Local history in the junior group of kindergarten. Summary of a local history lesson in the second junior group “Animals of our region”

Local history lesson in 2nd younger group

"Happy birthday Sevastopol."

The girls enter the hall to the music.

Presenter: We are waiting for the ship to leave.

Soon he will come to our port.

There are brave guys there

You need to meet them with flowers.

The boys and the captain come in.

Child: Hello, our dear shore

We love you with all our soul.

Child: Here are the girls meeting us.

Everyone is invited to dance.

Pair dance. Polka. The boys escort the girls to their chairs.

Captain: I'm an experienced captain,

I walked around the entire ocean

And look into your city

I have been given the honor and the path.

What is the name of your city?

Children: Sevastopol.

Captain: Sevastopol? It is famous for its beauty.

I heard that your city is turning 225 years old.

Start a song about him,

Tell us about the glorious city.

Song. "You stand like a white swan."

Captain: My ship entered the bay,

The city was simply amazing:

Such a white stone

As if he was washed by a wave.

Who builds houses like this?

It's worth talking about.

Child: Here is a builder building a house:

The foundation, walls, windows in it.

And they covered the top with a roof,

They didn't forget about the doors either.

Presenter: Our builders are not simple,

They have golden hands

And how houses are built,

The masters will show you.

Game: children build houses to the music of Antonov “On Kashtanova Street.”

Captain: The houses turned out wonderful. Well done! This will be a gift 2

city ​​for its anniversary.

What else can you say about houses?

Child: There are block houses, there are also brick houses

There are wooden ones, and they are all excellent.

High and low

They are standing on the streets.

Maybe they are dreaming?

Maybe they are saying something?

Dance of the houses.

Host: And to find the right house, you need to know your address.

Child: Everyone should know the address

To find your home.

Child: An address is a city, a street and a house,

And an apartment in that building.

Captain: Do you know your home address?

Several children give their address.

Ved.: And also, so that guests do not get lost in a foreign city, they make maps.

The presenter shows the map. Children talk about objects.

It's like a small town. It's a school. Worth Khrustaleva.

Children live in it. When we grow up, go to school

We'll go to his kindergarten.

All people are calling.

To the right of the kindergarten

The monument to the pilots stands

It seems that the plane

It will fly into the blue sky.

Host: We will give a map to the captain so that he doesn’t get lost.

The captain thanks.

Presenter: Our guys will grow up and become sailors.

Song. "We'll be sailors when we grow up."

With the team we sailed across all seas,

We caught different fish.

Saw sharks, whales,

Our catch was rich.

Who lives in your sea?

Who will start the story about the sea?

Guys, what is our sea called?

Children: Black.

Very interesting fish live in the Black Sea,

Their names have long been known to everyone in our world.

Play with us and see for yourself.

A game. "Find a match." One subgroup of children is offered pictures of fish, another subgroup is offered pictures of objects and animals (needle, rooster, fox, etc.)

They need to find each other.

Captain: You are masters at singing songs and playing,

It's time to show yourself in action!

Dance. “Sailors have a lot of worries.”

Captain: You are just wonderful guys! And your city is wonderful!

And I would like to give you and your city a gift.

Sounds of a magical waltz

Listened to Primorsky Boulevard.

He gently touched the waves,

It hovered smoothly over the pier.

The older children come in. Waltz.


Children read poems from the song “We love our city very much.”

The captain reads an excerpt from the song “My Sevastopol.”

Song. Happy birthday Sevastopol.

Lydia Kharchenko
Work plan for local history in the second junior group



1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week

SEPTEMBER Conversation about the city, its name.

Conversation about summer vacation : where we rested, what we saw, what we rode. Conversation about the city. What is the name of. Children are also residents of the city.

Conversation about children's summer holidays and their impressions. \

Conversation: "Amenities in a city house"

Conversation with children about

A park for a walk near the house. Conversation with children:

“What is the name of the street where we live?”.

Target: Help to understand that there are many different streets in the city.

