Planning for sensory education for preschool children. Long-term planning for sensory development of middle group children

Early Childhood Sensory Development Work Plan

"Sand Extravaganza"

Junior children preschool age They cannot yet operate with knowledge in verbal form, without relying on visualization, so in the vast majority of cases they do not understand the adult’s explanations and strive to establish all the connections on their own, through experiments and experiences. Therefore, for children of this age, experimentation, along with play, is a leading activity.

When drawing up the plan, I took into account the psychological and cognitive characteristics of the development of children of this age, the peculiarities of mastering new material based on previously gained experience.

The plan included the following tasks:

Developmental : through this game, children develop cognitive processes: speech, thinking, imagination, perception, attention, memory, and fine motor skills of the fingers. Interest in independent research and discoveries is maintained and developed.

Cognitive : during experimentation, ideas about the properties and characteristics of the objects under study are formed.

Educational: Interest and love for the surrounding nature are cultivated due to the fact that during experimental activities, all the beauty of nature, previously unknown to him, is revealed to the child.

The implementation of the game and experiments is carried out with the involvement of all children in the group, but during its implementation, each of the participants was able to experiment independently, with the support of the teacher and the help of other children.

In the process of experimental activities, the teacher stimulated the activation of all the child’s mental processes, relying on the children’s previous experience.

Questions during classes and games were posed in such a way that children independently made inferences and conclusions by analyzing the information obtained during the experiments. Educator in in this case acted as an “assistant” and not a “leader”.

In all classes, games and experiments, I tried to maintain all the structural parts:

1.Organizational part:

Studying the literature and selecting materials and equipment for experiments.

I tried to involve children in games by entering into a fairy tale, a magical walk, unusual stories (which corresponds to a given age). According to the outstanding psychoanalyst, child psychologist and psychiatrist Bruno Betelheim, a fairy tale, like almost every form of art, becomes a kind of psychotherapy for a child. Betelheim worked with children with profound behavioral and communication disorders. He believed that the reason for these violations was the loss of the meaning of life. To find meaning in life, a child must move beyond the narrow confines of self-focus and believe that he will make a significant contribution to the world, if not now, then at least in the future. A fairy tale contributes to all this. It is simple and at the same time mysterious. A fairy tale can capture a child’s attention, arouse his curiosity, enrich his life, stimulate his imagination, develop his intellect, help him understand himself, his desires and emotions, and gain a sense of satisfaction with what he is doing. The well-known domestic child psychologist L. F. Obukhova analyzed the development of perception of fairy tales in preschool age as a special activity of the child. She notes that the perception of a child differs from the perception of an adult in that it is an extensive activity that needs external support. A.V. Zaporozhets, D.M. Dubovis-Aronovskaya and other scientists identified a specific action for this activity. This is assistance when a child takes the position of the hero of a work and tries to overcome the obstacles standing in his way.

2.Practical part:

I tried to structure the classes in such a way that the children were constantly moving, keeping their voluntary attention constantly activated; to relieve emotional fatigue, I used audio recordings with classical music, with the sounds of nature, and the voices of birds.

Interactive teaching methods were used, which allowed the teacher and children to be in conversation mode. In other words, there was extensive interaction between children not only with the teacher, but also with each other and the dominance of the activity of the game participants in the learning process. The role of the teacher in this case was reduced to directing the children’s activities to achieve the goals of the lesson, game, experiment. By completing tasks, children not only and not so much consolidated the material they had already learned, but rather studied and enriched their knowledge with new ones.

I also tried to use all teaching methods: verbal (conversations), visual (demonstration of visual material: water, ice, steam, etc.), practical (direct experimentation with visual material).

During the games and experimentation during the work of our circle, all mental processes developed and became more active. Firstly, active speech was being formed and vocabulary was being enriched (cold-warm, solid, steam, liquid); perception (liquid water takes the shape of any vessel, color perception of yellow and red, perception of sounds, taste of water, etc.), development of fine motor skills of the fingers (finger exercise, tactile interaction with natural material). As well as the development of thinking (answers to questions posed, conclusions from information obtained during experimentation, etc.), voluntary attention (switching attention from one information to another, concentrating attention on a specific activity). There was an activation of memory (in the use of the information received in this game in further games-experiments), etc.

Work plan:


develop tactile perception, thinking, motor skills

relieve emotional stress

encourage children to work together


improve perception;

develop the ability to imagine objects according to their verbal description

Evoke an emotional response


Stabilize emotional state

Develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, fine motor skills and sensory perception.

Development of thinking, speech, motor skills

Increase children's self-confidence

Multi-colored fence

Getting to know the world around you


Develop attention, memory, ability to classify objects according to given characteristics

Fairy forest

Our sand friends

2 month supplement

1 lesson

Description of the lesson:

Let's make our handprints in the sand. What do you feel? What sand? (cold, cool). Turn your palms over! Now how do you feel? (sand seems even colder). Let's move our hands forward and backward. There are footprints left on the sand, grains of sand sliding across the palms. What do you feel?

Let's slide our palms on the sand - how...? (... cars, snakes, sleds). Zigzag, in a circle. Let's walk along the surface of the sand alternately with each finger of the right and left hands, then with both hands at the same time. You can jump on the sand like bunnies.

Let's put two fingers together and let's go. Whose traces could these be? (dog, wolf, cat, lion). And three fingers together! Who was walking here? (bear, wild boar, elephant).

A small, gray fluffy ball jumps under the trees: jump and jump. /hare/(The answer is hidden in the sand)

Now we can play with these toys.

Lesson 2

Didactic material: sandbox, figurines.

Description of the lesson:

Let's draw straight lines in the sand - these are roads. And we will walk along the paths.

First with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together.

Let's make the sand smooth and draw geometric shapes with our fingers.

Now let's draw with sand. We put sand in a fist and draw a circle, slowly pouring sand out of the fist. (Perhaps we'll just learn to slowly pour sand out of our fist first.)

Draw your mood in the sand.

Lesson 3

Game "Secret".

We bury the toy in the sand, and the child should find out by touch what is hidden without opening his fist. For example: a stone (small, hard,) matryoshka, airplane, snake, watch, beetle, turtle, etc. small toys familiar to the child.

Lesson 4

Didactic material: sandbox, figurines (spectators)

Description of the lesson:

As always, let's start by burying our hands in the sand. What do you feel? (coolness).

Let's move our hands, see how the grains of sand move, slowly remove our hands. If there is sand left on your palms, you can blow it off.

Let's level the sand and imagine that we are musicians and “play” with our fingers on the surface of the sand, like on a piano keyboard, for our audience. Now we’ll do the same on a hard table surface. And again on the sand. What is the difference between a table surface and sand? What happens when we press hard on the sand and on the table?

Lesson 5

Description of the lesson:

There are counting sticks interspersed on the table or on the side of the sandbox. Please choose blue sticks and build a blue fence, then red and green. Then build one large fence, alternating sticks by color. What could be behind this fence? (dacha, forest, animals and other subjects).

Lesson 6:

Didactic material: dummies of vegetables and fruits, toy trees, plastic spoons, sandbox.

Description of the lesson:

Show me your right hand - hide it in the sand, and now your left hand - hide it too. Pour sand into your fists, raise them higher and slowly pour sand like “rain.” You're doing great. Do you remember in the last lesson we built a magical, multi-colored fence? Let's plant an orchard behind this fence!

By swing magic wand the sandbox turns into a garden or vegetable garden.

Children display toy trees and a vegetable garden. After completing the task, the children tell what grows where.

“Our garden has grown.

Everything grows under the sun.

There are many beds in the garden -

There are turnips and salad here.

There are beets and peas here.

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us for a whole year."

Game “Find out by description”

First, the adult describes a vegetable or fruit, the children must guess what they are talking about. And then one of the children becomes the leader.

Lesson 7

Didactic material: figurines of wild animals, toy trees, house.

Description of the lesson:

Today we will build in the sandbox fairy forest and populate it with wild animals. (Children must choose only wild animals from a variety of figurines.)

Now let's name and remember all the animals in the forest.

Game "Who is missing"

Children close their eyes, one animal is removed; Then it needs to be named. Whoever guessed correctly becomes the driver.

Game "Hunters".

This is a house, and this is a forest. And you and I are turning into hunters. Beyond this line there is a dense forest where various animals live. The hunter goes to this forest.

“I’m going into the forest to hunt, I’ll hunt for...” Here he takes a step along the sand with his middle and index fingers forward and says: “hare” and takes the second step: “bear”, etc. The winner is the one who reaches the forest.

Lesson 8 FINAL:

Didactic material: counting sticks, small toys, figurines of wild animals, toy trees.

We build a colorful fence, plant fruit trees and vegetables in the garden. We will settle wild animals in the fairy-tale forest and hunt. At the end of the lesson, we will play the piano with our fingers for the guests who came with their children to the lesson.


Develop creative thinking, imagination, speech

Fairytale town

Teach children to understand the quantitative and qualitative relationships of objects (more - less, higher - lower, right - left).

Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes ah, learn spatial orientation.

Princess and dragon

Learn to draw diagram maps

Develop thinking and imagination.

Construction of paths

practice grouping wild animals and domestic animals; develop attention and reaction speed

Archaeological excavations

develop attention, observation, memory. Exercise children in correctly determining the spatial arrangement of objects.

develop tactile perception; secure the account.

flower bed

develop imagination, creative thinking, sensory perception;

Palace towers

Our sand friends

Application for the 3rd month of classes:

1 lesson

Didactic material: Sandbox, figures of people and animals, pictures-signs: furniture, bread, milk, medicines, books, candies, tools.

Description of the lesson:

Let's get our hands ready and start creating! Today we will build a fabulous city. And it’s fabulous because it can look like any city from your favorite fairy tales. We have some items from this city, they can help us build our town. Name these items? Why do people need them? Where do people use them? Have you seen such objects in our city?

Lesson 2

Didactic material: (various in color and size). Toys: snake, hedgehog, stone, snag, or tree branch. Princess and dragon toy.

Description of the lesson:

One fairyland there lived a beautiful princess. She was kind and smart. But this is not enough. She had the gift of making everyone around her kind and smart. Therefore, all the inhabitants of this country felt happy. This was not to the taste of the dragon living next door. He planned to kidnap the princess and take away her priceless gift. And so it happened. ... Let's build a flying carpet. He will definitely save our princess.

The surface of the sandbox is “decorated” with various geometric shapes.

Show me the smallest one

Show me the biggest one

Name the shapes located below, above, left, right.

What colors are the figures on the airplane carpet?

What figure lies in the center?

Tell me where the little red one is? ...

Snake game

(Children imitate the movement of a snake with their index finger or the edge of their palm)

“A snake was crawling along the path.

She crawled under a snag.

And she crawled onto the stone.

And then she crawled off him.

She crawled away from the hedgehog.

She crawled through the swamp.

And she crawled to the hole.


Lesson 3

Didactic material: toys, paper, pencil, cubes.

Description of the lesson:

I have a cube in my hands, and you also take one cube each. Let's put the cube on the sand, what's left on the sand? (square). Let's move the cube to create paths.

Now I'll take some paper and show you how you can draw a diagram. What will we have on the diagram? (roads, trees, houses, mountains, lake, forest). We will look at the diagram and build a picture in the sand.

Game "Secret".

Children are asked to turn away and hide secrets in various areas, and put a cross on the diagram. The child must find the secret following the hint on the map. Complication: The child hides the secrets himself and marks it on the diagram, and the adult looks for it.

Playing out the plot.

Chamomile grows near the bush.

A bug sits under a bush.

A bird flies over a bush.

A shirt hangs on a bush,

Because behind the bush... (call the toy)

Lesson 4

Didactic material: animal figures, sandbox, brushes.

Description of the lesson:

(I hide the toys in the sand in advance)

Today we are turning into real archaeologists! Our sandbox contains ancient treasures and treasures, and we need to find them! But we will look for them not with our hands, but with brushes! We will sweep away the sand and dust of centuries very carefully so as not to damage our precious finds.

Game "Hunter and Shepherd".

Who is a shepherd? Hunter?

We divide the sandbox in half, on the right is a meadow where domestic animals graze, and on the left is a forest where wild animals live! At the signal “Look,” two children select the figures and “settle” them in the forest and meadow.

Lesson 5

Didactic material: parsley, matryoshka and other toys.

Lesson Description

Today fair artists came to visit us. Parsley and Matryoshka. The first matryoshka will play with you today. Matryoshka names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it. If they have roots, they hide their hands in the sand. Well, if they are tops, they place their fists on the surface of the sand. (carrots, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, radishes, turnips, zucchini, potatoes, beets, peas)

And parsley wants to play with you. How will we play? Parsley tell the children. Parsley lays out toys in the sandbox and asks questions:

Where is the nesting doll? (in the center, in the middle).

What about the pyramid? (left), etc.

Then the adult makes rearrangements. Parsley addresses the children:

What has changed here?

Complication: increase the number of toys.

Lesson 6

Didactic material: small toys, pictures of flowers (with numbers pasted on them), numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

Lesson Description

Today we will turn the sandbox into a flower bed.

In the flowerbed we plant flowers of extraordinary beauty.

We will make three grooves. Let's break down the names of colors into numbers!

We put numbers 1 and 2 in the top one,

We leave the numbers 3 and 4 in the center.

Well, number 5 in the third bed.

So, let's start planting in order!

2. /Rose, tulip, aster, iris, peony/(numbers are pasted on the flowers)

3. /Chamomile, cornflower, cloves/

4. /Bell, forget-me-not, dandelion/

Describe the flower. Where can you find him more often? What flowers do you like best? Let's write a fairy tale about flowers.

Lesson 7

Didactic material: Blocks of different shapes and different colors, cubes, small toys, twigs, leaves, stones.

Lesson Description

The teacher's story about the thirtieth kingdom, which is located on the island of Buyan. And about how the forces of nature destroyed a wonderful city.

“There was a wonderful island in the ocean,

Hitherto unknown to anyone.

Houses, towers and palaces.

Built by builders and creators.

But the black clouds around were swelling,

The sun was blocked, the wind was called.

The residents still managed to hide...

Fire, hurricane and rain came.

They destroyed everything, only the stones

This is what remains of this country..."

Let's say the magic words “Krible - crable - booms” and find ourselves on a fairy-tale island, where we will try to build a new palace and help the inhabitants of this country.

Lesson 8 FINAL

Didactic material: small toys, cubes, branches, leaves, pictures of flowers, numbers, animal figures.

Lesson Description

Repetition, consolidation of the material covered.

At the final lesson, we build a fairy-tale city and lay paths in it. We are restoring the destroyed palace, and we will settle in it a princess and a dragon who will guard her. We are creating number flower beds in a fairy-tale city. We walk around the fair and repeat the names of fruits and vegetables.


learn to navigate in space, develop thinking and motor skills

Pothole repair

develop coordination of movements, develop thinking, phonemic hearing. Learn to compare objects by quantity, understand and correctly use the words a lot - a little, empty - full.

develop phonemic perception, attention to the sound side of the word.

Teddy bear and mouse

develop fine motor skills and hands, eye


Strengthening the properties of sand, developing coordination of movements, hand motor skills.


Development of the ability to represent objects according to their verbal description


Repetition, consolidation of the material covered

Our sand friends

4 month supplement

1 lesson

Didactic material: House, cars, sandbox, molds, scoops, bucket.

Description of the lesson:

We build a house in the center of the sandbox. To the right of the house you will dig a hole, and to the left you will make a mountain. Children are invited to memorize the poetic text:

“We drove and drove, we reached the pit,

We drove, we drove, we reached the hill,

We drove, we drove, we got home,

We moved into the yard, and here we are.”

(Imitation of movement with the index finger) or small cars.

Exercise “Wet palms”. Show me your palms, now we will make them wet, and you will touch the surface of the sand. What happened? Sand stuck? Why?

Game on wet sand "Kulichiki large and small."

Lesson 2

Didactic material: 2 buckets for each, 2 cups, 1 large and small spoon, toys.

Description of the lesson:

We pour a lot of sand into one bucket and not enough into the other. When pouring sand into buckets, draw the children's attention to when their bucket is empty and when it is full. Fill the bucket with both hands at the same time. Fill the bucket with your left and right hands in turn. Quickly pour out the sand. Slowly let it pass through our fingers.

Exercise "Cups". We will measure how many large and small spoons of sand will fit into the cup. Let's recalculate. Let's discuss why.

Lesson 3

Didactic material: sandbox, scoops, buckets, bear and mouse figures.

