Extracurricular activity. Class hour "Family together - and the soul is in place"

Today everything went wrong: I got up early and didn’t get enough sleep. Mom prepared semolina porridge in the morning, which I hate so much. My sister couldn’t find her things in the morning and told everyone that I hid them. At school, as luck would have it, everything I had learned yesterday flew out of my head, and as a result I received two bad marks. After school it started to rain. Not only did I get completely wet, I also slipped and fell into a puddle. Then she quarreled with her friends. It's not my fault! If they don't understand how difficult it is for me sometimes! I came home.
Dad first sent me to the store, then asked me to wash it.

A car. My sister took the phone. My parents don't want to watch the channel that I want to watch. They won't even let me go to the disco. Why is the world so cruel? I am tired of this! I remember screaming at my parents, my sister, putting on my jacket and running out into the street.
I'm walking, and there are tears in my eyes. Maybe I am wrong? Maybe I was doing something wrong?
It's eleven o'clock. I decided to return home. I'm opening the door. Mom and dad are standing, they come up and hug me. Sorry. I did everything wrong.
Finally this day is over. As they say, “The whole family is together and the soul is in the same place.”
My family, my home are my birth words.
What are they needed for? think like me!
Your family will help you
Your family will forgive you
Your family loves you so much
Family is your treasure
Take care of him like the apple of your eye
Save it!
The words - family and home are interconnected. There is no home without a family and no family without a home.
The family must be protected, otherwise it will collapse. There should be peace in the family,
Understanding, love. As they say: there is discord in the family, and I’m not happy at home.
So do everything possible to save your family!

(1 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Other writings:

  1. My family consists of four people: grandmother, mother, father, me. We spend our free time all together. After all, for every person “family” is the most precious thing, favorite word. And a home in a warm family atmosphere always warms and makes you happy. All holidays we Read More ......
  2. “One for all, and all for one.” The most precious thing a person has is his family, his relatives and friends. A person can reveal his “I” most fully in the family. Since childhood, regulated by family relationships, Read More......
  3. Family is the most important thing in a person’s life. In every family, regardless of its well-being, many disagreements, disputes, and quarrels always arise. But, despite all the conflicts, we can turn to our family and friends for help at any time. Our Read More......
  4. Having learned that an essay competition was being held, I decided to take part and talk about my family. Why? Yes, because my family" more expensive than gold, Friends". My family is very friendly. We all love each other, respect each other, and don’t leave each other in trouble. My family always Read More......
  5. “My Family” Formula of Happiness The secret of complete family happiness is to be free while living in a family. Freed from the fear of losing your family, develop your talent and individuality. And everything will be rewarded to you according to your deeds: The family is prosperous and everyone is happy there. Read More......
  6. Power is one big family. The more friendly and strong families there are in society, the stronger and more powerful our country will become. The family has existed for thousands of years. In a good strong family, everyone respects each other. I believe that our family Read More......
  7. Russia has always been strong in families, the preservation of family traditions, and respectful attitude towards older people. Nowadays many families are getting divorced. It is probably difficult for these people to get along together. After all, for a family union to be strong, the family must have common interests and mutual understanding. Parents must love Read More......
  8. They say that the family is the primary unit of society. This means that the family is the first and main “brick” from which the building of the entire society is built. Why “cell”? Perhaps because the basis of life for a bee hive is the honeycomb. And they consist of many cells, Read More......
The whole family is together and the soul is in the right place!



Goals and objectives:

  • Fostering an attitude towards family as a basic value of society.
  • Formation of a respectful perception of their home and family among SRC pupils.
  • Encourage children to think about relationships in their families.
  • Show the children that family qualities are established in the parental family.

Progress of the conversation:

1. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Set the mood for positive emotions.

Message to the target.

The purpose of our meeting is to talk about family relationships, family values, about the role of family in human life.

2. Introduction.

Today we met to talk about our attitude towards everything that surrounds us, about the attitude of those closest to us, about our family.

Listen to the tale of the Star.

A long time ago, many centuries ago, there were not so many stars in the sky as there are now. On a clear night, only one star could be seen, the light of which was either bright or very dim. One day the Moon asked Asterisk: “Asterisk, why is your light so different: sometimes bright, showing the way even at night; then dull and unnoticeable”?

