Synopsis of a frontal speech therapist session on the topic of spring. Summary of the open speech therapy lesson “Spring” in the preparatory group

Committee on Social Policy of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg budgetary state inpatient social service institution “Boarding home for children with disabilities mental development No. 4 (SPb GBSU SO "DDI No. 4")






open speech therapy session

on topic: "Spring"

Conducted by: Belozerova E.V.

Pavlovsk 2012
Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic “Spring” (General lesson).

Goal: Generalization of ideas about spring and typical spring phenomena in nature.
Correctional educational tasks:

1.Expand, clarify, update the dictionary on the topic “Spring”.

2.Practice in selecting antonyms and definitions for given words.

3.Continue to work on word formation using prefixes and suffixes.

4. Develop the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender.

5.Secure the name of the spring months.

6.Develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.
Correction and development tasks:

1.Develop articulatory motor skills, breathing, voice.

2.Develop auditory and visual perception.

3.Develop memory, thinking, creative imagination.

4.Develop general and fine motor skills.

5.Develop coherent speech.

Correctional and educational tasks:

1.Cultivate an emotional response to the image in the picture.

2. Foster independence and initiative.

3. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher.

4.Develop communication skills.

5. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
Materials and equipment: subject pictures with signs of spring, clothespins, cut-out plot picture, audio recordings (birds singing, murmur of a stream, drops), birdhouse, starling, flannelograph.
Preliminary work: coloring pictures depicting spring, getting to know the signs of spring and typical spring phenomena in nature (drops, thawed patches), didactic game“Seasons”, excursion to the site, around the territory of the d/d.
Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizing time.

Speech therapist: Hello, Inna, guests! How bright and warm it is today! What a wonderful day today! I smile at you, and you smile at me and the guests! (audio recording “Sounds of Spring”).
2. Main part.

Speech therapist: Inna, listen to the poem.
The sun is shining brighter

A warm wind is blowing.

Birds have flown from the south,

Drops are dripping loudly,

Winter is over

(spring) has come to us again.

Child's answer.
Announcing the topic of the lesson.
Speech therapist: Spring has come to us. As you may have guessed, today we will talk about spring.
Articulation gymnastics.
Speech therapist: But first, let's remember the fairy tale “About the spring adventures of Tongue.”

“Once upon a time there was a tongue in a small house. In winter, Tongue lay in his bed for a very long time (show me how he did it). Exercise "Spatula".

And on a sunny spring day, Tongue woke up and washed his round window-lips. Exercise “Delicious jam”.

After that, Tongue looked out of the window and hid, it was shining very brightly spring sun. Exercise "Snake".

Tongue put on sunglasses, boldly looked up at the sun, down at the ground. Exercise "Swing".

A horse ran past, and the tongue clicked along with it. Exercise "Horse".

After that, Tongue played with his favorite toy-mill, showing how the spring breeze blows (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). Exercise "Mill".
Development of dialogical speech.
Speech therapist: Let's remember the spring months.

Child: The first month is March.

Second - April.

The third is May.

Speech therapist: Now let’s name the signs of spring. Take a picture, name what it shows (a sign of spring) and attach it to the flannelgraph. (Pictures with signs of spring are offered).

  • Returning from warm countries migratory birds;

  • The first flowers are blooming;

  • Fast streams run;

  • Children launch boats along streams;

  • Ice drift begins on the river;

  • Ringing drops are heard;

  • Dark thawed patches appear

Selection of antonyms for given words.
Speech therapist: How much do you know about spring, and won’t you confuse winter with spring?

I'll start the sentence, and you finish it.

  • Winter is gone, and spring... (has come).

  • Winter is cold, and spring...(warm).

  • In winter the snowdrifts are high, and in spring...(low).

  • In winter the sky is cloudy, and in spring...(clear).

  • In winter the sun is low, and in spring... (high).

  • In winter the air is cold, and in spring...(warm).

  • In winter the days are short, and in spring...(long).

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.
Speech therapist: Now let’s affectionately name words associated with spring.

  • Sun? (Sun)

  • Creek? (stream)

  • Snow? (snowball)

  • Wind? (breeze)

  • Sheet? (leaf)

  • Flower? (flower)

  • Tree? (tree)
Speech therapist: Well done! How many good and beautiful words we remembered!
Development of general motor skills.
Physical exercise “Caring Sun”.

Speech therapist: Now let’s rest. Repeat the movements after me.
The sun sends from the sky

Ray, ray, ray (the child crosses his arms above his head).

And he boldly accelerates them

Clouds, clouds, clouds (smoothly shakes his hands at the top).

Gently warms in summer

Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks (rhythmically rub their cheeks).

And in the spring he puts it on his nose

Dots, dots, dots (rhythmically taps his finger on his nose).

Children's freckles turn golden,

They really like it!
Development of fine motor skills.
Speech therapist: What is our sunshine missing? (Luchikov). The sun scattered its rays. Let's help them get back to the sun. (Attaching clothespins).
Development of auditory perception.
Speech therapist: Listen to the sounds of spring (audio recording: birds singing, murmur of a stream, drops).

Speech therapist: What did you hear (child’s answer). Amazing!
Speech therapist: Guess the riddle:

This is who lived overseas

And now it flies over the field

To your wooden palace,

This is a little black one... (starling).
Speech therapist: And a starling came to visit us. Listen to how the starling sings (an audio recording of “Starling Singing” is offered).

