Lesson summary on household work “Washing doll clothes. Household work on the topic “washing dolls’ clothes” The purpose of household work is washing dolls’ dresses

Abstract “Let's help the doll Masha wash her clothes”

Synopsis of direct educational activities in 1st junior

Topic: “Let’s help doll Masha wash her clothes.”

Integration educational areas: “Labor”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Types of children's activities: work, play, communication, educational and research, motor, productive.

Target: formation of a positive attitude towards work and its results.



To form in children an idea of ​​some labor actions (soaping fabric, washing things, rinsing, hanging clothes on a line) and the items necessary for washing (water, soap, basin).

To form in children the practical actions that they need to put things in order (washing);


Develop Creative skills, through productive activity, fine motor skills fingers;

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary;

Develop visual memory;


Developing a value attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results;

Equipment: doll Masha, clothes for the doll (dress, trousers, jacket, socks, hat, basin (2 pcs., warm water, soap, crib, rope with stands, clothespins.

Forms of organization of joint activities.

Labor: washing doll clothes, rinsing, drying.

Game: didactic game “What disappeared? "

Communicative: teacher’s story on the topic, questions to children on the topic.

Motor: finger gymnastics “Washing”.

Cognitive - research: observation of the actions of the teacher.

Content organized activities

1. Organizational moment.

Children sit in a semicircle near the table at which they will wash clothes. The teacher says that in the morning someone in the group cried bitterly. It was a Masha doll. She was walking on the street and soiled her clothes: dress, trousers, socks, jacket and hat. Educator: We need to help the doll. What to do? How to cheer up a doll? (showing soiled clothes). Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, we can wash dirty clothes so that the doll is cleanly dressed. We will quickly fix the problem

We will wash all your clothes!

2. Main part.

Educator: Before you and I wash, we need to undress our doll (children take turns removing clothes from the doll and putting them in a basket, naming the item of clothing).

The teacher asks the children what is needed in order to wash clothes? As the children name the objects (basin, water, soap), the teacher puts everything on the table.

Educator: Now let our doll rest, she was walking and tired (asks the child to take the doll Masha to the crib in the doll corner).

Finger gymnastics: "Wash".

I wash my socks with soap (we move my fist over my palm)

Fists rub tightly (three fists against each other)

I’ll rinse my socks deftly (we move our hands to the right and left)

And I’ll hang you on a rope (raise your arms up and bend your hands)

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to touch the water in the basin and determine that it is warm. Dirty laundry lies in a basket next to the basin.

Educator: I'll show you how to get started. First we wet our clothes. We put it in the water, look, the dress is wet. I place the dress in my palm, take a bar of soap, lather it, put the soap in the soap dish, and then start washing. Then squeeze it out. The dress has been washed, but it still needs to be rinsed so that there is no soap left. Let's put the dress in another basin with clean water and rinse it.

Rinse cleanly, cleanly, so that the laundry is fragrant! We squeeze it out.

The teacher offers one child to wash his trousers, while making sure that water does not splash out of the basin. Children wash their jacket, hat and socks in the same way. Children are given the opportunity to rinse clothes on their own and feel the warm water with their hands. The clothes are rinsed by those children who have not washed.

Educator : Pour the water out of the basin and rinse. We put clean clothes in an empty basin. Children perform all actions.

Pronunciation by children: Soap is foaming in the washtub, We are washing, look!

Don't disturb us now, our laundry is urgent!

Educator: Now everything is clean. Let's hang the laundry on the line to dry. The rope with racks is prepared in advance. The teacher takes a clean dress and asks the children: “What is this? " Children's answer.

The teacher suggests hanging the laundry on a line and securing it with clothespins; the children repeat the word “clothespins.” Next, the teacher invites the children to hang up the rest of their clothes, constantly asking what they are hanging.

Educator: That's it, kids. We all washed our doll Masha's clothes together. When the linen is dry, you and I will iron it and put it on our doll.

Didactic game: “What disappeared? »

1. There are several items of clothing on the table. The teacher invites the children to remember them, and then asks them to close their eyes and remove one object, after which he asks the children to determine what is missing.

2. Children remember items of clothing, close their eyes, open their eyes, name the missing item of clothing.

3. Reflection.

Educator: Well done, you did a good job! What have we learned today? Will we help mothers wash their clothes at home? Children's answers.

