Chinese folk tales as a reflection of the imaginative thinking of the people. "how a young man was looking for his beloved" Chinese fairy tale, how a young man was looking for his beloved questions

In ancient times, there were two families in the village - Zhang and Li. The Zhangs had a son, Zhang Shuan. Li has a daughter nicknamed Li Hua - Li Flower. The young man and the girl were born handsome and became famous in those parts for their beauty. They were friends from childhood and secretly vowed to each other not to be separated and to live together until gray hair. Zhang Shuan sent a matchmaker to Li Hua's house. But the girl’s parents refused the young man because of his poverty and decided to give their daughter to Van the rich man. The Vanirs chose a lucky day, hired trumpeters and went for the bride. Li Hua did not want to sit in the wedding palanquin, her father and mother forced her. The trumpet began to play, the bearers picked up the palanquin and carried it away. Li Hua is sitting in a palanquin, beating her head against the wall and crying. And then, when they were already halfway there, she heard something whistle. This werewolf jumped from the sky: his face is black, his eyes are round. He grabbed the bride and ran away with him.

Zhang Shuan heard about this, became sad and said to his father and mother:

I can't live without my Li Hua. Until I find her, I will have no peace.

The father says to the young man:

Your Li Hua was taken away by an evil werewolf, where will you look for her now?

The mother says to the young man:

An evil werewolf took your Li Hua away, you won’t find her anywhere now.

Zhang Shuan did not listen to his father and mother and left home to look for his Li Hua.

How many days I searched, and I can’t count who I didn’t ask, where I didn’t find out, no one saw Li Hua, they didn’t hear about her anywhere. “Maybe my beloved evil werewolf ate me?” The young man thought and thought, and sadness overcame him. He sat down by the road and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a white-bearded old man appeared. The old man asks the young man:

Why are you crying, young man? Who hurt you?

The young man answers:

I won’t hide from you, grandfather. An evil werewolf took away my beloved. I have been looking for Li Hua for many days, but she is nowhere to be found.

Come with me,” says the old man, “I know where the evil werewolf lives.”

Zhang Shuan heard this, quickly jumped to his feet and followed the elder.

They walked and walked, and suddenly they met a young man. The elder asks him:

Who are you and where are you going, young man?

The young man answers:

My name is Wang Lan, I walk around the world, looking for my bride, an evil werewolf stole her halfway from the wedding palanquin and took her to God knows where.

The white-bearded old man nodded his head and said:

Come with us. I know where she is.

And he says to the old man:

The old man nodded his head and said:

Look back, young man.

Wang Lan looked around and saw that there was a large house, covered with tiles, a high porch, and a stone lion at the porch.

And the old man says again:

Let's go in. Let's ask for something to eat.

The elder led the young men to the porch and knocked on the door. An old woman came out to knock and asked:

What do you need? Why are you knocking?

The elder answers her:

We won’t ask for donuts and we don’t need meat. Give us something simpler. We got hungry on the road.

The old woman answers:

Okay, follow me.

They followed her into the room and saw a beauty sitting on the canopy, about eighteen years old. And the old woman prepared all sorts of food, treats the guests and says to them:

I want to talk to you about something. I don’t know if we’ll bump into each other? My husband died a long time ago, I live alone with my daughter. So I want to take my son-in-law into my house so that he can feed me in my old age. Which of you two, young men, will stay here forever?

Elder Zhang Shuan began to persuade him. But he doesn’t want to listen, he keeps thinking about his beloved. The old man began to persuade Wang Lang. And Wang Lan is happy. He liked the house under the tiles and the young beauty.

I dropped my handkerchief on the porch, near the stone lion. Come back and bring it to me.

Zhang Shuan ran back and looked - the house under the tiles had disappeared, only one lion remained. A lion is sitting, Wang Lan is torn into pieces, he grabs a piece and sends it into his mouth. Zhang Shuan got scared, ran to the old man and said:

Trouble happened, Wang Lang was devoured by a lion.

Do you know why the lion devoured Wang Lan? - asks.

“I don’t know, grandfather,” Zhang Shuan answers.

And the old man says to him:

Think about it. Then you will find out.

Zhang Shuan and the old man walked day and night, and they finally came to a stone house. The elder says:

This is my home.

Zhang Shuan entered and saw that the bed in the house was made of stone, and the cauldron was made of stone, and the cups were made of stone, and the basins were made of stone. Everything is carved from stone. Elder Zhang Shuang ordered to collect pine cones and prepare food. Seven days have already passed. The old man sees that the young man does not lose heart, does not lose hope, and asks:

Do you want to rescue Li Hua?

“I want to,” the young man answers.

Then go to the western edge of the sky, to the Fire Mountain, and get the precious sword from the cave of the Fire Tiger. I will give you a dress that will save you from fire, put it on and boldly go forward. But remember, if you take a step back, the fire will consume you.

