A very touching greeting for Mother's Day. Touching congratulations on Mother's Day

This weekend, May 12, Ukrainians will congratulate their wonderful mothers on their main day. We have already published touching ones, and now we invite you to choose an unforgettable and heartfelt SMS in verse. They will definitely make Mother's Day 2019 memorable for your loved one, full of positive emotions and sincere tears of joy.

Mother's Day is one of the most touching holidays, a day when you want to say the most sincere and tender words to your mother for love, kindness and affection. Touching SMS congratulations on Mother's Day in verse will help with this intention.

Opening my eyes for the first time,
I only see you alone.
You are the best - I know that.
And I even know why.

I wish you a bright holiday this
Don't think about the past years -
They, according to all signs,
Wealth. Take care of them.

May good luck visit you
And the kindness of loved ones.
Yes and it cannot be otherwise
With my beloved mom!

On Mother's Day I thank you for everything:
For the caress of hands, care and anxiety,
For this world, a beautiful dawn
And the first step along the road of life,
For tenderness, boundless love,
For your kind words and patience.
Thank you, I say again and again,
You are my angel, without a doubt.
Let there be only goodness in your life,
Let the sun shine brightly above your head!
You exist - and my soul is warm,
My only one, the best in the world!

Mom is the beginning of all beginnings,
The pier of love and wisdom,
A beacon of goodness and understanding,
Symbol of labor and creation.
On Mother's Day I wish you
Keep the warmth of the soul for a hundred years,
Health, happiness without suffering,
Live richly and without troubles!

Mom's hands are warmth.
Mom's songs are tenderness and affection.
Mom will drive away universal evil,
And turn life into a wonderful fairy tale!

Dear mommy, angel from heaven.
I congratulate you on this holiday
May your life be full of miracles.
I love it very much. Your little son is a prankster.

Mothers Day - great holiday,
There are so many poems written about mom.
And still, there are not enough words to express
My gratitude, my love!
Thank you, mom, I tell you,
And I ask heaven for only one thing
I ask them for health for you,
I want your home to be happy!

Words of gratitude and appreciation for everything that every mother does for her child can be expressed not only through congratulations on Mother’s Day in verse. Happy Mother's Day Wishes adult daughter maybe Happy Mother's Day 2019 congratulations in prose. Simple but beautiful and sincere words You can reach even the most closed heart.

Today is Mother's Day, and the eyes of all mothers in the world shine in a special way, because they are congratulated by the dearest people in their lives - their children. We sincerely congratulate all mothers on the holiday and wish them happiness, a sea of ​​smiles, inspiration and, of course, patience, because without it it is not easy to bear the honorary title of “mother”. Take care of yourself and be happy, and we, in turn, will protect you from troubles and disappointments. Happy holiday, our caring doves!

The very first word that caresses the ear for the rest of your life. The most gentle and caring hands. The kindest and most sympathetic heart. On Mother's Day, I want to wish you, dear mother, true happiness, long life, excellent, good health, understanding and devotion in the family. May tears never run down your cheeks, and may pride for us, your children, burn in your chest.

Happy Mother's Day to my dear mother! Let me say words of gratitude and love to you. My dear, thank you for your kindness and tenderness, for the long, sleepless nights, for your worries, for your care. For always giving yourself completely to us, for parting words and blessings. Be, my dear, happy and healthy for many more years, may your eyes know no tears, and may your hands know no hard work. I love you very much, my dear, priceless mother!

“Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny.” The lines from this song tell about the closest and dearest person in the world, about you, my mom. On your holiday, I want to wish you a million smiles and always a good mood. Don’t let our failures upset you, we will definitely give you a reason to be proud of us. May your health allow you not only to look after your grandchildren, but also to put your great-grandchildren on their feet.

Mommy, kind, gentle and radiant, I congratulate you on your holiday, Mother’s Day! May this day once again remind you of my love, give you tender hugs and words of gratitude. I wish you only health and long life. May despondency never befall you, and may your eyes never become wet with tears. Always remain as beautiful, young, sensitive and caring. Know that you are my best!

Congratulations on Mother's Day in verse do not leave mom indifferent, because all the congratulations in the world are not enough to express admiration for mother's work. But this does not mean that you can leave your mother without congratulations on Mother’s Day.

We also publish short SMS congratulations on Mother’s Day to mom that can be sent by phone.

You, mom, are mine best friend!
And there are simply no secrets from you,
We know so much about each other
After all, we have been together for many years.

Today, mom, is your holiday,
I thank you for all the good things,
Let peace reign in your soul,
Health, happiness, I love you!

Better than mom in the whole world there is simply no!
You will always find an answer to my question.
I congratulate you on Mother's Day,
I love you, kiss you, hug you tightly!

On Mother's Day I wish you,
Native my mommy,
Live a vibrant life, prosper,
Always hoping and loving,

To make your eyes shine
So that you smile more often,
And so that strength is bestowed
Your beautiful dreams!

I love my mother
Congratulations today,
I kiss your hand
And from the bottom of my heart I wish -

Always the same, mom, be
Cheerful and beautiful.
After all, this is the hidden essence of life -
May you be happy!

I sincerely congratulate you
Happy Mother's Day,
I wish you goodness and peace,
We'll come to you at the light!

Happiness is when mom is nearby
And it’s bad when mom isn’t there!
With a gentle and kind look
You protect me from troubles.

On your holiday I wish you
Stop worrying for no reason
Happiness so that there is no end and edge,
And never have wrinkles!


