Summary of the open lesson "Visiting the Hedgehog" lesson plan (junior group) on the topic. Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the first junior group “Visiting the Hedgehog”

"Visiting the Hedgehog"
GCD for young children

using health-saving technologies

Oganyan Alesya Gennadievna , teacher,

MBDOU DS OV No. 3 town. Afipsky municipal district Seversky district.

-Expand words knowledge
-Expand knowledge about the world around you
-Continue to learn geometric shapes
-Bring up fine motor skills
-Cultivate responsiveness and desire to help.
Speech development:
teach children to guess riddles, activate words in children’s speech - name
vegetables; form the concept of a generalizing word fruits, vegetables; learn to select words according to their meaning.
recognize and distinguish geometric shapes, fix the names of colors.
Physical Culture:

Speech development:
develop a dialogical form of speech. Engage children in conversation while viewing
paintings, illustrations, slides. Teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher. Listen and understand given
question. It's understandable to answer it.
teach children to examine the shape of figures using vision and touch.
preservation, strengthening and protection of children's health; increase mental and physical
performance, prevention of fatigue.
cultivate activity, initiative, promote the development of positive emotions.
- health-protecting:
1 Maintaining the level of health of children.
2 Providing a shift dynamic pauses in GCD.
- ICT technologies
multimedia equipment, a painting of a hedgehog, an audio recording of birds' voices.
Handout: envelope with geometric shapes, baskets, dummies: fruits and vegetables.

Progress of the lesson.
The teacher enters the group and greets the children.
Surprise moment:
V. - Guys, look, they sent us a letter. He opens the envelope and shows a picture of a hedgehog.
Q.-Who is shown in the picture? (children's answers). Guys, the hedgehog invites us to visit him.
Q. - Do you want to go visit the hedgehog? (children's answers)
V.- But how can we get to the forest where the hedgehog lives, because it is far away (children’s answers: by car, train, plane, etc.)
Q. - Guys, do we have something in the envelope? Takes out geometric figures (cut out of cardboard, different colors.)
V.- Yes, these are train tickets! Apparently the hedgehog wants us to travel by train.
(tickets in the form of geometric shapes are handed out).
Q. - Guys, what do these tickets look like? (children's answers). The teacher invites the children to go to the makeshift train. Imagine that the chair is a trailer. Each trailer has a geometric figure pasted on it.
V. - Guys, look carefully at your tickets and find your seats. Children look for their places based on the shape of geometric shapes.
V.- Now we can go on a trip to the “autumn forest.”
V. - While we’re driving, tell me, what time of year is it now?
(children's answers)
Q.-What happens in nature in autumn? (children’s answers). We've arrived there!
The voices of birds are heard, children get off the train. (get up from their chairs).
V.-And now from the road, let’s take a little rest.
(physical training is held)
-There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest,
He was a ball and without legs. (Children hug themselves by the shoulders).
He didn't know how to clap - clap-clap-clap,
(clap hands)
He didn’t know how to stomp, stomp, stomp (they stomp with their feet).
And he knew how to sniff, sniff, sniff (they snort).
And the kids came to the forest and found a hedgehog in the forest.
They taught us to clap clap-clap-clap.
They taught us to stomp, stomp, stomp.
V. - Guys, look, is someone meeting us?
Yes, this is a hedgehog (a picture of a hedgehog appears on the screen.) 1st slide.
Is he telling us something? The hedgehog asks to play a game of “riddles and guesses” with them.
From the pictures we must find the correct answer.
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th slides (pictures depicting vegetables and fruits. The teacher asks riddles; the children choose the correct answer.)
6th slide - sad hedgehog.
V.- Look, we guessed everything correctly, but our hedgehog became sad.
Guys, the point is that the hedgehog needs help making supplies for the winter, collecting fruits and vegetables.
- Outdoor game “fill the baskets”.
Children fill baskets with vegetables and fruits to the music.
The game ends and the 7th slide, a cheerful hedgehog, appears on the screen.
V. - Guys, look how much we have harvested, how many fruits and vegetables.
These supplies will last the hedgehog all winter. Guys, look, our hedgehog immediately became cheerful,
let's give him the baskets and say goodbye to him.
Q. - Did you like our walk into the autumn forest and to visit the hedgehog? (children’s answers).
Guys, what do you remember most? (children’s answers).
V.- You are all great, but it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.
In order for us to return faster, I suggest you fly by plane.
And so we spread your wings (children spread their arms in different directions),
We start the engines: R-R-let's fly!
V. - So guys, we returned to our kindergarten.