Tell me, what is the name of the starling's house? (birdhouse).

Speech therapist: Well done! Look where the starling is sitting?

The speech therapist places a birdhouse on the table and manipulates the bird toy. The child comments on the actions of the speech therapist.
Use of prepositional case constructions.

  • The starling flew out of the birdhouse;

  • The starling flew around the birdhouse;

  • The starling flew up onto the roof of the birdhouse;

  • The starling flew off the roof of the birdhouse and flew away.

Speech therapist: The starling will arrange his home for hatching chicks, and I suggest you turn into an artist. I will give you fragments of the picture, and you must put them together (cut picture).
Speech therapist: Well done! Look how the picture turned out. What time of year does it depict? When you look at this picture, the mood is joyful, cheerful.
Summing up the lesson (evaluating the child’s work).
Speech therapist: This concludes our lesson. Let's remember what we talked about in class (child's answer). Thank you. You did great.


To consolidate preschoolers’ ideas about spring and its signs;

Clarify, expand and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Spring”;

Improve the syntactic aspect of the language (correction and composing sentences);

Develop phonemic awareness (consolidating ideas about vowels and consonants, the hardness and softness of consonants; identifying sounds in words; analyzing the word “spring”), dividing words into syllables;

- develop mental abilities and speech of preschool children;

Improve gross, fine and articulatory motor skills;

Continue to form the duration of speech exhalation;

Develop visual perception, attention, memory, logical thinking, voice strength;

Form self-control over the pronunciation of sounds;

Foster an attentive, caring attitude towards nature;

Foster a sense of collectivism and empathy for your friends.

Equipment: a letter to the speech therapist and children, clouds with tasks, massage balls, an aroma lamp, matches, cards with words, letters of the word “spring”, cards for sound analysis, an image of the sun, a surprise from Spring.

Progress of speech therapy classes in the senior group

Children enter the hall and greet the guests, perform an exercise aimed at improving the children’s emotional mood and developing gross and fine motor skills.

WITH Good morning, little eyes! (Stroking the eyelids)

You woke up? (Place your thumb and index finger together, imagining “binoculars”)

Good morning, ears! (Stroking ears)

You woke up? (Putting palms to ears)

Good morning, hands! (Stroking the hands)

You woke up? (Clap your hands)

Good morning, legs! (Stroking thighs)

You woke up? (Stomp your feet)

Good morning, sun! (Spread your arms to the sides)

We woke up! (Smile widely)

Speech therapist. Now we are cheerful, cheerful, healthy and can start exercising.

There is a knock on the door and the speech therapist is given a letter.

Speech therapist. Children, a letter for us! Let's read it!

“Good afternoon, dear children senior group! Spring is writing to you. I hope very much for your help. I'm in trouble: the winter wind has mixed up all the paths, and I can't come to people. To help me out, come to the spring fairy forest. Difficult obstacles await you there, and you will be able to overcome them only if you are able to speak expressively, clearly, clearly and correctly complete all tasks. I beg you to hurry up. I count on you, friends!”

Well, let's go help out spring? Tell me, please, how can I get to the forest? (Children's answers) Well, let's go.

They enter an improvised forest.

Speech therapist. Children, we are in the forest, but it’s so dark here. Look how many clouds there are and you can’t see the sun at all. Now I understand: for spring to come, we need to disperse all the clouds, but we will only do this when we complete the tasks that are written on these clouds. Well, are you ready to help spring? Then we go to the first cloud.

1. Cloud “Answer me!”

Speech therapist. What month is it on the calendar now? (March) What other spring months do you know? (April, May) Is it the beginning, middle or end of spring? (Start)

Game “Clap your hands when you hear the correct sign of spring”

Children sunbathe, swim, wear light clothes.

The sun is shining, the snow is melting.

Dry colorful leaves rustle underfoot.

The buds are swelling, the leaves are blooming on the trees.

People harvest fruits and vegetables.

Birds fly from warm regions.

Speech therapist. Everyone completed the task, let's move on to the second cloud.

2. Cloud “Su-jok-play-ka”

Speech therapist. Sit down and listen to me carefully and do what you hear.

Sujok therapy. "The Tale of the Hedgehog"

IN fairy forest A little Hedgehog lived in a small cozy house. (Show the ball in your open palm)

The hedgehog was small and therefore afraid of everything. He either looked out of his house or hid. (Squeeze and unclench your palm with the Su-jok ball several times)

One early spring morning the Hedgehog wanted to go for a walk. He came out of his house and ran along the path with his little legs. The path was narrow and winding. (Roll the ball back and forth across your palm.) The Hedgehog ran for a long time. And suddenly he found himself at a large and deep river. And a thin bridge was thrown across the river. ( Circular movements ball across the palm - first clockwise, then counterclockwise.)

He carefully stepped with his small feet onto the narrow bridge - took a step, then a second, third, fourth, fifth - and crossed to the other side! (Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb.)

And there is a clearing - big, round, beautiful! (Circular movements with the ball in the palm of your hand.) In the clearing there are visible and invisible primroses: snowdrops, and crocuses, and coltsfoot, and dandelion, and tulips! Beautiful, like in a fairy tale! (Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb, for each color name.)

The hedgehog really liked the clearing. He walked around her, stepped onto the bridge - one step, second, third, fourth, fifth - and he was on the other side! (Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb.)

