The project is the first junior group - the sun on a leg. Project in the first junior group on the topic: “Sunshine”

Educational and creative project
"Visiting the Sun"
in the second junior group.

Participants: Children

Educators: Bartuli Elvira Nikolaevna (I category)

Musical director: Chaulidi Natalya Savichna (I category)

Project duration - 3 weeks

Objective of the project: Formation of a value attitude towards inanimate nature; combining the experience and knowledge of children to create a musical and theatrical performance, nurturing aesthetic emotions for the vibrant diversity of the world around them.


1. Introduce children to the features of the sun and its role in human life.

2. Develop emotional responsiveness to musical and literary works, understanding of content and means of expression.

3. To form in children an emotional and joyful feeling from active participation in joint team work.

Expected Result:

As a result of this project children have expanded their knowledge about the characteristics of the sun and its role for the world around them, and also developed fantasies, spontaneity, and emotionality; The children's vocabulary became more active.

Parents became active participants in the project. Assessed the importance and necessity of developing a value-based attitude towards nature in children

I received positive emotional contact during the development of the project. Was

a unified approach to fostering love for nature has been implemented in the family and in kindergarten.

Project stages:

1. Initial stage.

Setting goals and developing the content of the educational process.

2. Active stage.


Watching the sun

Game “Hide from the Sun”

Outdoor games “Sunshine and Rain”, “Sunshine”

Drawing on the street

Game "Find Your Shadow"

Drawing "Trace My Shadow"


Reading books, nursery rhymes, songs, chants, poems about the sun.

Memorizing poems about the sun.

Conversation “What color is the sun?”

Experiment “What colors does a sunbeam consist of?”

Construction of “House for the Sun”

Drawing with plasticine “Help the Sun rise”, on lids (gifts for kids).

Drawing “Our only Sun”

Manual labor “Golden Sun” (team work).

Application “Sun in clouds” (by tearing paper)

Drawing with palms “Multi-colored rays” (team work).

Conversation “If there was no Sun.”

Speech development lesson “Sunshine”.

Watching the cartoon "Stolen Sun".

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun.”

Music classes

Listening to E. Grieg “Morning”.

Musical and didactic game “Sun and Cloud”

Musical and didactic game in motion “Sun and Rain”

Song accompanied by music. instruments "Summer Rain"

Musical and didactic game “On the paths of puddles”

Communicative dance “Made up.”


Outdoor game “Catch the Sunny Bunny”

Hand shadow theater.

Games with mosaics.

Construction Games

Board game “Collect the sun”.

Coloring pages with the sun.

Working with parents.

Exhibition “Do-It-Yourself Sun”

Photo exhibition “Children and the Sun”

Stage 3 - Collective implementation of the project.

Entertainment "Visiting the Sun."

Stage 4 - Presentation of the project.

Sharing experience in kindergarten.

Target: Give children an idea of ​​space, introduce them to the star - the Sun.


· promote unity child-parent relationships;

· promote the development of children's creative potential;

· enrich children’s literary experience on this topic with additional knowledge;

· promote the development of monologue and dialogic speech of children;

· promote the development of skills in expressive and emotional transmission of playful and fairy-tale images.



MBDOU "Kindergarten for the care and health of children

with allergic diseases No. 69"

Project work

Theme "Sun"


teachers of group No. 6

Khakimova G.Z

Ermakova E.B.



Educational project “Sun” in the second junior group

(3-4 years)

Target: Give children an idea of ​​space, introduce them to the star - the Sun.


  • promote the cohesion of child-parent relationships;
  • promote the development of children's creative potential;
  • enrich children’s literary experience on this topic with additional knowledge;
  • promote the development of monologue and dialogic speech in children;
  • promote the development of skills in expressive and emotional transmission of playful and fairy-tale images.

Stages of work

Stage 1 – preparatory

  • drawing up a project plan;
  • selection of literature;
  • invitation to project participants.

Stage 2 – main

Collaborative activities between teachers and children

1. Visual activity


  • finger painting,
  • wet drawing,
  • painting eggs for Easter,
  • palm painting.


  • cut applique,
  • application together with drawing.


