Download the monkey's farewell words for the new year. Wishes for the year of the monkey

And, of course, how to conduct New Year's party in the garden. We offer you ready script for the New Year of the Monkey! Of course, it can be diversified with games and competitions, and wishes from parents and kids can be added. And congratulations in verse from the Host, Santa Claus and even the Monkey will not leave children indifferent!
This script will help you please your children for the New Year.

Scenario for the New Year of the Monkey for children

The host opens the celebration with the following words:

A wonderful holiday has arrived,
How everyone loves the New Year!
We are waiting for gifts and surprises,
And, of course, delicious cake!

Oranges, tangerines,
Multi-colored fireworks.
Wonderful Christmas tree with balls,
The symbol of the year awaits us all!

Year of the Merry Monkey
We will greet you with joy.
And now we're all together, kids,
We have to call her.

Let's shout loudly, with an expression:
Monkey, where are you?
Come and visit soon
Have fun dancing for us!

The Coming of the Monkey

Having responded to the call, the Fire Monkey runs into the hall and says:

Hello, I am the symbol of the year,
Happy New Year, friends!
I wish you surprises
I brought you good things!

Bright New Year's dance
I prepared it for you.
Shall we all dance together, guys?
Shall we please everyone now?

The music starts and the monkey and the kids start dancing.

Monkey Verse

After the dance the Monkey says:

Soon the Christmas tree will be lit,
Who will light it for us?
Will Santa Claus come to visit?
Will he call the Snow Maiden?

He's lost something
Our beloved Santa Claus.
Maybe he went to Africa
And did you take my gift?

Come on, dear guys,
We'll call grandpa!
What's a holiday without Frost?
We will find him everywhere!

Everyone starts shouting in unison: “Grandfather Frost, come to us soon!”

The appearance of Santa Claus

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall and greet everyone:

Hello my guys,
I'm very glad to see you!
Happy New Year, dears,
I will create miracles for you!

I'll hit you with a magic staff,
Suddenly the lights come on
Those who decorate the Christmas tree
How I like them!

Santa Claus lights the Christmas tree.

Children recite their poems and sing songs

It's time to show what the kids have prepared for the matinee. Santa Claus says:

Maybe someone can tell me a poem,
Or will he sing a song?
Maybe all together, guys,
Shall we join in a friendly round dance?

Everyone recites poems, sings songs or dances for Santa Claus. Then, as promised, he arranges a round dance around the festive tree:

You all grab your hands,
Let's go around the Christmas tree.
Let's all sing a song together,
And let's decorate the New Year!

Children walk around the Christmas tree and sing the traditional song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

New Year 2016 wishes

Finally, Santa Claus addresses the patroness of the year:

Dear monkey,
Don't offend us all year.
Here's a bag of bananas for you,
Give them to the kids!

At this moment, you can give not only bananas, but also other gifts. It's time to say goodbye to the kids and let them enjoy the toys or sweets that Santa Claus and the Monkey have prepared for them.

Monkey's New Year
May it bring you happiness,
Positive and good luck,
May this year be richer.

So that they decide with a bang
All the most difficult things.
At home so that there is comfort and laughter,
At work - no interruptions.

In life there are only bright colors,
Don't wear different masks,
So that always, in spite of enemies,
You have been lucky in everything!

Symbol of the year, Monkey,
May it give you success,
Lots of happiness and prosperity,
Mood and laughter!

Happy New Year!
We wish you warmth.
Naughty monkey
May it bring you joy.

Happy New Year! Let the mischievous Monkey bring you joy, fun, great mood, southern warmth into the house, will fill life with the aromas and tastes of sweet fruits! I wish you health, success, prosperity and prosperity, new ideas and inspiration, family comfort and happiness!

Happy year of the cute monkey,
Not an obedient hooligan,
Let her come to your home
With a bright, colorful bag,
May he give you all happiness,
And will disperse all bad weather,
Let it light up with fun,
And he will reward you with love.

May the monkey's New Year
It will only bring joy
To make it easy
Everything that didn’t work out before.

So as not to jump around the cage,
And grow and prosper.
If you're unlucky somewhere -
Smile to spite everyone.

Be a good guy at the same time.
Not with a grimace, but with a face.
And manage everything everywhere,
Who needs help?