The Hedgehog ran quickly: first along a winding path, then in a straight line. I got to my house! (Roll the ball back and forth across your palm.)

And when evening came, the Hedgehog closed his house, lay down in his crib and fell into a sweet sleep! (Hold the ball in your palm.)

Speech therapist. Did you like the fairy tale about the Hedgehog? Me too, but we need to move on.

3. Problems on the third “Name it” cloud

Good bad. Speech therapist. Now I will explain what we will do here. We will look at several phenomena and try to answer why this is good and why it is bad.

1. It's raining.


Plants will grow better

You can sail boats through the puddles

The streets will be clean


You can't walk on the street

You can get wet and get sick

The river may overflow its banks

2. The sun is shining and hot.

Well done! And here is the fourth cloud.

4. Cloud “Think about it”

Speech therapist. Children, we communicate using words, and each word consists of what? (From syllables) What types of syllables are there? (Open and closed)

Now divide the words into syllables using claps (steps, jumps, squats, etc.). But remember that you only need to clap for vowel sounds.

Words: snowdrop, clearing, forest, spring, stream.

Well done, no one made a mistake. Let's take a little rest.

They sit on pillows or stumps.

Speech therapist. Children, sit down comfortably. We will inhale pleasant spring smells and listen to birds singing in the forest. Just hold your back, close your eyes, start breathing - inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose, inhale again, only now through the mouth and exhale through the mouth, and now we inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth and inhale through the mouth and exhale through nose.

(Aromatherapy session combined with music therapy.)

Speech therapist. Well done, let's move on to the fifth cloud.

5. Cloud “Say it”

Exercise “Dialogue of Spring and Winter” (development of voice power)

Sounds we hear in the forest:



and so on.

And the sixth cloud offers us such a task.

6. Cloud “Fix it”

Speech therapist. I say a sentence, you listen carefully and say whether I said it correctly. If not, then correct the mistake and speak correctly. Agreed?

1. It started raining because I took an umbrella.

(I took an umbrella because it was raining)

2. Spring has come because birds have flown in from warm regions.

(The birds came because spring has come)

3. It has become warm, insects are waking up.

(Insects wake up because it's warm)

Well, children, you have completed this task. Look: there is only one cloud left. Ready to do your final task? Then, let's get started.

And now I suggest you rest a little and move around.

Physical education lesson “Ra-ra-ra!”

7. Cloud “Get it together”

1. Compose words of 3 syllables. Read. Name the first sound, last, middle. (grapes, sunshine, telephone, bus)

2. Make a sound analysis of the word “spring”.

How many sounds are in the word "spring"?

5 sounds: B, E, S, N, A.

How many vowel sounds are there in the word “spring”?

2 vowels: E, A.

How many consonants are there?

3 consonants: V, S, N.

Diagram of the word "Spring".

Bottom line. Reflection

And you completed this task. We remove the cloud - and, look, the sun has finally appeared. Maybe spring will come to the forest?

Music sounds, Spring comes.


Finally I came to the forest

And brought warmth to everyone.

I smile at the sun

Hello, golden!

I smile at the flower

Let it bloom!

I see you were waiting for me

I came to you with warmth!

Thank you for your help,

And I will give out gifts!!!

Gifts - lollipop “flowers” ​​for children and guests.

  • clarify and expand children’s knowledge on the topic “Spring”; expand and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic;

Correctional educational tasks:

Strengthen word formation and inflection skills: agreement of nouns with adjectives; nouns with verbs; select adjectives for nouns;

  • develop coherent speech; strengthen the ability to answer questions in complete sentences;

Corrective and developmental tasks:

improve phonemic awareness; practice proper breathing; develop fine motor skills, memory, attention, thinking; Correctional and educational tasks:

  • to instill in children a sense of love and respect for nature, to teach correct behavior in nature.

Wellness tasks:

Development of coordination of speech with movement, self-massage, su-joko therapy.

Equipment: pictures depicting the seasons, pictures depicting signs of spring, subject pictures: ball, sun, sound symbols, drawings of flowers for coloring, pencils.

Preliminary work: observing spring changes in nature on a walk, reading poems about spring, learning the “Maple” exercise.




  1. clarify and expand children’s knowledge on the topic “Spring”; expand and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic;

Correctional educational tasks:

Strengthen word formation and inflection skills: agreement of nouns with adjectives; nouns with verbs; select adjectives for nouns;

  1. develop coherent speech; strengthen the ability to answer questions in complete sentences;

Corrective and developmental tasks:

improve phonemic awareness; practice proper breathing; develop fine motor skills, memory, attention, thinking;Correctional and educational tasks:

  1. to instill in children a sense of love and respect for nature, to teach correct behavior in nature.

Wellness tasks:

Development of coordination of speech with movement, self-massage, su-joko therapy.

Equipment: pictures depicting the seasons, pictures depicting signs of spring, subject pictures: ball, sun, sound symbols, drawings of flowers for coloring, pencils.

Preliminary work:observing spring changes in nature while walking, reading poems about spring, learning the “Maple” exercise.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment:(there is a “sun” toy on the table, the child finds the toy and draws the attention of the speech therapist)

Speech therapist: Guys, look who came to visit us?

Children: Sunny.

Speech therapist: Let's greet the sun and each other.

