Walk-event with young children. Summer walk-fun on the street in kindergarten “Sand Day” Non-traditional walks in kindergarten entertainment

According to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), children's education in preschool educational institutions is conducted in five areas: cognitive, physical, artistic, speech and communication development. These categories are interconnected in the educational process and are implemented throughout the day in kindergarten. Proper organization of walks allows you to achieve the goal of raising a comprehensively developed personality of a child and improving the best qualities in him.

Theoretical foundations for walks in preschool educational institutions

Organizing and conducting a walk is the most difficult type pedagogical activity. During their stay on the kindergarten playground, the preschoolers’ need for outdoor games is not only met, but a set of tasks for diversified development is also realized. According to the requirements of SanPiN, pupils must spend 3-4 hours in the fresh air every day (except for those days when weather conditions shorten the walking time or prevent activities on the playground). Staying outside is a health-saving activity: a change of environment helps improve the emotional background of children, serves as a prevention of fatigue and restores functional resources. Walking is one of best views leisure time, during which the body’s protective functions are activated and hardening occurs. At the same time, during the walk, the Federal State Educational Standard is set for the development of children’s abilities and motivation for various types of activities.

Daily walks help improve children's immunity

Modern kindergartens operate in accordance with programs built according to the Federal State Educational Standard and adhere to the Federal State Requirements (FGT) for the activities of children. The regulatory documents indicate 7 main types of activities for preschool education:

  • gaming;
  • communicative;
  • labor;
  • educational and research;
  • productive;
  • musical and artistic;
  • reading.

The walk is a complex of educational activities with children. All types of FGT activities can be used during a walk in various combinations, depending on what activities the children were engaged in before going outside and what will happen according to the plan after.

If a walk in a routine follows after physical education or other active physical activity, then on the street the lesson begins in a calm rhythm. And vice versa, after singing lessons, speech development, artistic activity Active physical exercise is expected in the fresh air.

Walking tasks

  • Cognitive, expanding knowledge about the surrounding world: natural phenomena, flora and fauna.
  • Replenishment of active vocabulary through the study of objects and natural phenomena.
  • Development of thinking abilities. Children learn to independently establish cause-and-effect relationships, analyze, and draw conclusions.
  • Development of observation, curiosity, search and research activities, cognitive activity.
  • Formation of communication skills in relationships with peers during joint play and labor activity.
  • Promoting artistic, aesthetic and speech development.
  • Increasing the level of physical fitness of preschool children.
  • Optimization of motor activity.
  • Fostering a caring attitude towards nature and love for one’s native land.
  • Creating a positive emotional background.

Techniques (structural components) of walking

  • Observation. Conducted with a group, in subgroups or in individually. You can observe natural phenomena and situations in public life with your children. To attract the attention of students to the observation process, the following are used: setting a pedagogical task, riddles, game and problem situations, surprise moments, conducting a conversation with search questions, comparisons, involving personal experience Guys.

    Through observation, children become familiar with the world around them.

  • Outdoor games and physical exercises, including sports games with elements of competition in senior groups (badminton, football, small towns, etc.).

    Outdoor games while walking are one of children's favorite pastimes.

  • Creative tasks and exercises for speech development. They are held in good weather conditions, using outside material (listening to a fairy tale about nature, talking about questions or pictures, making crafts from natural material etc.).

    Creative tasks attract children with their uniqueness

  • Labor assignments: involving children in collecting toys, providing all possible assistance in putting things in order on the site (collecting leaves, clearing paths of snow, caring for plantings). Work activity should evoke joy from a sense of significance of the work done.

    Winter walk - time to clear paths and grounds

Types of walks

There are 2 types of walks with preschoolers according to their location:

  • On the kindergarten site. Walks are held here every day, and all basic pedagogical tasks are implemented. You can diversify the activities at the group site with various tasks, new games, and the use of unusual outdoor materials.
  • Pedestrian walks outside the preschool educational institution. Pupils must be briefed on the route plan and compliance with safety measures during its passage. The purpose of walks in the nearest parks and squares is to observe representatives of the flora and fauna (birds, squirrels, various trees, flowers) and people’s lives (work, sports, etc.). If the children have to cross the roadway to get to the place of the walk, the day before they should repeat with the pupils the rules of behavior for pedestrians (where it is allowed to cross the road and how to do it).

Depending on what type of children's activity predominates during outdoor activities, we can distinguish types of walks by topic:

  • Walks and hikes. With children aged 5–7 years, you can go on walks on the territory of the kindergarten or outside it, taking into account a well-thought-out route and the final goal. This type of walk trains the endurance of preschoolers, activates the ability to observe their surroundings, highlight what is set by the task of the hike (searching for natural materials suitable for crafts, recognizing bird species studied in developmental classes, repeating traffic rules).

    It is worth taking walks and hikes several times a day. academic year(one for each season) so that students do not lose interest in this type of activity.

    Hiking can be done on territory of preschool educational institution in any season

  • Walk with a character. This type of walk contains an entertaining element and is aimed at creating a good mood among the students. The character leading the walk is usually a fairy-tale hero (his role is played by a teacher or other preschool employee by agreement); he assigns exciting tasks to the children, creating a problematic situation (“Help me solve all the riddles and find hidden objects so that I can get back to fairyland", for example) and involving them in participation in outdoor games.

    Children happily respond to tasks from fairy-tale characters

  • Walk-event. Held during an important event in the life of the kindergarten (Autumn Festival, Maslenitsa week, Easter week, Cosmonautics Day, Victory Day, Patriotic Week, Ecology Week, etc.). The tasks during the walk correspond to the thematic focus of the event, emphasize its importance, and create children’s involvement. A walk-event can be dedicated to a particular incident in the life of a particular group (new equipment has appeared, sand has been brought in, it’s time to start landscaping the area).

    A themed walk during the week dedicated to studying traffic rules will be remembered by the children for a long time

  • Labor actions are aimed at maintaining order on the territory of the kindergarten and improving the grounds and areas. It is good that such walks with a predominance of collective work activity are recorded in the memory of the children. You can create wall newspapers with information about the work done, make photo collages for the information stand of the preschool educational institution.

    The kids will remember the walk better if they see the results of their work

  • Sports walks have the purpose of propaganda healthy image life. It is recommended to conduct such walks at different times of the year, focusing the children’s attention on the importance of hardening.

    Group exercises in winter in the fresh air help to harden children

Outdoor material for walking

The teacher determines the items and materials necessary for conducting outdoor activities based on the plan for the walk. At the sites of many kindergartens there are special warehouses for toys and equipment; in the absence of such, you should prepare in advance necessary tools and objects. Attracted by seasons various options take-out material. The correct selection of additional equipment and tools contributes to the development of positive motivation for children to cognitive activity, physical activity, desire to work.

Remote material options:

  • For the sandbox: scoops, buckets, molds, strainers, cars (trucks, excavators). To decorate sand buildings, flags, cubes, plastic windows, etc. are useful.

    Playing in the sandbox is one of the favorite outing activities for younger preschoolers.

  • For outdoor games and sports exercises: sets for rounders, towns, masks, skittles, balls, jump ropes, rubber bands, hoops, etc. winter time- sleds and ice skates.

