Evening makeup step by step for brown eyes. Photo: step-by-step evening makeup for brown eyes in lilac-blue tones

Nature has endowed brown-eyed girls with a natural expressive look, especially if the iris is dark brown. To do beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes, you need to take into account many nuances: skin tone, face shape, eyebrow line, presence or absence of bangs. It’s worth figuring out how best to combine colors decorative cosmetics, what makeup rules to follow in order to create a brilliant image for a special occasion.

What is evening makeup

Evening makeup is intense. For a festive look, bright colors of cosmetics, unusual textures, and products with glitter are used, which will add a touch of elegance and chic to the evening look. Impeccability is one of the requirements for such makeup. Violation of the harmony of colors, shades, contours will ruin everything so much that the look will become not festive, but vulgar.

Exist different techniques makeup used for different types celebrations In order for a woman’s look to fit perfectly into the holiday setting, you need to clarify the dress code and format of the holiday in advance and make up in accordance with them:

  • Model. Designed for going on the catwalk, participating in beauty contests, wedding ceremonies and other celebrations that require extraordinary makeup. To create a spectacular female image, decorative patterns on the face can be used. For such cases, rhinestones are appropriate.
  • Disco. It is used by young ladies to create a special image when visiting nightclubs, discos, and dance floors. It is acceptable to use bright decorative cosmetics with sparkles and luminescent elements.
  • Classical. Used to appear at social events, theater, cinema. The makeup must be flawless, the makeup must be long-lasting, ideally complement a woman’s evening dress, emphasizing elegance. The color range of shadows is selected from noble green, brown, and golden shades.
  • Office. This make-up will look harmonious at festive corporate events, birthday celebrations of the manager, parties among employees. This type of makeup should differ from everyday makeup only in the depth of the natural color palette of decorative cosmetics. For this, darker shades of shadows, lip gloss and shimmers (blush and powder with shimmering particles) are used.


Cosmetics for evening makeup must be of high quality to ensure durability throughout the holiday. For eyeliner, it is better to choose a liquid liner so that the arrow on the eyelids is clear and bright. Use a cosmetic pencil or shadow to emphasize the arch of the eyebrows. In the evening, pearlescent and shiny shadows look impressive. Their tone is chosen based on the color of the outfit and the type of appearance. Brown-eyed blondes should choose a lighter color palette, and brunettes should choose a darker one.

To complete your evening makeup, mascara will help make your eyelashes longer and fuller. To do this, you need to choose a brasmatic with the desired effect. The quality of the carcass plays an important role. It is unacceptable for particles of cosmetics to fall on the face and become smeared. Lipstick for evening makeup can be chosen in rich shades or classic red.

Basic Rules

There are universal rules for creating an evening makeup look. Girls with any iris color should know them in order to highlight their beauty. Before applying decorative cosmetics, it is necessary to cleanse your facial skin and moisturize it well with a suitable cosmetic product. A radiant health, perfectly even complexion is the key to a woman’s attractive appearance. To achieve it you need:

  1. Properly choose a base (foundation) for makeup, which is designed to hide all skin imperfections with the help of the necessary effects: matte, moisturizing, shimmer, etc.
  2. Apply a toner (concealer, Foundation etc.). It is necessary that it ideally matches the natural color of the skin.
  3. With the help of oily texture correctors (darker powder), you need to give the necessary relief to the face: hide or highlight cheekbones, adjust the shape of the wings of the nose, etc.
  4. Apply blush.
  5. Seal the makeup with the thinnest layer of loose powder.

In addition, you must remember the following rules:

  • Dark shadows visually make your eyes appear smaller, so you shouldn’t use them if this effect is undesirable.
  • Be sure to apply mascara to your eyelashes. Without this, the festive makeup will not achieve harmonious completeness.
  • In holiday makeup, it is customary to focus either on the eyelids or on the lips, so as not to overdo it with bright colors and not make your appearance vulgar.

Step-by-step makeup for brown eyes

Makeup artists advise brown-eyed girls to use purple, green, brown, and nude shades of eyeshadow for makeup. To do beautiful make-up for brown eyes, it is necessary to correlate the color scheme of eye makeup with hair color:

  • For blondes with brown irises, the following shadows are most suitable:
  1. sand;
  2. dark pink;
  3. green.
  • Brunettes suit these shades of eyeshadow:
  1. dark brown;
  2. golden;
  3. lilac;
  4. fuchsia colors;
  5. black.