OCTOBER Working with parents: Learn the name of the street and the number of the house. An explanation is needed

task ability. Consolidation of knowledge

Home addresses.

R.n. a game "Carousel". Target walk


Looking at postcards depicting city streets, beautiful squares,

fountains. Job on remembering home addresses

Work in the book corner:

Looking at the album “My Go-

NOVEMBER Games with builder


Build a street

Give it a name.

Work in books

no corner: Read-

writing a poem

S. Marshak "Scattered from the street of the pool"

Did. A game:"Collect a picture"

Target:Teach children to get a holistic image of the street from the hour-

tey, Tell me what is depicted on it

Conversation about hometown : “What uk-

is destroying our city,

makes it beautiful

Games using

changing the street layout

tsy, landscaping it

toy trees. Work in the book corner: "Hometown Parks".


illustrations in color

comrades, gardeners and

field. Introduce them to their names,

pay attention to

their beauty.

DECEMBER Listening to a lullaby. Who invented

Such a song for

Who are they singing to?

Show what dolls were played with

grandmother's childhood.

A game: Daughters-mother-

Ri" Work in a bookstore

Corner Looking at the dolls we played with before.

What are they made of?

how they were dressed, why did they survive to this day?

Learning poetry

Vorenia A. Barto

"I love my horse"

Conversation with children on the topic:"Where does it come to us? christmas tree? Who raised her? Where?

What is the name of such a forest?

How to help the Christmas tree

Stay growing in the forest?

Conversation: “My love-

beatable toy"

Target:Give me a request

the greatest representation

love about labor

in production

Toy Research Institute

Learning in

Teshki: “Eh, Vanya simplicity...”

Conversation about New Year's

them holidays,

children's impressions of the New Year

them Christmas trees, walks around the city.

Reading poems about the Christmas tree, winter, D. Mo-

Manual labor: From-

preparing toys

ki from junk

material for

New Year tree.

Conversation:"What stole-

making a Christmas tree at home,

so that she becomes


Target:bring up

careful attitude

connection to the toy,

adult labor.

FEBRUARY Targeted walk along the street. Observation of winter nature.

Work in a bookstore

corner: Rassmat-


walkie-talkies with winter content, conversation based on pictures

Kam. The story about the holiday

nickname "Defense Day"

nickname of the Fatherland"

Book corner:

Examination of iil

military lustrations

technology, conversation about its purpose. The story about the defenders of the fatherland

va, Give an introduction

idea about the multinationality of our residents

Book Corner: Looking at illustrations

ny branches of the military. Learning a poem

Marshak "February".


children's crafts art.

groups to congratulate your

their fathers and grandfathers.

MARCH Learning the style

wishes about weight

Introduce the first spring

flower - "snowdrop"

Application. Color

current for mom. Conversation about native city

Rode. Subject: "Zoo".


children about the diversity of life

of the votive world of our region.

Book corner.

Making riddles

about animals Work in the book corner

Hometown landmark. "City Eco Park".

Watching a video. Fix the name

streets where people live

here are the children. Reminder

thread that there are a lot of streets in the city and they have their own names

nia. Tell us who Mayakov is -

Reading a poem "What is good and what is bad"

APRIL Target Walk

Along Mayakovsky Street.

Observing the work of schoolchildren

kov and adults


Show the kids

First spring

Flowers on the territory of the village.


Consider them. Conversation about native city

Rode. Where have you been?

What interesting things did you see? Where you love

Relax, have fun?

Offer to show parents

For children, the city from the observation deck ki: its beauty and grandeur. Show place work - huge plant. Targeted walk around the site.

Introduce the names of plants and trees, their meaning in life


fairy tales "Teremok". Consideration

puppets in theater

no corner. What are they made of?

Who made them?

What are they needed for?

Dramatization of a fairy tale by a teacher "Masha and the Bear"

MAY Games with builder


build a street and

decorate it.

Conversation about your hometown, remember the names of the streets where

children live.

Remember the name

bloom of spring flowers

tov, remember and

tell me where you can see them in

Target walk in

Square on the square


Teacher's story

About the significance of the monument in the center of the square.