And at the same time about myself
Remember everywhere and everywhere:
Love yourself from the bottom of your heart,
Dress up and feed.

Have fun between work,
Don't forget to get enough sleep.
So that under a palm tree with a banana
Vacationed in the Bahamas.

And so that this year is active
Everything turned out wonderful for everyone!

Monkey promises
An unusual year for all of us -
Energetic and cheerful
You'll definitely be lucky.

The main thing is not to hang your nose,
Never lose heart.
Monkey promises
Help us all year long.

The spirit of the game and the taste of excitement
Generously gives the New Year.
May it be the Year of the Monkey to everyone!
It will bring happiness in life.

So that life is like raspberries,
So that you are full and drunk all year long,
Remember who the mistress of the year is,
Smile and... eat a banana!

The world will become colorful and bright,
The palm trees will bloom with happiness,
And the Monkey will give
There is happiness and comfort at home.

In the year of the bright Fire Monkey
I wish you joy in abundance.
Let the Monkey surprise
Helps you in all matters.

The circus performer loves change:
Wishes will come true instantly
Fate will take a turn -
He will become happy New Year!

The monkey is a fast animal,
Trust her instincts
And take an example from her.
Whatever you have in mind, do it!
Red color is living fire,
Take it in your palm
Pass a year with this light,
Find happiness in gray days.
Let it pass without flaws
Year of the naughty Monkey!

Merry Fire Monkey
The year comes into its own,
Don't let your nerves get in the way,
Don't let you have any trouble!

I wish you a lot of happiness in life,
Let the money flow like a river,
Love always sparkles with passion
And it covers your head!

Let friends always be there,
Success accompanies everything,
Let there be order in affairs,
And let only laughter sound in the house!

Celebrate the year correctly:
Promise the monkey
Light up and have fun
Yes, get drunk on New Year's Eve.
Rejoice like a baby
And happiness is higher than the rooftops
Fly up and smile -
In a word, enjoy.
Tumble like a gorilla
Have fun like a gibbon -
Macaques have their own law.

Scenario New Year's holiday for the year of the Monkey 2016 “CONTROVERSY OF THE GOAT AND THE MONKEY”

Scenario of opening a New Year tree in the city square.

The action takes place in the city square. There is a Christmas tree in the center of the square. A circle with a diameter of 50-70 meters is outlined around the tree. There are playgrounds around the circle. When viewed from above, the area should look like a clock face. Opposite the “dial” is the main stage area.

A Snowman with a broom comes out onto the stage, sweeps, dances, sings.
Snowman Song:
I. It would be nice, it would be nice
Sweep all the paths
To Santa Claus the way
Could you find us for a holiday?
Everything today, by the way,
Santa Claus will be waiting
I'll sprinkle sand on everything
So as not to accidentally fall.
Chorus: You sweep, sweep, broom,
Scatter the snowdrifts.
You sweep, sweep, broom,
So that a fairy tale comes to us,
To find the way.
II. It would be nice, it would be nice
Hurry up New Year,
The tree lit up so that
The children stood up in a round dance,
To dance together
And they laughed until they cried,
To make wishes,
They will be performed by Santa Claus.

Snowman: Snowman I, Snowman
Dropped by to see you in passing
To congratulate all the girls
And Happy New Year boys!
Look what I'm like-
I'm made from 3 balls
Instead of eyes there are two coals
And with a broom in his hands.
I'm neither small nor big
Say my name!
My name:………….Snowman.
Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday
This holiday is New Year's
We waited impatiently.
There's one game for you
I'll read the poems now
I'll start, you finish
Answer in unison.
Where the answer is, there is the end
Who can tell me - well done.
1.What kind of tree is this
The whole top is in silver
It bloomed in winter
On a frosty day in December
The needles shine like silver
Well, of course it’s…………YOLKA.

2. Grabbed the cheeks, the tip of the nose
Painted the window without asking
Who did it? Here's the question.
All this was done………..SANTA CLAUS.