Donated by Zhang Shuan White dress magical, it sparkles and sparkles, and walked towards the western edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to get to that mountain, when suddenly he sees a flame blazing ahead, tongues of fire hissing angrily, and the sky is about to lick the sky. The young man was not afraid, he walked straight into the fire. But what a wonder! The fire does not take him. Here is the cave of the Fire Tiger at the very top of the mountain, the owner himself guards it, the tiger’s eyes are two temple bells, flames escape from its mouth. Here Zhang Shuan remembered about his Li Hua and became even braver. He rushed into the cave and saw a precious sword hanging on the wall. The young man grabbed the sword, hit the tiger, the tiger fell dead, and at the same moment the flame on the mountain went out. Zhang Shuan took the sword and returned to the old man.

The elder tells him:

Now go rescue your Li Hua. She was taken away by a werefish from the Eastern Sea and settled on an island. Just know that if fear or doubt overcomes you, you will not save your beloved.

Zhang Shuan took the precious sword and went to the eastern edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to reach the Eastern Sea. And there is no end or edge to that emerald sea. Wave meets wave, breakers meet breakers. He looked in all four directions and thought: “If only I came across such a fragile little boat. I’m not afraid of the violent wind, let it sweep across the sea, I’m not afraid of high waves, even if they rise to the very sky. I'm not afraid of anything! If only I could get to that island!”

A young man walks along the shore, the wind stings his face with grains of sand, the sea wets his feet with water, hunger torments him, the cold penetrates him through and through. And the young man goes on and on.

But one day he saw a peach tree floating on the sea. Either it will be overwhelmed by a wave, then it will be carried to the surface again. The young man looks at the tree and suddenly sees three peaches on it growing bright red among the green leaves. The tree floats straight towards the young man. Zhang Shuan contrived, grabbed the branches, and suddenly he became thirsty! He picked a peach from a tree and wanted to eat it, but then a menacing roar was heard and out of nowhere a tiger jumped out. Out of fright, Zhang Shuan splashed into the water. Meanwhile, the tiger disappeared, and the peach tree also disappeared somewhere. The young man senses it - his body became light, well, like a peach leaf, and he stepped on the water as if on solid ground. It stands and does not sink. That peach, it turns out, was magical and could save you from water. Zhang Shuan holds a magic peach in his mouth and goes straight to the island. That island lies in the middle of the sea, shrouded in black darkness, overgrown with lush grass. As soon as the young man set foot on the island, a werefish came out of the darkness to meet him with shrimp soldiers and crab commanders. They all have long spears and steel spears. The werewolf itself is black, with a shiny silver helmet on its head, and a sparkling silver shell on its body. The fish screamed, the sea hummed in response, and the young man was surrounded by warrior shrimps and crab commanders. The young man was not afraid and did not back away. He raised his precious sword, turned to the east - and how it would swing, turned to the west - and how it would strike! A white fiery path ran from the sword. At that same moment, the darkness cleared, and the warriors and commanders turned into shrimps and crabs and began to crawl away in different directions.

The werewolf fish looked at the sparkling sword and closed its eyes. Then the young man hacked her to death. Then he found his beloved, and they became husband and wife.

...there is a stone lion at the porch.- The lion is a Buddhist symbol of the guardian of the Buddha's teachings. Subsequently, stylized images of lions were placed in front of the entrances to palaces and rich houses as guardians against evil spirits.

In ancient times, there were two families in the village - Zhang and Li. The Zhangs had a son, Zhang Shuan. Li has a daughter nicknamed Li Hua - Li Flower. The young man and the girl were born handsome and became famous in those parts for their beauty. They were friends from childhood and secretly vowed to each other not to be separated and to live together until their gray hairs. Zhang Shuan sent a matchmaker to Li Hua's house. But the girl’s parents refused the young man because of his poverty and decided to give their daughter to Van the rich man. The Vanirs chose a lucky day, hired trumpeters and went for the bride. Li Hua did not want to sit in the wedding palanquin, her father and mother forced her. The trumpet began to play, the bearers picked up the palanquin and carried it away. Li Hua is sitting in a palanquin, hitting his head against the wall - crying. And then, when they were already halfway there, she heard something whistle. This werewolf jumped from the sky: his face is black, his eyes are round. He grabbed the bride and ran away with him.

Zhang Shuan heard about this, became sad and said to his father and mother:

I can't live without my Li Hua. Until I find her, I will have no peace.

The father says to the young man:

Your Li Hua was taken away by an evil werewolf, where is

Are you going to look for her now?

The mother says to the young man:

An evil werewolf took your Li Hua away, you won’t find her anywhere now.

Zhang Shuan did not listen to his father and mother and left home to look for his Li Hua.

How many days I searched, and I can’t count who I didn’t ask, where I didn’t find out, no one saw Li Hua, they didn’t hear about her anywhere. “Maybe my beloved evil werewolf ate me?” The young man thought and thought, and sadness overcame him. He sat down by the road and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a white-bearded old man appeared. The old man asks the young man:

Why are you crying, young man? Who hurt you?

The young man answers:

I won’t hide from you, grandfather. An evil werewolf took away my beloved. I have been looking for Li Hua for many days, but she is nowhere to be found.

