Creative project dad is best friend. Short-term project "Dad Can"

Project in 1 younger group"My dad"

Author: Portnykh Elena Vasilievna, teacher of MBDOU No. 111, Rostov-on-Don
Description of material: We already have Mother's Day. But Father's Day has been celebrated in our country quite recently. This holiday is very popular in other countries. And I decided to try not to leave this day unnoticed. The project structure can be used in different age groups, just change the content of the works. The date of celebration in 2015 is June 21. Father's Day dates in different countries differ, but despite this its essence remains unchanged. The essence of the holiday is to remind people of the role of the family and the values ​​that are embedded in it. Father's Day was first celebrated on June 19, 1910 in the United States. Mrs. Dodd from Washington suggested celebrating this holiday. She wanted to show her gratitude to her father. And it was believed that this holiday would help strengthen the relationship between fathers and their children and at the same time remind fathers of their parental responsibilities. Following the United States, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Japan, China and other countries began to celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday in June. Nowadays there are over 52 of them in the world.
Target: strengthening the institution of family and family values, increasing the social significance of fatherhood.
formation of a positive emotional attitude towards dad as the main member of the family
reinforcing the knowledge that everyone has a dad, even animals;
development of memory, voluntary attention, speech, thinking, visual and auditory perception
development creativity
instilling interest in the surrounding world
The following forms of work with children were used:
Conversation with children about family.
Conversation with children about dad
Looking at illustrations of male professions (policeman, doctor, builder, fireman)
Selection and examination of photographs on the topic: “Me and my daddy”
Watch the video "Father and Son".
Role-playing games: “Family”, “Construction site”, “Car racing”, “Fishing”
Physical exercise “Family”
Listening to songs about dads: “My dad is good”, “Song about dad” music. Ponomareva, “Dad Can” Lyrics by M. Tanich, Music by V. Shainsky, “Daddy” composer V. Drobysh, “Dad, Beloved Daddy” performed by the children’s choir “Fidgets”, “There is no friend better than daddy” Lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky Music by B. Savelyeva, “Song about Father” by I. Nadzhiev, “ Father's daughter» T. Baykova.
Reading and memorizing poems about dads. "The best!" Olga Chusovitina, “My Dad” by Lika Razumova
Verbal games: “Say kindly” (daddy, daddy, beloved)
Didactic game“Whose dad?” Everyone has a dad, and so do animals, and it is suggested that each baby (calf, foal, gosling, puppy, kitten and chick) find a dad among the figures (or pictures) of different animals.
Finger gymnastics
This big finger -
This is dad dear
The most important, the smartest,
Dad, dear daddy.
Next to dad is our mother.
Next to my mother is my older brother
Following him, his sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong guy -
This is our sweet baby.
Construction games: “Garage”, “Our City”
Wall newspaper with congratulations for dads on the holiday “June 21 – Father’s Day”

Exhibition of children's drawings "My Dad"

Drawing for dads

Creating posters in parent corner:

Coloring pages by theme: “Daddy’s professions”
Consultations for parents “What can dad do with his child”, “Mom is not at home”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16 “Rodnichok”

Project "My Dad"

for pre-school children

Project participants are pupils of the preparatory school group and their parents

Yanaul, 2013

Awareness of the problem

The games of our kindergarten students and the children’s conversations with each other helped us see a big problem: all children’s issues are most often resolved by the mother, the mother satisfies both the cognitive interests of the children and the lack of emotional communication. Modern men are very busy, but raising a child cannot be put off “for later.”

Project goals:

  • maintaining traditions of respect for the father, strengthening traditional family foundations;
  • the formation of partnership and cooperation relations between father and child in the family;
  • psychological and pedagogical assistance to fathers of pupils kindergarten in realizing your role in raising a healthy, successful child;
  • instilling in children a sense of pride in and respect for their fathers.

Project objectives:

  • informing fathers about their rights and responsibilities in raising children, the rights of the child and his mother;
  • introduction and exercise in organizing games and communication with children of different ages and gender - boys and girls;
  • acquaintance with the cultural routes of the city for organizing entertaining educational leisure time with children;
  • cooperation of the kindergarten with the fathers of pupils in organizing playful, creative, constructive and labor activity children in kindergarten.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1. Accumulation of knowledge

  1. Looking at illustrations about people of different professions.
  2. Conversations with children about the professions of carpenter, builder, watchman.
  3. Didactic game “Wonderful chest” (introduction to
    tools that people of different professions use in their work).
  4. Didactic game “Who is doing what?” (fastening
    names of actions performed by people of different professions in the process of work).
  5. Homework children: find out who and where their dads work, what they like to do in their free time.
  6. Story meeting: dads talk about their professions.

Stage 2. Creative

  1. Drawing "Portrait of my dad."
  2. Selection of photos on the topic: “My daddy”
  3. Conversation with children about dad as a person and his hobbies.
  4. Children's stories about their dad.
  5. Preparing for the exhibition “Daddy’s Skillful Hands”.
  6. Role-playing games: “Family”, “Factory”, “Garage”, “Construction site”, “Office”.

Stage 3. Effective

  1. Exhibition of children's works "Portrait of my dad."
  2. Photo exhibition “My daddy in childhood.”
  3. Exhibition "Daddy's Skillful Hands".
  4. Baby talk “What children say about their dads.
  5. Cultural leisure “Together with dads”.

