Open lesson on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. Open lesson in the senior group on speech development Open lesson in preschool on speech development

Summary of an open lesson in senior group kindergarten

Subject: Speech development. For children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Methodological tasks:

1. Learn to act according to a plan or instructions

2. Strengthen the ability to distribute tasks among team members.

Subject tasks:

Strengthen skills in composing a fairy tale.


1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello!

Educator: How else can you say hello?

Children: Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!

Educator: What is your mood now? (Good). And I'm in a good mood too.

Guys, look, I have a ball in my hand. Would you like to play a game? (Yes) The game is called “Say it the other way around.” I will name the words, and you come up with words - “on the contrary”, words with the opposite meaning.

Good evil

Bravery - cowardice

Hard work - laziness

Scary - beautiful

Weak – strong

Brave, modest – boastful

Difficult - easy

Angry - affectionate

The beginning is the end.

The group receives a letter from Dunno: “Guys, please help. The fact is that I’m in a fairy tale country, and I can’t return home until I come up with my own fairy tale. Your teacher will tell you how to come up with fairy tales.”

Guys, let's help Dunno?

Educator: Can you come up with a fairy tale?

Go to the tables

Educator: Please tell me where I need to start in order to consistently remember the plot?

Of course, you need to make a plan first. Let's try.

Remind me what parts a fairy tale consists of?

Children: Beginning, middle, ending.

Educator: Guys, your fairy tale should have a fairytale beginning.

Guys, how do you understand the fairy tale beginning? How do fairy tales usually begin? (Once upon a time...In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...It happened a long time ago...)

What else is discussed in the first part?

Children: About the heroes and the main theme.

Educator: Who will tell you about the middle part, how it differs from other parts?

Children: The middle is the largest part; it lists the events that happen to the characters.

Educator: What heroes appear in the fairy tale?

Children: good and evil

Educator: Guys, what good and evil fairy tale heroes do you know?

Children: Baba Yaga, Koschey the immortal, Good fellow.

Educator: In a fairy tale there must always be some kind of magic? What magic do you know? How can you draw this?

Educator: What is the ending?

Children: It tells how it all ended.

Educator: What words does it end with?

Children: They began to live and live and make good things. That's the end of the tale, and well done to those who listened!

Educator: And now the guys have all come up to me, I suggest you turn into real storytellers. Let's say magic words: “Turn left and right and turn into storytellers!” Well, now you are real storytellers.

Educator: Guys, today we will invent fairy tales in teams.

There are circles on this table, take the circle and go to the tables and find your place and your team.

Let's come up with a team name, and I'll write it on the board.

Guys, let's start working. Don't forget about our plan.

Guys, we’re finishing up inventing a fairy tale.

Dear storytellers, now agree who from each team will tell a fairy tale. And I will record it to send to Dunno.

The team that finished first was... Let's listen

(Tales invented by all subgroups are listened to in turn; the teacher, if necessary, invites members of the subgroup to add to the story.)

Did you guys manage to complete the task? Let's check if your fairy tale is drawn up according to plan. Then the teacher notes whether the genre features of the fairy tale were taken into account when compiling it and according to the plan.

Let's teach Dunno how to write fairy tales, guys. Guys, remind us what parts a fairy tale consists of, what is said in each part, where the work begins. I am sure that now Dunno, according to our plan, will be able to become storytellers himself.

And each of you, according to your own personal plan, can tell it to your parents at home.

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Summary of an open lesson on the development of speech and mental abilities for parents and educators with children in the secondary speech therapy group with general speech underdevelopment (2 – 3 levels). Topic: “The little bunny is looking for his mother”

Correctional and developmental tasks:

Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech:

Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Wild Animals”. Agreement of words in a sentence in gender, number, case, numeral with a noun. Consolidation of simple prepositions in speech: under, in, at. Formation and use in speech of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Teaching coherent speech:

Developing the ability to listen to spoken speech and follow verbal instructions. Development of dialogic speech (stimulation of speech reactions, ability to answer questions in sentences of 2-3 words). The ability to make and guess descriptive riddles about animals.