Come with me,” says the old man, “I know where the evil werewolf lives.”

Zhang Shuan heard this, quickly jumped to his feet and followed the elder.

They walked and walked, and suddenly they met a young man. The elder asks him:

Who are you and where are you going, young man?

The young man answers:

My name is Wang Lan, I walk around the world, looking for my bride, an evil werewolf stole her halfway from the wedding palanquin and took her to God knows where.

The white-bearded old man nodded his head and said:

Come with us. I know where she is.

And he says to the old man:

The old man nodded his head and said:

Look back, young man.

Wang Lan looked around and saw that there was a large house, covered with tiles, a high porch, and a stone lion at the porch.

And the old man says again:

Let's go in. Let's ask for something to eat.

The elder led the young men to the porch and knocked on the door. An old woman came out to knock and asked:

What do you need? Why are you knocking?

The elder answers her:

We won’t ask for donuts and we don’t need meat. Give us something simpler. We got hungry on the road.

The old woman answers:

Okay, follow me.

They followed her into the room and saw a beauty sitting on the canopy, about eighteen years old. And the old woman prepared all sorts of food, treats the guests and says to them:

I want to talk to you about something. I don’t know if we’ll bump into each other? My husband died a long time ago, I live alone with my daughter. So I want to take my son-in-law into my house so that he can feed me in my old age. Which of you two, young men, will stay here forever?

Elder Zhang Shuan began to persuade him. But he doesn’t want to listen, he keeps thinking about his beloved. The old man began to persuade Wang Lang. And Wang Lan is happy. He liked the house under the tiles and the young beauty.

I dropped my handkerchief on the porch, near the stone lion. Come back and bring it to me.

Zhang Shuan ran back and looked - the house under the tiles had disappeared, only one lion remained. A lion is sitting, Wang Lan is torn into pieces, he grabs a piece and sends it into his mouth. Zhang Shuan got scared, ran to the old man and said:

Trouble happened, Wang Lang was devoured by a lion.

Do you know why the lion devoured Wang Lan? - asks.

“I don’t know, grandfather,” Zhang Shuan answers.

And the old man says to him:

Think about it. Then you will find out.

Zhang Shuan and the old man walked day and night, and they finally came to a stone house. The elder says:

This is my home.

Zhang Shuan entered and saw that the bed in the house was made of stone, and the cauldron was made of stone, and the cups were made of stone, and the basins were made of stone. Everything is carved from stone. Elder Zhang Shuang ordered to collect pine cones and prepare food. Seven days have already passed. The old man sees that the young man does not lose heart, does not lose hope, and asks:

Do you want to rescue Li Hua?

“I want to,” the young man answers.

Then go to the western edge of the sky, to the Fire Mountain, and get the precious sword from the cave of the Fire Tiger. I will give you a dress that will save you from fire, put it on and boldly go forward. But remember, if you take a step back, the fire will consume you.

Zhang Shuan put on a magical white dress, it sparkles and sparkles, and walked towards the western edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to get to that mountain, when suddenly he sees a flame blazing ahead, tongues of fire hissing angrily, and the sky is about to lick the sky. The young man was not afraid, he went straight into the fire. But what a wonder! The fire does not take him. Here is the cave of the Fire Tiger at the very top of the mountain, the owner himself guards it, the tiger’s eyes are two temple bells, flames escape from its mouth. Here Zhang Shuan remembered about his Li Hua and became even braver. He rushed into the cave and saw a precious sword hanging on the wall. The young man grabbed the sword, hit the tiger, the tiger fell dead, and at the same moment the flame on the mountain went out. Zhang Shuan took the sword and returned to the old man.

The elder tells him:

Now go rescue your Li Hua. She was taken away by a werefish from the Eastern Sea and settled on an island. Just know that if fear or doubt overcomes you, you will not save your beloved.

Zhang Shuan took the precious sword and went to the eastern edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to reach the Eastern Sea. And there is no end or edge to that emerald sea. Wave meets wave, breakers meet breakers. He looked in all four directions and thought: “If only I came across such a fragile little boat. I’m not afraid of the violent wind, let it sweep across the sea, I’m not afraid of high waves, even if they rise to the very sky. I'm not afraid of anything! If only I could get to that island!”

A young man walks along the shore, the wind stings his face with grains of sand, the sea wets his feet with water, hunger torments him, the cold penetrates him through and through. And the young man goes on and on.

