Fairy tales by M. Skrebtsova and A. Lopatina - Russian general education portal. Tales of the Wise Men

Project "Miracle Tree"

Project type: ecological, research-creative, collective.

Duration: long-term ( September-May 2015-2016.)

Project participants : children, teachers, parents of students.

Relevance of the topic :

We created this museum because we wanted to arouse interest, a positive emotional response from an encounter with beauty, enrich the group’s subject-development environment, attract students’ parents to cooperation, and introduce children to the properties of wood. Tell children how people use the properties of materials when making toys and other items.

Objective of the project : to introduce children to the properties of wood through experimental activities, and also to expand children’s understanding of the variety of wooden products and their purpose. Give your child the opportunity to really, independently discover the magical world of wood.

Project objectives:

1. To form a generalized idea of ​​trees, types of wooden products and their significance in our lives;

2. To acquaint children with the properties, features, possibilities of using wood in everyday life, its value for people’s lives;

3. Draw attention to the need to take care of trees, to the connection between forest protection and our everyday life;

4. Develop search activity and intellectual activity;

Creating conditions for the implementation of the project:

Prepare a selection fiction in the book corner, add interesting bright illustrations about wood and what can be made from it.

Interaction with parents.

1. Introduce parents to the project. Talk about the goals and objectives of the project.

2. Find out what trees grow in the children’s yards and in their summer cottages.
3. Offer to help in selecting educational material about trees(photos, illustrations, fairy tales, stories, riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems) .
4. Family excursions to the forest.
5. Offer to conduct various explorations and games with children while relaxing in nature, in the country.
6. Help in collecting objects made of wood and birch bark for the exhibition.

Project activities

Stage 1. Planning a mini-museum - preparatory

objectivity and clarity, ensuring the development of cognitive interest and emotional perception.

psychological comfort and safety of activity.

determining the location of the mini-museum.

drawing up a work plan.

selection of exhibits.

Stage 2. Project implementation.

In the process of organizing a mini-museum, the following forms of work with the exhibitions of the mini-museum are assumed: classes-excursions, excursions for parents, research activities, productive activity, as well as the ability to change exposures.

Stage 3. Functioning of the mini-museum.

Organize a visit to the mini-museum for teachers, then parents and children.

Project implementation

Educational activities during regime moments:

Reading and learning poems about trees and guessing riddles. Selection of proverbs and sayings.

Reading works of fiction.

Conversations with children on the topic using games and exercises to develop independent thinking.

Conversations with children:

“Introduce to the rich diversity of flora”

« Conversations about trees" in more detail in the classroom and in everyday life:
a) Introduction to the tree (crown, leaves, bark, trunk, roots, flowers, fruits, seeds)
How tall is the tree?
What is the width of the tree?
Does the tree have neighbors? Friends? Familiar?
Does a tree have a family?
Does the tree have “children”?
What is bark, trunk, what is it used for, what is it like? What does it smell like at different times of the year?
( V dry weather, after rain...) ?
Are there cracks, hollows, lichens, or mosses on the tree? What are they? How many are there, what color?
Are there human marks on the bark? Was the tree able to heal its wounds?
We study fruits and seeds: what are they, who distributes them, what are they for?
Are there any mushrooms on the tree trunk or under it?
Is there a way to find out the age of a tree? Which?
Is it possible to hide under a tree from a thunderstorm? Why?

b) Animals associated with the tree.
A tree is a dining room and home for many animals. A large number of different living organisms are associated with a tree, which we do not notice.

c) Soil.
In nature, nutrients return to the soil along with fallen leaves, which contributes to the cycle of matter in nature. On our site, in parks, squares, gardens, people try to remove leaves, considering them garbage. As a result, some of the nutrients are not returned to the soil, thereby reducing its fertility. Invite the children to think about where the fallen leaves go in the forest, where people don’t clean them up.

Does anyone live in the soil under the tree? Examine the ground near the trunk with a magnifying glass. Residents improve the soil from which the tree obtains food.
Draw the attention of children before the rain to see if earthworms have appeared under the tree. Protect them! Take a closer look, get to know each other, find out how they crawl. Earthworms loosen the soil, process rotting leaves, which means they help the tree.

Precipitation (snow, rain, frost) .
Measuring snow depth. Does snow help? How does snow help a tree? Its role in the life of trees. Snow cover protects tree roots and soil inhabitants from freezing.
The importance of precipitation in the life of trees. Does a tree help any animals shelter from the rain? How and where? Is it formed in winter time frost on tree branches? Why? Consider.

Determine the mood of the tree: sad, cheerful, happy, sad, silent, cheerful, thoughtful, spring. What time of year, what weather, what mood does the tree have?
Target: to interest the problem, to find out children’s ideas about these plants, their relationship to the tree.

Didactic games:

“Choose a word” (for the word birch),
“Which tree?” (selection of adjectives),
“Come up with words with the same root”
“Find the tree according to the description”
"From seed to tree"
"What's extra?"
"Helpful - harmful"
“Say it differently,” etc.

Target: teach to compare, generalize, qualify.

Memorizing poems :
E. Trutneva “Autumn”,
S. Yesenin “White Birch”,
F. Tyutchev “First sheet”,
A. Prokofiev “I love the Russian birch tree.”

Target: teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, teach them to understand and then reproduce the figurative language of the poem, practice the selection of epithets, comparisons, cultivate a love for nature and trees.

Reading fiction:
V. Rozhdestvensky “Birch”
B. Zakhoder “Why don’t trees walk?”
V. Bianki “Forest Newspaper”
V. Zotov “Birch” (book “Forest Mosaic”),
S. Voronin “My birch. In summer. In autumn. In winter. In the spring"
A. Lopatina “The Wisdom of a Tree”, “The Life of a Tree”.

Target: fostering respect for trees and instilling a love of nature

Finger gymnastics: "Trees".

Outdoor games: "Find the same leaf"

"Find a pair"

“Who can run to the tree faster?”

Target: develop physical qualities.

Plot - role-playing games:

“How did we go to the forest?”

"Excursion to the Park"

- listening to the sounds of nature, the noise of leaves;
- depict the life of a birch tree in dance, plastic sketch.

Experiences: “What do we breathe?”, “How does a plant breathe?”, “Do roots need air?”, “With and without water,” “Sinking or not drowning”

Work on the site and in nature:
- tree care, cleaning broken branches on the site;
- making bird feeders;

- providing assistance if necessary (tying up a broken branch or “healing” wounds left by a person: cuts can be covered with wax, pine resin, plasticine).
- preparation and drying of leaves for application, herbarium.

Target: teach children to work harmoniously in a team, to finish the job they start. Exhibition of things made from wood and birch bark.

Direct educational activities :

Educational activity "Drawing"

"Gorodets painting"

"Wooden toy"


Educational activity: “Applique” “Modeling”

"A tree in different seasons"

Painting wooden spoons.

Educational activity “Cognition”

"How a Tree Lives"

"Who is friends with a tree"

“What does a tree give us?”

“Wooden toys” Stage 2 – practical

Contents of the activity

Selection of information about types of trees and wood products

Long-term planning.


Conversation “How a tree lives and its friends”

Album design “Trees” (Applique, drawing, sculpting)


Conversation “What a tree gives us”

Examination of illustrations, design of the herbarium.


Conversation “What is made from wood”

Compilation and design of the album “Riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems about trees.”


Conversation “Wooden toys”

Album compilation and design

January February.

Looking at illustrations of “Miracle Khokhloma”

"Gorodets painting"

March, April.

Reading fiction

Album design “Painted nesting dolls”


Children coloring wooden spoons and boards

Quiz “What do we know about trees?”

Exhibits and sections: Along one of the walls there are exhibits reflecting the life of a tree in nature: a model of a plant, animals associated with it (toys), pine cones, a stump, mosses, photographs of forest inhabitants and various trees.

Section “Tree of Riddles”

The tree is depicted on the wall. Paper leaves with riddles on the theme of the mini-museum are attached to the branches. The teacher can always invite the children to stop by a tree and guess a couple of riddles.

Section "Tree structure" » introduces children to the different parts of a tree. Leaves and fruits of different trees (rowan, oak, birch, linden) On the shelf there are small cuts of old trees with clearly visible annual rings, beautifully curved tree roots, a vase with dry branches.

Section “Bark and forest inhabitants” » talks about the importance of tree bark for different animals. The bark is a refuge for insects. They hide under it, “sleep” in winter, and lay larvae. For clarity, the museum displays a log with small insect toys placed in the crevices of its bark. The bark is also food for moose, hares and other animals. Therefore, in the center of the panel of the mini-museum, a piece of bark is attached, around which everyone who eats it is located.