Appeal to the doll: Doll Masha will be very happy and will go for a walk with us!

V.: That's what it's all about, guys. The dolls were invited to a holiday, but they had absolutely nothing to wear, all their dresses were dirty. The teacher shows doll dresses.

Indeed, all the dresses are dirty, where did you get so dirty? You are real slobs, dirty. Guys, who do you think are slobs and dirty people?

Q: Ulyana, what do you want to tell the doll?

Q: Guys, let's think about what can be done with doll clothes? Can dolls wear these clothes to a party?

That's right, it needs to be washed. We will do this now. You are already familiar with laundry. Remember, we went to watch Lidia Ivanovna do the laundry.

Guys, who is this? What does she do? Where does she get her underwear? What bedding does she wash? What does he wash with? And at home, have you seen how your mother does the laundry? What does she wash with? What else can you wash with?

Conclusion: There is machine wash and hand wash. To help the dolls we need to wash their clothes. Since we don’t have a machine, we will wash it by hand.

What do we need for hand washing?

Now I will show you hand washing. Let's remember the washing sequence together. Before washing, laundry should be sorted by color. Ksyusha, show me how you sort the laundry. That's right, light in one direction, and colored in the other. Now the question is: why do you need to sort your laundry? Let's do an experiment. Let's soak the light-colored laundry in the liquid with water first, the water remains light, and now we'll soak the colored ones. What happened? The water became colored.

Conclusion: if you wash white laundry together with colored laundry, the light-colored laundry will become dyed.

Why do they add soap or powder? Guys, do you think the soap has a smell? So, what kind of soap? Let's see what soap we have

What does this bar of soap smell like? So what does this soap taste like, etc.

Now we take light underwear, put it in the water, wring it out, and lay it out on the palm of our hand. We take soap from the soap dish, also soak it in water and soap the dress. Which parts of the dress may be the dirtiest, we soap them with three hands. Then what do we do? We put it in water and wash off the soap. What do we do now? Wring out and rinse in clean water. For what? Then squeeze and shake again. Now what needs to be done?

What if it falls?

Now what do we do?

I suggest you repeat the entire washing process yourself. Sit at the tables.

And now we put on our aprons, Nadezhda Vasilievna has already prepared water for us to wash and rinse. But before we start working, let’s remember what labor rules we know:

*before you start working, prepare everything you need;

* do not splash water;

*don’t forget to clean your work area.

Well, now let's get down to business! Our motto is “Ready to work, more action” less words»

After completing the work, children are asked to clean up their workspaces and approach the teacher.

Well, guys, are you happy with your work? How did you work?

Well, are you happy with the dolls? As soon as the dresses are dry, we will iron them, put them on you, comb your hair and take you to the party.

Yulia Firstanova
Summary of the lesson on household work “Washing doll clothes”

« Washing doll clothes»

« Laundry» - wash the doll's clothes from junior group.

Attract to labor: Olya S, Nastya V, Karina A, Lena B, Kolya A, Ksyusha M, Misha P.

View labor: household labor.

Form of organization: errand.

Target labor:1. Strengthen the ability to bring something started to the end, help each other, distribute responsibilities among themselves, cultivate positive emotions from their labor,need for common labor.

2. Strengthen skills washing clothes: lather laundry with soap, rinse in clean water, wring out; work sequentially - first wash with soap, then rinse in clean warm water, then in cool water, then in a cool bath, wring out, hang clothes on a line, attach with clothespins laundry to the line.

3. Strengthen the skills of working carefully, rolling up your sleeves, not getting your clothes wet, and using an apron.

Equipment: aprons, doll clothes in a basket, basin, oilcloths, soap, clothespins, buckets (with hot, cold water).

Vocabulary work: wash, wring, rinse, hang.

Progress of work:

Setting a goal: “Guys, today we will be with you wash doll clothes“Olga Anatolyevna, the teacher of the younger group, asked me about this.”

Work planning: 1. What do we need for washing clothes? (water, basin, soap, oilcloths);

2. What do we need to avoid getting our clothes wet? (apron);

3. When we are with you wash the clothes, what should be done with it? (hang on a rope, attach underwear with clothespins) ;

4. Why will we attach underwear with clothespins? (so it doesn't fall);

5. Who will do the work with whom? Divide into threes: one three will be wash clothes with soap, the other is to rinse underwear in clean water and the third three will hang underwear.