Your smile warms -
Smile more often!
Your eyes shine with kindness -
Stay like that!

You love me without looking back -
So be happy yourself!
May everything always be alright
The best mom!

Photo: pixabay.com, open sources on the Internet

The role of mother in the life of every person is very great! She always lives in the heart and soul of every child, even if this child is already a parent himself. Mom is the first word we say, mom is our vest, where we can cry, mom is love, care, warmth when we need it. Mom is the whole world! In most countries there is one day a year when it is completely dedicated to mothers. We are now talking about a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. On such a day, children prepare to congratulate their mother on the holiday touchingly and lovingly give flowers, read poems about mother, and cook tasty breakfast, invite you for a walk. The flight of fancy is great; you can congratulate your beloved mother in different ways. Today we have prepared such beautiful, touching poems for Mother's Day. They will bring tears of joy and love and give a good mood to any mother.

I have endless happiness
Her name is Mommy - my mommy!
You bring joy, dear,
Keep warm, dear!
Every moment with you is dear to me,
A cry of joy bursts from the heart!
A shout of congratulations to you, my mother!
The best, gentle, kindest!

I take care of my fragile happiness
The name that is my mother!
As before she is from misfortunes
She took care of young me!
There are no limits to my gratitude
For everything you lived for me!
I wish my mommy health
And I wish her happiness to be rich!

Sweet, affectionate and gentle
Giving boundless warmth!
Mom - hope, faith, love,
I congratulate you again and again!
I wish you endless happiness,
Life is easy, very carefree!
Tender smiles, gifts, flowers?
Let everyone be ready to give!

As soon as we open our eyes,
Then we see all the love at once,
What God has prepared for my mother and me,
What will we receive again!
And may mother never
He never loses his tender smile!
May she always be happy
And he accepts congratulations from the heart!

I wish my dear loved one,
Whom I love most in the world
Warmth and happiness, a boundless ocean
And I congratulate mommy from my heart!
I wish her a calm, peaceful night,
I wish her much, much rest!
I wish wonderful smiles from children,
I wish her caring friends around!

Sweet and dearest,
Tender, dear mother!
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
And I wish you an ocean of love!
I wish I never get sick
And forever I wish not to grow old!

Gentle, like a river
Mom's word sounds!
Affectionate, warm like the sun
Her smile is the light in the window!
I love you, my dear,
My mother, dear to my heart!

On this glorious, good day, I
Wonderful Mother's Day
I'll erase the shadow from my mother's face
What darkened the face of heaven!
I will give her a smile with love
And I will protect you from evil and pain!

Beautiful poems for Mother's Day

I wish my mother much happiness,
And fulfillment of desires for the soul!
Love, help, inspiration
Blessings from the angels!
Let the road be filled with flowers,
May all her dreams come true!

May my mother have a dear one in her life
More peace, love and warmth!
Mom is a dear person to everyone
Symbol of tenderness, love, purity!
She brings joy to all children
Let herself become happy!
We congratulate all mothers from the bottom of our hearts,
And we promise not to rush to grow up!

Mom is not only the first word,
This is the beginning of anyone's birth!
The kindest, gentlest, most faithful,
There is no person closer to your own!
How much joy and how much warmth
So much hope and self-confidence,
Mom gave with her care!
Please accept our congratulations, my love!

Warmth is a light mother's hug!
Light is my mother’s kind look!
There is no gentler handshake than a mother's,
Either look forward or look back!
Mom is the love of a child’s entire life,
You are the most important particle of light!
Then I won’t get tired of echoing everyone again,
Let all your dreams come true!

I wish my dear and beloved
The one and only, sweet and unique
To my dear bright mother
There is no sadness in life!
I wish you happiness, I wish you freedom,
May the next years be easy!
So that everyone can help relatives, friends,
Congratulations to you, my beloved!

May your hands never get tired,
Let happiness freeze in the corners of your eyes!
There will be many happy moments
At least one hundred to two hundred times a day!
I wish you earthly and unearthly blessings
I always pray for my mother about them!
I wish you joy and tender songs
And I wish you the most serene days!

Mother's day is a great holiday,
There are quite a few songs about this!
There is nothing sweeter in the world than my mother's face,
The history of the word, poetry composed!
And I want to congratulate you with inspiration
And be sure to wish mommy
Great patience and kindness
Make a path for her made of gold and silver!
Tender smiles from native children
And live life as fun as possible!

Saints Women's Day, Mothers' Day
We wish them joy, affection, kindness and warmth!
Let there be no closed doors in front of them,
And the road will always be only bright!

I don't have enough words to express
Your love, your gratitude!
I'm ready to congratulate you for a long, long time
And carry your mother in your arms!
There is no one in the world dearer to me than you, mom,
There is no one better and kinder in the world,
You are the only dear one for me,
Not in the world... in the entire universe!

Thank you for your concern, I tell my mother,
And I love her more than anyone in the world!
I ask only one thing from God for you,
May he lead you on a fabulous path!
So that he always protects you throughout life,
I would never give offense!

The best the best
My mother is born!
I wish her happiness
I wish to be weaker
To have a strong shoulder,
Helped a lot!
Let there be no insults in life,
Let the angel not forget!

Mommy, my dear, my tender
The best person in the whole world!
I love you very, very much
The day with you is endlessly bright!
Let the Angel on his wings bring
Happiness for you, my dear!
So that you don't have to bear it on your shoulders
Everything in the world, my pretty!