Forms of interaction with fathers of pupils

1. Joint games and activities with children in kindergarten:

Checkers tournament; outdoor and educational games;

practical workshop “Papa the Master”.

2. Competitions: “Dad can!”

"Chess and checkers tournament"

Z. Children's stories:" My dad!" “What does my dad do?” “Dad can” “How we spend time with dad”

4.Multimedia presentation:

"The role of the father in raising a child"

5.Information windows:“It’s hard to be a dad”, “10 commandments for dad”, “Dad - best friend", "Little stubborn man",

“Raising a child: the role of the father”, “Raising a daughter”, “It’s more fun with dad!”, “Together with dad, together with mom”

Cooperative activity educator and specialists


  1. Listening to songs about dads.
  2. Conducting games with orienteering elements “Find
    package”, “Deliver a secret report”.
  3. Presentation of the project “Together with Dads”.

Joint activities of the teacher with parents:

  1. Hosting Fathers' Evening.
  2. Making drawings and collages of parents' professions.
  1. Making an album dedicated to the Great Patriotic War
  1. Helping dads with events.

Children with parents:

1.Reading fiction on the topic "Family"

  1. Selection of photographs for the design of the photo album “My
  2. Crafts made together with dads.

The teacher together with the children:

1. Conversation about the defenders of the Fatherland.

2. Reading poems, riddles about dads.

3.View cartoons on a relevant topic.

  1. Drawing on the theme " Joint activities with dads"
  2. Conversation on the topic: “We need different dads”
  3. Looking at children's and army photographs of dads.
  4. Reading fiction.
  5. Meetings with dads of different professions.

9.3 classes to familiarize yourself with the environment “On earth, in heaven and at sea”

10. Evening “Together with Dads”

Communication with the administration of the preschool educational institution:


2. Preparation of manuals.

Evening script dedicated to the Day fathers


  • creating conditions for parents to understand the problem of the father’s role in raising a child, its relevance and significance;
  • promote cohesion between loved ones, closer personal contact with a loved one;
  • develop positive emotions;
  • enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of emotionally rich communication.


15 palms of red and of blue color, presentation “The role of the father in shaping the child’s personality”, exercise sheets

“Communication between children and parents in faces”, tape recorder, cassette recording of interviews with children, inserts from a photo album, album sheets, a set of pictures by profession, glue, scissors, felt-tip pens, attributes for the “Golden Hands” competition, gloves, eye scarves for eyes .

Progress of the event

At first, only adults are invited to the hall

LEADING: Dear dads and mothers. We thank you that in such a cycle of affairs you found time and came to our meeting. It is entirely dedicated to dads.. Today we will talk about fathers, about those whom we can proudly call educators of children's souls, we will discuss the problem of the role of the father in raising children .

Exercise "Palms"

Each parent received “palms” made of cardboard.

  • Do you love your children?
  • Is parenting very hard work?
  • Are you ready to work in the form of a game?
  • Are you ready to cooperate during the game?

Part 1 of the event.

An appeal from a kindergarten psychologist to parents.

Today it was not without reason that we wanted to see as many dads as possible at the meeting. Moms come more often when called than dads. But the father also plays a big role in raising a child. Unfortunately, in Russian families, children are raised primarily by the mother. Not only in single-parent families, but also in families where both spouses live together. It is common knowledge that this situation exists everywhere. First the woman is in maternity leave and spends most of the time with the child, then this state of affairs persists due to inertia. The father is rarely involved in the upbringing process, in “emergency” cases.

Our dads were asked to take a short questionnaire, and here are the results we got (the psychologist announces the results of the questionnaire):

Being a good father and husband is a man’s duty.

In a family where love accompanies people throughout their lives, children will grow up in joy and be brought up well.

The father is the cementing force in the family, the head of the family. But this leadership must be humane, kind and beautiful like a man.

The father in the family - the bearer of justice, the source of happiness - must bring to life all the good things that his wife, children, and grandparents are rich in.

The father in the family is the elder friend, adviser, assistant to his wife and children in all their joys and troubles.

Exercise: “Communication between children and parents in person”

Each parent is invited to draw one of the pictograms proposed on the board on their own piece of paper, answering the presenter’s question.

  • Which person do you most often communicate with your child?
  • Which person does your child interact with you most often?
  • How do you want your child's face to look when communicating with you?

Discussion: Parents are asked: Which pictograms are there more? Are the icons for the first and second questions the same? Is there a difference in the answers to the second and third questions?

Conclusion: a child loves his parents and needs their affection and love, and if mothers and fathers want to see their children happy and smiling often, then they, in turn, despite neither problems at work nor failures in their personal lives, must bring into their lives children positive emotions.

There are fathers who, citing their busyness, abdicate their responsibility for raising their children. Paternal influence is a tremendous and noble force in raising children. The trouble with today's society is that this power is often not felt.

Differences in male and female educational strategies certainly exist. Fatherly love is more demanding and fair: the child is loved for his merits and merits. Mother's love objectivity is alien: the child is loved for what he is.

For normal development, any person needs both maternal and paternal love; any deviation in one direction leads to a distortion of the worldview and behavioral disturbances. The generation of modern children is being formed in an atmosphere of catastrophic loss of paternal authority. The absence of a father, even if he is formally present, is a huge misfortune.

The day before, we conducted a survey of children on the topic: “Activities with dad.”