    Playing bowls always arouses interest among children

  • For observations: windsock nets, turntables, colored glass (safe, preferably plastic), Sunglasses, magnifying glasses.

    The pinwheel is the best tool for observing the wind force

  • For work assignments: shovels, brooms, wheelbarrows, watering cans, rakes.

    Pupils preparatory group actively help adults in cleaning the area

  • For games: dolls, toy strollers or sleds, cars, cubes, a set of doll dishes, a set for playing in the store, sets for playing with water.

    Playing with water is a favorite summer activity for children of all ages.

  • For creative activities: sheets of paper or cardboard, coloring books, paints and brushes for drawing, plasticine.

    Drawing with colored water on the snow will add variety to your winter walks

  • For speech development: books for reading and discussion, albums and postcards with illustrations for viewing.

Organization of walks in kindergarten

The walk consists of five structural elements, each of which lasts 7–15 minutes:

  • independent play activity,
  • individual work in various areas of development of preschool children,
  • work,
  • observation,
  • physical activity.

The feasible work activity of children during a walk in a preschool educational institution develops useful skills.

The sequence of activities during a walk is built in accordance with the children’s previous activities, their emotional state (fatigue, apathy, excitement, activity), educational tasks and calendar-thematic planning. Therefore, the organization of each stay of children in the fresh air requires the preparation of a summary, which will reflect the sequence of activities and their educational content. Preparing a walk outside the kindergarten also includes drawing up a route plan indicating the distance of the final destination. The administration of the preschool educational institution must be warned about this walk and appoint an additional accompanying person for the group of children (senior teacher, nurse, one of the parents).

Table: card index of walks in different age groups

Theme of walksJunior groupMiddle groupSenior groupPreparatory group
Getting to know natural phenomena
  • "Wind",
  • "Clouds".
  • "Clouds and Clouds"
  • "What is the weather?"
  • "Watching the Sun"
  • "Snow and Ice Observation."
  • "The sun is a source of heat and light"
  • "Snow: wet, fluffy, grainy"
  • “Why does the change of day and night occur?”
  • "Autumn leaves",
  • "Study of Icicles."
  • "Signs of Autumn"
  • "Watching the Spring Rain"
  • "What is leaf fall"
  • "What is a blizzard?"
  • "First frost"
  • "What is a thaw?"
Observing people's lives, social life
  • “Monitoring a bus/trolleybus/tram”,
  • "The roadway."
  • "Observing work in the garden"
  • "How a driver works."
  • "How public transport works"
  • "Observing the work of the janitor."
  • "Special transport monitoring"
  • "Air Transport".
Study of representatives of flora and fauna
  • "Observation of a cat/dog",
  • "Study of the structure of trees."
  • “Observation of birch/aspen/poplar”,
  • "Bird Watching"
  • "Spider/Ant Watching"
  • "Nettle/dandelion observation"
  • "Watching migratory birds."
  • "Observing vegetables in the garden"
  • "Coniferous and deciduous trees"
  • “Comparative observation of birds (crow and dove, sparrow and tit).”
Rules for human interaction with nature“Walk-hike along the circular route on the territory of the kindergarten.”"Walk in the winter forest."“Observation of the flower garden/apothecary garden.”“Observation of mushrooms and berries on the ecological trail.”
Road safety rules“Monitoring the movement of cars and pedestrians.”“Regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings.”
  • "Traffic light monitoring"
  • "Pedestrian crossing monitoring."
  • "Observing the work of a traffic controller"
  • "Pedestrian monitoring."
Entertaining walks with a character“Studying flowers with Cheburashka.”"Playing with the Easter Bunny."“We repeat the features of migratory and wintering birds with the Gray neck.”“We repeat road signs with the Fun traffic light."
Cultivating love for your hometown"The yard where we live.""The street of our childhood.""Our area."“Favorite city/town.”
Labor shares"Cleaning up the site in the fall."“Planting a flower garden/flower bed.”“We shovel the snow and build a slide for everyone.”“We help fill the skating rink.”
Health: creating motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle“Get ready to exercise!”"A walk on plastic skis."“How and why to harden the body.”“Observing athletes training at the stadium.”

Taking notes on a walk

In the outline of the walk, the teacher indicates the educational objectives, the equipment and materials used, the location of the lesson (on the territory or outside the kindergarten), and the conduct of the walk is described in detail. After completing the walk, it is recommended to return to the compiled notes and conduct a self-analysis of the lesson, noting the completed tasks and successful stages, identify the reasons for failures and outline ways to improve teaching activities during the walk.

Table: example of a walk in the middle group

AuthorsFedorova L.P. and Frantseva E.I., teachers of GBDOU No. 71 of the Kalininsky district
Name"Autumn Journey"
Walking tasks
  • To consolidate children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature in the fall (it rains often; fruits and roots are ripe; a cold wind blows and leaves fly off the trees; birds fly away to warmer climes).
  • To develop and enrich children’s speech on the topic, to practice the ability to select adjectives for nouns.
  • To promote the development of fine motor skills, the ability to construct planar pictures from natural material (leaves).
  • Develop hard work and the ability to help adults.
  • To develop the ability to implement game plans and the ability to establish relationships in the game.
  • Continue work on developing the ability to jump long on two legs from a standing position, and help increase motor activity.
Remote material and equipment
  • Mnemonic cards,
  • cards for educational games,
  • rake for cleaning leaves from the territory,
  • items for independent play activity.
Progress of the walkV.: Guys, today let us take a trip to the fabulous world of nature, where they are waiting for us amazing Adventures. But first, guess the riddle:
  • The house is open on all sides,
    It is covered with a carved roof.
    Come to the green house
    You will see miracles in it. (Forest).

V.: Today we will go to the forest.

  • We are going on a hike now.
    We go along the path into the forest.
    We put our hands behind our backs.
    And we walk along the log (they walk on their toes).
    How tall is the grass (they walk with their legs raised high):
    Either nettle or sedge.
    Raise your legs higher
    Don't step on the grass.
    And now over the bumps
    Jumping on your toes (they walk very quietly on their toes).
    If you fall off a hill,
    You will drown in the swamp!
    We're back on the path again
    We stood here for a while.
    Everything turned around
    And they started running (running after each other).
    Everyone lined up again
    And along a familiar path
    Everyone followed me!

V.: So we came to our clearing. Let's breathe in through our noses to feel the smell of Autumn. What kind of air? What does it smell like? (Children's answers).

  • Everything was covered with gold,
    Like in a wonderful fairy tale.
    Who brought us these
    Gold paints? (Autumn).

Q: Why is autumn called golden? (Children's answers).
Didactic game “What is autumn like?”
Game “Traces of Autumn” (according to the mnemonic table):

  • It often rains cold and drizzly;
  • the sun is shining, but no longer warms;
  • a cold wind is blowing, leaves have begun to fall;
  • mushrooms and berries disappeared from the forest;
  • the harvest of mushrooms and berries has been harvested;
  • Birds fly south.

