Summary of the didactic game in the senior group. Lesson summary "Didactic games for children of the preparatory group" lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic

Anastasia Skorokhodova
Summary of the didactic game in the middle group “Name in one word”

Name it in one word

Target: teach children to classify objects and name them in a word: dishes, tools, sewing accessories, music. tools. Enrich lexicon: violin, plane. Bring up friendly attitude to each other.

Material: pictures depicting a piano, violin, drum, saw, axe, plane, sewing machine, scissors, needles, saucepan, frying pan, ladle, medals.

Move games: I invite 4 children to my place and lay out pictures in front of them.

B- Look, there are pictures on the table. Now look at them and tell me what objects are depicted on them.

D- Needle, axe, piano, etc.

I'm showing you a test run. I pick up pictures of an axe, a hammer, a plane.

B- Look at these pictures. What can they be called? in a word?

D- Tools

If children find it difficult to answer, I help them.

B- Tell me what other objects can be named in a word?

D-Pot, ladle, frying pan, dishes...

Mixing pictures

V- Ksyusha name the muses. tools and put them in a box.

In-Milan name it sewing supplies and put them in a box.

All children must name and group items.

Q - You and I handled it so cleverly, and for this I give you medals.

Didactic game “Find and name” (using non-traditional equipment - a telescope)

Annotation: games can be played as part educational activities By physical culture, How individual work with children, in working with children with disabilities. Children can play the role of: scout, captain, tracker who needs to complete a secret mission. You can use small rhymes. There can be many options for the game, depending on the objectives in educational activities. Creative imagination the teacher will help you come up with different variants games. "Spyglass" may be different lengths. Children note different perceptions of the objects in question.

Tasks: Orientation in space, development of attention, enrichment of vocabulary. Development of auditory perception.

Material: spyglass according to the number of children.

Progress of the game

1 option

a) Game “Find what is yellow in the hall”

Rules: The teacher says: “The sun is looking through our window, shining into our room. Look around, is there anything yellow in the hall?” Children look for yellow objects and name them. You can search for objects of different colors.

b) Game “Name the sports objects in the gym.”

Rules: Children look through a telescope and name all the sports objects they see. You can make it more difficult and ask the children to name the place where they are or ask them to name what color the balls are, what size….

c) Game “Find objects made of wood, rubber, plastic, glass, iron...”

Rules: The teacher says: “1,2,3.4,5 – I start counting. 1.2,3 - look for an object made of plastic, 4, 5 - have time to stand on a bench and name the object” - children look through a telescope, look for the named object and follow the rules in accordance with the words. You can offer to stand in a circle, in a line, scattered.

d) Game “What do you see on the street”

Rules: The teacher says the words: “We are walking around the hall and we will come to the window, what we see, we will name” the children name everything that they see through the window or some specific tasks: for example, count how many houses are on the street, how many people are walking along road, find and name tall and low objects. How many floors does the house on your right have? On which side of you is the sports area, flower bed, etc. ….

Option 2

Game "Get to know a friend"

Rules: Children stand with their backs to the child. Tasks: name who is third from the edge, who is highest, lowest, name the children with blond hair etc... The child looks through the telescope and completes the proposed tasks. Several children can complete tasks.

Option 3

Game "Echo"

Rules: The teacher pronounces various speech sounds at different tempos, different intonations, and the children, like an echo, repeat after him, using a “spyglass” - together at the same time, two, three, one at a time. Note the difference in the sound of the voice through the trumpet and without it.

Linda Dimitrieva
Summary of the didactic game in the preparatory group

Program content

Educational objectives:

Learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other participants games.

Strengthen ideas about the seasons and months of autumn.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate interest in the seasons.

Cultivate friendliness to each other.

Developmental tasks:

Develop intelligence in the game.

Develop thinking, memory, imagination.

Materials: season model, cards

Progress of the didactic game:

I show the children a model "Seasons": a square divided into 4 parts (seasons, colored red, green, blue and yellow colors. The yellow sector is divided into 3 more parts, colored light yellow, yellow and yellow-brown.

I ask the children: “How many seasons are there in total? Name them in order. (Shows the seasons on the model, clarifying the color.)

Children: 4 seasons. Winter spring Summer Autumn.

Well done! Named correctly. Show the model autumn. (Children show).

How many parts is this season divided into?

Children: On three!

Why do you think there are 3 parts?

Children: Because autumn has 3 months.

What months of autumn do you know?

Children: September October November.

The last month of autumn is November. Name the months of autumn in order." (September October November.) I show the months on the model.