Parents are encouraged to listenPsychologist interview with children. A tape recording of children's answers to questions is played:

  • Who works with you more: mom or dad?
  • What does dad do in his free time?
  • What do you like to do with your dad?
  • What did your dad teach you?

Analysis of the interview listened to.

Indeed, a modern father often becomes something mythical and inaccessible for his child. He leaves early in the morning, does something important somewhere “at work” all day, and returns tired in the evening.

Nowadays, a father's love for a child is most often expressed in the purchase of an expensive toy. But much more than even the most attractive toy, a child needs his father’s attention, participation, understanding, friendship, and common interests. Dad is not just a breadwinner, but a person who opens the world to the child, helping him grow up skillful and self-confident.

It is in the family, observing the roles of father and mother, that children gain an idea of ​​the full-fledged relationship between a man and a woman, their parental roles, responsibilities, family concerns, problems, and reasonable ways to resolve them.

The problem through the eyes of children.

Children's survey data

Children were asked five questions about their fathers. The results were not very encouraging. A total of 15 people were interviewed.

  • Do you spend a lot of time with your dad?
  • Does dad play with you in the evenings?
  • Skiing and skating?
  • Does he read books at night?
  • Does he take it with him on walks?

The active participation of the father in raising the child is necessary for the following experimentally proven reasons:

  • It has been noticed that a child whose father participates in daily care behind him, is less afraid of strangers and generally shows greater sociability.
  • The father's influence makes the child more disciplined, open and honest. The child grows up capable of being guided by a sense of duty and obligation, and not just by his own desires.
  • If the father withdraws from parenting, this negatively affects the development of children's logical analysis abilities, as well as mathematical and logical abilities.
  • The father stimulates in children the formation and consolidation of such qualities as responsibility, a sense of duty and commitment.
  • The father shows his son what it means to be a man, how to approach life like a man, solve problems, and communicate with people. The sexuality of a son and his subsequent attitude towards a woman is determined primarily by the father.
  • Girls who grew up in the family of a loving father feel protected, they develop an idea of ​​​​a stable family, held together by the love of a man for a woman.

And now, dear dads, a little homework for you. Each of you is offered the “Father of the Family” test. Answer the questions separately with your spouse and compare answers. If there is a difference in answers, discuss why.

LEADING: The result of the above is obvious: children need a father, and his attention is important at every stage of the child’s development as a person.

We want to express our gratitude to all dads who cooperate with us, help us in raising children and solving pressing problems. You will see their work on the screen.


Host: Our dear dads, we want you to rest today and show us your skills and resourcefulness.

Part 2.

Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of music and a poetic composition sounds.

My dad is the kindest, my dearest.

And he knows how to listen when I’m not myself.

When someone offends me and I want to leave

I can’t find a better place than my dad’s.

He reads books to me and sings songs

He helps my mother not to add any hassle.

Dad has a lot of affection for both mom and me

When he closes his eyes, he sometimes snores in his sleep.

He works a lot, after all, it’s no secret:

I usually don’t have money to buy a toy.

But I'm not offended, I feel sorry for him sometimes

After all, it is because of us that he turns gray.

Let him take care of us without getting tired.

It’s so good that we have dads today.

The presenter invites parents and children to participate in competitions

1 COMPETITION: “Do you know each other?” (2 pairs of 2 dads.)

Dad and child stand with their backs to each other. The presenter asks questions. First, the child answers by showing a card of the desired color, and dad answers out loud.
1. Does your child like semolina porridge?
2. Does your child wash the dishes?
3. Does your child like to brush their teeth?
4. Does your child go to bed at 9 o'clock?
5. Does your child play checkers?
6. Does he like to read books?
7. What do you like to watch on TV - cartoons of your youth or action films?

2 Competition “Create a collage of professions.”

This is a competition for knowing adult things. It will show how strong the relationship between dads and children is. Select images of items that your dads need at work and paste them onto a landscape sheet. Dad's help is required(album sheets in files, pictures, scissors, glue.)

Congratulations to the winners with a song

The song "Dad can do anything."

LEADING. In this humorous song you heard that dad can do anything. And our dads and their children will show what they are capable of.

3 competition. Dad is a master - golden hands

LEADING: All our dads are very talented. (Lists dad's hobbies)

We have a dad in the group,

He's a great assistant.

Sawing, repairing and planing,

It helps us a lot in everything.

Chuzhekov Kirill: My dad is a craftsman.

Dad is not bored.

My dad can do everything -

Skillful fingers.

When we are together -

We are strong and we can handle anything

I want to help my beloved daddy with everything.

Master class from dad Kirill Chuzhekov (repairing a bench).

Osinkina Victoria:

My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.

GAMES FROM V. Osinkina:

Now we will do a warm-up for future warriors, and the girls will support us.

Warm-up for future warriors
Our warriors go one-two, one-two,
(walking in place)
The drums are beating loudly:
tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta("drum")
Our ships are at sea:
today here - tomorrow there! (“rocking chair”)
We swam for a long time in the distance
across the seas, across the waves!(circular movements with hands)
Border guard on duty
: who goes? who goes?(“holding a machine gun”,

Turning left and right)
Tanks are driving across the bridge:
Trp-go, Trp-go!(“motor”)
Airplane above the ground:
ooh, ooh! (hands to the side)
Missiles are allowed to take off:
Uuh, uh! (squat, palms folded

In front of the chest, stand up and raise your arms up)

Our guns hit accurately: bang, bang! ("boxing")
Salute to our army! ( raise their hands up)
Hooray! Hooray!