Touching poems about mother from daughter

Joy, my mother,
Your hands are tender!
I adore you -
Boundless love!
I wish you great happiness
I wish you love and laughter!
Dreams come true overnight,
So that you can live without interference!

Sweet, gentle, bringing joy,
Strong, strict and omnipresent!
Kind, forever giving happiness,
Light, affectionate and real!
All this is my dear mother
Please accept congratulations from me!
I wish you directly on Mother's Day
To be the happiest mother in the world!

Take this rose mommy
You are the best mom in the world!
I will spread the news around the world,
So that everyone knows about the best!
So that your angel can hear
Guardian and take care of you,
So that he gives not a storm, but peace,
And may God love you!

I'm for you dear mother I wish
May you live in constant prosperity!
May all your dreams come true,
So that blackness does not disturb purity!
So that an angel carries you on his wings,
May God take care of you and love you!
With all my heart I love you
With a bow, I thank you for everything!

I wish you, dear mother,
I live only in peace and harmony!
Let there be no black stripes in fate,
May God paint it only white!
Mommy, dear, dear and beautiful!
I wish that you don’t shed tears in vain!
So that love can warm you in the cold,
May I receive a lot of compliments!

May the sun shine brighter for you
Dear mother, my beloved!
I wish you to always be on top
And do not encounter obstacles according to fate!

Today I hurry to the most affectionate one,
To a gentle, beautiful, kind mother!
I hasten to congratulate her from the bottom of my heart.
I ask God for health and happiness!
I myself promise to take care of my mother,
Take all troubles off these fragile shoulders!
Let joy be a bright red thread
It will pass according to her beautiful fate!

Forgive me dear mother
Because I'm very stubborn!
Because I'm arguing with you,
Because I cling to you!
Know that there is no one more precious than you,
May God help you in everything!
Know that there is no one more tender than you,
Know that there is no one more important than you!

Mommy, mommy, the sun is clear,
You are the lightest and most beautiful!
I'm ready to dry your tears,
I’m ready to drag out your problems.
Only if you were happy,
If only I could please you with laughter!

I'll take all my mother's problems
AND with a light hand I'll take mine!
May there be a sea of ​​happiness, mommy
You are the best in the world, I say lovingly!
You know, you can and you do,
You often speak kind words to us!
I adore you with all my heart,
I dream about your happiness!

I wish mommy from my heart
Less worry for no reason!
May all her wishes come true,
May the years not bring wrinkles!
And this holiday will last forever,
So that your life becomes carefree!
So that you smile more often,
And there is no time to give up!

I wish you a lot of joy, dear,
Mommy, beloved, holy!
I wish you family warmth,
May the road of life be bright!
I wish you joy every day,
I wish my mother peace every day!
Of course, hopes and desires come true
I wish my beloved mother!

Mom... what a wonderful word,
Mom... the basis of our life!
Mom... the first person on earth,
Whom you met in the world!
Mom... hope, support, stronghold,
Mom... protection from troubles and worries!
I congratulate you on your day,
Let there be a lot of joy in it!

Dear mom,
I owe you
I know heartfelt words
There are many good deeds!
How can I return it to me?
Is it all a lot of work?
Brisk nights under the moon,
Are the days not at all simple?
I can't repay
According to your merits,
I can only give you a hug
And become a reliable friend!

Dear sunshine, most tender,
What is affectionately called - mom!
I love you very much, my happiness,
And I give my congratulations:
Let everything come true at once, dear,
I wish you peace from the bottom of my heart!
A lot of love and a lot of laughter,
I beg you not to let trouble come!

Dear mommy, you are always with me,
When there is joy or sadness,
I've never told you before,
Today I sincerely apologize!
For everything, for all the insults and your gray hairs,
For my childish and stupid pride!
Because I didn't recognize the middle,
Because I’m saying everything in a postcard now...
Sorry dear, I can’t confess
How I love you, I cherish you!
Perhaps courage can knock,
When will I give birth to my daughter!

I didn’t understand my mother before
Her worries, anxiety...
What's wrong, my dear,
I counted during the hours and days of frustration!
Today I have grown up to you,
And I tell you for everything: “I’m sorry”
I want you to forgive me,
May you and I continue on our way!

Touching poems on Mother's Day from children

My heart, I congratulate you
And I wish you happiness, dear!
You are the sweetest, sweetest, sweetest
My dear and gentle mother!
I love you with all my soul,
And I ask for you every day,
So that God would save you from troubles and sorrows,
May the Angels always protect you!
May yours always be light and bright,
You are the best mom in the whole wide world!

I sincerely congratulate you
Happy sweet and tender day to you,
And I sing him from my heart
And I ask God that
To give my mother my happiness,
Not later, but immediately, overnight!
To love, always take care of her,
So that no trouble finds her!
I also pray to the Angels for my mother,
For the kind, dearest!

I wish my beloved mother,
May her life be wonderful!
So that all words and icons look
It was not in vain for mom!
May happiness come to her soon
It will bring joy with it!
May everyone's wishes come true,
And in life only prosperity awaits!

My soul is full of love
And there are bright lights in the heart!
I congratulate Mommy,
She is the soul, my love!
I wish her silence
I wish you to dream more often!
I know it's not easy to be a mother,
Do things, solve problems!
But you, my dear, can do everything
And you don’t spare your strength!
I wish you a lot of strength
May your angel not forget you!