Summary of direct educational activities
"Visiting the Hedgehog and his friends"
for older children

Kournikova Evgenia Nikolaevna,
teacher of MBDOU No. 15,
g.o. Kolomna, Moscow region.

Software tasks:
- consolidate ideas about objects dangerous to life and health;
– consolidate the rules fire safety;
– warn children against contacts with strangers, promote the development of vigilance in communicating with strangers;
– reinforce with children the rules for crossing the roadway;
– develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

Progress of direct educational activities

Educator: Today we will go to visit the Hedgehog and his friends.
He lives in a forest city
Over there in that carved house,
To get to him,
We need to not get lost.
So that the stormy street
Noisy, loud, talkative
And pass, and pass -
Be careful on the way!
- Well, guys, let's go!
Child: Stop! Stop!
Educator: What's happened?
Around the city, down the street
They don’t just walk like that:
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble.
Be careful all the time
And remember in advance:
Has its own rules
Driver and pedestrian.

Educator: Thank you, Egor, for reminding us of this. After all, we need to cross the road, but where can we cross it?
Children: By pedestrian crossing, along the zebra crossing. (Show sign).
Educator: Yes, right! And guess who will help us with this?
Lives with three eyes
Flashes in turn
As soon as it blinks, it will restore order,
What it is? (Traffic light)
Educator: Well, of course it's a traffic light! At what traffic light can you cross the street? Tell me. (Holds the traffic light).
1st child: If the light turns red, it means it is dangerous to move!
2nd child: Yellow light - warning, wait for the signal to move!
3rd child: The green light says: “Come on, the way is open!”

Educator: Well done, you know at what traffic light you can cross the street. Look what light is on at our traffic light?
Children: Green!
Educator: Can I move on?
Children: Yes! (Cross the street).

Educator: And here is the Hedgehog's house. (Hedgehog meets the guys)
Hedgehog: Oh, how good it is that you came! Look how many toys I have: glass jar, iron, knife, pan, needles, scissors.
Educator: Hedgehog, is it possible to play with them?
Hedgehog: Isn't it possible?
Educator: Guys, tell Hedgehog about these items. (Children tell that these are necessary but also dangerous objects, what they are needed for and how to handle them).

Sharp knives at home
Put it in its place.
Don't throw away the needles
Put them all on the shelves
If you got the scissors,
Take it back where you got it from.
Then neither girls nor boys
They won't cut their fingers.

Hedgehog: Thank you guys, now I know everything about these items and will only play with toys.
Educator: It's time for us to move on. Come with us, Hedgehog. We are going to visit the bunny. (Move on)

Hedgehog: Look, the package is lying in a forest clearing, how beautiful!
Educator: Children, don't touch! Do you know what can happen if you touch it? (Children talk).
Don't you dare take him,
To adults about their find
I must tell you right away!
What else can you do?
Children: Call the police and tell everything.
Educator: What is the police number?
Children: 02! (We call, we move on - a bunny is crying near the house).

Educator: Zainka, what happened? Why are you crying?
Bunny: Guys, I'm very afraid to stay at home alone. And I don’t know how to behave if someone rings the doorbell.
Educator: Guys, let's tell Bunny how to behave if a stranger comes into the house. Unfortunately, there are people who do bad things. A person with evil thoughts and plotting evil is called an evildoer. How do you imagine an attacker?
This is not always a person with a gentle voice and a pleasant appearance, he can be good, he can also do bad things. What should you do if a stranger knocks on your door?

Play out a scene: knocking
1 character - postman;
2 character - grandmother;
3rd character - policeman.
Educator: Well done, you did everything right!

Poem(child reads):
Don't open the door for strangers
Don't believe any of his words.
He will tell you: “I am from my mother,
She forgot to take her Panama hat.”
You will let a stranger into your house,
And he will come to you with a gun.
He might scare you
And take my mother's fur coat.

