Voice strength exercises for children. Exercise to develop breathing and voice strength for preschool children

Galina Pavlova
Exercises to develop flight, strength, and sonority of voice

Voice is sound, formed in the larynx by the vibration of tense tensions close to each other voice ligaments under the pressure of exhaled air. The main qualities of any voices are power, pitch, timbre. For a well delivered vote also characterized by such properties as euphony, flightability, mobility and variety of tone.

Force voices are their volume, depending on the activity of the respiratory and speech organs. A person must be able to vary strength vote depending on the communication conditions. Therefore, the ability to speak both loudly and quietly is equally necessary.

Height vote- this is his ability to tonal changes, that is, his range. For ordinary vote a typical range of one and a half octaves is typical, but in everyday speech a person most often uses only 3-4 notes. Expanding the range makes speech more expressive.

Timbre vote call its unique individual coloring, which is determined by the structure of the speech apparatus, mainly by the nature of the overtones formed in the resonators - lower (trachea, bronchi) and upper (oral and nasal cavity). If with the lower resonators we cannot arbitrarily manage, then the use of upper resonators can be improved.

Beneath the euphony vote understands the purity of its sound, the absence of unpleasant overtones (hoarseness, hoarseness, nasality, etc.). The concept of euphony includes, first of all, sonority. The voice sounds loud when it resonates at the front of the mouth. If the sound is formed near the soft palate, it turns out dull and dull. Voice sonority depends on the concentration of the sound (its concentration at the front teeth, on the direction of the sound, as well as on the activity of the lips.

Euphony voices implies, in addition, the freedom of its sound, which is achieved by the free functioning of all organs of speech, the absence of tension and muscle tension. Such freedom is achieved at the cost of long exercises. Euphony vote should not be identified with euphony of speech

Euphony of speech is the absence in speech of a combination or frequent repetition of sounds that hurt the ear. The euphony of speech presupposes the most perfect combination of sounds, convenient for pronunciation and pleasant to the ear. For example, it causes cacophony (i.e. rated as bad-sounding) repetition within a phrase or phrase of whistling and hissing sounds without special stylistic goals: “in our class there are many students who are conscientiously preparing for the upcoming exams, but there are also quitters”; stringing together words with multiple consonants contract: “the gaze of all senses is nobler”; It is not recommended to construct phrases in such a way as to create a gap vowels: "and in John." However, problems of euphony do not relate to speech technique

Mobility vote- this is his ability to change in strength, height, tempo without tension. These changes should not be involuntary; an experienced speaker has a change in certain qualities vote always pursues a specific goal.

Under tone vote imply emotionally expressive coloring vote, facilitating the expression in the speaker’s speech of his feelings and intentions. The tone of speech can be kind, angry, enthusiastic, formal, friendly, etc. It is created through means such as increasing or decreasing voice power, pausing, speeding up or slowing down the rate of speech.

The rate of speech is not a direct property of the human voices, however, the ability to vary, if necessary, the speed of pronunciation of words and phrases can also be attributed to those skills that discipline should improve "Speech technique".

Exercise 1. Say the texts, changing the strength depending on the content vote:

Say the word louder "thunder" -

The word roars like thunder!

I sit and listen without breathing,

The rustle of rustling reeds.

The reeds are whispering:

Shi, shi, shi!

What are you whispering quietly, reeds?

Isn't it Is it good to whisper?

And in response there is a rustling sound:

Sho, sho, sho!

Thunder rumbles - boom! Fuck!

It's like he's destroying mountains.

Silence in fear - ah! -

Covers his ears.

Rain, rain, rain, rain! I want to grow, grow!

I'm not sugar! I'm not a cookie! I'm not afraid of dampness!

I'm moving forward (tirlim-bom-bom) -

AND It is snowing (tirlim-bom-bom).

Exercise 2. Select chants, noisemakers, counting rhymes (folklore or literary, other poetic works that, in your opinion, can be used for training voice power.

Exercise 3. Name the floors you mentally climb, raising your tone each time vote, and then “go down” down.

Exercise 4. Say the phrase with a rise voices towards the end: "Wrath, O goddess, sing to Achilles, son of Peleus!"

Exercise 5. Read the poem in such a way that the pitch rises and falls vote corresponded to the content statements:

I'm becoming a scuba diver.

I'm sinking lower and lower!

And the bottom of the sea is closer, closer.

And now I’m in the underwater kingdom!

I manage easily.

To master the chest register,

Benefits of becoming a scuba diver.

Exercise 7. Achieve sonority, composure of sound, pronouncing the sound M smoothly and drawn-out.

Exercise 8. Pronounce slowly and smoothly (as when singing) syllables: mi, me, ma, mo, mu, we.