  • plasticineography,
  • testoplasty,
  • clay crafting.

2. Reading fiction

  • Reading the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun” by K.I. Chukovsky.
  • A.S. Pushkin “Our Light, Sunshine!”
  • K. Ushinsky “Wind and Sun”.
  • Slovak fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”.
  • G. Lagzdyn “Sun”.
  • V. Shipunova “Golden Dandelion”.

3. Learning songs, nursery rhymes, chants, chants

  • “The sun was rolling towards the west...”
  • “Sunny, bucket...”
  • “When the Sun rises...”
  • “The red sun has set...”
  • “Where does the sun spend the night?” (Armenian version by I. Tokmakova).
  • “Call of the Sun” (words of the people. Arranged by I. Lazarev and M. Lazarev).
  • “Merry round dance” G. Lagzdyn.
  • Musical and didactic games.

4. Musical leisure and holidays

  • Mother's Day - "Spring is Red."
  • Entertainment – ​​“Sunny Bunnies”.
  • Entertainment – ​​“Visiting the Sun.”
  • Entertainment “Broad Maslenitsa”.
  • Entertainment for children and parents – “Sunny’s Name Day”.

5. Excursions

Excursion to the visiting planetarium.

6. Observation

  • Observations of living and inanimate nature in the kindergarten area.
  • Observing the Sun (in the morning, during a walk, in the evening)

7. Play activities

  • Outdoor games (“Sunshine and Rain”; “Find
  • chicken"; round dance games).
  • Plot - role-playing games("A space flight").
  • Creation of game situations (“Starship”, “Rocket”; “Where does the Sun sleep?”).
  • didactic games (“Sun”; “What is yellow?” “Big-small”; “Pick up an object that looks like the sun”).
  • Finger games (“House and Gate”, “Sun”, “Summer”, “Fingers”, “Orange”).

8. Interaction with families of pupils

  • Exhibition of crafts from waste material: “Sun comes in different forms...”, made jointly by parents and children.
  • Competition for the best written fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”.
  • Photo exhibition “We are all happy about the Sun.”

Independent activities of children

  • Games with Dienesh blocks and Cuisenaire sticks (working with albums).
  • Games on the carpet (soft construction set).
  • Review of children's encyclopedias.
  • Examination of illustrations (Vincent Van Gogh: “The Sower at Sunset”, “Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun”, “Wheat Field with the Setting Sun”.
  • Contemporary artists – Yulia Zhukovskaya “Sunrise over the sea”, Konstantin Bogaevsky “Sun”, Yulia Rustamyan “Sunrise over the sea”.)

Stage 3 – final

Final meeting for children and parents of the group

  • Entertainment "Sun's Name Day".
  • Summarizing:
  1. Exhibition of crafts made from waste materials: “The sun comes in different forms...”.
  2. Competition for the best fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”.
  3. Photo exhibitions “We are all glad to see the Sun.”
  • Drinking tea together.

Planning work on the implementation of the “Sun” project in the junior group









Continue to introduce palm typing techniques. Learn how to quickly apply paint to your palm and make imprints like rays of the sun. Develop color perception.

A sheet of whatman paper with a yellow circle drawn in the middle, scarlet, yellow gouache, orange flowers, brushes, saucers for paint.

“The sun is looking through the window”

Brush, gouache

Learn to convey the bright sun with a spot of color, place the drawing in the middle of the sheet and paint over it round shape in continuous lines from top to bottom or from left to right with the entire bristle of the brush; educate children to be neat.

Easel, flannelgraph, flannelgraph figurine (sun), yellow paint, brush, paper.

"Sunny Bunny"

Wet painting technique

Continue to introduce children to the “wet” drawing technique; teach to convey the character of an image with a spot of color; introduce people to different emotional states; teach to enjoy life.

Easel, yellow paint, mirror, brushes, jars of water, sponges, palettes, bluish-gray paper.


“Dandelion flowers are yellow like the sun”


Continue to expand children's horizons and knowledge about nature; learn to create images of plants using an unconventional technique - plasticineography, using existing skills and abilities to work with plasticine; develop spatial representations, compositional skills.

