Speech development nodes early age theme autumn. Lesson on speech development: “Time of year: autumn

»: speech development classes.

Together we will explore the world around us and expand our child’s vocabulary. The material is focused on children 3-5 years old, select tasks based on your child’s knowledge and skills. It is important not only to complete the tasks below, but also to use the acquired knowledge as often as possible in everyday life in order to consolidate the material. It is not necessary to do everything at once; it is advisable that one lesson does not exceed 15 minutes. In addition, do not forget to alternate types of activities. If you have interesting materials on this topic, be sure to share, we will make our classes interesting and very useful.

Lesson on speech development: “Time of year: autumn”

Before class (preferably during a walk), tell your child about the weather outside, the state of nature (plants, animals):

  • tell me what time of year it is now
  • pay attention to autumn weather changes (it has become colder outside, it rains more often and a cold wind blows)
  • explain why the person began to dress warmer, let the child talk about his clothes.

At home, look at pictures depicting autumn, pay attention to appearance and the condition of trees and grass. You can watch the clip and listen carefully to the song, discussing with your child the pictures that are depicted.

Games and tasks for children

  1. Read and learn the poem with your child:

Rain, rain,
Wet paths,
We can't go for a walk
We'll get our feet wet.

2. Finger gymnastics

Autumn leaves

One two three four five(We bend our fingers, starting with the thumb)
We will collect leaves. (Clench and unclench your fists)
Birch leaves, rowan leaves (We bend our fingers, starting with the thumb on the other hand)
Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,
We will collect oak leaves,
Let's take an autumn bouquet to mom (The middle and index fingers “walk” along the table)

3. Poems about autumn, discuss with your child

  • Autumn

Autumn plays with leaves,
Leaves are torn off from branches.
Yellow leaves are flying
Straight into the hands of the guys.

  • Autumn

The leaves are falling, falling - leaf fall in our garden
Yellow and red leaves curl and fly in the wind
Birds fly south - geese, rooks, cranes
The last flock is flapping its wings in the distance

  • From the educational book with stickers “Seasons”. Read the poem, and then study the picture, find the listed descriptions of autumn weather.

The forest is beautiful in autumn,
There are many miracles in it,
The leaves are spinning and falling,
All nature falls asleep.
Everyone in the world knows autumn:
Clouds, rain, wind blowing,
And unkind nature -
This is the time of year.

4. Riddles about autumn

Empty fields
The ground gets wet
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen? (Autumn)

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly... (Autumn)

He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to hide,
He will knock on our window,
And on the roof, knock and knock!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend! (Rain)

Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay down a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's just... (Leaf fall)

Tears are dripping from the clouds -
The unlucky master is crying.
Gloomy autumn artist -
Slurps through puddles... (Rain)

Silver curtain
suddenly descended from the sky.
Silver curtain
spilled out in drops.
Dropped the curtain
cloud, can you imagine?
What a wonderful curtain?
Maybe you can guess? (Rain)

The autumn rain walked through the city,
The rain lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow and it will tremble. (Puddle)

Came without paints
And without a brush
And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

There is a mushroom dome on the leg,
It will protect from rain.
The pedestrian will not get wet,
If he hides under... (Umbrella)

In autumn it is often needed -
If the rain hits the puddles,
If the sky is covered in black clouds,
He is the best helper for us.
Open it above you
And arrange a canopy for yourself! (Umbrella)

I arrived with the breeze
And covered the huts.
The air is like milk,
Substitute the mugs! (Fog)

5. “Autumn creativity”

  • Finger painting

Leaf fall.

We prepare a piece of paper on which a tree trunk is drawn, the colors are red, yellow and orange. We draw leaves on the tree and on the ground with our fingers: dip your finger in the paint and press it to the leaf.

“Maple leaves-palms”.