If you master the basic principles of applying decorative cosmetics, you can successfully experiment with the color palette, each time improving your ability to transform your face depending on your mood or the need to create a certain look. Correct makeup for brown eyes involves several steps:

  • Draw eyebrows. To make them look natural and expressive, you should choose a pencil color that is one shade darker (or lighter) than your hair. Other options can bring disharmony to the image, because the eyebrows will focus too much attention on themselves. Using a pencil, you need to make small strokes along the hair growth of the eyebrow arch. Then blend with a brush and comb through with a brush.
  • Apply eyeliner. Makeup artists do not insist on a clear sequence of drawing the arrow and applying shadows. The main thing is that it turns out neatly and the makeup requires a minimum of adjustments.
  • The technique of applying shadows depends on the natural fit of the eyes. If they are deeply set, the eyelid is covered with light shadows and shaded. The inner corners are highlighted using the lightest colors. Above the fold of the upper eyelid, shade the middle shade of the shadow.
  • In this case, it is better not to use eyeliner at all or draw thin lines with a pencil along the area where the eyelashes grow. For close-set eyes, light shadows are applied to the inner corner of the bridge of the nose, and darker ones are applied to the outer corner. For the upper eyelid and area under the eyebrow, only white tones are used. Wide-set eyes require highlighting the area under the eyebrow with shadow. Middle tones are applied to the upper eyelid, and darker tones are applied to the inner corners.
  • Painting eyelashes with mascara. Additional volume can be obtained by slightly powdering them before applying paint. Using a brasmatic brush, precise twisting movements should be carried out from the base to the ends of the hairs. Apply 2-3 layers of mascara, waiting for it to dry. For close-set eyes, the emphasis is on the outer edge; closer to the nose, you should only lightly touch the eyelashes with a brush. Girls whose eyes are far from the bridge of the nose need to paint more eyelashes in the center of the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Lips. To create an evening look, you need to use a lip liner. The color of the contour should be 1-2 shades darker than the lipstick or identical to it. Contour lines need to be shaded to give female image sensuality. Volume will be added by a drop of gloss applied to the center of the upper and lower lips.


Festive makeup for brown eyes is not difficult to apply yourself if you master the step-by-step technique. A simple evening make-up based on golden and lilac eyeshadow that emphasizes the expressiveness of brown eyes consists of several steps:

  • Cleanse the skin before applying decorative cosmetics with special cosmetics. Cover the upper eyelid with a thin layer of a special foundation to ensure long-lasting makeup.
  • Using a soft brush, apply black matte shadows from the middle of the upper eyelid to the bend line along the outer edge.
  • Apply golden shadows from the inner corner to the border with black, blending the transition.
  • Apply purple shadow along the upper border of the moving eyelid. Using a brush, make smooth transitions from color to color.
  • From the middle of the lower eyelid to the outer corner, blend black shadows. Connect them along the bend line with the upper eyelid according to the desired result: at an acute angle - to give an almond-shaped cut, a rounded line will create the effect of wide open eyes.
  • Connect the inner corner from the middle of the upper eyelid to the beginning of the dark line on the lower eyelid with golden shadows.
  • Using a black pencil, draw a thin line along the eyelash line. Blend with the applicator so that there is no visible boundary between the pencil line and the shadows.
  • Apply mascara and lipstick according to the rules described above.


Nude make-up is becoming increasingly popular - a make-up that uses cosmetics natural shades. Light evening makeup for brown eyes emphasizes naturalness and hides all skin imperfections with cosmetics, beneficially corrects facial features. The technique of its implementation is based on ways to give freshness to a woman’s face. Young ladies use delicate evening makeup to attract attention with its naturalness. To create such an image you need:

  • Apply makeup base. Use color corrector to even out your complexion:
  1. green – will hide redness around acne;
  2. lilac – will mask the yellowish tint of the skin;
  3. white – will make bruises invisible;
  4. blue - will add whiteness to the skin.
  • Apply foundation and set with loose powder.
  • Using compact powder of different tones, give the necessary relief to the face:
  1. Highlight your cheekbones with powder one tone darker than your base skin color.
  2. Use a blush brush to slightly shade the sides of the forehead and chin.
  • Use highlighter to highlight areas of the face to give it a fresh look. Apply the cosmetic product to:
  1. cheekbones;
  2. area above the upper lip;
  3. middle of forehead.
  • Apply blush. Brown-eyed, dark-skinned girls are more suited to peach shades.
  • Highlight the eyebrow line with shadows that should be half a tone lighter than the color of the hairs.
  • For nude makeup, use matte shadows using the following technique:
  1. A beige shade is applied to the crease of the upper eyelid, slightly moving towards the temple.
  2. Peach color cover the mobile eyelid. Cover with highlighter on top.
  3. Use a milky tone to highlight the area under the eyebrows and the corners of the eyes.
  • Using a white pencil, draw an arrow along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. For dark ones, lightly touch the space between the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. This line should be barely noticeable and shaded.
  • Apply mascara more intensely than for daytime delicate makeup. You must not overdo it, otherwise heavily painted eyelashes will create disharmony.
  • Lip pencil and lipstick should be natural tones. The contour should not be visible, it serves only to maintain the durability of the lipstick. In the evening delicate makeup For brown eyes, it is appropriate to use lip gloss.


Sometimes, in order to realize the evening look a girl has planned, a bright make-up for brown eyes is required. To do this, use shadow colors that contrast with the iris: blue, purple, lilac, etc. Characteristic Features performing evening make-up are:

  • The main bright shade is applied to the moving eyelid.
  • A color is applied along the crease of the upper eyelid, one tone darker than the main one.
  • Auxiliary shades are applied to add depth to the selected palette on the eyelid and above its crease. Transitions between different shadows are carefully shaded.
  • White and silver tones are used to highlight the area under the eyebrow and corners.
  • Sequins, contrasting touches of shadows, rhinestones, if necessary, are used to complement the bright makeup.