6. For what purpose will we do this work?


Reminder: "Before as wash, roll up your sleeves» .

Show by a child. Explanation: “First, you need to put the thing in water, wet it, then take a bar of soap and soap it thoroughly, then put the soap aside, put it in a soap dish, clenching your fists and catching the edges of the dress with them rub it, then dip in water, squeeze, and then rinse and hang on a rope so that it does not fall, secure with clothespins.”

Children helping each other: “Karina, show Ksyusha how to hang it correctly linen».

Note: “Don’t splash water, wash carefully, leisurely!"


Questions from the teacher children:

1. What did we do today? (washed clothes)

2. For whom washed? (For dolls)

3. Why is it necessary? wash clothes? (to keep it clean)

4. Why did we hang clothes on a line? (to dry)

5. Who did we help today? wash the clothes? (to kids)

Teacher assessment: "Well done boys! Look how clean it is now dolls' underwear, they are pleased to wear clean dresses, skirts, sweaters.”

Children's assessment of each other.

Evaluation of the work done by children of the younger group (invite children from the younger group to see how the children washed clothes).

Marina Sychkova
Summary of economic household labor with kids middle group"Washing doll's clothes"

Summary of household work with pupils from 4 to 5 years old

« Washing doll clothes» .

Educator: Sychkova Marina Ivanovna.

Tasks:1. Learn work together in a certain sequences:

A) sort linen for colored and white;

B) lather thoroughly linen and rub between hands;

C) rinse thoroughly, wring out, straighten and hang on a rope.

2. Develop skills in working with water (laundry) .

3. Foster accuracy and mutual assistance.

4. Finish what you start.

Equipment: sequence cards washing, oilcloths, basins, buckets, soap dishes, rope, rags, aprons, floor mop, clothespins, hand towels, doll underwear, baskets for linen.

Work progress:

Girls, I want to ask you some riddles, do you want to guess them?

What mom can't live without

Neither cook nor wash,

Without which we will say directly

Can't a person survive?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For ships to sail -

We can't live without (water)

Slipping away like a living thing.

But I won't let him out.

Foams with white foam

And not lazy to do laundry(soap)

They go for water -

They sing sonorous songs,

And they go back -

Tears are flowing. (buckets)

Here are the toothy rogues.

Grabbed linen deftly.

Holds tightly, doesn't bite.

But they won’t let me go.

What is it, guess

You guessed it. Answer! (clothespins)

Educator: I'm glad you know how to solve riddles. Look, here they are, the real answers (showing equipment). There are also many other items here (buckets, oilcloth, basins, soap dishes, a floor mop, table cloths, hand towels, aprons, a basket for linen). When do you think people might need all these items, what are they for? (To wash)

Yes, I want to offer you wash doll clothes. We put on aprons. (the teacher brings the children to the table, where he lies doll underwear)

Educator: The girls and I today

gathered wash clothes.

This pile linen

we will sort.

Lera: For us, color along with white,

Well, no way wash,

After all colored linen can

Sheds a lot.

Girls sort laundry in baskets.

Educator: To remember how laundry is being washed, let's look at the pictures that I prepared. (look at and name what is drawn) Now, arrange the pictures in the order on the board in which we will work, (children put the pictures in a certain sequence.)

Lera, tell me in what order we will be wash. You have arranged all the pictures correctly.

Now let's distribute responsibilities: Lera and Katya lay down oilcloths

(why do they lay oilcloth) “I did it myself, help someone else”.

Yulia and Sasha place basins for washing and clean linen and soap dish with soap

Nastya and Angelina pour water into basins.

Educator: "TO ready to work“More action, less words!” (music sounds) the teacher gives instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to disturb each other; asks the children to tell and show the techniques hand washing.

We try work together, keep.

I'm watching. to washed clothes folded separately from the colored one.

Educator: We washed together. We finished it all together. No one was left behind. What will we do next? (rinse clothes) . For what? (to wash off soap). I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white linen. I show you how to rinse. What to do with the rinsed underwear? That's right, straighten it, shake it and hang it on a rope.

Angelina: Let's get to work together now

Us laundry needs to be hung.

We worked hard, we are tired.

We have already become big.

Everyone is hanging linen and wipe their hands on a dry towel.

Educator: How beautifully you hung it underwear!