Exercise 9. This exercise must be done together. There should be a fairly large distance between the two people talking (at least 6-10 meters, you need to speak quietly, almost in a whisper, but clearly. The topic of the conversation is not discussed in advance. Before performing exercises you must develop a speech situation (for example, imagine that there is a third person nearby who, for some reason, should not know the content of your conversation.

Exercise 10. Come up with a speech situation where a conversation between two people should take place at a considerable distance and quietly. Show this conversation.

Exercise 11. Say the words slowly at first, then gradually speed up the tempo to a very fast pace, followed by slowdown: "We were driving fast, we were driving fast, we were driving fast. we were driving fast. we were driving fast."

Exercise 12. Read the sentence gradually acceleration:


Fly to the sun,

Bring us from the sky

To make it summer:

There are beans in the garden,

There are berries, mushrooms in the forest,

There is water in the spring,

In wheat field.

Exercise 13. Read the poem given pace:

Barely, barely - - - (slow pace)

The carousel started spinning. - - - (slow pace)

And then, then, then - - - (average tempo)

Everybody run, run, run! - - - (fast pace)

Faster, faster, run, - - - (very fast pace)

The carousel is all around, all around! - - - (very fast pace)

Hush, hush, don't rush - - - (average tempo)

Stop the carousel. - - - (average tempo)

One, two, one, two - - - (slow pace)

So the game is over. - - - (slow pace)

Exercise 14. Indicate at what pace the lines should be read poems:

We're going in circles


And we walk together: one two Three.

We're galloping down the road

We change legs often.

Let's gallop, gallop:


And then they stood up like a stork -

and keep quiet!

Working on your tone of speech

Exercise 15. Say the phrase “What is his profession” so that express: Delight; sympathy; contempt; neglect; question; envy; question-request; astonishment.

Exercise 16. Read the text in accordance with the copyright remarks:

She's here! I'm scared for you! - - - (with fear)

Blame yourself for everything! - - - (with fear)

She's here! Where's the self-love? - - - (with condemnation)

Behind him like faithful dog everywhere! - - - (with condemnation)

Have you come? So deceive me! - - - (with contempt)

You are not a man, but a slob! - - - (with contempt)

He's here! Here you go, friend! - - - (with malice)

You can't suddenly deceive me! - - - (with malice)

She's here! Know, so be it! - - - (joyfully)

We can't live without each other! - - - (joyfully)

Gone. Will he come or not? Mystery. - - - (with anxiety)

I treated him so disgustingly! - - - (with anxiety)

Gone! A mountain has been lifted off my shoulders! - - - (relief)

God forbid from these meetings! - - - (relief).


1. Almazova E. S. Speech therapy work on restoration voices in children / E. S. Almazova; under general ed. G. V. Chirkina. - M: Iris-press, 2005. - 151 p.

2. Arkhipova E. F. Speech therapy work with children early age/ E. F. Arkhipova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2007. - 222 p.

3. Borozinets N. M. Speech therapy technologies: Educational and methodological manual/ N. M. Borozinets, T. S. Shekhovtsova. - Stavropol: SGPI, 2009. - 224 p.

4. Vakulenko L. S. Correction of sound pronunciation disorders in children / L. S. Vakulenko. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2002. - 128 p.

One of the main natural wealth of a person is his voice, which helps not only to convey information, but also to express emotions and mood. That is why responsible parents should know the stages of child voice development and help their baby. It is important to understand the anatomical and physiological changes occurring in the larynx, respiratory organs and articulatory apparatus, on which the timbre, pitch, and range of the voice depend.

Stages of formation

  • lungs;
  • larynx and vocal folds - this is where sound is generated;
  • a set of resonators – an articulatory apparatus.

All these parts are in constant interaction.

It is customary to distinguish the following stages of voice development in children.

  1. – begins before birth.
  2. – from birth to 2 years of age.
  3. Early childhood– 2-5 years.
  4. The average children's age is 5-9 years.
  5. Late childhood – from 9 years of age until puberty.
  6. Early adulthood – 12-15 years.
  7. The average adult period is 15-18 years.
  8. Final maturity is 19-21 years.

At each stage, there are changes in the vocal apparatus, which must be taken into account when selecting exercises for voice development.

  • regular;
  • intense;
  • slow

They proceed in different ways, the change can be either uniform or spasmodic. In addition, stages can alternate and replace each other.

Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren have a childish voice - light and gentle. It is called falsetto or high resonance. At the same time, the vocal apparatus itself is very fragile, the sounds formed in the larynx are formed by the vibration of the ligaments, between which there is a gap; at the age of 7–8, the ligaments do not completely close. The child’s voice is still weak and high-pitched; you should not strain it too much, as hoarseness may occur.