Watch the laying of flowers at the monument.

Explain why adults do this.. Teacher’s story about work

De city residents

At the factory during the war years.

Looking at photographs from the album "Museum of the city"

Magnitogorsk." Observing the first insects that attract them to appear on the site.

What insects

Are they more common?

Learning a poem


Sections: Working with preschoolers

Local history lesson “My Motherland” (and junior group)

Program content: to form in children an idea of ​​Russia, to cultivate a feeling of love for their native country.

Materials: photographs of landscapes, an image of the Russian national flag, envelopes for the game “Make a Flag”.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Vanya, tell me what city do you live in? And you Katya, Pasha?

And our city Novokuznetsk is located in a country that has an amazing name - Russia. Let's all repeat this together beautiful word- "Russia"! There are many wonderful countries on earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is an extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.

Homeland means dear.

Homeland is mom and dad, grandparents, kindergarten, house, street where we live, school, trees and flowers. Homeland is everything that surrounds us. Each person has one homeland. It must be loved, protected from nature, and protected from enemies.

You are still small, but you can already do a lot to make the Motherland even more beautiful. For example: do not litter on the street, do not break bushes and trees, do not trample lawns, love your loved ones, be friends with children in kindergarten, don't quarrel.


We are not afraid of powder,
We catch snow, clap our hands.
Hands to the sides, at the seams
There's enough snow for you and us.
We are walking through the snowdrifts,
Through steep snowdrifts.
Lift up raise your leg,
Make way for others.

Performing movements on the text.

Each country, including Russia, also has its own flag. Look at it, (showing a picture) Look at the flag and tell me what color the stripes are on the Russian flag.

The white stripe reminds us of white birches, Russian winter, daisies, and white clouds.

The blue stripe looks like blue sky, blue rivers and seas.

Red color in Rus' was considered the most beautiful. This is the color of blooming flowers, warmth and joy.

How are the stripes located on our flag, the flag of Russia?

Now take the envelopes and collect the Russian flag.

Game “Collect the flag”.

Educational conversation “Getting to know wild animals” in the 2nd junior group.

Program content: introduce children to wild animals native land(hare, wolf, bear). Learn to use singular nouns in speech. and many more numbers representing baby animals. Material: pictures of animals and their cubs, a bear's cap.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, guess the riddle:

"A ball of fluff, a long ear,
He jumps smartly and loves carrots."

Who is this? That's right, bunny (show picture).

What kind of fur coat does the bunny have? (soft, white, fluffy, warm)

In winter the bunny is white, and in summer it is gray (show picture).

  • Where does the bunny live? Does he have a house? (no, he sleeps under a bush)
  • What does it eat? (grass, bark, twigs of bushes) Show a picture of a hare with her babies.
  • What are the babies of a hare called?
  • Say correctly one little bunny, many... (bunnies)

Other animals also live in the forest. Guess who I'm talking about now:

"Gray, angry, hungry with big teeth, prowling through the forest, looking for prey."

  • Who is this? (show picture)
  • What kind of teeth does a wolf have? Why does he need big teeth?
  • What kind of fur does he have?
  • Where does the wolf live? What does it eat?
  • What is the name of the wolf's house? (den)

Showing a picture of a wolf with cubs - Who does the wolf have?

Say correctly: one wolf cub, many... (wolf cubs)


The gray bunny is washing his face, apparently getting ready to visit.
He washed his paws, washed his nose, washed his ear, wiped it dry and galloped off.

And there’s also a big, shaggy bear living in the forest (show picture)

  • The she-bear has little...who? (bear cubs, show picture)
  • What is the name of the bear's house?
  • What does a bear eat? (berries, honey, sweet roots, turn over stones and find worms, snails, catch fish, and can also attack animals).
  • Does a bear eat in winter? - What does he do in winter?

Summary of the lesson.

  • Who did we talk about today? (about animals)
  • What animals live in the forest?
  • Does the hare have his own house?
  • How does a bear spend the winter?
  • What does a wolf eat?

