.

When the ambient temperature changes, the body immediately adapts to these conditions: skin blood vessels narrow, metabolism increases. Therefore, seasoned people are less susceptible to colds. They are more resilient. Cooling in such people does not cause suppression of protective forces, but, on the contrary, their activation.

In developing resistance to colds a large role belongs to the reaction of blood vessels not only in the area that is being cooled, but also in the entire body. Thus, in non-hardened people, when the foot is cooled by less than 5 degrees C, a reaction occurs in the nasal mucosa - dilation of its vessels, swelling and secretion of copious secretions, i.e. the development of a runny nose, often complicated by sore throat, flu and other diseases. In hardened people, such changes in the nasal mucosa almost never occur. Therefore, hardened people suffer from a runny nose much less often than non-hardened people.

Hardening methods.

The main conditions that must be met when hardening the body are the systematic use of hardening procedures and a gradual increase in the force of influence.

We must remember that 2-3 months after the cessation of hardening, the previously achieved level of resistance of the body begins to decline.

The most common form hardening is the use fresh cool air . Long walks, hiking trips, and sleeping indoors with an open window are good for this in the warm season. At home, it is useful to walk on the floor barefoot, for the first time for 1 minute, then increase the duration by 1 minute every week.

In cold weather, walking is well complemented by skiing, skating, and slow hardening running in lightweight clothing.

Increasing resistance to low temperatures also contributes class morning exercises on outdoors or in a thoroughly ventilated area.

More strong hardening factor - water.

In addition to temperature, water has a mechanical effect on the skin, which is a kind of massage that improves blood circulation. Hardening can be carried out in the form of rubbing or dousing with water.

Hardening with water begins at a temperature not lower than 33-35 C, then every 6-7 days the water is cooled by 1 C. At this temperature, you can continue wiping and dousing for quite a long time. If no changes occur in the body, the water temperature can be brought to the tap temperature - 10-12 C.

Big have a hardening effect swimming in open waters.

In this case, irritation by water is combined with exposure to air. When swimming, the warming of the body is facilitated by increased muscle work during swimming. Usually they start swimming when the water and air temperature is not lower than 18-20 C and stop when the water temperature is 10-12 C, the air is 14-15 C. Initially, the duration of bathing is 4-5 minutes, gradually it is increased to 15-20 minutes. When you swim for too long or in very cold water, your increased metabolism is unable to replenish the heat loss and the body becomes hypothermic. As a result, instead of hardening, a person harms his health.

One of The hardening factor is solar radiation.

It causes dilation of skin blood vessels, enhances the activity of hematopoietic organs, and promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body. This is especially important for the prevention of rickets in children. The duration of exposure to the sun should not exceed 5 minutes at first. It is gradually increased to 40-50 minutes, but no more. It must be remembered that excessive exposure to the sun can lead to overheating of the body, sunstroke, and skin burns.

But, starting to harden, you need to remember that:

1. First you need to get rid of the “microbial nest” in the body in the form of diseased teeth,

inflamed tonsils, etc.

2. Hardening should be gradual.

3. You need to harden yourself systematically, without missing a single day.

4. Must be taken into account individual characteristics body, because different people

react differently to low temperatures.

5. You need to use every opportunity for hardening.


1. Name the means of hardening.

(Sun, air and water).

2. Give an example of general hardening procedures.

(Shower, bathing, sunbathing)

3. Give an example of local hardening procedures.

(Washing with cool water, foot baths, walking barefoot, etc.)

4. How to resume hardening if for some reason it was


(You need to “go back”, for example, if before the break in classes you doused yourself with water at 20 degrees C, then after the break you will use water up to 24 degrees C).

5.What procedures can I take without leaving my room?

(With the window open - sun and air baths)

6. How do physical education classes affect the hardening process?

(Positive, since in the process of playing sports “training”

the body reacts to cold faster).