But one day he saw a peach tree floating on the sea. Either it will be overwhelmed by a wave, then it will be carried to the surface again. The young man looks at the tree and suddenly sees three peaches on it growing bright red among the green leaves. The tree floats straight towards the young man. Zhang Shuan contrived, grabbed the branches, and suddenly he became thirsty! He picked a peach from a tree and wanted to eat it, but then a menacing roar was heard and out of nowhere a tiger jumped out. Out of fright, Zhang Shuan splashed into the water. Meanwhile, the tiger disappeared, and the peach tree also disappeared somewhere. The young man senses it - his body became light, well, like a peach leaf, and he stepped on the water as if on solid ground. It stands and does not sink. That peach, it turns out, was magical and could save you from water. Zhang Shuan holds a magic peach in his mouth and goes straight to the island. That island lies in the middle of the sea, shrouded in black darkness, overgrown with lush grass. As soon as the young man set foot on the island, a werefish came out of the darkness to meet him with shrimp soldiers and crab commanders. They all have long spears and steel spears. The werewolf fish itself is black, with a glittering silver helmet on its head, and a glittering silver shell on its body. The fish screamed, the sea hummed in response, and the young man was surrounded by warrior shrimps and crab commanders. The young man was not afraid and did not back away. He raised his precious sword, turned to the east - and how it would swing, turned to the west - and how it would strike! A white fiery path ran from the sword. At that same moment, the darkness cleared, and the warriors and commanders turned into shrimps and crabs and began to crawl away in different directions.

The werewolf fish looked at the sparkling sword and closed its eyes. Then the young man hacked her to death. Then he found his beloved, and they became husband and wife.

How a young man looked for his beloved

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In ancient times, there were two families in the village - Zhang and Li. The Zhangs had a son, Zhang Shuan. Li has a daughter nicknamed Li Hua - Li Flower. The young man and the girl were born handsome and became famous in those parts for their beauty. They were friends from childhood and secretly vowed to each other not to be separated and to live together until their gray hairs. Zhang Shuan sent a matchmaker to Li Hua's house. But the girl’s parents refused the young man because of his poverty and decided to give their daughter to Van the rich man. The Vanirs chose a lucky day, hired trumpeters and went for the bride. Li Hua did not want to sit in the wedding palanquin, her father and mother forced her. The trumpet began to play, the bearers picked up the palanquin and carried it away. Li Hua is sitting in a palanquin, hitting his head against the wall - crying. And then, when they were already halfway there, she heard something whistle. This werewolf jumped from the sky: his face is black, his eyes are round. He grabbed the bride and ran away with him.

Zhang Shuan heard about this, became sad and said to his father and mother:

I can't live without my Li Hua. Until I find her, I will have no peace.

The father says to the young man:

Your Li Hua was taken away by an evil werewolf, where will you look for her now?

The mother says to the young man:

An evil werewolf took your Li Hua away, you won’t find her anywhere now.

Zhang Shuan did not listen to his father and mother and left home to look for his Li Hua.

How many days I searched, and I can’t count who I didn’t ask, where I didn’t find out, no one saw Li Hua, they didn’t hear about her anywhere. “Maybe my beloved evil werewolf ate me?” The young man thought and thought, and sadness overcame him. He sat down by the road and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a white-bearded old man appeared. The old man asks the young man:

Why are you crying, young man? Who hurt you?

The young man answers:

I won’t hide from you, grandfather. An evil werewolf took away my beloved. I have been looking for Li Hua for many days, but she is nowhere to be found.

Come with me,” says the old man, “I know where the evil werewolf lives.”

Zhang Shuan heard this, quickly jumped to his feet and followed the elder.

They walked and walked, and suddenly they met a young man. The elder asks him:

Who are you and where are you going, young man?

The young man answers:

My name is Wang Lan, I walk around the world, looking for my bride, an evil werewolf stole her halfway from the wedding palanquin and took her to God knows where.

The white-bearded old man nodded his head and said:

Come with us. I know where she is.

And he says to the old man:

The old man nodded his head and said:

Look back, young man.

Wang Lan looked around and saw that there was a large house, covered with tiles, a high porch, and a stone lion at the porch.

And the old man says again:

Let's go in. Let's ask for something to eat.

The elder led the young men to the porch and knocked on the door. An old woman came out to knock and asked:

What do you need? Why are you knocking?

The elder answers her:

We won’t ask for donuts and we don’t need meat. Give us something simpler. We got hungry on the road.

The old woman answers:

Okay, follow me.

They followed her into the room and saw a beauty sitting on the canopy, about eighteen years old. And the old woman prepared all sorts of food, treats the guests and says to them:

I want to talk to you about something. I don’t know if we’ll bump into each other? My husband died a long time ago, I live alone with my daughter. So I want to take my son-in-law into my house so that he can feed me in my old age. Which of you two, young men, will stay here forever?

Elder Zhang Shuan began to persuade him. But he doesn’t want to listen, he keeps thinking about his beloved. The old man began to persuade Wang Lang. And Wang Lan is happy. He liked the house under the tiles and the young beauty.

I dropped my handkerchief on the porch, near the stone lion. Come back and bring it to me.

Zhang Shuan ran back and looked - the house under the tiles had disappeared, only one lion remained. A lion is sitting, Wang Lan is torn into pieces, he grabs a piece and sends it into his mouth. Zhang Shuan got scared, ran to the old man and said:

Trouble happened, Wang Lang was devoured by a lion.

Do you know why the lion devoured Wang Lan? - asks.

“I don’t know, grandfather,” Zhang Shuan answers.

And the old man says to him:

Think about it. Then you will find out.