3. Roof with fur cap
White smoke overhead
Yard in the snow, white houses
………..WINTER came to visit us.

4.Christmas tree, candles, tinsel
Children are waiting for gifts
Santa Claus is coming with a bag
This is a holiday…………NEW YEAR.
Well now, guys,
The last riddle.
She's a famous person
Very pretty
Tailed, horned and even bearded.
Should you tell me now
Who is the symbol of the outgoing year?............GOAT.
Hurry up the goat for the holiday,
Give us something to dance.
A goat appears, she dances and sings.
Song-Dance of the Goat:
1.Look with all your eyes
A goat is hurrying to you for the holiday
I jump, I jump, I dance
What's a holiday without me?
I send you greetings, friends!
Chorus: Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa
I'm very glad to see you
You lived with a goat all year - 3 rubles.
It's not worth crying in life
Let's dance better
What to grieve about.

2. Everyone here is terribly nice
They applaud me loudly
I jump, I jump, I don’t feel sorry for my legs
After all, soon, soon the New Year
Good luck awaits you all.
Goat: Hello little people!
A whole year has already passed,
How familiar I am with you!
I see my friends here!
So, the holiday will be glorious,
And with the most important task
We can handle it without any hassle -
Let's celebrate the New Year together.
But first we are without candles
The Christmas tree must be lit.
Snowman: Goat, you shouldn't rush!
We must also invite a guest -
Symbol of the coming year!
I want to ask the people:
Answer without hesitation
Very fast, straight
Who is the symbol of the coming year?........ MONKEY.
Applaud, adults!
Applaud, children,
Symbol of the New Year, we will celebrate it with dignity!
A monkey appears, he dances and sings.
Monkey's Song:
1.I came from the hottest countries
I brought you congratulations.
I will serve people honestly for a year
Have fun for all children and adults.
Chorus: I brought quite a bit with me
Fireworks, carnivals,
To make everyone happy
I will provide for the New Year for everyone
And on a cold winter evening
Light a candle of happiness
2. I promise, blue firmament,
I promise, sunshine all year round!
I promise everyone who is here now,
Your happiness will not leave you!
Chorus: A magical island awaits love,
Everything will be easy and simple!
There will be songs, there will be toasts
Once the Year of the Monkey has arrived,
There will always be money!
Eat coconuts, chew bananas!
Monkey: Having left distant, hot countries,
I came to Kamchatka land.
May the Year of the Monkey be happy!
May your business be successful!
Goat: You, my dear, are in a hurry!
My year - the year of the Goat has not yet passed.
So don't jump here, don't rustle,
No matter how angry you are from me!
Monkey: Who are you?
Goat: I am Goat-Dereza
The horns are cool, take care of your eyes.
Monkey: Are you coming for my manicure?
Madam, look!
Better take care of your eyes!
Snowman: Dear ladies, what kind of controversy is there!
The holiday today is not a time for quarrels.
Look at the square - people have gathered,
He longs for fun and is looking forward to a holiday.
Goat: My year has not passed, they are stepping on my heels.
Monkey: Let me point out: you have hooves, not heels.
Goat: Now as soon as I kick, you’ll run without looking back.
Snowman (to the audience): What should I do, what should I do?
How can I reconcile girls?
How long can they argue?
They'll definitely ruin the New Year!
Goat: Yes, I'll ruin the New Year
It will be the other way around
I declare exactly, directly - I’m not going anywhere,
And I will remain the hostess in the coming year!
Monkey: You don't know me yet:
I'm a terrible beast when I'm angry!
I call you, Goat
For the New Year's duel! (throws down the glove).
Goat: (raises glove)
Oh, you monkey without a pocket,
Lost two bananas...
Do you want to fight? So be it!
Take three steps back
Now I think: ain, tsvay, dray,
Choose your own weapon.
The Goat takes cabbage from the basket, and the Monkey takes oranges. Getting ready to throw objects at each other.
Snowman: Think, think, snowball
How can we save our holiday?
Come on, ladies, stand
To answer my question.
Who wants to be a symbol of the coming year?
Goat and Monkey: I!
Snowman: Now we will test you as a leader.
And now you ladies need
Instantly assemble 2 squads
Why, Monkey, are you standing so boldly?
You will be the first! Get down to business!
Monkey: Girls get ready
The boys are ready,
I'll play a game with you
Called "Monkeys".
Game "Monkeys":
We are funny monkeys
We play too loud
We clap our hands
We stomp our feet
Puff out our cheeks
Let's jump on our toes,
And even to each other
We'll show you languages.
Let's jump to the ceiling together
Let's put our finger to our temple,
Let's stick out our ears,
Ponytail on top of head
How can I say the number three?
Everyone, freeze with grimaces!
Who has the best grimace?
He gets on my team
Unconditionally and immediately.
One two Three!!!
(The monkey chooses 15-20 people, at this time the music of “Chunga-Chang” plays in the background, lines up the team in one line)
Snowman: Your turn, Goat,
What can you show?
I'm here for you guys
I'll do some exercises!
Repeat after me
Every single figure!
Dance game “Charging”:
1.Calculate in order
One two three four five
Let's all go out to exercise
We start to play.
Chorus: Come on, sit down, be, meh,
Come on, let's get up, blah, blah
Let's gallop together.