Section “How does a person use the bark?” » presented both with real samples telling about the use of bark (various crafts) and with illustrations. Its exhibits include:

Birch bark - household products and decorations.

Pieces of birch bark, reminiscent of the fact that in the old days letters were written on this material.

Pine bark (in the old days it was used for roofing.)

Linden bark, bast for bast shoes and other products

Bark souvenirs and other crafts.

Oak bark (used for tanning, leather dressing).

Section “What bark smells like” ». Some types of bark have a distinct smell, and this is also reflected in the mini-museum. Edible cinnamon and juniper bark are poured into small linen bags. There is a sign nearby explaining to children that this exhibit can be smelled.

Section “Tree in human life” » features exhibits that teach children about how humans use trees. The shelves contain a variety of wooden objects: toys (matryoshka dolls, cubes, animals), household items, birch bark crafts, wooden figurines, boxes, spoons, kitchen boards, rolling pins and other utensils, baskets with pine, spruce, larch cones, books and calendars about trees, applications from dry leaves.

Section "Golden pens". This section presents crafts made by children from bark, as well as works on visual arts.

Section “Leaves - delicious food” » presented with illustrations, small toys, and different leaves. His materials remind us that leaves are food for a variety of animals: from caterpillars to elephants. Humans also eat the leaves of some plants (cabbage, lettuce, bay leaves, etc.). Fallen leaves are eaten by earthworms.

Section “Leaves heal” - this is a shelf with boxes of medicinal plants: nettle, sage, lingonberry. This section talks about medicinal properties some leaves.Kommersant

Expected result :

We believe that the creation of a mini-museum will allow:

make the word “museum” familiar and attractive to children;

will introduce a small child to the world of universal human values, expand cognitive interest and emotional perception;

will allow the museum to be replenished with new exhibitions;

will expand your vocabulary by selecting a card index for exhibits of riddles, proverbs, sayings, interesting materials;

will enrich the subject-developmental environment in the preschool educational institution.

Used Books:

    Nikolaev "Young ecologist." The system of work in the kindergarten preparatory group. For working with children 6-7 years old

2. T. S. Komarova " Visual activities in kindergarten"

3.T. A. Shorygina “Trees. What are they? »

    Ryzhova N. “Our home is nature”: about environmental benefits for children 5-7 years old.

Quiz on the topic “What do we know about trees?”

1. How are trees different from other plants?
2. What trees do you know?
3. Are trees alive or not? Why do you think so?
4. How many trees grow on our site? What are their names?
5. How many trees grow near your house? What are their names?
6. Who do you think planted the trees near our kindergarten in the city? For what?
7. How many of you saw trees in the forest? And who plants them there?
8. Where did you see trees in our city?
9. Do you think there are many or few trees in our city? Justify your point of view.
10. Where do you think the trees are? life is better– in the forest or in the city? Why do you think so?
11. Do you think people pay enough attention to trees? What about you personally?
12. Have trees ever helped you? What about you? Give examples.
13. Let's imagine that the trees suddenly disappeared. What will happen throughout the Earth? In our city? Near our kindergarten? On our site? At your house?
14. Will anything change in our lives then?
15. Why might trees disappear?

Sayings, proverbs, signs

And the birch tree’s tears flow when its bark is torn off.
Birch will keep you warm, but not get you dressed.
The nightingale will sing when it can drink dew from a birch leaf.
A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a rainy summer.
If the birch tree buds first in April, expect a dry summer.

An apple tree makes an apple, and a spruce tree makes a cone.

A hollow tree creaks and stands, but a strong tree falls.

An icon and a shovel are made from the same tree.

The apple falls not far from the tree.

Spruce is not pine: it makes noise for a reason.

It's all the same, whether it's a tree or a log.

You can't cut down a tree in one go.

A cuckoo crows on a dry tree - it means frost.

Trees are planted soon, but not soon their fruit is eaten.

Maple and birch, what not firewood.

The birch tree is not a threat: where it stands, it makes noise.

Just as the aspen trembles, so the cattle in the field are well fed.

The leaf on the tree is full, so the sowing is full.

You cannot fatten a lean horse, you cannot grow a dead tree.

The tree is crooked, but the apples are sweet.

No matter how much you bend a tree, it keeps growing.

No apple falls past the apple tree.


Walks around all summer in a green outfit,
And he meets winter barefoot and naked.
In spring and summer we saw him dressed,
And in the fall, all the poor girl’s shirts were torn off.
Many arms, but one leg.
It’s fun in the summer, nourishing in the fall, and warm in the winter.
It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,
Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter.
The sisters are standing in the field, their dresses are white, their hats are green.
Green, not a meadow, white, not snow, curly, but without hair.
Girlfriends in white dresses scattered around the edge of the forest.
In a white sundress she stood in a clearing.
The tits flew and sat on their braids.
Not caring about the weather, he walks around in a white sundress,
And on one of the warm days, May gives her earrings.
Alena is standing with a green scarf,
Slim figure, white sundress.

White clothes, gold earrings,
With an unbraided braid, he washes himself with dew.
The wind moves the strands, but does not order them to be braided.
Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.
The trunk turns white, the cap turns green.
Standing in white clothes, dangling earrings. (Birch)

Well done every year

Adds around the ring. (Tree)

* * *

It's like a snow globe is white,

In the spring it bloomed,

It gave off a delicate scent.

And when the time has come,

At once she became

The whole berry is black. (Bird cherry)

* * *

Russian beauty

Standing in a clearing

In a green blouse

In a white sundress. (Birch)

* * *

Like pine trees, like fir trees,

But in winter without needles. (Larch)

* * *

He is almost a hundred meters tall:

It's not easy to climb!

He was from Australia

Brought to us in Colchis.

He has one job -

Draining the swamp. (Eucalyptus)

* * *

I have longer needles

Than the Christmas tree.

I'm growing very straight in height. (Pine)

* * *

It turned green in the spring,

Sunbathed in the summer

I put it on in the fall

Red corals. (Rowan)

* * *

White sheep

They run around the candle. (Willow)

* * *

Nobody scares her

And she's trembling all over. (Aspen)

* * *

I dropped my curls into the river

And I was sad about something,

What is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

* * *

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

* * *

The dress is lost -

The buttons remain. (Rowan)

* * *

I crawled out of the little barrel,

Sent roots and grew up,

I have become tall and mighty,

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels -

It’s okay that my fruit is small. (Oak)

* * *

Takes from my flower

The bee has the most delicious honey.

But they still offend me

The thin skin is peeled off. (Linden)

Math problems

1. 4 tits were sitting on a tree. Five more birds flew to them. How many birds were there in total on the tree?

2. Six mushrooms grew under the tree - boletus mushrooms. The squirrel dried three of them. How many mushrooms are left under the tree?

3. There were 10 leaves on the tree branch. Two of them were torn off and carried away by the wind. How many leaves are left?

4. 8 ants were crawling along the birch trunk. Three of them descended to the ground. How many ants are left on the tree?

5. In a forest clearing there were 5 young birch trees and one old one. How many trees were there in the clearing?

Russian folk song

My birch, my birch! My white birch! Curly birch!
You are standing, little birch tree, in the middle of the valley,
On you, birch tree, the leaves are green,
Below you, birch tree, the grass is silk.
Near you, Berezonka, red girls
Wreaths are made and woven.


Where there was an empty place, where there was nothing,
Let everyone plant a tree and not forget it.
It is your wordless friend, a living creature like you.
It is of a sentinel nature, it will not leave the post.
And he will stand before you in full heroic height.
And how much freshness it will contain, and bird songs, and nests!
V. Berestov


The beauty of the birch tree has a silver dress.
The beauty of the birch tree has green braids.
Goats jumped out of the yard towards the birch tree.
They began to gnaw the birch tree, and the birch tree began to cry.
We began to defend the birch tree in a crowd,
So that the birch tree grows, grows big.
P. Voronko


The sun warmed the slopes a little and it became warmer in the forest,
The birch tree hung its green braids from its thin branches.
All in White dress dressed, in earrings, in lace foliage,
She meets the hot summer at the edge of the forest.
V. Rozhdestvensky


The slender beauty is famous throughout all countries:
White clothes, gold earrings.
With an unbraided braid, he washes himself with dew.
The wind moves the strands, but does not order them to be braided.


The letter is a complaint from a birch tree.
On a spring day the boy is angry
I pierced the birch bark with a knife, -
And drops of juice are like tears,
Flowed like a transparent river.
F. Sologub


In a clearing, on a hill, under a window, among fields
The white-bark birch is a symbol of my Motherland.