Lesson Description

On the wet sand we will dig a large cave in the sand for a bear and a small hole for a mouse: “Once upon a time there were a Mouse and a Bear. And their names were……. With the help of the teacher, children come up with a fairy tale and the adventures of the Bear and the Mouse. [An earthquake happened and the mouse's house fell apart; In the spring, the river flooded Mishka's house; - we need to build new ones. Decorate homes with flowers and trees, pave a road, water supply, etc.]

Lesson 4

Didactic material: multi-colored ropes or laces, thin sticks, sandbox, molds.

Lesson Description

Let's touch the sand; What is he like today? Yes, it's wet. Let's make prints of our hands (or feet too).

Lightly compact the sand, level it and make imprints of molds and other various objects. Now let's take the sticks and start drawing. Then the outline of the drawing is laid out with multi-colored laces.

Lesson 5

Didactic material: sandbox, various molds, children's dishes and cutlery, scoops, watering cans, guest dolls.

Lesson Description

Children “bake” buns, pies, and cakes from sand. To do this, you can use a variety of molds, pouring sand into them, compacting them with your hand or a scoop. You can also “bake” pies with your hands, transferring wet sand from one palm to another. By adding water to the sand, you can “cook” soups, porridges, cabbage soup and borscht. Then the children “treat” their doll guests who came to visit them with pies.

Game "Secret"

The teacher hides the toys in the sand in advance. Children, together with guests and dolls, act as rescuers. The game continues until all the “lost items” are found.

Lesson 6

Didactic material: Sandbox, watering can, children.

Lesson Description

The teacher and the children leave prints of their hands and feet in the wet sand, and then finish drawing them or supplement them with pebbles, twigs, leaves to create funny faces, fish, octopuses, birds, etc.

Game "Cheerful hunter and smart animals"

A hunter is chosen. The rest of the children leave their hand or foot prints in the sandbox. The hunter, with little clues from the “smart animals,” tries to guess where and whose print is?

Lesson 7

Didactic material: sandbox, watering can, molds, many different toys.

Lesson Description

The child is invited, using miniature figures, to build a sand picture called “What does not happen in the world.” After completing the work, the child is asked to talk about what happened. In case of difficulty, other children and the teacher help compose a story.

Lesson 8 FINAL

Didactic material: Cars of different sizes, buckets, scoops, animal figures, multi-colored ropes or laces, sandbox.

Lesson Description

In the sandbox we build Mouse and Bear houses, lay a road nearby, “bake Easter cakes and cakes” with multi-colored laces, fix the turns of the roads, and add the missing parts to our prints. Let's write a short story about how Mishka and Mouse live now.

We repeat the properties of sand known to us (dry, wet, cold, warm, small, lumps, slides, “patties”, crumbles, sticks)


Development of figurative thinking, imagination, speech.

Journey to a fairy-tale city

Development of imaginative thinking, perception, ability to build in accordance with the plan-scheme.

Masha doll's new apartment

development of hand motor skills, imagination, fantasy.

Homemade waterfall

Develop accuracy. Give the concept of distance “closer” and “further”.

Hit the target

Instilling basic labor skills.

Give the concept of “dirty” and “clean”.

Reinforce the concept of dry and wet sand.

Pouring dry sand through a funnel

Development of tactile sensations

Games with a sieve

Final lesson

Our sand friends

5 month supplement

1 lesson

Didactic material: sandbox, small toys, paper pictures with drawn pieces of furniture

Description of the lesson:

An adult shows the child a picture of a wardrobe and asks what the name of the store where this item is sold might be. After all the signs have been examined, the adult tells a story about a fairy-tale city, and everyone begins to build a fairy-tale city together. After completing the work, they talk about what happened and share their impressions.

Lesson 2

Didactic material: table, high chair, armchair, sofa, bed, closet, sheets of paper, pencils.

Description of the lesson:

Children, today our sandbox with a wave of a magic wand turns into a new apartment for the Masha doll.

Doll Masha received an apartment

And I bought furniture from the store:

Bed, wardrobe, armchair, high chair, table

The loader brought it into the apartment and left.

Where should the furniture be placed?

You need to call Mishka for help.

The bear answered the call

I drew up a plan and that was it.

Masha was left alone again,

And our doll became sad.

Let's help her arrange the furniture,

According to the plan, put it in the room.

The adult offers the children a plan diagram that shows: a table, a chair, an armchair, a sofa, a bed, a closet. Children arrange furniture in the apartment according to this scheme.

Lesson 3

Didactic material: sandbox, large and small watering can, small containers (cups, bowl, bottle, bucket) of paint.

Description of the lesson:

For this game we will need any objects that can be used to pour water: a watering can, a small bowl, a small jug or a simple plastic glass. The teacher collects water into a container and, pouring it out, creates a noisy waterfall with splashes. Shows children that water falls from different containers with different sounds, draws attention to the fact that the higher the waterfall, the louder it “makes noise.” And if you tint the water, the waterfall will turn out to be multi-colored.

Lesson 4

Didactic material: Large basin with water, balls of different sizes.

Description of the lesson:

A small group of children stands or sits in a semicircle at a distance of 2.5 meters from a basin of water. The teacher invites the child to take the ball from the basket, indicates how to stand at a distance of 1 meter from the pelvis, and offers to throw the ball at him. If the ball does not hit the target, he offers to throw again, but stand closer.

After 3 balls, the child must collect them, put them in the basket and sit down.

Lesson 5

Didactic material: Dirty toys, after playing in the sand outside, a basin of water, dry towels.

Description of the lesson:

The teacher makes sure that the children put all dirty toys in a basin with warm water. Then he suggests rolling up your sleeves.

He also pours warm water from a bucket into one or two more basins and gives everyone an assignment: to wash the toy. The teacher involves the whole group of children and, talking with them, tells them what and how to wash.

Then each child wipes his toy with a dry towel.

Lesson 6

Didactic material: bottles, buckets, molds.

Description of the lesson:

The teacher in the sandbox hands out bottles, buckets, and molds to the children. Shows how sand is poured through a funnel, how it is poured from a bucket into a mold. Then he pours some of the sand, mixes it with a scoop and shows that wet sand cannot be poured, but it can be sculpted into different shapes. Adds water to the bucket and mixes the sand, making it completely liquid. Shows children the third property of sand. It can crumble, it can hold its shape, it can flow.

The teacher shows the children how to make various, fancy shapes using liquid sand. How to fill a mold with wet sand, press the sand with your fingers or a scoop, tip the mold onto the side of the sandbox, decorate the “pie”, “cake”.

Lesson 7

Didactic material: sandbox, large and small sieve, many toys of different shapes and sizes.

Description of the lesson:

The teacher shows how to sift sand through a sieve. The game will become more interesting if, while sifting through the sand, the child finds small toy figures (for example, from Kinder Surprise).

Lesson 8 FINAL

Didactic material: sandbox, various toys, molds, scoops, containers for transfusion, sieve, pictures of objects.

Lesson Description

At the final lesson, we travel to a fairy-tale city where the new apartment of the doll Masha is located. We arrange large and small fountains. We pour and pour sand, and also give it different shapes. After classes, the children themselves wash all the toys in basins with warm water, wipe them dry and put them in their places.


development of coordination of movements, consolidation of sand properties

Mouse holes

development of movement coordination


Development of thinking and motor skills

Colored fences

Development of memory, attention, ability to classify objects according to given characteristics.

Name it and remember it

Teach children to understand the quantitative and qualitative relationships of objects (less - more, higher - lower, right, left, consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes

Magic carpet for a princess

Teach children to draw diagram maps, develop thinking and imagination

Children's secrets

Developing imagination, creative thinking, consolidating knowledge about your hometown: who lives in it, what kind of transport it uses, what kind of factories operate.

The city where we live

Final lesson

Our sand friends

6 month supplement

1 lesson

Didactic material: sandbox, buckets, water, scoops, small toys

Lesson Description

The teacher, together with the children, digs holes for the mouse, of different sizes, with their hands, then with a scoop of dry sand. Since the minks fall asleep and do not hold their shape, the teacher asks various guiding questions to the children: “Why is this happening? What needs to be done to prevent the mink from falling apart?” After the children answer, he pours water on the sand and invites the children to build the hole again. We place toys in the holes and play out the situation.

Lesson 2

Didactic material: sandbox, water, scoops, molds

Lesson Description

The teacher, together with the children, builds a fence along the edge of the sandbox using sand molds or with their hands, first from dry sand. After the children are convinced that the dry sand does not hold its shape, the teacher pours water on the sand and invites them to continue the game. We build a fence of different lengths, widths and heights. After the game ends, the teacher asks the children questions about the properties of sand.

Lesson 3

Didactic material: sandbox, colored counting sticks

Lesson Description

On the edge of the sandbox there are counting sticks of different colors interspersed. The adult asks the child to choose blue sticks from them and build a blue fence. Then use red sticks and build a red fence. You can invite your child to build one large fence, alternating sticks by color.

Lesson 4

Didactic material: sandbox, figurines of wild animals, other small toys.

Lesson Description

The child is given the task of building a fairy-tale forest in a sandbox and populating it with wild animals. He selects only wild animals from a variety of figurines and builds a sand picture. The adult invites the child to remember all the animals that he placed in the forest. The child turns away, and at this time the adult removes one animal. The child turns around and says who is missing. The game becomes more difficult if you add another wild animal.

Lesson 5

Didactic material: sandbox, various geometric shapes of different colors.

Lesson Description

The teacher tells a fairy tale:

A princess lived in a fairy-tale kingdom,

Very beautiful, kind and sweet.

Suddenly a fire-breathing snake flew in,

To marry the princess as soon as possible

And take you into a world of fear and darkness,

Make her the queen of the snake country.

We need to save the princess from the snake,

Take her to overseas countries.

Let's build a flying carpet, guys.

He will definitely save our princess.

An adult invites the child to make a magic flying carpet for the princess, decorated with geometric patterns.

After completing the task, the child is asked the following questions:

1. Find and show the smallest circle.

2. Find and show the largest square.

3. Name the figures located below, above, left, right.

4. What colors are the figures on the flying carpet?

5. Tell me where the small red square is, etc.

Lesson 6

Didactic material: sandbox, sheets of paper, pencils of different colors, small and large toys

Lesson Description

Children, together with the teacher, draw a diagram map with conventional images of a tree, river, mountains, forest, houses. The child builds a sand picture according to this scheme.

The child is asked to turn away, while the adult hides secrets in various parts of the picture. A dot is placed on the diagram map in the place where the secrets are hidden.

The child turns and looks for the secrets, following the diagram map.

The game can be made more difficult. The child hides the secrets himself and marks their location on the map. The teacher is looking for it.

Lesson 7

Didactic material: sandbox, various toys, toy furniture, cubes, scoops, watering cans, sand molds

Lesson Description

Two groups of children are building their hometown, each in their own sandbox. The teacher observes and helps both groups with advice. Then the participants take turns talking about what they built. Teams ask each other questions and exchange impressions about what they heard.

Lesson 8 FINAL

At the final lesson, we repeat and consolidate the material covered. We are building a fairy-tale town, in which there are fences of different sizes and colors, funny mice for which the children dug minks. The diagram map shows the places where the children’s “secrets” are hidden. We repeat the geometric shapes. If any of the children have difficulty, we go through difficult material individually.


To give an idea that objects “float”, about the numerical definition of “one”, “many”.

wild ducks

Give the concept of floating and sinking objects, heavy and light objects. Conclude that light objects float and heavy objects sink.

Give the concept of water, which can take different forms and seep through dry matter (sand)

Amazing water

Give an idea of ​​cold, warm and hot water.

Such different water

Reinforce the concept of “wet” and “dry”. Fix the name of the clothing.

Wet and dry water

Form a visual perception of the three states of water (vapor, liquid, solid).

Three little sisters

Goal: to form a tactile perception of the warm and cold state of water.

Hot and cold

Final lesson

7 month supplement

1 lesson

Didactic material: Large basin with water, duck toys.

Lesson Description

The teacher floats rubber toys in the water. “Look how the duck swims. Now I will twirl the stick in the water (does circular movements stick). The duck is moving. That's how interesting! Now come and take turns trying to do the same.

There was one duck, but now how many?

Afterwards, the teacher offers to remove the toys from the water and wipe them with a cloth. They were wet, now they are dry.

Lesson 2

Didactic material: A large basin with warm water, many different toys and objects, varied in shape, size and weight.

Lesson Description

Children approach the teacher in twos. He either shows and immediately explains, or together with them, immerses various objects in water (a stone, a balloon, a rubber toy, a plastic doll, fabric), then the children, with the help of a teacher (if difficult), make up a short story about what the stone drowned, but the rubber toy did not, since it is lighter than stone.

Lesson 3

Didactic material: basin with water, rubber gloves, air balloons, disposable cups of different sizes, sand molds, bucket, spoon, plastic bag.

Lesson Description

Children fill a balloon, glove or bag with water using a plastic cup. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the water takes the shape of the object into which it was poured.

Lesson 4

Didactic material: basin with cold water, dolls, dry towels

Lesson Description

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle around the table. The teacher sets up a basin or bathtub and tells the children that now the Tanya doll will bathe. He pours cold water and lowers the doll. The doll “pops out.” She doesn't want to swim. Why? The water is cold. Children come up and touch the water with their hands.

The teacher adds hot water, it will become warm. Children make sure the water is warm. Now the doll is placed in the basin again, and she bathes with pleasure.

Activation of the dictionary: cold, warm, hot.

Lesson 5

Didactic material: a basin with warm water, a basin with cold water, rope, doll, doll clothes, soap.

Lesson Description

A group of children stands near a basin of water.

“Today I want to wash the doll’s clothes,” says the teacher. She washes herself and accompanies the actions with the words: “First, I’ll pour warm water. I'll wet my dress. I’ll lather it properly, scrub it, rinse the soap in water, and squeeze it out.

I'll rinse in another basin clean water and I'll squeeze it again. Now I’ll stretch the string and hang the laundry. Let it dry. Now it is wet, and then it will be dry.

Then he invites the children to do their laundry and gives each doll’s underwear and soap. Children tell who washes what (fix the name of the clothes).

Lesson 6

Didactic material: a jug of water, a glass, a plate, a colander, a tray with ice cubes, a hot kettle.

Lesson Description

The teacher tells the children about a magical clearing where three water sisters live. The first is “liquid”, it can be poured into any vessel and it will take its shape (the teacher pours the water into a glass, into a plate and a colander). The second sister is “firm” (the teacher draws the children’s attention to the tray with ice cubes), take her in your hands, knock on her, squeeze her into a fist. The third sister water “steam” (puts a kettle with boiling water in front of the children, so that you can see how the steam is coming), it is magical, when it boils, it turns into steam and becomes invisible.

Lesson 7

Didactic material: two basins with warm and cold water.

Lesson Description

Two basins with warm and cold water, covered with a cloth, are placed on the table. The teacher invites the children to put their hand under the fabric into a bowl of warm water. The fabric is not removed from the basins during the experimental game in order to activate tactile perception.

Lesson 8 FINAL

At the final lesson, we repeat and consolidate the material covered. We learn to distinguish between warm and cold water. Let us remember the state of water in which it can remain. If any of the children have difficulty, we go through difficult material individually.


Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Form an auditory perception of the sound of water

Give an idea of ​​the different properties of water

Colorful water

Give an idea of ​​the temperature of the air that freezes water

Icy water-snow-ice

Develop a careful attitude towards water

The story of how the water ran out

Development of cognitive and research activities

Ice boats

Enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary (more or less)


Final lesson

1 lesson

Didactic material: basin of water

Lesson Description

Educator: Well done, now we will swim like ducks in a pond. Children put their hands in bowls of water and do the duck exercise.

The swan floats on the waves.

It will dive, then it will emerge, It will dive, then it will emerge,

Rows with its paws.

Place your hands parallel to each other, palms down, and turn your hands from side to side with smooth movements.

Place your hands parallel to each other, palms down, up, imitate a dive, releasing your hands down, then smoothly lift them up.

They row their palms alternately, imitating the paws of swans.

Lesson 2

Didactic material: basin with water, paper, tambourine, rubber toys.

Lesson Description

One of the children is blindfolded and I turn his back to the others. He needs to say the word “Water” when he hears her voice. Children are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup, at the teacher’s signal, splashes its hands in a basin of water, and the second subgroup rustles paper, creaks a chair, rings a tambourine. Educator: now we know what the voice of water sounds like. Can we recognize her?

Lesson 3

Didactic material: basin with water, transparent plastic cups, paints, brushes.