The star was silent for a long time, and then, sighing, answered: “My light becomes dim when I am lonely. After all, there is not a single star next to me that looks like me. And I really want to see and hear someone next to me!

– On what nights does your light become bright? - asked Luna.

– My light becomes bright when I see hurrying wanderers. I was always interested to know what attracts them so much on the road, where are they in such a hurry?

-Have you learned the secret of the hurrying wanderers? - asked Luna.

“Yes,” answered Asterisk. “Once I asked this question to a wanderer who had been on the road for a long time. He looked exhausted and very tired from a long journey, every step was given to him with great difficulty, but his eyes...”

-What were his eyes like? - Luna asked in bewilderment.

“They glowed in the dark with happiness and joy,” the star answered, sighing heavily and continued. - Why are you happy, wanderer?

And he answered: “Freezing in the snow, starving without a piece of bread, suffocating from the heat, I walked forward, overcoming all obstacles, because I knew: warmth and comfort awaited me at home, the care and cordiality of my family - my wife, children, grandchildren. For the sake of their happy eyes, I am ready to do even the impossible.” The star fell silent, and then said: “Since that very time, I have been trying to give as much light as possible to those travelers who bring happiness to their home, to their family.” Luna looked at Star and asked: “My little helper! Would you like to have your own family, loving people who would help you make people happy?

“Is this possible?” - Star asked hopefully.

The moon, without saying another word, waved the sleeve of her golden robe, and at the same moment thousands of new stars shone in the sky, blinking their unique twinkling light to the little star, as if they were saying: “We are near, we are here, dear, we are now - one family"!

What is family?

3. Unfinished sentence.

Family is......

Family is where you are loved;

Family is a sparkle of souls;

Family is close people;

Family is faith, hope, love;

Family is loving people supporting each other in difficult times;

Family is those people who will support and help, those who give warmth and care and do not demand anything in return;

Family is a source of kindness and warmth, it is a place where you want to come, where you will always be understood;

Family is the most important thing in the world.

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova we read " Family is a group of close relatives living together, husband and wife, father and mother, grandparents, children.”

What could be more valuable than family?

The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,

And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Father and mother and children together

sitting at festive table,

And together they are not at all bored,

And it’s interesting for the five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more valuable than her?

On this fabulous land.

Of all human relationships, family is the oldest and greatest.

Its basic laws - fidelity, love, raising children - serve as the most solid foundations of all human good.. The word “family”, like the words “bread”, “water”, does not require decoding; it is absorbed by us from the first moments of life. Here she is next to each of us, in each of us, with her own unique spirit, appearance, style. A family is a husband and wife, a home, parents and children, grandparents. These are worries and joy, misfortunes and sorrows, these are habits and traditions, this is love.

For a child, a family is the place of his birth and development, it is a certain moral and psychological climate, it is a school of relationships with people. It is in the family that a child’s ideas about good and evil, about decency, about respect for material and spiritual values ​​are formed. With close people in the family, he experiences feelings of love, friendship, duty, responsibility, and justice. From time immemorial people have honored family traditions and expresses them not only in proverbs and sayings.

4. Working with proverbs.

Complete the proverb.

* Happy is he who ……… is at home.

* The whole family is together, ……. so the soul is in place.

* There is no need for treasure,……. if there is harmony in the family.

* In the sun it’s warm,….. in the mother’s presence it’s good.

* Agreeing family and…. grief does not take.

*Love and advice - ...... and no grief.

5 . Finger gymnastics(standing)

Raise your hand with your palm facing you and, in accordance with the text of the verse, bend your fingers in a certain sequence, starting with the ring finger, then the little finger, index finger, middle and thumb.

I know what I have
Friendly family at home:
This is mom
It's me,
This is my grandmother.
This is Dad,
This is grandfather.
And we have no discord.

6. Children's stories about their family.

(children can be asked to choose a question)

  • Name your family members.
  • What are the parents' names?
  • What do parents do?
  • How do you spend your evenings?
  • What family traditions exist in your family?
  • What skills and abilities do you acquire in your family for the future? family life?