White birch
White birch tree under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snow border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence
And snowflakes burn in golden fire,
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver.
S. Yesenin


Winter sleep of birches
Thin birch trees are covered with silver,
It was as if they had turned gray and fallen asleep in a dream.
As if winter had come in their souls,
She covered it with frost and covered it with snow.
You, birch trees, are sad - the birds are not chirping,
Uncomfortable, empty, as if forever.
Maybe it's fortunate that it's so cold -
Freezes the wounds, freezes the pain.
It will freeze tears and melancholy - sadness.
Thin birches, I feel incredibly sorry for you.
Be patient for a little while, you won’t have to suffer forever,
All that's left is to wait out the winter until spring.
Inna Raduzhnaya


I love Russian birch, sometimes bright, sometimes sad
In a bleached sundress, with handkerchiefs in his pockets.
With beautiful clasps and green earrings.
I love her elegant, dear, beloved,
Sometimes clear, ebullient, sometimes sad, weeping,
I love Russian birch.
She is always with her friends.
Bends low in the wind
And it bends, but does not break.
A. Prokofiev

First sheet
The leaf turns green young.
Look how the birch trees stand covered with young leaves,
Airy greenery, translucent, like smoke...
For a long time they dreamed of golden spring, spring and summer, -
And these dreams are alive, under the first blue sky,
Suddenly they made their way into the light of day...
Oh, the beauty of the first leaves, washed in the sun's rays,
With their newborn shadow! And we can hear by their movement,
That in these thousands and darkness you will not find a dead leaf...
F. Tyutchev


Suddenly it became twice as bright, the yard was like in the sun’s rays -
This dress is golden with a birch tree on the shoulders.
In the morning we go into the yard - the leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot and fly... fly... fly...
Cobwebs fly by with spiders in the middle,
And the cranes flew high from the ground.
Everything flies! This must be our summer flying away.
E. Trutneva


Birch tree, white swan, I’m standing next to you.
To you, my timid one, I sing a song.
How you stand, happy, on a cheerful summer day,
Because of you, beautiful, there is light in my forest.
Green, free, you are more flexible than reeds.
White-trunked birch, well, you are good for everyone!
A. Prokofiev


In the autumn garden,
By the path
Aspen claps
In the palms.
That's why
That week
Her palms
R. Seph


I'm thick, curly
I will grow up to glory, -
Tag me!
I'm honey colored
I bloom in the summer, -
Protect me!
And on a hot day
I’ll hide it in the shade from the sun, -
Water me!
It rains sometimes,
I'll hide you from the rain, -
Don't break me!
Good for both
We can grow with you, -
Love me!
You will go out into the wide world,
You will see the whole country, -
Do not forget about me!
P. Voronko

Christmas tree

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Vershinka –
What a needle!
With a wild wind
If you touch it -
You'll prick yourself!
A. Prokofiev


Willow, my willow!
Who, tell me, are your friends?
- The sun caresses me,
The wind braids the braids.
G. Vieru


The autumn forest falls asleep,
Naked and empty
But viburnum doesn’t remove
Red beads.
The steppe is getting colder under the snow,
All white.
And the viburnum glows brightly
Sat around.
F. Petrov

Preparatory group No. 7

Long term project

2013 – 2014


(V. Berestov)

Human and nature…

Practical, educational, and research activities in natural conditions play a huge role in the environmental education of preschool children. Environmental education begins with getting to know the objects in the immediate environment that the child encounters every day. It will not be effective without the emotional perception of trees, grass, sunsets and sunrises. A child can enjoy the beauty of a drop of dew on a leaf, the first blossoming flower, the smell of rain and foliage, and will understand how fragile the natural world is and how dependent it is on human actions.

In any city or village you can find natural objects interesting to observe. And such a natural object for our group became a tree, a birch tree.

"Happy Tree"

The tree makes noise all summer with its green leaves
And having turned yellow, he will undress in the autumn.
Frost is not terrible for the tree: snow is sprinkled on the trunk.
The tree will keep warm in it, it is like fur to the tree.
In spring, whitewash glows, dug around...
A happy tree grows, the tree has a friend.
(V. Musatov)

Our environmental project that's what it's called “Birch is our tree.”

Project type cognitive - research.

Project participants : teachers, children, parents of the group.

Get interested in the problem.
Find out children's ideas about trees.
Conduct observations of changes in the life of trees in different seasons of the year.
Support your child's interest in nature.
Build research abilities in the process of studying.
Improve health.

1. To form a generalized idea of ​​trees in general and birch in particular.
2. Develop a cognitive interest in all living things, a desire to gain new knowledge from books; develop curiosity, observation, imagination.
3. Gain experience with children research activities, to develop the ability to realize interests.
4. Develop the ability to predict future changes.
5. Develop in children a desire for healthy image life.
6. Shape creative thinking, emotional attitude towards trees.
7. Cultivate a love for nature, a desire to protect and protect it.

Integration educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic and aesthetic, reading fiction, etc.

Expected results: children will learn to care for plants and become familiar with the conditions under which they are kept, and will learn to notice the beauty of the plant world.

Project activities.

Stage 1. Preparatory.
1. Study the level of children’s knowledge on the topic and determine this knowledge.
2. Creation creative group to help implement the project: teachers, parents, music director, library.
3. Drawing up a work plan. Discussion with parents about the content of the project.
4. Selection of methodological and fiction literature. Making visual and didactic material.

1. Identify children’s knowledge and ideas about birch.
2. Planning the upcoming work.
3. Interest parents in the topic of the project, both in the content of creative and intellectual development pupils.
4. Collect information about birch from various sources, select fiction and educational literature, illustrations, photographs.

Stage 2. Content-based (research).

1. Lesson “Trees in our yard.”
consolidate children's knowledge about trees as representatives of the Earth's flora, their beauty and benefits; cultivate a caring attitude towards your “green friend”; select an object to observe, give it a name; teach to save nature.

2. Excursion to autumn garden- “Autumn drops gold.”
expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of autumn; clarify ideas about the changes that occur in the life of trees in autumn. Pay attention to the beauty of birch trees.

3. Conversations about trees in general and about birch in more detail in class and inEveryday life:
a) Getting to know the tree (birch “Alenushka”):

crown and leaves,
bark and trunk,
flowers (inflorescences),
fruits and seeds.

What are they for in birch?
How tall is the tree?
What is the width of the tree?
Does the tree have neighbors? Friends? Familiar?
Does a tree have a family?
Does the tree have “children”?
What is bark, trunk, what is it used for, what is it like? What does it smell like at different times of the year? (in dry weather, after rain...)?
Are there cracks, hollows, lichens, or mosses on the tree? What are they? How many are there, what color?
Are there human marks on the bark? Was the tree able to heal its wounds?
We study fruits and seeds: what are they, who distributes them, what are they for?
Are there any mushrooms on the tree trunk or under it?
Is there a way to find out the age of a tree? Which?
Is it possible to hide under a tree from a thunderstorm? Why?

b) Make a tree passport.

c) Animals associated with the tree.
A tree is a dining room and home for many animals. A large number of different living organisms are associated with a tree, which we do not notice.

d) Soil.
In nature, nutrients return to the soil along with fallen leaves, which contributes to the cycle of matter in nature. On our site, in parks, squares, gardens, people try to remove leaves, considering them garbage. As a result, some of the nutrients are not returned to the soil, thereby reducing its fertility. Invite the children to think about where the fallen leaves go in the forest, where people don’t clean them up.

Does anyone live in the soil under the tree? Examine the ground near the trunk with a magnifying glass. Residents improve the soil from which the tree obtains food.
Draw the attention of children before the rain to see if earthworms have appeared under the tree. Protect them! Take a closer look, get to know each other, find out how they crawl. Earthworms loosen the soil, process rotting leaves, which means they help the tree.

e) Precipitation (snow, rain, frost).
Measuring snow depth. Does snow help? How does snow help a tree? Its role in the life of trees. Snow cover protects tree roots and soil inhabitants from freezing.
The importance of precipitation in the life of trees. Does a tree help any animals shelter from the rain? How and where? Does frost form on tree branches in winter? Why? Consider.

f) Is it possible to determine the mood of a tree? By what signs can this be done? Does it depend on the time of year, the weather?

What hurts the tree? It's not fun
It creaks very pitifully... Does it really matter?
We should find out more accurately
(Let's be kind to the tree)
What happened to the roots, branches, leaves and bark?
And who is to blame now for his dejected appearance?
I really want to understand what is hurting the tree.
(A. Kondratyev)

Determine the mood of the tree: sad, cheerful, happy, sad, silent, cheerful, thoughtful, spring. What time of year, what weather, what mood does the tree have?
Target: to interest the problem, to find out children’s ideas about these plants, their attitude towards birch.

