Finger games for kids. Child speech development

“The cat went to Torzhok”

The cat went to Torzhok, (Show “ears” above your head.)

The cat bought a pie. (Clap your left palm on top of your right, then change hands.)

The cat went into the street, (Show “ears” above your head.)

The cat bought a bun. (Clap your left palm on top with your right fist, then change hands.)

Should I eat it myself? (The child shrugs his shoulders.)

Or take it to the bunny? (The fingers of the right hand are clenched into a fist. The index and middle fingers show the ears. The fingers can be bent.)

I’ll bite myself (The child shrugs his shoulders.)

Yes, and I’ll take it to the bunny. (The fingers of the right hand are clenched into a fist. The index and middle fingers show the ears.)

"A cat will come out"

The cat will go out to the garden, (All fingers are clenched into a fist, the middle and index fingers “walk” along the table.)

The whole people will be alarmed. (Spread your arms to the sides and shrug your shoulders.)

Both a rooster and a hen (The thumb and index fingers are connected - “beak”, the rest are bent - “comb”.)

From a village street. (Then attach the middle, ring and little fingers to the thumb - a small “comb”.)

They will invite the cat to visit (Show “ears” above your head.)

They will give the cat a treat. (Show your hands - palms up.)


White, fluffy cat

He washes his tummy with his tongue. (The child strokes his left palm with his right palm.)

Washes ears, washes paws, (The child strokes his right palm with his left palm.)

And there are scratches on the paws. (The child clasps his index, middle, ring, and little fingers in turn and pulls his hands in different directions twice.)



Finger gymnastics on the topic "Pets"

“The cat went to Torzhok”

The cat went to Torzhok, (Show “ears” above your head.)

The cat bought a pie. (Clap your left palm on top of your right, then change hands.)

The cat went into the street, (Show “ears” above your head.)

The cat bought a bun. (Clap your left palm on top with your right fist, then change hands.)

Should I eat it myself? (The child shrugs his shoulders.)

Or take it to the bunny? (The fingers of the right hand are clenched into a fist. The index and middle fingers show the ears. The fingers can be bent.)

I’ll bite myself (The child shrugs his shoulders.)

Yes, and I’ll take it to the bunny. (The fingers of the right hand are clenched into a fist. The index and middle fingers show the ears.)

"A cat will come out"

The cat will go out to the garden, (All fingers are clenched into a fist, the middle and index fingers “walk” along the table.)

The whole people will be alarmed. (Spread your arms to the sides and shrug your shoulders.)

Both a rooster and a hen (The thumb and index fingers are connected - “beak”, the rest are bent - “comb”.)

From a village street. (Then attach the middle, ring and little fingers to the thumb - a small “comb”.)

They will invite the cat to visit (Show “ears” above your head.)

They will give the cat a treat. (Show your hands - palms up.)


White, fluffy cat

He washes his tummy with his tongue. (The child strokes his left palm with his right palm.)

Washes ears, washes paws, (The child strokes his right palm with his left palm.)

And there are scratches on the paws. (The child clasps his index, middle, ring, and little fingers in turn and pulls his hands in different directions twice.)


The horned goat is coming,

A butted goat is coming. (Fingers into a fist, index and little fingers extended forward. Rotate the hand at the wrist.)

Legs: top! top! (Stamp your feet.)

With your eyes: clap! clap! (Clap your eyes.)

Who doesn’t eat porridge, (The child turns his head left and right.)

Who doesn't drink milk (shrugs shoulders.)

He's gored, gored. (Fingers into a fist, index and little fingers extended forward. Rotate the hand at the wrist.)

"Two Pigs"

Two pigs lived in a farmer's pen

And the fatties were friends with each other. (Fingers clenched into a fist, show thumbs.)

Each had four children,

Four cheerful funny pigs. (Put your fingers palm down on the table.)

And together all eight loved to play,

Splash in the water, tumble, dance. (The thumbs are hidden, and the remaining fingers lie palm down on the table.)

And the evening comes - and they run to their mothers,

They will lie down closely and fall asleep together. (The fingers on both hands are clenched into a fist.)

"Bunny Rabbit"

Cheerful bunny rabbit

frolicking in the clearing.

And if you hear rustling,

He freezes and doesn’t breathe.

And on top of his head

The ears stand up like arrows.

And his house is a mink -

Under the tree near the hill.

He runs up to the hole,

Jump - and dives into it!

"Five Calves"

This calf drinks milk (Fingers clenched into a fist, show thumb.)

This calf has gone far. (Show index finger.)

This calf is chewing grass. (We show the middle finger.)

This calf beats with its hooves. (Show ring finger.)

This calf moos: - why did everyone leave? (Show your little finger.)

I'm bored alone! (We collect our fingers into a pinch.)

"Visiting the cat"

The cat invited us to visit,

palms on cheeks, shake head

And we went along the path.

fingers “walk” on the knees or on the table





We see a tall tree,

pointing our fists at each other

We see a deep lake.

wave-like movements of the hands


palms slapping on knees or table


fists bang on knees or table


palms clap alternately on the knees or on the floor


fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

Birds sing songs

palms crossed - “bird”

The grains are pecked everywhere:
They peck here and peck there,

the fingers of one hand “peck” the palm of the other, and vice versa

They are not given to anyone.

palms in front of you, alternately clench and unclench your fist


palms slapping on knees or table


fists bang on knees or table


palms clap alternately on the knees or on the floor


fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

This is home


And there is a window in it.


We are greeted by a cat and a cat.

clap your hands


palms slapping on knees or table


fists bang on knees or table


palms clap alternately on the knees or on the floor


fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

We'll stay for a while

hands "hello"

And we'll run back.

fingers “run” along the knees or on the table


palms slapping on knees or table


fists bang on knees or table


palms clap alternately on the knees or on the floor


fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table


Here are five kittens.

One left - and he is gone. (The palm of the right hand is open.)

Well, he doesn't exist and doesn't exist.