Poems about mother to tears from beloved children

My heart and soul,
My dear mother!
You are bright and good
I love you very much!
I ask God for one thing,
So that he takes care of you,
So that an angel covers you with his wing
And I would always guard you!
To make your dreams come true,
It would give me a reason to laugh
Never to offend
Thinness patched up the holes!

How similar mommy and I are,
Like droplets in a river!
Mom, there is no one more precious than you,
Happiness is in my destiny!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
For everything that you gave to me!
Mom I love you,
May your life be bright!

Today the holiday has come to us
We will loudly praise mothers!
May everything, everything, everything be fine with them,
May God allow them to correct their mistakes!
Their fate will always be easy,
Grievances will disappear like smoke!
Sadness will never envelop them,
And souls are warmed with love and affection!

I wish happiness to all mothers.
I wish them health and patience!
I want us to be comfortable together.
So that children would eagerly look for meetings!
And I pray to God every day,
May I give all this to my mother!
I love her more than anyone in the world!
Thank heavens for our mothers!

I wish you a lot of good health
I wish you strong patience like steel!
I wish you a destiny filled with love
I wish that mother will be spared sadness!
I wish your hands to rest,
I wish the troubles to pass by!
I wish there would be no boredom in life,
And so that the Angels would always lead along it!

There are no more beautiful words in the world
How tender is my dear mother!
Ready to congratulate today
From the bottom of my heart I am mommy!
I wish her to live without sadness,
Without pain and extra gray hairs,
So that the Gods protect fate,
Without giving reasons for tears!

The most beautiful flowers are for you,
Beautiful dreams for your destiny,
Tender, dear, affectionate mother,
How I love you, you are the best!
I will pray to God about your fate,
So that he would give you just a little:
Happiness and health, laughter and love,
So that he cherishes every step with warmth!
My beloved, my good mother,
You are the most beautiful in the world to me!

Dear Mommy, I’m praying for you,
I'm very afraid for you!
Without sparing yourself, you give yourself to me,
There is no rest under the sun and the moon!
Sweet and gentle, take care of yourself
There is no one in the world closer and dearer than you!
Mommy is good. My darling,
You are the most beautiful in the world to me!

Mom is childhood and affection for everyone,
Mom is peace and always comfort,
Mom is a good fairy tale for everyone.
And this poem is for her!

May your health not fail you,
Let all worries pass by,
Let there be less worry in life.
Remember, mommy, I am always with you!

Today is my mom's holiday,
The country is celebrating Mother's Day again.
I want the troubles to fall asleep forever,
And they never came to the house.

Forgive me for all my grievances,
After all, I love you very much.
I wish you never see grief,
I give you all the best now!

My mommy, beloved, dear,
Today take a break from worries,
I will congratulate you on the holiday, give you a gift,
I will free you from all your work!

You blossom every year
And you improve your consciousness!
You know all the answers to all the questions,
And I am very lucky to have you!

So smile, open your heart to the world!
Let joy fill you to the brim!
Accept these beautiful words,
And feel the love of your children!

Dear, dear mother,
How I love you!
Once again you stubbornly regret
My adult daughter.

With a gentle, soft palm
You stroke your gray temples,
With warm care and love
You cure me of melancholy.

I will come to you, my dear MOTHER,
I will kiss your wrinkles...
Let the years fly by stubbornly...
Only you, my mother, live!

Today the hands of your mother,
I get on my knees and kiss you deeply!
I wish her happy days
And the silence of the night.

So that the heart does not know trouble,
And sadness - longing poured out into tears.
May everything she dreamed come true!
And happiness overwhelmed fate!

One thing is offensive: this poem
The poem was set out
On the day declared as Mother's Day.
How many days did mom devote to us?

Know, mom, you are needed,
I need you every moment and hour!
You are adored, loved,
Always and right now!

I wish you to always be beautiful,
Cheerful, sincere, dear!
Satisfied with life and happy,
Carefree, joyful - with me!

It is a holiday today! Mother's Day! Congratulations!
Mommy! We wish to see your sweet smile,
Beautiful dimples on your cheeks
And may you fly in the clouds with happiness!

May good luck and falling stars swirl around you,
Don't look at time and don't look back
Don’t count calendar dates either,
You will always be young! Just know it!

Mom, beloved mom!
Let me say a few words:
Kind words, affectionate couple,
To describe my gratitude.

With you you are not afraid of either cold or hunger.
You better protection You will always be with me.
You are the best mom in the world, I know.
You are the kindest - my mother!

Thank you, you are my dear.
Thank you on this holiday.
The whole world still celebrates Mother's Day.
Thank you, beloved mother.

Thank you, mommy, for your childhood,
Your love and tenderness of hands!
You left me a legacy
A palette of feelings and a heartbeat!

Be generous, as always,
Your world arose from tenderness!
Be the same - good-natured,
Beautiful, clean, like a spring!

Mothers Day! And you, mommy, in my arms,
And there is no more beautiful concept on Earth,
How mother's love! She is a saint
Next to your mother, your soul is never empty!

Congratulations, love, respect, appreciate and proud,
And next to you I’m not afraid of trouble,
You will cover, hug, calm and press to your heart,
And at any time of the day you will come to the rescue!

Mommy, you are the best and no one can replace you,
You are the one whose approving look we are waiting for,
With you we can overcome any difficulties,
We love you so much, we are always waiting for you,
Your eyes, your smile, your hands,
Mommy we want to kiss you,
For what life has given us
We thank you very much!

Our mother is no better
There is no one kinder, more tender,
Let us become obedient forever,
And congratulations to the mothers!