7. At what age can hardening begin?

(From birth)

8. How can dressing well help in hardening?

(Clothing must be appropriate for the season of the year. You cannot walk in winter without

hats and jackets, and in a warm room under no circumstances should you

wear warm clothes)

9. Why is it believed that success in hardening depends on perseverance and


(Because the main thing in hardening is systematic procedures)

10. Is it possible to compete in hardening?

(No, everyone has their own rhythm and schedule)

Walks and active games in the open air, carried out at the place of residence on ordinary days, should last at least 3.5-4 hours, and on weekends and during the holidays - much more time: children staying outdoors in combination with physical activity helps to harden the body, increase resistance to diseases, improves appetite, has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, mental performance, and sleep.

To maximize the benefits of these walks, it is first of all necessary to form the correct attitude towards them in the children themselves. A study of students’ daily routine shows that many of them spend significantly less time outdoors than required by hygiene standards. But in its total budget allocated for various forms of physical activity (morning exercises, physical education minutes, lessons physical culture, “health hour”, classes in extended day groups and other activities) the largest part is devoted to walks, games, exercises and outdoor entertainment.

Hardening the child's body

Hardening the child's body is the systematic use of special events and procedures that develop the body's readiness to adapt to environmental conditions and increase resistance to colds. The means of hardening are the sun, air, and water.

When hardening, you must follow these rules:

1. Create a desire to strengthen your body and thereby ensure a psychological attitude conducive to success. The personal example of parents plays a significant role in this.

2. Ensure systematic procedures. Hardening, begun in childhood, should continue throughout life.

3. Gradually increase the time of exposure to air, water, sunlight, gradually reduce the water temperature, gradually increase the surface of the body on which the hardening agents act.

4. Take into account individual characteristics and monitor the body’s reaction to procedures.

5. Combine the influence of various means of hardening: sun, air, water and physical activity.

6. Organize everything so that the child receives satisfaction from the hardening process itself.

7. Take into account the climatic conditions of a particular region.

Regulating room temperature is one of the most effective hardening techniques. To ensure a hardening effect on the body, the temperature regime in the room must be pulsating, that is, the temperature in it must not be constant and fluctuate within certain limits. For younger schoolchildren, the optimal amplitude of oscillations is 5--7 °C (for adults - 10--12 °C). Such temperature fluctuations not only promote hardening, but also have a beneficial effect on performance. The pulsating temperature in the premises is ensured by regular ventilation at all times of the year (in any weather).

Proper use of the heat-protective properties of clothing is also important condition hardening Excessively warm clothing does not affect the improvement of physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation and does not contribute to hardening, and excessively lightweight clothing can lead to hypothermia of the body. When choosing clothes, you need to have the right attitude towards its advantages, giving preference not so much to aesthetic qualities as to basic, hygienic ones.

Air baths are the simplest and most accessible hardening method. The effect of air on the body depends on its temperature, humidity, speed of movement and cleanliness. It is regulated by decreasing or increasing the thermal protection of clothing and the duration of exposure to air.

The use of air baths requires compliance certain rules: they are recommended to be used no later than an hour before a meal and no earlier than 1.5 hours after it; combine with physical activity (walking, outdoor games, etc.); choose a place protected from strong winds for this; ensure control over the child’s well-being (overheating is indicated by redness of the skin and sweating, hypothermia is indicated by the appearance of “goose bumps”, blue lips, chills).

In warm weather, air baths are taken outdoors in a shaded place. It is advisable to combine them with morning exercises. Start at a temperature of +20... +22°C. The duration of the baths should initially not exceed 15 minutes, then it is gradually increased to 1 hour. Depending on the air temperature, baths can be warm (from + 20 to + 30 ° C), cool (from +15 to + 20 ° C) and cold ( from +6 to +14 °C).

Water procedures. You should temper your child with water carefully and consistently, because its thermal conductivity is 30 times greater than that of air. Water procedures, along with hardening, have a positive effect on metabolism, nervous system activity, and skin function.

Hardening the nasopharynx involves gargling with cool and then cold water and wiping the neck.