Sasha: We will always be wash

help our mothers.

We got the job done

and let's go for a walk willingly.

Educator: Oh yeah hostesses oh, well done. Every worked a little hard, and together they did a great job. The whole rope hung with linen. Lingerie We now have something clean and fresh. The dolls will have clean outfits to replace them.

Tell me what to do when the laundry will dry? (remove from the rope, fold, iron, put in the closet.

"Business before pleasure!".

Educator: Let's play game: "Let's guess what we'll do"

Children with a teacher walk in a circle, sentenced:

We are with you we will work,

Let's not forget the order.

Don't yawn, do it.

And repeat after me.

At the end of the words everyone stops. The teacher shows some movement (erases, strokes, squeezes, shakes, hangs). Children repeat, guess the action, naming it.

Educator: And now we need to remove jobs

Washing doll clothes


Improve doll care skills;

Strengthen labor skills in working with water (washing clothes);

Learn to work together, follow the rules and sequence of washing;

Cultivate interest and responsible attitude towards work;

Develop control and mutual assistance in joint activities;

Form the habit of cleanliness and order;

Accustom the work started to completion;

Materials for the lesson:

Floor drying linen


Progress of the lesson:

Guys! I think someone is crying? You hear? These are our dolls who burst into tears... Look how uncombed they are, in dirty dresses. Need to do something? How can I help them?

(children's answers)

It is correct to dress the dolls in clean clothes and wash the dirty ones.

Children dress the dolls in clean dresses, put dirty laundry in a basin and tie it up for the dolls. beautiful bows. I propose to sit our beauties closer so that they can look at how we work.

Now that our dolls are happy and dressed up, we will wash their dirty clothes. What do we need for this?

You need to properly prepare yourself and prepare the workplace.

Children prepare a workplace, lay down oilcloth, pour water into basins, put on aprons, and roll up their sleeves. I help and ask why we need this or that thing, why it is necessary. I suggest we help each other.

Before you start washing, look at the water, it is clear. What does it feel like? What else can you say about her?

(children's answers)

That's right, the water is warm and clean. If we don't shake our hand too much, bubbles will appear, but they will disappear very quickly. Now let's start washing. What do you and I do first?

(children's answers)

Right! First of all, we sort the laundry:

For us, color along with white,

Well, no way to wash it,

After all, colored underwear can

Sheds a lot.

Choose which one you want

Should I wash my clothes now?

Will you wash colored clothes?

Then white is mine!

I help the children sort their laundry, showing them how to stand comfortably by the basins so as not to disturb their neighbor. Please show me hand washing techniques and how to properly soap laundry. I make sure that the children do not lag behind each other, that washed white clothes are folded separately from colored ones.

That's how great we are, how together we work!

Soap foams in water,

We are not used to being lazy!

Look, child,

There’s a mountain of clean laundry!

Let's look at the water now, what do you say?

(children's answers)

Indeed, the water is cloudy and dirty, and, on top of everything else, it has cooled down. He's foaming for that, because what has he become? Soapy. If you shake it, the bubbles float for a long time. Give it a try.

Now what are we going to do with the laundry and why?

(children's answers)

That's right, you need to change the water and rinse the laundry thoroughly to remove the soap.

I remind you that you need to rinse your laundry in the same way, starting with white. I help the children, explain the methods of action. I give advice on how to squeeze properly so that the water flows into the basin and not into the sleeves.

We washed things together

Now they need to be hung up.

We worked, we are tired,

We have already become big!

We straighten, shake and hang the clean laundry to dry, but to prevent it from falling, what should we use to pin it down?

Here are the toothy cheats,

They grabbed the linen deftly,

Hold tightly, don't bite,

But they won’t let me go. ( Clothespins)

It’s so good, look how much clean laundry is hanging, and now let’s not forget to put things in order in our workplace and clean up everything after ourselves.

Well done, each of us worked a little, but together we did a great job. And now our dolls are so happy that they have a lot of clean outfits to replace. But first, what should you do with the dried laundry?

(children's answers)

Everything is correct - remove, iron, fold carefully.

Then I invite the children to play the game “Guess what I’m doing?”

Children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes to the center of the circle, everyone else goes in a circle and says:

We don’t know what you’re doing,

Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates the action (washes, irons, wrings out, rinses, folds, etc.)

Children guess the action, the game is repeated.