Educational summary

local history activities

in the second junior group

"Forest Teremok"

Subject:"Forest Teremok"

1. Integration of areas: speech development, cognitive development, social and communicative development.

2. Form of activity: joint activities of adults and children.

3. Software tasks:

a) educational: c game form generalize knowledge of bird calls and appearance trees in the middle zone. Strengthen the ability to quickly get into pairs and form a circle;

b) developing: to promote the development of curiosity and auditory perception. Teach children to quickly switch attention.

c) educational: to cultivate a feeling of love for the nature of the native land.

4. Vocabulary work: activate words in children’s speech (woodpecker, starling, owl, squirrel, swarm of bees, bear.

5. Form: educational game.

6. Materials and equipment:

Illustrations depicting rules of behavior in the forest; flannelgraph, pictures for a flannelgraph, an oak tree made of two halves with an opening hollow (woodpecker, starling, owl, squirrel, swarm of bees, bear);

Two wooden sticks- every child;

Four baskets with squirrel supplies (nuts, mushrooms, cones, berries - in equal quantities);

Five flat flowers, tambourine;

Tuesok with honey.


Educator. The warmest, most blooming spring month of May has arrived.

The lily of the valley bloomed in May,

On the holiday itself - on the first day.

Seeing off May with flowers,

The lilac is blooming.

(S. Marshak)

The Song of Spring is performed (optional)

Shouldn't we go for a walk in the forest? Let's admire the flowers and listen to the birds singing. Shall we go, guys? Then, let's go.

Children perform motor exercises “Let’s hold hands together”:

Let's take each other's hand,

They walk in pairs in a circle.

Let's go along the path into the forest.

We saw a horse

Depict a straight gallop in a circle (one at a time).

How the horses galloped.

The path winds like a snake (children run like a “snake” behind the lead sch them.)

Through the meadows, through the fields.

You will be able to run like a snake after each other, friends.

We see them jumping at the edge of the forest

Jump on two legs moving forward.

Two green frogs.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

You need to jump on your toes.

We look, there is a stream ahead.

They walk on their toes, arms to the sides.

Let's cross it quickly.

There's a log across the stream

It's very slippery.

We go one after another


Let's sing a song loudly.

Old Man-Lesovichok

Who is walking in my forest?

Who's singing songs here? Oh yes, these are the kids, Funny girls,

Funny boys.

Hello guys!

Children. Hello!

Old Lesovichok.

Children, do you recognize me?

I am the Old Lesovichok.

Who destroys nature

I'm strict with that.

And who respects the forest,

Doesn't hurt plants, helps animals,

He is a welcome guest with me.

Educator. Old Lesovichok, our guys love nature. Old man - Lesovichok. Are you picking flowers?

(Children's answers.)

Do you help birds in winter?

Children tell Old Lesovich about how they care for nature.

old man - Lesovichok . Well done! then I'll play with you. Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest?

Old Man-Lesovichok shows pictures and children tell stories.

Well, well done, you know all the rules. And I’ll tell you a fairy tale about an oak tree.

The old Lesovichok, telling a fairy tale, seats the heroes on a branch in front of a hollow.

There stood an oak tree in the forest, old, old, thick, very thick. A spotted woodpecker has arrived, with a red cap and a sharp nose. I tapped the trunk with my nose and listened

and let's dig a hole. Help him knock.

The game “Rhythmic Echo” is played. Lesovichok taps out two-bar rhythm formulas on sticks, and the children repeat them. (Two sticks lie under each chair.)

A woodpecker hollowed out a hollow in an oak tree. (Opens a hollow in the oak tree.) Summer is in it

lived, took out the children and flew away. Winter passed, and in the spring a starling flew to the hollow. He asks: “Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?” No one from the hollow answers. Empty tower. The starling brought hay and straw into the hollow, began to live in the hollow, and took out the children. The chicks hatched, began to listen to the singing of their neighbors, and became acquainted with other birds.