V.: Guys, look how many leaves are on the ground. Let's walk on the dry leaves and listen to how they rustle.
Game exercise “Rustling leaves”.
Experimental activity “What materials can you rustle?” (fabric, paper and plastic film).
Q: By shedding their leaves, trees prepare for winter cold. They cover the entire earth with a warm, fluffy carpet. This carpet will protect the roots of trees from severe cold. Fallen leaves are not trash, trees need them! Let's play the game “We are autumn leaves” with you.

  • We are leaves, we are leaves (waving leaves over their heads),
    We are autumn leaves.
    We were sitting on a branch,
    The wind blew - they flew (scatter around the site).
    The breeze has stopped blowing (they sit in a circle),
    We all sat down in a circle.
    The wind suddenly blew again (they scatter around the site)
    And he quickly blew away the leaves.
    All the leaves have flown away (squat down)
    And they sat down quietly on the ground.

V.: The naughty wind mixed up all the leaves from the trees. (Approach the willow tree). Who knows what this tree is called? (Willow). On what geometric figure Are willow leaves similar? (Oval). What color are they? (Brown). What length: short or long? (Long). What are the leaves of willow called? (Willow).
V.: Let's move on. What kind of tree is this? (Birch). What color are its leaves? (Yellow). What geometric figure does a birch leaf resemble? (On the triangle). What are the leaves from birch called? (Birch).
Didactic game “Leaf, run to the tree!”
Labor activity.
V.: We played with you. Now let's remove the fallen leaves from the area. After all, she is wet and slippery. And during games you can fall! Let's collect leaves from the area. We will transport it in wheelbarrows and transfer it to the piles. (Children rake leaves and transport them in wheelbarrows).
Game exercise “Through the stream”.
V.: While we were working, it rained a little, and a cheerful stream appeared on our site. Tell me, is the stream wide or narrow? We need to cross it! How will we do this? (Let's jump over, let's step over.) Girls stand near the narrow part of the stream, and boys stand near the wide part of the stream. (Girls step over the stream, and boys jump over).
Independent activities of children: games “Family”, “Shop”, “Sand Confectionery”, etc. During the games, individual work is carried out on speech development.
Finger game “The wind flew through the forest...”.
Individual work on FEMP - “Pyramid” (arrange the leaves by size).
Individual work on artistic and aesthetic activities - exercise “Make a pattern from leaves” (designing from autumn leaves flat figurines of flowers, birds, animals, fish, insects).
At the end of the walk the teacher says:

  • There's a bunch of leaves lying here
    Someone rustles the leaves.
    From under the leaves -
    Black nose.
    Who's covered in needles?
    Of course you guessed it
    Who did we meet? (With a hedgehog).

V.: While he is still awake, wrapped in foliage, let's play with him!
Round dance game "Hedgehog".
At the end of the walk, the children line up in pairs and go into a group.

Time plan for the walk

The total duration of preschoolers' stay in the fresh air is 3–4 hours daily and consists of morning and evening walks. Each of the five structural components of the walk takes 7–15 minutes, the rest of the time is spent on independent activity for children. During a walk in the first half of the day, physical activity lasts 6–10 minutes per younger group(increased by 5 minutes for subsequent age groups), on an evening walk - 10–15 minutes for any age of pupils.

In inclement weather, children's time outdoors is reduced.

In winter when low temperatures and high wind speeds, the duration of walks is reduced. In inclement weather conditions, the walk is canceled provided that the activity is held indoors, replenishing the need for physical activity and preventing the child’s body from becoming overtired.

Table: approximate time plan for the walk “Hello, autumn!” in the second junior group

Observation of seasonal changes in naturePhysical development: walking, jumping and running exercisesDidactic games “Find and show”, “Guess what’s in my hand”, “Name the bird or animal by description”Work activity: all possible assistance in cleaning leaves from the territory assigned to the groupSpeech development: conversations about harvesting, about outerwear and shoes in the fall, about your favorite cartoons on the theme of autumnIndependent play activity
Time spending8–10 minutes6–10 minutes7–8 minutes10–12 minutes10–15 minutes30 minutes

Table: approximate time plan for a winter walk “Weather yesterday and today” in the preparatory group

Structural component of a walkObserving the sky, sun, moon, stars, regularly measuring air temperature, recording observations in a weather diaryPhysical development: outdoor games (snowballs, skiing marathon), creation of snow buildingsDidactic and story-based winter-themed gamesLabor activity: assistance in clearing paths, filling the skating rinkSpeech development: learning and explaining sayings about January, holding conversations about the folk calendar, wintering of animals and plantsIndependent activity
Time spending10–15 minutes7–10 minutes10–12 minutes7–10 minutes10–12 minutes35 minutes

Table: approximate time plan for the “Messengers of Spring” walk in the senior group

Structural component of a walkObservation of the first insects, plants, buds on trees, birds returning from the southPhysical development: agility and accuracy exercisesDidactic games: “Find out whose voice” (birds singing), “Who is bigger?”; outdoor game of burnersLabor activity: cleaning the site from pebbles, branches, wood chips.Speech development: reading and discussion of V. Bianchi’s story “Sinichkin’s Calendar”Independent activity
Time spending8–10 minutes6–8 minutes8–10 minutes5–7 minutes10 minutes40 minutes

Natalia Chernikova

The material will be useful for teachers, music directors and instructors physical culture for the purpose of organizing leisure time for children of secondary preschool age V summer period. It is recommended to spend it on a summer area. During competitions and relay races, you can use funny music from children's cartoons.

Target: creating a favorable emotional state in children through the activation of cognitive, musical and motor activity.


Clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about the life of wild animals in the forest, rules of behavior in nature;

Consolidate knowledge about mushrooms - the gifts of summer;

Develop attention, ingenuity, fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements, dexterity and speed;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards forest dwellers and the surrounding nature.

Facilities: benches 3 pcs., blue bags 3-4 pcs., artificial Christmas trees 3-4 pcs., fake mushrooms, tablecloth or fabric Green colour 2 pcs., pine cones and walnuts approximately 10-14 pieces each, 4 baskets, a large hoop, pictures of mushrooms, a bag, rope, clothespins, a fishing rod, a basin of water or a small inflatable pool, fish, a plastic bucket.

Methods: competitions, logorhythmic exercise, dance, use of music, outdoor play, game - fun.

Site design: There are artificial Christmas trees at the entrance to the site,

There is a bench towards the middle of the site, blue packages are located perpendicularly under it,

on one side of the middle of the platform there are models of mushrooms, covered with a green tablecloth, on the other side there is a hoop with cones and nuts, also covered with a cloth,

There is a rope stretched between two trees located closer to the fence (at the children’s eye level, with clothespins on it (the rope can be pulled on the horizontal bar where the swing is attached,

attached to one of these trees is a bag with pictures of mushrooms,

There are 2 benches next to these trees.

Leisure participants: presenter, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, bear, children.

Leisure activities:

/children leave the group, line up in a semicircle around the leader/


Guys, what good weather today! The sun is shining and gives us warmth. What time of year is it? (summer)


I wonder what happens in the forest at this time of year. Do you want to know? (Yes)


Then let's go for a walk in the forest.