Educator: 1) Never open the door to a stranger. 2) Never say that you are home alone. And if a bad person keeps knocking on the door, what should you do?
Children: Call the police on the phone, and then call mom or dad.
Educator: What is the police number?
Children: 02. (Show)
Educator: If you don't have a phone?
Children: Scream loudly, call for help.
Bunny: Thank you guys, now I know how to behave if a stranger comes into the house. I'm no longer afraid and I won't cry.

Educator: We go further to visit Squirrel. Come with us, Bunny. There's the squirrel's house. Squirrel, what's wrong with you?
Squirrel: I took the matches in my hands and decided to try to light them.
Educator: Guys, can I take matches?
Children: No.
Educator: What can happen?
Children: Trouble, fire, you'll get burned.
Educator: What else could cause a fire? (Children answer). Who puts out the fire? (Firefighter). Let's tell Squirrel the fire safety rules.

1st child:
Rule one is the most important,
On the street and in the room
Guys, remember about him!
Don't touch the matches, there is fire in the matches!

2nd child:
Rule two can be easily remembered:
Be careful with electrical appliances
With an iron and a kettle, with a stove and a soldering iron.

3rd child:
Rule three:
Don't leave the gas burning
Gas requires an eye and an eye.

4th child:
Rule four:
We want to warn you -
Don't light the stove without an adult!

5th child:
Rule five:
It's nice to sit by the fire in the forest,
When is it time to return home?
Before leaving, do not regret the fire,
Cover it with earth and fill it with water.

6th child:
Let every citizen remember:
Firefighter number – 01.

Educator: And if a fire does happen, then you need to get on all fours and try to crawl out of the room as quickly as possible, since it’s easier to breathe downstairs.
Squirrel: Thanks guys, now I know that it is dangerous to take matches and what can happen.
Educator: You guys are great! We visited all our friends and taught them a lot:
- rules traffic; and learned about dangerous items at home;
- remember fire safety rules;
- how to behave if a stranger comes into the house.
Now let's relax and dance together. (Dancing)

Squirrel: I have saved some nuts for you, please help yourself. (Gives treats to the children.)
Educator: Goodbye, forest dwellers, it’s time for us to return to the group!

Alma-Ata's region

Karasai Department of Education, Physical Education and Sports

GKPkindergarten "Aigolek»

district seminar

"Visiting the Hedgehog"

2nd junior group "Baldyrgan»

Educator: Magel Alla Vladimirovna

Kaskelen city, 2012

Summary of an open integrated lesson

district seminar

"Visiting the Hedgehog"

Magel Alla Vladimirovna, teacher-psychologist at the d/s “Aigolek”.

Almaty region, Karasai district, Kaskelen city.

Tasks: Develop coherent speech, fine motor skills and mental processes of children. Expand children's vocabulary on the topic: “Winter. Autumn. Wild animals". To form a positive attitude towards speech development classes and applications. Continue teaching children to answer the teacher’s questions. Learn to recognize wild animals by appearance (color, size), behavior, and sounds made. Learn to stick ready-made forms from colored paper in a certain place. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals. Develop children's color perception, memory, thinking, imagination. To foster independence and accuracy in children when working.

Equipment and materials: Painting depicting an autumn forest; bell, pictures of wild animals, drawn silhouettes of hedgehogs, colorful paper leaves, glue stick, wet wipe (per child); audio recording of calm music.

Vocabulary work: on time, box, rustle.

Preliminary work: Conversation about winter, autumn, wild animals; looking at paintings of wild animals. Drawing autumn and winter landscapes. Watching cartoons on the theme “Winter. Autumn". Memorizing poems about winter, the text of physical exercises.

Educational area: communication, cognition, society, creativity.

Sections: familiarization with the environment, speech development, ecology, application.


Children sit at tables holding hands.

    Morning circle " Good morning» (the teacher repeats the words together with the children)

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet “Good morning!”

Good morning to the sun and the bird.

Good morning to smiling faces.

Smile at each other now.

Now smile at our guests and say hello to them.

Children: Salemetsiz be! Hello!

    Organizing time.

Educator (rings the bell):

The cheerful bell rang. He invites everyone to the lesson.

Come on, kids, are you all ready? We start right on time.

We will all sit quietly and not disturb the silence.

Everyone is ready to listen, I’ll start the lesson.