4. Consideration of illustrative material on the topic.
arouse interest in the object in question.

5. Writing stories and fairy tales on the theme “Once upon a time there was a birch tree...”

6. Drawing a birch tree at different times of the year, with friends, in different moods, etc.

7. Application on the themes: “Autumn carpet”, “Birch tree in autumn”, “Who lives under the birch tree”.

8. Plasticineography on the topic: “Birch leaf.”
Target: develop imagination, sense of form and proportion. Introduce non-traditional techniques drawing and sculpting.

9. Memorizing poems:
E. Trutneva “Autumn”,
S. Yesenin “White Birch”,
F. Tyutchev “First sheet”,
A. Prokofiev “I love the Russian birch tree.”

10. Reading fiction:
V. Rozhdestvensky “Birch Tree”,
F. Sologub “Letter – Bereza’s complaint”,
P. Voronko “Birch”,
I. Raduzhnaya “Winter Dream of Birches”,
Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field”
Russian folk song "My birch, birch...",
Russian folk song “Oh, my little green birch tree...”
B. Zakhoder “Why don’t trees walk?”
V. Bianki “Forest Newspaper”, “Magic Birch”,
V. Zotov “Birch” (book “Forest Mosaic”),
S. Voronin “My birch. In summer. In autumn. In winter. In the spring"
A. Lopatina “The Wisdom of a Tree”, “The Life of a Tree”.

Target: fostering a caring attitude towards trees, instilling a love of nature and birch.

11. Selection of riddles, proverbs, sayings, signs about the birch.
enrich children's knowledge through artistic expression.

12. Creation of the album “Birch - “Alyonushka””.

13. Board and printed games:
"What grows in the forest?"
"The fourth is odd."


14. Didactic games:
“Choose a word” (for the word birch),
“Which birch?” (selection of adjectives),
“Come up with words with the same root”
“Find the tree according to the description”
"From seed to tree"
"Guess the plant"
"What's extra?"
"Helpful - harmful"
“Say it differently,” etc.

Target: teach to compare, generalize, qualify.

15. Psycho-gymnastics:“Journey to the Forest”, “I look like a birch tree”.

16. Finger gymnastics:"Trees".

17. Outdoor games:“Find the same leaf”, “Find a pair”, “Who can run to the birch tree faster.”

Target: develop physical qualities.

18. Plot-role-playing games:“How did we go to the forest?”, “Excursion to the park.”

19. Joint trips with parents to the forest, park, and nature.

20. Music:
- listening to the sounds of nature, the noise of leaves;
- depict the life of a birch tree in dance, plastic sketch.

21. Experiments:“What do we breathe?”, “Can a plant breathe?”, “How does a plant breathe?”, “Do roots need air?”, “With and without water”, “Where does water come from on the leaves?”, “In the warmth” and in the cold."

22. Morning exercises And physical education classes on the street.

23. Work on the site and in nature:
— tree care, cleaning broken branches on the site;
— making bird feeders;

— providing assistance if necessary (tying up a broken branch or “healing” wounds left by a person: cuts can be covered with wax, pine resin, plasticine).
- Preparation and drying of leaves for application, herbarium.

Target: teach children to work harmoniously in a team, to finish the job they start.

24. Exhibition of things made from wood and birch bark on the theme: “This is a magic tree.”

25. Quiz “What do we know about trees?”

26. Holiday “Birch Tree Day”.

Stage 3. Final (final).
1. Multi-presentation on the results of the project.
2. Exhibition of drawings and photographs.
3. Album “Berezka - Alyonushka”.

Target: cultivate a sense of responsibility, learn to share acquired knowledge with others.

Interaction with parents.
1. Introduce parents to the project. Talk about the goals and objectives of the project. Convince parents of the need to provide assistance and take their children’s research seriously.
2. Find out what trees grow in the children’s yards and in their summer cottages.
3. Offer to help in selecting educational material about the selected tree (photos, illustrations, fairy tales, stories, riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems).
4. Joint and family excursions to the forest.
5. Offer to conduct various studies of birch and play with children while relaxing in nature, in the country.
6. Carry out Parent meeting on the topic " Environmental education older preschoolers."
7. Questionnaire on the topic “City Ecology”.
8. Help in collecting objects made from wood and birch bark for an exhibition on the theme “This is a magic tree.”
9. Participation in the “Birch Tree Day” holiday.

Tree passport.
Age: For many, many years.
Height: Taller than any dad, even our kindergarten.
Neighbours: Aspen, rowan and other birch trees.
Friends: All of us, insects, birds, and plants.
What he likes: Light, warmth, water, kind word, guests, holidays, gifts, listen to fairy tales, songs, poems about yourself.

Birch letter

Dear Guys! So you came to me again, I was waiting for you, shaking the branches and rustling the leaves so that you could hear me. Thank you for your gifts to me, look how beautiful I have become, covered in ribbons, balloons. I will also give you my leaves in the fall, and now please fulfill my wishes and tasks. Stroke my bark, smell it and tell me: how are aspen and I similar, and how are we different? How did you know that the aspen and I are trees? Maybe we are blades of grass? Prove to me that I am a tree!
And I also have a request for you guys. We birches really love to listen to songs and poems about ourselves, please me.
Thank you guys for everything! Come see me again, don't forget me!
Your birch tree.

Quiz on the topic “What do we know about trees?”

1. How are trees different from other plants?
2. What trees do you know?
3. Are trees alive or not? Why do you think so?
4. How many trees grow on our site? What are their names?
5. How many trees grow near your house? What are their names?
6. Who do you think planted the trees near our kindergarten in the city? For what?
7. How many of you saw trees in the forest? And who plants them there?
8. Where did you see trees in our city?
9. Do you think there are many or few trees in our city? Justify your point of view.
10. Where do you think trees live better - in the forest or in the city? Why do you think so?
11. Do you think people pay enough attention to trees? What about you personally?
12. Have trees ever helped you? What about you? Give examples.
13. Let's imagine that the trees suddenly disappeared. What will happen throughout the Earth? In our city? Near our kindergarten? On our site? At your house?
14. Will anything change in our lives then?
15. Why might trees disappear?

Sayings, proverbs, signs

The nightingale will sing when it can drink dew from a birch leaf.
A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a rainy summer.
If the birch tree buds first in April, expect a dry summer.


Walks around all summer in a green outfit,
And he meets winter barefoot and naked.
In spring and summer we saw him dressed,
And in the fall, all the poor girl’s shirts were torn off.
Many arms, but one leg.
It’s fun in the summer, nourishing in the fall, and warm in the winter.
It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,
Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter.
The sisters are standing in the field, their dresses are white, their hats are green.
Green, not a meadow, white, not snow, curly, but without hair.
Girlfriends in white dresses scattered around the edge of the forest.
In a white sundress she stood in a clearing.
The tits flew and sat on their braids.
And on one of the warm days, May gives her earrings.
Alena is standing with a green scarf,
Slim figure, white sundress.

Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.
The trunk turns white, the cap turns green.
Standing in white clothes, dangling earrings.

Math problems

1. 4 tits were sitting on a birch tree. Five more birds flew to them. How many birds were there in total on the tree?

2. Six mushrooms grew under the birch tree - boletus mushrooms. The squirrel dried three of them. How many mushrooms are left under the tree?

3. There were 10 leaves on the birch branch. Two of them were torn off and carried away by the wind. How many leaves are left?

4. 8 ants were crawling along the birch trunk. Three of them descended to the ground. How many ants are left on the tree?

5. In a forest clearing there were 5 young birch trees and one old one. How many trees were there in the clearing?

Russian folk song

My birch, my birch! My white birch! Curly birch!
You are standing, little birch tree, in the middle of the valley,
On you, birch tree, the leaves are green,
Below you, birch tree, the grass is silk.
Near you, Berezonka, red girls
Wreaths are made and woven.

Russian folk song

Oh, my little green, curly, cheerful birch tree.
Near you, birch tree, there is silk grass.
Below you, birch tree, there is spring water.
On you, birch tree, the nightingales are singing.
Around you, birch tree, red girls are dancing in a round dance.


Where there was an empty place, where there was nothing,
Let everyone plant a tree and not forget it.
It is your wordless friend, a living creature like you.
It is of a sentinel nature, it will not leave the post.
And he will stand before you in full heroic height.
And how much freshness it will contain, and bird songs, and nests!
V. Berestov

The beauty of the birch tree has a silver dress.
The beauty of the birch tree has green braids.
Goats jumped out of the yard towards the birch tree.
They began to gnaw the birch tree, and the birch tree began to cry.
We began to defend the birch tree in a crowd,
So that the birch tree grows, grows big.
P. Voronko

The sun warmed the slopes a little and it became warmer in the forest,
The birch tree hung its green braids from its thin branches.
All dressed in a white dress, earrings, lace foliage,
She meets the hot summer at the edge of the forest.
V. Rozhdestvensky

The slender beauty is famous throughout all countries:
White clothes, gold earrings.
With an unbraided braid, he washes himself with dew.
The wind moves the strands, but does not order them to be braided.