Logorhythmic exercise “Walk in the forest”

How to behave in the forest

All the guys know!

One after another along the path

They walk merrily. / children walk in pairs, raising their knees high/

Run, jump, squat, / run after each other in pairs, stop, perform jumps and squats/

Just don't forget, / perform head turns left – right/

That you can’t make noise in the forest / bring the index finger to the lips/

And scream and sing loudly.

Don't break oak branches

And don't scare the animals! / wag their finger/

/enter the site, look at the Christmas trees/


Guys, listen up. What do you hear? (birds are singing)

/sounds like a phonogram of birds singing, the noise of the forest,

A hare runs out to the children from behind the tree, sits down, trembles/


Hello, bunny. Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you.


Hello. What are you doing in the forest?


We came with the guys to the forest on an excursion.


Aren't you afraid of the wolf and the fox?


We're not afraid, little bunny. And don't be afraid. Better take us to the clearing.

/go towards the middle of the section, on the way there is a river (imitation using blue bags, along which you need to walk across a bridge-bench/


Well, we're almost there. All that remains is to cross the bridge and we will find ourselves in a clearing.

/ the hare passes first, shows how to walk along the bridge, keeping your back straight, paws to the sides. Then the children walk across the bridge, the leader insures them/


Well, here we are in the clearing.


How beautiful it is here!


Yes, it's beautiful in the forest. Let's play tag.

Outdoor game "Tag"

/ the bench that served as a bridge can be removed to the veranda to create more space for playing. Or attach it to benches located closer to the trees. Depending on the number of children.

To the sound of cheerful music, children scatter throughout the clearing. The hare is the leader, he catches up with the children, touches one of them, as if “salty”. The one touched by the hare becomes the driver. The game continues for a few more minutes/


We played great. You guys are so fast and agile. Well done! Unfortunately, I have to go. It was nice to meet you. Goodbye.


Goodbye, bunny. Thank you for taking us to the clearing.

/hare runs away/


/a hedgehog comes out from behind a tree, you can come out from behind the veranda or from behind a screen/

Hello, hedgehog.


Hello. Why did you come to the forest?


We came to the forest for a walk.


Very good, help me pick mushrooms.


Of course we will help, hedgehog. With pleasure. But the guys and I first need to remember what kinds of mushrooms there are.

/children sit on benches/

Riddles about mushrooms

/ the presenter asks riddles. If the children answer correctly or in case of difficulty, the leader shows them a picture with a mushroom - the answer. Pictures can be stored in a bag attached to a tree. As they guess, the presenter attaches them to a rope stretched between two trees using clothespins/

Here's someone important

On a white leg.

He has a red hat

There are polka dots on the hat.

(fly agaric)

I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the aspen roots.

You'll see me a mile away -

My name is...


She stands pale

She looks edible.

If you bring it home, it's a disaster,

That food will be poison.

Know that this mushroom is a deception,

Our enemy is pale...


I don’t argue - not white,

I, brothers, am simpler.

I usually grow

In a birch grove.


This mushroom lives under the spruce tree,

Under her huge shadow.

Wise bearded old man,

Resident of the forest -...



Well done guys, you guessed the mushrooms perfectly from the description!

Mushrooms are edible and inedible. What mushrooms do you think are edible? (boletus, boletus, porcini mushrooms)

/look at the mushrooms in the pictures again. You can leave pictures with edible mushrooms facing the children, and turn the rest of the pictures upside down/


Right. Which mushrooms are inedible? (fly agarics and toadstools)

/again pay attention to the pictures with mushrooms. The presenter turns the inedible mushrooms towards the children, and the edible ones can be removed and put in a bag.


Well done boys. Now let's help the hedgehog collect mushrooms.

Competition "Who will collect the most mushrooms"

/if there are a lot of children, then the competition can be held among girls, in this case the boys will be fans. They are sitting on benches. The leader helps the girls divide into 2 teams.

If there are few children, then the competition can be held for all children. The facilitator helps the children divide into teams, for example, a girls team and a boys team.

Each team has a basket. The presenter removes the tablecloth from the mushroom clearing and invites the children to collect mushrooms in baskets. At the end of the competition, everyone together counts how many mushrooms each team has, and the presenter praises the winning team.

If the children collect only edible mushrooms, the leader praises them.

If the children collect all the mushrooms in a row in the clearing, the presenter draws attention to the presence of inedible mushrooms in the baskets/


Guys, look, your baskets contain both edible and inedible mushrooms.

/invites one or two children to find inedible mushrooms among the edible ones. Children find and name them/


And you know, guys, fly agarics are dangerous for people.

/draws children's attention to fly agaric/

But forest dwellers feed on them and even treat themselves. When you are picking mushrooms in the forest, do not pick the fly agaric, but pass by. Leave it for the forest dwellers.

Well, we’ll give the hedgehog all the mushrooms we collected.

/children give baskets of mushrooms to the hedgehog/


Thanks guys. We collected a lot of mushrooms. I can't collect that much on my own. Goodbye, I have to go home, the hedgehogs are waiting for me.


Goodbye, hedgehog. We were glad to meet you.

/hedgehog leaves/


Guys, look how many flowers there are in the clearing! How beautiful they are!

/children approach the flowerbed and look at the flowers/


Guys, is it possible to pick flowers? (No)


How do you explain why? (flowers in the meadow will grow for a long time, and picked flowers will quickly wither)


That's right, guys. How much joy flowers can give with their beauty! The world becomes brighter and more interesting thanks to colors. Flowers need to be admired. And butterflies and bees fly over the flowers. They collect flower nectar.

I invite you to cheerful dance in the clearing.

Cheerful dance “Dance in couples” Lithuanian folk melody arrangement by T. Popatenko


They danced merrily. Well done!

/A squirrel runs out into the middle of the clearing/


Hello, squirrel.


Hello. Sorry, I don’t have time to talk to you, I’m stocking up for the winter.


If you want, squirrel, the guys and I will help you.


I won’t refuse help.


And what are you doing?


I collect cones and nuts.

Competition "Collect nuts and cones"

/ the competition can be held according to the same principle as in the first case. If there are many children, then boys participate. The leader helps them split into two teams and leads them to a hoop containing mixed walnuts and pine cones. Invites one team to collect nuts and the other to collect cones. During the competition, cheerful music is played. The team that completes the task first is the winner. The children give both baskets to the squirrel/


Guys, thank you very much. I wouldn’t have been able to cope until the evening alone. I have to go. Goodbye.


Goodbye, squirrel.

/the squirrel leaves/


Guys, what a wonderful walk we had! It's time to go back to kindergarten.

/a rustling sound is heard, a bear comes out from behind the trees to the children/


Don't be afraid of me.


Hello, bear. And we are not afraid of you. Today we have seen that the forest inhabitants are hospitable.


Well, hello. Who did you meet in the forest? (hare, squirrel and hedgehog)


I haven't seen them for a long time. They are all probably busy with something.


You're right, bear. They all have their own worries. We helped them today.


What did you do to help them? (they helped the squirrel collect cones and nuts, the hedgehog - mushrooms, and played with the bunny)


Well done! Why are you helping everyone?


Certainly. We are always happy to help.