Hello golden sun,(Children open their palms towards the sun)Hello blue sky,(Raise hands up)

Hello mother earth, (Tilt your hand down)

Hello all my friends.(Hands down to sides, palms touching each other)

Speech therapist: But you will learn from the poem what we will talk about in class,

which I will read.

(The speech therapist reads the riddle)

loose snow

Melts in the sun

The breeze plays in the branches,

So, she came to us...

(children finish in chorus: spring).

Can you guess what time of year we'll be talking about?

Children: about spring

Speech therapist: Everyone is happy about spring and is looking forward to it. In the old days they believed that spring did not come on its own. Previously, they invited spring to visit and said these words... Spring is red! We invite you to visit! Come quickly! Bring it with you... Let each of you ask spring for something.

(The speech therapist gives a picture of the sun, determining the order of answers. Children ask spring to bring: good weather, warm sun, green grass, warm breeze, singing birds, snowdrops, etc. They sit on chairs).

II. Main part.

Speech therapist: Guys, look. Here are pictures depicting the seasons(on the board there are 3 pictures of the seasons: spring, autumn, winter).Determine which picture shows spring. And prove why you think so? (Children's answers. For example, the second picture shows spring. Children, depending on the image in the picture, name the signs of spring, the speech therapist seeks a complete answer: It’s spring, because the snow is melting,... icicles are dripping from the roofs,... birds have flown in, ... the children put on spring clothes, etc. ).

Speech therapist: Well done, you chose the right words.

Speech therapist: The beautiful spring has returned to earth. Let's feel her touch.

1 . (Facial massage is performed).

The bright spring sun is shining -stroking and caressing our face.

The rain is still cold. -tapping with fingertips

In the mornings the frost still sometimes stings. - tingling

And yet the sun is shining stronger. -stroking again

2. Articulation gymnastics “The history of a cheerful tongue”

Spring has come, and the sun is shining brightly in the sky (open your mouth, lick your lips 3 times in one direction, 3 in the other). From its rays droplets began to drip loudly (click tongue). Tongue got dressed and went into the forest. He walked slowly along the path and heard the birds singing cheerfully: “Ku-ku-ku,” the cuckoo crowed high on the spruce tree (onomatopoeia). “D-d-d,” the woodpecker knocked on the tree bark, looking for small bugs (onomatopoeia). Everything sang and came to life in the spring forest. How long or short, but soon the path of the tongue led to a wonderful clearing (scapula). The tongue sat on a stump (fungus) and looked around (watch). Many snowdrops bloomed in the clearing. The tongue admired them for a long time. Soon the clouds covered the sun (open your mouth, slowly close it 5 times). Tongue hurried home to his mother.

3. Didactic game “Clap your hands”

Speech therapist: Guys, now be careful. I will name the words, and you clap your hands if you hear a word related to spring.

Words: warms, leaf fall, melts, blizzard, murmurs, warm, brighter, cold, swells, snowflakes, flood, arrives, thawed patches, frost, drops, ice drift, blizzard, snowfall, sun.

(The speech therapist asks to explain the words: thawed patches, drops, ice drift)

Speech therapist: And then in the spring nature comes to life, and the animals wake up, the Hedgehog also woke up, he decided to travel.

(the speech therapist draws the children’s attention to su-jok)

4. Su-Jok therapy “The Tale of the Hedgehog”

In a fairy-tale forest, in a small cozy house, there lived a little Hedgehog.Show the ball in your open palm.

The hedgehog was small and therefore afraid of everything. He either looked out of his house or hid.

Squeeze and unclench your palm with the Su-Jok ball several times

One early spring morning the Hedgehog wanted to go for a walk. He came out of his house, looked around and ran along the path with his little legs. The path was narrow and winding.

The Hedgehog ran for a long time. And suddenly he found himself near a large raging river. And a thin bridge was thrown across the river.

Circular movements of the ball across the palm - first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

He carefully stepped with his small feet onto the narrow bridge - took one step, then a second, third, fourth, fifth - and crossed to the other side!

And there is a clearing - big, round, beautiful!

Circular movements with the ball in the palm of your hand.

In the clearing there are visible and invisible primroses: snowdrops, crocuses, coltsfoot, lungwort, and tulips! Beautiful, like in a fairy tale!

Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb, for each flower name.

The hedgehog really liked the clearing, he walked around it, stepped onto the bridge - one step, two, three, four. The fifth... and he's on the other side!

Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb.

The Hedgehog ran quickly - first along a winding path, then along a straight line. I got to my house!

Roll the ball back and forth across your palm.

And when evening came, the Hedgehog closed his house, lay down in his crib and fell into a sweet sleep!Hold the ball in your palm.

Speech therapist: Guys, the hedgehog visited the clearing, and do you want to go there?

Children: Yes.

Speech therapist: Let's take a short trip to a spring meadow.

(The speech therapist invites the children to go onto the carpet, asks them to lie on their backs, arms along the body and close their eyes).

Close your eyes

Dream a little.

I'll make friends with the wind,

I'll find myself in a clearing.

(While the children have their eyes closed, the speech therapist hangs up a picture depicting a spring meadow. To control the order of answers, you can use a ball, which the speech therapist passes from one child to another).

5. Composition of the story.

Speech therapist: Look how wonderful spring meadow opened up to us. Which

do you see primroses?

Children: Snowdrops, tulips, etc.