The letter is a complaint from a birch tree.
On a spring day the boy is angry
I pierced the birch bark with a knife, -
And drops of juice are like tears,
Flowed like a transparent river.
F. Sologub

In a clearing, on a hill, under a window, among fields
The white-bark birch is a symbol of my Motherland.

White birch
White birch tree under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snow border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence
And snowflakes burn in golden fire,
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver.
S. Yesenin

Winter sleep of birches
Thin birch trees are covered with silver,
It was as if they had turned gray and fallen asleep in a dream.
As if winter had come in their souls,
She covered it with frost and covered it with snow.
You, birch trees, are sad - the birds are not chirping,
Uncomfortable, empty, as if forever.
Maybe it's fortunate that it's so cold -
Freezes the wounds, freezes the pain.
It will freeze tears and melancholy - sadness.
Thin birches, I feel incredibly sorry for you.
Be patient for a little while, you won’t have to suffer forever,
All that's left is to wait out the winter until spring.
Inna Raduzhnaya

I love Russian birch, sometimes bright, sometimes sad
In a bleached sundress, with handkerchiefs in his pockets.
With beautiful clasps and green earrings.
I love her elegant, dear, beloved,
Sometimes clear, ebullient, sometimes sad, weeping,
I love Russian birch.
She is always with her friends.
Bends low in the wind
And it bends, but does not break.
A. Prokofiev

First sheet
The leaf turns green young.
Look how the birch trees stand covered with young leaves,
Airy greenery, translucent, like smoke...
For a long time they dreamed of golden spring, spring and summer, -
And these dreams are alive, under the first blue sky,
Suddenly they made their way into the light of day...
Oh, the beauty of the first leaves, washed in the sun's rays,
With their newborn shadow! And we can hear by their movement,
That in these thousands and darkness you will not find a dead leaf...
F. Tyutchev

Suddenly it became twice as bright, the yard was like in the sun’s rays -
This dress is golden with a birch tree on the shoulders.
In the morning we go into the yard - the leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot and fly... fly... fly...
Cobwebs fly by with spiders in the middle,
And the cranes flew high from the ground.
Everything flies! This must be our summer flying away.
E. Trutneva

Birch tree, white swan, I’m standing next to you.
To you, my timid one, I sing a song.
How you stand, happy, on a cheerful summer day,
Because of you, beautiful, there is light in my forest.
Green, free, you are more flexible than reeds.
White-trunked birch, well, you are good for everyone!
A. Prokofiev

Scenario of the holiday “Russian Birch Day”

Children, accompanied by folk music, go out to the playground to their favorite birch tree and stand around it. It turns out that the teacher is wearing a sundress that resembles a birch tree.

Birch: It's me, birch tree, in a new sundress!
I want, children, to have fun with you!
I congratulate everyone on the holiday today,
I wish everyone joy and fun!

1 child: And we all congratulate you, birch tree,
We wish you happiness and fun.
The beauty - the birch tree - has a silver dress,
The beauty of the birch tree has green braids!

Birch: Thanks guys!

Presenter: Thanks guys! Do you know, guys, that in the old days in June, when sowing work in the fields was over and the grass for mowing had not yet grown, they celebrated a holiday dedicated to the Russian birch - the most beloved tree in Rus'? Let's give our birch a name day today and join in a round dance!

Round dance “A birch tree stood in the field”

2nd child: What a miracle round dance! Everyone dances and sings
And how wonderfully they dance in the green summer meadow
Those girls who climb a birch tree during Trinity week.

3rd child: At first we chose the most beautiful one:
So that the nightingale becomes white and not proud,
So that it is rich in leaves, so that it is curly,
And also so that it grows more freely in the clearing.
The girl saved a ribbon for such a birch tree.

4th child: “To break something” the branches did not really gather,
This is not why the girls dressed up that day.
They just bent the branches and wove them together, several at a time,
And at the end of each braid they wove a ribbon.

5th child: Now the birch tree is ready, dressed up for the holiday!
And decorated with the sun for girls’ round dances!

Presenter: According to legend, the birch tree saves people from various misfortunes and makes them happy. Therefore, girls, girls on holiday decorated this tree with ribbons, danced around it, like us, sang songs, read poems.

Round dance “We went to the meadow”

Birch: This holiday is not simple, it is called Trinity,
It will respond like a thick birch tree in souls,
The breeze will rustle in the roadside willows
And he will announce that everyone can make wreaths.

Song "Trinity"

Oh, the birch tree is white, it has a crown of gold,
Highly curly, all knotty, oh - di - yes - yes!
Semik and Trinity - we have a holiday.
As soon as Ilya arrives, the revelry begins, oh - di - yes - yes!

Game - round dance “Will I go, will I go out”

Birch: The guys sang this chant because haymaking began in the village, and early in the morning fathers and mothers went to the meadows to mow the grass. Only children and old people remained in the village. The children kept up with their parents and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

Round dance "Mountain yilyn oz vyyim"
(THE STRAWBERRY GROW ON THE MOUNTAIN translation from the Komi language)

Birch: Guys, birds flocked to our clearing, to our birch tree, whistled, chirped... Oh, who is this? (Bunny).

Bunny: I also want to play with you.

Round dance "Zainka, let's go to the forest"

Presenter: Guys, let's tell poems about our favorite birch tree. And you, bunny, listen.

(Reading poems)

Birch: Thanks guys. What interesting and useful things do you know about me?
(Children's answers)

Bunny: Dear birch tree, how many useful things we get from you every year: sap and medicinal buds in the spring, tasty branches in the summer and birch bark in the winter...

Birch: Thank you, guys, that a holiday dedicated to me is part of your custom. Do you think we trees don’t hear or see anything? You are wrong, dears. Our leaves are eyes, our earrings are ears, and with birch bark we sense such small and imperceptible things that you can’t even imagine.

Bunny: Forest dwellers also live their own interesting life and their peace and quiet cannot be disturbed. In the forest you cannot talk loudly, shout or whistle. Therefore, only once a year does the Birch Festival happen. Follow the rules of behavior in the forest, dear guys!

Hey guys, stand in a circle
Give your hand to a friend, friend.
Berezonka is calling us
To our merry round dance!

Round dance “We will stand in a round dance around the birch tree”

Presenter: People have composed many wonderful songs, poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about the birch tree. Listen to proverbs and sayings about birch:
Birch will keep you warm, but not get you dressed.
And the birch tree’s tears flow when its bark is torn off.

- And there are also such signs:
* If the birch tree is the earliest to pubescent in April, expect a dry summer.
* A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - for a rainy summer.
* The nightingale will sing when it can drink dew from a birch leaf.

- Guess the riddle:
Not caring about the weather, he walks around in a white sundress,
And on one of the warm days, May gives her earrings.

6th child: The slender beauty is famous throughout all countries:
White clothes, gold earrings,
With an unbraided braid, he washes himself with dew.
The wind moves the strands, but does not order them to be braided.

Presenter: We dressed up the birch tree, and it became even more beautiful. And now it’s time to make wishes! (Everyone closes their eyes and makes a wish). And for them to come true, you need to give gifts to the birch tree. (The guys put cookies, sweets, shangi under the birch tree, give it to the birch tree).

Birch: Thanks guys! I am glad that you visited me and warmed me with your songs, poems, round dances, and the warmth of your hearts. Thanks for gifts! And here are my treats for you. (Hands out candy, thanks for round dances, poems and songs). See you again!

Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end, but we will come to visit our birch tree more than once. Thanks guys!

Birch observation plan

1 Week: Find a birch tree on the site. A lot of them. Choose a tree for constant observation and give it a “name”. Compare parts of our body and a tree. How tall is a birch tree? Hug the trunk.

Week 2: Find out what a tree needs to grow? (Water, heat, light, air, earth). Take a photo with a birch tree, remember the “name” of the tree and whisper yours to it.

Week 3: Get to know the neighbors of our birch tree - aspen and rowan. Examine them, find the parts: trunk, branches, leaves. Explore rowan berries. What are they like? What color are they?

Week 4: Examine the birch leaves. Are there many of them or few? What color are they? Birch dressed up in a “yellow dress”. What color are our clothes? Trace the outline of the leaf with your finger: what are its edges (jagged, smooth)? Is the tip sharp or blunt? Collect the leaves and put them to dry. Admire the beauty of the autumn birch tree.

1 Week:
Examine the bark. Stroke what it is like: smooth or rough? What color is the bark? Is it warm or cold? Why do we need clothes? The bark is the clothing of a birch tree, called birch bark. Smell what the trunk smells like? Look at the top of the tree, what color is the upper part of the trunk?