There are four kittens left. (Curl your thumb.)

Here are four kittens.

Alone at night sometimes

Climbed a tree

There are three kittens left. (Fold your little finger.)

But somewhere it beeped

the mouse is subtle and subtle.

The kitten heard -

There are two kittens left. (Bend your ring finger.)

One of them with a ball

disappeared in the door without a trace, (Bend your middle finger.)

And the smartest one is the one

remaining, last, (Put your index finger to your forehead.) He walked up to the bowl

and, as a pussy should,

Lap for five

milk came out of the bowl. (Fold your palm into a ladle. Make lapping movements with your tongue.)

"The Goat and the Kid"

The horned goat is coming(draw horns using the index finger and little finger of your right hand),

There's a butted goat coming.

The little goat runs after her(draw a bell - gather the fingers of your right hand with a pinch and lower them down),

The bell rings.(swing the bell).


Along the white, smooth road(all fingers rhythmically “jump” across the table).

Fingers gallop like horses.

Clack-clack, clink-clack -

A frisky herd gallops.

"On the Mountain there are horses"

Oh guys, ta-ra-ra!(Put one fist on top of the other.)

There's a mountain on the mountain(Place your fists one on top of the other, gradually raising them higher and higher, as if grabbing a stick with your hands; maintain the rhythm.)

And on that mountain there is a meadow,

And in that meadow there is an oak tree.

Finger gymnastics on the theme “Wild Animals”

"The bunny is jumping"

A small bunny is jumping (Fingers clenched into a fist, straighten the middle and index fingers.)

Near the rubble. (Hands above your head, middle fingers connected, draw a house.)

The bunny jumps quickly, (Fingers are clenched into a fist, straighten the middle and index fingers.)

You catch him. (Twist your hands in front of you.)


One, two, three, four, five, (Spread your fingers and bend them on the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)

The bunny went out for a walk. (The index and middle fingers are straightened - “ears”, the rest are clenched into a fist.)

What should we do? What should we do?

We need to catch the bunny! (All fingers “run” across the table.)

One two three four five. (Clench your fingers into a fist. Unclench one at a time, starting with the little finger.)


Bunny jump, bunny hop, (Hands clenched into fists, pressed against each other, extend index fingers. Bend and straighten them.)

He hid under a bush. (Lock your fingers together.)

Under the bush - silently, (Without releasing your hands, raise your index fingers and move them.)

Only the ears are upright. (Close your hands, move all your fingers.)

"Sly hedgehog"

Sly weird hedgehog

I sewed a scratchy jacket. (Hands in front of you, palms facing each other, fingers crossed. Move your fingers.)

Covered in needles, without fasteners, (Close your fists. Unclench, starting with your thumb.)

A hedgehog will put a needle on it

Pear, plum - any fruit, (Palms look at each other, fingers spread out and touching with pads.)

What he finds under the tree, (Clench your hand into a fist, put out your index finger and move it.)

And with a gift to the rich (Put your palms together and knock twice.)

He will hurry to his boys. (Hands in front of you, palms facing each other, fingers crossed. Palms at an angle to each other. Move your fingers.)



A squirrel sits on a cart;

She sells nuts:

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache...

(All fingers are clenched into a fist. Extend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.)


The bunny jumps with a sideways view(with your right hand, draw a jumping bunny; to do this, clench your fist and straighten your index and middle fingers - these are the ears; swing your hand up and down)

Under a tall pine tree (straighten and spread all your fingers, imitating a tree).

Under another pine tree(use your left hand to draw a tree)

Another bunny is jumping(Use your left hand to draw a bunny.)


A bull walked (show your horns: to do this, press your fists to your head with your index fingers pointed forward)

Along the fence (place your palms in front of your chest with your fingers spread, palms vertical),

I saw a washcloth (relax your palms so that they hang helplessly down).

Start the story over again(spread your arms to the sides).

"To the meadow"

Bunnies jumped onto the meadow (when listing animals, bend one finger on your left with your right hand),

Bear cubs and squirrels,

And the frogs and the raccoon (show your fist).

On the green on the meadow (walk with the index and middle fingers of your right hand on the table).

Come too, my friend!

Finger gymnastics on the topic “Poultry”

"Early Morning"

Our ducks in the morning -

Quack-quack-quack! (All fingers are connected to the thumb, the fingers are rounded. Bend your hand at the wrist.)

Our geese by the pond -

Ha-ga-ga! (All fingers touch the thumb, fingers are straight. The hand is bent at the wrist.)

Our chickens through the window -

Ko-ko-ko! (The thumb and index fingers are connected, forming a “beak”, the rest are bent, forming a “comb”, the hand is bent at the wrist.)

What about Petya the Cockerel?

Early morning in the morning

He will sing to us - ku-ka-re-ku! (The thumb and index fingers are connected, forming a “beak”, the rest are bent, forming a large “comb”. The hand is bent at the wrist.)

"Geese Attack"

The geese sang songs: “Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.” (Press the thumb rhythmically against the rest, tightly folded together.)

We sat (Clenched fists on knees.)

They pecked (We connected all the fingers into a pinch on each hand and “pecked” at the knees.)

Mom and Dima were pinched: “Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!” (Fingers folded into pinches, lightly pinching each other.)

But we ran away from them. Yes Yes Yes! (We walk with all the fingers of both hands on our knees, like centipedes.)

“How many ducklings were there in the flock?”

One summer evening

The ducklings were walking in single file in a flock.

They went to the pond to swim,

Have fun, splash around.

The first among them is the leader.

Walks proudly: “Quack-quack-quack!”

Three other ducklings

The yellow backs shine.

And the last one fell behind.

Obviously he was tired.

Suddenly from the tall grass,

Frightening the ducklings,

Two more run out

They take their place in the pack.

Well, let's quickly count:

How many ducklings were there in the flock?


Where is the palm? Here? Here.

Is there a pond on your palm? Pond.

Thumb -

This is a young goose.