Pouring feet with water begins at a temperature of 27--28°C. Then, every 10 days, its temperature is reduced by 1-2 °C and brought to a level not lower than 10 °C. Water is poured onto the lower part of the legs and feet. The duration of one dousing procedure is 25-30 s. It is best to do it in the evening, no later than an hour before bedtime. After the procedure, the feet are wiped dry.

Foot baths (immersion of the feet in a bucket or basin of water) begin at a water temperature of 28--30 ° C and every 10 days reduce it by 1--2 °, bringing it to 13-- 15 °. The duration of the first baths is no more than 1 minute. At the end of the cycle it is brought to 5 minutes. During the procedure, it is recommended to make small movements with your fingers and feet. After the bath, the feet are thoroughly dried.

Contrast foot baths are a very strong hardening agent. Hot water (38-40°C) is poured into one bucket (basin), cold water (30-32°C) is poured into the second. First, the legs are immersed in hot water for 1.5-2 minutes, then in cold water for 5-10 seconds. Do this 4-5 times. Every 10 days, the temperature of the cold water is reduced by 1--2° and brought to 12-15° C. The temperature of the hot water remains constant all the time. The duration of immersion of the legs in it also does not change. And the duration of immersion of the legs in cold water is gradually increased to 20 s. This procedure is performed shortly before bedtime.

Walking barefoot is the easiest and most effective remedy hardening It is useful to walk on dew, after rain, on water. In addition, walking barefoot, in particular on sand or on fallen leaves, helps prevent flat feet by strengthening the muscles that support the longitudinal and transverse arch of the foot.

Rubbing is done with a terry towel dipped in water; first - arms, then successively legs, chest, abdomen, back. These parts of the body are wiped separately and then dried thoroughly. The direction of movement is from the periphery to the center. Rubdowns for younger schoolchildren begin in the summer using water at a temperature of 26--28 ° C, in the winter - at 30--32 ° C, bringing them to 16--18 and 20-- 22 ° C, respectively. Wiping is recommended after charging.

Pouring the body can be done in the shower or from a watering can or jug. It is not recommended to pour your head. For younger schoolchildren, they start in the summer with a water temperature of no lower than 28 °C, in the winter - no lower than 30 and bring it up to 18 and 20 °C, respectively. Reduce the water temperature in the same way as with other procedures.

Swimming in open water is carried out in specially designated areas. This is one of the most pleasant and effective water procedures. In addition, here is an opportunity for parents to teach their children to swim. When bathing, the child's body is simultaneously affected by the sun, air and water.

Children should be explained the rules of swimming: they can go into the water only with the permission of their elders. You cannot swim beyond the safety marks, dive in deep places, enter the water sweaty, or play around in it. You can enter the water no earlier than 1 hour after eating. It is necessary to prevent hypothermia of the body.

Bathing is usually combined with taking sunbathing.

Sunbathing. Moderate doses of solar radiation improve metabolism, have a positive effect on blood composition, enhance the activity of excretory organs, kill pathogenic microbes on the skin, and increase its protective functions.

Solar irradiation is especially useful for children, as it prevents rickets. Influenced ultraviolet rays Antirachitic vitamin D is formed in the subcutaneous tissue, and other vitamins, for example, A, C, E, are also activated.

However, prolonged exposure to sunlight leads to general weakness, deterioration of attention and memory, decreased appetite, and restless sleep. There are even headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, skin burns

In Ukraine, in the summer in the northern part of the republic, the best time for sunbathing is from 8 to 12 and from 16 to 18 hours, and in the south - from 8 to 11 and from 17 to 19 hours. On the first day you can sunbathe for up to 5 minutes. In subsequent days, the time is gradually increased and brought to 30-40 minutes. You should wear a white Panama hat on your head.


  1. Identify and study the effect of natural healing factors.
  2. Consider some forms of hardening.
  3. Highlight the rules for hardening the human body.

Equipment: printed handouts, poster - image of a face with pressure points (for acupressure).

For Game: sponge, towel, soap, water, jug, bucket, plastic brush, terry towel mitten, basin, “Water procedures” signs.