Zhang Shuan and the old man walked day and night, and they finally came to a stone house. The elder says:

This is my home.

Zhang Shuan entered and saw that the bed in the house was made of stone, and the cauldron was made of stone, and the cups were made of stone, and the basins were made of stone. Everything is carved from stone. Elder Zhang Shuang ordered to collect pine cones and prepare food. Seven days have already passed. The old man sees that the young man does not lose heart, does not lose hope, and asks:

Do you want to rescue Li Hua?

“I want to,” the young man answers.

Then go to the western edge of the sky, to the Fire Mountain, and get the precious sword from the cave of the Fire Tiger. I will give you a dress that will save you from fire, put it on and boldly go forward. But remember, if you take a step back, the fire will consume you.

Zhang Shuan put on a magical white dress, it sparkles and sparkles, and walked towards the western edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to get to that mountain, when suddenly he sees a flame blazing ahead, tongues of fire hissing angrily, and the sky is about to lick the sky. The young man was not afraid, he went straight into the fire. But what a wonder! The fire does not take him. Here is the cave of the Fire Tiger at the very top of the mountain, the owner himself guards it, the tiger’s eyes are two temple bells, flames escape from its mouth. Here Zhang Shuan remembered about his Li Hua and became even braver. He rushed into the cave and saw a precious sword hanging on the wall. The young man grabbed the sword, hit the tiger, the tiger fell dead, and at the same moment the flame on the mountain went out. Zhang Shuan took the sword and returned to the old man.

The elder tells him:

Now go rescue your Li Hua. She was taken away by a werefish from the Eastern Sea and settled on an island. Just know that if fear or doubt overcomes you, you will not save your beloved.

Zhang Shuan took the precious sword and went to the eastern edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to reach the Eastern Sea. And there is no end or edge to that emerald sea. Wave meets wave, breakers meet breakers. He looked in all four directions and thought: “If only I came across such a fragile little boat. I’m not afraid of the violent wind, let it sweep across the sea, I’m not afraid of high waves, even if they rise to the very sky. I'm not afraid of anything! If only I could get to that island!”

A young man walks along the shore, the wind stings his face with grains of sand, the sea wets his feet with water, hunger torments him, the cold penetrates him through and through. And the young man goes on and on.

But one day he saw a peach tree floating on the sea. Either it will be overwhelmed by a wave, then it will be carried to the surface again. The young man looks at the tree and suddenly sees three peaches on it growing bright red among the green leaves. The tree floats straight towards the young man. Zhang Shuan contrived, grabbed the branches, and suddenly he became thirsty! He picked a peach from a tree and wanted to eat it, but then a menacing roar was heard and out of nowhere a tiger jumped out. Out of fright, Zhang Shuan splashed into the water. Meanwhile, the tiger disappeared, and the peach tree also disappeared somewhere. The young man senses it - his body became light, well, like a peach leaf, and he stepped on the water as if on solid ground. It stands and does not sink. That peach, it turns out, was magical and could save you from water. Zhang Shuan holds a magic peach in his mouth and goes straight to the island. That island lies in the middle of the sea, shrouded in black darkness, overgrown with lush grass. As soon as the young man set foot on the island, a werefish came out of the darkness to meet him with shrimp soldiers and crab commanders. They all have long spears and steel spears. The werewolf fish itself is black, with a glittering silver helmet on its head, and a glittering silver shell on its body. The fish screamed, the sea hummed in response, and the young man was surrounded by warrior shrimps and crab commanders. The young man was not afraid and did not back away. He raised his precious sword, turned to the east - and how it would swing, turned to the west - and how it would strike! A white fiery path ran from the sword. At that same moment, the darkness cleared, and the warriors and commanders turned into shrimps and crabs and began to crawl away in different directions.

The werewolf fish looked at the sparkling sword and closed its eyes. Then the young man hacked her to death. Then he found his beloved, and they became husband and wife.

In ancient times, there were two families in the village - Zhang and Li. The Zhangs had a son, Zhang Shuan. Li has a daughter nicknamed Li Hua - Li Flower. The young man and the girl were born handsome and became famous in those parts for their beauty. They were friends from childhood and secretly vowed to each other not to be separated and to live together until their gray hairs. Zhang Shuan sent a matchmaker to Li Hua's house. But the girl’s parents refused the young man because of his poverty and decided to give their daughter to Van the rich man. The Vanirs chose a lucky day, hired trumpeters and went for the bride. Li Hua did not want to sit in the wedding palanquin, her father and mother forced her. The trumpet began to play, the bearers picked up the palanquin and carried it away. Li Hua is sitting in a palanquin, hitting his head against the wall - crying. And then, when they were already halfway there, she heard something whistle. This werewolf jumped from the sky: his face is black, his eyes are round. He grabbed the bride and ran away with him.

Zhang Shuan heard about this, became sad and said to his father and mother:

I can't live without my Li Hua. Until I find her, I will have no peace.

The father says to the young man:

Your Li Hua was taken away by an evil werewolf, where will you look for her now?