Or maybe you can help me too?


What's happened? Tell me, bear.


Help me catch fish in the lake. I do this and that, but I can’t catch a fish.


What do you use to catch fish?


With a paw, of course, what else?


Guys, what can you use to catch fish? (with a fishing rod)

Fun game "Fishing"

/the children, together with the leader, approach a basin of water; the basin can be replaced with a small inflatable pool. They teach the bear to catch fish with a fishing rod, and put the caught fish in a bucket/


Thanks guys. I'll go eat fish. Goodbye.


Goodbye, bear.

/children line up in pairs, walk in a circle around the clearing, sing the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together,” lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Shainsky.

Then they stay to play on the playground/


“On the roads of Russian folk tales”

based on a quest game

for children of senior preschool age

Organization of a walk-event: kindergarten territory

Target: Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere for children.

Tasks :

1. To promote the ability to recognize a fairy tale from illustrations, riddles, episodes; consolidate the ability to work with mnemonic tables, mnemonic tracks; strengthen children's retelling skills.

2.Promote physical activity of pupils.

Types of children's activities:

Perception fiction and folklore

Fine “Drawing on the snow”

Labor activity

Experimental activity “Colorful pieces of ice”

Motor activity

Communication activities


A poster is posted in the group

The guys pay attention to the poster. The teacher talks about the upcoming event. Asking questions.


What do you think awaits us today?

What Russian folk tales are you familiar with?

The guys pay attention to the chest (magic box, magic bag etc.).

Are you wondering what's there?


They open the chest and take out a map on which the objects of the walking area are drawn. What is this?

This is a map. (They look at it. They recognize the objects of the walking area).


What kind of arrows are these?

This is the route you need to take.

The teacher takes out a letter from the chest from Zmey Gorynych.

“There are treasures hidden in the area of ​​your kindergarten. To find them, you must complete my tasks. Only then will my treasures be yours. I’ll give you a map to help you. Good luck".



You need to go outside and follow the map.

Determine from which place you need to move.

Station assignments:

Station 3 “Well”: “Guess the fairy tale.”

For questions you need to know the fairy tale “The Golden Spindle”.

Riddle about the spindle

Spinning in the air

If it falls to the ground, it will get confused.

In which fairy tale did the girl drop the spindle into the well?

What fairy tales are similar to this one? (“Geese-swans”, “Morozko”)

Station 4 "Ice Hut" (Find out and retell the fairy tale)

Find out the fairy tale using the mnemonic table and retell “Zayushkina’s hut.”

Outdoor game “Homeless Hare”

At the leader’s signal, the homeless hare begins to flee from the hunter. At any moment, a homeless hare can drop into the first house that comes along. The participant in the game, standing in this circle, at the same moment becomes a homeless hare and his task is to run away from the hunter. The caught player becomes the hunter, and the role of the homeless hare goes to the former hunter.

Station 10 "Pechka". Experimental activities.

In which Russian folk tale did the stove help the children? (Swan geese). The stove will then help us when we decorate it with magic pieces of ice. (Preliminary work was carried out the day before). Guys, let's remember how we made the magic ice floes?

Let's get them and decorate the stove with them.

Station 9 "Bear". Guess a riddle

There are no worries in this house

Animals lived, only now,

The bear came to them later,

Broke the animal's house.


Competition: Throw as many snowballs as possible at the bear.

Station 7 “Visiting the Hedgehog”

In what folk tale did the hedgehog outwit the hare? (Hedgehog and hare).

What words can describe a hedgehog: smart, cunning,

And the hare: stupid.

And in what other fairy tales about animals, cunning and intelligence prevail over stupidity: “The Winter Lodge of Animals”, “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, “The Man and the Bear”.

Station 6 “Zmey Gorynych”

Letter from Zmey Gorynych: “Well done, guys, you guessed all my riddles and completed the tasks. Here's my last task: to portray me as kind in a portrait so that people are no longer afraid of me. (“Drawing in the snow”).

Recommendations for conducting thematic walks and entertainment.

Walking for children of any age is of great importance. During a walk, a child can realize his inner potential - motor, creative, intellectual, interaction with his peers and adults.

All this has a beneficial effect on the child’s health, as well as his physical and mental development. A properly organized walk is the key comprehensive development child, therefore, the high-quality preparation of the teacher for its implementation is of particular importance.

A walk is a stay outdoors for relaxation, entertainment.

Carrying out a walk in kindergarten is the same part of the educational process as group classes, the only difference being that it takes place in a more free form, which allows children to relieve emotional and mental stress.

The following structural elements of the walk are distinguished:

  • observation;
  • physical activity of children during a walk;
  • work assignments;
  • individual work in various areas of development of students;
  • independent activity of children.

Along with the traditional structure of walks, themed walks can be organized. Walks that are built on the principle of dominance of the type of children's activity or are a continuation of the theme of the day in the educational process.

Mandatory components of thematic walks are the most different types are joint activities of an adult with children, joint activities with peers and independent activities of a child. Cooperative activity The relationship between an adult and children during a walk is especially pronounced, since there is close communication between them in all types of activities.

The methodology for conducting walks defines five types of thematic walks: walks-hikes, entertaining walks with a character, walks-events, sports walks, walks - labor actions.
Today we will analyze in detail the organization and conduct of themed walks and entertainment.

Holidays and entertainment are bright and joyful events in the life of preschool children. They promote the manifestation of positive emotions and lift your spirits. Every holiday and entertainment is based on a certain idea.

Walking - entertainmentcan be extremely diverse and variable, since their successful organization depends not only on the goals and objectives set, but also on the thematic focus and semantic richness. This could be a visit to children by characters they know well, for example, Shapoklyak, Gena the crocodile, Cheburashka, Fixiki and other cartoon characters. The content of such a walk is determined depending on the character. For example, Dasha the explorer can travel with children in search of something, and Fixiki will help preschoolers make something, for example, a feeder.

The main goal of entertainment walks is the emotional and psychological relief of children, the creation of a positive emotional background, and the satisfaction of the need for physical activity.

An interesting option is a walk with a character, which promotesformation of children's motivation for a certain type of activity.The character helps to interest all the students in the group, to involve them in joint play activities, observation, and work. Children willingly fulfill the requests of the guest character, and he turns to them with questions, asks them to explain something, show them, and can teach them how to play new game or ask to show a game that preschoolers already know.

It is important for the teacher to choose characters for the walk. They can be fairy-tale characters familiar to children (Pinocchio, Dunno, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, etc.), cartoon characters, toys.

There are many options for using characters on a walk. For example, you can place bird toys throughout the area: a crow, a sparrow, a magpie, a bullfinch, a tit (4-5 figures at a time). Pupils will independently find them, examine them, and then play a variety of games with them. The figures can remain on the site for 6-10 days, and then they should be replaced. So, one day, going out for a walk, children will unexpectedly find one of the familiar animal toys: a bear cub, a fox, a hare, a wolf, a squirrel, a deer, a dog, a cat, a hedgehog. Some sit on their hind legs, others stand or lie. To maintain the interest of students and develop their attentiveness, it is recommended to make changes from time to time: in winter, the bear cub is given a hat, the wolf is given mittens, summer time the fox appears in a bright scarf, the bunny in an apron, and the bear in a red shirt, etc.