Guys, now we're going to play a game "Find the odd one out". We will split into 4 teams. The first team will be called - "winter", second – "spring", third – "summer" and the fourth - "autumn". Whoever completes the task faster will receive a chip to that team. (Handing out cards) 1 exercise: you will need to choose what you can wear in summer, autumn, winter, spring. Well done team "spring" done faster, you get a chip. 2 exercise: You will need to choose those items that can be used in winter, spring, summer and autumn. Well done, we all coped with this task.


Well done, all our teams did it well. You were friendly and helped each other. Everyone also answered my questions in a friendly manner.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to develop children's concepts of family. Objectives: - to consolidate children’s ideas about the family and its members; - to cultivate love in children.

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Summary of the didactic game in the first junior group Educational area “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development” Age of children: 2-3 years Type of GCD: Familiarization with.


Target. The game teaches children to please their relatives, provide them with all possible help, instills in children a desire to help loved ones, communicate in the process of joint activities,

Didactic material- various sets of 3-4 items: bucket, rag, mop, dustpan, glasses, knitting needles, sock, Knitting magazine, scarf, hat, mittens, handkerchief, glue, tassel,book, cover frombooks, hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriver and so on.

Progress of the game. Children arrange chairs and lay out the playgroundmaterial throughout the group: on tables, on freeshelves, on chairs, etc. The teacher helps them. Having finished preparing for the game, the kids sit on chairs, and the teacher sits opposite starts with them say: “I know thatyou all already know how to help your dads, moms, grandparents, let'sLet's play now. We will learn to help loved ones. To do this, you will have to complete various tasks. Do you agree? »

After the children answer, the teacher calls to yourself four of them. The teacher tells the children about what grandma knitted sock. But she completely forgot where she put the magazine, knitting needles, sock, and glasses she needed. He turns to the first four children asking them to help find these things. The teacher helps the children to come to an agreement what item each of them will be looking for. Children repeat the names of objects out loud.After this, the assistants scatter throughout the group and look for items . Having found them, they are coming back in place and show what they found. The rest of the game participants are together With the teacher checksthe correct execution of the task by everyoneassistant. The teacher thanks them on behalf of the grandmother for your help.

Grandma's first assistants sit down to rest, and the teacher callsthe next four. The game continues untiluntil all the children in the group take part in the game.

To continue the game, the teacher suggests the following situations:

Dad decided to fix the chair. For this he needs collect the following tools: hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriver.

Mom needs to help sweep and wash the floor. Helpers should bring her a bucket, rag, mop and dustpan.

Little brother got ready for a walk. But he lost hisclothes and can't find them. Help him. Where is his hat?, scarf, mittens, handkerchief? - Your favorite book was torn. They asked grandpa to glue it together, but he needs help. For this you need glue and a brush., a book and the cover torn from it.

At the end of the game, the teacher thanks the children and says that they, grow real helpers for their family.

Alexandra Vyrodova
Summary of organization and management of didactic games with children middle group

Didactic game(desktop-printed)

"Baskets with vegetables and fruits"

Didactic task:

To develop the ability to distinguish vegetables, fruits, berries

Find and name vegetables, fruits, berries

Select baskets according to what is in them (large vegetables, in the largest basket, smaller fruits, in average berries in the smallest basket)

Game task:

Choose the right vegetables, fruits, berries, put them in baskets of the right size

Game rules:


Select all vegetables, fruits, berries,

Select the right basket for them

Materials and manuals:

3 baskets of different sizes, 7-9 vegetables, fruits, berries each according to the size of the baskets, 2 envelopes.

Progress of the game:

Surprise moment:

Guys, yesterday I received a letter from Dunno (show me the envelope containing the materials for the game, he asked me to give this envelope to the guys middle group kindergarten "Spring".

You don't know who this is?

Well, if it's you, then I delivered the letter correctly.

In his letter, Dunno writes that he is kidnapped and that only you can free him if you correctly follow the rules of this game.

Let's quickly see what kind of game Dunno sent us.

(I open the envelope and take out materials for the game)

Guys, look what interesting game! And here are the rules of the game (I give the children the opportunity to consider game material)

(I say the rules at the beginning of the game)

To save Dunno, you need to choose all the vegetables, fruits and berries correctly. Then you need to choose the right basket for them and put them in the baskets. But you must remember that vegetables are the largest, so they need the largest basket, and berries are the smallest, so they need the smallest basket.

So, let's start collecting vegetables, fruits and berries, putting them in baskets to free Dunno as soon as possible.

(Children collect vegetables, fruits, berries in 3 baskets, the teacher prompts if necessary).

That's it guys, all the baskets are collected, now we will put them back in the envelope and send them to Dunno so that he can be freed. (I put the baskets in an envelope, take the envelope away, and immediately return with another envelope).

Guys, I received a second letter from Dunno, in which he thanks you for helping him free himself. He praises you for your intelligence, for your ability to distinguish between vegetables, fruits, and berries, and promises that guests will soon come to you and play with you.

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