Development of mental processes:

Development of memory, activation of attention, visual spatial orientation(recognition of the silhouette of an animal), thinking.

Educational tasks:

Developing the ability to compassionate and provide assistance. Development of general and fine motor skills.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time

Psycho-gymnastics “Name yourself affectionately”

Speech therapist:

Oh! What kind of small hut is this? A sheepskin mitten! Someone is crying. I hear you! Shouldn't you help us, friends?

Speech therapist:

Who could cry there? (Children's answers. A bunny comes out of the mitten.)

Speech therapist:

Guys, who is this? Let's ask why he's crying?


I’m little, I’m still stupid, I don’t know much, I often forget, I didn’t listen to my mother, I ran away from her and got lost. Please help me find my mother.

Speech therapist:

Guys, do you want to help the bunny? How can we do this? (Children's answers)

Speech therapist:

Speech therapist: Where do the little bunny and his mother live? (Children's answers) Who is his mother?


Tell us what it is: white or gray? Are your ears short? Is the tail long too?

Poem about a hare

Changed the bunny's fur coats
Scattered across the lawn
Everyone has white fur coats.
Either bunnies or snow?

(An image of a hare is displayed on the flannelgraph).


Yes Yes! That's her! Thanks, I'll run!

Speech therapist:

Wait, don't rush. Guys, who should the hares be afraid of in the forest?” (Children's answers: description of a fox and a wolf, poems about these animals.)


A hungry, angry wolf prowls
It's bad for gray in winter
Yes, how unfortunate it is
He's in plain sight in the forest.


The fox spread her tail
And he's not afraid to freeze
And so that there is no trouble,
Covers their tracks.

(Images of a fox and a she-wolf are displayed on the flannelgraph.)

Speech therapist:

Bunny, maybe you remembered who else lives in the forest with you?


I don’t know what her name is, but I’ll tell you a riddle. She is big, shaggy, clubfooted. (A bear is inserted on the flannelgraph.)

Physical education lesson “Don’t wake up the bear!”

Speech therapist:

And we, little bunny, know the game about the bear:

Like snow on a hill, snow,
And under the hill there is snow, snow,
And a bear sleeps under the snow
Hush, hush, don't make any noise
And don't wake the bear!

(The poem is accompanied by appropriate movements; the second time the game is performed with a bunny).


Here's another mystery.

A ball of needles lies
Prickly and alive.

(On the flannelgraph there is an image of a hedgehog.)


Short ears, fluffy tail, from branch to branch - jump, hop! (Children's answers) (On the flannelgraph there is an image of a squirrel.)

Finger game "Squirrel on a cart"

Speech therapist:

And we know a nursery rhyme about a squirrel.

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts
Little fox-sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
To the mustachioed bunny,
Some in the goiter, some in the scarf,
Who cares?

Speech therapist:

Children, please name these mothers.
(Children name and divide words into parts - syllables).

Speech therapist:

Let's help them find their cubs too.
(The speech therapist suggests taking pictures of the babies, naming them and placing them on a flannelgraph next to the mother).

Speech therapist:

How many cubs does a fox have? (Children answer: The fox has two foxes. The hare has one little hare, etc.)

Speech therapist:

My dear friends,
I'll tell you a secret:
Every beast, beast and little beast
The forest has its own hut under the sky.

(A painting is exhibited depicting a winter forest and the “houses” of animals.)

Speech therapist:

Where does our little bunny live? Etc. (Answers and demonstrations of children) Yes, everyone has a home, everyone is warm and comfortable in it, and even if mommy is nearby!

Speech therapist:

Little bunny, do you want to play with us?