7. Family tree

Now you and I will learn how to draw up a family tree for each of our families. To do this, take pencils and paper and draw a ground line in the middle of the sheet.

Our support is mom and dad: we will draw them in the form of two vertical lines, i.e. a trunk. You are the children of your fathers and mothers, that is, branches that grow and reach up to the sun. Draw a branch for this tree.

When you grow up and get stronger, you will have your own children - more small branches will appear on this tree. (As the story progresses, you can attach small photographs of family members to the drawings.)Now let's figure out how this tree appeared on earth, from what did it grow?(From the roots.) Where did your parents come from and who gave birth to them?(Grandmothers and grandfathers.)

We will draw them in the form of powerful roots, thanks to which the tree can stand firmly on the ground and not be afraid of storms and adversity. Mom has her own, and dad has his own roots, that is, everyone has both a mom and a dad. So, in our picture, how many roots will there be?(Four.)

All parts of the tree can be signed with the names of relatives or small photos can be pasted on them.

8. Family history and traditions

- Each family has not only its own history, but also its own traditions.

What traditions do you know?

All families celebrate birthdays! How many of you can tell us how your family celebrates birthdays in an interesting way?

It is mandatory for all people to celebrate family holidays such as weddings and the birth of a child. There is also religious rite baptism of children, as a result of which the child also has a godmother and father. There are holidays that are celebrated not only by one family, but by the whole country - these are national holidays.

In addition to holiday traditions, every family also develops work traditions: for example, women can pass on the ability to weave, sew or knit, and culinary wisdom from generation to generation; men pass on the skills of woodcarving, pottery, winemaking or farming.

What labor traditions does your family have?

9. A book is a family long-liver

In addition to traditions, some families have long-lived objects, those objects or books that are passed down in the family from generation to generation. My family also has such a long-lived book. Large encyclopedia about animals.

Are there similar long-livers in your family?

We live among people. Do not forget that our every desire is reflected in the people around us. Check your actions by asking yourself: are you doing harm or inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.

On what principles should family relationships be built?

Let's all formulate together the principles of family relationships

  • Attention and care.
  • Patience.
  • Mutual assistance and politeness.
  • Respect the opinions of people close to you, even if you disagree with them.
  • Always do as you would like to be treated.
  • All relationships are built only on trust.

Game: “What would you like to wish your family?”

(children's wishes to their family)

10. Summary

What makes a family a family?

Faith, hope, love, warmth and care, attention to each other, mutual support, trust, kindness, this is a place where you are loved and waited for, and where you want to return.

11. Reflection.

The participants stand in a circle, and the leader invites everyone to mentally put on their left hand everything they came with today, their baggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and on their right hand - what they learned new in this lesson.

Sections: Cool tutorial


  • developing an understanding of the importance and role of family in a person’s life;
  • instilling in students a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family, and personal responsibility.


  • multimedia equipment, screen.
  • presentation with sound;
  • audio recordings
  • drawings by students on the theme “Dad, Mom, I – a friendly family!”


Teacher: Good afternoon guys and dear parents. Today we have a special meeting. We will talk about what is so important in the lives of each of us. But you can tell what you say for yourself after solving the puzzle. ( Annex 1 , slide 1)

– Of all human relationships, family is the oldest and greatest. Its basic laws - fidelity, love, raising children - serve as the most solid foundations of all human good.
The word “family,” like the words “bread” and “water,” does not require decoding; it is absorbed by us from the first moments of life.
Here she is next to each of us, in each of us, with her own unique spirit, appearance, style.

A family is a husband and wife, a home, parents and children, grandparents. These are worries and joy, misfortunes and sorrows, these are habits and traditions, this is love.


But how did the word “FAMILY” appear?
Once upon a time the earth did not hear about him,
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
“Now I’ll ask you 7 questions:
Who will give birth to children, my queen?
And Eve quietly answered: “I”
Who will raise them, my goddess?
And Eve humbly answered: “I am.”
Who will look after the grandchildren, oh my joy?
And Eve still answered: “I”
Who will cook the food and iron the clothes?
Will he caress me and decorate my home?
“I, I,” inhaling, she answered, “I, I.”
This is how it came into being

(Slide 3 – musical accompaniment)

Teacher: Today our meeting is dedicated to all of you: old, young, very young, and completely grown-up. I welcome everyone who came to our joint class hour.