Illustrations depicting a dandelion, cardboard blue, light blue, purple, set of plasticine, stack, hand napkin.

"Yellow sunflower - little sun"


Continue to introduce children to plastic materials - salt dough, develop the ability to admire natural forms and transform them into decorative ones, strengthen children’s ability to create an image when the details of objects retain volume and protrude above the surface of the base, and develop creative skills.

Salt dough, fried sunflower seeds, stacks, brushes, gouache in yellow, orange and green colors.


"The sun is walking in the sky"

Application with drawing elements

Evoke a vivid emotional response to the folklore image of the sun. Learn to create an image of the sun in an applique: glue a large circle, draw rays, depict a cloud - crumple a napkin into a ball and glue it, trying to convey the image (“what it looks like”). Develop perception, visual and figurative thinking.

Blue paper, yellow, orange and red circles (optional), paper napkins for clouds, felt-tip pens, fabric napkins, glue, glue brushes, glue sockets, oilcloth.

“Wears a dandelion yellow sundress...”

The applique is broken

Arouse interest in creating an expressive image of a fluffy dandelion using the cut-out appliqué technique. Clarify children's ideas about appearance dandelion - a little sun and show the possibility of depicting yellow and white flowers. Develop a sense of color and shape, fine motor skills. To cultivate aesthetic emotions and artistic taste.

Sheets of light green or blue paper colored paper yellow, white and green glue, glue brushes, felt-tip pens, paper and cloth napkins, oilcloth.

Design and manual labor

"The sun walked across the sky..."

Dienesha blocks

Encourage the desire to design according to your own plans and ideas. Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes, color.

Dienesh blocks for each child.

“The sun is looking through the window”

Waste material

Learn to freely place an image on a sheet of paper. Develop fine motor skills.

Millet groats, blue, dark blue or lilac cardboard, glue, glue brushes

Play activity

“Sunny, appear!”

(Theatrical game) - game - situation

Introduce children to Russian folklore; include in the dramatization; learn to speak and act on behalf of the characters; intensify partnership interaction in the game.

Toys – hedgehogs, bear, fox, hare; sun (model), hats for staging.

“Where does the sun spend the night?”


Learn to actively respond to artistic image, encourage one to take on the role of mom (dad), involve them in motor improvisation, compare motor and calm intonations.

Sunny (model), hats for staging.

“Spring Sun” - based on the poem by V. Borisov “Who sits where”


Evoke joyful emotions in children. Continue to develop a sense of rhythm; coordination of movements. Cultivate positive relationships among children.

Illustrations - a dog in a kennel, a crow on the fence, a starling in a birdhouse, a sparrow on the roof, the sun (laughing, sad, angry, smiling, crying), bells, tambourines, rattles, a car steering wheel, a flannelograph and drop-pictures for it, a cassette with recording of any lullaby.

“Morning Rays” - based on the story by K. Ushinsky.


Continue to develop coordination of movements; attention, memory

A sheet of paper with a yellow circle, a yellow pencil, a flannelgraph, pictures - the sun, a lark, a hare, a rooster, hens, a bee on a flower, a baby in a crib, flowers.

"Country of the Sun"

Fairy tale therapy

Help children imagine their own position in choosing the method of implementing actions, the image of a literary character; lead to the ability to imitate animal voices with different strengths voices in problematic situations (illness, consolation). Learn to convey rhythmic movements of the characters in the fairy tale (cars are driving, bears are walking). Encourage expressive conveyance of the emotional state in facial expressions and movements (to be sick). Develop the ability to voluntarily tense and relax muscles to remove bodily barriers (shivering from the cold, resting in the sun).

Tables, chairs for each child.

"What happens yellow color

Didactic game

Reinforce knowledge of flower names; teach children to select yellow objects among objects of different shapes and colors.

Items different color(dishes, vegetables, pencils, Katya doll with a yellow bow.


Didactic game

Strengthen children’s ability to roll a ball out of a lump of plasticine and roll out columns; develop the ability to see the beauty of color against the background of different objects.

Plasticine, stacks,

"Find the Chicken"

Sedentary game

Practice jumping over a cord.