Index - caught,

The middle one plucked a goose,

This finger cooked the soup,

This finger fed us.

The goose flew into the mouth

And from there - into the stomach! Here!

Finger gymnastics on the theme “Wild Birds”

"Owl Owl"

Oh, you little owl, (Connect the pads of your fingers with each other. The fingers are bent - a “ball” is formed.)

You're a big head! (Shake your wrists.)

You were sitting on a tree, (Wrists connected, fingers spread - “tree.”)

I kept turning my head - (Connect your fingers with each other and bend them - “ball”.)

She fell into the grass, (Shake your wrists.)

She rolled into a hole! (Lower your arms down and twist your hands.)


The magpie-crow was cooking porridge, feeding the children... (The adult runs the index finger of his right hand over the palm of the child’s left hand.)

Gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, (The adult takes turns bending the child’s fingers, starting with the thumb.)

But she didn’t give it to this.

You didn't chop wood

Didn't carry water

I didn’t light the stove

I did not receive anything! (Take the little finger with your thumb and index finger and shake it quietly.)


Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, cuckoo (press your palms to your cheeks and shake your head from side to side 4 times),

Fly quickly into the forest (spread your arms slightly to the sides and flap your palms 3 times like wings),

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo(Press your palms to your cheeks and shake your head from side to side 4 times),


woodpecker - woodpecker (wave your hands like wings)

He sat down on a branch.

Knock-knock-knock (tap the thumbs of both hands on the table at the same time),

Knock-knock-knock (repeat the same movements with your index fingers),

Knock-knock-knock (then medium),

Knock-knock-knock (after that nameless),

Knock-knock-knock (and finally with your little fingers).

Pounds bitches.

Finger gymnastics on the topic “Vegetables”

"Pickling cabbage"

We chop cabbage(Sharp movements with straight brushes up and down.)

We three carrots(Three fists against fist.)

We salt the cabbage(Movement of fingers imitating sprinkling salt.)

We are pressing cabbage. (We intensively clench the fingers of both hands into fists.)


The hostess came from the market one day,(“Walk” your fingers on the table.)

The hostess brought it home from the market



Carrots, Peas,

Parsley and beets. (Fold one finger on one or both hands for each line, starting with the thumb.)

Oh!.. (Cotton.)

“How many beds are there in the garden?”

In Fedora's garden

Tomatoes grow in the beds,

And in Filat’s garden

Lots of different salads.

At Grandma Fekla's

Four beds of beets.

At Uncle Boris's

There are a lot of radishes.

At Masha and Antoshka's

Two rows of potatoes.

Glad, two, three, four, five -

Let us help you reap the harvest. (Bend your fingers one by one.)

Finger gymnastics on the topic “Fruits”


We shared an orange.

There are many of us

And he is alone. (Children clench and unclench the fingers of both hands into fists.)

This slice is for the hedgehog.

This slice is for the swift.

This slice is for ducklings.

This slice is for kittens.

This slice is for the beaver (Take turns bending your fingers, starting with the thumb.)

And for the wolf - the peel. (Clench the fingers of both hands into fists.)

He is angry with us - trouble;

Run up - (Sharply unclench your fingers clenched into fists.)

Who's going where!


I pick berries from the branches

And I collect it in a basket.

A basket full of berries!

I'll try a little.

I'll eat a little more -

The path to home will be easier.

I'll eat some more raspberries.

How many berries are in the basket?

One two three four five...

I will collect again. (Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem.)


Thick and big finger

I went to the garden to pick plums.

Index from the threshold

Showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate:

He knocks plums off the branch.

Nameless eats

And the little finger is gentleman

Plants seeds in the ground. (Alternately bend the fingers of first the right and then the left hand.)


It is orange on the outside (Hands clenched into fists.)

And orange inside (Hands open palms up.)

Piece by piece,

Lobule to lobule, (The fingers of the left and right hands are bent alternately.)

Piece by piece -

Look how many slices there are in an orange!

Finger gymnastics on the topic “Dishes and food”

The guests came running to Zhenya.

Everyone shook hands.

Hello, Zhora!

Hello, Zhanna!

Glad, Seryozha!

Glad, Snezhana!

Would you like some pie?

Maybe a piece of shortbread? Or a horn?

Here's a jelly bean for your palm,

Take a little of everything.

Everyone shook the crumbs off their hands

And they clapped their hands. (Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem.)

The mouse found a grain

And she took it to the mill.

I ground flour there,

I baked pies for everyone:

Mouse - with cabbage,

Mouse - with potatoes,

Mouse - with a carrot,

Mouse - with cloudberries.

For the big fat man

All four pies:

With cabbage, with potatoes,

With carrots, cloudberries. (Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem.)

One two three four,

We washed the dishes:

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

We washed the dishes

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken.

We broke the spoon a little -

This is how we helped mom. (Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem.)

The gray bunny jumps deftly.

He has a carrot in his paw.

Lean your elbow on the table, spread your index and middle fingers to the sides, and clench the rest into a fist.

L. Savina


Exercise for the development of visual mediated memory.

Children are asked to remember words using pictograms - schematically depicted objects or parts of objects that are logically connected with specific words.

2. Game "Pictograms"(for the development of associative memory).

Make your own pictograms for each memorized word: fox, doctor, sun, night, shoes, dog, chewing gum.

3. Game "Definitions"(for the development of speech and verbal thinking).

The teacher has a set of subject pictures (bus, ball, daisy, lake, mouse, rubber boots, popsicle, etc.). One child is called. He is offered one of the pictures. The child must talk about his object so that everyone understands what the speaker means. You can’t just say your word and gesture with your hands. For example, a saucepan is something in which soup is cooked.

4. Game "Shop"(to develop the ability to classify).

8 flat jugs, painted differently (speckles, stripes, stars, flowers), are displayed on a typesetting canvas, three of which have one handle, and five without handles).

The children are told that 8 beautiful jugs were brought to the store. They are all different colors and different shapes. How can a seller arrange jugs on two shelves so as to separate them according to some criteria?