Mylnikov Roman: Dad has work. Dad is worried.

There's no way he can play with me.

But if my dad takes a day off-

It's so great to be with him - he's so lively.

Dad, play with me.

Game from dad R. Mylnikov"REPORT"

Presenter: Stand in a circle. Dads are next to their children. The driver will be the one who answers my question correctly. Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated: June 23, March 23, December 23, February 23? When?

The driver with the package stands inside the circle, and children and dads walk around to the music with the words:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we begin to walk

6, 7, 8 – we bring a report

The melody stops, the child with the package stops and raises his hand forward. Dad and child, with the driver's outstretched hand between them, stand with their backs to each other.

After the words: “1, 2, 3-run ! they run in different directions. Whoever reaches his place first takes the package and becomes the driver.

Dima Timoshchenkov . " Attention attention. We invite you to the theater-studio of the Kharisov family. The only performance in the kindergarten "Sunny". Maestro, Music!

SCENE of the Kharisov family.

Host: Dad is the best and most reliable friend. It’s never boring with him: you can go fishing with him, make something, dad will teach you how to understand technology, how to drive a car, and you can just play and sing with him. In general, dads know and can do everything in the world...

Sitdikov Daniel:

My dad is not just a dad,

He is my best friend

There is a swing and a bridge in the yard

Dad made it for the kids.

“Simply golden hands!”

All the neighbors are talking.

Leading. Our next competition is called “Golden Hands”. Your task: blindfolded, wearing gloves, take exclusively “male” objects from the tray.

4 COMPETITION “Golden Hands”. A variety of items are offered: pliers, curling irons, lipstick, mascara, etc.

LEADING: Dads are a little tired. Let's cheer them up with some funny ditties.

CHILDREN: Sing along, my friend, and I will sing along with you too.

We are with a cheerful ditty

Inseparable friends.

You couldn’t find a better person than your dad in the whole world.

He can hammer nails and rinse clothes.

I love daddy like sweet candy.

I won’t replace it with anything, not even chocolate.

And my dad is smarter than everyone else. And my dad is the strongest.

Knows how much 5+5. Can lift the barbell.

And my dad is kinder than everyone, he loves all my friends.

He cooks semolina porridge himself and doesn’t force him to wash the dishes.

Dear daddies. Our beauties,

We sincerely congratulate you, we wish you all the best

5 COMPETITION “Family Album.”

Children, how often do you look at the family album with your dads? Let's check it now. Of the total number of photographs, you need to bring only your dad (children find photographs of dad as a child).

6 COMPETITION “Inflate the balloon”

LEADING: I suggest testing dads for endurance and children for manual dexterity (3 balls, ribbon).

Dads must inflate as many balloons as possible in 1 minute, and the child must tie a ribbon to each balloon. After the competition, give a bouquet of balloons to your mother.

LEADING: Yes, our dads really are the best. It’s not for nothing that children love their dads so much and today is a holiday for them.


At parting, children want to tell you something.


Our dear dads!

Study with us more often.

Solve problems. Play games.

Help me make a costume for Barbie.

Hurry up to surprise your mother with a festive dinner.

On your Disney Land vacation, wave.

Then, believe us, you can be proud of your sons and daughters.

And common victories.

Then for us children, we won’t be able to find a friend like ours!

LEADING: Today we had an interesting time together, played, and gave each other joy. The children have prepared an album for you for dads. Insert into the files what you did together today, your photos, a test, a collage of professions.

It's great that we are all here today. Hug each other, feel the warmth, kindness, affection. May there always be harmony in your families.

And I propose to end our evening with a song.

Everyone sings the song “YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND” together.

Regional competition of professional competence of preschool teachers as part of the work of the regional creative platform


"Kaleidoscope of Projects"

Pedagogical project:

Project “The role of the father in raising a child” was carried out in middle group No. 1 for nine months: from September 2009 to May 2010. Children, their parents and teachers took part in it. The project took place on the basis of the Rodnichok kindergarten.

Relevance of the problem

Today, the role of the father in raising a child is very important. Neglecting the importance of fatherhood today is catastrophic. For several generations, men grew up not understanding the importance of the father's role in education. There is a strong conviction in the minds of society that the role of a man in raising children is not important, and only a mother is able to give a child everything she needs. In the end, the fathers themselves think so, not seeing their place in educational process without realizing the importance of their influence on the child. Psychologists say the opposite. Problematic teenagers, in percentage terms, are more often raised by single mothers, while being raised under the supervision of single fathers gives much more best result. The important role of fatherhood has not been questioned for centuries. Isn’t it time for our men, and indeed the entire society, to return to the roots of this aspect.

The purpose of this project:

To help fathers understand their tasks in the family, in the upbringing and education of children, and to prevent the emergence of alienation between the child and his father.

Project objectives:

1. To expand the knowledge of fathers in raising children with publicly available scientific information.

2.Bring the truth to fathers that they have the right and responsibility to raise their children.

3. To instill in fathers a sense of self-confidence.

4. Enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative activity.

5. Prepare and conduct a presentation of the project.

Project Description

Preparatory stage

v Getting to know the pupils’ fathers and their problems in raising a child.

v Selection effective methods and diagnostic techniques for families and children in various areas.

v Planning work with fathers.