Leading. What health rules do you know and follow?

The presenter invites the children to answer the question posed in the form of the game “A Stream of Health.” The game is for children to take turns talking about what they do for their health.


Setting a learning task

Leading. But besides this, there is one more important activity, it must be carried out as a law, then you will not be afraid of a cold. I’ll tell you a story now, and you can draw your own conclusions.

“Imagine that I’m all face”

In ancient Rome, in cold weather, a warmly dressed young man met an old man. The old man was wearing only one loincloth.

How do you, old man, not freeze in such cold? - asked the young man.

But you don't cover your face, do you? - Instead of answering, the old man remarked.

But the same face, it’s used to it! - the young man exclaimed.

“So imagine that I’m all face,” answered the old man.

Leading. How do you understand the old man's answer? Explain...

With the help of special measures, it is possible to increase the body’s resistance to harmful influences of the external environment, such as pathogens of infectious diseases. This is achieved by hardening procedures. Hardening is the process of giving the body the strength to resist disease.

So, children, the topic of our lesson today is: “If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”


  1. Adaptation classes with first-graders. /auth. - comp. S. I. Tukacheva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  2. Organization and content of work in an extended day group: Primary school / I. N. Popova, S. A. Isaeva, E. I. Romashkova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Iris - press, 2006.
  3. System of school-wide activities (CD) - Uchitel Publishing House, 2006.
  4. Educational - educational activities in the after-school group: class notes, entertaining materials, recommendations. Vol. 2 / auto. - comp. N. A. Kasatkina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.

Class hour in elementary school on the topic: Healthy lifestyle “Hardening the body”

Goals: create conditions for the formation of one of the components healthy image life - the skill of hardening the body; to instill in students a sense of responsibility for their health and a desire to strengthen it; teach schoolchildren to work in groups.
- book exhibition;
- drawings by students on the theme “Sun, air and water are our best friends!”;
- paper, pens;
- photos

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Report the topic of the lesson.
Health is value and wealth,
People should value their health!
Eat right and play sports,
And they will be tempered and be friends with exercises.

Teacher: Guys, today we will talk about one of the conditions necessary for improving health.
Teacher. It is about hardening that we will talk today.
II. Main part.
Teacher's speech
- How do you understand the proverb: “Health is the first wealth”?

Why do people get colds?
Hardening the body perfectly strengthens the human body.
The sun, air and water have hardening properties.
Are you familiar with the saying: “Sun, air and water are our best friends”?

2. Quiz.

Quiz questions:
1. What time of year is best to start hardening? (In summer).
2. Who are “walruses”? (People swimming in an ice hole in winter).
3. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to lower fever and treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden).
4. Leaves of which plant are used for bruises and bleeding? (Burdock, plantain).
5. Is the juice of this plant used instead of iodine? (Celandine).
6. What time of day is it safest to sunbathe? (In the morning from 9 to 11 o'clock, in the evening from 16 to 18 o'clock.)
7. How to prevent sunstroke? (You must have a headdress on your head - a scarf, a hat.)
Information for teachers.
The duration of sunbathing increases gradually, depending on skin type - from 3-5 minutes to 30 minutes.
It is better to sunbathe in the morning, when ultraviolet radiation is less active.
Cover your head with a hat or scarf.
Don't expose your wet body to the sun. If the skin turns red and becomes hot to the touch, sunbathing should be stopped for a while. Competition 1
Competition "Anagrams"
The letters are written in different order. Need to collect a word related
with health.