To enlarge small eyes

Those with a small eye shape should learn the techniques of using decorative cosmetics that will help correct this defect:

  • Arrows. For evening make-up, an Egyptian-shaped eyeliner line is ideal, which enlarges the cut and gives the look of oriental mystery. If you need to soften the roundness, you should draw an arrow from the middle of the upper eyelid beyond the natural fold of the outer corner. A line drawn with a white pencil along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid will help to visually enlarge the eyes.
  • Too dark shadows are taboo, as they give a shrinking effect. It is necessary to use only a light palette of colors.
  • Eyelashes must be painted, especially carefully and intensively - on the upper eyelid. This technique creates the effect of wide-open eyes.
  • Makeup artists advise following along top line line the cheekbones with a liquid cosmetic marker.
  • Eyebrows should not be wide.

To the red dress

An evening look with a red dress is a win-win option for those who want to be the center of attention. It is worth remembering that this image requires careful preparation, because one wrong step in makeup, and the look can become vulgar. The basic rules for evening make-up for a red dress are as follows:

  • Eyeliner should be exclusively black. For a festive look, it is better to use a liquid contour texture. This will add expressiveness and mystery to the image.
  • Brows. You should highlight them not with a cosmetic pencil, but with shadows. They should not draw attention to themselves. There is no need to apply shadow to the area under the eyebrows; here it is better to apply powder so as not to focus attention on the eyebrow arch.
  • Shadows should be chosen in natural beige, silver and white tones. The emphasis should be on black eyeliner and red lips to match the dress.
  • For eyelashes, only black mascara is appropriate. It is necessary to give them as much volume as possible.
  • Lips should be painted with high quality lipstick. Contour pencil should not differ in color. You need to draw the contour of the lips so that it ideally serves to support the lipstick.

Smokey Ice

Smoky eyes – this is how the type of evening makeup called Smoky eyes is translated. The technique of its implementation is based on careful shading of shadows and a smooth transition of dark tones of shadows from the outer edge to light ones at the corner:

  • Most dark tone Apply to the moving eyelid from the middle to the outer fold.
  • Light shadows - in the inner corner and under the eyebrow.
  • Apply the main tone above the crease of the upper eyelid. For brown-eyed girls, these are rich brown, purple, blue, plum, etc.
  • Darken the outer edge of the lower eyelid with the main color, adding a little dark to it. Blend towards the center of the eyelid.
  • Mark the inner corner with white.
  • Use eyeliner to draw an arrow on the upper eyelid, slightly raising the line to the outer edge, to give the eyes an almond shape.
  • Apply mascara to upper and lower eyelashes.

For deep-set eyes

To create an evening make-up for a face with deep-set eyes, you need to know some secrets that will help visually smooth out this small natural defect:

  • Light shadows visually enlarge the eyes.
  • Emphasis should be placed on the area between the eyebrow line and the upper eyelid. Pearlescent shadows with the addition of sparkles will look great here. Artificial lighting helps to visually enlarge the shiny areas on the face.
  • Distribution of tones:
  1. The most dark color highlight the outer corner to visually lengthen it.
  2. To apply to the upper movable eyelid, use shadows one tone lighter.
  3. The area above the crease of the eyelid is shaded with the lightest color of the selected palette.
  4. Transparent shadows with a shimmering effect are applied to the eyebrow area.
  • When drawing arrows for deep-set eyes, you should not use liquid eyeliner. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid must be highlighted with a light pencil to emphasize this area.

Professional makeup artists share some useful tips for those brown-eyed beauties who decide to create their own evening look:

  • When choosing cosmetics for the evening, you need to take into account the lighting of the designated place. Knowing this, it will not be difficult to decide how appropriate the bright colors of the makeup will be. In intense lighting, it is better to stick to a light palette of colors, but add shine and shine to the image.
  • Shadows should be in harmony with the color of clothing and lipstick in an evening look. It is also important to take into account skin color. Fair-skinned blondes with brown eyes should not wear too dark shadows so as not to look older than their age.
  • When applying evening makeup, it is always necessary to take into account the facial features, line and thickness of the eyebrows. There is no need to blindly copy the makeup technique you see. To make the image harmonious, it is worth considering individual characteristics faces.
  • For evening makeup, it is better to use proven methods of applying decorative cosmetics so that there are no unpleasant surprises just before going out.
  • Wide eyeliner makes brown eyes look more expressive and deep.
  • Dark shadows visually make your eyes appear smaller, so you should not use them if this effect is not desired.
  • The quality of cosmetics determines how long a woman’s chic evening look will last, so you need to carefully consider the choice of cosmetics or contact a professional makeup artist before the celebration.

Photo of evening makeup for brown eyes


Brown-eyed ladies, unlike gray-eyed, blue-eyed or green-eyed ladies, have one significant advantage. The brown shade of the eyes is much more mysterious, brighter and more attractive. In addition, dark eyes are usually framed by fluffy black eyelashes, so sometimes you shouldn’t tint them too much, just emphasize the natural charm.

Choosing a pencil and eyeliner for brown eyes

For a strong and bright accent of brown eyes, liquid eyeliner and a pencil are indispensable attributes.