Main stage

v Creating conditions for implementation of the plan.

v Formation of an attitude towards cooperation between kindergarten and fathers.

v Joint activities according to the “teacher-child”, “child-father”, “father-teacher” scheme

v Questionnaire, survey of fathers.

v Generalization and dissemination of fathers' experiences in parenting.

v Parent-teacher conferences for dads.

The final stage

v Workshop for teachers on the topic: “Father in the life of a child”, with the aim of disseminating work experience.

LECTURE: “Raising a child by a father, the role of the father in education”

Today there is a lot of talk about the role of the father in raising a child. Experts note that it is quite difficult to raise a full-fledged personality, be it a boy or a girl, without male influence. No one denies the possibility of achieving success in parenting without a father, but as life shows, this is very rare. After all, it depends on both parents how their child will grow up. What is important is what his parents give him; in particular, his father can give him something that no one else in the world can give him. Experts recommend not to forget about this, especially if it comes to divorce. Under any circumstances, a man must remain a dad.

In circumstances of divorce, both parents must show that they love the child. Your relationship should not affect the child, do not kill his world. Therefore, first, discuss who and when will drop off or pick up the child from kindergarten (school), spend weekends with him, etc. After separating from his wife, the husband should not forget about communicating with the child. It should be constant, preferably daily. For example, talking to a child on the phone.

If you believe psychologists, then even in “complete” families, children are often deprived of their father’s attention. Many fathers are sure that their main role is to earn money, and upbringing falls on the shoulders of the mother. All this is true. But it would not hurt to expand the territory of communication between the child and the father. Communicating with each other will allow you to improve relationships, learn a lot of interesting things, and most importantly, give your mother a time out from business and the opportunity to take care of herself.

Many mothers, having taken care of all the housework and children, forget to involve the father in raising the child. It seems to them that a man will not be able to properly feed, wash the child, check his homework, or put him to bed. This is wrong. It is important to remember that the spouse is not Small child, but an adult, independent person. He loves his child just like a mother, and is unlikely to harm him. Experts note that in most cases the father is more responsible in the upbringing process. The main thing is to provide freedom in communication, it is this that makes it possible to build those thin skeins that will connect the child and the father.

Each family has its own relationship between father and child. According to experts, there is no universal advice, but there are rules that can help in communicating with a child.

1. RESPECT FOR THE MOTHER. The first and basic rule also applies to the mother. Even if you are very offended by your other half. Never criticize her in front of the child. Your hostility will only complicate your relationship with your child. In addition, it will cause considerable harm to the baby’s psyche. After all, he loves both of his parents. Spouses should remember their love for each other more often. Even if you are divorced, try to remain friends and loving parents.

2. DADDY IS NOT A PERSON, BUT A HOLIDAY. Many fathers need to become aware of this process. Undoubtedly, the father is pleased to see the joyful eyes of the child when he appears on the threshold of the house with a whole bunch of gifts. It’s another matter when, while with dad, the child must follow a daily routine, do homework, and so on. The main role of the father in upbringing lies in the main thing - the father, first of all, is a friend, a teacher, an example for the child, and not a holiday on two legs. Only in the process of everyday communication, through personal example and reaction to events, does the father show the child the world of a man. So, he helps a girl learn to understand people of the opposite sex, and he teaches a boy to be a man (in in a good way this word).

3. QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY, COMMUNICATION. It doesn’t matter how much time the father spends with the child, a whole day or two hours. Sometimes, in a short period of time, a father can give so much warmth and attention that it will last for a long time. Therefore, you should cherish every minute of communication with your baby. Walk, read, have conversations on topics that interest your child. The role of the father in raising a child is important. After all, a dad can give so many interesting things to a child.

Questionnaire for dads!

1. What do you think are the functions of the father in the family?

2. How much time do you spend with your child? What do you do with him in your free time?

3. Does your child ask you to play with him, read, or talk about something? What do you do when you cannot fulfill his request?

4. Do you scold your child in front of strangers or friends?

5. Do you smoke in the room where the child is?

6. What difficulties do you have in communicating with children?

7. Are kindness or severity your assistants in education?

8. Do you have common interests and favorite activities with your child?

9. Who wakes up my son (daughter) in the morning and controls getting ready for school?

10. Do you like to spend your holidays with or without children?

Questionnaire for children!

1. Do you love your dad? For what?

2. Who spends more time with you in your free time, dad or mom? What do you do in your free time with dad? What does dad do in the evenings?

3. If you were a dad, what would you help your mom with at home?

4. If you and dad walk together, what do you talk about? What questions does dad ask, what do you ask him?

5. What does dad do? What are you doing at work?

6. Have you ever heard swear words?

7. What is your dad like: kind or strict?

Parent meeting on the topic:

“The role of the father in raising children in the family »

Material for parent meeting

"Advice for the Family"