After the children complete the task, they are asked to arrange the jugs on 4 shelves in a different way.

Breathing exercise.

Inhale, pause, exhale, pause. Performing breathing exercises will be more effective if you use figurative representation (connecting the right hemisphere). For example, there may be an image of a yellow or orange warm ball “located” in the stomach, respectively inflating and deflating in the rhythm of breathing. When inhaling, the lips retract with a tube and “drink” the air with a noise.

Symmetrical drawings.

Draw two mushrooms in the air with both hands at the same time.

Exercise for the development of sensorimotor skills.

Draw a mushroom and a turtle at the same time in a notebook with both hands according to the model.

Graphic dictation.

Finger gymnastics “Turtle”.

- Leg, leg, hurry up

Move my house harder.

Touch the table with the pads of your fingers and the bottom of your palm, forming a “hemisphere”.
Extend your index finger with the emphasis on the table and use it to pull the entire “turtle’s house” forward. In a similar way, move the “house”
turtles" with the middle, ring and little fingers.

L. Savina

Prevention of visual impairment.

“Shooting” with your eyes left and right, up and down. Repeat 2-3 times.

It is better to work with two adults: one sits opposite the child and performs all the movements himself, and the other at first sits behind the baby and helps him put his fingers together.

House and gate

There is a house in a clearing ( depict "house")
- Well, the path to the house is closed ( depict a "gate")
- We are opening the gates ( palms turn parallel to each other)
- We invite you to this house. ( depict "house")


We planted turnips (with our fingers it’s like we’re digging a hole in a child’s palm)
Turnips were watered (imitate how water pours from a watering can)
The turnip grew (straighten your fingers gradually)
Nice and strong!
(leave your palm open, bend your fingers like hooks. Using the hooks of your fingers, grab the baby’s hooks and pull - each in its own direction)
We can't pull it out
Who will help us?
Pull-pull, pull-pull! Wow! (unclasp hands, shake hands)


Place all the fingers of one hand on the palm of the other or on the table.
The bunny came out into the meadow,
I stood in a small circle (counting bunnies)
One bunny, two bunnies, three bunnies, four bunnies...
He will knock his paws (fingers tap the palm together or apart)
Knocked, knocked and got tired
We sat down to rest.

We are building a house

This is a house (palms facing each other)
This is the roof (palms clasped, fingers intertwined)
And the pipe is even higher (raise your little fingers or ring fingers first on one hand, then on the other, then on both at the same time)


Raise your hands, put your clenched fists towards each other.
The flower grows, rises (straighten fingers)
Its petals open (palms touch with their bases in the form of a cup, and we try to spread the ten petal fingers to the sides as far as possible)

Jumping gallop

Place the fingers of your right hand on the palm of your left hand, and vice versa. Or raise and lower your fingers one at a time.
Our fingers on the palm
Let them jump a little:
The baby's fingers can jump both together and apart.
Our fingers on the palm
Let them stomp a little:


The child places his palm on top of yours, the mother reads the poem measuredly, and the baby listens to her and carefully follows the movements. At the right moment - at the word “scratch”, the baby withdraws his hand so that his finger does not get caught.

Along the palm, along the path
A little cat walks
In little paws
I hid the scratches.
If you suddenly want -
He will sharpen his claws.
Then the other hand comes into play. When the child has mastered the sequence and rules of movements well, you can change roles with him.


The game is quite difficult. It might only work out a little.
The brothers stayed in the house (straighten your palm, close all fingers)
The younger one decided to take a walk (move your little finger to the side, hold it a little and return it to its place).
He's bored
Walk alone
He calls brother
Take a walk together (move the little finger and ring finger to the side, hold it a little and return it to its place).
They're bored
Walk for two.
They're called brother
The three of us take a walk (now you need to try to move three fingers to the side).
It’s sad for the elders to sit in the hut.
They call their brothers home to them (gather your fingers into a pinch and into a fist).


Here is my turtle, she lives in a shell.
She loves her home very much. (Hands clenched into fists, thumbs inside.)
When she wants to eat, she sticks her head out. (Then show thumbs up)
When he wants to sleep, he hides it back. (and hide them back.)


We chop and chop cabbage, (Movement with straight palms up and down)
We salt and salt the cabbage, (alternately stroking the fingertips)
We three or three cabbage, (rub fist against fist)
We press and press cabbage. (Clench and unclench your fists.)


The fish are having fun
In clean, warm water.
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.
(Imitate the movements of fish with your hands in accordance with the text.)


At Malanya's, at the old lady's (Clap your hands, then the right, then the left hand on top.)
Lived in a small hut (Fold your arms at an angle, show the hut)
Seven sons (Show seven fingers)
All without eyebrows. (Outline eyebrows with fingers)
With ears like these, (Bring your palms spread out to your ears)
With noses like these, (Show a long nose two fingers spread)
With such a mustache, (Draw a long “hussar” mustache with your fingers)
With a head like this (Draw a large circle around your head)
With such a beard! (Show with your hands a large thick beard)
They didn't drink, didn't eat, (Bring the “cup” to your mouth with one hand, and the “spoon” with the other.)
Everyone was looking at Malanya, (Hold your hands near your eyes and clap your fingers like eyelashes)
And everyone did it like this... (Children show the hidden actions)


Thumb the right and left hands together with the rest form a ring. Bring the rings to your eyes.
On horseback
Pakhom sits
Reads books,
But he doesn’t know how to read and write.


Four fingers (index, middle, ring and little fingers) together, thumb down. Back of the hand towards you
A flag is burning in the sun,
It's like I lit a fire.


Both palms are placed on the edge, the thumbs are pressed to the palms like a ladle
The boat floats on the river,
Leaving rings on the water.


(Both palms are placed on the edge, the little fingers are pressed (like a ladle), and the thumbs are raised up).
Locomotive. No wheels!
What a miracle locomotive!
Has he gone crazy?
He went straight across the sea!