The game “Guess who is singing” is played. Children listen to a soundtrack with birds singing (cuckoos, sparrows, crows, owls). The guys must name the birds by their voice.

A starling lived in a hollow for several years. The old oak is crumbling, the hollow is bigger

is being done. In the third year, the yellow-eyed owl found out about that hollow. He flew in and asked: “Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?” - “Once upon a time there lived a spotted woodpecker with a sharp nose, now I live as a starling - the first singer in the grove. And who are you?" - "I am an owl. If you fall into my clutches, don't whine. I'll fly to you at night! - and I’ll swallow it. Get out of the mansion while you're still alive!

The starling got scared of the owl and flew away. Now the owl lives in the hollow. He sleeps during the day and flies out to hunt at night, scaring everyone.

The game “Day and Night” is played. Children move freely around the hall to the sound of cheerful music, imitating the movements of bunnies, mice, and birds. As the character of the music changes, the children freeze. The “owl” flies between them, taking those who have moved with it.

The owl lived in the hollow for two years. The old oak crumbles, the hollow becomes larger. A squirrel galloped up to the hollow and asked: “Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?” - “Once upon a time there lived a spotted woodpecker with a sharp nose, and once upon a time there lived a starling who was the first singer in the grove. Now I live - owl. If you fall into my claws, don't whine. And who are you?" - “I am a squirrel - a jumping rope on branches, a nurse in hollows. My teeth are long and sharp as needles. Get out of the mansion while you're still alive!

The owl got scared and flew away. Let the squirrel make a pantry. Let's help her

prepare winter supplies.

The game "Squirrel's Closet" is played. Four children participate in the game. There is a basket in each corner of the hall. Squirrel supplies are scattered on the floor. The first participant collects mushrooms in his basket,

the second - nuts, the third - cones, the fourth - berries. The first participant to collect their supplies wins. The number of cones, mushrooms, berries and nuts should be the same.

The squirrel lived well in the hollow. But the old oak was crumbling, the hollow became larger and larger. The bees liked it. The bees arrived, circled around the hollow, asking: “Tower, tower, who lives in the tower?” - “Once upon a time there lived a spotted woodpecker with a sharp nose, there lived a starling who was the first singer in the grove, lived

Owl - if you fall into his claws - don't whine. Now I live, a squirrel - a jump rope on branches, a nurse in hollows. And who are you?" - “We are a swarm of bees, supporting each other like a mountain. We circle, buzz, sting, threaten big and small. Get out of the tower while you’re still alive!” The squirrel got scared of the bees and ran away. And the bees made wax, began to live in the hollow, and accumulate honey.

The game “Bees and Flowers” ​​is being played. Flat flowers are laid out on the floor. Children “bees” “fly” scattered around the hall to light music. When a tambourine strikes, they stand on a flower.

But a bear came to the oak tree and wanted to eat some honey. "I came -

bear, your mansion is finished!” He climbed up the oak tree, stuck his head into the hollow, and how he pressed! The oak is old, in half and fell apart. The tower is no longer there. And the bear treated himself to honey and moved on.

That's the whole forest fairy tale. And I’ll treat you, kids, to some honey from that tower. (Hands a bottle of honey to the presenter.)

Children. Thank you, Old Man Lesovichok!

Old Man - Lesovichok. Help yourself to honey and return home.

A communicative dance “Merry Round Dance” is held.


Get up, guys, hurry up and dance.

Children holding hands walk in a circle Music doesn't let us get bored...

Let's hold hands, walk in a circle and sing a joyful song.

They clap their hands twice.

Stomp boldly!

They stamp their feet.

They clap their hands twice.

Clap more friendly!

They clap their hands twice.

And spin!

Spinning on their toes.

They clap their hands twice.

Smile everyone!

They stretch their hands forward and smile

Let's go for a walk around the hall,

Children walk scattered around the hall, putting their hands on their belts.

The song will not let us stand still.

We'll take a walk and find a friend,

Get into pairs and walk in a circle in pairs.

We will stand in pairs and sing together.

Chorus. One-two!

Stomp boldly!