Lesson Description

Water is drawn from a large basin into small glasses. To start, take one color. Dip the brush into each cup, but so that the colors in the cups differ in intensity. For example: one drop of blue, light blue, blue, dark blue, light blue, blue, dark blue. You can also mix paints.

Lesson 4

Didactic material: water, paints, plastic plate.

Lesson Description

A layer of water is poured into a plastic plate. It is exposed outside the window, in the cold. It is important to keep track of the moment when the water on top is covered with ice, which can still be broken. Show the children that the water is not all frozen yet, the ice is only on top. Pour another layer, preferably tinted red or blue, and put it back in the cold. When the water on top turns into ice, you can turn the plate over and show the frozen layers to the children. Leave the plate overnight. In the morning, show the children that there is snow on top of the ice and it is not melting. Help children establish the water-ice-snow connection.

Lesson 5

Didactic material: two plants, water, watering can

Lesson Description

The teacher tells a fairy tale about how a girl played with water. She splashed it in different directions, did not take care of it, did not save it, and spent it on all sorts of trifles. And then one day the girl’s mother fell ill. And a plant that grew in the farthest corner of their garden could cure her. The girl ran after this plant, but saw that it had completely withered from the heat. The girl ran to get some water to water it, but the water was all gone! She cried bitterly, regretting the precious moisture. The tears fell on the plant and revived it. So the girl saved her mother.

Lesson 6

Didactic material: attributes are prepared in advance (in plastic cups, water is frozen on the bottom, (the water can be tinted in different colors) with a cocktail straw stuck in), you can put “sails” made of bright paper on the straws, a basin with cold, hot and warm water.

Lesson Description

An experimental game-experience is being conducted with children. Ice boats set sail in a basin of very cold water. The teacher can note the time and draw the children’s attention to this (for example, read a familiar poem several times). When the boat melts in cold water, the children put the next boat into a bowl of warm water. The teacher also records the time. And finally, the boats float in a basin of hot water. After the experiment, comparisons are made. How long did the boats last in basins of water at different temperatures?

Lesson 7

Didactic material: disposable cups with stickers on them bright stripes, indicating different volumes, a basin of water, a ruler.

Lesson Description

At the teacher’s signal, two children approach the table and try to pour their glass as evenly as possible, in accordance with the sticker strip of measure. Other children and the teacher help the players with the words “more” “less” “exactly” “exactly” “inaccurately” “many” “little”

Lesson 8 FINAL

At the final lesson, we repeat and consolidate the material covered. We learn to distinguish between warm and cold water. We develop fine motor skills of the hands. We form auditory perception. We reinforce respect for water and nature. We enrich and activate our vocabulary. If any of the children have difficulty, we go through difficult material individually


Formation of ideas about the properties and characteristics of snow


Development of fine motor skills of the fingers and the formation of active speech.

Snow fight

Develop logical thinking(inference) and form children’s idea of ​​the composition of snow.

Snow Maiden

To develop logical thinking and form children's understanding of the interaction between melted snow and cold.


Expansion of vocabulary (soft, hard), fine motor skills of fingers.

White fluff

Development of imagination and fine motor skills of the fingers.

Snow dolls

Maintaining interest in joint games; developing the ability to play together with other children.


Final lesson

1 lesson

Didactic material: snow, buckets, shovels

Lesson Description

The teacher reads a poem about snow:

Snow can be different:

Pure, weightless,

Snow can be dirty -

Sticky and heavy.

The snow is flying fluffy,

Soft and pleasant,

The snow is loose,

The snow can be soft.

The teacher and the children touch the snow with their hands. They make snowballs to see the difference between loose, soft snow and heavy, dense snow. He talks and asks questions about what snow is like.

Lesson 2

Didactic material: snow

Lesson Description

The teacher reads a poem:

Frost lurks outside the window.

In the clearing there is a hedgehog, a fox,

Elk, wild boar, bullfinch and cat.

They are having a snow fight.

Snow is like white curd.

The cat made a big snowball

Swung it well

But he slipped on a piece of ice.

Slap! And the cat fell into the snow.

The hedgehog hit him with a snowball!

And the bullfinch hovers over them

And he laughs boisterously!

Fox in the snow fortress

Having fun behind the wall:

The boar was hit in the forehead,

He fell into a snowdrift!

The hedgehog laughs, covered in snow:

That's it, I can't take it anymore!

Everyone was frozen, they played enough

And they ran into the minks!

Children are divided into teams, snowballs are made, and a snow fortress can be built. The fortress can later be painted with paints, which also contributes to the development of fine motor skills, fantasy and imagination.

Lesson 3

Didactic material: snow, buckets, shovels, paints.

Lesson Description

She's wearing white boots

And in a blue fur coat

Bouquet of ripe snowflakes

Brings it to you and me.

White-white to the waist

Luxurious braid

And warm, warm

Radiant eyes.

Mittens in transparent pieces of ice

And she's wearing a hat.

You give us light and joy,

Children's favorite.

Covered in snowflakes, the ice sparkles

On her eyelashes

Rushing through the snow on a sleigh,

Horses are like birds!

She's flying to visit us,

Hey, don't get in the way!

In a white fur coat, like a princess,

In warm mittens,

Past the fairy forest

He's rushing towards our Christmas tree!

And beautiful and slim,

So tell me - who is she?

The teacher and the children sculpt the Snow Maiden. You can roll up small lumps of snow and connect them together so that each child can see their own contribution to the common cause. You can roll one big lump together. You can sprinkle water on the snow so that children can see the effect of water on the snow. The teacher should explain to the children that the water will freeze and hold the snow together. Water or the snow itself can be tinted in different colors.

Lesson 4

Didactic material: bucket, snow

Lesson Description

The teacher brings a full bucket of snow from the walk, which he places in the group in a visible place accessible to the children. Children watch how the snow slowly melts and turns into water. Before bedtime, the teacher puts a bucket of melted snow outside. After a nap, the teacher brings in the bucket of frozen water again. The teacher asks the children questions: What happened to the melted snow on the street? (frozen) What did it turn into? (ice) Touch what kind of ice? (hard, smooth, cold, transparent)

Lesson 5

Didactic material: snow

Lesson Description

There's a blizzard outside the window,

There is darkness outside the window,

Looking at each other

They sleep in the snow at home.

And the snowflakes are spinning -

They don't care at all! -

With a bare shoulder.

Teddy bear

Sleeping in his corner

And listens with half an ear

Blizzard outside the window.

Old, gray-haired,

With an ice stick

Blizzard hobbles

Baba Yaga.

And the snowflakes are spinning -

They don't care at all! -

In light dresses with lace,

With a bare shoulder.

Thin legs -

Soft boots,

White shoe -

Sounding heel.

During the walk, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the top layer of snow is very soft and fluffy. If you carefully pick up snow in your palm, you can even blow it away like poplar fluff, the snow is so light and soft. The top layer of snow easily leaves imprints. You can “walk” with two fingers, or with a whole palm, or two.

Lesson 6

Didactic material:

Lesson Description

colorful dress,

Rosy cheeks!

We open it -

The daughter is hiding in it.

Matryoshkas are dancing

Matryoshka dolls laugh

And they happily ask

Make you smile!

They jump towards you

Right into your palms -

How funny

These nesting dolls!

During a walk, the teacher and the children make nesting dolls out of snow. Of 5 balls, next to each other we place 4 balls, 3 balls, etc. Matryoshka dolls can be painted.

Lesson 7

Didactic material:

Lesson Description

We rolled a snowball

The other two are riding on it,

At the top there is a mouth and eyes

Drawn with charcoal.

It turned out very cleverly:

Hands are sticks, nose is a carrot,

The hat is a rusty bucket.

Smiles slyly

as if it appeared by itself,

real snowman.

We made a snowball...

You will be a snowman!

We'll put two on top.

The top one is the head.

The nose is a carrot. This time!

Two - glass instead of eyes.

And beets, when the count is “three!”

We draw the mouth. Look!

Legs are sneakers, arms are branches.

We took the skis from Svetka...

The snowman smiled

And skied into the forest

During a walk, the teacher builds a snowman with the children.

Lesson 8 FINAL

At the final lesson, we repeat and consolidate the material covered. We develop fine motor skills of the hands. We form auditory perception. We enrich and activate our vocabulary. Formation of ideas about the properties and characteristics of snow. We develop logical thinking (inference) and form children’s understanding of snow. We support interest in joint games; We develop the ability to play together with other children. If any of the children have difficulty, we go through difficult material individually.

Strengthening gaming cooperation

Macaroni beads

Cultivating independence and observation skills

Cooking porridge from cereals

Stimulating cognitive interests

Large mosaic

Development of tactile sensitivity, auditory memory, arbitrariness.


Final lesson

10 month supplement

1 lesson

Didactic material: deep plates with beans, peas, small toys.

Lesson Description

There are many types of beans

And she grows on the field

Or is it trailing along the top?

Wherever necessary, as required.

It's good when you're in the garden

She will be delicious sweet

In vinaigrettes and salads

Rich in vitamins.

And the huge beans

People love them like mushrooms.

In the golden legume family

Beans are not the last vegetable.

Small toys are placed in a container with beans or peas, and the child uses a spoon (a tablespoon and then a tea spoon) to try to catch the desired item.

Lesson 2

Didactic material: paper, glue, semolina, buckwheat, rice, millet, beans, peas, pasta.

Lesson Description

Notebook paper lined obliquely

I’ll take it and draw a boat on it,

And the blue sea and clouds,

And the sun to warm it up a little.

I'll add a paper one to the boat

I am two or three brave sailors,

Lifebuoy, and steering wheel, and smoke

Above the white pipe, it's a long horn

The ship gives, informing: - Attention!

We are going on a long voyage!!!

The teacher shows how to pour lei onto paper and glue the cereal to the paper. A child can fantasize and draw on any topic. Or the teacher gives a sheet of paper with glue applied in advance onto an already drawn drawing (circle, square, numbers, letters)

Lesson 3

Didactic material: plasticine, plates with cereal, ready-made circles or squares cut out of thick cardboard, triangles (pizza)

Lesson Description

I sculpt from plasticine

Everything I want:

If I want, I’ll make a car,

I can handle this.

I will mold you from plasticine

Colorful horses

And on their broad backs

I'll seat the heroes.

I will mold you from plasticine

Blue sea bay.

There are funny dolphins

They got excited and swam to us.

Fruits ripen on the trees...

I admire the beauty:

Plasticine animals

In a plasticine forest.

The teacher shows the children how to apply plasticine onto cardboard. The plasticine is decorated with cereals and legumes on top.

Lesson 4

Didactic material: plates with pasta of different shapes, paints, glue, strong threads.

Lesson Description

Pasta was pretend to be called "makaroshki".

Pasta rolls rolled along the path.

A large army gathered to collect pasta:

Mouse, Cat, dog Timoshka,

Nyushka the Fly, Chernushka the Beetle and some kind of frog.

Yes, but to the Mouse, yes, but to the Cat, Yes, but to stupid Timoshka,

Mushka Nyushka and Chernushka (Just like someone else's frog)

They don't need pasta, they find pasta funny

And to taste, and to hear, and to touch, and to smell!

The cat only loves lard. The mouse eats quite a bit.

Timoshka the dog loves soup. Mushkin's taste is quite rough.

In the morning, afternoon and evening, the Chernushka beetle eats bark.

Well, what,” asked Mushka, “What does a frog eat?”

And the frog answered her: - Come for lunch!

And she went to her swamp, closing the gate behind her.

The teacher shows the children how to thread the pasta through a thread, stringing one after another. Pasta can be alternated to create different compositions. After the thread is filled with pasta, they can be painted. Or paint them in advance and arrange the composition by color, not by shape.

Lesson 5

Didactic material: one deep plate with different large cereals mixed in it (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, peas), and four shallow plates, spoons (tea and table spoons)

Lesson Description

The city of Kashin is small,

The situation is strange -

Rushing through the city like a river

Frisky semolina porridge.

To the steep banks

A bridge made of buckwheat is thrown,

At the edge of the shepherd

The pearl barley sheep are waiting.

Walls surround the city

From selected millet,

And rich harvests

The country is surprised.

There are smiling faces here

Rice clouds

The roofs are covered with lentils,

Lightly water with oil.

If Sasha and Natasha

Lost appetite

Come to the city of Kashin,

He will return what was lost.

The child puts the cereals into different plates with a spoon or hands.

Lesson 6

Didactic material: paper, glue, sample, plates with cereals, pasta, paints, plasticine.

Lesson Description

We didn't go out today

We played mosaic.

The mosaic is assembled

It turned out - a bunny!

The teacher shows a sample of the mosaic and invites the children to continue it. Distributes sheets with two rows of mosaics applied.

Lesson 7

Didactic material: “eaters” made in advance from empty boxes (the boxes are covered with paper, with animal faces, emoticons, faces drawn on it) Instead of a mouth, there is a hole through which a certain type of pasta (spaghetti), (feathers), (shells), (cobweb) passes )

Lesson Description

Sometimes we are like ears,

Bows, horns, shells.

Loved by adults and children

And rings and spaghetti.

And add grated cheese to us -

There will be a real feast. (Pasta)

The teacher shows the children how the “eater” swallows the pasta. And invites the child to do the same. But for each type of pasta there is its own “eater”. The child's task is to find the right box.

Lesson 8 FINAL

We develop fine motor skills of the hands. We enrich the vocabulary. We develop imagination and fantasy. We consolidate gaming cooperation. We cultivate independence and observation. We stimulate cognitive interests. We develop tactile sensitivity, auditory memory, and arbitrariness.

on sensory development for children of the younger group
Nikolaeva L.V.

Creating a subject-development environment for sensory development.
Diagnostics of children.

1 Week
D/game “Arrange the shapes by color.” Goal: to consolidate ideas about six colors, to consolidate the names of the colors of the spectrum.
Looking at pictures of “Toys”.
Outdoor game “Who can stand in a circle faster.”
D/game “Assemble a pyramid of rings.” Goal: to consolidate ideas about relationships in form, to teach them to arrange them in descending order.
Memorizing the poem “Ball” by A. L. Barto.
D/game “Assemble a matryoshka doll.” Goal: to teach children to establish the relationship of objects by size.
Task on the board. Choose by height

2 week
D/game “Collect vegetables”. Goal: to introduce children to shapes: circle and oval; learn to examine geometric shapes (trace the contours with your finger).
Observe while walking and admire the colorful leaves.
Finger game"Leaf fall, leaves
the yellow ones are flying."
Outdoor game "Falling Leaves".
Working with rods for stringing colored rings.
D/game “Who has the same?” Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes and practice naming them.
Examination of illustrations “Vegetables”.

D/game “Put the barrels”. Goal: to consolidate the ability to establish relationships between objects by size.
Finger game “A bear found honey in the forest”
Physical exercise "The house is big and small."
Introducing the "Vegetables" poster.
Making shortbread cakes during a walk.

3 week
D/game “Collect fruits by color.” Goal: to teach children to group objects that differ in shape and size, but have the same color.
Modeling “Delicious berries”.
Outdoor game “Remember your color”.
D/game “Find the same one.” Goal: to teach children to group objects that have the same shape.
Studying the poster "Fruits".
D/game “Arrange the apples by size.” Goal: to develop an eye when choosing objects of a certain size based on a model.
Outdoor game "Blow up the bubble."

4 week
D/game “Hide the mouse”. Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the six colors of the spectrum and their names.
Riddle "Mouse"
Reading the poem “Traffic Light” by S.Ya.Marshak.
Answers to questions about the painting “Riding on the Train.”
Outdoor game "Traffic Light".
Examination of the poster "Autumn".
Take a walk to admire the colors of the autumn landscape.
D/game “Find something round.” Goal: to consolidate ideas about shapes, to teach how to select shapes according to a model.
Outdoor game
"In an even circle."
Drawing "Traffic light".
LEGO material “Find the same one.”
D/game “Assemble a turret”. Goal: to consolidate ideas about relationships by size, to teach them to arrange them in descending order.
Finger game "Tower"
Reading the rhyme “On the Long Road”
Handicrafts with parents - making autumn beads.

1 Week
D/game “What does a beautiful doll need?” Goal: to give children an idea that color is a sign of a variety of objects and can be used to designate them.
Finger game "Ladybug".
Reading the rhyme “All the kids like the beautiful doll.”
Examination of illustrations “Clothing”.
D/game “Collect beads”. Goal: learn to alternate objects according to shape.
Outdoor game “We stomp our feet.”
Retelling of the fairy tale "Turnip".
We draw different shapes in the sand.
Working with a sorting box with slots of different shapes.