We wish them only happiness,
For peace of mind,
So that bad weather leaves the soul,
Get younger and prettier!

How can you not love your mother?
After all, there is no one dearer!
After all, you gave me the opportunity to live
And made me stronger.

Mommy, happy holiday to you!
Health, happiness and good luck,
And if something is wrong, forgive me
You mean so much to me!

Happy Mother's Day, my dear,
Today is a special day, yours,
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Find peace of mind,

Rest today, dear,
And abandon all worries,
Let in life, dear mother,
You are always lucky in everything!

Sweetheart, dear, dear,

And I sincerely congratulate you,
I want to tell you, lovingly:
If I ever offended you,
Mommy, my love, I'm sorry.
You are loved, you knew it.
And please, dear, don’t be sad.

And she was always smiling.

And over the years it only blossomed.

Of course, I'm not an angel at all,
And sometimes I can be stubborn...

He will regret, he will hear, he will understand,
He will caress, feed, and console.
Will gather my thoughts into a heap

Stay, mommy, always

Happy birthday, dear mother!
I want to hug you now.
You are with me constantly.
You help, you try to understand.
Everything in this life is not very simple,
Each one chose their own path, of course.
Only sun, clouds and stars
You gave... Bow to you.
Mom, I wish you now
Happiness in life, joy, warmth.
To live, not counting years by stealth,
Believe in miracles, good things always.
I wish you good health,
Long years and serene winters.
Let the house always be hospitable
And open to your friends.
And God willing, for kindness and affection,
Avoid unnecessary troubles.
This life is not like a fairy tale
Sometimes you won’t find the answer to everything...
But we are used to being proud of you.
You were and are on top.
And let there be enough, like the sky for a bird,
Seas of tenderness and awe for yourself.

I remember you at... eleven,
Even though I was small.
Then I started smiling for you,
Then she started talking!
On the street and at work -
Do you remember? - they wondered after us:
"Sister? Or maybe aunt?
Not mom? Of course not!"
Sometimes the worry is in vain,
And in vain the melancholy worries,
After all, you are not very old at all,
And happiness awaits you for sure!
Forget all your sorrows,
You are surrounded by friends!
Look: they're celebrating your birthday with you.
And dad, and your son-in-law, and me!

Here's my poem for you!

I wish you a sea of ​​happiness!
Smile and laugh often!

Mommy, thank you for everything!
Mommy, you are the most precious thing to me!

If I am sometimes disobedient.

I kiss you on both cheeks!
And I also wish that my daughter
That is, I didn’t upset you,

I know, sleepless nights
I gave it to you as a child.
Accept congratulations from your daughter -
I'm so grateful to fate

The Lord just rewarded me!
My mommy, happy birthday,
I wish you health and strength!

“Mommy, happy birthday” -
I will whisper to you from the bottom of my heart!
And you are magical to me!
And you are my best!
She cherished me since childhood,
She wove bows into her braids.
So time has flown by -
My daughter became my assistant!
I will help you with joy!
I will wipe away the grief from your eyes!
My affectionate mother,
Good fairy from fairy tales!
This day is wonderful
I will give you joy!
I will always be honest with you!
After all, I love you very much!

I understand how disappointing it was
Deny your help signs!
But I know, mommy, I believe

I hasten to send you congratulations.
Your smile, your dimples

Hope and happiness and faith in him.

Like in childhood, I will cling to you
And kiss you tenderly.
I confess, mom, that I love
A hundred times stronger than before.
I wish you bright, clear days,
Health and good luck!
Take care of yourself and know
Which means a lot!

May God send you good luck
My dear mother!
Let him never cry,
Will be needed for friends.
On my birthday I wish
Love to you, mommy!
And I ask you, dear,
You may live another hundred years!

Congratulations! Congratulations!
I wish you a lot of joy!
I wish you clear skies
And the radiant sun!

To you, my mummy,
I wish you a lot of good things!

I want to tell you today
One big secret -
More beautiful than my mother
And it simply doesn’t get any better!
Lots of gifts and flowers
I wish, lovingly,
Let everything be fine
Mommy, you have it.

Mommy, beloved, dear!
How I want to hug you now,
From the heart and soul on your birthday
I wish you good words!
Lots and lots of good health
Heartfelt joy and warmth,
So that calmly, long, smoothly
Your life flowed happily.
Mommy, beloved, dear!
Be as young as you are,
Let me protect you from troubles,
The maturity of the year is approaching.

Oh, mom, mommy, what happiness this is,
That our friendship is just like water!
Your love, your participation is always with me,
An endless stream of kindness.
You are ready to give all of yourself to your loved ones. At night,
You're at work, but during the day you sit with your grandson,
I am very, very grateful to you, mom.
Your care will always warm our home!
Look how the sun shines brightly in the sky!
Everything to make you smile at March!
Today, mommy, my gifts for you,
My confessions and spring flowers!
I wish you, of course, health,
After all, for me you are the light in the window, don’t forget!
I will surround you with my great love,
Just be the happiest person in the world!

Mommy, my sunshine,
Happy birthday!
The soul sings with joy,
And you are beautiful, without a doubt!
I wish you many years in life
Live well, without knowing worries,
There is no one more dear to you in the world,
You know, I love you, dear!

Sweet, gentle, kind, nice,
How old you are is not important,
Be always, dear, the happiest,
Cheerful, desirable and loved by everyone.
Please accept congratulations from your daughter,
Live happily ever after, mommy,
May fate always smile on you,
May a good angel protect you.