Features of the voice in the first months of life

The child hears sounds and tries to reproduce them, but in the first months of life this is not always successful. The baby’s first “signals” are the cries that he makes as a reaction to internal or external stimuli. Gradually they become different in timbre, length, and height.

In the first three weeks of its life, the baby makes only three types of cry:

  • from hunger;
  • from pain;
  • when deprived (for example, if a pacifier is taken away from him).

Then it appears the new kind- the cry of loneliness that a baby makes when left unattended in a crib. This is the first social signal. The early sounds that babies produce are quite simple - the vowels [a], [e], and the diphthong [əa].

It is interesting that the signals of children of this age can reveal whether they have problems.

  • Scream healthy baby loud, characterized by a short inhalation and a longer exhalation.
  • With problems of the central nervous system, it becomes very loud, screeching, or, on the contrary, quiet, sobbing, often when inhaling.

Therefore, it is very important to listen carefully to the baby’s first sound signals. Note that babies hear the sounds made by their parents and try to repeat them, that is, the impetus for the development of speech is the development of hearing. This is why deaf babies also remain mute.

Stages of humming and babbling

The most important stage of the pre-speech period is humming, through which the baby communicates with his parents. Once a baby reaches 2 months of age, it begins to respond to the voices of mom and dad, so experts recommend actively communicating with it up to 6 months - this will contribute to the development of phonemic awareness. In addition, the sounds of humming are the basis for the formation of speech breathing. At this stage, the development of intonation begins.

Right now, kids are experiencing increased interest in their own voice, as if testing its capabilities. During this period, individual differences in children's voices become most noticeable.

By the third month, the babbling stage begins - the number of sounds produced gradually increases, and over time, so-called “babbling pseudowords” appear. This is a very important time for the development of preschoolers, since it includes not only voice training, but also the development of the motor and auditory reactions necessary for normal speech, as well as the ability of the articulation organs to put sounds into syllables. Unlike humming, babbling includes not only vowel sounds, but also individual consonants. The role of hearing increases - children begin to imitate both their parents and themselves. That is why in the baby’s sound environment the parents’ speech must be present, clear and correct, addressed to the children, otherwise defects and clamps, lack of intonation, even fear of one’s own voice are inevitable.

Development from 1 to 5 years

The child begins to make meaningful sounds by the end of the 12th month of life. Listening to his parents, he gradually realizes the relationship between an object and its sound shell, therefore it is at this time that he pronounces his first simple words. By the second year of life, the baby masters questioning intonation and more clearly expresses his emotions with his voice, imitating the speech of adults.

Up to 5 years of age, problems with pronouncing individual sounds are quite possible - most often consonants, especially vibrant and hissing sounds. In most children, defects completely disappear only at 6-7 years of age.

Voice development

Parents should do everything in their power to develop their baby's hearing and voice, but they should be very careful, since excessive stress is just as harmful as complete neglect. Of particular importance is the practice of breathing, which is difficult to do independently, without musical pedagogical education. But at home, you can make a contribution as much as you can by inviting your child to perform Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, which will have a beneficial effect on the sound of the voice. Articulation gymnastics will also be useful - it will prepare the baby’s speech apparatus for the correct pronunciation of individual sounds, and will also allow you to work the muscles of the face, jaw, lips, tongue and cheeks.

Parents should remember that they can only help their child develop their voice if the following conditions are met.

  1. Children need a positive example, so it is extremely important that adults themselves speak correctly, emotionally, observing the necessary intonation.
  2. Positive emotional background. If the mother yells at the baby and gets nervous because he is unable to complete the task, then the benefits of such activities will be minimal, and the child will quickly lose interest in them. Therefore, you need to praise the baby at least for the efforts made.
  3. Many teachers agree that the most useful exercise for developing the voice is singing, so you can safely sing your child’s favorite songs. Music will have a beneficial effect on the ability to correctly construct phrases and pronounce sounds.

Basic working methods

Many researchers and teachers have approached the issue of voice development in children preschool age. For example, D.E. Ogorodnov suggests stimulating not just the development of a child’s vocal cords, but also his emotional and speech abilities, and the ability to perceive shape. The technique completely denies falsetto sound, recognizing it as inferior. It allows you to develop flexibility, timbre and a large number of intonations, but makes it difficult to move into a high register. At similar activities The children's voices changed; in addition, there was variability in the pronunciation of vowels. The voice developed downward, because Ogorodnov considered high sounds unsightly.

Emelyanov's program has the opposite direction. It is called “Phonopedic method of voice development” and is aimed at the formation of singing voice formation and the development of the vocal apparatus.

Such exercises are divided into several levels.