It is advisable to apply eyeliner with a thin arrow closer to the place where eyelashes grow.

To make the line smoother, movements when applying eyeliner should be relaxed and light. For an evening out, make the eyeliner line a little brighter and thicker to highlight the natural appeal of a dark look.

The classic option is to use pencils or black liquid eyeliner; brown-eyed women are lucky. All of them can easily buy eyeliners for makeup, as well as cosmetic pencils of any tones. Pale purple colors go well with shades of pinkish tones, and lilac palettes harmonize with chocolate ones.

Mascara for coloring brown eyes

Ladies with dark eyes, as well as thick and long eyelashes, do not need to buy voluminous or expensive lengthening mascara.

On not very thick eyelashes, it is better to apply paint in a couple of layers.

To deepen the look and give it expressiveness, before applying mascara, cover the eyelashes with loose powder without color or apply a special two-phase powder, and only then use classic mascara.

You don't have to buy standard black mascara. Makeup artists recommend choosing brown mascara for light brown hair; the main thing is to apply it with neat and even strokes, separating the eyelashes from each other so that they do not stick together.

Expressiveness of the eyes with the help of shadows

Dry or wet eye shadows play an important role in the makeup of brown eyes. It is important for them to choose the right shades and undertones and combine them harmoniously. Light brown eyes are harmonized with brownish decorative shadows; there is no need to use pretentiously bright colors.

It is better to separate the eyelid and apply dark shades to the upper zone, and to avoid a clear boundary of tones, use a neutral shade of mascara. Champagne-colored shadows, as well as all sorts of delicate and bright shades of purple, suit honey eyes.

But it is better not to create a strong contrast of shadows with the shade of the eyes.

Ladies with attractive light brown eyes should choose delicate violet, bright bronze, and metallic colors. Makeup with silver shadows looks unnatural during the day. It is better to apply them in the evening.

Dark chocolate eyes will become brighter if you tint them with all the colors of green grass, light purple shadows or brownish ones.

Step-by-step daytime makeup for brown-eyed ladies

This everyday makeup is ideal for daily business meetings, work days or parties.

Find out also how you can use it to get rid of such negative signs as bags and swelling under the eyes.

Selection of colors for different tones of dark eyes

Dark brown and classic brown eyes look more expressive if you choose shadows of high and medium saturation. Here you should wisely combine light and dark tones of shadows.

Dark eyes look good with soft beige, sand, sophisticated dark pink or purple shadows. Dark-skinned girls are better off buying a standard brown-olive palette.

Green-brown eyes are perfectly emphasized by liquid brown shadows and the same mascara. Blue and light blue color schemes are worth trying.

In order not to look old-fashioned, it is better to abandon the boring mother-of-pearl and give preference to matte textures.

Delicate shades for everything daytime makeup- perfect option. Greenish inclusions in the eyes will be emphasized by lilac-violet shades, grape, lavender or eggplant colors. The brownish color scheme is most suitable to highlight the unusual and attractive shade of the iris. The colors of coffee with milk, chocolate, caramel, the palette of autumn foliage or terracotta also look good.

For light brown eyes, makeup professionals recommend chocolate, soft pink, and silver shadows. Fair-skinned girls with a similar eye shade choose harmonious cool shadows - all tones of blue or lush green.

To add charm to your look, for daytime makeup choose brown mascara and liquid eyeliner of the same shade.

For brown-eyed blondes, natural makeup is ideally harmonious, including combinations of sand, light beige, soft peach, chocolate, and coffee tones. Light colors open up the look the most, giving it freshness and depth.

For a natural look, peach blush, brownish mascara and a thin eyeliner, gloss with a subtle pinkish tint are great.

A romantic evening look is emphasized with sophisticated turquoise, bright lavender, and light olive shades.

You should not apply greenish shades of make-up to fair skin.

Mother-of-pearl will add some zest in the evening, but in order not to overload the style, it is better to shade it smoothly. On themed parties Bright lipstick looks good on brown-eyed blondes, which gives the image richness and attractiveness.

Blue makeup for brown eyes

Extravagant ladies and young girls who want to stand out from the crowd can afford this bright experiment. Cool shades of blue and cyan will highlight the brilliance and attractive enthusiasm of dark brown eyes. The main thing here is to play on the contrast of the blue decorative shadows themselves and the iris of the eyes.

Eye shadows and decorative eyeliner pencils blue flowers It suits dark-haired ladies with brown eyes more than red-haired and fair ones. They attract the eye to the face, so it is important to tone it perfectly so that the skin looks healthier and more well-groomed, highlighting radiant and rested eyes.

Makeup for small eyes

Brown eyes can be different, but if they are small, droopy or deep-set, then you will have to abandon the warm and dark palette. The primary task is to visually enlarge the look, and only then emphasize the beauty of the eye color.

The iris of small brown eyes will be shaded by natural tones of purple, peach, olive, as well as beige-brown.

A darker tone is brought closer to the delicate corners of the eyes, and the eyeliner itself or a thin pencil should be slightly shaded so that the eyelash line is not clearly expressed.