Speech therapist: What else do you see? (trees with birds).

Speech therapist: What are the names of the trees that are located in our clearing.

6. Exercise "Maple"(coordination of speech with movement)

Outside the window the icicle is melting,(Children stand with their faces turned in a circle. Do 4

Jump, keeping your hands on your belt)

The wind tears the clouds to shreds.(Arms up. Torso tilts left and right)

Unclenches, unclenches(Hands in front of chest, elbows down; slowly

Maple tight fists.unclench their fists)

He leaned against the window.(4 jumps)

A , the snow has barely melted,(Tilts)

Give me a green palm(They turn to face each other, extend

Maple will last the longest.right hands to each other - handshake)

Speech therapist: Not only are the leaves blooming on the trees, but the primroses are also opening. I suggest you take a breath. exercise called “Flower”.

7. Breathing exercise “Flower”

Speech therapist: Spring gave us primroses. These are the first spring flowers. Let's collect the petals into buds (children connect their fingers, imitating a bud),let's smell them. Take a deep breath through your nose, and as you exhale say “Ah!!!” with an exclamatory intonation, and open the bud.(Children open their fingers. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times, the speech therapist monitors the correct inhalation and exhalation).

Speech therapist: And now I suggest you color our primroses.

Speech therapist: And now guys, I suggest you color the spring flowers and create your own spring meadow.(The speech therapist gives the children drawn but not painted flowers: snowdrops, lilies of the valley, daffodils, mimosas, dandelions, tulips. The children paint them).

Speech therapist: Guys, what a wonderful spring meadow we have. Great!

III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist: Guys, you are so great. Today's lesson was interesting. Did you like it? Asks children questions: What did you like? What do you remember? Who will you tell about today's lesson? (Evaluates children's work)

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

in the preparatory school group

kindergarten for children with special needs

The theme is “Spring has come.”

Correctional educational goals. Generalization of ideas about early spring and typical spring phenomena in nature. Expansion and activation of children's dictionary on this topic, a dictionary of antonyms. Improvement grammatical structure speech (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes). Improving the skill of sound analysis of words. Improving the skill of writing and reading sentences.

Corrective and developmental goals. Development of speech hearing, visual perception and attention, articulation and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, exercise in proper breathing. Development of memory and thinking.

Correctional and educational goals. Developing skills of cooperation, independence, and activity. Instilling in children a sense of love and respect for nature.

Equipment: pictures depicting the seasons, pictures depicting signs of spring; subject pictures: cake, rainbow, orange, vase, watermelon; Sun; envelopes with the task; sound symbols, letters, a ball, drawings of flowers for shading, pencils, CD player, CD with music for the lesson.

Preliminary work: observing spring changes in nature on a walk, reading poems about spring, learning logorhythmic and finger exercises on the theme "Spring".

. Progress of the lesson

Org moment.(Children stand in a circle with the speech therapist, the speech therapist has the sun in his hands. Lyrical music plays).

If the birds have arrived,

The songs were sung merrily,

And the bear is in the dense forest

Woke up from sleep

So... (d: spring) has come to us

A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. And think how good it is that we are all together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy.

We are in a good mood, because the long-awaited spring has arrived. Look who stopped by today? (children: sunshine)

What is the sun like in spring? (d: sun - spring, bright, warm, big, affectionate, cheerful... etc.)

What will we talk about in class?

Can you guess what time of year we'll be talking about? (d: about spring)

Everyone is happy about spring and is looking forward to it. In the old days they believed that spring did not come on its own. They used to invite spring to visit and say these words...

Spring is red! We invite you to visit! Come quickly! Bring it with you... Let us all call for spring together and everyone will ask for whatever they want.

(The speech therapist gives a picture - the sun, determining the order of answers. Children repeat the call and ask to bring: good weather, warm sun, green grass, warm breeze, singing birds, snowdrops, etc. They sit on chairs).

2. “Find spring.”

Guys, look. Here are pictures depicting the seasons (there are 4 pictures of the seasons on the board: spring, summer, autumn, winter). Determine which picture shows spring. And prove why you think so? (Children's answers. For example, the second picture shows spring. Children, depending on the image in the picture, name the signs of spring, the speech therapist seeks a complete answer: This is spring, because the snow is melting..., icicles are dripping from the roofs,... birds have flown in,... the children are wearing spring clothes clothes, etc.).

3. Game “Choose a word.”

I will remind you of the signs of spring, and you will help me. (The speech therapist says a sentence, and the children finish it by choosing the right word. Pictures selected by the speech therapist appear).

The long, cold... (winter) is over.

The warm, long-awaited... (spring) has arrived.

Spring is shining brighter... (sun).

The first ones appear... (thawed patches).

The sonorous...(streams) are running.

Dripping from the roofs of houses... (icicles).

The trees are swelling... (buds).

From warm regions... (birds) fly.

The guys are building starlings... (birdhouses).

We really love the first spring... (flowers).

Well done, you chose the right words and made up sentences, we succeeded spring picture.

4. Game “Clap your hands.”

Guys, now be careful. I will name the words, and you clap if you hear a word related to spring.

Words: warms, leaf fall, melts, blizzard, murmurs, warm, brighter, cold, swells, snowflakes, flood, arrives, thawed patches, frost, drops, ice drift, blizzard, snowfall, sun.