Educator: Let's start our lesson. Are you ready for it?

Children: Yes! Every day - always, everywhere: in class, in play:

We speak clearly, loudly and sit quietly.

    Conversation on the topic “Winter. Autumn. Wild animals".

Educator: Guys, please tell me what time of year it is outside now?

Children: It's winter now!

Educator: And by what signs do we know that winter has come?

(Children name the signs of winter).

Educator: That's right, guys. It's winter now. Snow. It became cold outside. The sun is shining, but does not warm, there are dark clouds in the sky, a cold wind is blowing, the birds have flown to warmer lands. We all put on warm jackets, hats, and boots. The stoves are heated in the houses. How many of you know poems about winter?

1 child: Now the silvery winter has come.

The clear field was covered with white snow.

2nd child: Snow on the roof, on the porch. The sun is in the blue sky.

The stoves are heated in our house. Smoke rises into the sky in a column.

3rd child: It's winter. It's white all around. There was a lot of snow.

And in our garden there is a mountain. Everyone has been riding since the morning.

4th child: I play snowballs in winter, I slide down the mountain on a sleigh,

I'm making a snow woman. I love winter very much.

Educator: Well done boys. So what time of year is it outside?

Children: Winter!

Educator: What is the word “winter” in Kazakh? (Kys)

Educator: And you and I know a song about winter. Let's sing it.

Children sing the song “Winter has settled in.”

Educator: Well done guys, beautiful song. What time of year was it before winter?

Children: It was autumn.

Educator: Right. What is the word “autumn” in Kazakh?

Children: Kuz!

Educator: Well done boys. You know everything! Now look at the picture and tell me what time of year it depicts? Winter or autumn?

Children: Autumn!

Educator: How did you know it was autumn?

Children: There are yellow leaves on the trees.

Educator: Right. It's autumn in the forest. What animals live in the forest?

(Children name the animals, and the teacher hangs up a picture of the named animal).

Educator: How can all these animals be called differently?

Children: Wild animals.

Educator: Right. Wild animals have a lot of trouble in the fall.

(Tell the children who does what in winter).

Educator: Today we will visit one of the inhabitants of the forest. And who will you find out from when you listen to the poem? (The teacher reads a poem)

I met a hedgehog, he was carrying leaves on his back.

Good afternoon, prickly hedgehog, how far do you live?

The hedgehog's eyes sparkled and quickly turned into the bushes.

He rustled the dry grass, inviting him into his house.

Who is this poem about?

Children: About the hedgehog?

Educator: Why didn't the hedgehog talk? What was the hedgehog carrying on his back? Why does he need them? How does he collect them? And now the hedgehog is calling you to warm up.


A hedgehog walked along the path, (walk in place)

I found a mushroom in a clearing. ( stop)

One fungus, two fungi, (bending forward)

Here's the full box. (squat, stand up)

The hedgehog groans, tired of squatting.

The hedgehog stretched sweetly (pulling up)

And then he bent backwards (bend backwards)

And then he bent forward (bend forward)

And he reached the floor. (reach the tips of their fingers to the floor)

Turned left, turned right (turns left and right)

And curled up into a ball. (sit down quietly)

    Report the topic of the lesson.

Educator: Well done. Look at this hedgehog. He is sad because, while collecting leaves and mushrooms, the hedgehog stepped on a branch and injured his paw. Once upon a time, the hedgehog reached his hole and fell asleep. And when I woke up, I came out of the hole, but there was snow everywhere. Winter came, and the hedgehog did not have time to collect leaves. The hedgehog asks us to help him. Shall we help? (Children agree).

Educator: But first, let's teach the hedgehog how to behave as a hedgehog in order to get well soon.

    Pure speech

GI-GI-GI - take care of the hedgehog's leg.

DI-DI-DI – don’t walk too much.

RE-RE-RE - sit in the hole for now.

GE-GE-GE - let your sore leg heal.

    Finger gymnastics.

Educator: Now let's stretch our fingers. Our fingers will be hedgehogs.

(Children place their elbows on the table, fingers unclenched, alternate bending of fingers).

This hedgehog is a grandfather

This hedgehog is grandma

This hedgehog is dad

This hedgehog is mom

This hedgehog is me.