It is better to choose a decorative mascara that lengthens eyelashes and has a volume effect to make small dark eyes visually wider.

Makeup artists sometimes apply a thin line of pearlescent or beige shadow under the lower eyelid.

Light shadows create a contrasting frame for narrow eyes. Only for evening makeup, carefully choose and apply a darker palette. Milky, white, vanilla, sand, ivory, pinkish and yellowish shadows are ideal for tinting the upper eyelid. To create light shimmers, they are also applied under the eyebrow area. Dark shadows clearly and neatly highlight the shape of the eyes.

Wedding makeup for brown eyes

Warm and deep brown eyes look perfect at a wedding if expressed correctly. Eyes painted at a wedding by a professional makeup artist who used coffee, delicate hazelnut, chocolate shades, with honey and brown shadows in contrast, look mysterious and charming at a wedding. A pleasant sand color scheme at a wedding is best combined with darker colors.

Brides with brown eyes can also turn to cool and bolder tones - blue, bright cornflower blue, brilliant purple, lavender. Blonde hair Greenish colors also go well with dark eyes. Orange and flashy terracotta shadows make brown eyes look shallow and dull, which are best avoided when preparing for the most important day.

The newlywed's look will be tender and touching if you make a smooth gradient transition from light to darker. The shadows are blended well on their own, avoiding aggressive and sharp arrows. The emphasis is on beautiful eyelashes, which are painted with good dark ink. It makes the eyes velvety and sophisticated.

Everyday unobtrusive makeup

  1. Choose brown, cream and light beige shadows. It can be matte, not pearlescent. A light tone is applied to the bottom and top, and a dark brown color is shaded closer to the corners. The outer corner of the eyes is emphasized with a black or dark brown pencil, slightly shaded. Then mascara is applied to the eyelashes, and light makeup for every day is ready, the main thing is to use 2 colors, a dark and a lighter palette.
  2. Pearlescent shadows are applied to the eyelids, shaded, and under the eyebrow area. At the end, add a thick dot of dark shadows and shade with a large brush. The final step is to apply black fluffy mascara to the eyelashes, as well as peach or delicate pinkish blush. For lips, light lipstick, discreet gloss or just a moisturizing scrub are suitable.
  3. Summer makeup is ideal with a combination of rich purple on the upper eyelid. Dark brown or any light matte shadow is applied discreetly to the outer corners of the eyelids and makes a soft transition. In summer, it is not necessary to use mascara, decorative bright pencils and thick eyeliners, especially in the heat. They are suitable for an evening rendezvous or party.
  4. For daytime light eye makeup, make-up artists recommend not using bright shadows; light tones with transitions to darker colors are enough to emphasize the depth and expressiveness of the eyes. Clear and thick lines of eyeliner will look pretentious and unnatural, and eyeliner should be carefully shaded.

Evening option

You can do beautiful evening makeup yourself if you adhere to the above rules. If the iris of the eyes has a soft golden edging, then golden, pinkish and peach shadows will wait for evening makeup. Discreet and delicate shades are given by light shadows on the inner eyelid area.

Combinations of deep emerald shadows with shades of brown and gold are perfect for a festive evening. You can tint your eyes with brownish mascara rather than flashy black mascara. Excessive showiness in evening makeup should also be avoided. Don't look too colorful and vulgar. It is more ideal to place accents - make the eyeliner thin and the eyelashes fluffy.

Oriental or Arabic makeup for brown eyes

Eastern beauties stand out for the beauty of their attractive dark eyes. You can recreate all the secrets of their makeup yourself. The main accents are placed on expressive eyes and clearly defined eyebrows.

Arabic or oriental makeup requires the mandatory use of black liquid eyeliner. A clear and bright line is made on the eyelids, slightly extending it beyond the upper eyelid. Such arrows give the eyes an almond shape.

Shadows for oriental makeup are chosen in 2 tones, preferably with a pearlescent rather than matte texture, because oriental makeup is more related to evening make-up options. For brunettes with dark eyes, silver, purple, brown, lilac shades are suitable; for blondes, dark pink, sand, and beige tones are ideal. The eyebrows are slightly lengthened with a dark pencil, making them more expressive.

Just because you have the same eye color as half of humanity doesn't mean you're destined to blend in with the crowd. Beautiful everyday makeup for brown eyes will highlight their expressiveness. Which colors are right for you? How to do everyday makeup for brown eyes? The lessons you will find in this article will help you answer these questions.

Winning combinations

Here are the shades of eyeshadow you should have in your makeup bag to make your look even more beautiful:

But red and yellow, as a rule, do not go well with brown eyes.

Natural beauty

Achieving the effect of “bare” skin while hiding imperfections and refreshing your appearance is not an easy task.

Let's look at this gentle everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step:

If you want to make your look more expressive, then use black eyeliner and draw a thicker line. To make your makeup look harmonious and complete, do not forget to line the lower eyelid with the same shadows that you used to highlight the crease on the upper eyelid.

Green and blue tones interestingly set off brown eye color. While soft neutral brown shades soften their brightness. This light everyday makeup for brown eyes will clearly demonstrate what it looks like.

How to repeat it?