We are growing together as a family!
The basis of the foundations is the parental home!
All your roots are in the family circle!
And you leave your family in life!

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the family consisted of more than one generation. They lived together and helped each other. Some kept up with the housework, others worked in the fields, older brothers and sisters protected the younger ones.
They lived cheerfully, respected old age, and protected the young. The families were large and strong.
Yes, it’s not easy for one person to live. And no matter what they say, family is the main wealth in life. Nowadays, families are small, often with one child at a time.
– But I wonder which family has an easier time living in the world? (Answers from guests).
– I completely agree with you. I think it’s easier for a family where they don’t lose heart, don’t lose heart, and enjoy life.

Teacher: Now let's spend quiz “My home is my castle”(slides 4-10)

– What is the name of a house in a Ukrainian or Belarusian village? (Hut)
– Name the transportable dwelling of nomadic peoples. (Kibitka)
– What is the name of the dwelling of the Caucasian highlanders, made of stone? (Saklya)
– What is the name of a hut made of clay or coated with clay? (Mazanka)
– What is the name of a structure made of poles, covered with branches, straw, grass? (Hut)
– What is the name of a covered hole in the ground dug for housing? (Dugout)
– What is the name of a separate living space in a house with a kitchen and a hallway? (Apartment)

Teacher: Read L. Tolstoy's story “The family porridge is boiling thicker.”

Once upon a time a boy lived as an apprentice and came home for a holiday. We sat down to porridge. The boy said: “What a thick porridge you have, the owner doesn’t have such porridge.” And the mother said: “The family porridge is boiling thicker.”

Conversation on questions:

– Do you understand everything in the story?
– What questions do you have?
– How did you understand the title of the story?
– Do you agree that everything seems better and closer in the family?
– Can a mother’s words be called a proverb?
– Yes, it really is possible, because the proverb contains folk wisdom. Let's try to explain the following proverbs.

– Remember, dear guests, from which feature film does the song sound?

(Slide 13. Musical break.)

– What was the very first word you uttered in your life?

- A Now let's look at a short scene prepared by the Rowan and Birch guys.

– The word “mother” sounds equally tender in all languages .

(Slide 15 )

– Today we want to give poems to mothers

Students read poetry. (Appendix 2 )

– Poets express their love and respect for a woman-mother in poems, composers in songs, artists in paintings.

(Slides 17-19)

– The guys created their own gallery of drawings dedicated to their family.

(Exhibition of student drawings)

– How to write “dad” and “mom” in one word? (Parents)

– But I’m wondering how well you know your parents? Who is ready to take part in the quiz “What do you know about your mother?”

  1. Name the flowers that mom loves.
  2. What color is your mom's eyes?
  3. What season does she like best?
  4. What does mom like to do in her free time from work and household chores?
  5. What puts your mom in a good mood?
  6. What does your mother value in you?

(Slide 22 – musical break)

- And now a quiz about dad.

  1. What is your dad's profession?
  2. Does dad like his job?
  3. What is dad's favorite hobby, hobby?
  4. When is your dad happy for you?
  5. What does your dad value most about you?
  6. In what ways would you like to be like your dad?

– What do you guys think is included in the concept of “family”? And you, dear adults? (Answers from students, guests)
– But in the explanatory dictionary this definition is given... (slide 24)

“A family is a group of close relatives living together.” (Explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova)

– Often in our speech we use expressions that make us smile and make us think. Try to determine what the following expressions mean.

(Slides 25-26)

– Are grandparents members of your family if they live separately?

- Let's all sing together. (Musical pause)

- Oh, but now we can’t cope without moms and dads. Help us figure out who belongs to whom.

– We invite our guests to listen to the poems “Literary Page”.

(Slads 29-30)

- All family members have their own... (responsibilities)

- And I think you do too? So which ones? (Reading poems)

Group work

Children discuss the question “Is it good or bad when each family member has his own responsibilities?” (Slides 32-33)


– Let’s summarize our conversation about family:

  • Have you learned anything new that is useful to you?
  • How do you understand: what is “the world of family”? (Both children and adults answer)

Student reads:

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house welcomes me with warmth.
They are always waiting for you here with love
And they send you on your way with kindness
Father, mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
The five of them are interested.
The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.
Love and appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than that?
on this fabulous land.

