Men's hairstyle trash bag. Garbage bag on head

"MY! Plus" is an electronic version of the paper newspaper "MY!". Everything that came out in the latest issue of the newspaper “MINE!” on Tuesday, can now be read on the resource “MY! Plus". Moreover, materials in the electronic version are published not in the form of newspaper strips (although there is also the opportunity to view and download PDF newspaper pages for “MY! Plus” subscribers), but in a convenient form, adapted for a computer, tablet and smartphone. The electronic version of the newspaper becomes available to subscribers on the day the paper version of “MY!” is released. - from 12 noon every Tuesday.

The electronic version of “MY!”, like its paper counterpart, is paid. But unlike the paper version, it will cost readers much less. The paper version of the newspaper costs 25 rubles, but if you subscribe to the electronic version of “MY!”, then depending on the option you choose, one issue will cost you 11 - 15 rubles. You can subscribe to different period: for 1 month, 3 months, six months and a year. The subscription cost varies from 60 rubles (for a month) to 580 rubles (for a year).

No, the materials on the portal “MY! Online" will remain free! The paid subscription will only apply to materials marked with the “MY!” icon. Plus". That is, subscribers “MY!” Plus" get access to materials that are currently paid for anyway, since they are published only in the paper version of the newspaper "MOYE!"

No, most of the materials that appear in the newspaper “MOYE!” (and therefore in its electronic version “MY! Plus”) are not published on the portal “MY! Online". "MY! Online" is a news resource, and in the weekly newspaper "MY!" More detailed articles are published in which our journalists analyze significant events for the city and region, try to determine their causes, make forecasts with the help of experts and offer solutions to problems. In addition, in the newspaper “MY!” there are a lot of essays and detailed reports that are simply not published on the portal “MY! Online".

First of all, for ease of delivery quality materials newspapers to readers. Now, to read “MY!”, you don’t have to go to a newsstand or store or stand in line at the checkout. You can read the newspaper on your computer, tablet or smartphone at any time and place convenient for you. Plus, our subscribers get more than just a regular newspaper. In the electronic version you can comment on materials, you get access to the electronic archive of the newspaper “MY!”, materials in the electronic version are published without abbreviations, with more detailed photo reports and video materials.

When faced with a garbage problem, Aries will become full of sanitary sentiments and will throw everything and everyone upside down as part of the great and terrible spring cleaning. Much of what is picked up will also be considered trash and thrown away. And then a satisfied Aries, in a clean house, will accidentally find a small bag of garbage lying around in the corner, from which, in fact, it all began.


The view from the sofa of a monstrous, uncomfortable, downright indecent garbage bag will offend all his feelings for a long time. However, it will be very difficult for Taurus to get up. Only after finally making sure that no one else will do this, Taurus will slowly and sadly go to take out the ill-fated package.


Having finally noticed that something in the house stinks terribly and is decaying, Gemini gets ready to fix the problem. He will first begin to reason about how many ways there are in the world to take out garbage, as they do in developed countries, that robots have already been invented for this in Japan, and they will soon gain intelligence and take over humanity... During such reasoning, Gemini will completely forget about garbage. He will continue to happily stink until some Virgo from Gemini’s numerous entourage loses patience with him.


A garbage bag emitting a disgusting smell?! This is impossible for Cancers! They love order; there is almost never a mess in their home, because they constantly maintain cleanliness. But if you throw a bag of garbage at them, then in a matter of seconds the Cancers will put on rubber gloves, a cotton-gauze bandage and carefully, with two fingers, lower the terrible garbage into the garbage chute.

a lion

First he will make sure that there are a lot of people around, if not, then he will wait until more people come running. Then he will take the bag and walk around the house with it for a long time and noisily, collecting even more garbage until someone praises him. After which, with a regal look, he will say: “Oh, no need for gratitude,” and throw out the trash to thunderous applause.


The pedantic and clean Virgo mysteriously does not accumulate garbage in her house. And not only in the house, but also within the affected radius nuclear explosion. Everything around will be polished to its original shine. But for the energy spent on this, Virgo will monotonously and instructively “blow the minds” of Gemini, Libra and Pisces for not doing this themselves.