Left palm vertically up. A cam is placed on its lower part (with the thumb facing you). If the child easily performs this exercise, you can change the position of the hands alternately on the count of “ones”.
He has a back, but never lies down,
There are four legs, but not even three can walk.
But he always stands and tells everyone to sit.


The left hand is clenched into a fist. The palm is placed on top of the fist. If the child easily performs this exercise, you can change the position of the hands: the right hand in the fist, the left palm on top of the fist. You can do it alternately on the count of “ones”.
Born in the forest
Grew up in the forest
Came to the house
He put everyone around him.


Palm down, fingers bent, "rowing"
Leaves are falling in the garden
I'll rake them.


The thumb and index fingers of the left hand are connected in a ring. Rings from the fingers of the right hand are alternately passed through it: the thumb of the index finger, the thumb of the middle finger, etc. This exercise can be varied by changing the position of the fingers. All fingers are involved in this exercise.
Fingering fingers
And we get a chain.


The palms are vertically placed opposite each other, the little fingers are pressed (like a boat), and the thumbs are bent inward
Starling lives in a birdhouse
And he sings a sonorous song.


All fingers of both hands are clenched in a “pinch” and their tips touch. In this position, we blow on them, while the fingers take the shape of a ball. The air “comes out” and the fingers return to their original position
An inflated balloon by two girlfriends
Took away from each other -
Everything was scratched!
The balloon burst, and two girlfriends
Looked there were no toys,
They sat down and cried...


Palms facing you, fingers passed between each other (palms at an angle to each other). Fingers point forward. The elbows are not pressed against the body.
Blooms in spring
In summer it bears fruit,
Doesn't fade in autumn
Doesn't die in winter.


Palms facing you, fingers intertwined and elbows spread to the sides. The palms seem to move apart, and gaps form between the fingers. The thumbs form a handle.
I take a basket to the forest
And I put mushrooms in it.


The backs of the hands are facing upward, the fingers of both hands are crossed. The middle finger of the right hand is lowered down, and the child swings it freely.
blue bell
Bowed to you and me.
Very polite... And you?


Left palm on the rib. Thumb up, slightly bent. The index finger is bent, the middle and ring fingers are together. The little finger alternately lowers and rises.
Four fours,
Two spreaders,
The seventh vertun,
And he himself is a grump.


The middle and ring fingers rest against the thumb. The index and little fingers are raised up. .
At our Anyutka's
Beast in a satin coat
He's warming himself near the stove,
Can be washed without water.


The middle and ring fingers rest on the thumb. The index and little fingers are bent into arches and pressed against the middle and ring fingers.
small ball
He's rummaging around under the floor.


Fingers in fist. Point your index and middle fingers up. Move them to the sides and forward.
Small, White
Jump-jump along the forest,
Ears jerk and jerk,
One snowball at a time.


Fingers in fist. The index and middle fingers are up, they are pressed. He taps his thumb with his ring and little fingers.
Bunny took his drum
And hit: tram-tram-tram!


The inner side of the palm is down. The index and little fingers are pointed forward. The middle and ring ones are pressed to the palm and clasped by the large.
Tili-tili, tili-tili,
Three goats were mowing the grass
Through the meadows and meadows,
Over the green hummocks,
Young goats
The tails are short.


Left palm up, making a “goat”. We place our right hand on top of it, which also depicts a “goat” (back side up). We put the middle and ring fingers of both hands up and down and move them in opposite directions.
The bunny looks in the mirror
And he wiggles his ears.


Right palm on the edge towards you. Thumbs up. The left palm is placed on top of it at an angle, forming a mane with the fingers. Thumbs up. The two thumbs form the ears.
Four legs,
Fifth mane
Sixth tail
Drive, don't be afraid.


The forearm is placed vertically on the elbow. Palm at right angle. The index finger alternately rests on the thumb and then rises, imitating the movements of a goose's beak. All fingers are pressed against each other.
I swam in the water,
Yes, it remained dry.


Palm up. The index finger rests on the thumb. The remaining fingers are spread out to the sides and raised up.
Rises at dawn
Sings in the yard
There is a comb on the head,
Who is this? Cockerel.


The palm is positioned horizontally. The thumb and index finger form the eye. The next fingers overlap each other in a half-bent position.
The chicken went out for a walk,
Pinch some fresh grass,
And behind her the boys -
Yellow chickens.


Extend your middle finger, hold it between your index and ring fingers, and rotate it in different directions.
I'm buzzing, I'm buzzing, I'm buzzing on the lawn!
I'm buzzing on the lawn! I'm circling over the daisies!
I buzzed harmlessly, Why did you, baby, run away?


Fingers in fist. The index and little fingers are spread apart, the child moves them.
A warrior is coming
Digging the earth
And he howls.
Two horns are not a bull
Six legs without hooves.


Grab all the fingers of your right hand with your left palm and move them.
Bird over my window
Builds a nest for children,
Then he drags the straw in his legs,
That's the fluff in the nose.


Palms down, fingers crossed and down. Thumbs to yourself. Move your palms on your fingers to one side, then to the other.
The crab crawls, crawls along the bottom,
Sticking out your claw


Palm towards yourself. The middle finger is down. On one side it is sandwiched by the little and ring fingers, and on the other by the index and thumb. Move your middle finger. Swing with the whole brush.
He is the largest on land,
A very, very kind elephant.
Apparently, even among animals
The one who is kindest is greater.


Press your hands back to back. Fingers are spread out and raised up. Move your hands and fingers.
The beautiful birch tree's dress is silver.
The beautiful birch tree has green braids.
Goats jumped out of the yard towards the birch tree.
They began to gnaw the birch tree, and the birch tree began to cry.


The palms are turned towards you, the thumbs are straightened away from you and intertwined (as if clinging to each other), the thumbs are the heads, the rest of the closed fingers are wings. Wave them.
All the migratory birds are worse,
Cleans the arable land from worms,
Jump back and forth across the arable land,
And the bird's name is rook.