  1. Preparatory. Work with various types vocal activity (squeak, wheeze, scream, wheeze, moan).
  2. Development of academic singing voice. Work is underway to improve mastery of intonation, emotional and phonemic hearing.
  3. Formation of academic singing tone. At this stage, the uneven development of the vocal apparatus is eliminated, and preparation for changes in the puberty period occurs.

Another technique is to write music specifically for children, allowing them to develop their vocal abilities.

Voice development exercises for children

Let's look at some effective exercises, which parents can take into account. First of all, this speech games, there are quite a lot of them.

  • Listening to fairy tales with your child that use pre-speech communicative elements (noises, squeals, squeaks, squeaks).
  • Reading poetry in different registers - it will be easier for the child if you ask him to recite the poem the way a bear (chest register) and a hedgehog (falsetto) would do it.
  • When the previous exercise begins to work out without problems, you can complicate it a little by moving from the falsetto register to the chest register in one quatrain.
  • You can learn to change the pitch of your voice with this exercise. Depict a picture with your voice while simultaneously “drawing” in the air with your hand. The higher the hand moves, the higher the voice becomes. In this way you can, for example, depict a tall spruce.
  • Elevator ride. The child pronounces a sound, simultaneously moves his hand up and down (simulating the movement of an elevator car), and accordingly changes the timbre of his voice.
  • Vocal mobility improves singing with your mouth closed.
  • This game will help develop the ability to speak louder. The parent invites the child to call the bear for tea. But the bear doesn’t hear, he’s far away, you need to call him louder. It is important to ensure that children do not scream, but rather speak more loudly.
  • Another game is the opposite, the baby’s task is to speak quietly so as not to wake up the bear. But it is necessary not to switch to a whisper, but to make the voice quieter.
  • Further the task becomes more complicated. The parent selects paired toys, for example, cars, large and small. Then he asks the child to imitate what sound the big car makes (it should be loud). The small one, on the contrary, beeps quietly. Then the situation is repeated with the second pair of toys. The baby must learn to quickly and correctly change the volume of his voice.
  • This game will help develop the ability to speak in a “thin” and low voice: the mother asks the child to depict what sounds a cat makes and what sounds a kitten makes. In the second case, the child should pronounce “meow” lower than in the first. The situation with birds plays out in a similar way.
  • You can read the fairy tale “The Three Bears” to your child, and then ask him to convey the peculiarities of the speech of each of the characters: Mikhail Ivanovich has a rough, low voice, Nastasya Potapovna’s voice is a little lower, and Mishutka speaks in a ringing, high-pitched voice.
  • It will be interesting for boys to imitate driving a car that drives along the road, then goes around a puddle, rushes over bumps. Then the task changes - driving a big car is replaced by driving a small one.

Such games will bring real pleasure to your child if they are played in a light, unobtrusive manner. In addition, they are very useful for improving the functioning of the vocal apparatus, especially the larynx. Gradually positive result will be noticeable - children will learn to express emotions in speech, use sounds of different strengths and pitches, and speech defects, on the contrary, will become less obvious.

Oksana Khorokhova
Card index of games and exercises for voice development

Voice development functions are a necessary direction in speech therapy practice. Games on voice development are actively used at the preparatory stages of speech correction, but are also used in subsequent correctional and speech therapy work.

1. "Phone". The child standing or sitting first in the row whispers the word given to him in a neighbor’s ear. This is how the word is passed on to the last child. Whoever passes it incorrectly recites the given verse.

2. "Echo". Children are divided into two groups. One of the groups is "echo". The first group of children loudly pronounces vowel sounds together with the speech therapist (ah, oh, uh) or vowel combinations (ay, wa, oh, ui). Second group ("echo") repeats quietly. Then the groups change roles.

3. "Train". As the train approaches and recedes, it makes sounds that gradually intensify or fade.

4. "Mustachioed cat." One of the children - "cat", hiding and crawling says in a low voice: “I am a mustachioed greedy cat, I hear your mouse move,” and the rest of the children ("mice") quietly pass by him and whisper: "Hush, mice, the cat is getting closer, closer." Whoever speaks loudly will be grabbed by the cat.

5. Pronouncing rhymes with changing strength vote: depending on the content, some words are pronounced more quietly, others louder.

My work is dear to me (quietly,

I'm pleased (loudly,

I'm proud (even louder!

There is neither grief nor care (moderately,

What's up (louder)

I'm getting louder (even louder!

6. "Blizzard". At the signal “The blizzard has begun,” the children quietly they're buzzing: Uh-uh. At the signal "Severe blizzard" children loudly pronounce: Uh-uh. At the signal “The blizzard is subsiding,” children gradually reduce their strength vote. At the signal “The blizzard is over,” they fall silent. Speech signals can be accompanied by hand movements speech therapist: horizontal hand movement - children speak quietly, upward hand movement - strengthening vote, moving the arm down means decreasing force vote.