Children will greet their especially favorite cartoon characters with joy. Those who watch the children's TV channel "Carousel" met the hero - Arkady Parovozov, who will gladly talk about the rules of safe behavior in different situations. This will help the teacher solve the problems of the program in the “Safety” section.

Sometimes heroes can come in pairs (Masha and the Bear, Znayka and Dunno,
etc.), this makes it easier for children to perceive them. The cat Matroskin and Sharik can play with the pupils on the site, and the children will tell the guests what and where they grow on the territory of the kindergarten. You can reminisce with your preschoolers about episodes of their adventures or go on new ones together.

In early preschool age, it is convenient to use character toys (rubber, bibabo, etc.)at the teacher's choice. It’s good if the toy turns out to be new for children, this will cause additional interest. In this version, the teacher can conduct a walk without assistants, independently, playing the role of a character, talking for him.

In the senior preschool age groupIt is better for the role of the hero character to be played by an adult (teacher of another group, parent) or an older child from another group.

A walk with a character is close to the scenario of spending leisure time in the fresh air, but is not limited by a strict time frame. If children wish, they can play the game they like several times with the character, while some of the students can engage in independent play activities.

Walks with the character should be planned in advance, and their scenarios should be thought out in detail.

In organizing work with preschoolers, a special type of themed walks can be distinguished:walks - events, dedicated to a specific topic with which all types of children's activities are associated. A walk-event enriches the knowledge of pupils of a preschool educational organization, expands their understanding of the world around them, satisfies their need for experiences and experiments, develops creativity, maintains interest in the walk as a regime moment and creates a desire to go for a walk.

A walk-event can be dedicated either to a specific topic (Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, City Day, Knowledge Day, etc.), or to an event that occurred in a kindergarten (for example, a new play complex was brought and installed, sand was renewed in sandboxes, etc. .) A thematic walk will help the teacher once again draw the children’s attention to an important event, clarify their knowledge and perception of a certain topic. The content of such a walk can be a continuation of the theme of the day, for example, “Mother’s Day”, “Friends’ Day”, etc. On a thematic walk, the teacher can celebrate some event with the students or have a conversation on a certain topic, as well as clarify, consolidate knowledge, received by preschoolers in the course of direct educational activities, to improve certain skills and abilities. It is recommended to anticipate such a walk with a small announcement, for example, hang up an announcement or poster for children in the locker room, informing about the upcoming event during the walk. The anticipation and the walk itself will create a joyful mood for the students.

The purpose of such walks is to promote mental, moral, aesthetic education preschoolers, developing their curiosity. To successfully achieve these goals, you should first consider the conditions for the walk. Interest in it will be maintained thanks to the variety of selected take-out material, rich in content. For a child, an event walk should be an exciting journey related to a theme or event. A walk-event on the territory of the kindergarten can be organized with children of primary preschool age. How much joy the new sand in the sandbox will bring to the kids! The teacher needs to think about what toys will be needed for the walk (sand sets, cars, rubber character toys, how to place everyone around the sandbox if it is not large, what construction and story games to offer.

Example of walk structure - events.

The organizational moment provides for the unification of the children's team, a conversation about the upcoming event;

Introduction to the topic of the walk - introduction to the event; mobile and didactic games, children's experimentation and etc. ; independent creative activity of children.

The regularity of walks and events depends on the children's group, social events and interesting dates. However, like any holiday, such a walk should not be planned too often.

Scenario of the walk-event “They brought us sand” with children younger age.

Event: The teacher informs the children that there is new sand in the sandbox and asks them to think about what toys they can take with them for a walk.

Research activity - exploring the sand.

The teacher suggests looking at the sand, trying to squeeze it in your fist, and describing it using leading questions: -What kind of sand? (yellow, wet (dry, warm (cold).

Then the teacher offers to make a bun, remember the song he sang, and try to roll him along the sandy path.

Task “Making Easter cakes”: Elements of the role-playing game “Let’s treat bunnies and bears.”

Playing with sand.

Labor assignment: The teacher asks the children to help collect toys in the sandbox and shake them off the sand.

Outdoor game "Kolobok" (analogous to the game "Blow up a bubble")

We went to the sandbox

They made a bun with you.

Kolobok - ruddy side

Hurry up, my friend!

Grow big soon

Here it is!

Oh, I fell apart...

Shall we sculpt new ones?

A hike is an organized journey or walk, as well as the joint movement of a group of people for some purpose along a specific route.

Walking and hiking have taken their rightful place in the daily routine of preschool children. educational organizations. Teachers organize walks with children to the forest, park, square, as well as a green area on the territory of the kindergarten. Such walks are an organized type of activity, during which health-improving tasks are solved, motor skills and physical qualities of children are improved, their communicative and cognitive needs are satisfied, and a love and aesthetic attitude towards nature is cultivated.

Let's consider the approximate structure of a walk-hike. The walk begins with organizational moment: all participants gather, the teacher conducts a roll call and instructions. Then the group moves to a halt, during which there may be short stops, both for rest and for observing interesting objects. The final point of the hike is a rest stop.

Its place should be convenient for relaxation, provide an opportunity to have a picnic, pitch a tent, organize games, etc. at the end of the stop, gather the children and clean the area. Then the group moves to the kindergarten; during the return there may be short stops for rest and observation.

Such walks and hikes should be carried out with pupils of senior preschool age. At this age, children are quite independent, and friendly relationships develop between peers.

Walking trips cannot be carried out frequently. The optimal number of such walks is 2-3 per year. When such events are held more frequently, they lose their attractiveness, and children’s interest in them decreases.

It is important that pupils look forward to outings, prepare for them, and prepare themselves emotionally. Therefore, we must try to ensure that after such walks the children retain in their memory Nice memories, and not negative impressions associated, for example, with fatigue from a long walk.

The algorithm for preparing a hike can be presented as follows:

Determining the route for a walk or hike

Coordination of the route with the administration of the preschool educational institution

Careful study of the route, passing it by adults

Inviting parents of pupils to participate in a hike

Selecting and preparing the necessary equipment

Preparation for briefing for participants of the hike (determining the date, time, duration of the hike, recommendations on the tourist’s equipment - clothing and contents of the backpack).

Preliminary work with children may include: holding conversations, organizing relay games, reading fiction and watching tourist videos. It is very important to explain to children the rules of conduct on a hike, talk about the need to obey the leader of the hike, be organized, coordinate your actions with the actions of others, follow safety rules: do not jump in a tent, etc.

A hike may contain a surprise moment: an unexpected meeting or an interesting task. During a break and rest, it is good to play games that stimulate the cognitive and intellectual activity of children, outdoor and sports games. Students should be given the opportunity to demonstrate independence and experience for themselves all the difficulties in organizing everyday life during a hike, for example, those associated with setting up a tent.

The presence of parents, especially dads, will be valuable, communication with whom will enrich the children's experience.