They say that storks very quickly and simply accustom their chicks to independence: one day they push them out of the nest, throwing them from somewhere - from a tall old willow tree that stands in the middle of a meadow, over a river, from the top of a poplar tree or from a thatched roof, or from a rural hut. , where birds often build their homes. Fly! That's all. This is where education ends. At first, the young chicks don’t, no, and are wrapped up in their parent’s nest for the night, but soon they leave it completely, and the “old people” must have forgotten about them forever... People are not storks. True, they also tend to care about procreation. But is this the only goal? What's easier - leaving offspring on earth? Both fish and birds can do this, but we also leave behind our work, dreams, and hopes. And if you want your business to live and bear fruit, not only build your own nest and kindle a family hearth in it, but also raise a citizen, a fighter, a dreamer even stronger than you, even bolder than you, even more vigilant than you. They say fatherhood, like motherhood, is talent. If this is so, we must admit that this talent, like any other, has its beginning, is capable of developing and improving. You have become a father! The feeling is incomparable and the joy is incomparable. But at the same time, with the joy of fatherhood comes responsibility for the fate of the baby. It’s good when this sense of responsibility does not fade away, burns in you constantly, grows as you grow up,
your Vovka or Seryozhka, your Natasha or Oksanka is preparing to fly away into a big life. Father! If you value your honor, if you wish happiness for your children, never forget that you, first of all, are the architect of this happiness.
What is a good father? This is a person who knows how to pass on all the best that he is rich in, that nature and the people around him have given him, to his children. Not to train a very correct and obsequious good boy, but to raise a child capable of seeing the beauty of the world, absorbing goodness in his heart and bringing goodness to others. To instill these qualities in a child, you need to possess them yourself, develop them in yourself. And this can only be achieved through hard work. Look into your soul, fathers! What's in it? Our cosmonauts came from simple families, ordinary families thousands of young grain growers, miners, scientists, doctors, and teachers have been educated, who surprise the planet with their deeds. Fathers and sons today are not the same as they were yesterday. Many mothers are yesterday’s students of institutes, academies, universities, technical schools, people armed with knowledge. But not only knowledge is needed to raise your child. Something else is needed for this. What?
How attentive and careful you need to be when you have human material in your hands, when in front of you is a field like the soul of a child, a leaf like his consciousness, when in front of you is a whole world that is complex and changeable, sensitive to external influences. And if this world is unfamiliar to you, if you do not try to enter it in order to become a kind, intelligent adviser, all your educational efforts will not bring any benefit. To do this, you need to be with them more often, be able to listen to them, observe, notice the unexpected, new, good that appears in their character, and support and nurture it. But we don’t have time for that! We are so busy that we do not allow ourselves to devote a day off, or even an evening, or just one hour to our son, who stands next to us and looks into his eyes with a prayer. A good father does not hesitate to put aside unfinished work when his children call him, if he feels that they need it now, that after playing for an hour, another will bring them joy.
We have come a long way. We have overcome earthly gravity and continue our rapid flight to the stars, and in pedagogy, in matters of education, we often return to ancient customs and rules: a child grows - well, let him grow like a tree in the forest; grown - throw it into the water. Nothing, it will float out and wash up on some shore. Overcome this indifference in yourself, father! Do everything so that the one in whom you repeat yourself is great and beautiful, so that people marvel at him, and therefore at you.
Parents who think: “We worked hard, we worked hard, let our children pamper themselves,” should be treated with deep regret. Of course, they want the best for their children. And it would be worth remembering the wise saying “If you sow rotten grain, do not expect a harvest.” The child needs to be prepared for life. Children remember all the good things their parents gave them and all the bad things. They don't forget anything. Many fathers believe that raising children is a woman's job. No, it’s not so – both feminine and masculine! A father must protect his family, teach his children to respect and love their mother, and be an example and pride for the children. This is the happiness and calling of a father. A child should be raised to love his home, his family. But it is up to the adults to ensure that this house does not turn into a petty-bourgeois world and does not cripple the child’s soul.
Father! What a proud title this is. It’s all about heartfelt kindness, affection, masculine strength, and justice. And, of course, love for his wife and children. There are many good fathers on our land, it is worth telling about them.
Nowadays, in every family, both husband and wife usually work. But many more husbands, returning from work with their wife, shift all household chores, worries, and raising children onto her shoulders. By avoiding household chores, a man impoverishes not only the lives of women, but also the lives of children, and interferes with moral education child. Let’s not talk about the impact the example of a father who does not help his mother in anything can have on a child. This is clear to everyone. There are 24 hours in a day, no more. Is it any wonder that a woman who works, takes care of all the housework, and raises children has no time left to read? new book, listen to the lecture. She begins to lag behind life, and what kind of educator is a backward person?
So it turns out that, avoiding fatherly concerns, a man not only does not contribute to the upbringing of a child, but often entrusts this to a person who is behind the times. This affects the formation of the child’s personality, his moral development. A man can do a lot in a family; his role in raising children is great: children are grateful to good fathers all their lives.
Being a good father and husband is a man’s duty. In a family where love accompanies people throughout their lives, children will grow up in joy and be brought up well. The father is the cementing force in the family, the head of the family. But this leadership must be humane, kind and beautiful like a man. The father in the family - the bearer of justice, the source of happiness - must bring to life all the good things that his wife, children, grandmother and grandfather are rich in. The father in the family is the elder friend, adviser, assistant to his wife and children in all their joys and troubles. A good father in the family is very important. There are fathers who, citing their busyness, abdicate their responsibility for raising their children. From childhood, a child sees in his father a person on whose shoulder he can always lean. But this shoulder must not be shaky. We, parents, dream that our children will continue what we started, finish what we did not have time to do. And good work can only be continued good people. And we must be able to raise them like this. Of course, this requires a lot of effort. Parents know about this, but neighbors do not know, who can say: “He himself is good and his son is like him.” No, this is not inherited. A child is raised by his parents and raised throughout his life.
This is what the daughter says about her father. “When they say that there are fathers who withdraw from household chores, it seems strange to me. In our family, dad always does the most difficult work - he chops firewood, digs up the garden, and repairs what is needed. But he has a lot of different public affairs: he often speaks, passes on his experience to his comrades, reads a lot, and studies in the evenings. He has a lot to do, but in the family he is a hard worker, his mother’s helper. I want to be like my father. I imitate him, learn to live from him.
Here's another example. The daughter tells. "I am 20 years old. I am a 4th year student at a pedagogical university. There are parents. And this is all the worst, shameful, humiliating thing that happened in my life from my father. When I was little, I forgot about it while reading a book, playing, or at school. Now I can’t. I don't remember my father sober. My mother is my teacher. When he left, those were the only quiet days. But then he returned. And now I’m getting cold, remembering how scared I was as a girl, suddenly hearing a drunken voice from the hallway: “Hey, you! Help me undress, give me some water!” I recently got married. I am happy that I no longer bear this man’s last name. I have my own life now. But what about mom? Who will protect her?
Some people say that children need to be kept strictly and punished. But this is not true at all. Fear is a companion of hypocrisy and deception. Beatings do not strengthen the child’s consciousness - they cripple the psyche. In early childhood, parents pamper their children, allow them to do whatever they want, and when the child grows up and pampering develops into character, then the parents call on the belt to help. Children need to be raised to be good family traditions. We must move from the tradition of family to raising children.
Here is our children's conversation about dad:
- My dad can lift a bag with one hand.
- And mine is a whole house.
My dad is stronger than anyone - the deep conviction of every child.
Here is a woman walking down the street, loaded with shopping, and her husband is walking lightly next to her. He considers it indecent to carry a shopping bag. The seven-year-old son, imitating his father, also does not touch women’s work: in his opinion, this is shameful. But there is no shame in beating your younger sister or refusing to help your mother with the housework.
Your child, to some extent, is your copy. Therefore, you need to educate not your children, but yourself. When reading expert advice in books and magazines, apply it primarily not to children, but to yourself. Look more often in the mirror of public opinion: they said something unflattering about your child, even if it’s very small or trivial - worry! Look for the reason in yourself...
Having children is a great happiness. But children are not fun, and raising children is very difficult. Harder than building houses, writing novels, leading an orchestra, or smelting steel. In education, more than anywhere else, you need will, intelligence, patience, and nobility of soul.
They say that a father is a high position on Earth. This is not a position, it is a call of the heart, a dictate of conscience. This is what fatherhood is!