D/game “Choose clothes for the doll.” Goal: match objects by size.
Reading the rhyme: “The dolls got up in the morning, it’s time for them to get dressed.”
Nursery rhyme “The turnip is green on top.”
Observation on a walk: tall and short trees.

2 week
D/game “Match the car by color.” Goal: To consolidate the ability to group objects by color and teach children to correlate dissimilar objects by color.
Role-playing game"We're going by car."
D/game “Find an object of the same shape.” Goal: to teach children to identify the shape of specific environmental objects using geometric patterns.
Modeling "Balls".
D/game “Find the same ring.” Goal: to teach children to find two objects of the same size by overlapping.
Looking at indoor plants.

3 week
D/game “What did grandma give you?” Goal: to consolidate ideas about the six colors of the spectrum, to learn to highlight colors, distracting from other characteristics of objects.
Examination of the painting “Cat with Kittens”.
LEGO material “Assemble a structure from red parts.”
Learning the nursery rhyme “Our Masha is little.”
D/game “Pick according to the shape.” Goal: to teach children to highlight the shape of an object, distracting from other signs.
Reading the rhyme “What did you buy the bear?”
Outdoor game “Run to your flag.”
Examination of illustrations “Furniture”.

D/game “What did Mishutka bring?” Goal: to form ideas about geometric shapes
Introducing the poster “Domestic Animals and Their Babies.”
Observation on a walk - a cat with kittens.
Nursery rhyme " Big feet walked along the road."
Working with colored sticks.

4 week
D/game “Natasha’s doll’s housewarming party.” Goal: to teach children to determine the size of an object.”

1 Week
D/game “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree.” Goal: group colors, select them according to the word denoting color.
The assignment in the iso-corner is to arrange the pencils by color.
Conducting an experiment with water.
Reading the nursery rhyme “Black, white-faced donkey.”
D/game “Pick a figure”. Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes and practice naming them.
Observation while walking – looking at the clouds.
Working with coloring books.
Examination of the poster "Winter".
D/game “Tower of cubes”. Goal: to teach children to compare several objects by size and arrange them in decreasing order of size.
Table theater "Masha and the Bear".
LEGO material “Whose design is taller?”
We draw different paths in the snow.
Answers to questions about the painting “Building a House.”

2 week
D/game “Arrange the dogs by height.” Goal: to teach children to arrange objects in descending order.

3 week
D/game “Twins”. Goal: to teach children to highlight the color of an object, distracting from its other features.
Reading the rhyme “You and I will go now and sort out all the balls.”
Handicraft evening - making lanterns and stained glass windows.
D/game “It’s the bunny’s birthday, let’s prepare a treat.” Goal: to teach children to group geometric shapes (ovals and circles) by shape, distracting from color and size.
Observation while walking - admiring the snowflakes.
We draw various snowflakes on the snow.
D/game “Hide the ball in your palms.” Goal: relate actions to magnitude.
Riddle "Snowflake".
Observation on a walk - Whose tracks are bigger?
Physical exercise “big legs”.
Reading the nursery rhyme “The star rose high.”

4 week

D/game "Hedgehog". Goal: to teach children to correlate objects by size, to consolidate knowledge of the words “more”, “less”.
Family leisure time – making Christmas candles.

2 week
D/game “Lay out according to the model.” Goal: to develop in children the ability to perceive the relative positions of figures on a plane.
On a walk, look at the colors of the winter landscape.
Role-playing game “Let's treat you to tea.”
LEGO material - “Create a structure so that the top piece is green.”
Reading the fairy tale “The Rooster and the Paints” by V. Suteev.
D/game “Wonderful bag”. Goal: continue to develop tactile sensations, the ability to select objects of the same shape.
Looking at the balls on the Christmas tree.
Drawing objects round shape.
Outdoor game "Carousel".
Reading the poem “Ball” by S.Ya. Marshak.
D/game “Pick a car for a bear.” Goal: to improve children’s ability to compare objects by size
Playing with snow - making snowballs.
Reading the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox.”
Finger game "Bunny".
Coloring task.

3 week

1 Week
D/game “Laying out ornaments”. Goal: to develop in children the ability to perceive the relative positions of figures.
Physical exercise “There are little white rabbits in Tolik’s yard.”
Coloring coloring pages with pencils.
Working with multi-colored mosaics.

D/game “Fold the snowman”. Goal: to train children in correctly correlating several objects with the same geometric pattern.
Drawing circles of different sizes in the snow.
Examination of illustrations “Shoes”.
Reading the story by E. Pavlova “Whose shoes?”
D/game “Different circles”. Goal: to teach children to establish relationships between objects by size, arrange them in order of decreasing and increasing size.
On a walk, building a snow slide for a bear.

2 week

3 week
D/game “Alternating flags”. Goal: to improve children’s ability to compare objects by color.
Reading the rhyme “We went to the store with you, what did we see there?”
Outdoor game “Saw a flag.”
D/game “Match the circles to the balls.” Goal: to correlate three-dimensional objects with their flat image (circle, ball).
Finger game "Ball".
Working with parents - baking pancakes.

D/game “Which one?” Purpose: to train children in comparing and ordering objects by size.
Tabletop theater "Teremok".
Reading the rhyme “You and I will go now.”
Observation on a walk - which bird is bigger?

4 week

1 Week
D/game “Water coloring”. Purpose: to familiarize children with shades of color based on lightness.
LEGO material “Create a structure so that the bottom part is blue.”
Finger game “The gray bunny washes itself.”
Answers to questions about the painting “Rolling Balls.”
D/game “What’s in the bag?” Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about form.
We draw with a stencil.
Working with subject pictures for consistent grouping by shape.
Role-playing game "Tea Party".
Outdoor game "Top".
D/game “Cut Pictures” Purpose: to teach children to assemble an object from parts.
Observation while walking - looking at icicles.
Working with colored sticks.
Table theater "Three Bears".

2 week
D/game “Who’s tall?” Goal: to teach children to understand the relativity of the height of an object.

3 week
D/game “Find (red) toys in the group.” Goal: to identify the ability to establish similarities and differences in objects based on visual analysis, to consolidate children’s knowledge of shades of color.
Outdoor game "My funny ringing ball."
The assignment is to disassemble the parts of the designer.
D/game “Geometric Lotto”. Purpose: to familiarize children with the method of correlating the shape of a depicted object with a geometric shape.
Watching the clouds on a walk.
Working with cut pictures.
D/game "Let's build a house." Goal: to develop an eye when choosing objects of a certain size based on a model.
Working with parents - making cookies from dough.
Observation on a walk - compare the height of bushes and trees.
Reading the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane.”

4 week
D/game “Take a picture”. Goal: to teach children to make a picture from different parts.
D/game “It’s time for Katya’s doll to sleep.” Goal: to develop an eye when choosing objects.

1 Week
D/game "Mosaic". Goal: to teach children to perceive and reproduce the relative position of mosaics on a plane, taking into account their color.”
Physical exercise “Two girlfriends in the swamp”
Working with subject pictures for consistent grouping by color.
Table theater "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats".
Examination of the "Spring" poster.
D/game “In the land of figurines”. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of shape, to teach them to select objects according to a geometric pattern.
Outdoor game “Guess whose voice?”
Observation on a walk “What is the shape of the sun?”
Working with a set of planar geometric shapes.
D/game “Long-short”. Goal: to form in children a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of size
LEGO material “Whose path is longer?”
The order is to arrange the tassels in the iso-corner.
Reading the rhyme “The bunny has long ears.”

2 week
D/game “Striped rugs”. Goal: to teach children to practically apply the knowledge acquired earlier, to compare by color.
D/game “Wide-narrow”. Goal: to form in children the perception of new qualities of size.

3 week
D/game “What does the doll need?” Goal: to teach children to select objects according to the word denoting color, to group shades of the same color tone.
On a walk, look at the colors of the spring landscape.
LEGO material “Create a structure so that the yellow part is above the red one.”
Outdoor game "Ball".
D/game “Collect a picture”. Goal: to teach children to see shape in an object, to form a whole from geometric shapes.
Drawing with a stencil.
We draw with chalk on the asphalt.
D/game “Funny nesting dolls”. Goal: to teach children to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities of size.
Role-playing game “Put the doll to sleep.”
Working with subject pictures for consistent grouping by size.
Reading the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox.”

4 week

Repetition and consolidation of the material covered.

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Timofeeva Galina Ivanovna
Educational institution: BOU "Kuges general education boarding school for students with disabilities"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-10-18 Long-term plan on sensory education of children through didactic games Timofeeva Galina Ivanovna The plan contains the name of the games and monthly planning for the sensory perception of children with disabilities.

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A long-term plan for sensory education of children through didactic games

Long-term plan for sensory education of children through didactic games for the 2017-2018 school year in the group “Bell”

Educator: Timofeeva G.I.


Didactic games


1." Find the window» determination of the shape and size of an object.

2.“ Guess what it's like» Finding similarities between geometric shapes and real objects.

3. " Colored cubes» Color perception.

4. " Make a path for cars» Determination of quantity.

1. " Rolling - not rolling" Definition of form.

2. " Build a pyramid

3. " Flower for a butterfly» Color perception.

4. " Make a chain» Alternation of geometric shapes.

1. " Complete the picture» Determination of color and shape of geometric shapes.

2. " Tie ribbons to butterflies» Color perception.

3. " Collect the whole» The ability to isolate parts and combine them into a whole.

4. " What does it look like» Determining the shape of objects.

1. " Find a match» Determination of color, shape, size.

2. " Clap clap» Execute appropriate movements based on verbal instructions and color cues.

3. " Cutting pictures»Development of visual perception.

4. " Color the object» To develop voluntary attention and color perception.

1. " Make a Christmas tree» Visual determination of size.

2. " Lotto» Finding the form.

3."Colored cubes» Color perception.

1. " Forgetful artist» development of visual memory, the ability to find missing elements in a drawing.

2. " Where is the cube

3. " Lotto insert» To form a holistic image of an object, the ability to find the missing element.

4. " Cold-warm-hot»On the formation of various tactile properties.

1. " Find the shape in the object» Definition of geometric shapes.

2. " Matryoshkas" Visual determination of size.

3. " Let's give the doll beads» Alternating colors according to a given pattern.

4. " Beautiful napkin » Definition of geometric shapes. Orientation on the sheet plane.

1." Three Bears» Ability to correlate the size of objects.

2. " What is drawn» The ability to transfer spatial relationships from planar to volumetric.

3" Colored cars

4. " Wonderful pouch» To develop tactile sensations.

1. " We build according to the description» Ability to correlate objects by size.

2. " Traffic light» Orientation to the color signal.

3. " Drawing with sticks» Laying out geometric shapes from counting sticks.

4."Where is the cube» Orientation in space.

. .





S. Elizavetinskoe

Main goals

1. Correlation by size and shape.

2. Grouping by color

3. Color matching.

4. Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes.

5. Comparison of objects by size.

6. Designation of features of objects using color

7. Alternation by color.

8. Correlation by form.

9. Grouping by shape.

10. Alternation in size.

11. Alternation in form.

12. Develop logical thinking, attention, speech.

Long-term plan
on sensory development

children of primary preschool age


Correlation by size and shape Grouping by size and shape


To promote the formation of color concepts in children; to teach to correlate the colors of dissimilar objects


Teach children to compare objects by color by placing them next to each other. Grouping by color.


Group objects that differ in shape, size, but have the same color. Group objects similar to the sample.


Teach children to select objects based on the color word

Teach children to select objects according to the word, but in two shades of each color of the spectrum


Teach children to visually examine, recognize, and correctly name plane geometric shapes. Teach children to find one specific figure among many and name it.


Alternation in form. Alternation in size


Teach to identify shapes in specific objects in the environment using geometric patterns. Consolidate children’s knowledge about shapes.

Learn to compare several objects by size

Developing the ability to group objects, quick thinking, and cognitive activity; development of attention, speech, joint play activities

Calendar plan

on sensory development

children of primary preschool age


Lesson No. 1.

Goal: to teach children to group objects by size.

Lesson No. 2.

Game: Arranging homogeneous objects of different shapes into two groups
Purpose: grouping by shape.

Game: Arranging homogeneous objects of different sizes into two groups

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Balloons"

Goal: To promote the formation of color concepts in children Game “Flying Balls”

Goal: To promote the formation of color concepts in children, to give an idea of ​​​​white and black colors.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Swan"

Purpose: To give children an idea that color is a sign of various objects and is used to designate them. To consolidate knowledge of the colors of the spectrum.

Game "Live Domino"

Purpose: To give children an idea that color is a sign of various objects and is used to designate them. Reinforce your knowledge of the colors of the spectrum.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Beautiful Bouquet"

Goal: to introduce children to the colors of the spectrum and their names. Teach children to compare objects by color by placing them next to each other. Game “Pick the same one”

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Light the Flashlight"

Purpose: to train children in naming the colors of objects Game “Striped Rugs”

Goal: to teach children to practically apply the acquired knowledge and compare by color.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Who will collect the toys sooner"

Goal: to teach children to group objects that differ in shape, size, purpose, but have the same color. Game “Each bead on its own thread”

Goal: to teach children to group objects similar to the sample.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Colorful hoops"

Game “Decorate the Christmas tree”

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Colorful hoops"

Goal: to teach children to select objects based on the word denoting color.

Lesson No. 1.

Game “Name the geometric figure”

Goal: to teach children to visually examine, recognize and correctly name planar geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval) Game “Domino of Figures”

Goal: to teach children to find one specific figure among many and name it.

Lesson No. 2.

Game Laying out a mosaic on the theme “Christmas trees and mushrooms” Purpose: grouping objects by color Game Stringing large and small beads. Goal: Alternation in size.


Lesson No. 1.

Game Stringing beads of different shapes. Purpose: Alternation in form. Game “Get into the Hole” Goal: matching by shape and size.

Lesson No. 2.

Lotto Game “Color and Shape”

Game "Wonderful bag"

Goal: to consolidate the name of geometric shapes, teach to find objects of the same shape.

Lesson No. 1.

Game Stringing beads of different colors

Purpose: Alternation by color.

Game “Find an object of the same shape”

Goal: to learn to identify shapes in specific objects in the environment, using geometric patterns.

Lesson No. 2.

Geometric Lotto Game

Goal: learn to compare the shape of the depicted object with geometric figures and select objects according to a geometric pattern Game “What is in the bag”

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Exercise with circles"

Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​​​the relationships of three objects in size.

Game "What's there"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to establish the ratio of three objects in size, to teach children to use this skill when performing an objective action (making a nesting doll).

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Let's make columns"

Goal: to strengthen the ability to select objects of the same size by eye.

A game"What's missing"

Long-term plan
on sensory development of children of middle preschool age


Difference in size of objects

Distinguishing objects based on common characteristics


Comparison of objects by shape and quantity

Learn the names and formations of numbers


Formation of temporary representations

Strengthening ideas about geometric shapes and colors

Development of logical thinking and memory, consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes


Consolidating ideas about the ordinal position of numbers

Calendar plan

on sensory development

children of middle preschool age

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Big and Small"

Goal: to teach children to alternate objects by size.
Game “How are they alike, how are they different”
Purpose: to consolidate the concepts of magnitude.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Loaf"

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “big - small”.
Game "Doll Houses"

Goal: to teach children to compare and select objects by size.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Find the same"

Goal: to teach how to select items from a variety based on their characteristics.
Game “Pick the same one”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select objects based on characteristics.
Lesson No. 2.

Game “Put in boxes”

Goal: to learn to identify the characteristics of objects and navigate in forms and

Game “Setting the table”

Goal: to teach children to select objects by size and shape.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Mittens"

Goal: to work on the formation of elementary mathematical

Game "Same and Identical"
Purpose: compare objects by shape.

Lesson No. 2.

Game “Find which toys are equal”
Purpose: to teach counting and comparison.
Game "Build"

Goal: find identical parts.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Shop"

Purpose: This game will help you learn the names and order of the first five numbers.

Game "Make a ladder"

Goal: formation of numbers and numbers 5.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Count the same amount"

Goal: consolidate children's knowledge of numbers.

Game "Russell Colored Numbers"

Goal: ability to form a number from two smaller ones.

Lesson No. 1.

A game " Game exercise parts of the day"

Goal: formation of temporary representations of attention development.
Game "When it happens"

Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​the time of day, to teach correctly
use the words “today, tomorrow, yesterday.”