"Sun and Rain"

Outdoor game

Teach to coordinate movements with the movements of other children.

Tambourine, umbrella

List of used literature:

  1. Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and reality. M., 2004.
  2. Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S. Expanded forward planning(second junior group). Volgograd, 2011.
  3. Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activities. M., 2010.
  4. Davydova G.N. Children's design (plasticineography). M., 2006.
  5. Kazakova R.G. Drawing with children preschool age(non-traditional techniques). M., 2004.
  6. Kartushina M.Yu. Fun for kids. M., 2006.
  7. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmics for kids. M., 2005.
  8. Nikitina A.V. Unconventional techniques drawing in kindergarten. Karo, 2007.
  9. Firsova A.V. Miracles from salt dough. M., 2010.
  10. Shorokhova O.A. Classes on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers and fairy tale therapy. M., 2010.

MBDOU "TsRR - kindergarten No. 172"Pedagogical project
in the 2nd junior group on the topic:
“Radiant sun, smile cheerfully at us”
Compiled by teacher Bogdanova E.S. Voronezh, 2014
Type of project: group, medium-term.
Project type: informational and creative.
Project duration: 3 weeks.
Project participants: children, teachers, parents of junior group No. 3, music worker, physical education instructor.
Project structure
Stage 1 Preparatory - development project. Deadline: February 25-28
Stage 2 Main - carrying out activities aimed at implementing the project. Duration: March 3 – 11
Stage 3 Final - summing up: assessment of the effectiveness of the project, creative report. Deadline: March 12-14.
Preparatory stage Contents of work:
1. Definition of the problem, its relevance and significance, setting a goal, highlighting the tasks of the project.2. Selection and study methodological literature to implement the project.3. Grouping material, drawing up a work plan.4. Development of methods and techniques for working on the project topic.5. Selection of visual didactic material, fiction, equipment and materials for productive and research activities, attributes for games on the topic of the project.6. Organization of a subject-developmental environment in a group.
Problematic question: At the age of 3-4 years, children know little about natural objects, including the natural object - the sun. The theme of the project was not chosen by chance in the first month of spring. At the beginning of March, the sun begins to shine brighter and lighter. Not all children noticed this. During observations on a walk, during conversations it became clear that knowledge younger preschoolers information about the sun as a natural object is very scarce. Not all children could name the color or shape of the sun; they used little verbs and definitions related to the sun; they had no idea what the sun was for. Thus, the problem arose: “What is the sun?”, “What is it?” “What does the sun do?”, “If there is no sun, what will happen?” To solve these and other problems, a project was drawn up on the theme: “Radiant sun, smile cheerfully at us!”
Relevance of the problemObjects and phenomena inanimate nature is the objective reality of the world. A reality that directly and continuously exerts its inevitable influence on mental development children. Extremely important for the development of a child’s thinking is familiarization with objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, during which he learns new things about the surrounding reality. The name of the project was not chosen by chance. Without the sun, the life and development of all life on earth - both animals and plants - is impossible. Warming the earth with its rays, the sun makes everyone happy - both adults and children, and lifts their spirits. Using the image of the sun as a surprise moment in class helps in game form introduce children to the fascinating world of nature, increasing interest in the world of plants and animals. Like a kind and affectionate friend, the sun accompanies the child throughout his childhood, because from birth the child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is a first for him: sun and rain, tears and joy, flowers and trees, rainbows, seasons and much more. A child cannot independently find the answer to all his questions - his parents and teachers help him. During the implementation of the project, children will gain knowledge about a natural object - the sun and its influence on the world.
Project goal: To develop in children of primary preschool age elementary representations about the sun as a natural object and its influence on the world around us.
Project objectives:
For children: 1. Enrich children's knowledge about the sun: its shape, color, properties. Give ideas about the importance of the sun in the life of living beings. 2. Reveal children’s ideas about the sun at different times of the day, at different times of the year. 3.Increase children’s speech activity, enrich their vocabulary with verbs and definitions related to the sun.4.Introduce children to different ways images of the sun.5.Develop interest, observation and emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of inanimate nature.6.Cultivate the correct attitude to behavior in the sun, to safety rules. For teachers: 1. Create an information base. 2. Create conditions for the safe and comfortable state of children during the implementation of the project. For parents: Develop Creative skills in progress productive activity.Expected results:* Expanding children's knowledge about the characteristics of the sun and its role for the world around them;* Enriching children's active and passive vocabulary through the words: “bright”, “warm”, “affectionate”, “shines”, “warms”, “ smiles”, etc.* Taking active part in productive activities. * Development of cognitive interest and observation skills in children; manifestation of emotional responsiveness. Possible risks: ~Cloudy weather; ~Low level of cognitive interest in some children; ~Disinterest of parents in the project.
Main stage Contents of the work: 1. Organization of children's activities2. Working with parents3. Working with teachers
Planning work with children
Topic of the day Goal of the day Implementation date
“Hello, clear sun!” Arouse interest and emotional attitude towards the sun as a natural object.
March, 3rd
“What are you like, honey?” Introduce children to the sun as an object of inanimate nature.
March 4-5
“Where do you live, honey?” Form children's ideas about the parts of the day.
March, 6
"The sun's worries all year round"
Form ideas about the sun at different times of the year. March 7
“May there always be sunshine!” To give an idea that the Sun is the source of life on earth.
11th of March
Work with children is organized according to educational fields: « Speech development", "Social and communicative development", " Cognitive development», « Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Alyonushka"