Game "4th wheel"

On the easel there are three options for animal silhouettes, etc. 1 option - wolf, bear, crow, squirrel

Option 2 - bear, hare, hedgehog, cow

Option 3 - wolf, bear, fox, hare

Lesson summary:


Here, boys and girls,
Now I recognize my mother
I know who to fear
Your neighbors. Where I live
Thank you! I’ll run home!”
Just play the game with me.

Olga Shipitsina
Open lesson on speech development in the senior group

Program content: Messenger speech: fix when describing events, indicate the time of action, use common and complex sentences.

Dictionary: to develop the ability to select definitions for given words.

Grammar: improve the structure of sentences in a coherent manner speeches.

Sound culture speeches: achieve clear pronunciation of words, including sounds (l (l), continue to learn to distinguish them in words.

Educational: teach children to sit correctly and not shout. listen to comrades.

Developmental: develop creativity in writing stories.

Preliminary work: compiling stories based on maps.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Communication game "Hello"

"The legs walked straight along the path,

Little legs met a friend.

Hello, hello, dear friend.

Hello. hello, look around.

Hello. hello, smile at me.

Hello hello. Bow your head!"

Well, you and I greeted each other. Now let's play a game with ball:

I tell you a berry, and you tell me what kind of jam will come out of it; or a fruit, and you name which one juice:


Pear-pear, etc.

And now I call you an animal, and you call me its baby in the plural number:

Bear cubs,

fox cubs,

Hare-hares, etc.

The children take their seats.

We sit down silently, quietly.

Knock on the door: they convey a letter from the Astrologer, his teacher is reading:

"Hello children senior group d/s"Firefly".

Guys, is this about you? (Yes)

"I hasten to tell you some unpleasant news. (pause). The fact is that over the holidays I lost all my stars from the magic cap. What kind of stargazer am I after this? I know that only you can help! Do you agree? This is not an easy matter. necessary try and the stars will return to my cap as soon as you complete difficult tasks. So do you agree?

Still need to do rule:

“Let’s make it a rule not to shout from our seats.

If we know the answer, we will immediately raise our hand and answer.”

The teacher takes out one star from the envelope. reading the assignment to the children.

-So, the first task:

"I dusted up the paths,

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride."

Children: Winter!

Well done (Attaches the star to the cap). You guessed it. Guys. that today we will talk about winter.

Now the next task:

Which winter months You know? (December January February)

We completed another task!

Now name the proverbs about winter:

“The frost is not great, it doesn’t tell me to stand.

A lot of snow. a lot of bread

Take care of your nose in the deep frost."

Game "Choose words that have the same meaning."

Let's choose words with the same meaning for the word "Weather" (frosty. cold. icy)

Finger gymnastics

"Come on, buddy. Be brave, buddy.

Roll your snowball in the snow.

It will turn into a snowball

And the lump will become a snowman.

His smile is so bright

Two eyes. hat. nose, broom.

But the sun will barely shine

Alas! And there is no snowman."

2. Very good! And this is the biggest one star: The stargazer asks us to come up with a story about winter, but before we start making up a story. let's go with you let's remember:

(Teacher opens exposed cards). What is the weather like in winter? (Sunny, snowy, blizzard, frosty)

What happens to trees in winter? (Trees "rest, sleep, covered with a blanket of snow")

What kind of snow is there in winter? (Crispy, squeaky. soft, white, cold)

How birds and animals live in winter (Wintering birds are not afraid of snow. But they need to be fed, because it is difficult for them to get food: “In order for birds to winter, you need to help the birds”)

So beautiful, sweet words do you know about winter? (Snowy, crystal, sparkling, snow-white)

Physical exercise.

"In a clearing, on a meadow, a snowball is quietly falling

Snowflakes and white fluffs are spinning.

As the wind blew here, our snowball began to spin.

Snowflakes and white fluffs are spinning

They flew, rushed and lay down under the tree."