Week 2: Study the roots: try to pull the tree out of the ground. What's holding him back? Why are roots needed? In order for a tree to grow, it needs not only warmth and water, but also food, which the roots “extract” from the ground. Examine the lower part of the trunk and roots.

Week 3: Continue looking at the leaves. Find birch leaves of different sizes and colors. Compare the size and shape of birch and aspen leaves. Collect colorful leaves for drying.

Week 4: Explore birch in different weather (rainy, sunny, frosty). What living creatures can a birch tree help hide from the rain? Smell the tree in rainy and sunny weather. In the morning, look at the frost on the trees. What it is? Where did he come from? When does it appear? What colour?

1 Week:
Was the tree happy about the first snow? Will the birch tree be warm under the snow? Does snow help a tree? (Covers the birch tree like a blanket, and it sleeps in winter).

Week 2: Consider the tree. Where did the leaves go? (The birch tree stands naked). Is the tree sad or happy? How do trees prepare for winter? (They throw off their outfit and fall asleep). Why don't leaves grow in autumn? What does the tree lack? (Sunshine, warmth).

Week 3: Find out how a person uses birch?
Birch firewood is the best for the stove: it produces a lot of heat and does not burn out for a long time - not like aspen or spruce.
Furniture and wooden utensils are made from wood.
Craftsmen use birch bark to make boxes, boxes and various interesting things.

Week 4: Continue to find out with the children how a person uses birch.
Baskets are woven from birch branches, brooms and brooms are made.
A birch broom in a bathhouse drives out all the ailments from a sick person. Medicines for many diseases are prepared from birch buds.
And birch sap is tasty and healthy!
And how many mushrooms are there in the birch forest!
The birch tree feeds people, gives them water, heals them, warms them, and pleases them with its beauty.

1 Week:
Explore the snow around the tree. Is it clean or dirty? Take a sample of snow into the group so that it melts. Consider melt water. Is it clean and dirty?

Does snow help a tree? Measure its depth with a stick. The more snow, the warmer the tree is in winter. What color is the snow?

Week 2: Hang a feeder on a birch tree. Explain that a tree is a dining room and a home for animals. What kind of food do birds like? What should you bring to sparrows and titmice? Consider appearance birds arriving at the feeder. Note their features: they fly, have wings, beaks, etc.

Week 3: Watch the birch tree during snowfall. Look at and touch the snow. What kind of snow? (Cold, wet, loose, ...) What colour? Look at the snowflakes on your palm. What are they like? What do snowflakes turn into on your palm?

Week 4: Prepare gifts for the birch tree for the New Year - colored pieces of ice. Decorate the tree with them. Congratulate you on the holiday, read a poem “White Birch” S. Yesenin.

Did the birch tree like the gifts?

1 Week:
Observing a tree in windy and calm weather. What does a birch tree do in winter? (Sleeping, resting). Does the wind bother her? Watch how the branches sway and bend. Which weather does birch like best: windy or calm?

Week 2: Pour food into feeders. Watch the birds. Compare the appearance and habits of a sparrow and a dove. Note their features: the presence of wings, beaks. Why is it difficult for birds to find food in winter?

Week 3: Learning the poem by S. Yesenin “White Birch”. Read to the tree, is it pleasant for the birch to listen to a poem? What is her mood on this cold winter day?

Week 4: Observing a birch tree during snowfall. What color “dress” is our birch tree wearing? Is she warm in this outfit? How does snow help a tree? (Saves roots from freezing, covers them). Measure the snow with a stick, as in December, and compare the results.

1 Week:
Watching the snow. What color is the snow under the tree? (White). Look at the snow in the sun. (Shimmers, shimmers). Is the snow under the tree clean? Are there any traces of dirt on it? (Remember the experiment conducted in December. Repeat).

Week 2: Observation of the trunk and branches of a birch. Compare the trunk and branches with your body: the trunk is the torso, the branches are the arms. Is the birch trunk thick or thin? How can this be checked? (Grasp the trunk with your hands) The trunk is thin. Then hug the aspen. What kind of trunk does it have? Thick.

Week 3: Observing the sun. Does it keep you warm in winter? (No, it’s cold in winter, so the children are dressed in fur coats and felt boots) Discuss with children where insects hide in winter? (Underground, under the bark of a tree) What are they doing there? (Sleeping) The sun is not warm, they don’t want to go out. Look at the cracks in the trees.

Week 4: Tree watching. Emphasize that the children are growing and the birch tree is growing. She is alive, just like us. Therefore, there is no need to break branches or damage the bark. What do we do when we cut ourselves? And if a birch tree has a cut on its bark, what should you do? What if a branch breaks off?

1 Week:
Continue to watch the feeder. What birds fly to the tree? What food do they like best? What do sparrows, tits, and pigeons eat? What color are the feathers of a tit? Dove? Which one is bigger? What helps birds fly? Can we fly? Why?

Week 2: Observing the sun. Does it give a lot of light? Does it heat well? What clothes are the children wearing? Why did they take off their felt boots? Is the birch tree happy about spring? Why? What happens to her at this time of year? What's her mood? (Cheerful, sunny, joyful, good)

Week 3: Examine the trunk. What has he become? (Stroke, press cheek) And if you hug it with your hands, you can say that the trunk... Examine the bark and remember previous studies.

Week 4: Watching the snow melt. Where does it melt the fastest? (At the tree trunk) The birch tree wants to “drink”, and so do the other trees. (Look at her neighbors: aspen, mountain ash) Tree roots absorb water. Measure the depth of snow near the birch tree with a stick and compare with previous results.

1 Week:
Kidney monitoring. The birch tree woke up and buds appeared. Touch them carefully. What are they like: smooth, sticky, small? What do they smell like? Do children know about the healing properties of birch buds? Watch the leaves emerge from the buds.

Week 2: Observation of streams in the area. Where do streams and puddles come from? (Snow melts, turns into water) Find out where the streams run, towards the birch trees or not. Make boats. Check if the streams will bring the boats to our birch tree? What about other trees?

Week 3: Study the soil. After the snow melts, observe the fallen leaves. Remember what they were like in the fall (view the herbarium), compare, note changes. Explain to the children that all the valuable nutrients that were in the leaves returned back to the ground. The roots of the trees provide food and the tree grows.

Week 4: Discuss with the children whether the birch tree likes rain. Can rain water plants? What is the “mood” of a tree when it rains? Does the color of the bark and leaves change after rain? Does a tree help some animals shelter from the rain? Where can they hide? (Under the leaves, in the cracks of the bark) Whose umbrella can a tree be called?

1 Week:
Explore the leaves. Invite the children to stroke the leaf with their hands, first from above, then from below. What is it like: smooth, rough, prickly? Touch the tip of the leaf. Is it sharp or dull? Hard or soft? Run your finger around its circumference. What kind of edge does it have, smooth or notched?

Week 2: Check soil moisture. Take a stick and try to stick it into the ground near the tree. Is it easy or difficult to do this? If the ground is dry, what can we do? How to help a birch tree?

Week 3: Before it rains, check to see if earthworms have appeared near the birch tree. Watch them crawl, touch them. Earthworms loosen the soil, process rotting leaves, and therefore help the tree. If the worm ends up on the path, move it under a tree so that no one will step on it.

Week 4: Celebrate the Birch Day holiday. Songs, dances, games around the tree. Invite “sunshine” and “rain” to visit.