7. "The wind is blowing." Children lead a round dance. The speech therapist accompanies the movements with a story. "In the morning the children go to school. The sun is shining. The wind is calm breeze: v-v-v (pronounced quietly). How does the quiet breeze blow? (Children stop and repeat quiet: v-v-v). Lessons are over. The children are going home. Came to a house. And suddenly there was a strong blow wind: v-v-v (pronounced loudly). How does a strong wind blow?" Children repeat loudly.

8. "In the forest." Children are offered Pictures“Children in the Forest”, “The Boy Got Lost”, “Train”, which the speech therapist uses in the storytelling process.

The children went into the forest. The boy Petya found a big mushroom and speaks: Ooo! What does Petya say? (children repeat for a long time) Petya was walking through the forest, looking for mushrooms, and got lost. Petya became scream: ow-ow-ow! Let's help Petya. (Children repeat). The guys heard Petya and ran to him. The guys picked a lot of mushrooms. And then they took the train home. Train buzzed: oooh! (Children repeat).

9. "Ladder". In front of the children on the blackboard picture with a drawn ladder or a mock-up of a ladder. As the game progresses, the speech therapist places a figurine of a specific animal on each crossbar. Children reproduce onomatopoeia by changing pitch and strength vote.

"There is a ladder in the yard. There are five steps on it. I jumped onto the bottom step big dog and barked. (Children say low and loud voice: aw-aw-aw). The cat jumped onto the second step and meowed. (Children pronounce in a quieter and higher pitch voice: meow-meow-meow). A rooster jumped up on the third step and loudly sang: ku-ka-re-ku. (Children say loud and high voice: ku-ka-re-ku). A beetle flew to the fourth step, sat down and buzzed: w-w-w. (Children pronounce low and quiet voice: f-f-f). A mosquito sat on the fifth step and sang its song: z-z-z. (Children pronounce quietly and high voice: z-z-z).

10. "Cow and calves." Children are offered a story picture"In the meadow." Children are divided into two groups. The speech therapist turns to the first group: "Cows are grazing in the meadow. They call their calves. What do they call them?" Children of the first group pronounce low voice: Moo-moo-moo. "Calves answer cows. How do they answer?" The speech therapist addresses the children of the second group. Children respond high voice: Moo-moo-moo. Then the groups change roles.

11. "Stretch out the sound." The game must be played in pairs. Children stand facing each other and, at a signal from an adult, inhale deeply and begin to draw a certain vowel sound. (a, o, y, and, uh). The winner is the one who lasts the sound longer without taking an additional breath.

12. “Repeat after me.” The game can be played either alone or in pairs. An adult alternately portrays first a cheerful, then a sad, angry and surprised person, while pronouncing with a certain intonation “ah-ah-ah”, “ah-ah-ah”, “oh-oh-oh”, “oh-oh-oh” ", "oh-oh-oh" and expressing emotions with facial expressions. The child’s task is to guess what mood the adult is conveying, and then try to repeat the words with the same intonation.

13. "Put the doll down." The child stands next to the stroller and holds a doll in his arms. Adult explains baby: “The doll is tired, crying and wants to sleep. Rock it a little. But first, look at how it should be done.” After these words, the adult takes the doll in his arms and hums: “Ah-ah!”, and only then the child performs these actions.

14. "All-terrain vehicle." You can play together or in a group of 3-4 children. All participants are seated at the table. Adult shows picture with a picture of an all-terrain vehicle and asks what it is. Then he invites the children to learn a short poem about all-terrain vehicle:

Did you oversleep today?

And we missed the train!

You get into the all-terrain vehicle.

The best all-terrain vehicle.

He will take us everywhere.

The poem should be recited slightly. An adult needs to ensure that children pronounce all sounds correctly.

15. "Hike in the forest." Children stand in a circle with an adult. They recite a poem while simultaneously performing the corresponding movement:

Today we are going to the forest (raise your hands up)

And we invite our friends with us: "Ay! Ay!" (make your palms a megaphone)

On this sunny day (put your hands down)

I'll climb on a tree stump: "Ugh!" (press palms to cheeks)

Make sure that all words are pronounced while exhaling and in a chant.

16. "Cow". Take a deep breath, and on one exhale say slowly syllables: "Mo-o, moo." To make the game more fun, you can read various funny poems, For example:

"Moo" - cow in the morning

Mooed in the meadow.

There she chews grass,

And at home he gives milk.