Not everyone has the opportunity to go beyond kindergarten preschool organizations, but it is recommended to first organize a hike around the territory of the institution. This type of walk is an imitation of an adult hiking trip. It would be good if it included all the elements of a hike: getting ready, a long walk, a break, and a “return” to kindergarten.

At the end of the hike, you can exchange impressions and fill out a diary. It is important that children remember the trip as an interesting journey, discovering something new, admiring the world around them, singing around the fire, playing games, communicating with each other.

A sports walk is a special type of walk that uses a variety of elements of children's sports-themed activities.

Sports walks can be held at least once or twice a month on those days when it is directly organized educational activities, requiring a lot of mental stress, or directly educational activities in artistic creativity.

Depending on weather conditions, physical activity in the air can be of varying intensity so that they do not become overcooled or overheated. The teacher determines exactly how physical activity will be organized before going for a walk, focusing on specific weather conditions. During a sports walk, you should alternate tasks with high physical activity and games of low mobility, team games and subgroup, individual exercises.

Organizing a sports walk involves introducing students to various types sports, athletes. An excursion or a targeted walk to a stadium (city, school, courtyard) is possible. Watching how athletes or schoolchildren are engaged will help to arouse interest in preschoolers and a desire to play sports.

A sports walk cannot be filled only with motor activities. It is recommended to select tasks of a cognitive nature and a sports orientation. For example, didactic games (“Summer and winter sports”, “Which sport is the odd one out here?”, “Recognize by silhouette”, “Who can name more types of ball sports”), attention games (“Is the starting position when throwing correct? , run"), on the imagination ("Depict a sport"). You can also include literary tasks (riddles, counting rhymes, poems).

Sports walks require preliminary work. An important stage in preparing for this type of walk is for children to gain experience in using physical education equipment: a racket, a ball, a jump rope, etc. Since during the sports walk the pupils play together with the teacher, they master skills faster.

During a sports walk with children of primary preschool age, you can organize a variety of outdoor games of a plot nature, including basic types of movement. You can build mock sports grounds where older students will play with younger ones, give them motor tasks, and teach them certain motor skills.

You can talk with children of senior preschool age about the history of the development of sports, introduce them to ancient and modern sports games, and tell them about the Olympics. You can enter role-playing games“Olympics”, “Sports Clubs”, “Football Match”, in which students will be able to try on the roles of a commentator, judge, spectators, athletes, ticket sellers, etc.

Starting from the older group, team sports games adapted for preschool age should be introduced: pioneer ball, football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, etc. You can tell your students about folk games, popular in the childhood years of their parents and grandparents, such as gorodki, classics, shtander. It is advisable to devote at least half of the time of the entire sports walk to sports games.

The structure of a sports walk may include:

Organizational moment or introductory conversation;

Outdoor, sports games;

Sport exercises;

Independent activities of children;

Individual work in various areas of development of students;

Summing up the walk, completing a creative task.

It is important to distinguish such walks from sports events - carefully prepared events for children that require them to have certain skills and abilities. Sports walks provide students with some freedom of choice (for this, several options for tasks, games, and exercises should be selected), while their interests and desires are taken into account. Walks are not as strictly structured as sports holidays and entertainment.

Work in the life of every person is of decisive importance, therefore it is necessary to introduce a child to work already in preschool age. Develop a positive attitude towards work responsibilities,

It is possible to develop relevant skills in preschoolers during specially organized walks - labor shares.

A labor action is a specially organized substantive and practical labor activity of children limited in place and time. Labor actions are dominated by work assignments, work on the street, associated with seasonal and weather conditions while maintaining the general motor activity of children.

Goals and objectives Such walks are determined by the teacher based on the acquired skills and work abilities of the children, as well as their physical capabilities.

Such walks should be carried out regularly, 2-3 times a month.

In order not to tire children with the monotony of assignments, it is worth choosing several types of work assignments, which change sequentially and are logically interconnected.

On walks that involve performing work activities, it is important to form an understanding among preschoolers that work in nature is not a game or entertainment, but a serious activity. They should be led to understand the need for such activities, to cultivate a desire to participate in the work of caring for plants, feeding birds, cleaning the territory: raking snow, cleaning benches from sand. During such walks, children learn to work in a team, together. The result of labor is the result collaboration everyone.

Working in nature helps to broaden the horizons of preschool children and gain accessible knowledge. Completing the corresponding tasks requires the mental and volitional efforts of children.

Remembering that the work of preschool children in nature creates a favorable environment for their physical development, improves movements, strengthens the nervous system, gives them pleasure and joy, educators in each age group must take care of working conditions in accordance with the age of the pupils.

Children of primary preschool ageThey are assigned the simplest tasks: sowing large flower seeds, planting onions, watering plants in the beds, picking vegetables.

Children middle group carry out work assignments independently, take care of plants, loosen the soil, and grow vegetables and flowers together with adults. At the same time, preschoolers develop perseverance, perseverance and the habit of making labor efforts to achieve a goal, and develop the skills of simple team work.

Senior preschoolerslearn to work in all seasons. In the fall, they can harvest vegetables, collect seeds, dig up plant bulbs, and rake leaves. Children participate in transplanting plants from the ground into a corner of nature, digging ridges and flower beds, and planting shrubs and trees. In winter, they remove snow from the paths and feed wintering birds. With the onset of spring

Preschoolers are tasked with digging, loosening the soil, making beds and flower beds, sowing large and small seeds, and caring for plants in the garden, garden and flower garden.

In the summer they can loosen the soil, water, weed, tie up plants, and harvest.

It should be remembered that the maximum time allotted for older preschoolers to perform labor activities during a walk should not exceed 30-40 minutes.

When planning work assignments, the teacher needs to remember the choiceoptimal loadfor every child.

When organizing work activities on the site, you should comply with

safety regulations:

  • work in the morning or evening, and not during the hottest hours of the day;
  • tools and materials for work must comply with hygienic requirements and rules for protecting the life and health of children;
  • It is prohibited to give children anything that could create the slightest risk of injury or have an adverse effect on their health and physical development.

Walks and labor events may contain surprise moments: unexpected tasks for children, a meeting with a fairy tale character or a favorite hero. The teacher helps older children understand the importance of work, develops their desire and need to acquire certain labor skills.

In such walks, an environmental orientation is clearly visible. For example, older children, under the guidance of a teacher, can bury organic and inorganic waste in the ground in the fall. And in the spring, dig up and draw conclusions.

At the end of the walk, you need to evaluate the work done, for example, pay attention to how beautiful the flowerbed has become. The result of the work is aesthetically pleasing to the eye: it is pleasant to look at flowers, neat bushes, clean streets.

Ageeva A.V., teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 35, Ussuriysk

Goal: to create an atmosphere of joy and fun from shared leisure time, to contribute to the creation of a positive emotional background in the group.

Educational objectives: meeting children's needs for physical activity; consolidation of children’s motor skills and abilities, development of the ability to move after the teacher, repeat movements after the teacher; development of motor qualities (speed, agility, spatial orientation); development of the ability to correlate words with movement;

development of the ability to transform into images of animals; development of the ability to distinguish objects by color and the ability to correlate them; strengthening the ability to express one’s attitude towards the characters of fairy tales: updating the content of fairy tales "Little Red Riding Hood" , "Kolobok" ; speech development; fostering a caring attitude towards birds and nature.