2.Legs don’t stand still
We all need to play
We clap our hands loudly
One two three four five.
Chorus: (same).

3. Now move your butt
One two three four five
And stomp your hoof loudly
And shake your horns.

4.Danced together together
How can I say the number five?
You will freeze everything in place
I will choose you
Chorus: I’m starting, I’m counting:
One two three four five
I'm starting, I think
I'm already choosing.
The Goat recruits a team of 15-20 people, and the game “Charge” plays in the background.
Snowman: The Goat has his own squad,
Monkey too.
Now listen to me
We will help you resolve our dispute.

Everything goes from year to year,
Everything takes its course:
Be it the circle of the zodiac,
Is the horoscope perfect?
The clock hands are running,
Making a perfect circle.
Look at the square
Pay all attention:
The tree in the center is like an arrow,
Well, this circle is not a plate,
It looks like a dial
Fairy tales await the children there!
Take a lap of honor
According to our fabulous clock,
Someone is waiting for you at every hour
Surprises and miracles await.
You will go around the entire dial
And you will collect all the letters,
Then fold it correctly
You will receive the key to the solution.
If Goat you will be the first -
Your year continues...I guess.
And if the Monkey is more agile, faster
Of course, she should be the symbol of the year.
Are you guys all ready to travel?
We will solemnly open this procession.
Goat, Monkey, let's three
On the path, we'll sing a marching song.
Marching song:
1 verse Goat: There are no miracles in the world these days
For those who do not believe in them themselves.
Monkey: And adults and children know this,
And fairy tales live here and there.
Goat and Monkey: Miracles on the dial
They are waiting for us on the way.
Snowman: This is a saying, not a fairy tale
The fairy tale will be ahead.
Verse 2:
Goat: There is a hut on chicken legs in that fairy tale,
Monkey: And Carlson flies through the sky.
Goat: There a frog turns into a princess
Monkey: A whale fish swims in the sea.
Chorus: same
Goat: Science will give us answers to our questions.
Monkey: Snow White lives in the forest
Goat: Rockets are sent to distant stars,
Monkey: But there is also a magic carpet.
Chorus: same.
Teams line up! And on the road!
A magical dial awaits!
Good luck and luck to the rescue.
Find the treasure you need!

The Goat and Monkey teams go to the courts in opposite directions to play. On each playground, teams meet a fairy-tale character, complete his tasks, for which they receive one of the letters of the phrase: HAPPY NEW YEAR!, as well as an exclamation point. Letters different colors, for one team - red, for the other - blue.
At this time, on the main stage, the Snowman holds games and competitions for the remaining spectators.