Here are a family of hedgehogs.

Educator: Now let's give some advice,

    Demonstration of the application being completed by the teacher with an explanation.

Educator: in autumn the leaves on the trees are yellow, red, orange. You also have leaves. What color are they? How many are there?

(Children name the color of the leaves, their number).

Educator: We take a leaf, spread it with glue and stick it on the hedgehog’s spines.

(Remind the children that after work, carefully twist the glue and then close the lid. Wipe your hands with a napkin).

    Independent work of children + individual assistance from a teacher.

Children work, and the teacher prompts and helps individual children.

    Demonstration of children's works.

Educator: Well done guys, they helped the hedgehog and collected a lot of leaves on his thorns. Show your work to our guests. (show)

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

Educator: What did you do in class today? Name the wild animals that store supplies for the winter. (as the children answer, the teacher hangs up pictures of wild animals Why do animals store supplies? Well done! Our lesson has come to an end. Let's say goodbye to our guests.

Children: Goodbye!

Topic: Summary of an integrated lesson in the first junior group.

"Visiting the Hedgehog"

Target: Expand children's knowledge about hedgehogs ( appearance, habitat, nutrition). Generate interest in productive activities.


  1. To consolidate children's ideas about the hedgehog: parts and shape of the body, nutrition.,
  2. Develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills, automate the sound [F].
  3. Cultivate compassion and respect for animals.

Educational areas:

Social communication, speech development, artistic and aesthetic, physical.

Form of the lesson:

The game is a journey.

Technologies used:

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: conversations, question-answer, requests, showing illustrations; gaming, surprise moment.

Vocabulary work: hedgehog, matches, needles, trees, help, save friends.

Equipment and materials: A hedgehog toy, pictures of a forest, animals: fox, wolf, bear, squirrel, hare, matches, plasticine, a picture of a forest.

Preliminary work:

  1. Examination of illustrations and hedgehog toys;

2. Conversations with children about forest inhabitants;

3. Learning movements to finger game"Hedgehog".

4. Listening to birdsong.

Game motivation:

A surprise moment (a bus ride, the appearance of a hedgehog).

Progress of the event:

Game motivation:

Surprise moment (bus ride, appearance of a hedgehog)

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys! Today we will go on a visit. Do you like to visit?

Listen and guess who we will go to visit:

There are needles on the back,

Long, prickly.

And curls up into a ball -

No head, no legs.

(Children's answers)

Correct answer: hedgehog

Educator: Guys, do you know where the hedgehog lives?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Right in the forest. Guys, the hedgehog sent us a letter saying that his hedgehog friends were in trouble. And he asks us to help them. Shall we help him and his friends?

(Children's answers)

Educator: The forest is far from us, and we will go to the forest. What can you use to go to the forest?

(Children's answers: By bus, car, bicycle, train)

Educator: Take your seats, let's go.

(An audio recording of birds singing sounds. The children, together with the teacher, approach the painting “Forest”; the adult draws their attention to the beauty of the forest and how many animals there are in it).

Educator: Well, here we are. Let's see who else lives in our forest?

(Children name the wild animals depicted in the picture).

Fox, wolf, bear, squirrel, hare,

Educator: Oh, look who’s running along the path, who’s meeting us? It's a hedgehog! Let's say hello to him. Let's pet the hedgehog! That's what a prickly back is. What kind of back does a hedgehog have? Why does he need needles?

(Children's answers. Correct: Defend yourself).

Educator: Show me where the hedgehog’s nose is? Eyes? Back? Are there arms or legs?

Listen to the hedgehog snort. And you know how, since our hedgehog, let’s snort with him. (Make the sound F).

Guys, how many of you know what a hedgehog likes to eat?

(Children take turns going to the magnetic board and attaching pictures prepared in advance by the teacher next to the hedgehog)

Right answers: Apple, insects, eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, mice, worms, caterpillars, fish, bees)

Educator: That's right, well done.

And look, our hedgehog’s friends are running around in the clearing? Oh look! They're kind of weird! The hedgehogs seem to be missing something. What don't they have?

(Children's answers).

Correct answer: Needles

Educator: That's right, hedgehogs don't have spines! Let's help them quickly and give the hedgehogs some needles! So that they can defend themselves. Take your seats and we will begin.