Don't touch Libra with your base trash, even if it's just their trash. They are busy with sublime and philosophical thoughts. After all, garbage is just an illusion, in fact it does not exist, which means that this mirage will dissipate on its own... And if not, Libra, as champions in putting things in order at lightning speed, will dematerialize the garbage in an instant. But the order established in the house will turn into chaos again at the same speed.


At first, Scorpios will hate humanity for all this stupid garbage. Tired of exhaling poison at the irresponsibility of those around them, they will organize all the household members to do the cleaning, and they themselves will proudly take the hated bag and carry it to the garbage chute. Having gotten rid of it, they will feel avenged in the face of all humanity.


First, he will loudly announce his intention to take out the trash, gather everyone in the house for a cleanup day and tell a theory about the benefits of taking out the trash. The more the word “must” dominates Sagittarius, the more he will rant and delay the moment. But when in the mood, without being pushed by anyone, he will remove the trash in no time.


He will use all his remarkable tactical and strategic abilities to constructively solve the problem of garbage disposal once and for all - he will create a compact waste disposal device on his own balcony. A maximalist in everything, including in matters of order, Capricorn will act until he restores perfect cleanliness. But only if he is sure that his work will be appreciated.


After rummaging through the trash, he will find many useful and inspiring things. There will be enough for 3 installations, 4 performances and 9 collages. All this will certainly be accomplished by Aquarius - with noise, roar, in 30 seconds! And then he will subject all this to critical reflection, throw him off the ship of modernity and sentence him to burning. Aquarius will make a fire out of a pile of rubbish that has grown exponentially. With songs, dances, round dances and pancakes.


Pisces tend to give the initiative in life to their partner. It’s the same with cleaning: let the head of the family (gender doesn’t matter) do it! However, if they are persuaded to polish it, they will succumb to persuasion, take the rag in their hands and, while they are encouraged, will scrub it until it shines.

In Russia, September 13 is celebrated as Hairdresser's Day. We have talked more than once about women's hairstyles, styling and care, unfairly forgetting men. Meanwhile, they began to take more and more care of themselves, they no longer consider it shameful to do their hair, look at shelves with special products and go to men's manicure. Recently, even such a brutal element as a beard has required care and special attention.

To understand how much Petrozavodsk men take care of themselves and understand fashionable haircuts, we contacted one of the owners Royal Beard Barbershop Gagik Bagratyan. He told what is important today to do with men’s hair, whose haircuts are shown to a barber (men’s hairdresser) with a request to repeat it, and how to hide receding hairlines.

Our men, according to Gagik, are on trend when it comes to haircuts. At least, the most fashionable option today - the undercut - is asked to do most often.

– Undercut is shaved sides with a smooth transition into elongated hair at the top. With the length, you can improvise: comb it, do it less often, or give your hair texture.

A haircut is not only beautiful, but also often time consuming. Gels, creams, waxes, clays, pastes and pomades for men's hair are used to help young people. The choice depends on the desired effect and hair type:

– Clay gives strong hold and high level shine,” explains the barber. - On thin hair it will look too slicked down, but will do its job perfectly when styling heavy, thick hair. The lipstick holds a little less. For those with thinner or thinner hair, there is a cream that slightly recreates the effect of wet hair. A spray will also work in this situation. If you want to make a pompadour (hairstyle like Elvis), you can use special superglue for hair. It all washes off perfectly with water and shampoo.

Most men, of course, do not strive to keep up with fashion and remain faithful to one haircut for several years in a row. But the stronger sex sometimes comes to the masters with requests to do it as in the picture. Among the celebrities that Petrozavodsk macho men want to cut their hair like are Cristiano Ronaldo and Tom Hardy.

– Sometimes clients come with a photo of Messi and ask for a haircut the same way. I have to explain that this is not a haircut, but that the football player’s hair is just so disheveled. And once my colleague was asked to get a haircut “like Wolverine.”