1 HOUR: “Meeting with Zimushka-Winter.”
The children are greeted by Zimushka-Winter.
Winter: Hello, good people!
Take my bow
From all four sides!
I'm glad to welcome you
I feel my coolness
It invigorates every soul.
She greets you
Coloring beauty Winter.
Game "Snow Shooting Range"
(props: 2 buckets. Children make snowballs themselves)
Come to the newest one
Unusual snow shooting gallery.
They don't shoot guns here
No rifle fire here
We need good snow here
And the throw at the target is deft.
They shot well at the shooting range,
They honestly deserved the letter.
HOUR 2: “Meeting with the gnomes.”
Gnome 1: Well, friends, let's get acquainted
Gnome 2: We are two brothers
Gnome 1: We are two gnomes
Gnome 2: We invite children
For a fun game.
(Dwarfs show movements, children repeat)
Gnome 1: Who can show
How to drive the car?
It's as easy as shelling pears -
One, two and done.
Dwarf 2: Show me how, guys,
The bear is walking with a clubfoot.
It's as easy as shelling pears -
One, two and done.
Gnome 1: Hey, hurry up, don't yawn,
Show me how the bunny jumps.
It's as easy as shelling pears -
One, two and done.
Gnome 2: Now try
Wash your face with your cat.
It's as easy as shelling pears -
One, two and done.
Gnome 1: Who is so good with us?
Clapping his hands together?
It's as easy as shelling pears -
One, two and done.
Gnome 2: Well, who do you have now?
Veseley began to dance.
It's as easy as shelling pears -
One, two and done.
Gnome 1: Now people are friendly,
Join the round dance
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta
Let's dance the lapata dance.

Dance "Lapata"

Gnome 2: You danced well
You get the letter: one, two and you're done.
(The gnomes hand the children a letter)

HOUR 3: “Meeting with the Bear.”
Bear: Hello guys!
To begin with, for order
I'll tell you a riddle:
He lives in a deep forest
Clumsy, clubfooted
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw…….BEAR.
Very correct answer
Hello from the bear to everyone!
I offer you a game
"By the Bear in the Forest"
Which one of you will I catch?
I take it to my den
You can't just leave like that,
You will pay the ransom.
Get ready kids
The game begins.
Game "Bear the Bear in the Forest."
(The bear catches the children and hides them in his “den”)
Bear: Tales about bears
I need to tell you
Answer correctly
I'll give you the letter.
(Children name fairy tales where the character is a bear - they get a letter)

4 HOUR: “Meeting with the Hare.”
Hare: I salute you people!
The hare is me, we will know each other.
I love to jump and gallop
I love to play
And I love you very much
“Christmas trees and stumps.”
If I say the word “Christmas tree” -
You need to raise your hands up
And stand like that until then,
While I, by the way,
I won’t say “stumpy”.
When you hear the word “hemp”,
Sit as low as possible.
The terms of the game are clear to you,
Or repeat it again?
Game "Christmas trees and stumps."

Hare: We played great
I present the letter to you personally.
(The hare hands the children a letter)

5 HOUR: “Meeting with Lisa.”
Fox: Let me introduce myself:
I am the first beauty in the forest!
My outfit is gorgeous
In vain do people say
That I am cunning and a thief,
And I'm not to blame for anything:
I don't eat chickens or roosters
A best friend mine is a bun!
I'll tell you a story about him,
And I’ll ask you guys -
Where I will lie a little,
I need to be corrected by clapping
You can also stomp and scream.
Game-Fairy Tale:
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. And one day my grandfather wanted dumplings (was there such a thing?). And he says: “Thumbelina, bake me a bun.” And the grandmother went to the store to buy dough, kneaded the dough and put it in the microwave. I baked a loaf of bread and took it to the refrigerator to cool. The bun lay and lay on the window, he got tired of lying, he took it and melted. Well done, you know the fairy tale well!
Fox: Well you stomped
They clapped very loudly!
And so they earned the letter.
(Fox hands the children a letter)

6 HOUR: “Two from the casket.”
Together: And we two are from the casket,
Identical from the face.
1st: Two teams gathered
From left to right, stand.

2nd: You need to show strength
In a tug of war.
Together: One, two, three - pull the rope!
Competition "Tug of War". (Props: rope)

Together: You guys are strong
Get a letter for this!
(Two people from the casket hand the children a letter)