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Day - Night"

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “morning”, “day”, “evening”, “night”.
Game "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"
Goal: mastering time concepts.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Ornaments"

Goal: to teach to distinguish figures on a plane and taking into account shape and color.

Game Constructor “Assemble the Cube”

Goal: to strengthen the ability to think logically.

Lesson No. 2.

Lotto Game “Color and Shape”

Purpose: to fix the colors and shapes of objects.

Game "Wonderful bag"

Purpose: to consolidate the name of geometric shapes, teach to find objects
the same shape.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Logical Lotto"

Goal: develop logical thinking.

Game "Find the same"

Goal: develop attention and memory.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Pick a Shape"

Purpose: to practice naming geometric shapes.
Game "What's in the bag"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Name the Number"
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge of numbers.
Game "What number is missing"
Purpose: to practice ordinal counting.

Lesson No. 2.

Game “Name the neighbors of the number”

Goal: to practice the relationship between numbers and numbers.

Game "What's Missing"

Goal: to develop children's attentiveness and memory.

Forward planning
on sensory development
I junior group
2014-2015 academic year

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Merry Circle"
1. Formation of ideas about geometric shapes.
2.Development of skills in finding figures of a given shape.
3.Development of qualification skills based on one attribute – size.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.67

"The dogs are visiting Bobik."

2. Formation of the ability to correlate objects by color.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.72

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Bears and Christmas trees."
1.Development of knowledge about the geometric figure: triangle.
2.Development of ideas about size: big - small.
3. Mastering substitution actions.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.75

"Amazing cat and balls."

2. Formation of skills in matching objects by color.
3.Development of motor skills, the ability to hold a pencil correctly and draw lines with it.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.80

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Bag of Toys"
1.Development of tactile perception, knowledge of geometric shapes.
2. Formation of classification skills by form.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.85

"Cubes and chairs."
1.Development of ideas about a volumetric geometric body - a cube.
2. Introducing children to the playing properties of the cube.
3. Activation of the verbs “build”, “stand”.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.90

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"We're loading the cars."

2. Formation of the ability to compare three objects by size, to superimpose the smaller one onto the larger one.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.95

"Hedgehog is a tailor."
1.Development of color perception.

Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.99

A week
Pedagogical tasks

“Choose by Shape”, games with Dienesh blocks.
1.Development of color perception.
2.Teaching children to listen to the teacher’s verbal instructions and perform actions in accordance with it.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.104

"House for a giraffe and an elephant."
1.Development of the perception of size, ideas about the width of an object, the ability to compare and correlate objects by width.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.109

A week
Pedagogical tasks

“Match the ribbons to the dress.”
1.Development of color perception.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.114

"Air balloons".
1.Development of ideas about light shades of colors, compiling a series by lightness.
2. Mastering the skill of mixing paints.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.122

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Different flowers."
1.Formation of object substitution skills.
2. Fixing children's attention to the fact that color can be used to depict different objects.
3.Development of the ability to alternate objects by color.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.126

"Big small".
1.Development of the idea of ​​the size of an object.
2.Development of skills in relating and classifying objects by size.
3.Development of the ability to perceive verbal instructions from the teacher.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.129

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Multi-colored nesting dolls."
1.Development of skills in building serial series based on one characteristic.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.136

"Multi-colored beads."
1. Consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.
2.Development of the ability to alternate objects according to one characteristic.
3.Development of hand motor skills.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.146

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Colored caps for gnomes."
1.Development of ideas about the size of an object.
2. Familiarize children with the features of hollow volumetric objects of different sizes.
3.Putting the smaller on top of the larger, covering the smaller with the larger.
4.Development of motor skills and hand coordination.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.149

"We are postmen."
1.Development of color perception.
2.Development of skills in classifying objects by shape.
3. The ability to choose an item based on one criterion out of three offered.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.168

“Complete the row.”
1.Developing an idea of ​​the height of an object, developing the skill of comparing objects using the application method.
2.Development of skills in building serial series based on one characteristic.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.171

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Three Towers"
1. Familiarization with the method of correlating objects by size (overlay and application).
2. determination of the size of an object in relation to others.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.177

"Canopies for horses."
1.Development of the idea of ​​quantity, training in passive counting to three.
2.Development of ideas about the size of an object.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.181


on sensory education for children of the younger group





Creating a subject-development environment for sensory development.

Diagnostics of children.


1 Week

D/game "Lay out shapes by color."

Goal: to consolidate ideas about six colors, to consolidate the names of the colors of the spectrum.

Outdoor game “Who can get into the circle faster?”

D/game “Build a pyramid of rings.”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about relationships in form, to teach them to arrange them in descending order.

Memorizing a poem A.L. Barto "Ball".

D/game “Collect a matryoshka doll.”

Goal: to teach children to establish the relationship of objects by size.

Exercise On the desk . Choose by height

2 week

D/game "Get your vegetables." Goal: to introduce children to shapes: circle and oval; learn to examine geometric shapes (trace the contours with your finger).

Observation While walking, admire the colorful leaves.

Finger game

"Leaf fall, leaves

the yellow ones are flying."

Outdoor game "Leaf fall."

Job with rods for stringing colored rings.

D/game “Who has the same?”

Consideration illustrations "Vegetables".

D/game “Put down the barrels.” Goal: to consolidate the ability to establish relationships between objects by size.

Finger game “A bear found honey in the forest”


"The house is big and small."

Getting to know the poster "Vegetables".

On a walk making shortbread cakes

3 week

D/game “Collect fruits by color.”

Goal: to teach children to group objects that differ in shape and size, but have the same color.

Modeling "Delicious berries."

Outdoor game "Remember your color."

D/game " Find the same one."

Goal: to teach children to group objects that have the same shape.

Studying the poster "Fruits".

D/game “Arrange the apples by size.”

Goal: to develop an eye when choosing objects of a certain size based on a model.

Outdoor game "Blow up the bubble."

4 week

D/game “Hide the mouse.” Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the six colors of the spectrum and their names.

Mystery "Mouse"

Reading a poem S.Ya. Marshak “Traffic Light”.

Answers to questions about the painting "We're going on the train."

Outdoor game "Traffic light".

Looking at a poster "Autumn".

On a walk admire the colors of the autumn landscape.

D/game " Find something round."

Goal: to consolidate ideas about shapes, to teach how to select shapes according to a model.

Outdoor game

"In an even circle."

Drawing "Traffic light".

LEGO material “Find the same one.”

D/game “Assemble the turret.”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about relationships by size, to teach them to arrange them in descending order.

Finger game "Turret"

Reading rhyme "On the long road..."

Handicrafts with parents – making autumn beads.


1 Week

D/game “What does a beautiful doll need?”

Goal: to give children an idea that color is a sign of a variety of objects and can be used to designate them.

Finger game "Ladybug".

Reading rhyme “All the kids like the beautiful doll.”

Looking at illustrations "Cloth".

D/game "Collect the beads." Goal: learn to alternate objects according to shape.

Outdoor game “We stomp our feet...”

Retelling fairy tales "Turnip".

Drawing on the sand different figures.

Job with a sorting box with slots of different shapes.

D/game “Choose clothes for the doll.”

Goal: match objects by size.

Reading rhyme: “The dolls got up in the morning, it’s time for them to get dressed.”

Nursery rhyme “The turnip is green on top...”

Observation while walking: tall and low trees.

2 week

D/game “Choose your car by color.”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to group objects by color and teach children to correlate dissimilar objects by color.

Role-playing game "We're going by car."

D/game “Find an object of the same shape.”

Goal: to teach children to identify the shape of specific environmental objects using geometric patterns.

Modeling "Balloons".

D/game " Find the same ring."

Goal: to teach children to find two objects of the same size by overlapping.

Consideration indoor plants.

3 week

D/game “What did grandma give you?”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the six colors of the spectrum, to learn to highlight colors, distracting from other characteristics of objects.

Looking at the painting "Cat with kittens."

LEGO material “Assemble a structure from red parts.”

Learning nursery rhymes "Our Masha is little."

D/game “Choose according to the shape.”

Goal: to teach children to highlight the shape of an object, distracting from other signs.

Reading rhyme “What did you buy for the bear?”

Outdoor game "Run to your flag."

Looking at illustrations "Furniture".

D/game “What did Mishutka bring?”

Goal: to form ideas about geometric shapes

Getting to know the poster "Domestic Animals and Their Young".

Observation while walking - cat with kittens.

Nursery rhyme “Big feet walked along the road.”

Job with colored sticks.

4 week

Modeling "Candy for tplate"

Strengthen knowledge of colors(red, yellow, white)

Speech development "Telling the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Contribute to the developmentchildren's ideas about the color, shape, size of objects through bright artistic image and play activities.

D/game "It's Natasha's doll's housewarming party."

Purpose: to teach children to determine the size of an object .


1 Week

D/game "Let's decorate the Christmas tree."

Goal: group colors, select them according to the word denoting color .

Instructions in the iso-corner - arrange pencils by color.

Conducting the experiment with water.

Reading nursery rhyme

“Black, white-faced donkey...”

D/game “Pick up a figure.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes and practice naming them.

Observation while walking – we look at the clouds.

Job with coloring books.

Looking at a poster "Winter".

D/game "Tower of cubes." Goal: to teach children to compare several objects by size and arrange them in decreasing order of size.

Tabletop theater "Masha and the Bear".

LEGO material “Whose design is higher?”

Drawing in the snow - different paths.

Answers to questions about the painting "We're building a house."

2 week

FCCM "Hen and Chicks"

Learn to examine presweepings, highlighting their color; select objects by identity (find the same); improve children's perceptions.


"Find out and name"Teach children to distinguish vegetables by appearance, highlighting their color and shape.

D/game “Arrange the dogs by height.”

Goal: to teach children to arrange objects in descending order .

3 week

D/game "Twins". Goal: to teach children to highlight the color of an object, distracting from its other features.

Reading rhyme “You and I will go now and sort out all the balls.”

Handicraft evening – production of lanterns and stained glass windows.

D/game “It’s the bunny’s birthday, let’s prepare a treat.”

Goal: to teach children to group geometric shapes (ovals and circles) by shape, distracting from color and size.

Observation while walking - admiring the snowflakes.

Drawing in the snow - various snowflakes.

D/game “Hide the ball in your palms.”

Goal: relate actions to magnitude.

Mystery "Snowflake".

Observation while walking – Whose tracks are bigger?

Fizminutka "big feet…".

Reading nursery rhyme “The star rose high...”

4 week

D/game "Errands"

Teach children to distinguish and name toys, their main qualities (color, size); understand the signThe meaning of words up, down. Develop auditory perception.

D/game "Balls"

Learn to draw circles of different diameters; etcContinue learning to recognize and name the color, size and shape of the ball.

D/game "Hedgehog".

Goal: to teach children to correlate objects by size, to consolidate knowledge of the words “more”, “less”.


2 week

D/game “Lay it out according to the model.”

Goal: to develop in children the ability to perceive the relative positions of figures on a plane.

On a walkconsider colors of the winter landscape.

Role-playing game “We’ll treat you to tea.”

LEGO material - “Create the structure so that the top part is green.”

Reading a fairy tale V. Suteeva “Rooster and paints”.

D/game "Wonderful bag."

Goal: continue to develop tactile sensations and the ability to select objects of the same shape.

Consideration balls on the Christmas tree.

Drawing round objects.

Outdoor game "Carousel".

Reading poems S.Ya. Marshak “Ball”.

D/game “Pick up a car for the bear.”

Goal: to improve children’s ability to compare objects by size

Playing with snow - making snowballs.

Finger game "Bunny."

Exercise with coloring books.

3 week

D/game "Hedgehogs"

Learn landmarkhanging out indoors; Strengthen knowledge about color (red, yellow, blue, green)


“We are repairing abus"

Form a representativeconcepts about basic geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle. Continue learning to group objects by size, recognize and name colors: red, blue, green.

D/game "Path for a Hedgehog"

Learn to distinguish objectssizes (thick - thin, tall - short)


1 Week

D/game "Laying out the ornament."

Goal: to develop in children the ability to perceive the relative positions of figures.

Fizminutka “There are little white rabbits in Tolik’s yard...”

Coloring coloring pages with pencils .

Job with multi-colored mosaics.

D/game “Build a snowman.”

Goal: to train children in correctly correlating several objects with the same geometric pattern.

Drawing in the snow circles of different sizes.

Looking at illustrations "Shoes".

Reading a story E. Pavlova “Whose shoes?”

D/game "Different circles" Goal: to teach children to establish relationships between objects by size, arrange them in order of decreasing and increasing size.

Construction on a walk snow slide for a bear.

2 week

D/game “What did Mishutka bring us?”

Learn on your own, learn by touchdmet; its shape and color.

D/game "I arrived on thecar


Learn to name the parts of a car correctly: wheels, steering wheel, doors, cabin, body. Develop visual perception, consolidate the shape of an object

D/game "Game with Matryo"shkami"

Teach children to compare objects by size (big - small, using coo in speechcorresponding adjective words)

3 week

D/game "Alternating flags."

Goal: to improve children’s ability to compare objects by color.

Reading rhyme “We went to the store with you, what did we see there?”

Outdoor game “Saw a flag.”

D/game “Match the circles to the balls.”

Goal: to correlate three-dimensional objects with their flat image (circle, ball).

Finger game "Ball".

Working with parents - We bake pancakes.

D/game “Which one for whom?” Purpose: to train children in comparing and ordering objects by size.

Tabletop theater"Teremok".

Reading rhyme “You and I will go now...”

Observation while walking – which bird is bigger?

4 week





1 Week

D/game "Color of water." Purpose: to familiarize children with shades of color based on lightness.

LEGO material “Create the structure so that the bottom part is blue.”

Finger game “The gray bunny is washing his face.”

Answers to questions about the painting "Let's roll the balls."

D/game “What’s in the bag?”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about form.

We draw with a stencil.

Job with subject pictures for consistent grouping by shape.

D/game "Cut Pictures"

Goal: to teach children to assemble an object from parts.

Observation while walking - looking at icicles.

Job with colored sticks.

2 week

Consideration pictures "Toys".

Role-playing game "Tea party."

Outdoor game "Top".

D/game "Who's tall?" Goal: to teach children to understand the relativity of the height of an object.

3 week

D/game “Find (red) toys in the group.”

Goal: to identify the ability to establish similarities and differences in objects based on visual analysis, to consolidate children’s knowledge of shades of color.

Outdoor game "My funny ringing ball."

Order – disassemble the parts of the designer.

D/game "Geometric Lotto"

Purpose: to familiarize children with the method of correlating the shape of the depicted object with a geometric shape .

Observation while walking behind the cloud.

Job with cut pictures.

D/game "Let's build a house." Goal: to develop an eye when choosing objects of a certain size based on a model .

Working with parents - make cookies from the dough.

Observation while walking – compare the height of bushes and trees.

4 week

Tabletop theater "Three Bears".

D/game “Take a picture.”

Goal: to teach children to make a picture from different parts.

D/game “It’s time for Katya’s doll to sleep.”

Goal: to develop an eye when choosing objects.


1 Week

D/game "Mosaic" .

Goal: to teach children to perceive and reproduce the relative position of mosaics on a plane, taking into account their color.”

Fizminutka “There are two girlfriends in the swamp...”

Job with subject pictures for consistent grouping by color.

Tabletop theater « The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Looking at a poster "Spring".

D/game "In the land of figurines."

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of shape, to teach them to select objects according to a geometric pattern.

Outdoor game “Guess whose voice it is?”

Observation while walking “What is the shape of the sun?”

Job with a set of planar geometric shapes.

D/game "Long-short."

Goal: to form in children a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of size

LEGO material “Whose path is longer?”

Order Place tassels in the iso-corner.

Reading rhyme “The bunny’s ears are long...”

2 week

D/game "Striped rugs."

Goal: to teach children to practically apply the knowledge acquired earlier, to compare by color.

LEGO - material “Create the structure so that the yellow part is above the red one.”

Outdoor game "Ball".

D/game "Wide - narrow."

Goal: to form in children the perception of new qualities of size.

3 week

D/ a game“What does the doll need?”

Goal: to teach children to select objects according to the word denoting color, to group shades of the same color tone.

Consider while walking colors of the spring landscape.

D/game " Collect the picture."

Goal: to teach children to see shape in an object, to form a whole from geometric shapes.

Drawing with a stencil.

Let's draw chalk on the asphalt.

D/game "Funny nesting dolls."

Goal: to teach children to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities of size.

Role-playing game “Put the doll to sleep.”

Job with subject pictures for consistent grouping by size.

Reading a fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox."