Hands in fists, pressed. Thumbs up (ears), index fingers together and forward: they form the beak of an eagle owl.
Sleeps during the day
Flies at night
It scares passersby.


Wolf: We make a “steamboat”, we spread our thumbs to the sides. The index fingers are bent inside the palms and form the forehead, and the rest are in the form of a “boat” of the upper and lower jaw.
Fox: We do the same thing, but we also bend the little fingers inside the palm so that the fox’s muzzle is sharper. Bend your thumbs slightly.
One figure turns into another.

"Lisaveta, hello!"
"What's up, toothy?" –
"Things are going well,
The head is still intact!


The palm is extended forward horizontally to the floor. Thumb under palm. The index and little fingers are bent (eyes) and pressed respectively to the middle and ring fingers.
A crocodile swims along the river
Bulging my eyes out.
He's all green, like mud,
From the top of the head to the tail.


Bunny, bunny, where is your tail? claps

Here, here, here! hands behind your back

Bunny, bunny, where is your nose? claps

Here, here, here! show your nose

Bunny, bunny, where are the paws? claps

Here, here, here! show hands

Bunny, bunny, where are the ears? claps

Here, here, here! show ears


The crow has a head hands on head

wa-wa-wa-wa 4 cotton

Beak and wings hands at the nose, “wings”

Tail, legs, hands behind back, stomp,

ogie-ogie-ogie-ogie 4 cotton


I'll start my car "motor"

Beep, beep, I'll pour some gasoline. 3 claps, stomp

I hold the steering wheel tightly "hold the steering wheel"

I press the pedal with my foot. stomp your right foot


The locomotive rode and rode hands in a “lock”, thumbs rotate

I hitched the carriage and drove it away. clasp your index fingers

The locomotive rode and rode

I hitched the carriage and drove…………..


Here my boat is sailing hands - “shelf”, swaying

He's sailing to my home arms forward, palms clasped at an angle (nose)

I hold the helm tightly "hold the helm"

I'm the main captain 4 claps


Today we are airplanes I.P. sitting on your heels, “motor” (rotation with your arms)

We are not children, we are pilots. 4 cotton

Hands are the nose, and hands are the wings "nose", "wings"

The squadron took off. get up, run away,hands - wings


Here's a fist show left fist

And here is the palm, open your fingers, palm up

The cat sat on the palm. The “claws” of the right hand move along the palm of the left

One two three four five. with your right hand bend one finger at a time with your left

The mice were very scared rotate your fist

They quickly ran away to their holes hide your fist under.right armpit


Puff out your cheeks. Blow off your cheeks.

All fingers of both hands are in a “pinch” and their tips touch. In this position, we blow on them, while the fingers take the shape of a ball. The air “comes out” and the fingers return to their original position.


Lips in a smile.
Open your mouth slightly.
Say “ah...” and bite the wide tip of your tongue (catch the mouse by the tail).


Lips in a smile. The mouth is open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.
On the count of 1, arch your tongue, resting the tip against your lower teeth.

The middle and ring fingers rest on the thumb. The index and little fingers are bent into arches and pressed against the middle and ring fingers.


Lips in a smile.
Open your mouth slightly.
Click your tongue (like horses click).

The right palm is on the edge away from you. Thumbs up. The left palm is placed on top of it at an angle, forming a mane with the fingers. Thumbs up. The two thumbs form the ears.


Open your mouth.
Using the tip of your tongue, tap behind your upper teeth “de-de-de.”

Fingers in fist. The index and middle fingers are up, they are pressed. We tap the thumb with the ring and little fingers.


Form an elephant's trunk by stretching your lips forward with a straw, and draw some water while smacking your lips slightly.

Palm towards yourself. The middle finger is in. On one side it is sandwiched by the little and ring fingers, and on the other by the index and thumb. Move your middle finger. Swing with the whole brush.

During the period of consolidation of isolated sounds, you can alternate graphic sheets With finger exercises, For example:


The forearm is vertical. Palm at right angle. The index finger rests on the thumb. All fingers are pressed against each other.


Fingers in fist. The index and little fingers are spread apart, the child moves them.


Extend your middle finger, hold it between your index and ring fingers and rotate it in different directions.


Right palm on the rib, towards yourself. Thumbs up. Index, middle and ring - together. The little finger alternately lowers and rises.

When fixing a sound in a syllable, you can use the following exercises:

The backs of the hands are facing upward, the fingers of both hands are crossed. The middle finger of the right hand is lowered down, and the child rotates it freely.
LA-LO - LY-LU while moving the finger;

The palm is placed forward horizontally (parallel to the floor). Thumb under palm. The index and little fingers are bent (eyes) and pressed respectively to the middle and ring fingers.
SHY-SHO - SHY-SHU - noise from movement, turns of the palm in the hand to change syllables.

Finger exercises are not only fun, but also very useful. While playing, kids develop speech, general coordination, and improve fine motor skills fingers and hands, preparing them for writing, drawing and playing musical instruments. Finger games also contribute to timely and harmonious mental development preschoolers and younger children school age. And funny bunnies on each finger will turn the exercises into a real little theater.

Before you start playing with your child, do the exercise yourself. After that finger paints Draw a bunny on the pads of all the fingers of your baby’s right hand, or simply tell him that now each of his fingers is a bunny. This one (baby's thumb) is called Shorty, this (index finger) name is Toropyzhka, the third bunny's name is Trishka, the fourth (ring finger) is called Tishka, and the fifth, the smallest (little finger), - Coward. Offer to play with bunnies, show him one exercise (read a poem, accompanying the movements). After that, show it again, asking him to repeat after you both the text and the movements themselves. If this causes difficulties for your child, then help him - read the verse and bend, straighten and move the necessary fingers of his hand with your hand. Repeat until the baby is having fun. It is best to perform the exercises in the sequence below, as they are arranged in increasing degrees of difficulty.

The bunnies woke up

Morning on the lawn

The bunnies woke up.