7 HOUR: “Meeting with the Wolf.”
Wolf: Let me introduce
I am the Gray Wolf!
I know a lot about fishing.
It doesn’t matter that the fish don’t bite in winter
We'll go ice fishing with you.
Have you read the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”?
It talks about it!
I, the Wolf, lowered my tail into the hole,
And I caught fish with my tail.
This idea is not bad -
We'll catch fish from buckets.
And it's just beautiful!
2 tails for fishing
No fishing line or stick needed!
Divide into teams -
Let's go fishing.
(Divide children into 2 teams)
So I see packs of wolves,
I announce the fishing conditions.
Know this - a relay race.
We take turns clinging the tail to ourselves
And we run to the bucket
We put the tail in the bucket -
Will the fish bite? Here's the question!
As soon as the fish catches its tail
The player returns to the team!
Then the next one goes fishing
The task is now clear to you.
I wish everyone good luck!
Game "Ice fishing".
(Props: 2 buckets, 2 tails with magnets, 30 fish with metal parts)
Wolf: Caught a lot of fish
“Thank you” to everyone for fishing.
Don't rush to leave
You will receive your letter.
(The wolf hands the children a letter)

8 HOUR: “Meeting with Crow.”
Crow: And I am Crow, I am a smart bird,
You will have to work hard.
If you can guess the riddles
You receive the letter immediately.
1.Warms in winter
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in the summer
By winter it comes to life………SNOW.

2. An old man is guarding at the gate,
The warmth was taken away,
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell others to stand………..FROST.

3. There’s a mountain in the yard,
And in the room there is water…….….ICE.

4.What grows upside down……..ICICLE.

5. We cover the earth like small grains of sand.
We were born without wings
And we fly merrily………SNOWFLAKES.
6. It’s fun under the roof all winter,
In winter, the sun ate her……….ICICLES.
7.He lived in the middle of the yard,
Where the kids play.
But from the sun's rays,
It turned into a stream……….SNOWMAN.
Crow: Well you answered
For this I give you a letter!
(Crow hands the children a letter)

9 HOUR: “Meeting with Baba Yaga.”
Baba Yaga: Hey, hello guys
You, Grandma Yaga,
My leg is boney.
And I find out now
How much sense do you have?
I will carry out the relay race
On high-speed brooms.
Divided into two teams
And enter the competition.
(Divide children into 2 teams)
Relay race “On the brooms”
(Props: 2 brooms, 4 skittles)
Baba Yaga: The task was completed as if
Get your letter.
(Baba Yaga hands the children a letter)

10 HOUR: “Meeting with Emelya.”
Emelya meets the children, he is sitting on the stove, holding an accordion in his hands.
Emelya: I am Emelya, known to everyone!
An interesting competition awaits you.
I put my ears on top of my heads,
You sing ditties to me.
If you complete the task,
I will give you a special prize.
Let's start: one, two, three,
Let's sing ditties.
Ditty competition
Emelya: You conquered Emelya with your vocals
And they honestly deserved the letter!
(Emelya hands the children a letter)

11 HOUR: “Meeting with Marya the Mistress.”
Marya: Kudos to you guys!
Bow to your companion!
Let me introduce myself:
I am Marya the mistress!
A jack of all trades,
I can achieve anything
No matter what you pick up,
All of them are arguing:
Bake, cook pies,
I can embroider and sew!
Can you handle things?
Can you handle a needle and thread?
(Children answer)
Look, how quick they are!
I give one of you a needle and thread,
(give the props “ribbon tied to a pencil”)
You must make friends with everyone -
Sew everyone together tightly.
Sew all the guys together,
Through belts, loops, loops!
Game "Sewing"
Marya: You are hardworking and also friendly,
And for this, I need to reward you guys!
(Marya the artist hands the children a letter)

12 HOUR: “Meeting with Leshim.”
Goblin: Come, don't hesitate!
Leshy meets you!
I live in the forest thicket,
I don't have guests often.
And when they come,
They start a song for me!
And such a song
Which one am I asking for?
Song competition
Leshy holds a singing competition; at his request, children perform several songs.
Goblin: You sang the songs normally
Modern, relevant,
Receive a special prize.
(Hands the letter to the children)

Snowman: While my assistants
Working with teams
Responsible business
We'll deal with the white snow
And together with all the people
Let's create beautiful weather
Repeat after me
Every single figure.
Game "Snowfall":
Like winter without snowfall
Snow fell and fell on the city... (sit down)
And then, as much as I could
The north wind howled... (howl)
Spun around, carried snow... (spin around)
A blizzard broke out...
What kind of skyscrapers are these?
These are snowdrifts
(Hands up, stand on tiptoes)
Come on, hands up quickly!
Whose snowdrift is the highest?
At night the wind howled... (howl)
And in the morning it stopped.
(Head between hands)
And in every window
The sun came out.
The sun is smiling
The guys love it.