17. "Home". Children, together with an adult, stand in a circle, taking a deep breath, and when exhaling, they say protractedly syllables: "Ding-n, dong-n, bim-m, bom-m." Then the poem is recited with movement.

Bim-bom! Bim-bom! (stand still)

Let's build a house together (put your hands on your belt, lean forward).

Bim-bom! Bim-bom! (clap)

How nice our home will be! (raise your hands up).

18. "Who takes longer." The children sit on the sofa and take a deep breath. When exhaling, they pronounce syllables drawn out, which consist of the consonants “m” and “n” and various vowels: “Mom-mm, mum-mm, mom-mm,” etc. The syllables should be pronounced as long as possible.

19. "Airplane". Children and an adult stand in a circle. Then, are being bred arms to the sides and shake them, imagining themselves as airplanes. They pronounce the sound “u” protractedly, quickly lower their hands down and, crouching, briefly say “u”.

20. "Rocket". Children stand in a circle with an adult. The speech therapist asks the children to imagine that they have turned into rockets. And then the rocket takes off. Children begin to pronounce in a low drawl voice sound"y", hands a little spread apart. Our rocket is flying to the moon. The kids raise their hands up and say in a long, high voice voice sound"y". The rocket lands on the Moon. You need to lower your hands and sit down, then say in a low, drawn-out manner voice sound"y". And now the rocket is flying home. Perform all movements again in the same order.

The voice is not only the weapon of professional singers, but also ordinary people. A strong and well-produced voice attracts people just by its sound, which is why business “sharks” know how to attract a partner with just one speech. The work of a vocalist in terms of load level can be equated to the physical labor of a loader.

Development from the psychological side

The sound of speech conveys a person’s emotional state, his confidence or fears. Even when a person does not notice, the voice conveys his character to those around him and rarely lies. Few employers would be interested in collaborating with an insecure employee who is always hard to hear.

All people are born with a strong and unique voice. Surprisingly, against the backdrop of the city noise surrounding people, instead of shouting over this noise, it has become more appropriate in society to speak in “half tone.” However, it is difficult to overcome the fear of attracting unnecessary attention by speaking more loudly and clearly. Therefore, developing your vocal cords is necessary not only for training your voice for singing, but also for everyday situations.

Everyone knows that one of the key factors to a successful career is the ability to speak. It's not just about the literacy of speech, but also about its sound. To gain the favor and respect of others, it is not enough just to speak loudly. Confident sounding is not a shout, but a calm and laconic tone. To achieve this result, both group trainings and individual lessons are conducted.

Development in terms of physical health

A person unconsciously adjusts the sound using the diaphragm. But our body does not reveal all its reserves. Breathing saturates the body with oxygen, which must be constantly renewed and not accumulated. Constant blocking of sound makes our breathing not even, but intermittent, which affects our well-being. Most often, sound is blocked in stressful situations, which affects the physical condition of the body. Often during experiences, the voice breaks, which is accompanied by difficulty breathing, and, subsequently, fainting.

In standard and calm dialogues, breathing is uniform and calm. Therefore, it is necessary to train his voice so that he does not flinch in an unusual environment or a stressful situation. A person who especially often speaks in front of an audience must be confident in his voice so as not to focus on its sound.

Even after the first training of the vocal cords, you can feel a burning sensation and tension, just like after physical exercise. This fact indicates that in Everyday life The vocal cords hardly strain. The voice can be “trained”, like other muscles.

  1. The central organ involved in the formation of sound is the diaphragm. It is considered the “source” of sounds. Many gymnastics techniques have been developed to train breathing.
  2. If you correctly establish voiced breathing, then subsequently all other aspects of sound rest on it as a basis. Among the variety of types of breathing exercises, only those that are designed specifically to solve this problem work.
  3. The basis for a beautiful voice is, first of all, health. Compliance with the basic regime, proper nutrition etc. After all, it is also a part of the body, like the other components, and it is also susceptible to influence by external factors. For example, the same diseases can damage the vocal cords for a long time, the normal functioning of which is not always possible to restore.
  4. In addition to physical barriers to development, psychological barriers are more common. Surprisingly, psychological constraints on the voice are removed using physical influence.
  5. If the body is tense, the voice will also be unstable. Tension in the muscles is transmitted to the vocal cords, causing the tone to rise and begin to tremble.
  6. After lengthy negotiations and discussions, the vocal cords should be at rest for some time.
  7. If you have a slight breakdown, you can do a couple of exercises to relax your whole body.
  8. Performing songs in the shower, karaoke, etc. has a very beneficial effect on the development of the voice, especially for singing. Ligaments, like muscles, need to be warmed up.

Attention! Smoking significantly reduces the volume of your voice.