The mother says to the young man:

An evil werewolf took your Li Hua away, you won’t find her anywhere now.

Zhang Shuan did not listen to his father and mother and left home to look for his Li Hua.

How many days I searched, and I can’t count who I didn’t ask, where I didn’t find out, no one saw Li Hua, they didn’t hear about her anywhere. “Maybe my beloved evil werewolf ate me?” The young man thought and thought, and sadness overcame him. He sat down by the road and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a white-bearded old man appeared. The old man asks the young man:

Why are you crying, young man? Who hurt you?

The young man answers:

I won’t hide from you, grandfather. An evil werewolf took away my beloved. I have been looking for Li Hua for many days, but she is nowhere to be found.

Come with me,” says the old man, “I know where the evil werewolf lives.”

Zhang Shuan heard this, quickly jumped to his feet and followed the elder.

They walked and walked, and suddenly they met a young man. The elder asks him:

Who are you and where are you going, young man?

The young man answers:

My name is Wang Lan, I walk around the world, looking for my bride, an evil werewolf stole her halfway from the wedding palanquin and took her to God knows where.

The white-bearded old man nodded his head and said:

Come with us. I know where she is.

And he says to the old man:

The old man nodded his head and said:

Look back, young man.

Wang Lan looked around and saw that there was a large house, covered with tiles, a high porch, and a stone lion at the porch.

And the old man says again:

Let's go in. Let's ask for something to eat.

The elder led the young men to the porch and knocked on the door. An old woman came out to knock and asked:

What do you need? Why are you knocking?

The elder answers her:

We won’t ask for donuts and we don’t need meat. Give us something simpler. We got hungry on the road.

The old woman answers:

Okay, follow me.

They followed her into the room and saw a beauty sitting on the canopy, about eighteen years old. And the old woman prepared all sorts of food, treats the guests and says to them:

I want to talk to you about something. I don’t know if we’ll bump into each other? My husband died a long time ago, I live alone with my daughter. So I want to take my son-in-law into my house so that he can feed me in my old age. Which of you two, young men, will stay here forever?

Elder Zhang Shuan began to persuade him. But he doesn’t want to listen, he keeps thinking about his beloved. The old man began to persuade Wang Lang. And Wang Lan is happy. He liked the house under the tiles and the young beauty.

I dropped my handkerchief on the porch, near the stone lion. Come back and bring it to me.

Zhang Shuan ran back and looked - the house under the tiles had disappeared, only one lion remained. A lion is sitting, Wang Lan is torn into pieces, he grabs a piece and sends it into his mouth. Zhang Shuan got scared, ran to the old man and said:

Trouble happened, Wang Lang was devoured by a lion.

Do you know why the lion devoured Wang Lan? - asks.

“I don’t know, grandfather,” Zhang Shuan answers.

And the old man says to him:

Think about it. Then you will find out.

Zhang Shuan and the old man walked day and night, and they finally came to a stone house. The elder says:

This is my home.

Zhang Shuan entered and saw that the bed in the house was made of stone, and the cauldron was made of stone, and the cups were made of stone, and the basins were made of stone. Everything is carved from stone. Elder Zhang Shuang ordered to collect pine cones and prepare food. Seven days have already passed. The old man sees that the young man does not lose heart, does not lose hope, and asks:

Do you want to rescue Li Hua?

“I want to,” the young man answers.

Then go to the western edge of the sky, to the Fire Mountain, and get the precious sword from the cave of the Fire Tiger. I will give you a dress that will save you from fire, put it on and boldly go forward. But remember, if you take a step back, the fire will consume you.

Zhang Shuan put on a magical white dress, it sparkles and sparkles, and walked towards the western edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to get to that mountain, when suddenly he sees a flame blazing ahead, tongues of fire hissing angrily, and the sky is about to lick the sky. The young man was not afraid, he went straight into the fire. But what a wonder! The fire does not take him. Here is the cave of the Fire Tiger at the very top of the mountain, the owner himself guards it, the tiger’s eyes are two temple bells, flames escape from its mouth. Here Zhang Shuan remembered about his Li Hua and became even braver. He rushed into the cave and saw a precious sword hanging on the wall. The young man grabbed the sword, hit the tiger, the tiger fell dead, and at the same moment the flame on the mountain went out. Zhang Shuan took the sword and returned to the old man.

The elder tells him:

Now go rescue your Li Hua. She was taken away by a werefish from the Eastern Sea and settled on an island. Just know that if fear or doubt overcomes you, you will not save your beloved.

Zhang Shuan took the precious sword and went to the eastern edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to reach the Eastern Sea. And there is no end or edge to that emerald sea. Wave meets wave, breakers meet breakers. He looked in all four directions and thought: “If only I came across such a fragile little boat. I’m not afraid of the violent wind, let it sweep across the sea, I’m not afraid of high waves, even if they rise to the very sky. I'm not afraid of anything! If only I could get to that island!”

A young man walks along the shore, the wind stings his face with grains of sand, the sea wets his feet with water, hunger torments him, the cold penetrates him through and through. And the young man goes on and on.