Dear mommy, accept congratulations from your daughter,

Let the dream always live in your soul,
May your kindness and beauty please everyone.
May the Lord give you wonderful moments,
Let life bring only inspiration,
May your cherished dreams always come true,
Let the melody of spring always ring in your heart.

All over this huge planet,
There is no more wonderful mother in the world,
You are the best, my dear,
I kiss and hug you.
I always want to be like you,
You are my most beautiful and kindest,
On your birthday I wish you happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by.

The years rush by like spring water,
Can't hold them back, that's for sure
But my mother is always beautiful, young,
Let the thread of life be very strong.
I love you, I adore you,
I wish you good health and happiness,
I thank you with all my heart for everything,
Happy birthday to you.

Mommy dear, dear,
I treasure your love like a priceless treasure,
She always helped me with good advice and deeds,
Thank you for everything, my love, I say.
On your glorious birthday,
Accept congratulations from your daughter,
I sincerely wish you a lot of vigor and strength,
May fate be happy.

Dear mother, you are the closest and dearest to everyone,
I wish you many clear days,
Let the sorrows go away like a bitter dream,
Accept, dear, a low bow from your daughter.
On your birthday I wish you joy and happiness,
Good luck, peace for your entire life,
May bad weather pass you by,
My closest and dear person.

The years fly by forever,
Dreams don't always come true
But, my dear, it makes me feel good,
That I, dear, have you.
On your birthday, without verbosity,
I wish you happiness and health,
Accept congratulations from your daughter,
I wish you good luck and fun mommy.

Today I will quietly get up very early,
I’ll put a bouquet of lilacs in a vase on the table,
Today I would like to congratulate my mother,
After all, today is her birthday.
I wish you a great holiday,
And let everyone around you congratulate you,
You do it bright makeup, hairstyle by all means,
Let your beauty shine like the sun.

Today, mother, accept your holiday
A hundred congratulations on the fact that you were born,
Take your favorite pie from the table,
I've been baking it for you all morning.
Don't think, mom, that your daughter is a suck-up,
I want to promise you this day,
That there will only be pleasant surprises,
That we will only celebrate successes.

Today is my mom's birthday,
I baked a cake, set the table beautifully,
She arranged the plates correctly, the decanter, the glasses,
Everything is as my mother taught me.
May you be valued and respected at work,
I wish you the brightest colors in life,
May your dad just adore you.
May you live like a princess in a fairy tale.

I congratulate my mother on her birthday,
I wish you to live to be a hundred years old,
Always be happy and be beautiful yourself,
I really want to be like you.
I wish, mother, not to grow old in soul and heart,
Let nature itself protect you,
May a moment of luck open the door for you,
So that there is no bad weather in our house.

Mommy, happy birthday to you, dear,
I want, like a daughter, to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
You are like my friend, so young,
Let daddy love you, let him cherish you.
I wish you the most best mom in the world,
So that you do not know grief, troubles and evil,
So that the sun smiles at you more widely,
Health, bright days and long years.

Today I congratulate my mother on her birthday,
Let the sun give a sea of ​​light and warmth,
I will be your best daughter,
So that you can always be proud of me.
For everything I did wrong, I apologize
I realized the mistakes, I want to give my word,
You will always be happy with my achievements,
That I will never be ashamed.

I want to congratulate you on this spring day,
Don't be sad that the years go by,
After all, today is your birthday,
You are always beautiful and young to me.
Time has no power over you, years have no power,
I want you to be able to overcome everything,
Let the harsh life not change the weather,
I will help you in everything, I am your daughter.

Thank you, mommy, for always being there,
You support me with wise advice and glance,
I owe you an unpaid debt,
You give me a piece of yourself, your kindness.
May there be no sadness in your life,
May luck meet you everywhere,
On your glorious birthday,

Beautiful, caring, very gentle,
Dear Mommy, I always need you,
Thank you, honey, for raising me,
For teaching me to live according to my conscience.
On your birthday, accept congratulations,
May all your days be happy,
May your dreams always come true,
Your daughter wishes you health and warmth.

Dear mommy, from the bottom of my heart,
Please accept congratulations from your daughter,
You are my dearest and closest person,
May your life span last long.
May your birthday bring you happiness,
Let all the bad weather pass by,

Live in good health, dear, until you are a hundred years old.

Thank you, mommy, for living
For pampering me, cherishing me, taking care of me,
For all the wise advice, for the warmth of the soul,
Because you teach to live according to conscience.
On your daughter’s birthday, accept congratulations,
May all your dreams come true,
May happiness meet you everywhere,
Let sorrows forget your address.

Mommy is kind, sweet, nice,
How old you are is not the main thing,
In life I want to be desired and loved,
Cheerful, healthy and the happiest.
On your birthday, I wish you beautiful blooms,
Let a dream as bright as day live in your soul,
You are the most beautiful, without a doubt
Accept congratulations from your daughter, my mother.

The years rush by like a fast river,
And life can be difficult sometimes
But you are always gentle and kind,
It feels so comfortable and safe to be around you.
Accept, my dear, on your birthday,
From the daughter who loves you, congratulations,
I wish you a lot of happiness, a lot,
Let it be long life road.

You gave me boundless love,
Like a bird, sheltered from trouble with its wing,
She taught me to always live according to my conscience,
Your tender words warm with comfort.
On your daughter’s birthday, accept congratulations,
May all your dreams be bright,
May the bird of happiness fly to you,
May luck always choose you.