We prepare a sheet of paper (preferably A4 format), yellow, red and orange paints. An adult, using a brush or sponge, applies paint to the palm of the hand, and helps the child carefully turn the palm over and press it firmly onto a sheet of paper. So it turned out to be a “maple leaf”

  • Application from plasticine

Twig with leaves. On a piece of cardboard we draw a twig without leaves. A child makes leaves from plasticine (red, orange, yellow, green): rolls out a small ball from small pieces of plasticine, then glues it to a twig.

  • Paper applique

Leaf fall.

On a piece of paper draw a trunk with branches. From colored paper (yellow, red, orange flowers) the child makes “leaves” - tears paper into small pieces and glues it to the tree, near it and under it.

Cartoons about autumn

Have fun and interesting activities with your baby!

With love and respect, Your Marina,

Frescoes for children's creativity: review and tips

Good day, Dear friends Orange family! Today I want to tell you a little about frescoes for children's creativity: ...

Surprise moment

The teacher reports that a bird has come to visit. She's very upset.

Guys, let's find out what happened to her

Bird “I woke up in the morning and saw that the tree on which I made a nest seemed different: the leaves were golden. I flew to my friends and asked what happened, but no one could answer me.”

Guys, we need to help the bird. When we sleep, a sorceress walks through the forest and paints trees, bushes, and grass in red and yellow colors. What do you think the name of this sorceress is?”

Guys, why did you decide that it was autumn?

And in one word let’s say: multi-colored, and also crimson

Vocabulary work: colorful, leaf fall, crimson

Bilingual component: kuz – autumn, zhapyrak – leaves

The teacher offers to tell the bird what autumn is like

Game exercise No. 1 “Autumn words”

Goal: to be able to form phrases (the teacher names a noun, children add an adjective to it)

Game exercise No. 2 “Continue the sentence”

Goal: to activate adjectives in speech

Take a leaf and pass it around, naming the signs of autumn.

Physical exercise “Let’s turn into the wind, into leaves”

The wind flew through the forest,

The wind counted the leaves:

Here's oak, here's maple

Here is a carved rowan tree,

Here's a golden birch tree,

And the last leaf from the aspen tree,

Quietly dozing on the paths.

Now let’s make proposals about autumn. Cards will help us with this. We will begin sentences with the words “In autumn...”

We told you and showed the bird what autumn is like. Now take a piece of paper and fly into a circle.

Game exercise No. 3 " Autumn leaves»

Stand up straight, put the leaves on your palm, bring your palm to your lips, move it a little away from your face. Now you and I will blow on the leaves so that they spin in the air.

Take a breath, stretch out your lips with a straw, and blow on a piece of paper.

What's happened?

Let's tell you what this phenomenon is called. This phenomenon is called leaf fall (vocabulary work)

Natalia Anikina
GCD summary for speech development"Autumn" in the second group early age

Summary of GCD on speech development« Autumn» in second group of early age


To develop the ability to listen to text in poetic form; pronounce individual words;

Shape elementary representation about autumn changes in nature (cold temperatures, leaves on trees turn yellow and fall off, it rains);

-develop speech breathing, promote speech activation;

Improve understanding of adult speech

Methods and techniques:

surprise moment, literary expression, questions that activate children’s speech, looking at pictures, encouragement, independent storytelling by a child, finger exercises, breathing exercises.

Preliminary work:

Looking at the street autumn leaves, games with autumn leaves, watching the rain, playing with an umbrella. Consideration autumn clothes , listening to poems about autumn.

Differentiated approach:

- develop phrasal speech, with the help of activating questions: Masha, Anton, Lisa P.

Individual work:

Encourage to repetition of individual words: Ksyusha R., Nastya E., Lisa A.

Pay attention to correct breathing gymnastics: Gleb, Artem, Vika.

Equipment: paintings; autumn leaves ; easel; audio recording with music for dancing with leaves, with the sounds of wind and rain.