(The speech therapist asks to explain the words: thawed patches, flood, drops, ice drift).

5. Facial massage.(Perform while standing)

The beautiful spring has returned to earth. Let's feel her touch.

The bright spring sun is shining - stroking

and caresses our faces.

The rain is still cold. - tapping with fingertips

In the mornings the frost still sometimes stings. - tingling

And yet the sun is shining stronger. - stroking again

6. Exercise “What’s extra?”

Let's see how you know the signs early spring. Listen to me and determine which one is the odd one out and explain why.

The snow is melting, migratory birds are flying south, rain begins to fall, and thawed patches appear.

The willow blossoms, the ice begins to drift, very coldy, coltsfoot blossoms.

The buds swell, the apples ripen, the first grass appears in the thawed patches, and the rooks begin to build nests.

Icicles hang from the roofs, the snow darkens and settles, the leaves turn yellow and fall, and the bear wakes up.

7. Exercise “Choose action words.”

In spring, nature comes to life and many different phenomena occur. Let’s remember which ones together. Choose action words and complete the sentences.

In spring the sun... (warms, bakes, caresses...)

In spring, icicles under the sun... (melt, drip...)

In spring, snowdrifts from the sun's heat... (settle, melt...)

In spring, the buds on the trees... (swell, burst...)

In spring, streams... (run, babble, ring...)

In spring, birds... (come back, fly...)

In the spring, birds make nests... (they build, build, make...)

In spring, ice on the river... (melts, cracks, breaks, floats...)

In spring, the first flowers appear in the thawed patches... (appear, bloom)

In spring the grass... (breaks through, grows, turns green...)

8. Game “Name it kindly.”

Spring has many friends. Let's call them affectionately (The speech therapist names the first word, and the children select words with a diminutive meaning).

The sun is the sun, (rain, wind, cloud, grass, puddle, thawed patch, starling, tree, bud, stream, flower...)

9. Breathing exercise “Flower”.

Spring gave us primroses. These are the first spring flowers. Let's collect the petals into buds (children connect their fingers, imitating a bud), and smell them. Take a deep breath through your nose, and as you exhale say “Ah!!!” with an exclamatory intonation, and open the bud. (Children open their fingers. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times, the speech therapist monitors the correct inhalation and exhalation).

10. “Make a proposal.”

The spring breeze brought envelopes to our group, and in them a task for everyone to make a sentence from the proposed words.

Read what you got.

11. Do you remember what the spring months are called?

Let's name them in order.

(Children name the months, the speech therapist posts the corresponding pictures)

What is the first month of spring? 3rd month?

What month is between March and May?

What month is ahead of April? May?

12. Game “Say the opposite”.

Guys, are winter and spring similar to each other? (d: no) Let's talk about it. Let's play the game "Say the other way around."

In winter the snow is white, and in spring... (gray).

In winter the snow is clean, but in spring... (dirty).

In winter the days are cold, and in the spring... (warm)

In winter the days are short, and in spring... (long).

In winter the sun is dim, but in spring... (bright).

In winter the sky is gray, and in spring... (blue).

In winter the wind is cold, and in spring... (warm).

In winter the sun is low, and in spring... (high).

It got colder in winter, and in spring... (warmer).

13. Outdoor game “Vesnyanka”.

And clearly the sun is walking in a circle, holding hands, and

It's hot, it's hot. slowly raise their hands.

And everywhere gold walks in a circle, holding hands. AND

Spilled, spilled. slowly lower their hands

Streams along the street run on their toes in the opposite direction

Everyone is murmuring, hands are murmuring on the belt

cranes croak and change direction

And they fly, and they fly. They walk raising their knees high and waving their arms.

14. "Encryption".

And I suggest you complete one more task and help me solve the encrypted word. (The speech therapist hangs up pictures. Children collect a word from the first letters in the name of each picture : cake, rainbow, orange, vase, watermelon, letters are hung on the board, the word grass is obtained, then its sound is laid out diagram).

Answer my questions in complete sentences.

How many sounds are in the word "grass"? (d: 5 sounds).

Say them in order. (d: [t], [p], [a], [v], [a]).

How many vowel sounds are there in the word "grass"? Name them. (d: 2 vowel sounds: [a]).

How many consonants are there? Name them and describe them.

How many vowel sounds are there in the word "grass"? Name them. (d: 2 vowel sounds: [a]).

How many syllables are in the word grass?

15. The story “Spring has come.”

With the onset of spring, we travel to the forests more often. Now I want to read you a story about what happened to the guys in the spring.

"Spring has come. The snow melted, and the forest began to dress in green foliage. Migratory birds arrived from distant lands. It was warm, and my friend Kolya and I went into the forest. Kolya took a knife with him. He approached the birch tree, cut its trunk, and we began to drink birch sap. It was very tasty. Soon we got tired of drinking the juice and started running and screaming. We hit the trees with sticks so loudly that the birds could not be heard. There were a lot of flowers in the forest, and we picked a huge bouquet. And then we went home. How I liked it in the forest! (The conversation continues.)

Did the guys behave correctly in the forest? What can't you do in the forest? What harm did they do to the environment? Is it possible to do this? (Children's answers)

16. Hatching.

I suggest that you do not pick flowers like the boys did. Let us, on the contrary, create a flower meadow. Let's shade our spring flowers and create a spring meadow. I think it will turn out wonderful and beautiful. (The speech therapist gives the children drawn but not painted flowers: snowdrops, coltsfoot. The children paint them and hang them on the board, forming a spring flower meadow). Guys, what a wonderful spring meadow we have.