But one day he saw a peach tree floating on the sea. Either it will be overwhelmed by a wave, then it will be carried to the surface again. The young man looks at the tree and suddenly sees three peaches on it growing bright red among the green leaves. The tree floats straight towards the young man. Zhang Shuan contrived, grabbed the branches, and suddenly he became thirsty! He picked a peach from a tree and wanted to eat it, but then a menacing roar was heard and out of nowhere a tiger jumped out. Out of fright, Zhang Shuan splashed into the water. Meanwhile, the tiger disappeared, and the peach tree also disappeared somewhere. The young man senses it - his body became light, well, like a peach leaf, and he stepped on the water as if on solid ground. It stands and does not sink. That peach, it turns out, was magical and could save you from water. Zhang Shuan holds a magic peach in his mouth and goes straight to the island. That island lies in the middle of the sea, shrouded in black darkness, overgrown with lush grass. As soon as the young man set foot on the island, a werefish came out of the darkness to meet him with shrimp soldiers and crab commanders. They all have long spears and steel spears. The werewolf fish itself is black, with a glittering silver helmet on its head, and a glittering silver shell on its body. The fish screamed, the sea hummed in response, and the young man was surrounded by warrior shrimps and crab commanders. The young man was not afraid and did not back away. He raised his precious sword, turned to the east - and how it would swing, turned to the west - and how it would strike! A white fiery path ran from the sword. At that same moment, the darkness cleared, and the warriors and commanders turned into shrimps and crabs and began to crawl away in different directions.

The werewolf fish looked at the sparkling sword and closed its eyes. Then the young man hacked her to death. Then he found his beloved, and they became husband and wife.

Like a young man he was looking for his beloved. Chinese fairy tale

In the ancient times of Zhizhi, there were two families in the village - Zhang and Li. The Zhangs had a son, Zhang Shuan. Li has a daughter nicknamed Li Hua - Li Flower. The young man and the girl were born handsome and became famous in those parts for their beauty. They were friends from childhood and secretly vowed to each other not to be separated and to live together until their gray hairs. Zhang Shuan sent a matchmaker to Li Hua's house. But the girl’s parents refused the young man because of his poverty and decided to give their daughter to Van the rich man. The Vanirs chose a lucky day, hired trumpeters and went for the bride. Li Hua did not want to sit in the wedding palanquin, her father and mother forced her. The trumpet began to play, the bearers picked up the palanquin and carried it away. Li Hua is sitting in a palanquin, banging his head against the wall and crying. And then, when they were already halfway there, she heard something whistle. This werewolf jumped from the sky: his face is black, his eyes are round. He grabbed the bride and ran away with him.

Zhang Shuan heard about this, became sad and said to his father and mother:

“I can’t live without my Li Hua.” Until I find her, I will have no peace.

The father says to the young man:

“The evil werewolf took your Li Hua, where will you look for her now?”

The mother says to the young man:

“An evil werewolf took your Li Hua away, you won’t find her anywhere now.”

Zhang Shuan did not listen to his father and mother and left home to look for his Li Hua.

How many days I searched, and I can’t count who I didn’t ask, where I didn’t find out, no one saw Li Hua, they didn’t hear about her anywhere. “Maybe my beloved evil werewolf ate me?” The young man thought and thought, and sadness overcame him. He sat down by the road and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a white-bearded old man appeared. The old man asks the young man:

- Why are you crying, young man? Who hurt you?

The young man answers:

“I won’t hide from you, grandfather.” An evil werewolf took away my beloved. I have been looking for Li Hua for many days, but she is nowhere to be found.

“Come with me,” says the old man, “I know where the evil werewolf lives.”

Zhang Shuan heard this, quickly jumped to his feet and followed the elder.

They walked and walked, and suddenly they met a young man. The elder asks him:

- Who are you and where are you going, young man?

The young man answers:

- My name is Wang Lan, I walk around the world, looking for my bride, an evil werewolf stole her halfway from the wedding palanquin and took her to God knows where.

The white-bearded old man nodded his head and said:

- Come with us. I know where she is.

And the three of them went further: Wang Lang, Zhang Shuan and the white-bearded old man. We walked all day without taking a grain of rice into our mouths. Zhang Shuan can’t get his beloved out of his head, he has no time to eat or drink. And Wang Lang even began to tremble with hunger.

And he says to the old man:

The old man nodded his head and said:

- Look back, young man.

Wang Lan looked around and saw that there was a large house, covered with tiles, a high porch, and a stone lion at the porch.

And the old man says again:

- Let's go in. Let's ask for something to eat.

The elder led the young men to the porch and knocked on the door. An old woman came out to knock and asked:

- What do you need? Why are you knocking?

The elder answers her:

“We won’t ask for donuts and we don’t need meat.” Give us something simpler. We got hungry on the road.

The old woman answers:

- Okay, follow me.

They followed her into the room and saw a beauty sitting on the canopy, about eighteen years old. And the old woman prepared all sorts of food, treats the guests and says to them:

“I want to talk to you about something.” I don’t know if we’ll bump into each other? My husband died a long time ago, I live alone with my daughter. So I want to take my son-in-law into my house so that he can feed me in my old age. Which of you two, young men, will stay here forever?