Teacher: I wish you good luck in all your endeavors, family happiness and prosperity in your home.

We wish everyone happiness in family life!
May your children love you deeply!
May misfortunes pass you by.
And let it be sunny every hour!
We all wish happiness, peace and goodness!
May joy always reign in our families!

- But we will continue talking about family at our next classroom hours, so guys,

Tatiana Morozova
Family holiday “The whole family is together, so the soul is in place”

Target: Expand children’s ideas about their family, family traditions.

During the implementation of the project and the event, the following were decided: tasks:

1. Educational:

o continue to shape children’s ideas about family,family values, responsibilities, traditions;

o expand knowledge about the immediate environment, teach to understand family ties.

o instill love and interest in proverbs and sayings about family

2. Developmental:

o develop Creative skills parents and children in progress joint activities .

o develop the child’s communication skills - free communication with adults and children.

o enrich and activate children’s vocabulary

3. Educational:

o show value families for every person.

o cultivate feelings of love for your family and pride in it, feelings of respect for parents, desire and desire to take care of loved ones.

o create a joyful mood in children, a desire to actively participate in joint activities; support playful interaction between children and parents, popularize family leisure.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal (fiction, proverbs and sayings, solving riddles, creative stories)

Visual (exhibitions of children’s works, parents’ crafts, family newspapers, coat of arms of each families)

Gaming (surprise moments, games “Let's go family to the store» , "Let's go visit", “We are waiting for guests” "How do we live in kindergarten» , "Hospital", "What is good and what is bad")

Preliminary work: invitation to holiday, Preparation families of coats of arms, learning poems about family and songs. Preparing for the fairy tale show, making costumes. Writing a creative story "My pet", "My Dad's Military Service", "How we relax".

Illustrating proverbs and sayings about family, making crafts.

Family newspaper“We work and rest all family»

Progress of the holiday.

Educator: Hello, our dear parents, children, guests. It is no coincidence that we have gathered in this hall today. In 1993, the UN General Assembly established International Day Families. Since 1993, May 15th has been celebrated holiday. We gathered to tell everyone how friendly we are families.

Walls, roof, windows in it.

Before us is a solid HOUSE. -children in chorus

Who in the house gets up so early?

Are you worried about everyone? - MOTHER. -children in chorus

Who else lives in the house?

Dad, daughter and son.

Answer me, friends,

Who are they together?? - FAMILY. -children in chorus

IN family we are growing around you,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

IN family all your roots are around,

And you come out of life families.

IN family we create life around us,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home

Educator: Guys! Every person has a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. Many people have children, brothers, sisters. All of them together they make a family. How important it is that everything the family lived together, helped each other. It is very difficult to cope with various difficulties alone. If together we are friendly, Means, together We are strong and we are not afraid of any troubles or illnesses. And the fairy tale that we will now show to our guests will convince everyone that we need to live in harmony family.

DRAGING A TALE "About family.

SONG "ZAVALINKA" children and parents sing. Words by Matsegorova, music by Lukyanenko

Educator – What do our children think about their families?

Children read poetry

1. Family is mom,

Family is me,

Dad, grandma,

My brother and sister

Grandfathers, aunts -

All this, friends,

Repeated seven times

In a word FAMILY!

2. There are many fathers and mothers in the world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

Only among them there are only one -

They are the most dear to me.

Who are they? I'll answer:


3. I love my mother very much.

I love dad very much.

Mom bakes me gingerbread,

Dad reads books to me.

Dad, mom, Nastenka and me -

Our friendly family.

4. I love my grandmother too,

I love my grandfather too

I always help them

I sweep the floor and wipe off the dust.

Mom, dad, Egorka, me -

Our friendly family.

5. I love mom and dad.

And I love my sisters

With Natasha we swim, dive,

And Lenochka and I play snowballs.

Mom, dad, sisters, me -

Our friendly family.

6. Adults and children know

What is most important in the world -

Mom, Dad, you and me -

Together a friendly family.

7. Sunday - what luck!

Sundays are so needed!

Because on Sunday

Mom is making pancakes.