  1. Apply greenish shadows with small sparkles to the entire moving eyelid. Don't bring the color too high.
  2. Highlight your crease with a brownish shade. Blend the colors so that there is no sharp boundary between them.
  3. Using a thin brush, use dark shadow to create a soft line along the eyelashes.
  4. Apply shimmery shadows under your eyebrows.
  5. Curl with a tweezer and carefully coat your eyelashes with mascara to make them fluffy and expressive.

And here’s what similar makeup would look like, but using turquoise color.

Experiment and find shades that suit you best.

Chocolate mint candy

You can also do everyday makeup for brown eyes differently using green and brownish shades.

Here's how it's done:

  1. Start at the outer corner of the eye and the crease of the eyelid. Apply dark beige eyeshadow to this area.
  2. Then apply a mint shade to the inner corner of the eye and the middle of the eyelid. Blend the border.
  3. Using a thin brush, highlight the lower eyelid with the same colors that were already used.
  4. All that remains is to make a thin line with eyeliner and apply eyelashes, and the makeup will be ready. For a more dramatic look, add dark brown eyeshadow to the crease.

10 minutes for makeup

Don't have time to put on makeup? It doesn't matter if you learn how to do this simple everyday makeup for brown eyes.

  1. Use an eyebrow pencil or wax kit to highlight their shape and color.
  2. Cover the entire eyelid with a very light matte eyeshadow to even out your skin tone.
  3. Apply highlighter to the inner corner of the eye and above the eye socket under the eyebrow.
  4. Draw a wide, expressive arrow, cover your eyelashes with mascara - and beautiful image ready.

Fashion trends

Eyeliner can be not only black or brown. Bright blue color looks very interesting in combination with brown eyes:

If that's too bright for you, check out how deep purple eyeliner dramatically changes the look of an otherwise almost classic neutral makeup look.

This is the case when a trend that came from the catwalk can be safely applied in everyday life.

Warm colors

The following everyday makeup for brown eyes is made using soft matte chocolate tones and a splash of purple.

  1. Start with an eyeshadow base and then apply light brown eyeshadow all over your eyelid using a small brush.
  2. Then line the crease with a darker brown color and blend it thoroughly.
  3. On the outer corner of the eye, add some warm purple eyeshadow.
  4. Don't forget to highlight your lower eyelid. To do this, draw it with a thin line on the bridge of the nose with brown shadows, and closer to the outer corner of the eyes with purple shadows.
  5. To “open” your eyes, apply a drop of light pearl shadows from the bridge of your nose.
  6. Using black eyeliner, draw a thin, neat line along the upper eyelid.
  7. Apply eyelashes.

Bright colors

Everyday makeup for brown eyes may include interesting color solutions. Look at these harmonious and beautiful images:

Dark eyes will help make you look more spectacular makeup for brown eyes, step by step photo will allow us to consider the implementation of this procedure in stages. Properly done makeup will make your look more expressive and beautiful.

To present your eyes favorably, you need to know what colors to use. In this case, the color palette of the chosen outfit and the shade of the hair are important.

Features of makeup for brown eyes

If by nature the eyes brown color, then you should not abuse too bright cosmetics in an effort to highlight them even more. It is important to feel normal.
Little tricks and makeup tips will help you bring it to life interesting ideas.

To paint your eyes beautifully, you should consider the following rules:

  • Silver-gray eyeshadow looks great with any eye shade.

Advice! You need to paint your eyes according to your type of appearance. There is a division into cold and warm. If platinum and silver are more suitable, then you are a cold type of woman. If gold jewelry goes better, then you are a warm type.

How to choose shadows?

The choice of eyeshadow color palette depends on the shade of dark eyes. For light brown eyes, you should use golden, brownish and emerald colors. Don't use too bright colors.

  • Dark brown eyes should choose green, bronze, brown or purple shades, but in a more saturated tone.

Also, when choosing shadows, you should pay attention to hair color. For fair-haired women, calmer colors are suitable: sand, pink or greenish tones.

Advice!When applying shadows, you should use a simple rule: a darker shade is applied to the upper eyelid, and a lighter tone to the lower.

Choosing eyeliner and mascara

A line is applied with eyeliner at a close distance from the eyelashes. In this case, the line on the lower eyelid should be very thin.

The chosen eyeliner color depends on the color of the eyeshadow. You can use not only standard brown and black tones, but also purple or lilac options.

Just because your eyelashes are naturally dark doesn't mean you don't need to use mascara. With its help you can add additional volume and length. To create fuller eyelashes, you should powder them a little before applying mascara.

Advice! In order to paint your eyes in an oriental style, you need to make the line wider closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Choosing a color palette

When choosing makeup colors, there are some subtleties that need to be taken into account:

  • Blondes should opt for beige, light green and sand shades.
  • Silver, chocolate and black colors are suitable for brunettes.

Girls with dark skin and large eyes can try Arabic makeup for brown eyes. In this case, arrows are used, and the eyebrows should be well drawn. Shadows of rich pearlescent shades are also selected.

The following tones can be wonderfully combined: blue with blue, brown with red or green with yellow. The contour of the eye is drawn with black eyeliner, and black shadows are shaded on top. Only then are the remaining colors used.