4 week




Repetition and consolidation of the material covered.

Alsou Vagapova
Visionary Plan for Young Children's Sensory Development


Subject: Ball game “Feet stomp along the colored path”

Target: Learn to recognize and name the colors red and blue.

Subject: "Pick up the leaves"

Target: Compare two objects by size.

Learn to distinguish objects by size, compare (this – not this).

Subject: "Entertaining boxes"

Target: Learn to recognize and name the color green, consolidate red, blue, yellow colors. Reinforce knowledge of the round shape.

Subject: "The hedgehogs quarreled"

Target: Continue to teach, recognize and name red, blue, yellow, green colors. Learn to determine size and quality items: big small; soft - hard.

Subject: “What did you try? (show, tell)»

Target: Develop sense of taste.

Subject:"Forest Kids"

Target: Reinforce concepts “big – small, long – short, fast – slow”

Subject: "Assemble a pyramid"

Target: Learn to assemble a pyramid according to a pattern (color, optional.


Target: Reinforce knowledge of primary colors.

Learn to correlate objects with different properties. Learn to choose from two types of objects

Subject"Dishes shop"

Target: Reinforce knowledge of primary colors. Learn to play out a small plot. Induce, interest children communicate with each other.

Subject: "Toys for Olya and Kolya"

Target: Continue learning to distinguish and name colors.

Determine the properties of objects (soft, prickly, smooth, rough, warm, cold)

Subject: “Selection of lids for boxes of different shapes”

Target: Continue learning children determine the shape(circle, square, color, size of objects and their parts. Learn to correlate individual parts of objects by size and color.

Subject: "Elegant beads"


Subject: "Little and big feet walk along the path"

Target: Learn to understand words "long, short".

Learn to correctly correlate words with the size of an object.

Subject: "Pyramid pillows"

Target: Fix primary colors (six colors, develop fine motor skills of hands, eye gauge. Teach orientation in size.

Subject: "Compare"

Target: Pin to active dictionary children concepts"big small"

Clarify ideas about the color, shape and quality of objects, continue to correlate objects by size.

Subject: "Find a toy"

Target: Strengthen the ability to navigate in a group, distinguish and correctly name signs "high Low"

Subject: "Let's dress the doll"

Target: Learn to understand words “like this - not like this”, "different", group by color, find a pair (mittens, socks, boots).

Subject: “What does it sound like?”


Subject:"Collect a picture"

Target: Learn to put together pictures from two halves.

Subject: "Sinking, not sinking"

Target: Learn children act with rubber toys, natural materials - pebbles.

Subject: “Our feet walk along a level path”

Target: Develop visual-auditory attention, coordination of movements.

Subject: "Beads for a bear"

Target: Form an idea of ​​wild animals (hare, squirrel, bear). Develop fine motor skills of hands. Cultivate responsiveness and goodwill.

Subject: “What kind of object?”

Target: Learn to name an object and describe it.

Subject: "Guess the toy"

Target: Form at children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features and description.

Subject: “What does it sound like?”(repetition)

Target: Learn to identify the sound of musical instruments by ear and name them correctly.

Subject: "Elegant beads" (repetition)

Target: Learn to alternate objects by size, color, shape

Plan for group work “Entertaining sensory skills”

in the second younger group No. 1 for the 2018-2019 academic year

G.O Samara MB DOU No. 411

The circle runs for school year(September - May - inclusive), once a week - Thursday. The circle plan is designed for a year. The number of children attending the “Entertaining Sensory” club is 28 people. Children's age: from 3 to 4 years.

Explanatory note.

Sensory development (from the Latin sensus - feeling, sensation) involves the formation in a child of perception processes and ideas about objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

A child is born with sensory organs ready to function.

But these are only prerequisites for perceiving the surrounding reality. Full sensory development is carried out only in the process of sensory education, when children purposefully form standard ideas about color, shape, size, the signs and properties of various objects and materials, their position in space, etc., all types of perception are developed, thereby laying the foundation for development mental activity. Sensory education creates the necessary prerequisites for the formation of mental functions that are of paramount importance for the possibility of further learning. It is aimed at developing visual, auditory, tactile, kinetic, kinesthetic and other types of sensations and perceptions.

The leading role of sensorimotor in the perception and cognition of various objects using active touch was emphasized by B. G. Ananyev, A. V. Zaporozhets and others. The combination of the work of the skin-mechanical and motor analyzers provides information on size, shape, hardness, ratio of parts and other characteristics palpable objects. The development of a child’s sensory actions does not occur by itself, but only in the course of assimilation of social sensory experience, influenced by practice and training. The effectiveness of this process increases significantly if the child is specially taught how to examine objects using appropriate sensory standards. So, sensory development, on the one hand, forms the foundation of the child’s overall mental development, and on the other, it has independent significance, since full perception is basic for the successful mastery of many types of activities.

The early stage of child development involves the formation of a broad orientation in the subject environment.

That is, not only the traditional familiarization with the color, shape, size of objects, but also the improvement of sound analysis of speech, the formation of musical hearing, the development of muscle sense, etc., taking into account the important role that these processes play in the implementation of musical, visual arts, speech communication, simple labor operations (A. V. Zaporozhets, A. P. Usova).

The need to accurately and completely perceive the properties of objects clearly arises before the child in those cases when he must recreate these properties in the process of his activity, since the result depends on how successfully the perception is carried out.

Knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects, phenomena, mastery of generalized knowledge and skills associated with orientation in the environment occurs in the process of various types of meaningful activity (initially - in the process of objective activity). The modern system of sensory development of children in domestic science is based on this position (V.N. Avanesova, L.A. Wenger, A.N. Lebedeva, N.N. Poddyakov, N.P. Sakulina, etc.).

Purpose of circle work:

Development of mental abilities in children of primary preschool age through sensory development.


Give children an idea of ​​sensory standards, which are examples of the main varieties of each property: 6, then 7 colors of the spectrum, 5 geometric shapes, 3 gradations of size.

To form the cognitive activity of children during direct educational activities (games, didactic exercises, experiments, game tasks and assignments).

Strengthen clear ideas about the varieties of each property.

Teach correctly and understand the words: “shape”, “color”, “same”. Because “magnitude” does not have an “absolute” meaning; learn to perceive it only in comparison with another quantity.

Participants: Teachers - teacher, children, parents.

Duration: Club work is carried out throughout the school year once a week in the form of didactic games and exercises. Once a month in the fourth week final lesson to consolidate the material covered.

Expected Result:

enrichment of children's active and passive vocabulary;

cognitive interest in the GCD circle;

preparation of attributes for games, GCD.

Preparatory stage:

Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, games.

Preparation of attributes for GCDs and games.

Main stage:

Long-term planning of game activities for circle work

The final stage:

1. Diagnosis of children on sensory development in the 2nd junior group at the end of the 2018 -2019 school year.

2. Summing up the results of the project (the work of the circle).

3. Preparing a presentation using photographs.

4. Design of a wall newspaper for parents based on the results.


Long-term planning.


Annex 1.

Long-term planning of circle work for (2018-2019)


Introducing colors: yellow, red, blue, green, white, black. Didactic game “Hide the mouse.”

Introducing shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle. Didactic game: “Bird in a Cage.”

Introduction to the parameters of three quantities. Didactic exercise “Feed the bears”

Integrated GCD: “Find the same color and shape.”

“Hide the bunny from the fox” - color.

“Who sleeps where” - form.

“Playing with balls” is a magnitude.

Integrated GCD: “Wonderful bag” - shape and size.

Color of water - color.

What shape are the objects in our group.

Let's build a tower.

Integrated GCD Multi-colored rooms - color and size.

“Christmas tree decoration” - color.

“New Year trees” - size.

“Composite pictures” - form.

Lotto "color and shape".

Didactic game “The Rooster’s Tail” - color.

Didactic game "Shop" - form.

Didactic game “Who is taller” - magnitude.

Didactic game "Living Dominoes" - color.

Game - competition “Who can roll up the tape faster” - value.

“Let's build a tower” - magnitude.

Integrated GCD "Rainbow" - color and size.

Game instructions - color and size.

Didactic game “Let's collect fruits” - value.

Game exercise “Find your house” - form.

Integrated GCD “Handkerchief for Mom” - form.

Didactic game “Colorful flags” - color.

Didactic game “Bring and Show” - shape and size.

Game exercise “Find your clearing” - color.

Didactic exercise “How animals chose their place.”

Consolidation - didactic game “Spring has come” - color, shape and size.

Consolidation - collective drawing of “Colors of Spring”.

Consolidation - collective application“Spring drops” - magnitude.

Appendix 2.

Calendar planning of circle work.


Lesson 1. Didactic game “Hide the mouse.”

Target: Introducing children to the six colors of the spectrum and naming them. Formation of color indication skills.

Material: Demonstration: sheets of paper of six colors (20/15cm), in the middle a white square (8/8cm) on which a mouse is drawn (Mouse House), squares of the same six colors - doors (10/10cm), a toy - a cat.

Handout: the same material in a smaller size - colored sheets (10/8cm), white squares on them (5/5cm), colored squares (6/6cm); three houses and six “doors” for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

(Children sit in a circle at the table with the teacher).

The teacher plays the game “Hide the Mouse” with the children. First, he introduces the children to the rules of the game: “Meet the guys - the mice have come to visit us, each has its own house. Let's name what color (red, yellow, blue, green, black, white). Mice are very afraid of cats, and hide behind doors as soon as they see her. Each has its own door, you see the mouse in the red house has a red door. The mouse in the blue house has a blue door. Let’s find the mouse’s door together for everyone.”

Children play with the teacher. Then the children play independently. They hide mice from the cat by matching multi-colored houses with windows that are exactly the same color as the house, and closing the windows so that the mouse is not visible. Children learn the names of the six colors of the spectrum.

Lesson 2. Didactic game “Bird in a Cage”.

Target: Introducing children to basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). Develop skills in examining a form - tracing the outline of a form with a finger. Formation of the ability to identify forms.

Material: Demonstration: large cardboard circle, square, triangle, with painted “faces” - figures - men. Handout: sets of the game “Birds in Cages” - sheets with windows - geometric shapes, which depict a bird and separate “doors” in the shape of a triangle or circle.

Progress of the lesson:(Children sit in a circle at the table with the teacher). The teacher shows funny geometric people. - Unusual geometric shapes came to us as guests, they smile at you. Meet, this is a circle, this is an oval, this is a square, this is a triangle, this is a rectangle. Take them and trace them with your finger. The circle and oval have no corners, their side is smooth, you can drag your finger for a long time. And a triangle, a square, a rectangle have corners, feel the sharp ones with your finger.

(The teacher lays out a sheet for the game “Birds in a Cage”) - The birds flew to us and sat in their cages, but they can fly away, let’s close the doors in their cages. Just choose the right door. Here is a bird in a circle - it needs a round door, and here there is a bird in a square - find its square door. (The teacher plays the game with all the children)

In conclusion, the kids are offered the outdoor game “Birds and a Car.”

Lesson 3. Didactic exercise “Feed the bears.”

Target: Introducing the parameters of three sizes (large, medium, small). Develop the ability to identify size parameters of objects.

Material: Three toys of different sizes - bears, respectively, three chairs, three plates, three cups, three spoons. Two physical education benches of different heights, depicting bridges over rivers.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to go visit three bears. The children go on a journey, and on their way they encounter two rivers with bridges: through one handle the bridge is lower, through the other - higher. On a low bridge, children can easily cross to the other bank; on a high bridge, it is scary to fall into the river.

Well, we came to visit our bears. Let's talk about our journey, how we crossed the river on the bridge. - Which bridge was easier to walk on, which was more difficult, why - one bridge is low, the other is high. Guys, our bears are also different, one is taller, the other is shorter, the third is completely short. How else can you say it? - One is large, the second is medium (or smaller), and the third is small.

The teacher explains the rules didactic exercise: - Our bears are going to have lunch, but they can’t decide who should choose which plate, cup and spoon. Let's help: for a large bear, choose a large plate, for a smaller (medium) bear, choose a smaller plate, and for a small bear, choose a small plate. (using the same principle, children select the rest of the dishes for the bears).

In conclusion, the grateful bears play the active game “Bear and Children” with the children.

Lesson 4.“Find the same color and shape”

Target: Develop skills in comparing the color of an object with a color standard, classification according to the main six colors, and comparing the shape of objects with form standards.

Material: By color - a hoop, squares of six colors, 3-4 objects (colored cubes) of each of these six colors. In shape - geometric figures of three shapes, 2 objects of each of these shapes. Hoop.

Progress of the lesson. With color. The teacher lays out all the colored cubes and objects (toys) of different colors. Then a game is played: the teacher shows a sample (a cube of one of six colors) and rolls the hoop towards one of the children. The child selects an object that is the same color as the sample and chooses the child to name the color of the object. The selected item is placed next to the sample on a separate table. Then the game continues in the same way. With shape. The teacher, together with the children, examines objects and toys of different shapes lying on the table in front of them, they say what shape the object and toys are - round, square, triangular. Next is the game: the teacher shows one of the figures and invites the child towards whom the hoop is rolling to choose a toy of the same shape and name what shape it is. The selected item is transferred to another table next to the sample form. The game continues until all the items are matched to the samples.

In conclusion: two hoops are placed on the floor, in one you need to bring round-shaped toys and red colors, in the other you need to put square-shaped and green objects. You can repeat the game by setting other shape and color parameters.


Lesson 1. Didactic game “Hide the bunny from the fox.”

Target: Develop the ability to correlate objects based on color and shape.

Material: Demonstration: sheets of paper of six colors (20/15 cm), in the middle there are white “windows” of different shapes (3 types) (8/8 cm), on which hares are drawn (bunny house), “doors” of different shapes and corresponding (10/10 ). Fox toy. Handout: the same material in a smaller size - color sheets (10/8 cm), “doors” (6/6 cm), and “windows” (5/5 cm). Three houses and six doors for each child.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher plays the game “Hide the Bunny from the Fox” with the children. First, he draws the children’s attention to the color of the “houses” and the shape of the “doors”. Shows how to choose the right “doors” in the houses of hares, taking into account color and shape. Then he invites the children to play on their own. They hide the rabbits from the fox by matching multi-colored houses with different shaped windows with exactly the same colors as the house and the same shape as the window.

In conclusion, the outdoor game “Fox and Hares”.

Lesson 2.“Who sleeps where?”

Target: We continue to introduce children to three geometric shapes and their names. Formation of the selection action according to the sample.

Material: Demonstration: large circle, square, triangle (human figures). Handout: the same smaller sized figures with “faces, one set for each child. Cards with outline images of the same figures of the same size.

Progress of the lesson. Children remember the names of familiar figures - little men. The teacher names the shapes one by one in the following order: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle. Tracing the figure with his finger, the teacher asks what shape this little man is. Particular attention is paid to the angles and proportions of the figures (oval and rectangle are elongated). Children “draw” the outlines of figures in the air. Then the teacher offers to play with small figures - people. Children are given cards showing “beds” for each of the figures. The “little people” must be put to “sleep” in beds suitable for them, that is, all the figures must be laid out on cards so that they coincide with those drawn.

Note. In a stronger subgroup of children, the size of the figures may be smaller than the outlines on the card.

Lesson 3."Game with balls"

Target: To develop the ability to identify parameters of the size of objects.

Material: Ball. Handout: for each child, kits for the game “Find its place for the ball” - cut balls of different diameters and colors and a cardboard card with images of balls of the same colors and sizes.

Progress of the lesson: Children stand in a circle with the teacher. The teacher plays a ball with them, throwing it to each other. Then the teacher asks you to close your eyes and hides the ball. The ball is hidden either high (it cannot be reached from the floor) or low (the ball is easy to reach). Children determine the position of the ball (high, low), look for a way to get the ball if it lies high. The game is repeated several times.

The teacher offers the children the game “Find its place for the ball”, game sets are laid out on the tables in front of the children and after the teacher shows them, the children play independently.

Lesson 4."Wonderful bag."

Target: Develop the skills of selecting figures by touch according to a visually perceived pattern. Consolidating knowledge of color shades.

Material: A wonderful bag containing plastic cubes and balls of different colors.

Progress of the lesson.(Children sit in a circle on chairs). The teacher shows the children a wonderful bag and says: “Now I’ll take a cube out of the bag and won’t look into it.” He takes out a cube by touch and asks the children to name what color the object is. Now I’ll take out a round ball and won’t peek. He puts his hand into the bag and takes out a ball. Now you try it.