Dad washes the cups for tea.

We wipe them together,

And then we all family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

8. Dad, mom, me - we are friendly

We sit at festive table.

AND together We're not bored at all

And it’s interesting for the three of us.


Families There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their destinies are like stories planets:

Each one has something special, its own,

And there are no others like her.

The guys will sing a song about the most important thing for every person - about his family and volume what's with families begins to understand the meaning of the word "Motherland".


Educator: Dear parents, you and the guys and I were preparing for this holiday. All your works are presented in this room. You prepared a photo newspaper in which you told how you work and relax together and friendly with your family. You worked on crafts, illustrated proverbs and sayings about family. All your works are presented here in the hall.

The guys told and sang how good and calm they felt in family. Our children and their parents have fun, there is always something to do. And now I invite parents to show how they spend joint vacation, free evenings, playing with their guys, what examples they set.


1 competition Homework– each family prepares his coat of arms and motto at home families, and represents him at the game.

2competition "Warm-up"

Exercise: to compose into a single whole proverbs and sayings about home, about family.

Good family will add intelligence.

It's good to visit… (and home is better)

Home and... (walls help)

My house… (my castle)

It's warm in the sun... (and with the mother it’s good)

There is no better friend... (than my own mother)

All family together, … (so the soul is in place) .

Family without children, What… (clock without weight).

Where is the love and advice... (there is no grief there).

A husband without a wife is... (like a goose without water).

What is the treasure for, if... (V family is fine) .

In every hut (your rattles).

Family is strong, When… (there is only one roof above it).

Rot the tree while it bends, teach your child... (while listening).

Family pot…(always boiling).

A man without families(like a tree without fruit).

In good family(good children grow up).

3competition "Compositions"

Who can more successfully and quickly compose a poem based on the given first line?

A cow walked on the moon (Sang a song about herself.)

We asked the parrot (What did he do with the mug of tea)

A dragonfly landed on a hat (The hat flew up merrily.)

Ax soup made (That’s how things are, brother)

While the teams are thinking, we will listen to a poem.


It's very easy to be a mom

Only from morning to night

Dad needs to talk:

"I am very tired!"

No, it's not difficult mom be:

Once - lunch is ready,

Well, take the dishes to wash -

There are no more things to do.

By the way, wash,

Sew something.

If you take a broom in your hands,

You can rest.

Take my brother to kindergarten

Knit a scarf for dad.

I decided to help her

And I'll tell you straight:

There is no harder work

How to work as a MOTHER.

Now let’s hear from my mother how easy it is to be a mother of three sons.

How cool it is to be a mother of three boys!

(And this is clear to anyone without words)

AND instead of to congratulate me,

Let me tell you a little about this.

Being a mother of girls, of course, is not That:

There are dolls, dishes, a hospital, lotto,

There fluffy dresses and braids to toes

God gave me three boys.

My house is not decorated with vases of roses,

And the cyborg killer that my son brought,

Having found him in a puddle near his native house,

Cleaned, washed: and now it's like new.

No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!

Do you want to destroy a military base?

Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar?

Come to your senses, woman! This is a nightmare!

I will learn all car brands with them,

And all types of their tires will become larger.

They will grow up and enlighten me,

How the starter, cardan and jack work.

Without them I might not have known anything.

Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?

Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?

Bearings - what are they? Something with spikes?



4. Competition "Who is faster?" (for dads) Dads must dress the child, clothes turned inside out

5th competition For mothers - Competition - quiz "In the world of animals".

1. Animal - minibus. (Gazelle).

2. Animal - crosswalk. (Zebra).

3. An animal is a stowaway. (Hare).

4. The animal is a computer manipulator. (Mouse).

5. An animal is a manifestation of affection and love. (Weasel).

6. Animal - mushroom. (Fox).

7. Animal is a sports brand. (Puma).

8. An animal is a home. (Mink).

9. The animal is a slacker. (Sloth).

10. Animal - warship. (Armadillo).

11. Animal - a car. (Jaguar).

12. Animal - river. (Tiger).

And now our children will play a little. Screamer

The white-sided magpie is planning

Cook porridge.

Cook porridge and feed the children.

Gonna go to the market

Yes, I thought about it.