They stamp their feet.

Clap your partner's hands twice.

Clap more friendly!

Hit your knees with your palms four times.

Clap your partner's hands twice.

And spin!

They circle in pairs.

Clap your partner's hands twice.

And hug!

Hugging with a friend.

Children move in pairs and hop around in a circle and leave the hall. The old Lesovichok waves goodbye to them.

Lesson notes for the second junior group

in local history

On the topic: “Come visit us.”


Begunova Lyudmila Ivanovna

MDOU No. 160

Tver 2012

Program content:

1. Introduce children to the samovar and its components (faucet, lid,

Introduce children to the process of making tea: show and name actions that children can later transfer to a play situation (pour tea into a teapot, pour boiling water, add milk or sugar to tea).

Continue to familiarize children with tea utensils (cups, saucers, teaspoons, teapot, sugar bowl, milk jug) and their purpose.

To strengthen children's understanding of six colors (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple) and the ability to match patterns.

To consolidate children's knowledge of size (largest, smaller, smallest) and the ability to select.

4. a) Replenish children’s vocabulary (samovar, teapot, boiling water,
tea leaves, sugar bowl, milk jug, fragrant, aromatic, sweet tea).

b) Use nursery rhymes in the speech of children and the teacher: We greet everyone with bread and salt, We bring the samovar to the table. We don't miss drinking tea, we talk about this and that.

We really love nesting dolls and colorful clothes. We weave and spin ourselves, we ourselves will come to visit you.

Ay, swing, swing, swing! Look - bagels, rolls! Look - bagels, rolls! hot from the oven! From the heat, from the heat from the oven - Everything is rosy, hot.

Okay, okay!
_ Grandma baked pancakes

crawled with oil,

I gave it to the kids.

Nastya is two, Maxima is two,

Alena is two, Rodion is two.

The pancakes are good
At our grandmother's.

5. Cultivate a friendly attitude in children, the ability to thank a peer or adult for the help and attention provided; express the request in words, state it clearly; use words: thank you, please.

Preliminary work:

Reading the book “Matryoshka Nursery Rhymes” and looking at the illustrations for it; consideration of subject and story pictures with the image of tea utensils; games with nesting dolls; meeting the brownie Kuzya and playing with him;

homework and a conversation on the topic: “How my mother and I made tea”;

didactic games to fix the color and size.


A table covered with a tablecloth, set for tea (cups, saucers, teaspoons, spoons, a sugar bowl with sugar, a milk jug with milk, a vase, bagels and rolls of food for children); Khokhloma table with a napkin, samovar, teapot, jar with tea leaves, small tray, teaspoon, teapot warmer; matryoshka doll, brownie Kuzya, Khokhloma table and on it the didactic game “Select by color” (cups and dishes).

Organization of the lesson:

Free, sitting near the table, standing, sitting at the table.

part - 7 min

part - 5 min

frequent - 10 min

The lesson is conducted in subgroups.

Progress of the lesson.

After the music lesson, the teacher opens the door to the group and
invites children to visit him, saying:

I’ll open the door and call you,
Invite children to visit!
Where are you kids? Come in!
I'll treat you to tea,
And then we'll play
Songs to sing and dance!
- Hello Nastenka and Alyonushka!

Hello Maksimochka and Rodion!

(The teacher takes the children by the hands and looks into their eyes)

Please pass.

It’s very good that you came to visit me.

Thank you, I'm very glad to see you.

I was waiting for you - I cleaned the house, covered the table with a white tablecloth and arranged

tea beautiful teaware.

Do you guys like visiting me?

Guests on the doorstep and a samovar on the table.

Come in, guests, please sit down comfortably.

Children's answer.

I'm making a riddle about the samovar: At the big-nosed one at Foka's

Constantly hands on hips.

Foka boils water

And it shines like a mirror.

What samovar guys?

Big, shiny, beautiful, you can look in it like in a mirror.

What does a samovar have?

What kind of hands on hips? -These are the handles of the samovar.

What are they needed for?