Well, now, guys, you will be writers and come up with your own story, based on these diagrams. on which we worked with you. And then I’ll write them down and put them on the stand for your moms and dads to read. Only try don't repeat stories. Everyone would like to have their own story. (2-3 children come up with a story).

Now I will read a poem. listen carefully and tell me what sound occurs more often:

"La-la-la - it's getting cold

Ul-ul-ul - the cold wind blew." (L)

"Tel-tel-tel - there's a snowstorm outside

Teli-teli-teli - blizzards are blowing all day." (L)

Now, think and name the words with sounds (l). (l)

(Milk. soap, face. onion; blizzard, drops)

3.-What did we do today? class? (Decorated with stars. Performed tasks: guessed riddles about winter. made up a story about winter. highlighting the sound in a word).

Open lesson in the senior group “A fairy tale comes to visit us”

Summary of an open lesson in the senior group

Topic: “A fairy tale comes to visit us”

Goal: Development speech activity older preschoolers through fiction

Objectives: Educational:

Develop the ability to recognize individual fairy tales by characteristic features and be able to play them out, activate speech, enrich vocabulary, learn to select words and antonyms that define heroes;


Maintain interest in fairy tales, develop fine motor skills hands through finger play.


Cultivate responsiveness and a desire to help.

Integration educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognition”, “ Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales about animals, fairy tales, social fairy tales, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, talking about fairy tales, reading proverbs, dramatization games based on fairy tales.

Children enter to the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Good afternoon, dear children and adults! Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's show how we greet each other.

Hello, Heaven! (Raise your hands up)

Hello, Sun! (Make a large circle with your hands above your head)

Hello Earth! (Smoothly lower your hands to the carpet)

Hello all my friends! (All the guys hold hands and raise them up)

Tell me, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers) What are your favorite fairy tales? I suggest you leave kindergarten for a while and go to fairyland. What can you go on? I have an airplane carpet. Get there as quickly as possible.

The song "Carpet Airplane" is playing

Children stand on the carpet and close their eyes.

Let's go friends

In a miracle fairy tale - you and me. (I put on a scarf)

Here we are! Look at some chest here. What do you think is in it? Let's see what's there! Children take turns taking objects out of the chest and name which hero and which fairy tale this object is associated with (golden key (Pinocchio, egg (“Ryaba Hen”), pie (“Masha and the Bear”), arrow (“Frog Princess”, first aid kit (“Doctor Aibolit”, dough (“Kolobok”), bowl (“Three Bears”, house (“Teremok”) blue ball(Winnie the Pooh), shell walnut(Thumbelina), samovar (Fly Tsokotukha).

Finger gymnastics “Favorite Tales”

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok, - for each name of the fairy tale we bend

Kolobok – ruddy side alternate fingers

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, Wolf - Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

We know the fairy tale about the firebird,

We don't forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the kids.

Everyone is happy about these fairy tales (clap our hands)

Music is playing

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: Hello kids! Did you recognize me?

Well, of course I’m Baba Yaga, but who were you waiting for? Probably Vasilisa the Beautiful!

(joyfully and mockingly): Ha ha ha! Have you heard the news? The serpent Gorynych decided to catch all the heroes, drag them into his cave and not give them to anyone else. He caught some, but others ran away and hid. And he left me and the robbers - the villains - we are harmful and disgusting.

A disaster has happened, and you, Baba Yaga, rejoice! We need to save fairy-tale heroes! Right, guys? Come with us, you will show the way, you will help.

Baba Yaga: Well, yes, of course! So that the Serpent Gorynych would also lock me up? No way! Although, I’m bored among robbers... But I won’t help you - handle it yourself!

Well, then let's go to the aid of fairy-tale heroes!

While running away, Baba Yaga drops leaves. We pick it up and look at it.

Guys, these are pages from books, pictures depicting fairy-tale characters torn into pieces. We should collect them. So we’ll find out who the Serpent Gorynych caught.