Advice! Not suitable for brown eyes different variants terracotta color. A spectacular make-up will be obtained by using opal, white and creamy shades.

How to do makeup: step by step

Standard eye coloring consists of the following steps:

  • The eye contour is emphasized with a pencil or eyeliner.
  • Shadows are applied. It is not recommended to use more than two colors. The lighter shade is distributed closer to the inner corner of the eye, and the darker shade is distributed closer to the outer corner. The transition between colors should be smooth. In this case, shading is used.
  • Mascara is applied. If two layers are used, then the second pass is performed after the first layer has completely dried.

Advice!To make your eyes larger, you need to draw a line with a white pencil along the inside of the lower eyelid.

Features of the evening option

Evening makeup for brown eyes can be more extravagant and bright than daytime makeup. This will help you take a step-by-step photo.

In this case, a bright color palette is used, as well as combinations of 3-4 shades.

The following recommendations will help you create an original image:

  • It is worth choosing one main shade, which is applied to the moving part of the eyelid.
  • Then take a color that is darker than the main one and apply it along the crease of the upper eyelid.
  • Then the remaining colors are applied and thoroughly shaded.
  • Use contrasting shades to add a pop of color.
  • You can use black eyeliner.

Advice!You can do makeup in style cat eyes. For this, pearl and beige shadows, as well as black eyeliner, are used. For lips, it is recommended to use brick-colored lipstick.

A nude style option is considered an interesting everyday makeup look. This is a makeup without color, that is, colors are used that are as close as possible to the natural shades of the skin and lips.

Such a simple option is not so easy to do. The foundation needs to be chosen so that it is not noticeable even in bright light.

All defects should be masked with concealer. Shadows are used in natural shades. They should perfectly match your skin tone. Additionally leveled skin covering around eyes.

Light glosses and matte lipsticks are used for lips. Mascara can be chosen in brown color.

Secrets of daytime makeup

Makeup is performed as follows:

  • The shadow base is distributed over the upper eyelid. A white line is drawn under the eyebrows with a white pencil, which will emphasize their clarity. The line needs to be shaded with a brush.
  • Use a brown pencil to make strokes at the outer corner, which are then shaded.
  • Then, starting from the inner corner, apply light, mustard and brown eyeshadow.
  • The borders of the transition are shaded.
  • Eyelashes are painted, blush is applied, and clear gloss is applied to the lips.

Advice! For girls with dark hair, it is recommended to use gold or lilac color for daytime wear. It is better not to use blue and green. For blondes, any pastel shades are recommended for this type of makeup.

Makeup for every day

Everyday makeup for dark or green-brown eyes is simple. It will require a base for shadows, mascara and light, black and brown shadows.

The base covers the moving eyelid. Then the same part is painted over with light shadows. Brown shadows are added to the outer corner. The boundaries should be smooth. For this, shading is used. The outer corner should be shaded with black shadows.

It will require a base for shadows, mascara and light, black and brown shadows

Advice! To create an expressive look, you can use false eyelashes. Painting with ink must be very thorough.

Makeup for brown-eyed blondes

For blondes with brown eyes, a more delicate color scheme is used.

Applying makeup has some features:

  • If the eyebrows are light, then they need to be tinted.
  • Shadows of light and pastel colors are recommended.
  • You can draw a thin line along the upper eyelid, which needs to be made thicker closer to the outer eyelid.
  • Blondes should not use a black pencil, as this will make their eyes look inflamed.
  • The eyeliner line of the lower eyelids is well shaded.
  • Shadows are applied. In this case, it is better to use combinations of shades of the same color.

Makeup for brown-eyed blondes. Step 1-4

Advice! If you paint your upper eyelids a light color, they will look tired. If you overdo it with pearl shades, you can create the effect of puffy eyelids. Eyebrows are shaded with a brown pencil.

The nuances of makeup for brunettes

It is not recommended to make your eyes and mouth bright at the same time.

The range of colors used can be quite wide. You can experiment with rich tones. In this case, catchy berry shades and purple colors are used.

Advice! Olive brown can be used by women with light brown eyes. An interesting solution would be a rich blue color. If your skin is light, then you should give preference to sea green, fuchsia or light blue.

This type of makeup has the following features:

  • Mother of pearl is applied above the eyebrow.
  • For drooping eyelids, you should not use clear lines. All contours and eyeliners are carefully shaded.
  • It is worth using loose shadows.
  • Smoky brown shadows are applied to the crease and blended well.
  • Thin arrows will add originality.

There is special makeup for narrow brown eyes. There are some secrets that will make small eyes appear larger.

  • The eyebrow line should be beautiful.
  • It is necessary to disguise dark circles.
  • When using dark shadows, they should only be applied to the middle of the pupil.
  • The shadows need to be shaded over the eye crease.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of paint, so as not to end up with a tasteless and vulgar image. When choosing makeup, you need to take into account your appearance and the chosen outfit. All elements must be harmoniously combined with each other.

When using contrasting shades, you need to ensure that they suit your face type.

Advice! Do not apply concealer with reflective properties to swollen eyelids. This will make them appear even larger. And to give a cat-like look, a black pencil is drawn on the area of ​​the lower mucosa.