The hand with the hares is placed on the table with the back side down.

- Hello, red sun!

Thumb goes up.

- Hello, the sky is clear!

The index finger is raised. The big one stays up.

- Hello, Christmas tree!

The middle finger goes up. The thumb and index finger remain raised.

- Hello, stump!

The ring finger is raised. The thumb, index finger and middle finger remain raised.

- Hello hello,

New day!

The little finger goes up.

All the bunnies woke up.

We planted carrots

We planted carrots

Summer everyone was watching her.

Bunny, bunny, this year

Don't come to our garden!

Two people are playing. One draws bunnies on the fingers of either hand, and the second becomes a gardener. The gardener extends his hand, palm up, pronouncing a quatrain.

The bunny player quickly touches the middle of the gardener’s palm with one finger, and he tries to catch the bunny, clenching his hand into a fist.

There's nothing to play pranks on

Climb into our garden!

If a bunny is caught, the gardener holds it and threatens with a rhyme. Once all the hares are caught, the players change places.

Burrow under the birch tree

Burrow under the birch tree

It's time to look into it.

Is there an animal or a bird?

Who's hiding in the hole?

Two people are playing. One draws bunnies on the fingers of either hand, and the second squeezes his hand into a loose fist so as to create a spacious hole.

The bunny player takes one bunny out of his fist and says a rhyme...

... and sticks his finger into the hole.

Another player immediately names the one who lives in the hole and, if he is dangerous for the bunny (fox, weasel, marten, ermine...), then the “hole” clenches into a fist, trying to grab him. The bunny player must have time to remove his finger. If the animal or bird is not dangerous (raccoon, mole, mouse, hamster, kingfisher...), the bunny should not “run away from the hole.”

Caught bunnies are eliminated (erased or simply considered caught). Sometimes those bunnies that ran away from kind animals are also considered eliminated.

When all the bunnies are caught, the players change places.

Jumping gallop!

Bunnies jumping

Bunnies are jumping

Gray naughty girls.

Two people are playing. While the adult says the beginning of the rhyme, the baby bends and straightens all his fingers at the same time, either clenching them into a fist, or spreading them out as much as possible.

They twitch their ears sensitively...

The baby moves his fingers back and forth randomly.

Oh, The Bears they are coming to them!
(cows, dogs, roe deer, martens, voles, damsels, raccoons, frogs, deer, foxes, tourists)


Oh, Arctic foxes they're coming here!
(marmots, beavers, ferrets, goats, donkeys, beetles, moles, hedgehogs)

They hear Lynx they are coming to them!
(wolves, tigers, moose, cats, mice, bison, leopards, goats, squirrels)

They hear Guys they're coming!
(badgers, shepherds, hounds, hamsters, wild boars, foresters, worms)

The fingers press tightly against each other and lean back together, and the baby listens carefully to who is coming.

We won't run away!

They won't scare us!

If the one who is walking is not dangerous to hares, then the baby responds with a rhyme, and his outstretched fingers, together with his hand, tilt to the right and then to the left.

We hide under the spruce trees,

So we don't get eaten!

If the one who is walking is afraid of hares, then the baby hides his fingers in his fist and answers with a rhyme.

And so several times from the very beginning and with different heroes. If the child makes a mistake, the adult must point out to the child his mistake and, if necessary, give an explanation.

When the baby gets used to the game, you can and should change roles.

Bunnies walked through the forest

The bunnies were walking through the forest,

The thumb bends towards the palm, and the four bunny fingers rhythmically turn together with the hand, first to the right, then to the left.

Found a new hare.

The thumb is straightened so that the bunny drawn on it looks at the other four.

Not a single one was lazy

He bowed to the hare:

Four fingers bow together to the thumb.





The index finger bows.

The middle finger bows.

The ring finger bows.

Little finger bows.

“Hello, dear eared friend!”

All four fingers bow again.

The new hare nodded to them,

The thumb nods to each finger for each stress in the line.

Kissed both cheeks:

Smack! Smack! Smack! Yes

The thumb “kisses” the index finger three times.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“I was very lonely!”

The thumb “kisses” the middle finger three times.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Yes

The thumb “kisses” the ring finger three times.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“I could be friends with you!”

The big one “kisses” the little finger three times.

And now take a walk in the forest

There will be as many as five birds with one stone!

All five fingers rhythmically rotate together with the hand, now to the right, now to the left.

On your marks! Attention! March!

Bunnies are glued onto one hand, and the palm of the other hand is held vertically with birch fingers spread as widely as possible. Hares run in a race. Hands are kept at a certain distance and palms facing each other. They say: “Let’s start!” Bunny fingers bend at right angles. Announced: “Attention!” The bunnies bend, touching the base of the fingers with their pads. The command is given: “March!”, and the hand with the bunnies, straightening its fingers, rushes towards the motionless birch trees, trying to get the bunnies between the fingers-trees, forming a “lock”. The further the hares are from the birch trees, the more difficult and interesting it is. But it’s better to start from a short distance, and so that the bunnies don’t run very fast. The main thing is to learn how to hit, and then you can gradually increase the speed and length of the run.

Hares and carrots

Hares in the field cleverly

They pull the carrot.

Who will get her?

He will start eating!

The adult's index finger is placed on the baby's palm with the hares.

At! At! At! At!

It's not easy to pick carrots!

The bunny fingers (except the big one) take turns trying to touch the “carrot”.

When all the bunnies have taken out the carrot, the finger moves further towards the wrist.

Curious bunnies

Palms are held opposite each other. The fingers of the second hand are spread wide. These are trees where bunnies will peep between them.

- The otter is swimming in the water!

- Where? Where? Where? Where?

The index finger leans forward, trying to form a right angle with the palm and other fingers, and in turn for each “Where?” it is inserted first between the thumb and forefinger of the second hand, then between the index and middle fingers, then between the middle and ring fingers, and finally between the ring and little fingers.

- The cat is wandering in the swan!

Where? Where? Where? Where?