17. Summary.

Guys, you are so great. What did we talk about in class today?

What are the signs of early spring?

Assessment of children's work.

Second for children junior group with severe speech impairment

Summary of lesson No. 1 on the topic “Spring”

Goal: to introduce children to the signs of spring.


1. We continue to teach children to use the word “here” in independent speech.
2. We develop children’s ability to work with a large plot picture.
3. We strengthen children’s ability to observe seasonal changes in nature.
4. We develop children’s manual praxis.

Equipment: demonstration material: a series of plot paintings about spring, a plot painting “Spring”, an image of Dunno, leaves with a yellow circle and icicles cut out of colored paper.

Handout: leaves with a yellow circle and icicles cut out of colored paper.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.
D/i “What’s outside the window?”: the teacher asks the children to go to the window and look carefully into it. Then the adult asks: “Is the sun shining? (Yes). Snow is melting? (Yes). Have the birds arrived? (Yes)."

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Conversation about spring.

The teacher tells the children that Dunno came to visit them and asks them to tell him about spring.
“Dunno,” says the teacher, the boys and I recently spent the winter, and now spring has come. In winter it was very cold, there was snow everywhere, and ice on the rivers. And now, when spring has come, the sun began to get hot, the snow began to melt, streams ran, icicles hung from the roofs, drops rang, birds sang joyfully, and buds swelled on the trees, and very soon the first leaves and flowers will appear!

The teacher shows the children the first picture - the sun is shining brightly, and says: “Spring has come, it’s red, the sun has come. The sun is shining, caressing everyone with its rays.

A ray of sunshine smiled, Sun, sun, hurry up
The ray touched you and me. Warm the earth and people!
At first the rays were small, baby rays, then the rays grew bigger.
The sun began to warm up - the snow began to flow in streams.”
The teacher shows pictures: the snow is melting, streams are flowing.

Picture 3 - children launching boats: “So much water! - said the rays, - Who needs this water? - “We, we!” - the children shouted and began to launch boats in the stream. The boats have sailed!”

4 picture - leaves are blooming: “Who needs water?” “To us, to us!” the trees shook their branches. “Then green leaves will appear on us!”

5 picture - first spring flowers: “Who needs water?” “To us, to us!” cried the first spring flowers. “Then we will bloom and delight all people!”

6 picture - birds flew in: “Who needs water?” - “Us, us, us!” - the birds screamed. They drank water from a puddle and bathed in it.”

2. A story about spring based on pictures.

The speech therapist tells children about spring, based on pictures: 1. In spring, the sun shines brightly. 2.In spring the snow melts. 3. In spring, streams flow and you can launch boats. 4. In spring, leaves appear on the trees. 5.In spring, the first spring flowers appear. 6. Birds arrive in spring.

III. Physical education minute.
"Colors of Spring"
Again there is no rest for the streams -
Day and night they murmur in the bushes.
(run in circles one after another)
The golden sun is walking
In pure, pure skies.
(calmly walk one after another)
Rays pour on the forest and meadow
(squat - stand up)
And all the flowers around.
(“flower” above head)

We continue to teach children to use the word “here” in independent speech.
D/i “Show me where...”: the teacher takes turns asking the children to show some phenomenon of spring in a series of plot pictures, and then in one large plot picture, motivating them to use the word “here” in their speech.

2. Development of manual praxis.

The teacher gives the children pieces of paper with a yellow circle and icicles cut out of colored paper, and asks them to draw rays for the sun and droplets for the icicles. Then the children explain why the sun has beautiful long rays and the icicle has droplets.

Summary of lesson No. 2 on the topic “Spring”.

Goal: continue to introduce children to the signs of spring.

1. Continue teaching children to finish words from pictures.

Equipment: demonstration material: pictures depicting different seasons, plot painting “Spring”.
handout: colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.
A game to consolidate knowledge of primary colors: “The one with the red pencil in his hands will sit down.”

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. D/i “Negotiate”: the teacher, talking about the signs of spring from pictures, motivates children to agree on sentences:

  1. In spring the sun shines...brightly. 2. In spring the snow…melts. 3. In the spring... streams run and you can launch... ships. 4. In spring, leaves appear on the trees. 5.In the spring, the first appear. 6.In spring...birds arrive.
  2. A game for the development of verbal and logical thinking “Does this happen in spring?”: the teacher shows children pictures depicting different seasons and asks questions: “Who is drawn in the picture? What are they doing? Does this happen in the spring? Why?"

III. Physical education minute.
The bear crawled out of the den
The bear crawled out of the den,
I looked around on the threshold. (Turns left and right.)
He stretched out of sleep: (Stretching - arms up.)
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (Rotate your head.)
Bent back and forth, (Bends forward and back.)
Here he is walking through the forest.
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for the bear. (Tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.)
Finally the bear had his fill
And he sat down on a log. (Children sit down.)

IV. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.
Expanding children's verb vocabulary.

2. Working with the plot picture “Who is doing what?”

Summary of lesson No. 3 on the topic “Spring”

Goal: to enrich children’s ideas about spring.

1. Form the prerequisites for coherent speech.
2. Develop children’s verbal and logical thinking.
3. Consolidate knowledge of primary colors.
4. Expand children's verbal vocabulary.