With. Baryatino


Project activities in the first

junior group "Tender Sun"

Problem. At the age of 2-3 years, children know little about natural phenomena, including the natural object - the sun. Moreover, in conversations with children, some of them found it difficult to name what color and what shape the sun is. Verbs and definitions associated with the sun were also used little.

The relevance of the development and implementation of a pedagogical project.

In April, this time the sun begins to shine more often, brighter, and becomes warmer. Of course, the children also noticed this. At this age (2-3 years), children develop a sensory concept (shape, color, size). I also wanted to enrich children’s knowledge about a natural object - the sun, to show the influence of the sun on nature. In this regard, such a topic was identified.

Objective of the project: formation of an active vocabulary in children through the organization of different types of activities: gaming (primarily); cognitive (observations, experiment, artistic expression); musical-aesthetic, productive.


1. Give children basic ideas about a natural object - the sun, and its influence on the world around them.

2. To form children’s cognitive activity when conducting experiments and observations.

3. Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.

4. Reinforce the concepts of “yellow”, “round”, “similar”, “not similar”.

5. Develop skills in working with a brush, paints, and glue.

6. Instill in children the correct attitude towards behavior in the sun and safety rules.

Project type: information and research.

Participants: group teacher Svetlana Nikolaevna, children of the first junior group.
Duration: 3 weeks (short term)

Expected Result:

Development of observation skills in children (they recognize and name the sun in books, in pictures);

Enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through words: “bright”, “light”, “warm”, “shines”, “smiles”, “warms”, “sun”, “radiant”, etc.

They recognize and name the color yellow;

Preparatory stage:

1. Conversations with children to identify children’s knowledge about the sun.

2. Preparation of poems, riddles, games, using the “sun”, illustration material..

3. Preparation of attributes for games, GCD.

Main stage:

1. Reading and memorizing the poem “Sun”, physical education lesson - the song “I’m lying in the sun”.

2. Outdoor game “Sunny Bunnies”.

3. Observation of changes in nature associated with the sun.

4. Carrying out drawing and modeling on the theme “Sun”.

5. Playing with a sun bunny.

6. Complex morning exercises"Radiant sun."

7. Observing the sunrise and sunset (if possible in a group)

8. Experiment “Cold - Warm”

9. Outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”.

10.Finger gymnastics


I wanted to give children a basic understanding of the sun and its influence on nature. And also involve each participant in an active, educational and creative process.

During the implementation of this project, children watched with interest the activity of the sun and drew conclusions about its impact on nature. This contributed to the development of children's cognitive abilities, observation and the development of creative imagination.


1. “Sculpting and drawing with children early age 1-3 years"

2. “Speech development in young children. 1-3 years."