The thumb nods at each line stress (4 times).
The middle finger does the same thing that the index finger did before.

- Grandpa is scratching his beard!

Where? Where? Where? Where?

The thumb nods at each line stress (4 times).
The ring finger does the same thing that the index and middle fingers did before.

- The mouse plays the pipe!

Where? Where? Where? Where?

The thumb nods at each line stress (4 times).
The little finger does the same thing that the index, middle and ring fingers did before.

- A big wolf is coming here!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

The thumb nods at each line stress (4 times).

Fingers, starting with the index finger, for each “Oh!” one at a time, pressed against the palm.


Vasya went out for a walk,

Shoot gray hares!

Two people are playing. One draws bunnies on his fingers, and the second becomes a hunter. Both players clench their hands into fists and begin to shake them synchronously, as in the game “rock-paper-scissors,” pronouncing the beginning of the rhyme. After this, everyone throws one finger out of their fist.

Bang! Pow! Oh oh oh!

I'll run home!

If the fingers match, for example, both little fingers, then the bunny is scared. The finger trembles, and the player says a rhyme. After this, the bunny runs away - the sticker is removed from the finger, and he no longer participates in the game.

Bang Bang! I'm not a coward!

I'm not afraid of anyone!

If the fingers did not match, then the hunter shot in the other direction. The bunny finger “jumps,” now bending, now unbending, and teases the hunter with a rhyme.

The game is repeated until 4 out of 5 bunnies are scared. After that, the players change places.

Braggart bunnies

Bunnies brag loudly

Near the Christmas tree on the lawn:

"We are not afraid in the forest

No bear, no fox!

Straightened bunny fingers, in time with the narration, either tensely spread out in different directions, or lean against each other.

And we heard about the wolf,

They immediately hid under the tree

And they lie side by side there,

They shake together with the tree.

The fingers are clenched into a fist with effort, and the fist trembles slightly.

A gray wolf passed by

I didn’t find our hares.

The second wolf hand, slamming its “mouth” against the thumb with other fingers joined together, passes by.

We say: “Zay-zay-zay!

Get out from under the tree!”

The fist suddenly opens. The bunny fingers spread out.

Gray Wolf saw a hare

The gray wolf saw a hare

And he said: “Well, give up!

I really want to eat

I’ll swallow you!”

The poor little bunny is trembling,

And the second one runs to save.

The bunny fingers spread out, and the free hand folds into the wolf’s mouth. It closes and opens to the rhythm of speech.

The index finger is trembling. The middle finger leans against it.

“Oh, you are so, well, get scared,

Both of you surrender to me at once!

I really want to eat

I’ll swallow you both!”

And they would not be in the world,

But a third one runs to save them.

The index and middle fingers are shaking. The ring finger leans against them.

“Here you are! Well, be scared

Three of you surrender to me at once!

I really want to eat

I will swallow all three!”

Three hares await death

But the fourth one is right here.

The gray wolf clicks his teeth again.

The index, middle and ring fingers are shaking. The little finger leans against them.

"How many of you! Well, be scared

Four of you give up at once!

I really want to eat

I’ll swallow four!”

But where there are four brothers,

Always the fifth brother.

The gray wolf clicks his teeth again.

The index, middle, ring and little fingers are shaking. The thumb joins them.

And the gray wolf cried:

“There’s a whole regiment of you with hares!”

Even though I really want to eat,

I won’t swallow five!”

Lost interest in them

And he went back into the forest.

The gray wolf clicks his teeth again.

The palm with the wolf turns and “goes away.”

In the little forest

In the little forest

They were hiding behind a hummock.

The hand with bunny fingers is placed palm on the table. The second “bump” palm is placed in front of it with a low mound, back side up.


All bunny fingers, without lifting your palms from the table, rise up as far as possible. The thumb is immediately placed on the table - hidden.


The index finger is placed on the table.

The middle finger is placed on the table.

The ring finger is placed on the table.

And Coward.

The little finger is placed on the table.

Look, Trishka,

Who's going there?

No, brothers, let's sit,

Let's sit and watch!

The middle finger rises, trying to get higher than the bump.

The finger returns to the table.

Come on, Shorty,

Who's running?


No, brothers, let's sit,

Let's sit and watch!

The thumb rises, trying to become higher than the bump.

The finger returns to the table.

Look, Tishka,

Who's flying?

No, brothers, let's sit,

Let's sit and watch!

The ring finger rises, trying to become higher than the bump.

The finger returns to the table.

Look, Toropyzhka,

Who's screaming?


No, brothers, let's sit,

Let's sit and watch!

The index finger rises, trying to become higher than the bump.

The finger returns to the table.

Look, Coward,

Who's rustling there?

The little finger rises, trying to become higher than the bump.

Well, brothers mice

We are ashamed to be afraid!

The entire palm, including the fingers, rises above the bump, without lifting the bottom of the palm from the table. To make it more interesting, you can swap the highlighted lines (substitute Toropyzhka for the wolf, Tishka for the bear, etc.), developing the child’s attentiveness and reaction. At the same time, he must raise those bunny fingers that the presenter addresses by name.

This game can also be played while doing another exercise.

In the little forest

They were hiding in a bush.

Place your palms together, hiding each bunny behind the corresponding finger of your other hand.


The thumb peeks out between the thumb and index finger of the other hand and hides back.


The index finger peeks out between the index and middle fingers of the other hand and hides back.

The middle finger peeks out between the middle and ring fingers of the other hand and hides back.

The ring finger peeks out between the ring finger and the little finger of the other hand and hides back.

And Coward.

The little finger peeks out from behind the little finger of the other hand and hides back.

Now, as the poem continues, the fingers peek out from the “bush” in accordance with the name of the bunny - each finger is in its place, and at the end - the hand with the bunnies “boldly” comes out from behind the other hand.

Hares came

The hares came

Runaway hares!

The hand with bunnies is clenched into a fist.


The thumb straightens.


The index finger straightens.

The middle finger straightens.