So as not to get burned. The water in the samovar is hot, boiling water.

And in order to pour water into the samovar, you must first remove what?

The samovar is a hot bird!

The tap opens -

The tea is pouring!

What does the samovar open? (I ask several children).

Why do we need a samovar?

To drink a tea.

Have you seen how your mother, father or grandmother made tea? -Yes.

How did they do it?

Children's statements.

Now I’ll make tea for you.

I take a jar of tea leaves and ask:

What do you think is in the jar?

I open the jar, pour the tea leaves onto the tray, and show it to the children.

The guys try to mash the tea leaves with a spoon.

What brew?

Hard, dry, small.

There is a special kettle in which tea is brewed.

That's what it's called: a teapot.

This teapot is also on my table, isn’t it?

Nastenka, show me where he is?
Shows and names.
I ask several children.

I take off the lid of the teapot and invite the children to pour the tea leaves from the tray into the teapot with a teaspoon.

What do you use for the tea leaves?

A teaspoon.

What else needs to be done to make tea?

Pour water into the kettle.

That's right, water. And not just water. Which one then?

Hot, boiling water.
I ask several children.

Where is our boiling water?

In the samovar...

You can’t touch the samovar, you can get burned, because it contains boiling water.

I'll put the kettle closer to the samovar,

The tap opens -

The tea is pouring!

And now I’ll put the lid on the teapot and cover it with such a beautiful heating pad on the teapot so that the tea leaves boil, swell, and we get fragrant, aromatic tea.

Guys, let the tea brew for now. And look, another guest has come to us.

Part 2. I take out the nesting doll and show it to the children.


Hello guys!

Hello, matryoshka

We love nesting dolls very much,

Multi-colored clothes.

We weave and spin ourselves,

We will come to visit you ourselves

We are very glad, Matryoshka, that you came to visit us.

Really, guys? -Yes.

Guys, ask the nesting doll if she likes to drink tea?

I love it very much, it is so fragrant, aromatic, sweet.

Guys, I prepared cups and saucers for you, but I didn’t have time for the nesting dolls. Help me please.

Children approach the table with flat cups and saucers different color And different sizes.

Look. cups and saucers of different colors.

What color is this cup?

Children name all the colors.

And saucers of the same colors.

You just need to match them to the cups.

Help me please.

The guys select cups and saucers by color.

Maxim, what color are your cup and saucer?

And you?
I ask all the children.

Thank you my assistants.

We have one matryoshka doll, but there are many cups and saucers.

But our nesting doll is magical, look.
I open the nesting doll and take out a smaller one and assemble it.

What kind of matryoshka doll?

The biggest one. -And this one?
-Slightly less

11 So I collect all the nesting dolls and ask what they are (smaller, even smaller...).

And what is this nesting doll?

The smallest.

I distribute nesting dolls to children and ask them to arrange the nesting dolls from largest to smallest.

Who has the biggest nesting doll?

Now whose nesting doll is next, the smaller one?

Children arrange the nesting dolls by height, saying largest, smaller, even smaller... and smallest.

What kind of matryoshka do you have?

The smallest.

Look, guys, are the cups and saucers the same size?

Different not only in color, but also in size.

Which cup is the biggest?

Green. Children show.

The smallest? Yellow.

Which cup will the largest nesting doll drink from?

From the largest green cup.

And this matryoshka?

The teacher shows the nesting dolls, and the children select cups for them according to size.

Well done guys. Now each nesting doll has its own cup.

Let’s perform the “matryoshka” dance for our nesting dolls
\(Physical education minute).

We, nesting dolls,

These are the crumbs. Like we have

Clean palms.

We are nesting dolls We are matryoshka dolls

These are the crumbs. These are the crumbs.

Like \- us, like us Dance, dance

New boots We went out a little.

A surprise moment - a knock on the door, the brownie Kuzya appears with bagels and rolls.

Who is this. guys?


Hello. Kuzenka!

I thought Kuzenka was hiding somewhere at home, I couldn’t see him, but he was coming from somewhere

Guys, ask Kuzya where he comes from with the bagels and rolls. Children ask.