Equipment: demonstration material: pictures depicting different seasons, paper dolls and clothes for different seasons.
handouts: individual sheets for completing the task “Whose boat?”, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.
Development game auditory attention“The one whose name I call will sit down.”

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. Expanding the verb vocabulary of children.
1. D/i “What is he doing?”: the teacher asks the children questions:
- What does the sun do in spring? (Shines brightly).
- What does snow do in spring? (melts).
- What do streams do in the spring? (Run/flow).
- What appears on trees in spring? (Leaves).
- What appears on earth in spring? (Flowers).
-Who flies in from warm countries in the spring? (Birds).
- What time of year is this? (Spring).
2. Formation of prerequisites for coherent speech “Tell about spring”: children talk about spring using pictures with the help of a speech therapist.
3. A game to develop children’s verbal and logical thinking “Is it possible to go for a walk like this in the spring?”: the teacher shows the children paper dolls With different clothes and asks them: “Is it possible to go for a walk like this in the spring? Why?".

III. Physical education minute.

IV. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.
1. D/i “Whose boat”: the teacher distributes individual sheets to the children, in which it is necessary to draw a path from each child (the children are dressed in clothes different colors: red, blue, green, yellow) to a boat with a sail of the desired color.

Summary of lesson No. 4 on the topic “Spring”


2. Develop the prerequisites for coherent speech.
3. Develop children’s ability to build simple cause-and-effect relationships.
4. Expand children's verbal vocabulary.

Equipment: demonstration material: pictures depicting different seasons, pictures for the game “What has changed?”

Progress of the lesson

I. Org. moment.
D/i “The one who says what his name is will sit down?”

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. D/i “Yes-no-ka”:
1. In spring you can make snowmen.
2. In spring you can go sledding.
3. The first spring flowers appear in the spring.
4. In spring you can swim in the river.
5. In spring, leaves fall on the trees.
6. In spring, birds fly to warmer regions.
2. Development of prerequisites for coherent speech “Tell about spring”: children talk about spring using pictures with the help of a speech therapist.
3. A game to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships “Is it spring?”: the teacher hands out pictures to the children depicting different seasons, the children must answer whether it is spring in the picture or not and explain why.

III. Physical education minute.
Game "Draw and Tell".
Invite children to “draw” spring using hand movements and
talk about her.
The sun has warmed up, Children stretch their hands up, spreading their fingers wide to the sides, like the rays of the sun.
And the snow melted. They lower their arms down and wave their free hands.
And the snowdrop blossomed in front of everyone. They show a snowdrop bud with their hands, and then straighten their fingers to show the flower.

IV. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.
1.D/i “What has changed?”: the teacher invites the children to look at the pictures and compare them. The speech therapist tells the children that he will help them: “I’ll start, and you finish the phrase: “In the top picture snowing, on the bottom - ... (blue, clear sky). In the top picture there is snow all around, a lot of snowdrifts, a snowman is standing; in the bottom picture... (the snow is melting, streams are flowing, flowers are growing). In the top picture the trees are bare, in the bottom picture... (leaves have appeared on the trees). In the top picture there are few birds, they are cold, they are ruffled, in the bottom... (there are many birds, they are making nests). The top picture shows winter, and the bottom picture... (spring).”

Summary of lesson No. 5 on the topic “Spring”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about spring.

1. Continue teaching children to compare two pictures with each other.
2. Exercise children in the ability to solve riddles.
3. Develop children’s ability to build simple cause-and-effect relationships.
4. To instill in children love and respect for nature.

Equipment: demonstration material: pictures depicting different seasons, an image of Dunno, a picture for the game “Guess where the mistake is?”, story pictures to the game "Compare".

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.
D/i “Clap like me!”

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1.Riddles about spring and spring phenomena.
loose snow
Melts in the sun
The breeze plays in the branches,
Louder bird voices
Has come to us... (Spring)

It's ringing outside the window
And he sings: “Spring has come!
And cold icicles
Turned it into these streams!"
Heard from the roof:
It's a small flood. (Drops)

In the spring they became very bright
All meadows, clearings, parks.
Among the green stems
Multi-colored buds.
Blue and red
Delicate, beautiful.
Let's collect bouquets from them,
What is this, what is this? (Flowers)

The park seems to be completely covered
A green cloud.
The poplar stands in greenery,
And oaks and maples.
What opened up on the branches.
And it bloomed in April? (Foliage, buds)

In the autumn they flew south,
So as not to meet an evil blizzard.
And in the spring the snow melted,
And our flocks returned! (Migratory birds)

This house is made of plywood,
It has a perch and doors.
A comfortable home awaits the birds,
They will feel comfortable in it. (birdhouse)

2. D/i “Guess where the mistake is?”: the teacher informs the children that Dunno painted a picture called “Spring”, but made many mistakes, the children need to correct them.

III. Physical education minute.

IV. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

1. D/i “Compare”: the teacher invites children to compare two plot pictures depicting spring and winter. The speech therapist begins the phrase, and the guys finish it: “In this picture, the guys...are making a snowman, and here the children...are picking flowers. In this picture, children... are skating on the ice, and here... the ice is melting, pieces of ice are floating. In this picture the children are dressed...warmly, but here...lightly...In this’s winter, and here...spring, etc.”