Using helpful tips and step-by-step photos, you can create any type of makeup for brown eyes. To create natural makeup, a minimum of decorative cosmetics is used.

Girls with brown eyes have a very bright appearance and they should be especially careful in choosing makeup to avoid vulgarity. Brown eyes have many shades, the main thing is to choose the right shadows to highlight the uniqueness of their owners and make the makeup more sophisticated. There are several rules to follow:

  1. Light brown eyes in combination with dark skin are successfully emphasized by olive-brown shadows.
  2. For light gray eyes and pale skin, it is better to choose cool shades of fuchsia or aquamarine.
  3. Dark chocolate eyes will be emphasized by beige, plum and light pink shadows.
  4. Brown-green eyes can be lined with a black pencil and contrasting pink shadows.

Makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

If you have dark hair, then black, dark brown, and golden shadows will suit you. Girls with dark brown hair should be careful when handling black mascara; simply apply it lightly to the eyelashes. If your hair is lightened a couple of tones, then dark pink and beige shades will harmonize perfectly; you can experiment with different shades of green and sand colors. As for mascara, the lighter the shade of your hair, the preferable it is to use brown mascara.

Photo: An example of makeup for a brown-eyed girl with dark hair in brown tones

Photo: Everyday makeup for a brown-eyed girl with dark hair

Makeup for blondes with brown eyes

Natural light hair tone and brown eyes are quite rare. If you are the owner of this combination, beige, sand, chocolate, peach, and coffee shades will make your eyes more expressive. If you have fair skin and use sand and brown shades, it is important that they do not give off a yellowish tint. Lemon tones make the look sickly. Suitable for daytime natural makeup brown mascara, peach blush and lipstick with a pinkish tint. For an evening look, lavender, turquoise, pink and muted olive shades are recommended.

Photo: Makeup example for brown-eyed girls with blond hair

Daytime natural makeup for brown-eyed girls

In daytime makeup, girls with brown eyes should choose only light ones. pastel shades shadows, beige with a golden tint, light and pinkish-brown shadows will look great. Of course, when choosing shades, you should also take into account hair color.

Photo: example of daytime makeup for brown eyes

Photo: natural daytime makeup for brown eyes

Step-by-step daytime makeup for brown eyes in peach or pink tones.

  1. Apply ivory eyeshadow over the entire eyelid, touching the inner corner of the eye.
  2. Using a soft round brush, apply brown eyeshadow into the crease of the eyelid.
  3. Apply peach or pink shadows to the corner and middle of the eyelid.
  4. We line the edges of the eyelashes with chocolate-colored shadows.
  5. Apply the same shadows to the outer corner of the eye from above and below.
  6. The border of the shadows on the lower eyelid needs to be shaded. You can apply light sparkling shadows to the inner corner of the eye. All you have to do is apply mascara to your eyelashes and your day makeup is ready!

Photo: step-by-step daytime makeup for brown eyes in peach tones

Video: example of daytime makeup for brown eyes

This video shows a step-by-step technique for performing daytime makeup for girls with brown eyes.

Evening makeup for brown-eyed girls

For an evening look, owners of brown eyes should opt for brown, green, bronze, purple, blue and pink shades. In evening makeup, it is important to highlight the eyebrows more clearly.

Step-by-step evening makeup for brown eyes in lilac-blue tones

  1. Apply primer and beige shadow to the entire upper eyelid up to the eyebrows. Using a brush, apply blue-blue shadows to the upper eyelid, starting from the middle to the inner corner.
  2. To darken the corner of your eye, apply a little dark blue eyeshadow. The shadows should go towards the tip of the eyebrow and follow the slope of the lower eyelid, as if continuing it.
  3. Blend the color transition with a clean brush. Apply a light ivory shadow to the inner corner of the eye.
  4. We apply purple shadows in the crease of the eyelid and above it; they must be well shaded for a smooth transition of color.
  5. We line the lower eyelid with blue-blue shadows, and bring it closer to the corner dark shadows and blend.
  6. Apply black eyeliner with a small arrow and thickly coat the eyelashes with black mascara. Evening makeup is ready!

Photo: step-by-step evening makeup for brown eyes in lilac-blue tones

Video: example of evening makeup for brown eyes

This shows an example of evening makeup for brown-eyed girls, as well as the makeup application technique and sequence.

Step-by-step implementation of the “smoky eye” effect in dark brown tones.

  1. Apply a soft black pencil along the contour of the eyelashes on the upper and lower eyelids.
  2. We blend the sharp transition with a brush.
  3. Apply brown eyeshadow to the entire eyelid, extending beyond the crease, and blend thoroughly.
  4. Apply dark brown or black shadows at the edge of the eyelashes and also blend thoroughly. It is important to carefully shade clear lines; all shadows should have smooth transitions, fading to the eyebrow. You can apply light shadows, for example beige, under the eyebrow.

Photo: sequential application of shadows

Photo: “smoky eye” effect for brown eyes

Video: Wedding makeup for brown-eyed girls

This video shows an example wedding makeup for girls with brown eyes. The technique of applying wedding makeup is described, which shades of shadows are best to use and combine with each other.