What should she buy?

To cook porridge,

Feed your kids?

New milk? (Yes. Let's clap.)

Egg? (No. We stomp.)

Semolina? (Yes. Let's clap.)

Head cabbage? (No. We stomp.)

Pickle? (No. We stomp.)

Jellied meat? (No. We stomp.)

Sugar and salt? (Yes. Let's clap.)

White beans? (No. We stomp.)

Ghee butter? (Yes. Let's clap.)

Is the fish salted? (No. We stomp.)

Bay leaf? (No. We stomp.)

Chinese rice? (Yes. Let's clap.)

Prunes and raisins? (Yes. Let's clap.)

Chocolate delight? (No. We stomp.)

6 Competition "Guess the Fairy Tale".

(In the competition, the description of the fairy tale is read out, and children and parents must guess the name of the fairy tale. Each team answers in turn; if the team does not know, the question goes to the opponents. Fairy tales:

1. Listened to the fox council:

I sat on the river until dawn.

However, I didn’t catch any fish,

Only the tail, poor fellow, was lost. ( "Wolf and Fox")

2. The boy found himself in the jungle

And made friends with wolves,

And with a bear and a panther.

He grew up strong and brave. ( "Mowgli")

3. My light, mirror! Tell,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

4. He climbed to the honey and managed sing:

“I am a cloud-cloud-cloud, and not a bear at all”). ("Winnie the Pooh")

5. Which Russian folk tale are housing problems being solved or, in smart adult language, housing and communal services problems? ( "Teremok").

6. In which Russian folk tale does the brother disobey his sister, once violate the sanitary and hygienic rules, and pay dearly for it? ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka").

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights")

7. What is the name of the boy who had to form a word out of pieces of ice? "eternity"? (Kai)

8. What is the name of the poet in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale? "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? (Pierrot)

8. Competition “Oh, yes we are!”

Children tell their parents as many kind words as possible

So kind kind words we are finishing competitions for family teams, and finally the children will read their wishes to you.

Dear parents!

We wish you that we

You weren't upset

To T-shirts and panties

We did our own laundry.

So as not to whine, not to fight,

We weren't rude to you.

I just need you to

They were an example for us


Teachers join the children and want you too wish:

In a day We wish you family

A house full of happiness,

So that joy may dwell in him forever.

So that your children make you happy,

Know, in the whole world

There are no happier eyes!

Fairy tale "About family, about friendly, so necessary for everyone".

The Storyteller comes out to the music. On the stage is the facade of a village house.


In a village house

With porch and chimney

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman

Friendly family.

Baba comes out.

I am grandmother Anyuta,

I'm busy around the house,

Not a minute is idle

I don't want to sit.

He sits down on the bench and picks up his knitting.

Grandfather comes out.

What's a house without a man?

Need a strong one here hand:

Build a doghouse

Repair the roof of the barn.

Sits on the bench.


The woman and grandfather have a large yard.

There is a barn next to the house.

There they have a cow, Zorka,

Sometimes she hums

(mooing is heard behind the curtain).

They also have a dog Barbos -

There is a special demand for it.

(The dog runs in, barks, runs in a circle).

A watchman in the house is very necessary,

Bright day and dark night!

(the dog runs behind the curtain).

And of course, the cat Sailor -

He has a mustache and a tail.

(the cat runs in, meows, runs in a circle)

In a decent gray fur coat

He catches mice very well

(the cat runs behind the curtain).

Well. And nearby in the city

Their children live.

Mom and Dad

They call them.

Once in the autumn sometimes

The flu virus is very evil

I visited their village -

Grandfather and grandma dumped!

Grandfather (lays down on the bench, coughs, groans).

I don’t have the strength to get up!

How to manage the farm?


They call the dog.

(Dog Barbos runs out of the booth).

And they give the task.

Oh, Barbosik, help!

Run to the city quickly:

Let the children take their grandchildren

And they hurry here quickly.

Grandma and grandpa got sick

Let them come to us quickly!


Barbos hurried to the city.

I brought bad news.

(the dog runs away).

An hour has passed, another is coming...

The doors to the hut opened,

appeared on the threshold

Their children are running, hurrying

And they bring their grandchildren with them.