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Exercises for voice development

Several vocal exercises

For beginning performers, they are presented for developing the singing voice, which eliminate tremors, add power and strength to it.

  • Open your mouth as wide as possible and lower your lower jaw. Relax your lips to make a sound between “O” and “A”. When pronouncing “R”, the larynx should be slightly raised. When pulling out the “O”, lower it a little. The result should be a “RO-O-O-O-O” sound that will rise from the chest.
  • The same soundtrack. Inhale and exhale quickly. When exhaling, the abdominal muscles should contract. The rise should be higher to make the sound deeper. The mouth is not closed, the jaw and neck are relaxed.

Breathing exercises

  1. Stand up straight. Place your hand on your stomach and the other on the bottom of your chest. Take a deep breath (through your nose) so that your stomach tightens and your chest expands. After this, exhale smoothly so that the chest and stomach return to their original position.
  2. Inhale smoothly (using your nose) and hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Exhalation (through the mouth) should be slow and smooth.
  3. While exhaling smoothly, pronounce a series of consonant sounds.
  4. Count out loud, starting from 1 to 6 in one breath. Gradually increase the count.

Sounding good workouts

  • Take a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale and exhale calmly a couple of times, the next inhalation should be deep, and the exhalation should be sharp and loud with the sound “ha”!
  • Take a deep breath, and the exhalation should be prolonged with the sound “bom”, “bon”. The sounds that come out need to be pulled to create a slight vibration at the level of the nose and upper lip. Another version of this exercise is performed with the sounds “mo-mo”, “mi-mi”, “mu-mu”. But these syllables are pronounced quickly at first, and then drag on.
  • With your tongue sticking out, you should try to reach your chin. In this position, lower your head down. Then pull your tongue up, trying to reach the tip of your nose, and you need to raise your head.

Important! The above exercises are best suited for training in the morning; ten-minute repetitions are sufficient.

Training for Power

  1. An exercise aimed at working the abdomen and chest. Inhale and exhale. On the second exhalation, pronounce the sound “m” smoothly. Repeat three times followed by strengthening.
  2. Raise your tongue to the sky, but do not strain. Try to pronounce the sound “r”. The sound will be similar to the roar of a tiger. Repeat the exercise three times. After this, pronounce about ten words with a pronounced letter “r”.

Attention! A banal roar actually perfectly trains the energy of the voice, and also reduces burr.

General developmental training

  • Place your palm to your ear and sing and speak. This way, you can imagine your voice from the outside. A maximum of ten minutes daily is enough for this workout.
  • An exercise to transfer the load of the throat to the lips and diaphragm. Pronounce the syllable “kyuu” with rounded lips, and pronounce the remainder “x” with a smile, as wide as possible. Do thirty repetitions in one workout. This is an exercise for vocal cord endurance, which is great for long performances.
  • This exercise will help you gain intense sound and endurance: reading the text, but first without consonants, and then, on the contrary, without vowels.
  • Say the words, trying to make an effort in the abdominal area. You need to pronounce it as if releasing anger, open your mouth and focus on the consonants. Such manipulations of emotions in the voice will make it more colorful.

Important! All exercises are performed with straight posture.


The expression “the eyes are the window to the soul” also applies to the voice. From our speech we can determine our place of birth, nationality, age, etc. The most important thing is that we can use it to learn about a person’s character and position in life.

Therefore, it is also a weapon, both in professional and everyday life.

Exercises for voice development can be done either independently or take lessons from specialists. Which workouts will be effective: home or group - this is an individual choice that should be made based on the ultimate goal.

1. Aukanye

Imagine that you are lost in the forest. You stand and shout: "Ay-ay." You must first pronounce sounds quietly, then louder, then even louder.

2. Echo

Children stand in two rows facing each other. Some say loudly: “Ah!” Others quietly respond: “Ah-ah.”

3. Blizzard

Let's depict a winter blizzard howling on a stormy evening. At the signal “The blizzard is starting,” you quietly say: “Oooh.” At the signal “Severe blizzard”, say loudly: “Oooh”. At the signal “The blizzard ends,” say more quietly and stop speaking at the signal “The blizzard ends.”

4. Locomotive whistle

Let's imitate the whistle of a steam locomotive: "U-oo-oo-oo." First we play the sound of an approaching locomotive, and then a moving one.

5. Little ghost from Vazastan

Let's remember A. Lindgren's story "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof." One of the chapters tells how Carlson dressed up as a ghost to scare the thieves who broke into the Kid’s house. He flew in a white robe and howled in a terrible voice: “Oooh.”

6. Fire truck

A fire started and a fire truck was called. She drives through the city streets and makes high-pitched siren sounds: "Uh-uh-uh-uh."