The teacher brings the bag to each child in turn and offers, without looking, to take a cube or ball out of it. The child takes out and names the color of the object. When all the objects are taken out of the bag, the teacher suggests sorting the objects into groups according to color shades. Finally, the children help put the cubes in one box and the balls in another.


Lesson 1."Color of water."

Target: To familiarize children with shades of color based on lightness and their verbal designations: “light”, “dark”, “lighter”, “darker”.

Material: Demonstration: 14 transparent cups, 2 of them with stickers - light red and dark red, gouache paints, a separate container with water. Handout: red gouache, 2 cups of water for each child, brushes.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to prepare water for making colored ice. The teacher shows how to make light red water by putting a little paint on a brush and diluting it in water, and then making darker water by dipping the brush into the paint twice. Then the children prepare water of two shades. Under the guidance of the teacher, they first make light red water in one glass, and then dark red water in another glass. Having prepared colored water, they bring it to the teacher, naming where the water is light red and where it is dark red. (Then the teacher will take their cups to freeze).

And he suggests diluting other shades of paint. To do this, pre-prepared disposable glasses with water are set out and other colors of gouache are taken. Invites children to name what colors came out in the cups.

Lesson 2.“What shape are the objects in our group?”

Target: Develop the skill of visually examining objects and verbally describing their shape.

Material: Items found in the group room.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the objects in the group, determining what shape they are. Then a game is played: the teacher names an object, the child independently determines the shape of this object. For example, what shape is the mirror, what shape is the window, cabinet, etc.

Lesson 3."Let's build a tower."

Target: To form an understanding of the relationships in magnitude between three-dimensional and flat objects, the correlation of 2-3 rows of quantities with each other.

Material. Demonstration: pictures of animals: bear, fox, mouse. Cubes of different sizes (large, smaller, smallest). Handout: three squares of different sizes for each child.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the animals depicted in the pictures, arranging them in order: the largest bear, the smaller fox, the smallest mouse. Next, the children, together with the teacher, build a tower of cubes for the animals, correlating the size of the animals with the size of their “apartments” - cubes. Then the children independently build the same towers in their places at the tables, following the sequence of selecting squares by overlapping them when comparing (house for animals).

Lesson 4."Colorful rooms"

Target: Consolidating knowledge of primary colors. Develop skills in highlighting color while distracting from other features of an object.

Material: Each child has a card (30/20 cm), divided into 6 cells (10/10 cm) of different colors; small cardboard silhouettes of toys - one of each color.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the multi-colored “rooms” on the card and explains that all the objects in them must be the right color so that they are not visible. Examines and names toys and objects with children, notes that there are the same objects and toys of different colors. Then the children place toys and objects in their rooms so that they are not visible. A doll or a bear checks the correctness of the task.


Lesson 1."Christmas tree decoration."

Target: Consolidate the idea of ​​primary colors, practice arranging objects on a plane in a given color order.

Material: Demonstration: flannelgraph, planar figures of a Christmas tree and Christmas balls of the same size and six primary colors. Handout: for each child a set of flat Christmas tree figurines and multi-colored Christmas tree balls.

Progress of the lesson.(Children sit on chairs in a semicircle near the flannelgraph). The teacher draws the children's attention to the bright green Christmas tree on the flannelgraph. - Guys, a forest guest has come to us, look at the Christmas tree. What color is it? Coming soon New Year and in every home there will be such a beauty, only something is missing for the festive mood, what do you think? (decorations, balls, tinsel) - Here are Christmas balls laid out on the table in front of you. Let's name them by color. (The teacher shows balls of different colors one by one, the children name them)

Let's decorate our guest, I will call who will come up and take the red ball (blue, green, yellow). Let's start, Lera take the red ball and attach it to the very top of our Christmas tree. (children together with the teacher decorate the Christmas tree).

Then the teacher invites the children to go to the table and decorate their Christmas trees according to the model from the flannelgraph. He approaches each child and asks what color his ball is and where he will hang it.

At the end there is a round dance “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”.

Lesson 2."New Year trees".

Target: To develop children’s ability to use measurements to determine size parameters.

Material: Three sets of Christmas trees: each set contains three Christmas trees with a height difference of five centimeters. The same sets of rooms (rectangular sheets of paper), narrow cardboard strips (measurements) corresponding to the height of the trees and rooms.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher creates a game situation: it is necessary that in each house there is a Christmas tree up to the ceiling. The teacher invites all children to “go into the forest” so that they can choose Christmas trees of the desired height, and gives them cardboard strips - measurements. Using this measure, each child will select a Christmas tree of the desired height. The teacher shows the children how to select a Christmas tree according to measurements (applies a measure from the base of the tree to its top. If the ends match, the tree “fits”). Next, the children “go to the forest” for Christmas trees, and everyone picks up a Christmas tree. The children “take the selected Christmas trees to town” and install them in those houses where the trees fit right up to the ceiling (they try them on).

Lesson 3."Composite Pictures"

Target: Develop the ability to dissect images of objects into their component parts and recreate a complex shape from parts.

Material: Samples of drawings made up of geometric shapes: Christmas tree, house, rocket. Handout: sets of geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles for making pictures.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher looks at the drawing samples together with the children. The drawings are analyzed from the point of view of its constituent parts: features of size, proportions and shapes, features of their location in space. Then the children lay out various pictures on the tables.

Lesson 4. Lotto "color and shape".

Target: Develop skills of orienting to two features simultaneously (color and shape) with a distraction from the third (size).

Material: Six lotto cards with three geometric shapes arranged in different orders, all shapes on the card are of different colors; thirty carved figures of three shapes, six colors.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher-leader takes one figure out of the box and asks: “Who has such a figure?” If the child responds, he receives it and closes the corresponding figure on the card. If no one responds, the figure is put aside. The winner is the one who covers all the figures on the card first.


Lesson 1. Didactic game “The Rooster’s Tail.”

Target: Consolidation of ideas about primary colors and correlation in accordance with size parameters.

Material: Demonstration: flannelgraph, 2 cockerels - one with a beautiful bright tail, the second without a tail; feathers (6 pieces of different sizes, difference 5 cm) from his tail in a separate set. Handout: for each child a cockerel and a set of feathers of different sizes and different colors.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher makes a riddle about a cockerel. Two cockerels are displayed on a flannelgraph, how they are similar and how they are different. That's right, one cockerel doesn't have a tail, that's the problem, you can't live without a tail. He invites the children to help the cockerel, shows the feathers, and the children name them by color. How to properly fasten a rooster's tail? The feathers are not only different in color, but also in size. The teacher shows how to find the largest feather and secures the rooster, then calls the children in turn and together they secure the tail of the rooster.

Then the teacher draws attention to the cockerels at the table and asks the children to help them with their ponytails. Children complete the task independently, the teacher controls the process.

Lesson 2. Didactic game "Shop".

Target: Strengthen the ability to compare the colors of an object with a color standard, classify by color, and group shades.

Material: Toys and objects of six colors and their shades (3-4 each), multi-colored rectangles (“checks”).

Progress of the lesson. The teacher offers to play in the store. Children come to the “store” and examine toys and objects, noting what color and shade they are (it is necessary to achieve a clear definition of color and shade: light green, light purple, dark red, etc.). When looking at toys, children compare pairs of objects of the same color tone based on their lightness. Next, children receive “Checks” (rectangles of different colors). To buy a toy, its color must match the color of the receipt (shades of colors are included). At first, the role of the seller is played by the teacher, then the children can be divided into “sellers” and “buyers”.

Lesson 3. Didactic exercise “Who is taller.”

Target: Introduce the rules for measuring objects using a single reference point.

Material: Dolls - girls of different heights, cube.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to play with dolls. He creates a game situation: children came to kindergarten and argued which of them was taller. The dolls are measured by height (the difference in the height of the dolls should be insignificant). The dolls continue to measure their height, the teacher imperceptibly places a cube under the feet of one of the dolls (smaller in stature). Children face a problematic task: is it possible to measure height in this way? Children must independently come to the conclusion that when measuring, the legs of girls dolls should be on the same line.

Finally, the children are measured in height against each other.


Lesson 1."Living Domino"

Target: Consolidating knowledge of primary colors, the ability to highlight colors with distraction from other characteristics of objects.

Material: Each child has a card (30/20 cm), divided into six cells (10/10 cm) in which silhouettes of animals and birds of different colors are pasted. And small silhouettes on cut cards.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher draws attention to large cards with six colored silhouettes of animals and birds and invites each child to choose one such card. The teacher himself, the presenter, suggests choosing a pair for each image, showing one cut card at a time. The winner is the one who matches all his animals before the other children.

Lesson 2. Game competition “Who will roll the tape faster.”

Target: Strengthen the skills of identifying parameters of the size of objects.

Material: 2 ribbons attached to sticks, the same width, but different lengths and different colors: red - 1m, blue - 50cm.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher shows the children 2 ribbons of the same width with a contrasting difference in length, and teaches them how to roll the ribbon. Attention is not paid to the length of the ribbons. Next, a game is played: the teacher names a couple of children, each takes a ribbon, and a game-competition is held. Naturally, the one with the shorter ribbon wins. The rest of the guys notice that the one with the longest tape loses. When the game is repeated, the called children strive to “take possession” of the short ribbon in order to ensure that they win the competition. Children explain their actions, compare the lengths of the ribbons, placing them next to each other.

In conclusion, you can invite the children to compete only by handing out ribbons of the same length.

Lesson 3. Let's build a tower.

Target: To develop an understanding of the relationships in magnitude between three-dimensional and flat objects, the ability to correlate 2-3 series of quantities with each other.

Material: Demonstration: pictures of animals: bear, wolf, fox, hare, mouse. Five cubes of different sizes. Dispenser: 5 squares of different sizes.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the animals depicted in the pictures. Arranging them in order: the largest (bear), smaller - wolf, even smaller - fox, even smaller - hare and the smallest - hare. Next, the teacher, together with the children, builds a tower of cubes for the animals, correlating the size of the animals with the size of the cubes. Then the children independently build the same towers in their places at the tables, following the sequence of selecting squares by placing them on top of each other when comparing.

Lesson 4."Rainbow".

Target: Introducing children to the color system, including the new color blue.

Material: Demonstration: picture “Rainbow”, flannelgraph, set of individual “Rainbow” strips. Handout: sheets of paper with an unfinished rainbow, sets of strips for each child to complete the “Rainbow”.

Progress of the lesson. Children look at a picture of a rainbow and listen to the poem “Colors of the Rainbow.” The teacher invites them to put together a rainbow from a set of strips on a flannelgraph in front of them and names the colors of the rainbow. In this case, the teacher pays attention to the sequence of colors in the picture. Next, children are invited to complete their own “rainbow” at the tables. Children complete the task, and the teacher controls the process, approaches the children and asks them to name the colors of the rainbow.

In conclusion, the outdoor game “Sun and Rain” is offered.


Lesson 1. Game orders.

Target: Develop the ability to distinguish and name toys, highlight their main qualities (color, size). Develop auditory perception, improve verbal communication.

Material: a large and small toy dog ​​(or bear cubs), a car, a red or blue ball, large and small cups, nesting dolls.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher shows the children toys, asks them to name them, tell what color and size they are. Then he gives instructions to the children.

Give a large dog tea from a large cup.

(If the child makes a mistake, the dog growls and turns away from the cup)

Place the nesting doll next to the red ball.

Give the little dog a blue ball.

Take a small dog and sit him on the mat. -Put the big dog next to the little one.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children to put the toys and objects used in the game back in their places.

(The teacher monitors the correct execution of instructions).

Lesson 2."Let's pick fruit"

Target: Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the size of objects (fruits). Develop auditory perception.

Material: Demonstration: Three-dimensional fruit models of 2 sizes (large and small), two baskets (large and small). Handout: sets of the game “Let’s collect fruits” for each child in a flat version (large and small fruits and large and small baskets).

Progress of the lesson. The teacher points to the table, where three-dimensional models of fruits of different sizes are laid out. He offers to name the fruits and choose one fruit for himself, then puts two baskets and says: “We will put large fruits in a large basket, so I put one large pear.” And in a small basket, I will put a small apple. Now you, one at a time, come up and put your fruit in the right basket. (Children come up and decide where to put their fruit, the teacher asks to name the size of their fruit and the size of the chosen basket).

The teacher offers to play a game at tables with flat figures (fruits and baskets). At the end of the lesson, offer physical exercises.

Lesson 3. Game exercise “Find your house.”

Target: Continue to get acquainted with objects of various shapes and sizes. To develop the ability to correlate details, to carry out a set of objects of two various forms(ball, cube) and three sizes (large, smaller, small). Act according to verbal instructions, observe the actions of other children.

Material:“entertaining box”, which has slots of three sizes: square (7, 5, 3 cm) and round (diameter 7, 5, 3 cm); cubes (2, 4, 6 cm) and balls (2, 4, 6 cm) for each child. Or use a didactic manual - inserts in the form for each child.

Progress of the lesson. Option 1. - The teacher draws the children’s attention to cubes and balls of different sizes, asking them to find “their house”, put it in a “fun” box, and to do this they need to separate the cubes from the balls. When the children complete this part of the task, the teacher moves the box in a circle, from one child to another, inviting everyone to put a cube into it first, and then a ball. Children choose figures, arbitrarily guided by their size: a small object can be lowered into any hole in the “house”, a medium-sized object - into a large or medium hole, a large object - only into the largest hole. This is how children learn not only to correlate objects by size, but also to perform this action in more rational ways.

Similarly, each child places the second and then the third pair of objects into the “house”. The teacher evaluates the “work” from the point of view of a rational solution to the problem.

Option 2. Children are offered inserts with six different windows and shapes for them. The teacher invites each form to find “its own house.”

Lesson 4."A handkerchief for mom."

Target: Develop the ability to lay out patterns from single-color geometric shapes, analyze, and arrange objects in space. Develop perception of form.

Material: For each child, a sheet of square paper with drawn outlines of shapes, the same size (5 pieces), glue pencil, cut geometric shapes. Sample of a finished “handkerchief”.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher shows the children an applique - a sample (handkerchief for mother). Gives children the opportunity to name familiar geometric shapes and draw them with their finger in the air. Pay attention to the blanks on the tables, carefully examine all the figures and arrange them in their drawn places. Then offer to stick it on, the teacher helps the children complete the appliqué. Offer ready-made handkerchiefs to give to mothers.


Lesson 1."Multi-colored flags."

Target: To develop the ability to distinguish color tones by comparing them with each other and applying them to a sample. Improve visual perception. Accustom to accurately and diligently carry out group instructions.

Material: colored flags of four primary colors - 4 sets each.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher draws the children's attention to the flags lying on the table, names the color of each flag, and invites them to play with them.

Take any flag, name its color and find the same one using the application technique.

Four children are chosen, the teacher points to the table on which the child will look for his flag. The one who finds the flag of his color must show it to all the children, and they will see if the task was completed correctly. If the task is completed correctly, everyone will clap their hands.

(Having selected a flag by color, each child gives one flag to the teacher, and takes the other to the table and returns to the chair.)

Lesson 2.“Bring it and show it.”

Target: continue to develop the ability to visually examine a form in difficult conditions; foster a sense of responsibility for completing assignments; replenish the experience of a friendly gaming partnership.

Material: small cards (6/8 cm) with images of geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle according to the number of children; large cards depicting the same figures.

Progress of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, lays out one set of figures, first on one table, then on the other three; allows children to see if all the figures are in place; It is not allowed to touch or pick up the figures.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher calls four children and places them opposite the rest. Having chosen the outline of one of the figures, the teacher shows it first to the sitting children, and then to the four called up.

Please bring us this triangle, but first look at it carefully! (The teacher slowly traces the outline of the figure with his finger, and the children follow his movements, then he invites them to trace the figure with their eyes again and after a few seconds removes it.)

Children - One, two, three, look.

With the last words, each of the four summoned children goes to their table and carries out the assignment. At this time, the teacher lays out a sample on the table or board. Each child, having completed the assignment, independently puts the figure he has chosen on the sample, brings it and shows it to the children.

The game is of a control nature. The teacher thinks through the composition of each four, selecting children of approximately the same abilities. In a specially prepared list after the game, the child’s success (+ or -) is noted.

Lesson 3."Find your clearing."

Target: Strengthen the ability to correlate the colors of different objects and identical objects of different colors.

Material: large colored sheets of paper, silhouettes of toys of different colors.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher shows different ways completing the task: in the “clearing” - a large sheet of colored paper places objects of the same color. If the children make a mistake by selecting identical objects of different colors, the teacher shows that not all toys have the same color as the color of the clearing on which they lie.