(The teacher clearly shows the children how to make needles)

Educator: Okay, we've worked hard, now it's time for our fingers to play.

Finger game "Hedgehog"

Here the hedgehog is curled up into a ball (fingers closed in a “lock”)

Because the hedgehog is chilled (extremely tense your fingers and hands)

The ray of the hedgehog touched (relax the tension)

The hedgehog reached out to the sun (fingers straightened, palms closed, elbows spread to the sides)

Educator: What beautiful hedgehogs you have! That's how many friends the Thorn Hedgehog has, and now they all have needles! Guys, now our hedgehog's friends are saved and we can return back to our favorite kindergarten. Take your seats on the bus.

(They get on the bus and return)

Educator: Did you enjoy the trip? What did we do today? Well done guys, you did a great job today. A good deed does not go without reward. For this, the hedgehog sent you treats!

Scenario summer fun for younger children preschool age"Visiting the Hedgehog"

Author: Konovalova Tatyana Sergeevna, music director of MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 of the city. Samara.
Description of material: I offer you a scenario for summer entertainment for children of primary preschool age (2-3 years old) “Visit the Hedgehog.” This material will be useful music directors and teachers of primary preschool age groups. This is a summary of entertainment aimed at developing speech and musical and rhythmic movements during the game.

Integration educational areas: "Communication"; "Cognition"; "Reading fiction"; "Socialization"; "Artistic creativity."

Target: Create a joyful and cheerful atmosphere, evoke an emotional response in children and a desire to play.

Educational: Develop cooperation skills; promote emotional perception; consolidate knowledge about wild animals.
Educational: To develop children's speech, sense of rhythm, dexterity, activity in outdoor games, memory, imagination.
Educational: Cultivate politeness, a sense of teamwork, goodwill, respect for others, and love for animals.

Equipment: The sun on the fishing line; big boss; trees; cover; rattles; apples.

Methodical techniques: Literary word, questions, game, children's exercises, game situation, examination of an object, surprise moment.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

The morning has come
The sun has risen!
Sunshine, come quickly
Smile more cheerfully for us!

Song “Sun”, E. Makshantseva
(movements through the text)

1.This is how the sun rises
Higher, higher, higher.
By night the sun will go down
Below, below, below.

Chorus: Okay, okay
The sun laughs
And under the sun for everyone
It's fun to sing.

Losing - spinning around themselves

2. The sun is shining through the window
Brighter, brighter, brighter.
It gets hotter every day
Hotter, hotter, hotter.

To lose on the central wall, the sun “descends” on a fishing line.

Woke up at dawn
The sun behind the cloud,
Let me out for a walk
They ran away, they scattered,
They spun and spun.
One two three four five,
Let's dance with the sun!

The presenter lays it out on the floor sun rays, the children line up in pairs and each stand near their own ray of light.

Dance “Squat”, Estonian folk melody, lyrics by J. Entin, arrangement by A. Roomere

1. Start dancing
And bow to my friend. 2 times
2. We will all squat:
Sit down together! Stand up together! 2 times
3. The guys are waving their hands -
These are birds flying. 2 times
4. Foot top, foot top,
Once again: top yes top. 2 times
5. Handles - clap, handles - clap.
Once again: clap and clap. 2 times
6. So the dance is over,
Bow down again. 2 times

A cone rolls out into the middle of the hall. A bright envelope is tied to it.

Presenter: Guys, look what a beautiful envelope! Who sent it to us? (opens the envelope, “reads”)
This letter came to us from the forest. The little hedgehog invites us to visit him. Shall we go to the hedgehog, guys? (children: yes!)
How will we go? (children: On the train).

To the music of “Train” by N. Metlov, children line up like a train, “ride” in a circle and sit on chairs. The soundtrack “Birdsong” plays, the scenery changes, and a forest appears.

Presenter: But where should we go? Where can we find a hedgehog?
A bear came out into the clearing, maybe the naughty one will say,
Where does the hedgehog live in the forest, where does he wait for the guys to visit?

(Mishka, a senior boy, comes out to the music)

Presenter: Tell us, little bear,
Where can we find a hedgehog?
How can we not go astray?

Bear: I know where my den is,
I don’t know where the hedgehog’s hole is.
I'm still a baby
Clubfoot bear.