3. “Introducing young children to nature”

4. “Speech development”

5. “Activities for a walk with kids”

6. "Organization" joint activities with young children on a walk."

7. Material from the Internet.

Appendices to the work “Project activities in the first

junior group "Tender Sun"

1. Physical education minutes.

2. A set of exercises for morning exercises (with elements of breathing exercises).

3. NOD for modeling on the theme: “Sun”.

4. GCD for drawing on the topic: “The sun is radiant, smiled cheerfully...” (Collective drawing with palms)

5..Themed walk:

    "Watching the sun in spring."

6.. Outdoor game: “Sunshine”. (L. Chadova).

7.. Outdoor game: “Sunshine and rain.”

8. Poems about the sun.

Project results.

The “Tender Sun” project was short-term and lasted 3 weeks. Since the project is an information and research project, the children learned a lot about the natural object - the sun and its influence on the world around them, and observed changes in nature associated with the sun. The children learned that thanks to the sun, plants, people, and animals live; without the sun there would be no life on Earth.

During the “Cold-Warmth” experiment, children learned that the sun warms, it makes it warm and light, but without the sun it is cold and dark. The active and passive vocabulary of children has been enriched due to the words “bright”, “light”, “affectionate”, “shines, smiles, warms”, etc. Interest has appeared in experimental activities, children have become more observant and inquisitive.

During the outdoor games “Sunshine and Rain” and “Sunny Bunnies”, children learned to consciously and meaningfully perform actions with text.

On directly organized activities In modeling, we learned to smear plasticine on cardboard using pressing movements of the index finger and depict the sun.

We learned the poem “Sunshine”.

Thus, the tasks and goals of the project were completed: elementary ideas about the sun were given; formed cognitive activity children's vocabulary is enriched when conducting experiments and observations.

Svetlana Savkina
Project in the first junior group “Hello, sunshine”

Relevance of the study - the topic is relevant and may be of interest to children junior preschool age. Behind last years, children's interest in nature has decreased significantly. To increase interest in the natural world, it is necessary to introduce children to the features sun and its role in human life. Enrich children's knowledge about natural objects - Sun, show its influence on nature. In this regard, this topic was chosen.

TARGET PROJECT: Formation of an active vocabulary in children through organization different types activities: gaming (first of all); cognitive (Artistic word, observation, experiment.)


Introducing children to the features sun and its role in human life.

To form in children an emotional and joyful feeling from active participation in joint team work.

To cultivate interest and love for nature, kindness and responsiveness to each other and to others.

Stimulate the natural process of development of motor abilities and qualities.

TYPE PROJECT: Cognitive and creative.

PARTICIPANTS: teacher groups, children first junior group, parents.

DURATION: 2 weeks


Expanding children's knowledge about features the sun and its role.

Mastery and ability to portray in different ways.

Development of observation skills in children.

Enrichment of children's active and passive vocabulary.

Enjoying working in a team.


1. Reading a fairy tale: « Sun Ray» .

2. Memorizing poems and nursery rhymes, guessing riddles.

3. Physical education minute: « The sun came out from behind the clouds» .

4. Outdoor games: « Sunshine and rain» , « Sunny bunnies»

5. Didactic games : "What does it look like Sun» , « Sun and rays»

6. Observation sun on a walk.

7. Morning complex gymnastics: “Smile to the sun".

8. Finger gymnastics: "Red morning has come"

9. Game - experiment: "Warm - cold"

10. Conversation: “If there weren’t sunshine “

11. Teamwork : “The sun is radiant”

12. Modeling: Sun in the sky»

13. Drawing: « Sun»

14. Speech development: "At the sun is warm»


Summarizing project.

Preparation of a photo report for parents based on the results of implementation project.

PRODUCT PROJECT: Exhibition of children's works.

Complex of morning exercises.

"Let's smile sunshine»

1. Walking and running in circles. Finish with walking. Formation in a circle.

In the morning the sun woke up,

All the guys smiled

Hello, the sun is red

Good, clear.