ZKULFITRAU – physical education
DKAZARYA - exercise
LKAZAKA – hardening
ENGIAGI – hygiene

Competition 2. Riddles - helpers of a healthy lifestyle
So as not to be frail, lethargic,
Didn't lie under the covers
I wasn't sick and was fine
Do every day...(exercise)

I have no time to be sick, friends,
I play football and hockey.
And I'm very proud of myself
What gives me health... (Sports)

He is cold, he is pleasant,
I've been friends with him for a long time, guys.
He will pour water on me,
I will grow up healthy! (Shower)

Hot and cold
You always need me.
Call me and I'll run
I protect you from illnesses. (Water)

In winter in cold water
I'm not afraid to swim
I'm just healthier, guys.
I'm becoming. (Hardening)

I'll never get sick
If I warm up my body,
And cold water
Guys, I'm not scared. (Rubdown)

I know there is a miracle in the world,
There is such magic:
You bring it under the tap with water -
It washes away the dirt in an instant! (Soap)

One two three four five,
Let's start relaxing! (stretch)
The back was cheerfully straightened,
Hands up!
One and two, sit down and stand up,
To rest again.
Bend forward once and twice,
Bend back once and twice. (rhyme movements)
So we have become stronger, (show “strength”)
Healthier and more fun! (smile at each other)

Teacher. Guys, I know that you all love sunbathing and swimming. But it turns out that even while swimming you need to remember about your health.
4. Drawing up a memo.
*Swimming is permitted in equipped reservoirs or on beaches that meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements.
*If you decide to swim in an unfamiliar body of water, enter the water carefully and slowly, while examining the bottom.
*The best time of day for swimming is in the morning from 8 to 10 o’clock and in the evening from 17 to 19 o’clock. It is not recommended to swim during the day because overheating is possible and being in the water for a long time can even cause you to catch a cold.
*It is better to swim 1-1.5 hours after eating. But it is not recommended to go into the water on an empty stomach.
*Before swimming, you should rest a little, as swimming requires some physical effort.
*While in the water, it is strictly forbidden to dive under a swimming person, “drown” him and give false signals for help, as well as dive from railings, boats and other means not equipped for this purpose.
*Do not swim alone, especially if you are not confident in your abilities.

5. Game “CONTINUE”
Let's go with you, friend, together
Let's start playing.
First I'll ask a question,
And then you get serious about him
Think about one of two things -
- you will answer out loud.
If you are resourceful, then fully
A rhyme will help, but it
We are so cunning
Which can be confusing at times.
We don't need to waste time -
Play and see for yourself!

Whoever plays sports gains strength... (gains).
He who loves sports is healthy... (and cheerful).

Move more - you will live... (longer).
Movement is life).
Whoever plays sports gains strength... (gains).
The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever one!
Give time to sports, and in return... (get health).

III. Summarizing.
Teacher. At the end of our lesson, when you have learned so much about hardening, tell me, is it easy to become a “walrus”?
Students. No, it is difficult because you need to be persistent, patient and persistent.
Teacher. That's right, guys. Hardening is hard and daily work, as is taking care of your health in general. I hope that you will remember the rules that we talked about today and will follow them for the benefit of your health.
The secret of longevity (parable):
One day a doctor's student asked his mentor:
- Teacher, tell me the main secret of longevity.
“The basis of longevity,” said the Teacher, “is health, and the basis of health is tranquility.” The calm one does not destroy his body with passionate love, uncontrollable hatred or insatiable desire. He does not undermine the roots of his health with joy and sadness, melancholy and fear; but, avoiding everything unnecessary, he never gives up what, while giving pleasure, does not violate the harmony of yin and yang.

Outdoor games as a way to harden the child’s body in children with intellectual disabilities in children’s preschool education

(from work experience)

Children with intellectual disabilities are a special category. Such children are characterized by pronounced unevenness, fragmentation of development, the presence of peculiar “voids” in it, poverty of ideas, impaired perception, all types of memory, speech impairment, and the emotional sphere suffers. Behavior is chaotic and poorly controlled. The child does not switch well from one type of activity to another. In addition, the lack of correctional assistance leads to limited, inactive zones of proximal development for these children.

Mentally retarded people are characterized by the presence of pathological features in emotional sphere: increased excitability or, conversely, inertia; difficulties in forming interests and social motivation for activity.