Dear dads! We ask you to take an active part in preparing for parent meeting“The role of the father in raising children in the family”

We invite you to think about the following questions:

1. How does your child communicate with peers and adults? Is he polite?

2. How does he behave in public places (does he show restraint,

gives way to elders, does not interfere in the conversation of elders, does not interrupt them during conversation, etc.)?

3. Are there cases when his behavior causes condemnation from others? How do you react to this?

4. Do you think that your personal example influences the upbringing of your child?

5. What do you do if your child is rude, stubborn, or doesn’t listen (explain to the child bad sides his behavior, you don’t pay any attention, do you punish him and how?)?

6. Children often treat family members differently. Who does your child listen to more? Why?

Memo for parents

Show your children how much you love them more often, don’t hide it.

Don't be afraid to ask your child for advice - it will only bring you closer.

Try to ensure that your child’s friends visit your home - you should know them well.

Discuss the problem that has arisen calmly, without shouting or irritation - then your child will not hide anything from you.

Be an example for your child, because the way you treat him now is how you will be treated in old age.

Remember that a child is a guest in your home who will eventually leave his native nest, and he must be raised in such a way that he never forgets his family and the warmth of his home.

REMINDER FOR PARENTS" width="609" height="871 src=">" width="649" height="912 src=">


Forms of work

Time spending


Formation of a family bank

Sociological research to determine social status and microclimate in the family


Teacher, parents of students

Questionnaires, tests

“Questionnaires to identify fathers’ interests”

"Questionnaire for fathers"

"Questionnaire for children"


Educator, educational psychologist,


Parent meeting

Creative exhibition

« Age characteristics children 5 years of age"

“This was made by the hands of our dads”




parents of pupils

Involving parents in participating in group activities

Construction of a snow town.

Help with preparation New Year's holiday




Photo exhibition

Open day


"Me and my dad"

Attendance of classes by parents of pupils


Parent meeting

Competitions for dads


"My dad is the strongest"


Teacher, parents of students

Round table

Help dads make bird feeders

"The role of the father in raising a child"

“Let’s help those who are nearby”



fathers of pupils

Leisure activities

"Health Day"

"Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"



physical education director,

parents of pupils

Final event

Design of a family newspaper

“A joint trip to nature with children”

"I and my family"

Teacher, parents, children

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Slide captions:

Project My Dad is the best! “My dad is the best, and I got him! I'm the most happy child on the ground! » Educator of MBDOUTSRR No. 28 “Ogonyok”, Berdsk Chernova M.V.

Project duration: short-term (2 weeks). Project type: educational and creative. Project participants: students, teachers, parents. Children's age: 4-5 years.

Relevance of the project The games of our pupils in kindergarten, the children’s conversations with each other helped us see a big problem: all children’s issues are most often resolved by the mother, the mother satisfies both the cognitive interests of the children and the lack of emotional communication. Modern men are very busy, but raising a child cannot be put off “for later.”