2. Outdoor switchgear:

1) Little Ray looked through the window

Extend your palm to him (alternately extend the right and left hands with palms up. Repeat 4-5 times)

2) Stretch higher, higher

By hand touch the sun(rise on your toes, arms up. Repeat 3-4 times)

3) On sun you can sunbathe

Warm your backs and rest (lying on your back, turn on your stomach, return to standing position. Repeat 3 times)

4) The sun makes the boys happy

Kindergarten having fun (8-10 jumping jacks with clapping. Repeat 3 times)

3. Calm walking. Breathing exercises.

One - two, one - two

Now it's time to rest.

P/game: « Sunshine and rain» (sunshine - children running, rain - open the umbrella - children run under the umbrella):

Rain, rain, don't make noise. That's when we go to bed

Drip - drip - drip Drip - drip - drip

The kids beg and beg. Knock on the window again

Drip - drip - drip Drip - drip - drip)

P/game:« Sunny bunnies» (invite the children to catch sunny bunny with hands, If solar the bunny will end up on the floor - catch kicks:

The runners are jumping,

Sunny bunnies

We call them - they don’t come,

They were here - and they are not here.

Jump, jump, around the corners,

They were there and they are not there.

Where are the bunnies? Gone

We didn't find them anywhere.

D/game: "What does it look like Sun» (Find pictures with analogies sun,

D/game: « Sun and rays» (attach rays - clothespins to the template sun)

Game - experiment: "Warm - Cold"(touch your hand to a hard surface in the shade, and then Sun)

Physical education minute.

The sun came out from behind a cloud

We will reach out to hands to the sun

The sun is sinking lower(bending forward)

So it hid behind the clouds (squat)

Not a single ray is visible.

Finger gymnastics.

The red morning has come

The red sun has risen,

The rays began to shine,

Making little kids happy

(Fingers straighten one at a time)

The clouds have arrived

The rays hid.

(Fingers hide in fist)

Summary of the walk.

P./game « Sunshine and rain» .

Observation of the sun.

Guys, is it warm or cold outside today? What makes us warm? What warms us up? (children's answers) Certainly, Sun, bright, radiant. Let's put our palms together. Do you feel the sun is warming up, and touch the bench, each other’s jackets. They also heat up. Do you want to see sunbeams? P/n « Sunny bunnies»

The sun is warming up, and the snow is melting. Soon the asphalt will be completely dry. Let us help sunshine. Work: clear the path of snow.

Game - experiment: "Warm - Cold"

Development exercise fine motor skills hands - laying out suns made of pine cones and twigs.

Individual work on FISO: Jumping on two legs while moving forward.

P./game: « Sunshine and rain» .

Subject: « Sun in the sky» (Modeling)

Tasks: evoke a vivid emotional response to a folklore image sun. Learn to sculpt Sun in the form of a plasticine picture from a disk (flattened ball) and rays (flagella). Show the possibility of combining different shaped parts in one image. Develop a sense of form, rhythm, fine motor skills.

Preliminary work: examination of book illustrations in collections of songs, nursery rhymes, folk tales in order to enrich impressions and introduce children to image options sunshine. Memorizing poems and nursery rhymes about sunshine.

Material, tools, equipment: blue square cardboard for the background, yellow plasticine, paper napkins, oilcloths. Demo material: « Sun» .

The teacher contributes to group box.

Educator: Guys, guess what is in my box? (children's answers)

I'll give you a little hint and tell you a riddle.

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you... (Sun) .

Educator: Guys, huh where does the sun live??

Children: In the sky.

Educator: Can we reach him?

Children: No.

Educator: Do you want to touch it? Sun?

Children's answers. Open the box.

Guys, I have a blue square. It will be a piece of heaven. And there is yellow plasticine. From it we can make Sun.

What shape Sun? (round)

Rolling a ball in my hands (shows) and I squeeze it Sun. Here it appears in the sky (attaches the disk to the blue square)

What is missing? (Luchikov). I pinch off a piece of plasticine and attach it, like this (places flagella around the disc).

And where is sunshine eyes and mouth? We will draw them with a stick. That's what the sun appeared in the sky.

Physical education minute.