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the X-Men film franchise (left) and football player Lionel Messi

If a man suffers the misfortune of losing his hair, this does not mean that he has nothing to do in a barbershop. A fashionable undercut can also be done on balding heads. Another way is a hairstyle in the style of Fyodor Bondarchuk or Jason Statham. Mostly, men cope with this at home, but there are also aesthetes who come to the barbershop to lose their hair in the spirit of gangster films.

– People come for a full face shave straight razors. The result is no different from shaving with a regular razor, but you can enjoy the procedure itself. A person lies down in a chair, is tilted back, and the skin is steamed with a hot towel. After this, shaving gel is applied, the hair is shaved, and a cold towel is placed on the face to close all the pores and remove possible blood spots left from ingrown hairs. As a result, after shaving is applied and at the same time a facial massage is performed. All this takes about 20-30 minutes,” said the owner Royal Beard Barbershop.

But our expert does not recommend rubbing onion skins or peppercorns into your bald spot. He immediately sends his clients who have the problem of baldness to a specialist - a trichologist - to determine the cause of hair loss.

As for the beard, it needs to be cut according to the shape of the head. For square faces will suit denser hair on the cheeks to round out the shape. It is better for those with a triangular skull to round and maintain length on the chin. Round face I need a square beard.

The master’s advice is not to straighten your beard at home, but to come for correction at least once a month, and ideally once every 10 days.

– At home you can make everything crooked, and most often it turns out that way. They come and say: “Correct me! I raised it a little higher here, but here it turned out lower...” As a result, the shape of the beard disappears.

Unfortunately, if the beard does not grow at all, then nothing can be done to help. But if you want to make your facial hair thicker, you can use special products.

- They include different oils. The product must be applied after shaving - it burns very much and thereby irritates the hair follicles.

We selected nine shots with men different ages from the archives of our editorial office and asked Gagik Bagratyan to evaluate their haircuts, and perhaps recommend a more suitable option, in his opinion.

Auto festival for jeepers in Girvas.

Gagik: It’s immediately obvious that occipital part here it was too rounded and a gap formed at the back. The haircut is unfinished, although it is clear that it is fresh. In general, the hairstyle suits the boy.

– There is nothing particularly complicated in this haircut: a parting is made, and everything else is removed. To mess up here, you need to try hard, because the hair on the sides is removed almost to zero. The long part of the hair can be combed back, or laid diagonally or to one side. In any case, you will have to use a hairdryer if you want to add volume.

“This is a man with luxuriant hair, and he apparently hasn’t had his hair cut for a long time.” More hair could have been removed from the back of the head. I would remove the density a little, then the haircut would grow back better. And so the top of the head stands up like a ball.

– It was an undercut, but without styling. Here it is also short on the sides, and the comb is done to the side. These are not curls, just the hair, as it grows, begins to curl at the ends. There is no problem with this if you style everything well with a hairdryer and comb.

– This is an overgrown classic haircut without shaved sides. There's not much else to say.

– Viking with a ponytail. This hairstyle suits this man. If he came and asked to do the same, I would not try to convince him otherwise.

Nowadays they sometimes shave their sides, and long part tied in a ponytail. Some people call this hairstyle “Garbage Bag”. It suits some people, it doesn't suit others. It looks beautiful anyway, especially if you like it long hair.

– You remove the hair using any attachment on an electric razor and that’s it. It can be seen that the ball is already growing - the hair is standing a little in a hedgehog. I think, young man It wouldn’t hurt to remove the sides and give the beard clearer contours... There is something to work on here.

For this face shape, I would suggest making a beard with a transition from long hair at the bottom to short hair at the top.

2017 at the Spartak stadium

– Here we see bald patches. You can either leave your hair long, which will cover these dimples, or have a side-swept haircut to cover one side, while the other, thanks to the parting, becomes less noticeable. Well, or just leave it as it is and not pay attention. And young people are in style.

– Rosembaum style. The man feels good, but even if it were bad, he has nowhere to go - he is already bald.