The sweetest, kindest and dearest,
The closest, tender and holy,
Please accept congratulations from your daughter with all my heart,
At the very Holy holiday- birthday.
Dear mom, be happy always,
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil,
May your dreams always come true,
Be your destiny's favorite.

Today is the most important holiday on earth,
All compliments and congratulations, mommy, to you,
Today let all the flowers bloom for you,
After all, today you are the birthday girl.
May your personal holiday bring you good luck,
And a wonderful mood to boot,
I wish you good health, prosperity, happiness,
Let the bad weather dissipate like smoke.

There is no better beloved mother in the world,
You are like light in a window for me, it’s no secret,
Your love protects me from troubles,
Your smile warms me in the cold.
On your birthday, accept congratulations from your daughter,
You deserve only admiration, mother,
May fate be favorable to you,
Be loved and desired always.

The radiant sun smiled cheerfully,
I dedicate a song to my beloved mother,
I wish you happiness, joy and goodness,
May you always be lucky in everything.
Accept congratulations from your daughter,
On your wonderful birthday,
May the goodness that you give me
Returns to you with a vengeance.

The closest and dearest person,
May your life be long and happy,
Good health to you, smiles and warmth,
May fate be favorable to you.
I so want to be like you
So that things always argue in your hands,
May your birthday, mommy, bring you happiness,
Let all worries and bad weather run away into powerlessness.

Thank you, mommy, for always being with me,
You support with wise advice and glance,
I have success and happiness in my life,
Only thanks to your fate.
I bow to you, mother to the ground,
Live long and long in the world,
On your birthday,
Accept it from your daughter sincere congratulations.

Mommy, my dear, dear!
I wish you happiness on this day!
May we be with you in years to come
Always friends. I wish with love
You, dear, should smile more often,
And don’t be afraid of anything in life.
You know, I will always be with you,
You are like a guiding star to me!

Mommy, my sunshine,
Happy birthday!
The soul sings with joy,
And you are beautiful, without a doubt!
I wish you many years in life
Live well, without knowing worries,
There is no one more dear to you in the world,
You know, I love you, dear!

May God send you good luck
My dear mother!
Let him never cry,
Will be needed for friends.
On my birthday I wish
Love to you, mommy!
And I ask you, dear,
You may live another hundred years!

I want to say thank you
For everything, my dear!
I want you to be beautiful
And so that it blooms day by day!
Happy birthday, my dear,
Be happy, please, always!
I wish you health
And don't ever be sad!

Of course, I'm not an angel at all,
And sometimes I can be stubborn...
But I know - in solving problems -
The most difficult ones - my mother will help me!
He will regret, he will hear, he will understand,
He will caress, feed, and console.
Will gather my thoughts into a heap
She will support you morally and in every way.
Stay, mommy, always
Kind, gentle, caring herself.
I always, despite the years,
I will be a child, and you will be my mother!!!

Sweetheart, dear, dear,
Happy birthday to you, mommy.
And I sincerely congratulate you,
I want to tell you, lovingly:
If I ever offended you,
Mommy, my love, I'm sorry.
You are loved, you knew it.
And please, dear, don’t be sad.
So that your eyes glow with happiness
And she was always smiling.
So that bad weather does not touch you,
And over the years it only blossomed.

I know, sleepless nights
I gave it to you as a child.
Accept congratulations from your daughter -
I'm so grateful to fate
What a mother is, without a doubt,
The Lord just rewarded me!
My mommy, happy birthday,
I wish you health and strength!

I know that... And I'm very ashamed
Why did I make you cry...
I understand how disappointing it was
Deny your help signs!
But I know, mommy, I believe
That you love me, your daughter...
And I don’t care about troubles, losses...
You are with me... And for this I love you!

Mommy! On your birthday
I want to give you a poem:
Congratulations! Congratulations!
I wish you a lot of joy!
I wish you clear skies
And the radiant sun!
May your hopes always come true,
Moments of joy are memorable!
To you, my mummy,
I wish you a lot of good things!

“Mommy, happy birthday” -
I will whisper to you from the bottom of my heart!
And you are magical to me!
And you are my best!
She cherished me since childhood,
She wove bows into her braids.
So time has flown by -
My daughter became my assistant!
I will help you with joy!
I will wipe away the grief from your eyes!
My affectionate mother,
Good fairy from fairy tales!
This day is wonderful
I will give you joy!
I will always be honest with you!
After all, I love you very much!

Mom, dear, dear,
On this day, poems for you -
The kindest and most beautiful,
The best on earth.
Happy birthday,
Accept a piece of my warmth.
I only wish you joy,
Health, happiness and goodness.

Dear mother, happy birthday!
You are the best in this world!
I always love you, without a doubt,
May success await you in everything!
There is nothing better in the whole world
And ladies are more beautiful than you!
Be healthy and loved,
My dear mother!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Live long, don't grow old,
Just maintaining vigor,
And don’t regret the past!

I picked up a book
And a teddy bear.
Like sitting on the sofa as a child.
Today I came to see my beloved mother.
You always caress me.
Of course, you understand everything.
It's always easy for me with you,
At least sometimes I'm far away.
Today I will arrange a holiday for you,
I’ll set a gorgeous table for you,
So that your friends are guests
We felt comfortable and simple.