The goal of the project: to create conditions and a system of work to maintain traditions of respect for the father, strengthening traditional family foundations. Project objectives: Educational: - to cultivate in children love and a sense of respect for dad and family members, to teach them to take care of their loved ones; - to cultivate in children the desire to prepare a gift for a loved one and to give it with joy.

Project objectives: Educational: - consolidate children’s knowledge about male professions; - introduce types of military equipment; - expand children’s knowledge about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day. Developmental: - to develop in children the ability to reason and make inferences; - develop creative imagination and the imagination of children - to teach children to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art.

Project objectives: For teachers: to summarize and disseminate the accumulated experience on this topic; -organize pedagogical work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account full integration educational areas. For parents: - find new approaches to interaction between kindergarten and family during collaboration on the project; -increase the participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten;

The project includes the following activities: Stage 1 Accumulation of knowledge Examination of illustrations about people of different professions. Conversations with children about types of military equipment. Didactic game “Who is doing what?” (fixing the names of actions performed by people of different professions in the process of work). Didactic game “Wonderful Chest” (introduction to the tools that people of different professions use in their work). Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles about the father, about the family. Reading fiction by A. Raskin from the book “How Dad Was Little”, Y. Koval “On the Border”. Reading the poem “The Best” (E. Chusovitina), “My Dad is a Military Man” (G. Lagzdyn), “Like Dad” (T. Bokova), “Daddy’s Profession (A. Kindness), etc. Conversation “If it weren’t for these professions." Printed board game “How to Avoid Trouble.” Homework for the children: find out who and where their dads work, what they like to do in their free time.

Stage 2 Creative With southern role-playing games “Family”, “Garage”, “Sports Club”, “Bus Travel”, “Sailors”, “Fire Brigade”, “Workshop”. Communication games “City Travel”, “Our Cars”, “Military Hospital”. Games with building materials “Car Park”, “Garage”. Games with orienteering elements “Find the package”, “Deliver a secret message”. Physical exercises “Border Guard”, “Captains” P/n “Hit the target”, “Be careful, mines”, “Don’t get caught”. Warm-up for future warriors. Writing riddles on the topic “Daddy’s profession.” Compilation of stories “My beloved daddy”. A conversation about respect for dad. Drawing with design elements “Planes in the sky, ships in the sea”, “Tank”, design from waste material“Boat” Drawing using stencils “Tools”, applique “Postcard for Dad”. .

Stage 3 Effective Design of the wall newspaper “Let’s talk about dad.” Presentation of gifts and greeting cards for the holiday of February 23. Project results The set of actions organized by teachers to implement the project (raising the status of the father in the family, expanding children's knowledge about the defenders of the fatherland) has a positive result. Children have formed a system of knowledge about the family, family values, about male professions, about those who guard and defend our Motherland, about ways of showing their feelings to others. The interaction between parents and children contributed to emotional rapprochement, and parents and children gained experience of partnerships through joint activities.

Morning gymnastics “Dad can...” Gymnastics after sleep “Bogatyrs”

What do soldiers eat? Individual diet

Real shell and insignia

Getting to know the tools that people of different professions use in their work

View slides with types of military equipment and professions.

Role-playing games “Fire brigade”, “Workshop”

Communication games “City Travel”, “Our Cars”

Role-playing game“Military Hospital”, communicative game “City Travel”

Drawing “Planes in the sky, ships in the sea”, “Tank”

Construction from waste material “Boat”

Drawing with stencils “Tools” Application “Postcard for Dad”

Presentation of collages “My dad is the best”

Presentation of collages “My dad is the best”

Gift for dad

"My dad is the best"

Conversation for early preschool children

Educator: Babakova E.Yu.

Kovtunova A.V.

Participants: preschoolers 2-3 years old.

Number of children: 12 people.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Pedagogical intent:

Preliminary work with children:

- making a stand with photos of dads.

Reading poems about dads.

Preliminary work with parents:

Parents and children need to complete their homework:

Conduct a conversation on the topic “Where does my dad work”

Prepare a photo of dad for the stand.

Working methods and techniques:

Creating a problematic situation.

Reading a poem.



- boy doll (Dima).

Girl doll (Masha)

Progress of joint activities:

1.Creation of a problematic situation by the teacher.

The group includes two dolls, a boy (Dima) and his little sister (Masha). The girl is crying. Guys, let's find out what happened to Masha.

A story on behalf of a doll.

Masha says that Dima is her older brother and he offends her. So she's crying. Guys, is it possible to offend girls? Boys should be protectors, they should not offend, but protect girls. And for this they need to grow up big and strong, like your dads.

2. Information about dad.

You guys all have your own dads. Every dad has a name. What are your dads names? Do your dads go to work? What are they doing there?

You guys spoke so well about your dads. So you love them?

How can you call your dad affectionately?

Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy.

Well done! You know everything about dads. You love your dads very much! Do you think your dads love you? How did you guess that they love you? They hug you, kiss you, play, go for walks. What do you and dad play?

Dads are all different, but there are some things they are alike.

Physical education minute:

1. Previously, dads were like our boys - they were so small (squatted down).

2.And now all dads are big. Let's show how big they are (children raise their hands up to imitate height).

3. And dads are also strong and brave (children imitate strong men).

3. Memorizing a poem about dad.

Well done guys, you all have very good dads. They are real protectors. And soon they will have a holiday, which is called

"Feast of Dads"

So that we can congratulate our dads. Let's learn a poem about dad:

My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.

4. Final part.

Look at photographs of their dads with your children.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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