Children's stories about birch

There is a birch tree growing on our site. Her name is Alyonushka. She is tall and curvy. Birch bark is white with black spots, rough and hard. Birch twigs Brown, they have buds. Leaves will soon appear from the bud. Birch bark is used to weave headbands, make jewelry and small figurines. In spring, birch sap is collected. Bath brooms are made from branches. Our birch tree is beautiful, it cleans the air for all of us.
(Karmanova Varya)

There are a lot of birch trees growing on our site. One of them is very beautiful, it grows in the middle of the site. It has fluffy branches. The buds wake up on the branches, leaves appear from them, then fall off in the fall, and appear again in the spring. The birch trunk is white with black spots. Its bark is rough and very hard. In the spring, people collect birch sap, and birch trees also purify the air. They use birch branches to make brooms for the steam room. And the stoves are heated with birch firewood when it’s cold.
(Leon Odintsov)

Birch trees grow around our garden. On our site there is a birch tree right in the middle. She is very tall and slender. The trunk of the birch is white and black, there are many branches, they are brown. There are buds on the branches, from which leaves will then bloom. Brooms are made from birch branches, and various musical instruments and decorations are made from the bark. Splinters are made from birch firewood. In the city, birch trees purify the air.
(Fuchko Nastya)

Birch is a deciduous tree. She will soon have leaves and earrings. The birch is thin, beautiful, white-trunked. The tree feeds itself with its roots and clings to the ground. There are black pockets on the white trunk. Boletus mushrooms grow in the forest under a birch tree. They take sap from birch trees. Various decorations are made from birch bark and birch bark: headbands, bracelets, rings, beads. Brooms are made from birch branches to take a steam bath. Chaga mushrooms grow on birch trees, and a decoction is made from it. Birch is a necessary and useful tree.
(Isachenko Veronica)

Birch trees grow near our garden. And in the middle of the site grows the tallest, most beautiful birch tree. It has a white and black trunk, very hard. The branches are long. Birch bark is hard, called birch bark. All kinds of jewelry, folk musical instruments, and dishes are made from birch bark. Firewood is made from the birch trunk, and brooms are knitted from the branches.
(Kolesov Egor)

There is a birch tree on our site. She is tall, slender, the trunk is white with black pockets. Soon green leaves and earrings will appear on the branches. In summer the birch tree will be all green - green. Various utensils are made from birch bark. Very tasty and healthy birch sap. Birch is a symbol of our Motherland!
(Yulia Pertseva)

There are a lot of birch trees on our site; they grow almost everywhere and purify the air. She is slender, white-trunked with black pockets. There are many branches on it, soon there will be leaves on the branches. They are green in summer and yellow in autumn. Birch produces sap, which is healthy. You can make a lot from birch wooden toys. Steaming with birch brooms in a bathhouse improves your health. Birch is a symbol of our country.
(Naughty Edward)

Birch trees grow on our site. Birch is dressed in a white dress with black pockets. In summer the birch tree has a green dress, and in autumn it has a yellow dress. In winter it is all white. Toys and dishes are made from birch bark. Birch bark is used to heat the stove. Birch is our best and favorite tree. Poets have written many poems about her.
(Ivanova Kristina)


1. Nikolaeva Young ecologist. The system of work in the kindergarten preparatory group. For working with children 6-7 years old.
2. Ryzhova N. “Our home is nature”: about environmental benefits for children 5-7 years old.

Authors: Maltseva Nadezhda Borisovna,
teacher of the highest qualification category,
Dubova Alena Rudolfovna,
teacher of the first qualification category,
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 93 “Birch”,

Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

When God decided to revive the earth, he scattered the seeds of life on the ground and asked Mother Earth to grow herself a green dress: trees, shrubs and herbs. Then Mother Earth asked God what trees should she grow for people? God commanded her to grow such trees so that people would learn divine wisdom from them. This is how different trees grew on the ground. In ancient times, people knew which tree to take which quality of wisdom.

Those who needed to cleanse themselves went to the birch tree and talked to it. The birch tree always reminded people of purity with its snow-white dress, and with its flexible light branches of tenderness.

If anyone had a heavy heart, the old people would send such a person to the linden tree. Linden is a soft and cordial tree - it knows how to soften any heart of stone. No wonder its graceful leaves resemble small hearts. A person breathes in the honeyed linden aroma, and his soul becomes lighter.

People learned courage and firmness from the oak tree. Oak branches were awarded to people who had accomplished great feats, the most courageous and brave.

Here the willow tree is bent over the water and it seems as if the red maiden is grieving for her betrothed, or the little mermaids have turned into weeping willow trees and are grieving for their underwater home. People learned compassion from the willow tree. Those whose hearts are indifferent to the grief of others should come to the willow tree more often. Willow's tears fall into the heart and melt the indifference in it.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that there is a generous harvest of rowan for a harsh winter. The harder the winter, the more generously this tree gives birds, animals and people its wealth of berries and vitamins. Sometimes the entire rowan tree is so strewn with bright red clusters that the thin one bends under its rich dress. But it stands, doesn’t break, waits for when her wealth is needed. People learned generosity from the curly mountain ash.

Each tree has its own appearance and character. Slender pine, tremulous aspen, majestic spruce, mighty oak. Every tree contains a piece of wisdom. The forest is noisy with different voices. Thousands of trees, thousands of treasures... If you come to him, the forest will give you its treasures. Who needs what? For some, mushrooms and berries for food, for others, wood for farming, for others, leaves and buds for health, and for others, wisdom for the heart.

  • . Give the children cards with pictures of different trees. Everyone imagines themselves as one tree or another, and then tells others about their lives. Everyone else guesses which “tree” was telling about itself.
  • . While walking through the forest, listen to different trees and try to hear what they are saying.
  • . What is the character of different trees in the forest?
  • . Have you seen any unusual trees in the forest? Choose one in the forest unusual tree and write the story of his life.

The smoothest path to the Universe is through the forest thicket. John Muir

Trees are the poems that the earth writes in the sky. We knock them down and turn them into paper so we can write down our emptiness on it. Kahlil Gibran

Trees are like people, and they also love the company of their own kind. Only a few prefer solitude. Jens Jensen

It's amazing that we see trees and are no longer surprised by them. Ralph Emerson

Not one of us humans manages life as skillfully as we do - unless, of course, you count the nine months preceding your first breath. Bernard Show

I like trees: in my opinion, they are better than others at putting up with living conditions. Willa Cather

The coals are ready in an instant, but the forest grows over the years. Seneca

Suburbia is where a developer has uprooted, laid out streets and given them tree names. Bill Vaughan

Planting a tree is the most unselfish of all human actions. This is a purer act of faith than having children. Thornton Wilder

It's always good among the trees, unlike people. David Mitchell

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots go into the ground, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil. Friedrich Nietzsche

Man was created to go forward and higher... There cannot be any kind of prosperity when everyone lies down under beautiful trees and does nothing else. Maksim Gorky

Life without love is like a tree without flowers and fruits. Kahlil Gibran

Like the fruit of a tree, life is sweetest just before it begins to fade. Nikolay Karamzin

Our lives are like islands in the ocean or in the forest, whose roots are intertwined in the underground depths. William James

The family tree is just like a living one. If it is not constantly fed, it will dry out. Boris Shapiro

A grafted tree resembles a “fed politician.” Both are developing in the right direction. Boris Shapiro

A tree that grows for years is cut down in a minute. Silovan Ramishvili

Grafting a tree changes the result. Silovan Ramishvili

A tree without roots and roots cannot live without a tree. Silovan Ramishvili

If people return to live in the trees, they will start making machine-gun nests there. Yuri Bazylev

Trees don't grow to the sky. Henri Fayol

Apparently, the desert exists for people to enjoy the trees. Paulo Coelho

Only when the cold weather arrives does it become clear that pines and cypresses are the last to lose their decoration. Confucius

A mighty oak tree will not grow in a greenhouse. Unknown author

ACORN - a club at the beginning of a career. Unknown author

A tree is not only branches and leaves, but also the shadow under the tree and the sky through them. Andrey Bitov

To love the harmony of a tree on earth, do not look at the twists of the roots underground. Eduard Asadov

A tree is planted by one person, and thousands of people rest in its shade. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

The storm does not damage small trees, but breaks tall ones and uproots them. John of Damascus

A tree, no matter how powerful and strong its roots may be, can be uprooted in an hour, but it takes years for it to bear fruit. Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi

Every broken promise is a waterless cloud, an unsharpened saber, and a barren tree. Muhammad ibn Ali As-Samarkandi

Some people knock on wood out of superstition, others out of related feelings. Pavel Sharpp

They say that in order to live, you must plant a tree. In fact, this is not enough - there must be more trees planted than trees cut down. Sergey Fedin

Excessive rest means laziness; excessive tree “r-r-time” - and a stump! Arsen Asov

The young oak tree withered from grief, but now, to the joy of the old man, he took a staff. Arsen Asov

To the Pine Forest - Brother, of course - Elnik... Arsen Asov

The wife wants a big money tree,
and I want more paper money! (possibly wooden) Mikhail Kamakin

If trees were as intelligent as people, their concern for their neighbors would boil down to the eternal question - how to cut down other trees in order to recognize them better by their stumps! Vitaly Vlasenko

A person can make thousands of things from oak wood, but no one can make a miracle of nature - an acorn. Georgy Alexandrov

People all over the world wipe their asses with beautiful trees. Jack Kerouac

Forests teach people to understand beauty. Anton Chekhov

Patience does not grow on every tree. Thomas Fuller

He who cuts the branch on which he sits has not yet descended from the tree. Vladimir Kolechitsky

Digging to the roots will not destroy the tree. Stas Yankovsky

The forest does not take care of every tree. Georgy Alexandrov

Love is not eternal, but it gives a new evergreen tree of life. Georgy Alexandrov

If our man is given freedom of movement, he will climb a tree again and begin to dream of civilization! Sergey Myrdin

This is the duty of a true man: to protect everyone, as a tree protects a traveler from the scorching sun, and to work so that many people enjoy what he achieves, just as a fruitful tree bears fruit. Tamil Quatrain

Credulity attracts deception, like a lonely tree in a field attracts lightning. Yuri Tatarkin

Trust is a frail sapling of the lush tree of faith. Yuri Tatarkin

Character is like a tree, and reputation is its shadow. We care about the shade, but what we really need to think about is the tree. Abraham Lincoln

A person is always proud that he has written his name somewhere, even on the bark of a tree, and is always surprised when he no longer finds it. Alexandre Dumas (son)

Words are like leaves: a tree that produces a lot of them bears very little fruit. Alexander Pop

If they told me that the end of the world would come tomorrow, then today I would plant a tree. Martin Luther

Two unfortunate people who are in friendship are like two weak trees, which, leaning on one another, can more easily resist storms and all sorts of violent winds. Kozma Prutkov

Lesson topic:“Who lives where, where what grows” (park)

Tongue twister of the day:“Sasha knocked off the pine cones with a stick.”