Who will set an example for us all?
Who is more educated than everyone else?
To all suitors who refuse,
Who is the big success?
Who's so handsome?
Does it shoot with its eyes?
Who dreams only of peace,
Who notices everything?
Who will restore order?
He'll sort everything out on the shelves,
He will put everything together neatly,
Will put it in boxes,
He will write inscriptions everywhere...
But she will find it alone!
She's all alone, dear
This is my dear homeland,
This is my dearest dear,
This is my dear mother!

I'm growing older every day
And I often admit it to myself.
For what I can do in life,
Thank you, mommy!
You give tender care,
You give support and love,
Don't argue and don't settle scores
And you smile at me again!

Mother! Dear, holy,
Wonderful word!
Sanctified by love
Miracle heart of gold!
Mother! Tender, dear,
You are the only miracle
There is no other like this, I know
And where does it come from?
You, my dear,
I'm always taken care of
If you are nearby - I know -
All sorrows are fleeting!
Happy birthday!
Know that you are always beautiful!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Be healthy and happy!

I feel the warmth of your hands.
You are the only one who understands me
Only with you is it bright for me.
There is no one more valuable to you in the whole world,
There is no relative of you in the whole world.
May a good angel help you,
In the whirlwind of mysterious days.

Mommy! Mommy! Happy Birthday!
Here's my poem for you!
It may not be too brilliant
But then, with all my heart, dear!
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness!
Smile and laugh often!
Be as kind and beautiful!
Mommy, thank you for everything!
Mommy, you are the most precious thing to me!
And don't be afraid to be stricter with me,
If I am sometimes disobedient.
I understand that this is necessary.
I kiss you on both cheeks!
And I also wish that my daughter
That is, I didn’t upset you,
And I became like you, mommy!

I'll go with a bouquet to mommy,
I'll sit with her on the bench,
Happy birthday,
I only wish you happiness
Only light and goodness
Only tenderness, warmth,
Always be the same mother
Necessary, sweet, the very best,
Happy holiday, mommy,
I love you and kiss you!

Happy Birthday Mommy! Your soul is warm
I always tried to warm everyone I could.
People, animals, and flowers were drawn to you -
After all, all living things feel the vibes of kindness.
I still have gifts and the smell of pies
They remind you of childhood, and of you – without words.
Health to you, mommy, and joy in your soul.
Don't worry, honey, I'm an adult now.

Dear mother, our tender one,
Listen to your daughter's words:
There is no kinder and more beautiful person,
You are the foundation of the family and home,
I wish there would be no separation in life,
So that we can walk side by side through the years.
I will press your kind hands to my heart
And I will always remember them.
Everyone needs it, no one can replace it,
We love you very, very much
Let the sorrows fly by
Be healthy, take care of yourself!

Dear, beloved, dear mother,
I hasten to send you congratulations.
Your smile, your dimples
I love them very much, I can tell you.
I, your daughter, congratulate you
And I’m sending you a nice gift.
Let the ray from the sun touch your face
And suddenly it seems to you that it’s me.
And may your birthday give you warmth,
Hope and happiness and faith in him.

My beloved, you are the dearest,
There is no more precious person in the world.
And let the years fly by inexorably,
I wish you joy and success.

Good health for many years to come
On Mother's Day I wish you.
Shine and never be sad.
Mommy, I adore you!

I, mom, congratulate you.
Your holiday. Today I wish
Only happiness and good luck to you,
Health, warmth - nothing less.
Live, dear, you are forever,
I love you endlessly.
You are the only one in the world,
On a whole huge planet.
Not replaceable by anyone.
Beautiful, gentle and loved!

On Mother's Day I give thanks
You for tenderness, for warmth.
I love you madly
I am very lucky to have you!

You are the kindest, the strongest,
You sacrifice yourself so often
But always loved by my daughter,
I value you very much!

The most sincere and sweetest,
The best and dearest,
To be always happy,
And let your angel not sleep.

Happy Mother's Day to you, dear!
I wish you happiness.
Thank you for your love,
Know that I adore you.

Always stay healthy
Don't give in to despondency
Look around with a smile,
Let peace reign in your soul.

Happy Mother's Day to you
Sending, mom, congratulations,
Let them not touch souls
Anxiety and unrest.

To my daughter's wishes
You, mom, smile,
May you be joyful, happy
It will be your life.

Let peace reign in the house,
Love sings in the soul
And kind bright angel
Let him protect you.

Like a warm ray of sunshine
Suddenly he broke through from behind the clouds,
It was mom who smiled
She touched us with kindness.

How I love you, dear,
Let no one imagine
If necessary, I will give my life,
Congratulations, mom!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom, I congratulate you,
I wish you health and joy in life,
So that everything in her is calm and smooth,
Always be warmed by the love of children!

I will give you all the flowers on the planet,
So that you are the happiest in the world,
I wanted to tell you, mommy,
That you are the best mother in the world!

Happy Mother's Day! You are the best in the world.
Be happy, my mummy.
I promise to listen to all advice
To love you as you love me.

Let there be no room for sadness in the house,
Only for love, comfort and kindness,
Life will be sweet, rich, and not bland,
Like the pies that grandma used to bake.

Dear mommy,
My guardian angel.
You are the best
My inspiration.

You taught me
Be strong and brave.
I found the words
Any skillfully.

Congratulations to you
Me, Mom, Happy Mother's Day!
I wish you good health
Don't lose your attractiveness.

Live happily
To be loved, to bloom.
Forget about problems
Be lucky in everything.

Mommy, beauty
I wish again
May you be young
And she looked cool!

A better life forever
Your daughter wishes you.
Let the blood boil longer
And the soul flies!