Elder Zhang Shuan began to persuade him. But he doesn’t want to listen, he keeps thinking about his beloved. The old man began to persuade Wang Lang. And Wang Lan is happy. He liked the house under the tiles and the young beauty.

Wang Lang remained, and the old man and Zhang Shuan went further. We walked a little, a little more than a mile. Suddenly the old man says:

“I dropped my handkerchief on the porch, near the stone lion. Come back and bring it to me.

Zhang Shuan ran back and looked - the house under the tiles had disappeared, only one lion remained. A lion is sitting, Wang Lan is torn into pieces, he grabs a piece and sends it into his mouth. Zhang Shuan got scared, ran to the old man and said:

- Trouble happened, Wang Lang was devoured by a lion.

- Do you know why the lion devoured Wang Lang? - asks.

“I don’t know, grandfather,” Zhang Shuan answers.

And the old man says to him:

- Think about it. Then you will find out.

Zhang Shuan and the old man walked day and night, and they finally came to a stone house. The elder says:

- This is my home.

Zhang Shuan entered and saw that the bed in the house was made of stone, and the cauldron was made of stone, and the cups were made of stone, and the basins were made of stone. Everything is carved from stone. Elder Zhang Shuang ordered to collect pine cones and prepare food. Seven days have already passed. The old man sees that the young man does not lose heart, does not lose hope, and asks:

“Do you want to rescue Li Hua?”

“I want to,” the young man answers.

“Then go to the western edge of the sky, to the Fire Mountain, and get a precious sword from the Fire Tiger’s cave.” I will give you a dress that will save you from fire, put it on and boldly go forward. But remember, if you take a step back, the fire will consume you.

Zhang Shuan put on a magical white dress, it sparkles and sparkles, and walked towards the western edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to get to that mountain, when suddenly he sees a flame blazing ahead, tongues of fire are hissing angrily, and the sky is about to be licked. The young man was not afraid, he went straight into the fire. But what a wonder! The fire does not take him. Here is the cave of the Fire Tiger at the very top of the mountain, the owner himself guards it, the tiger’s eyes are two temple bells, flames escape from its mouth. Here Zhang Shuan remembered about his Li Hua and became even braver. He rushed into the cave and saw a precious sword hanging on the wall. The young man grabbed the sword, hit the tiger, the tiger fell dead, and at the same moment the flame on the mountain went out. Zhang Shuan took the sword and returned to the old man.

The elder tells him:

“Now go rescue your Li Hua.” She was taken away by a werefish from the Eastern Sea and settled on an island. Just know that if fear or doubt overcomes you, you will not save your beloved.

Zhang Shuan took the precious sword and went to the eastern edge of the sky. I can’t count how many days it took him to reach the Eastern Sea. And there is no end or edge to that emerald sea. Wave meets wave, breakers meet breakers. He looked in all four directions and thought: “If only I came across such a fragile little boat. I’m not afraid of the violent wind, let it sweep across the sea, I’m not afraid of high waves, even if they rise to the very sky. I'm not afraid of anything! If only I could get to that island!”

A young man walks along the shore, the wind stings his face with grains of sand, the sea wets his feet with water, hunger torments him, the cold penetrates him through and through. And the young man goes on and on.

But one day he saw a peach tree floating on the sea. Either it will be overwhelmed by a wave, then it will be carried to the surface again. The young man looks at the tree and suddenly sees three peaches on it, turning bright red among the green leaves. The tree floats straight towards the young man. Zhang Shuan contrived, grabbed the branches, and suddenly he became thirsty! He picked a peach from a tree and wanted to eat it, but then a menacing roar was heard and out of nowhere a tiger jumped out. Out of fright, Zhang Shuan splashed into the water. Meanwhile, the tiger disappeared, and the peach tree also disappeared somewhere. The young man senses it - his body became light, well, like a peach leaf, and he stepped on the water as if on solid ground. It stands and does not sink. That peach, it turns out, was magical and could save you from water. Zhang Shuan holds a magic peach in his mouth and goes straight to the island. That island lies in the middle of the sea, shrouded in black darkness, overgrown with lush grass. As soon as the young man set foot on the island, a werefish came out of the darkness to meet him with shrimp soldiers and crab commanders. They all have long spears and steel spears. The werewolf fish itself is black, with a glittering silver helmet on its head, and a glittering silver shell on its body. The fish screamed, the sea hummed in response, and the young man was surrounded by warrior shrimps and crab commanders. The young man was not afraid and did not back away. He raised his precious sword, turned to the east - and how it would swing, turned to the west - and how it would strike! A white fiery path ran from the sword. At that same moment, the darkness cleared, and the warriors and commanders turned into shrimps and crabs and began to crawl away in different directions.

The werewolf fish looked at the sparkling sword and closed its eyes. Then the young man hacked her to death. Then he found his beloved, and they became husband and wife.