Priority educational areas: physical and speech development.

A teacher dressed as Little Red Riding Hood with a basket.

Educator: Guys, today I am not just a teacher, but also a hero of a fairy tale. Guess what kind of character I am? A riddle will help you:

“The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name

Well, guess what her name was?”

Children: Little Red Riding Hood.

Q: What do you know about Little Red Riding Hood? What kind of fairy tale is this, what is it about?

D.: Children’s answers...

The teacher summarizes the children's answers: Little Red Riding Hood walked to her grandmother through the forest, where she met a wolf. Today I invite you to take a walk into a fairy forest. Aren't you afraid? Will you come with me?

Children, like a train or in a flock behind the teacher, go to the prepared area to the music...

Children stand around the sandbox and repeat the words after the teacher. Words are accompanied by movements.

V.: Hello, Fairy Tale, hello, Forest.

Let's run into the green forest.

Let's lie down in the clearing.

Let's have fun, let's play,

This is how we say goodbye to summer!

Summer, unfortunately, is ending, but today we will not be sad, today we will remember fairy tales, play and have fun. Follow me into the fairy forest. I see someone rolling along the path:

“Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

round side,

rosy side,

Rolled...... (gingerbread man)».

V.: Look, Kolobok is sitting on a stump. There is a yellow ball on the stump. Tell me, which Kolobok?

D.: round, yellow...

Q: How do you think he ended up here?

D.: children's answers (left my grandparents).

V.: Kolobok left his grandmother, and I, Little Red Riding Hood, am going to my grandmother. The gingerbread man is round, let's build a circle. Children stand in a circle.

Let's play.

Outdoor game "Kolobok"

(snowball type). Children pass the ball around in a circle.

V.: That’s how Kolobok rolled. And our Kolobok returned to me. Let's try the other way. This is how fast our Kolobok rolls.

V.: Guys, tell me, where did Kolobok go? Who did he meet there?

D.: Into the forest...Wolf, Hare and Bear.

V.: And Little Red Riding Hood met only the Wolf.

Q: Which animal was Kolobok the first to meet?

D.: Bunny.

V.: Let’s go to the fairy meadow. Whose long gray ears are these sticking out from behind the bushes?

Children sit on a bench. Finger gesture game "Bunny"

Little bunny with big ears

(Hands on top of head, making ears)

pink nose,

(touch the tip of the nose with the index finger)

Funny mustache

(we move our fingers, imitating a mustache)

Digs a deep hole for himself

With strong paws in soft ground

(with hands "rowing" on the knees).

Is he cleaning his fur or sleeping?

(stroking on the head. Palms are gathered under the cheek)

The bunny always moves his ears

(we move our hands on our head)

He hears the footsteps of foxes and wolves.

(make a funnel from your palms and bring it to your ear, first to one. Then to the other)

Hiding in his hole from enemies

(cover your head with your hands, tilt it towards your knees)

IN.? What are the bunny's enemies? What about Kolobok? Who, what animal should both the bunny and Kolobok be afraid of?

D.: children's answers. (Fox)

V.: Oh, what wonderful bunnies you are. Now we'll run and play catch. Some of you will be a fox who will try to catch up with the bunnies; the bunnies can hide in burrow houses - sit on a bench. Who will be the fox? Let's do the math.

Counting rhyme: “The gray bunny pulled out the grass,

put it on the bench

who will take the weed,

that one will go too..."

The child puts on a mask - a Fox cap.

Outdoor game "Catch-up"

V.: The bunnies are jumping, jumping,

Bunnies are runners.

Jumping, frolicking,

Foxes are not afraid.

You, Foxy, don’t yawn

And chase the bunnies!

V.: We have smart bunnies. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Children rest after running on benches.

Q: Guys, when Little Red Riding Hood walked through the forest, what did she do? What did you admire?

D.: admired the butterflies, listened to the singing of birds, collected flowers and mushrooms.

V.: Look what magical birds have flown into the fairy-tale forest.

Children approach a covered sandbox on which colorful paper birds lie.

Outdoor didactic game "Colorful Birds"

V.: Let's look at the birds. What color are they?

D.: Blue, red, yellow, green, orange.

V.: And these are little chicks, they flew out of the nest. Take only one bird each. Let's go feed them. I have bread and butter in my basket. Let's give them bread crumbs.

We improvise near the feeder on the site.

V.: We fed the chicks, now help your bird find its home - a nest of the same color as your bird.

The hoops used as nests are red, yellow, green, blue, and orange.

Birds fly to their nests!

Children occupy hoops of the same color as the bird.

Q: Did everyone find the right nest-house for their bird? Well done, leave the birds in the hoop-nests and go out yourself.

Q: Guys, we fed the bread crumbs to the birds - magical chicks, what should I take to my grandmother as a gift? What can I collect in the forest and how can I please my grandmother?

Children: flowers and mushrooms.

There is a place on the site with scattered artificial flowers and paper mushrooms.

V.: Guys, help me collect a gift for my grandmother. Girls collect flowers, and boys collect mushrooms.

A game "Gifts of the Forest"

Girls collect scattered flowers, and boys collect mushrooms. Cheerful music sounds.

Children gather in a round dance.

In which beautiful bouquets The girls collected flowers. Let's sing the song that Little Red Riding Hood sang when she picked flowers: “La-la-la, I’m going to my grandmother, la-la-la, I’m bringing her a bouquet of flowers!” . Thank you, girls, grandma will be delighted with the beautiful forest and wildflowers.

Q: Boys, have you collected all the mushrooms? Show me your mushrooms. Show how you picked mushrooms. Walk in a circle and repeat after me the words and movements:

"I'm walking through the forest

And I’ll collect mushrooms:

Rizhiki, honey mushrooms,

Chanterelles and boletus.

And under the tree there is a porcini mushroom – a boletus.”

Q: Has anyone found a porcini mushroom? This is the most delicious mushroom. Thank you boys for the mushrooms, grandma will look at them, pickle some, dry some, fry some. Grandma will be delighted with our gifts.

The boys give the mushrooms to the teacher in the basket. Girls give flowers to the Kr basket. Hat.

V.: Our walk through the fairytale forest ends. Did you guys like our walk? What did you like most?

D.: children's answers.

V.: We didn’t meet a wolf in the forest,

But the guys had fun.

This is how fun we live

Let's sing a song together:

Dance-song-game. “If you have fun, do this…”

If your life is fun, do this - 2 claps - 2 times

If you have fun, do this - 2 claps

If you have fun, do this - 2 floods - 2 times

If life is fun, we will smile at each other,

If you have fun, do this - 2 floods

If your life is fun, do this - 2 slaps on the knees - 2 times

If life is fun, we will smile at each other,

If you're having fun, do this - 2 slaps on the knees.

- 2 times

If life is fun, we will smile at each other,

If you have fun, do everything (2 claps, 2 stomps, 2 slaps).

V.: Guys, you dance, sing and play well, accept a gift from the fairy forest (air balloons different color).

And now you can play with balloons, a ball, birds, or just run around in your area.