7. Pioneer Horn

Imagine that you are relaxing in a pioneer camp. In the morning you are woken up by the sound of a pioneer bugle. The bugler trumpets: "Tut-tu-tu-tu." (“Get up - get up, make your beds!”) Now try to imitate the sound of a bugle.

13.Exercises for choosing an adequate volume

1. Read the poems expressively, choosing the desired volume level. What words in the text tell you how to read the poems - loudly or quietly?

Night. The streets fell asleep. Hush, cloud, hush, Don't drop the booming raindrops on the roofs. Dreams come to children. The lights came on.

Hush, hush, wind, Don't knock on the windows.


Winds, storms, hurricanes, Blow as hard as you can! Whirlwinds, blizzards and blizzards, play out by night! Trumpet loudly in the clouds, soar above the earth. Let the drifting snow run through the fields like a white snake!

S. Marshak

Left, right! Left, right! A detachment is going to the parade. The drummer is very happy: Drumming, Drumming for an hour and a half straight. But the squad is coming back. Left, right! Left, right! The drum is already full of holes.


14.Voice range and color

The word range (dia pason) is of Greek origin and means “through all,” that is, in music, through all sounds. Musical range refers to the distance from the lowest sound an instrument or voice can produce to the highest. A speaker who wants to be persuasive speaks slowly and in a low tone. But he must stay within the natural range of his voice, otherwise he will sound insincere.

1. Metallic sound- speaks of energy and firmness. There is no better example to illustrate this than Zhukov, performed by Mikhail Ulyanov.

3. Singing speech(strong emphasis on vowels) - temperament, sensuality, typical of people who are called “good-natured”. Such a good-natured person was Evgeny Leonov in the role of the head of a kindergarten in the film “Gentlemen of Fortune” (but not in the role of the Associate Professor: the essence of the character changed - the voice also changed; this is acting talent).

4. Tough speech - This speech in which vowels recede into the background before sharply emphasized consonants - the predominance of reason and will, an accurately analyzing mind.

This was masterfully played by Vladimir Vysotsky: Captain Zheglov in the film “The meeting place cannot be changed.”

5. Monotonous voice- secrecy, tightness, timidity. So, probably, Belikov could speak from Chekhov’s story “The Man in a Case” - this is the standard of secrecy, “caseness” - or, for example, Osip, Khlestakov’s servant from Gogol’s “The Inspector General”.

7. Falling tone towards the end of a phrase- probably weak will, softness. Sometimes this can be the result of physical weakness, for example in very old people.

8. Rhythmic pitch fluctuations- revitalization with internal balance and creativity. This is exactly what actor Yursky played in Ostap Bender’s “The Golden Calf.” (And let’s compare again: two actors are still two different Benders, and the difference in the actors’ voices played an important role in the creation of these images).

9. Irrhythmic vibrations: there is an uneven rise and fall in tone - imbalance, lack of stability.

10. Round-flowing manner speaking with soft transitions of individual sounds and words is a deep, full emotional life. So said Pierre Bezukhov from the novel "War and Peace". It is no coincidence that Natasha Rostova believed that there was something “round” about him.

11. Angular and abrupt speech with sudden changes in volume - sober, focused, pragmatic thinking, sometimes nervousness. You can find in a certain type of officers, teachers and politicians with obvious or hidden authoritarianism, a tendency to dictate.

The human voice has different pitches depending on individual characteristics organism and situation: during a conversation, for a man this value is from “do” of the first octave to “do” of the second octave, and for a woman - from “sol” of the second octave to “sol” of the third octave; when reading aloud for a man - from “G” of the first octave to “G” of the second octave, and for a woman - from “A” of the second octave to “A” of the third; when shouting, exclamation for a man - from “do” of the third octave to “mi” of the third octave, for a woman - from “mi” of the fourth octave to “fa” of the fourth octave.

For comparison, we note that the supersonic passenger plane Concorde, when lifting off from the runway, produces noise in 130 dB.

Duration of sound made by a person

If the average duration of one sound (for example, the note "A") without a change in tone and on one breath for most people 20-25 s, then the record is 55 With.

Different ways of speaking


Do a little experiment that will leave you voiceless. Place your fingers on the neck on either side of the trachea at the level of the Adam's apple and first speak in a normal voice. Due to the friction of air against the vocal cords, you will feel vibration. Then whisper something. The vocal cords stop vibrating even though you continue to speak. Why? Because in this case, words are pronounced solely due to exhaled air and mouth movements.

Inhalation speech

We always speak on the exhale. Only in rare cases do we do this while inhaling, uttering short words such as “yes” or “no.” Try experimenting and making your voice very clear. Call one of your friends and talk to him while breathing. Your voice will change so much that even a close friend will not recognize you.