Children have disturbances in physical development: violation of general, minor and articulatory motor skills. That's whyAn integral part of physical education and daily routine is hardening as a means of preserving and strengthening the health of children, training the body’s defenses

Currently, hardening has received universal recognition as one of the effective means of improving the health of not only adults, but also children. This term refers to a correctly composed system of physical influences, which helps to train the body’s adaptive capabilities and mobilize all protective forces to maintain a normal state. Usually, hardening is understood as a complex of influences,

aimed at improving the body's adaptability to sudden changes in meteorological factors: temperature, humidity and movement of ambient air, the degree and duration of exposure to sunlight. With a deeper study of the physiological essence of hardening, it became obvious that it helps to improve the regulatory function of the central nervous system, developing the best adaptive reactions of the body not only in response to weather changes, but also to other external influences. It has been established that those who regularly take hardening procedures are much less likely to get sick, especially procedural diseases associated with hypothermia. It also tolerates any disease more easily, recovers faster and has some immunity to “winter diseases.”

My experience has shown that outdoor games make hardening more interesting and exciting. INorganizing the game shows the skill of the teacher. INGame management includes monitoring each player and the game as a whole, regulating the load, correcting incorrect actions, stimulating and emotional support for players, and preventing conflict situations.

Preparation for an outdoor game begins with its selection. It is important to take into account the composition of the group, age, medical conditions, number of participants, condition, place and form of the game. For example,morning exercises for children can be carried out to music in the form of playful imitation exercises, each of which has its own name: “Horse”, “Strongmen”, “Birch”, “Spring”, etc.Outdoor games on the water must be accompanied by good weather and absolute safety. When conductingsports festival its script must be drawn up in advance with a description of the content and sequence of outdoor games, relay races, obstacle courses, sports games included in the program, with the appointment of those responsible for conducting each game

Any game is preceded by an explanation, which is given in the following sequence:

1)game name;

2) the roles of the players and their location on the playground; 3) rules and course of the game;

4) determination of the winner.

Therefore, to overcome and compensate for deficiencies in development, physical activity is used, in which the leading place belongs to outdoor play.

The game also has a beneficial effect on the children's nervous system.

Play as a form of activity occupies an important place in a child’s life and has a beneficial effect on the formation of a child’s soul, the development of his physical and mental strengths and abilities. In the game, a growing organism learns about life, learns to independently find a way out of unexpected situations, interact with other children and adults, expand its horizons, and clarify its understanding of the world around it.

It is no coincidence that V.V. Zenkovsky, L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin and other childhood psychologists consider play to be the main means of socialization of the individual. Thanks to play, qualities are formed in the child’s psyche that prepare the transition to a higher stage of development. The deepest biological meaning of children's games lies in the fact that they, functionally loading the entire body, all its tissues, organs and systems, structurally create, shape and improve them (V.M. Lebedev).

Game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and educational activities will subsequently depend. labor activity, his relationships with people.

Children with intellectual disabilities lag behind in the development of spiritual interests and needs. Therefore, the play activity itself, which arouses interest in children and contains the necessary components of personality development, is a means of spiritual development. In the game, relationships between children are formed, habits and rules of behavior are developed.

The desire to play is the main incentive that encourages a child to play activity. During the game, children willingly and with interest do what seems uninteresting and difficult outside the game, therefore, in the game it is easier to overcome mental and emotional problems. The special value of outdoor games for children with intellectual disabilities lies in the possibility of simultaneous impact on the motor and mental spheres. Changing game situations places increased demands on the mobility of nervous processes, speed of reaction and non-standard actions. Games force you to think more economically, react to the actions of your partners, and adapt to the situation. A playing child has to choose and perform from many operations one that, in his opinion, can bring success.

By using play in their work, children experienced positive developmental dynamics. Coordination of movements, speech and memory have improved, children have become more independent, calmer, more emotionally responsive, smile more often, and make contact with adults and children.

Thus, outdoor play, initially acting as children's fun and entertainment, allows you to unobtrusively solve many correctional and developmental problems, initiating the activity of the children themselves. The combination of three components in outdoor play - physical exercise, emotional training and mental stress - brings the child closer to natural life, mastering elements of social skills and relationships, and personality development as a whole.


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