Progress of the lesson:

Activities of the teacher Expected activities of children

Organizing time:

Guys, it’s so beautiful outside today! You noticed?

I remembered one beautiful poem, would you like to listen to it?

Main part:

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

This time of year - « in autumn» called!

(M. Khodyakova)

IN: It's getting hot outside now « Autumn» . Do you remember everything?

Are you guys friendly? Then let's say together, in unison, loudly, what time of year it is?

What good fellows, as they said in unison!

Incentives Questions:

Masha, do you want repeat with me"It has arrived Autumn» (Anton, etc.)

Well done boys!

But you want to play with me, and at the same time about Autumn tell?

Finger gymnastics « Autumn»

Autumn, autumn has come to us,

Brought rain and wind.

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip,

Brought rain and wind!

The green garden has turned yellow,

The leaves are spinning and flying.

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu,

The leaves are spinning and flying!

(Yu. Mikhailenko)

Surprise moment, looking at a painting

Guys, Autumn heard us, she really liked the way you tell about her, what she prepared for us present:

(The appearance of a colorful painting depicting Autumn)

Yes, this is a picture! Do you like her?

What does it depict?

Questions that activate children's speech (what color are the leaves on the trees, what happens to them, etc.)

Differential An approach: Antosha, please tell us what else you see to the other guys...

Guys, look, here's another picture! (image autumn storm: rain, thunderstorm) What's on it? Would you like to tell me?

Questions that activate speech paintings:

IN: Look what happens in the fall? in autumn the leaves on the trees turn yellow; when the wind blows on them, they spin, fly and fall to the ground - this is called leaf fall.

Questions and answers

Leaves, what are they doing? - They spin, fly and fall to the ground.

When leaves fall to the ground, what is it called?

Children's answers: leaf fall

Outside, the sun hid behind the clouds, the wind was blowing, it became cold, people put on warm things: jackets, pants, boots, hats, scarves, mittens. It often rains outside.

Questions and answers

What's blowing outside? - Wind

When the wind blows, does it become? - Cold

What did the children wear? – Hat, jacket, boots

Well done!

IN: I suggest you guys take a walk, but for this we will get dressed.

Outdoor game:

We are on chubby little hands,

We put on a shirt.

Repeat the words after me:

Pen - one, and pen - two!

Let's fasten the fasteners

On your clothes:

Buttons and buttons,

Various rivets.

To my baby

We'll put on pants.

Repeat the words after me:

Leg - one, and leg - two!

And now on your feet -

Socks and boots!

Repeat the words after me:

Leg - one, and leg - two!

Even though you're tired of getting dressed,

But let's not be indignant!

What's left - the head?

Here comes the hat - one, two!

(I. Gurina)

IN:So you got dressed, now you can go for a walk! Ready?

Legs, legs,


Legs, legs,


We walked, walked, walked,

What did we find? The teacher points to the leaves that hang on strings.

IN: What are these guys?

IN: That's right leaves!

We are leaves, we are leaves,

We autumn leaves.

We sat on branches

The wind blew and they flew.

Breathing exercises

IN: And now we will also quietly blow on leaves: Fu Fu Fu. Leaves, what do: swinging. Let's go strong let's blow: Fu Fu Fu.

Oh, the leaves flew and fell, let's collect them.

Leaflets autumn, beautiful, but what color are they?

IN: Oh, we can dance with them!

Dance with leaves

IN: Guys, did you like our walk around autumn garden?


IN: Well, guys, do you remember what time of year it is outside now?

IN: Well done!

Good autumn has come,

Brought gifts to everyone:

Fragrant apples,

Golden pears,

Autumn brought.

The teacher treats the children

Listen to a poem


Repeats after the teacher

Perform movements in accordance with the text, repeat the words

Considering a gift


Answer questions

Children's answers

Children imitate movements

("Walk", children walk one after another)


(Collected the leaves and examined them)

Yellow, red

Dancing with leaves

« Autumn


« Speech development of young children» O. E. Litvinova.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of the integrated educational activity for cognitive and speech development of preschool children “Autumn in Prostokvashino” Educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard: Communication - personal development Cognitive - speech development Program content: Clarify.