Snowman: There's a lot of snow
No road, no way.
It will be difficult for Santa Claus
Come visit us here.
We will come to his aid
Let's clear the way for grandpa.
Game "Broom"
Take it in your hands, spectators
My beloved
Imaginary brooms.
So that the guest is welcome
Didn't go astray
I ask you to place a path for him.
Repeat after me
Every single figure:
Here, here, a turn and a turn.
Broom up, broom down,
And work, don't be lazy.
A couple more movements, a little more,
Let's add slips,
Let's clear the path.
Well done, guys!
The path is ready
For a dear guest!
Song-dance “Snowy chaos is spinning in the sky”
(The snowman shows the movements, the children repeat after him)
1.The snowy sky is swirling,
The trees and houses turned white,
Teach us to have fun
Show us how to frolic
Because winter has come to visit us.
2. White fur coats of fir trees and birches,
Wrap your cheeks warmer, wrap your nose,
Teach us to have fun
Show us how to frolic
Grandfather Frost went for a walk!
3. Put on your skis and skates quickly,
We are looking forward to the slides and skates!
Teach us to have fun
Show us how to frolic
Oh, how fun it is to play in the snow in winter!
4. A round dance began to spin near the tree,
All the people are having fun and rejoicing
Teach us to have fun
Show us how to frolic
The New Year is finally coming!

Game "What grows on the Christmas tree."
All the kids need to know
Answer questions
A chorus of “yes” or a chorus of “no”
Shout back to me.
What grows on the Christmas tree:
Cones and needles?
A bright toy?
Green frog?
Gold plated fish?
Are the apples soaked?
White snowflakes?
Torn boots?
Tinsel and beads?
Ripe watermelons?
Balls, icicles?
Tablets and pills?
They answered very loudly
Well done boys!
The snowman invites you
Dance with ducklings
Dance of little ducks.
Snowman: Well, friends, let's have fun,
While the teams are working
We'll have a disco.

(when the teams go up to the court)
Snowman: Here are the teams with the task
We walked around the circle of honor on the dial
Friends, just a moment
Let's see what they brought with them.
These are magic letters -
Everyone guessed right away
The last task remains to be completed
Create a key phrase.
(while the teams are composing a phrase, music plays in the background)
Snowman: As soon as this phrase
Let's say it out loud,
The winter wind will carry it around the world,
Rushing through snowdrifts and hummocks
Wake up in the kingdom of ice
He is Grandfather Frost.
Children:(reading) Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Song "Happy New Year!"
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
The New Year is rushing towards us,
Everything will happen soon.
What you dream will come true
Grandfather Frost is already coming to us,
He'll be here soon
It's not long to wait anymore,
The Christmas tree will light up soon
Only little sense
If Santa Claus does not call the children in chorus
Well, now we're all together
Let's call Grandfather Frost.

Father Frost! Father Frost!
Santa Claus!

No, we need to shout very loudly
Father Frost! Father Frost!
Santa Claus!

I hear you! I hear you!
(Father Frost and Snegurochka ride on a sleigh along the dial; as Father Frost passes, all the characters who played with the children on the playgrounds line up with Santa Claus and everyone goes up to the main platform)
Father Frost: I see all the guys assembled,
Christmas tree in festive decoration.
My assistant Snowman
As always with a broom
He's not used to being lazy
I swept everything under the tree.
To spend your year,
Look at the mercy
Goat-Goat herself
Showed up for the holiday.
And although it's a little early
I'm glad to see the Monkey too.
The time has come, I know for sure
I ask everyone to notice
We are saying goodbye to the old year,
To meet a new one.
(To the Snow Maiden) Snow Maiden, my dear, granddaughter,
I know you're not white.
Here's a magic wand
And she has great strength
I want you to have a Christmas tree, granddaughter
The lights lit up.
Snow Maiden: Light up the lights bright,
Green beauty,
Bright flashlights
Light up our faces.
Golden toys
We really like yours.
Elegant, radiant
Shine, shine, burn.
Let's repeat it all together:
One, two, three - Shine! Shine! Burn!
(the call signs “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sound. The Christmas tree lights up)
Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree sparkles with lights
And he invites all the guys to a round dance!
Father Frost: Come on, hold hands
Stand in a wide circle.
Everyone under the Christmas tree in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
(1st verse is lost so that the heroes and children line up in a round dance under the tree in the center of the square. From the 2nd verse the song starts.
After the end of the song, 2 more verses are played - a bridge so that the actors get up on stage)