Children collect scraps and put them into a whole picture.

It's hard to put together a fairy tale,

But we don’t need to bother.

Friendly, brave and skillful

We got down to business with you)

Who did you get? What fairy tales are these heroes from?

Serpent Gorynych mixed up the names of the fairy tales. We need to fix them.

"Ugly kitten."

"Three little wolves."

"Solar Queen"

"Ryaba the Cockerel"

"Ivan the Tsarevich and the Green Crocodile."

"Wolf and 7 Tiger Cubs"

"Pashenka and the Bear"

"Turkey Princess"

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka"

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf"

"Sister Fox and Gray Mouse"

"Green Riding Hood"

"Cat in felt boots"


We were walking through a fairy tale.

And, of course, we were tired.

I suggest you go to the fairy tale three bears.

Three bears were walking home (walking in place)

Dad was big - big, (raise your hands up, stand on your toes)

Mom is with him, shorter, (arms bent at elbows in front of chest)

And my son is a little baby, just (sit down)

He was very small (swaying from side to side)

Walked around with rattles (as if rattling rattles)

Some fairy-tale heroes have double names. I will name the first part of the name, and you must remember the second.

1. Brownie (Kuzya)

2. Vasilisa (Beautiful)

3. Old Man (Hottabych)

4. Postman (Pechkin)

6. Signor (Tomato)

7. Mouse (norushka)

8. Chanterelle (sister)

9. Frog (wah)

10. Uncle (Fedor)

11. Kashchei (Immortal)

12. Old woman (Shapoklyak)

13. Crocodile (Gena)

14. Tiny (Khavroshechka)

15. Sister (Alyonushka)

The Serpent Gorynych not only confuses all our fairy tales, but also harms the heroes. So he mixed up all the grains that Cinderella was sorting through. But we won't leave her in trouble. Let's help Cinderella so that she is not late for the ball.

Children arrange grains to the tune of "Cinderella's Song"

Guess who this riddle is about?

Even though he was without arms and legs,

But he was able to escape from home.

The wolf and the hare and the bear

They couldn't keep up with him.

But the fox knows the deal -

“Am” quickly ate it.


I haven't seen Kolobok for a long time. And you? I hope the Serpent Gorynych did not cause him any harm.


Show how thick Kolobok’s cheeks are (children puff out their cheeks).

Use your hands to show how Kolobok rolls.

Now gently inhale the air through your noses, inflate your tummy so that it is as round as Kolobok’s side.

Now portray first a sad and then a cheerful Kolobok.

Let's tell about the Kolobok what it is like (children pass the Kolobok to each other and come up with adjectives).

That's how many words we said about Kolobok! (children sit on chairs).

As you know, in fairy tales there are good characters and there are bad ones. Which fairy tale character would you like to be like? Why? (Children's answers).

- I have Magic wand! With its help, we will turn negative character traits into positive ones.

Deceitful - truthful

Cowardly - brave

Evil - good

Greedy - generous

Lazy - hardworking




(Music Quiz)

4. Buratino's song (Final)

5. Song of the goat (tale of seven little goats).

6. Carlson's song

7. Winnie the Pooh song

Today we didn’t just visit fairy tales, we did a lot of good deeds. We helped the heroes of fairy tales. Who did we help? (children's answers).

Well, now it’s time for us to fly back to our group, everyone get on the magic carpet and it will take us to kindergarten.

1, 2, 3 we take off, close our eyes again

here we are in the group again,

You can open your eyes (I take off the storyteller’s scarf)

I want to wish you to grow up like this

Successful and happy, like Ivan Tsarevich,

Kind, like Emelya

Charming, like Cheburashka,

Economic, like Matroskin,

Hardworking like Cinderella

Resourceful, like Puss in Boots.

What fairy tales have we visited? Guys, you can always meet your favorite fairy-tale characters on the pages of books. And now I want to give you memorable souvenirs - books with your favorite characters!