It is important to draw children's attention to the fact that different objects can be the same color (a red flower and a tumbler) - then their clearing is the same, and the same objects can be of different colors (yellow and green leaves) - then their clearings they are different.

Lesson 4.“How animals chose their place.”

Target: To develop the ability to distinguish and name toys depicting animals, to understand and use the words “near”, “in front”, “behind”.

Material: medium sized toys.

Progress of the lesson: Educator: Chest of nuts.

The squirrel has a chest, click and click teeth -

It contains hazelnuts. The shells are flying.

The squirrels gathered for a gathering. For all the cheese - talk!

E. Moshkovskaya.

Her forest friends came running to the squirrel. The runaway bunny galloped up and stood next to the squirrel. Andryushka, put the bunny next to the squirrel. The child performs. Nastya, tell me how the bunny and the squirrel stand. (Child - nearby).

Educator. They gnaw nuts and play together. Then a fox came running, stood far away and watched the squirrel and the bunny play, came closer and began to play with them too. Sasha, tell me, where was the fox at first? Child - Far away. Educator - And then where did she go? Child. - Closer. Educator - That's right, the fox came closer to the squirrel and stood behind her. Camilla, tell me, where did the fox stand? The child answers. - That's right, behind the squirrels. And the bunny came running and stood in front of the fox. Akim, put the bunny in front of the fox. The child performs. Where did Akim put the bunny? The children answer. - Now, children, take your toys and we will also choose a place for ourselves. Children take a toy each. Adeline, go out into the clearing with the squirrel. Pavlik, stand in front of Adeline. The children get up.

Right. Where did Pavlik stand? The children answer.

Denis, stand next to Adeline. Where did Denis stand? The children answer.

Well done, you all have found your place well. Now we'll play with the toys.

This month there are three reinforcement classes, children together with the teacher create drawings, publish a newspaper, and hold a competition with the participation of parents.

The teacher also conducts diagnostics on sensory education for children in the group, the results of the knowledge gained are recorded in a diagnostic table.

Reporting parent meeting to sum up the results of circle work using ICT in the form of a slide presentation.

Forward planning

on sensory development


Made up

teacher of MKDOU "Ryabinka"

Paidnets Svetlana Vladimirovna



Sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about external properties objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood difficult to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us. Sensory education, aimed at ensuring full sensory development, is one of the main aspects of preschool education.

Sensory development, on the one hand, forms the foundation of the child’s overall mental development, on the other hand, it has independent significance, since full perception is necessary for successful learning and for many types of work.

Features of sensory development of preschool children.

Cognition, first of all, begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception and are the result of their processing. In this regard, normal mental development is impossible without relying on full perception.

In kindergarten, a child learns drawing, modeling, design, gets acquainted with natural phenomena, and begins to master the basics of mathematics and literacy. Mastering knowledge and skills in all these areas requires constant attention to the external properties of objects, their accounting and use. Without constant orientation in the external properties of objects, it is impossible to obtain clear ideas about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, in particular seasonal changes. The formation of elementary mathematical concepts involves familiarity with geometric shapes and their varieties, comparison of objects by size. When mastering literacy, phonemic awareness plays a huge role - this is an accuratedifferentiation speech sounds and visual perception of letterforms.

And of course, every child, even without targeted upbringing, perceives all this in one way or another. But if assimilation occurs spontaneously, without the reasonable pedagogical guidance of adults, it often turns out to be superficial and incomplete. This is where the child’s sensory development comes to the rescue.

The importance of a child’s sensory development for his future life confronts the theory and practice of preschool education with the task of developing and using the most effective methods and techniques of sensory education in kindergarten. Modern pedagogical science has accumulated a large number of teaching methods. Considering that the choice of teaching methods and techniques depends on a number of both objective and subjective reasons, we will dwell on some of them.

An important condition for the sensory development of children is a properly organized subject-development environment under the “Sensory education” section. Teaching aids that are correctly selected in color, shape, and size have a great emotional charge, determined by texture, proportions, and color harmony. In everyday life, children should be given the opportunity to observe the shape, color, proportions of objects and phenomena..

The main form of sensory education is classes. Aclasses planned in game form activate children for better results in their activities.

In the classroom, it is important to use visual, verbal and practical methods.

The method of oral presentation includes methodological techniques of monologue and dialogic speech, which are carried out using the teacher’s story (fairytale introduction), explanation, instruction, as well as conversation (questions and answers).

The practical teaching method includes organizing children's practical activities: exercises, repetitions,practical work .

Didactic, demonstration and handout material used in classescontributes to the development of strong conscious skills and abilities of preschoolers in sensory development.With their help, children learn new material better, and also consolidate and repeat what they have learned.

An important factor in planning classes to familiarize children with the color, shape, and size of objects is the principle of consistency, which provides for the gradual complication of tasks. This complication goes from elementary tasks of grouping homogeneous objects according to various sensory qualities, to correlating dissimilar objects by size, shape, color, and further to taking into account these signs and properties in visual and elementary productive activities.

Didactic games and exercises have a great developmental impact on children. Conducting games and exercises takes into account the individual capabilities and abilities of each child. Learning must begin with completing a task through joint actions of an adult and a child. In the future, the adult’s position in relation to the child may change: next to the child, and then opposite. Every action of the child must be commented on and summarized verbally.

Taking into account the rapid fatigue of children and their easily arising and easily disappearing interest in various subjects, it is advisable to carry out some didactic games with elements of outdoor games, sometimes grouping them into one whole, developing the plot. For example: Invite children to play the outdoor game “Train”; while playing with the children, there is a stop at a “clearing”, where children collect flowers and berries of different colors and different sizes. Then the children go to visit the hedgehog (remember what the hedgehog loves), an outdoor game is offered"Thrifty hedgehog". Tell the children (showing illustrations) that tall trees and low bushes grow in the forest (game “Tall - Low”), and from the “walk” return first along a wide and then a narrow path.

Sensory education is addressed not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life. In the morning, when receiving children, it is important to draw the children’s attention to the color of their clothes and shoes. Individual work is effective at this time, using different didactic materials for games. These are “Mosaic”, “Colored inserts”, “Geometric inserts”, “Find whose booth”, “Who is big, who is small”, “Catch a fish”. During regime moments Preschoolers' attention is drawn to the color of towels, napkins, dishes, and in story games - to the size, color and shape of objects. “What kind of pan will we cook the soup in - big or small?”, “What color should I give you the ball?”, “Which road will we take - long or short?” etc.

During walks, special activities in the form of organized inspections of the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten, observation of the immediate environment and excursions to objects located outside the preschool institution are of key importance.

Long-term plan

on sensory development for children 3-4 years old

  • Distinguishing the colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, mastering 2-4 words denoting color.
  • Recognition, examination tactilely - in a motor way and the name of some figures (circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, star, cross).
  • Using (with the support of an adult) the simplest methods of examination using different analyzers: examining, stroking, feeling with the palm, fingers along the contour, rolling, throwing, etc. Mastering words denoting the characteristics of objects and examination actions.
  • Comparing (with the help of an adult) two objects according to 1-2 characteristics, highlighting similarities and differences.
  • Mastering the action of combining objects into pairs with pronounced signs of similarity, mastering grouping according to a given object pattern and by word (by color, shape, size, material).


Lesson No. 1.

A game
Goal: to teach children to group objects by size.
A game "How are they similar and how are they different"

Lesson No. 2.

A game Arranging homogeneous objects of different shapes into two groups
Purpose: grouping by shape.

A game Arrangement of homogeneous objects of different sizes into two groups


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Balloons"

Goal: To promote the formation of color concepts in children

A game "Flying Balls"

Goal: To promote the formation of color concepts in children, to give an idea of ​​​​white and black colors.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Swan"

Purpose: To give children an idea that color is a sign of various objects and is used to designate them. To consolidate knowledge of the colors of the spectrum.

Game "Live Domino"

Purpose: To give children an idea that color is a sign of various objects and is used to designate them. Reinforce your knowledge of the colors of the spectrum.


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Beautiful bouquet"

Goal: to introduce children to the colors of the spectrum and their names. Teach children to compare objects by color by placing them next to each other. A game “Pick the same one”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select objects based on characteristics.

Lesson No. 2.

A game "Light the flashlight"

Purpose: to train children in naming the colors of objects

A game "Striped rugs"

Goal: to teach children to practically apply the acquired knowledge and compare by color.


Lesson No. 1.

A game “Who will collect the toys sooner?”

Goal: to teach children to group objects that differ in shape, size, purpose, but have the same color.

A game “Each bead on its own thread”

Goal: to teach children to group objects similar to the sample.

Lesson No. 2.

A game "Colorful hoops"

A game "Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

Goal: to teach children to select objects based on the word denoting color.


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Colorful hoops"

Goal: to teach children to select objects based on the word denoting color.

A game "Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

Goal: to teach children to select objects based on the word denoting color.


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Name the geometric figure"

Goal: to teach children to visually examine, recognize and correctly name planar geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval)

Game "Domino figures"

Goal: to teach children to find one specific figure among many and name it.

Lesson No. 2.

A game Laying out a mosaic on the theme “Christmas trees and mushrooms”

Purpose: grouping objects by color

A game Stringing large and small beads.

Goal: Alternation in size.


Lesson No. 1.

A game Stringing beads of different shapes. Purpose: Alternation in form.

A game “Get into the hole” Goal: matching by shape and size.

Lesson No. 2.

A game Lotto “Color and Shape”

A game "Wonderful bag"


Lesson No. 1.

A game Stringing beads of different colors

Purpose: Alternation by color.

A game “Find an object of the same shape”

Goal: to learn to identify shapes in specific objects in the environment, using geometric patterns.

Lesson No. 2.

A game "Geometric Lotto"

Goal: to learn to compare the shape of the depicted object with geometric figures and select objects according to a geometric pattern

A game "What's in the bag"


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Exercise with circles"

Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​​​the relationships of three objects in size.

Game "What's there"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to establish the ratio of three objects in size, to teach children to use this skill when performing an objective action (making a nesting doll).

Lesson No. 2.

A game "Let's make columns"

Goal: to strengthen the ability to select objects of the same size by eye.

Game "What's Missing"

Goal: to develop children's attentiveness and memory.

Long-term plan

on sensory development for children 4-5 years

  • Distinguishing and naming the colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet; black, gray, white; 2-3 shades of color (light green, dark blue).
  • Distinguishing and naming geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, star, cross), recreating shapes from parts.
  • Using sensory standards to evaluate the properties of objects (the car is red, the cat is fluffy, the tea is hot, the chair is heavy).
  • Comparing objects, highlighting differences and similarities based on 2-3 characteristics, mastering grouping (by color, shape, size, material, taste, smell, texture, surface). Description of the item based on 3-4 main properties.


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Big and Small"

Goal: to teach children to alternate objects by size.
A game "How are they similar and how are they different"
Purpose: to consolidate the concepts of magnitude.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Loaf"

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “big - small”.
A game "Houses for Dolls"

Goal: to teach children to compare and select objects by size.


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Find the same one"

Goal: to teach how to select items from a variety based on their characteristics.
A game “Pick the same one”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select objects based on characteristics.
Lesson No. 2.

A game "Put it in boxes"

Goal: to learn to identify the characteristics of objects and navigate shapes and sizes.”

A game "We're setting the table"

Goal: to teach children to select objects by size and shape.


Lesson No. 1.

Game "Mittens"

Goal: to work on the formation of elementary mathematical

A game "Same and identical"
Purpose: compare objects by shape.

Lesson No. 2.

A game “Find an equal number of toys”
Purpose: to teach counting and comparison.
Game "Build"

Goal: find identical parts.


Lesson No. 1.

Game "Shop"

Purpose: This game will help you learn the names and order of the first five numbers.

A game "Make a ladder"

Goal: formation of numbers and numbers 5.

Lesson No. 2.

A game "Count the same amount"

Goal: consolidate children's knowledge of numbers.

A game "Rasselled Colored Numbers"

Goal: ability to form a number from two smaller ones.


Lesson No. 1.

A game “Game exercise for parts of the day”

Goal: formation of temporary representations of attention development.
A game "When it happens"

Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​the time of day, to teach correctly
use the words “today, tomorrow, yesterday.”

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Day - Night"

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “morning”, “day”, “evening”, “night”.
A game "Yesterday Today Tomorrow"
Goal: mastering time concepts.


Lesson No. 1.

Game "Ornaments"

Goal: to teach to distinguish figures on a plane and taking into account shape and color.

A game Constructor "Assemble the cube"

Goal: to strengthen the ability to think logically.

Lesson No. 2.

A game Lotto “Color and Shape”

Purpose: to fix the colors and shapes of objects.

A game "Wonderful bag"

Goal: to consolidate the name of geometric shapes, teach to find objects of the same shape.


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Logical Lotto"

Goal: develop logical thinking.

A game "Find the same one"

Goal: develop attention and memory.

Lesson No. 2.

A game "Pick a figure"

Purpose: to practice naming geometric shapes.
A game "What's in the bag"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes.


Lesson No. 1.

A game "Name the number"
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge of numbers.
A game "What number is missing"
Purpose: to practice ordinal counting.

Lesson No. 2.

A game “Name the neighbors of the number”

Goal: to practice the relationship between numbers and numbers.

Game "What's Missing"

Goal: to develop children's attentiveness and memory

Long-term plan

on sensory development for children 5-6 years old

  • Distinguishing and naming all colors of the spectrum and achromatic colors (black, white, gray), shades of color (dark red, light gray), 3-5 tones of color (raspberry, lemon, light green, turquoise, lilac...), warm and cold shades.
  • Distinguishing and naming geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid), mastering methods of recreating a figure from parts, dividing a figure into parts; mastering the ability to highlight (with the help of an adult) the structure of flat geometric shapes (sides, corners, vertices).
  • Using sensory standards to evaluate the properties of objects (a dark blue cap, a diamond-shaped badge, a glass deeper than a cup, a book heavier than a notebook).
  • Mastering the ability to highlight similarities and differences between groups of objects.
  • Demonstration of the ability to compare objects, identify 3-5 signs of similarity and difference, group objects on different grounds, mainly based on visual assessment; distinguish sounds (musical sounds according to different characteristics: pitch, timbre, volume, duration; sounds of the native language).



Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the change in geometric shapes. Show that the shapes of objects and their parts can correspond different options figures.


Goal: To teach children to consistently examine a dissected form, to identify, name and remember its parts and their spatial location.



Goal: To teach yourself how to describe a dissected ornamental form.


Goal: To teach children consistent visual examination and verbal description of the shape of objects.



Goal: Learn independently, conduct a survey of the subject. The “buyer” must give a description of the plant by shape and color and color of the leaf, the “seller” must recognize this plant.


Goal: To develop in children the ability to break down the complex shape of an object into elements. In this game, children must use 3 types of rectangles, differing in size and proportions, to create a parsley figure from a mosaic.



Purpose: To practice the development and ability to dismember a complex shape.


Purpose: To teach children to compare the results of visual and tactile examination of the shape of an object.



Purpose: To train children in matching and generalizing objects by color.


Goal: To teach children how to lighten colors and create a series by lightness



Purpose: To introduce children to shades by color tone.


Goal: To consolidate preschoolers’ ideas about the light range.



Goal: To teach children to name a color tone indicating its characteristic.


Goal: To teach children the sequential decomposition into a series of elements of different sizes.



Goal: To teach children to notice irregularities in the uniformity of increase (or decrease) of a value.


Goal: To learn to determine proportions: to select by eye objects that are in the same ratio in size to each other as in the sample.



Goal: To learn to establish correspondence between several rows of objects ordered by size.


Goal: To consolidate the ability to select objects according to a sample, focusing on the ratio of features.


  1. Wenger L.A., Pilyugina E.G., Wenger N.B. Raising a child’s sensory culture, - M.: 1998.
  2. Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschool children / Ed. L.A. Wenger - M.: Education, 1973.
  3. Preschool pedagogy / Ed. S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova - M.: "Academy", 1998.
  4. Zaporozhets A.V., Usova A.P. Sensory education of preschool children. - M.: APN RSFSR, 1963.
  5. Mikhailova Z.A. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers: Book. for kindergarten teachers. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 1990.
  6. Pilyugina E.G. Sensory education classes. – M.: Education, 1983.
  7. Sensory education in kindergarten./ Ed. N.N. Poddyakova - M.: Education, 1981.
  8. Sensory education in kindergarten. Ed. N.P. Sakkulina, N.N. Poddyakova - M.: Education, 1969.