Summary of the final educational activity on speech development in the second group of early age “On a visit to a fairy tale” Education Department of the Stary Oskol City District Administration of the Belgorod Region Municipal budgetary educational institution.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive and speech development in the early age group “Getting to know the dandelion” Synopsis of direct educational activities on cognitive and speech development in the early age group: “Getting to know the dandelion.”

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development “Treating tea to dolls” in the second group of early age Summary of direct educational activities in cognitive development in the second early age group on color perception.

Goal: to develop dialogical speech in children using folklore forms. Objectives: - improve the ability of correct pronunciation.

1. Greeting

Goal: to create a positive attitude towards the lesson in children and parents.

2. Nursery rhymes in motion

Goal: to develop general and fine motor skills, vestibular apparatus, influence the BAP of the auricle and foot, massage the facial muscles (mic massage), introduce children to folklore, create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

3. Physical education:

1) Children riding on a blanket accompanied by a nursery rhyme.

Goal: to develop the vestibular apparatus, cultivate interest in oral folk art, and create a positive attitude.

2) Overcoming the “tunnel”.

Goal: to relieve children born with the help of the fear of overcoming the tunnel caesarean section. Develop gross motor skills.

3) P/i “Basketball”

Goal: learn to throw the ball into the net, develop binocular vision, coordination of movements.

4) Walking along massage paths.

Goal: to develop and strengthen the arch of the foot (prevention of flat feet), stimulate biologically active points on the foot. Develop tactile sensations, teach them to differentiate (smooth-prickly, buttons, pebbles, sticks).

5) P/i “Bubble”

Goal: develop walking backwards, learn to play group games, develop auditory skills.

4. Demonstration of the painting “Golden Autumn”

Goal: to introduce children to a work of painting, to cultivate a love of beauty, to clearly demonstrate the season “autumn”.

5. Listening to the music of Vivaldi “The Seasons. Autumn."

Goal: to introduce works of classical music, to cultivate taste and interest in good music.

6. Finger gymnastics “Birds” (Zheleznovs).

Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, auditory attention.

7. Demonstration migratory birds(Pictures).

Goal: to study migratory birds, to enrich the vocabulary with the names of birds.

8. Demonstration of animal figures that hibernate during the winter.

Goal: to study animals that go into suspended animation during the winter, to enrich the vocabulary with animal names.

9. Imitation of leaf fall (to “Leaves” by the Zheleznovs)

Goal: to introduce the leaves of different trees, to enrich the vocabulary with the names of trees. Teach counting and develop mathematical abilities.

10. Physical education session “Bumps”

Goal: massage the palms and fingers, teach the words of songs to children, develop auditory attention, and ensure contact with natural materials.

11. Fiction. A dramatization of the poem “The fox’s mushroom got lost.” Reading Erikeev’s poem “Autumn has come”

Purpose: To introduce works fiction on the theme "Autumn"

12. Creative work. Drawing finger paints. Handprints - “autumn leaves”.

Goal: develop imagination, Creative skills children, continue to teach colors, learn to create drawings using a print.

13. Demonstration of mushrooms (pictures).

Goal: to introduce children to different mushrooms, edible and poisonous, to enrich their vocabulary with the names of mushrooms.

14. Demonstration and reading of words on cards on the topic “Autumn” (global reading)

Goal: early learning to read. Enrich your vocabulary on the topic “Autumn.” Develop an interest in reading words.

15. Tapping the rhythm with wooden cylinders or on a drum to “Rain, rain, lay, lay” (Zheleznovy)

Goal: to develop a sense of rhythm, to introduce musical instruments of the peoples of the world (djembe)

16. Farewell. (Farewell song)