Presenter: Dance with our guys.

The bear dances with the children (movements according to the text)

“Teddy bear”, arrangement by T. Konovalova

1. Teddy bear
Walking through the forest
Collects cones
And he puts it in his pocket.

2. Suddenly, a cone fell.
Right in the bear's forehead...
Mishka got angry
And with your foot - stomp!

3. He won't be there anymore
Walk through the forest
Will get on the car
And he will go to bed.

Children sit on chairs.

Presenter: Bear, stay with us, we’ll look for the way to the Hedgehog together.
Here comes the fox
Red-haired sister.

Music sounds and Lisa (a girl in the senior group) enters.

Fox: I am a beautiful fox, walking through the forest,
Along the paths, along the paths I cover my tracks.
Oh, I’m tired today - I’ll sit on a stump,
And I'll take a little nap (“falls asleep” on a stump).

Presenter: Guys, let's play with Chanterelle and wake her up.

Game with Chanterelle
The children slowly approach the Fox, touch her, the Fox wakes up and catches up with the children. The presenter thanks Chanterelle for playing with the guys.

Presenter: Help us, Fox, find the hedgehog’s house.

Chanterelle: I offer you a game, I’ll quickly find you a house.

Game "House"
The presenter and the Fox are holding the edges of the blanket, which is lying on the floor. To the words of the presenter: “The house is opening - the children are gathering!” - the blanket rises and the children dance under the “roof”. To the words: “The house is falling - the children are running away!” - the blanket falls, the children scatter in different directions. The game is played twice. At the end of the game, Hedgehog (a boy from the senior group) runs out.

Presenter: Hello, Hedgehog - no head, no legs!
We came to visit you, we barely found your house.
The hedgehog slept in his hole for a long time,
He woke up and invited us to visit.
Guys, let's sing a song for Hedgehog.

Musical game “Hedgehog”, lyrics by I. Zaretskaya, music by I. Bodrachenko

1. There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest, yes, yes, yes,
He was a ball and without legs, yes, yes, yes.
He didn't know how to clap - clap, clap, clap,
He didn't know how to stomp - stomp, stomp, stomp.
He didn't know how to jump - jump, jump, jump,
He just sniffed - sniff, sniff, sniff.

2. Bunnies came to the forest, yes, yes, yes,
And the hedgehog was taught everything - yes, yes, yes.
Taught to clap - clap, clap, clap,
They taught us to stomp - stomp, stomp, stomp.
Taught to jump - jump, jump, jump,
And he…sniffs them—sniff, sniff, sniff.

At the end of the song, children sit on chairs and close their eyes. The hedgehog takes out a basket with rattles and lifts one up.

Hedgehog: Rattle, ring,
Call all the kids.
As soon as they hear, they will come running,
They will start dancing with a rattle.

(The teacher and the Hedgehog distribute rattles to the children while listening to music)

“Hide and Seek with Rattles”, words and music by V. Antonova (movements according to the text)

1. Our rattles -
Sounding toys.
Children's rattles
They ring very cheerfully.

2. Let's have fun
Have fun spinning
Children's rattles
They ring very cheerfully.

3. The children ran away
It became quiet in the hall.
Children's rattles
They fell silent and didn't ring.

4. Where are you guys?
Don't play hide and seek!
Go out for a walk
Let's dance together!

After “hide and seek”, children place rattles on the floor in front of them.

“Dance with rattles” to the Russian folk dance “Barynya”:

1. The rattle is on the floor. Place your foot on your heel
2. Spring with rotation.
3. Clap your hands
4. Jumping on two legs
5. Spinning (“stomp”)
6. Raise the rattle up and rattle it.
7. They dance with a rattle.

To the music, rattles are placed in a basket.

Presenter: Well done, guys. Thank you, Hedgehog, for the ringing rattles!

Hedgehog: I invited you all to visit,
Got some treats!
I congratulate everyone on the summer holiday
And I want to distribute the treats to everyone!

Surprise - The hedgehog gives the children treats (apples). (Children: “Thank you!”)

Presenter: Well, it's time for us to say goodbye
And return to the group.
Goodbye, Hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Goodbye, guys!

Then, to the music, the children form a train and “ride” to the group.