From the store. I bought some rolls and bagels there.

Ay, swing - swing - swing!

Look - bagels, rolls!

Look - bagels, rolls!

Hot from the oven.

From the heat of the oven -

Everything is rosy and hot.

Hey Kuzenka, well done!

Guys, let’s bake pancakes for Kuzenka.

Okay, okay!

Grandma baked pancakes.

I gave it to the kids.

I gave it to the kids.

Guys, give Kuzenka a treat.

Kuza is two, Nastenka is two...

The pancakes are good

Our grandmother's!

Oh, what delicious pancakes! Thank you!

To your health Kuzenka.

Kuzenka, would you like some tea?

Of course, I love sweet, fragrant, aromatic tea.

Guys, what kind of tea does Kuzenka like?

Sweet, aromatic, fragrant.

I just don't know how to make this tea.

Don’t be upset, Kuzenka, the kids will teach you.

Invite Kuzya to the table with the samovar. We all come to the table together.

Our tea is already ripe. I remove the heating pad from the kettle and open the lid.

Look, guys, Kuzya, how the tea leaves have swollen and what the tea has become - dark, fragrant, aromatic.

Look, Kuzenka, what kind of tea we made.

Now listen to how we brewed it!

I. Kuzenka, boiled water in the samovar, what would it become, what kind of guys?

Hot, boiling water.

And then what did we do?

The tea leaves were poured V kettle.

What's the name of the kettle? (for brewing).

We opened the tap in the samovar and poured boiling water into the teapot for brewing. They closed it
lid and wrapped in a warmer (showing) for the teapot so that it brewed.

Thanks guys, now I know how to make delicious tea.

Guys, invite Kuzenka to the table, and make yourself comfortable (I help the children).

We greet everyone with bread and salt,

We bring the samovar to the table

We don't miss tea

We talk about this and that.

I carry the samovar by the handles and place it in the middle of the table. I put a teapot nearby for brewing.

Guys, where will I pour the tea?

First I will pour tea from......? Children finish saying “from the teapot”

I pour tea from the teapot and say, encouraging the children to answer what kind of tea - fragrant, aromatic.

Now I’ll pour boiling water from the samovar.

I’ll set out cups of tea for the children and Kuza.

Help yourself to bagels and rolls.

Thank you Kuzenka!

I scatter the bagels and rolls into vases. I taste the tea from my cup.

The tea is not sweet.

What is needed to make tea sweet?

Where is the sugar?

In the sugar bowl. I ask several children.

Is it on my table?

Children show. I take a sugar bowl and offer it to the children.

Who needs more sugar?

How should you ask politely?

Please give me some sugar.

Now I’ll take it…….What are these guys?

A teaspoon.

I’ll add sugar to everyone with a teaspoon, and you, stir gently with your spoons in your cups so that the sugar melts.

We continue to drink tea.

Something was hot, I almost burned myself.

I have a milk jug somewhere on my desk. and there is cold milk in it.

Here he is the milkman. I'll add milk to the tea and it will become colder. Tasty!

Kuzenka, what do you want to tell me?

Kuzya whispers in my ear:

Please give me some milk (I add it to his cup of milk).

Thank you!

Drink to your health Kuzenka.

I encourage the guys to address me politely.

Give me some milk please. Thank you.

Children drink tea with bagels and rolls.

Delicious tea guys? (Yes)

Kuzenka, you like tea. (Very)

What other tea?

Sweet, aromatic, fragrant, warm, with milk.

Thank you samovar. I gave tea to all the guests. That's who I am!

What kind of samovar are you guys? (beautiful, big, shiny, you can look at it in a mirror).

Well done boys. I am now sure that you will be able to meet guests and give them tea.

And now, dear guests, we will play, sing and dance. Let's go Kuzenka and have fun with us.

Playing out the nursery rhyme " Shadow-shadow– sweating”, “It’s like trouble without a pipe”, poem “Petrushka”

Begunova Lyudmila Ivanovna