The sun came out from behind a cloud

We will reach out to hands to the sun

The sun is sinking lower(bending forward)

So it hid behind the clouds (squat)

Not a single ray is visible.

Now you do this Sun. Children sculpt Sun with musical accompaniment.

As the lesson progresses, the teacher provides individual assistance to children in placement sunshine in the sky

Subject: « Sun» (Drawing with gouache)

Tasks: learn to draw Sun, teach the elements of composition, consolidate color, shape, learn to paint inside the outline, cultivate interest in the world around you, create a joyful mood, develop imagination.

Preliminary work: viewing images sunshine in children's books. Observation of sun on a walk, modeling sun, conversation: "If it weren't for sunshine» . Reading poems and nursery rhymes about Sun.

Materials, tools, equipment: yellow gouache, white sheets of paper, jars of water, napkins.

Toys included (doll and dog)

Toys: Hello, Guys. We really like it when you play with us. But in the evening you go home, Sun hides and we feel very sad.

Educator: What can we do for you so that you don’t be sad?

Toys: Now, if you would draw for us Sun, we would have more fun.

Educator: Well, guys, let's help the toys, draw for them Sun?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What colour Sun?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: What shape?

Children: Round.

Educator: Rays sunshine can be straight, or can be wavy (show)

Physical education minute.

The sun came out from behind a cloud

We will reach out to hands to the sun(raise your hands)

The sun is sinking lower(bending forward)

So it hid behind the clouds (sit down)

Not a single ray is visible.

Educator: Now let’s sit at the tables and draw Sun.

(Children draw to the accompaniment of music)

Lay out the drawings on the table. The children are standing near the table.

Educator: Guys, we are beautiful the suns turned out?

Children: Beautiful.

Educator: And who did we draw them for?

Children: Toys.

Toys: Thanks guys. With such beautiful sunshine we will always be warm, light and cheerful.

Subject: "At the sun is warm» (Speech development)

Tasks: enrich and activate children's vocabulary. Summarize the emotional, cognitive and speech experiences of children. Show the connection between natural phenomena (the heat melts the snow) Encourage children to solve riddles and tell nursery rhymes. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and towards the people around you.

Preliminary work: observation sun on a walk, memorizing nursery rhymes about Sun, d. / a game: "What is it like Sun» , P. / a game: « Sunshine and rain, « Sunny bunnies» , reading fairy tales: « Sun Ray»

Educator: Guys, do you like it when people give you gifts?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I have small gifts for you, but first guess riddle:

It gets up before everyone else,

Gives warmth and light to everyone

Yellow, large

What it is?

Children: Sun.

Educator: That's right, that's Sun. Where does it live?

Children: High in the sky.

Educator: When does it rise?

Children: Early in the morning.

Educator: What does it do?

Children: It shines, it warms.

Educator: Who needs it?

Children: To all people, animals, plants.

Educator: Let's call Sun.

The sun is clear, dress up

Red sun, show yourself

Put on the scarlet dress

Give us a red day.

Guys, the sun looks like a big one, a big ball. If you draw it, it looks like this (show). What colour Sun?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: What shape is it?

Children: Round.

Educator: What else is it like? Sun?

Children: Ball, hoop, orange.

Take out the hoop with ribbons

Educator: Guys, look what we have sun - hoop?

Children: Rays.

Physical education minute.

P/n "Carousels"

Educator: Guys, let's go to the window and look at Sun. Is it easy to look at?

Children: No.

Educator: This is because spring has come and sunshine New rays have appeared - babies, very warm and nimble. The rays scattered in different directions and they came to visit us. Stretch out your palms, you feel like rays - the kids are caressing and warming your hands. They are the ones who greet you. Turn your cheeks to them, let the warm rays warm them.

Do you want to be like the sun is kind and affectionate? (children's answers)

Take out the snow in a basin.

Take the snow in your hands. What happened to him? (melts) Why is he melting? (children's answers)

Educator: Now sit down on the chairs. What did we learn today about sunshine? What is it like? What does it do? And if it weren't sunshine? (children's answers) I want to give you sunshine so that it warms you and you don’t forget to warm other people with your kindness, be affectionate and kind.