Father Frost: Christmas frost on the slopes of the roofs
Envelops pipes in light steam.
Snow Maiden: From here we are just a stone's throw away from the stars,
Monkey and Goat: Where the New Year says goodbye to the old.
Marya the Mistress: Where in the kingdom of endless minutes,
Bear: Where in the kingdom of all millennia
Winter: The heavenly clock is ticking, it's ticking,
Fox: The only accurate ones in the world.
Gnomes: How quickly time moves forward!
Goblin: But still every day
Baba Yaga: the old fashioned way
Wolf: They dance in a circle in the chilly sky
Crow: Simple old fashioned snowflakes.
Emelya: This hour has struck, troubling souls!
Two from the casket: The solemn turn is coming,
Father Frost: Goodbye, last year
All: Hello, hello New Year!
Final song.

The year of the monkey is coming!
Brings a lot of joy.
May good luck this year
It will not let you down in anything.

May there be a lot of happiness,
The sadness goes away quickly.
I wish you the best
Happy New Year!

In the year of the Monkey I wish:
Lots of success
Peace and laughter.
Happy days
True friends.

Don't know sadness
Sing and dance.
Let the Monkey
Playful and bright
Happiness will bring
He won’t leave you in trouble.

Happy New Year.
We wish you happiness and joy.
And health and success,
No interference was encountered.

The coming year - Monkeys -
It will be very multifaceted.
Set a goal and go
And don't turn off the road.

May the Year of the Monkey be red
It will bring you good luck.
Will point you in the right direction,
So that your pocket is not empty.

So that peace, tranquility and harmony in the family,
Well, for doubly good health.
Let the whole year sparkle with joy,
So that I want to sing and have fun.

Let the cheerful ringing laughter
Running accompanies life.
Let him be kind, well-fed, drunk
New Year of the Red Monkey.

The Year of the Monkey has arrived.
The cheerful animal is full of strength,
He comes into his own
It's time to get down to business:

Bring happiness to everyone's home,
Bring health to everyone,
Top up your account and wallet
And bring joy for future use.

Let the Monkey love you,
Doesn't do any mischief.
She is loved by all the people.
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year of the Monkey
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let your cheeks be rosy,
And walks are good!

Let the champagne sparkle
Let your dreams come true.
Let everything come true
What are you wishing for?

In the year of the cunning Monkey
You can wait for anything.
But it’s too early to get upset:
Lions will roam freely.

Libra will weigh the pros and cons,
And Sagittarius will hit the target,
Cancer will not spoil its image,
The fish will not run aground.

Virgo will learn English
Geminis will find girlfriends
Capricorn will become an artist,
Aries will travel to Luxembourg.

Aquarius will ride off to Nice,
Taurus will buy an island
Scorpio is having fun.
Here's a funny greeting!

A wave of positivity, fun and jokes
The Monkey will begin the year ahead.
I wish you many happy moments,
May you be immensely lucky in any matter.

Find the gift you want under the tree,
And at midnight, seriously believe in miracles.
A sea of ​​love and spontaneous surprises for you,
So that everyone wants to dance until they drop!

Snowflakes spin in a waltz,
And white and white all around.
Let the Monkey bring it
Happiness and warmth to your home.

Let the wealth not end,
Let the sorrows go away.
And it sounds without stopping,
The clinking of glasses that night.

Happy New Year! May good luck
Always accompanies you.
And leaving no traces,
Let the trouble go away!

The aroma of tangerines and spruce -
Everyone feels comfortable all around in the warmth.
Even though there are snowstorms raging outside,
The holiday is rushing quickly into the house.

The monkey will bring us happiness,
Laughter, fun and lots of love.
And the melancholy will disappear overnight,
The lights flicker playfully.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations,
Make a wish quickly
Open your hearts to bright feelings,
Open the door to miracles!