Purpose of the lesson: updating and supplementing children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the park.

Equipment and materials: children's drawings on the theme “My tree”; images of various trees, leaves and flowers, fruits growing on them, brought by children and selected by the teacher; tables for recording tree count results, pencils.

Preliminary work

Observation "My tree". From the very beginning of spring, each child watches a certain tree. Children can already tell a lot about their trees, give them detailed description. Children know whether the trees they are watching are blooming now, what their flowers look like, whether leaves have appeared, what happens first: flowers or leaves blooming?

We invite children, with the help of their parents or teacher, to draw their trees and prepare a story about them.

Reading. V. Zotov “Forest Mosaic”, D. Kaigorodov “Gifts of a Tree”, “How many years does a tree live?”, “Child of May”, N. Sladkov “Warm trunks”, “Attachment oak”, “Lost copses”, A. Lopatina “The Wisdom of a Tree”, “The Life of a Tree”, “Who Laughs, Who Tears”, “The Artist and the Maple”, “The Mischievous Maple”, “The Magic Rowan”, “ Pansies”, N. Osipov “Underground anchors”, M. Skrebtsova “How lightning met an oak tree”, “Talking birch tree”, “Little birch tree”, “Golden tree”, “Lipkin’s gifts”, “Aspen and the breeze”, “Good bird cherry” "", "Snowflake Dress", "Ivushkin's Gift", "Miracle Tree", "Inner Beauty", "Magic Leaves", "Spirits of Spring", "Lungwort and the Bumblebee", "Goose Onion", Yu. Dmitriev "How they move oaks”, S. Shkolnikova “Poplar fluff”.

Work from drawings. Let's look at the plants growing in parks, highlighting trees, shrubs, and herbs among them. During our walk we will find the distinctive features of these groups of plants. Note that the tree has one powerful trunk, and the bush has several thin trunks growing from a common root.

We will help children learn poems about plants and animals that live in the park.

Part I. Invitation to the party

Goals: using the ability to compose a story based on a drawing; speech development (use of assumption constructions).

Work based on the drawing “Mysterious letter”. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that someone has sent a letter. There is a drawing in the envelope. It depicts children and a teacher. They go to the park. There they are met by trees, birds and insects.

Based on questions or independently, children will “read” the letter. Let's discuss who sent us this letter and why?

The teacher suggests that someone is inviting us to visit? Which of the park's inhabitants sent this letter?

Learning task. Find out who lives and what grows in the park.

Stories based on the drawing “My tree”. Children watching the trees of the park tell their stories. They “report” on what is currently happening to their trees. Perhaps they are blooming, or leaves are appearing on them, or rooks have built nests on their branches, etc.

Let's read to the children about those trees that have not yet fallen into the sphere of interest of our young observers.

Reading. N. Sladkov “Willow Feast”. Children need to listen carefully and try to find the answer to the questions: what insects can we find in the park? Where should you look for them?

“The willow tree has bloomed—there are guests from all sides. The bushes and trees are still bare and gray; the willow among them is like a bouquet, and not simple, but golden. Each new lamb is a fluffy yellow chick: it sits and glows. If you touch it with your finger, your finger will turn yellow. If you click, golden smoke will steam away. Smell it - honey.

The guests are rushing to the feast. The bumblebee arrived - clumsy, furry like a bear. He got excited, tossed and turned, and got covered in pollen.

The ants came running: lean, fast, hungry. They pounced on the pollen, and their bellies swelled up like barrels. Just look, the rims on their bellies will burst.

The mosquitoes arrived: their legs were a handful, their wings were flickering. Tiny helicopters. Some bugs are crawling around. The flies are buzzing. Butterflies spread their wings. The hornet on mica wings is striped, angry and hungry like a tiger.

Everyone is buzzing and in a hurry: the willow will turn green - the feast will end. It will turn green and get lost among the green bushes. Go find her then!

And now it’s like a golden bouquet.”

An outdoor game to develop attention: “That tree, that bush, that grass.” Children walk along a “path” lined with skipping ropes. If the teacher says the name of the tree, they need to raise their hands up, stand on their toes, and stretch. If the name of a bush is heard, children stretch their arms forward, then spread them far to the sides. Having heard the name of a herbaceous plant, children need to sit down and move on with a “goose step”.

Part II. “Riddles grow in the park, riddles live there!”

Goals: developing the ability to solve various types of riddles using new information.

Let's check if everything important information We remembered about the plants of the park. Children are offered riddles about trees, birds and insects that can be found in the park, and color images of its inhabitants.

Without caring about the weather,

He walks around in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings. (Birch.)

It's like a snow globe is white,

In the spring it bloomed,

It gave off a delicate scent.

And when the time has come,

At once she became

The whole berry is black. (Bird cherry.)

I crawled out of the little barrel,

Sent roots and grew up,

I have become tall and mighty,

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed the boars and the squirrels -

It’s okay that my fruit is small. (Oak)

Here is the plant in front of us.

Look, he has, my friend,

Dad - with red earrings,

Mom - with a white beard! (Poplar.)

Even at night there is an ant

Will not miss his home:

Path-path until dawn

Lanterns illuminate.

On large pillars in a row

White lamps are hanging. (Lilies of the valley.)

A thin stem near the path.

At the end of it are earrings.

There are leaves on the ground -

Small bursts.

He is a loyal friend to the guys.

Treats wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain.)


Flying over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey. (Bee.)

In the fall it will get stuck in the crack,

And in the spring it will buzz and wake up. (Insect: fly, beetle.)

From the branch to the path,

From grass to blade of grass

The spring jumps

Green back. (Grasshopper.)

Winged fashionista,

The dress is striped.

Although small in stature,

If he bites, it will be bad. (Wasp.)

A lantern is burning on a blade of grass,

He tells his friends:

“Come and have tea with me” -

And the night light does not go out all night. (Firefly.)

He heads towards the flower.

Refills with fuel:

Thin hose-proboscis

Climbs into a flower.

The best fuel -

Flower sweet juice!

Having outlined the exact route

From sunny lands,

Flying to the land of flowers

Furry fat... (bumblebee).

Look at the good guys:

Cheerful and lively,

Dragging from all over

Material for construction.

One suddenly stumbled

Under a heavy burden

And a friend rushes to the rescue -

The people here are good!

Without a job, for the life of me

Can't live... (ant).

It will easily fly from the flower.

As soon as spring blooms.

Two wings - two petals,

She herself is like a flower. (Butterfly.)

The back is greenish,

The belly is yellowish,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf. (Tit.)

Black, agile,

Shouts: “Krack!”

Worms are the enemy. (Rook.)

In the trees in spring

A village has been built.

As the wind begins -

The trees are all swaying.

The trees are swaying

And with them the village. (Bird nests, such as rookery.)

A happy house on a pole

With a small round window.

So that the children fall asleep

The house is shaking in the wind.

Father sings on the porch -

He is both a pilot and a singer. (Birdhouse and starling.)

Like birds in the spring, they care -

Hunting for worms and beetles.

The fellows are waiting for lunch -

Yellowmouths... (chicks).

Summary of the lesson. Let's celebrate the children's successes and focus their attention on the fact that they obtained most of the information themselves by observing their trees. We will also highlight interesting collaborations children and parents, as well as independently completed tasks.

Now you can go to the park. We have gifts with us - wonderful poems and... chalk diluted in water.

Follow-up work

How beautiful it is in the park in spring! How trees, shrubs, grasses, birds, animals and insects live together here in harmony. Walking around the park, we will find familiar plants and animals, and get to know its other inhabitants. We will read them poems prepared especially for the visit.

We invite the children to take part in whitewashing the trees, protecting them from pests and too hot sun.