(mother and daughter, father and son come out).

A very lively boy

Nicknamed Nikita


And a cheerful girl -

Brown-eyed Alenka

(comes forward, bows).

(Children go into the house).

And things went faster!

Deftly, quickly and skillfully.

Nikita's dad

I chopped some wood!

There is a bright flame in the stove -

It will be hot in the house.

Carrying firewood into the house.


Alena's mom

I made green tea.

Raspberries, herbs, honey.

Puts it in hot tea.

Mom brings tea on a tray,

treats Baba and Grandfather.

Drink, stay warm,

Get well soon!


And the grandchildren, come on!

And Alenka and Nikita

They're busy in the yard,

Feed is given to the cow Zorka.

A cow pokes her head out from behind the curtain.

Alenka (gives the cow some hay).

Eat, Zorka, to your health!

There will be cow's milk!


Don't forget the dog

And the cat is not offended.

Bones for Barbosik!

Gives a bowl to the dog, the dog barks with

with gratitude.

Fish for Sailor!

He gives the bowl to the cat, the cat meows with gratitude.

A boy pets a dog, a girl pets a cat,

everyone gathers at the table.


So we lived without grieving,

Grandfather and Baba were treated,

The yard was kept in order,

No one was offended.

In the evenings the world is fine

We were accompanied to tea.

There is no grief for Grandfather and Baba.

Why did the illnesses disappear?

Not from drugs, of course,

And from the warmth of my heart,

From care, affection...

What a fairy tale!

About family, about friendly.

All participants (in unison).

Everyone needs one!

In May 2015 in groups AM-19N and ELo-23S by the head of the library, Milevskaya Marina Veniaminovna, for the International Day of Families (celebrated in Russia since 1994 on May 15), under the general name “The whole family is together - and the soul is in place” Conversations and quizzes were held using interactive technologies (text accompaniment with video slides, demonstration of videos "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" And “What is family through the eyes of children” ).

Purpose of the events: show students the value of family; give the concepts of “family”, “family values”; formation of awareness of the importance of the family as the basis of society.

Tasks: 1. instilling in students the moral standards of a civilized society. 2. fostering a caring attitude towards your family.

Progress of the event:

  1. Conversation about family (15 min);
  2. Demonstration of the video film “What is family through the eyes of children” (2 min);
  3. Review of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (3 min);
  4. Story and demonstration of a video film about Saints Peter and Fevronia (15 min);
  5. Conducting a quiz and riddles (10 min).
  1. Family plays a huge role in the life of every person. A.S. Makarenko noted that our children enter society through the family. It is the family that forms the child’s first ideas about good and evil, simple and complex, honest and dishonest. (A definition of the word “family” was given (Russian language dictionary by S. I. Ozhegov; textbook “Social Studies”).

What is family? This is, first of all, a home, in the sense that it is full of relatives and loved ones, where you can find peace and support, where everyone loves you and takes care of you. This is the rear and the foundation on which a person’s whole life is built. We are all born into a family, and as we grow up we create our own. This is how man is made, this is how life is. Families are different: cheerful and happy, strict and conservative, complete and incomplete, and also many families and unhappy ones. Why is that? After all, the basis is love for each other, and this should be a strong stronghold. Different families have different personalities, just like the individual. If a person, as an individual, determines his life based on his life priorities, then a family, consisting of individuals who are strongly interconnected by family and emotional relationships, builds its present and future, based on its own family values: these are relationships filled caring for each other and loving each other. By concluding a marriage or union, everyone brings their own, and this creates the foundation of family relationships, creates a family atmosphere in which their children will be born and develop. Family functions: procreation, raising children. If each family member has his own area of ​​work, then the house will be cozy, warm, and harmonious. Where household chores fall on the same shoulders, as a rule, irritation and misunderstanding reign.

There is a proverb: “Happiness is not a bird - it will not fly by itself.” This means you need to build your own happiness - your “happy home”. There is such a parable: “In ancient China there lived an amazing family of 100 people. Harmony, love and respect reigned in her. The fame of the family reached the emperor himself, and he visited this family. Making sure that the rumor did not exaggerate anything, the emperor asked the elder of the family: “How do you manage to live in peace and harmony, without quarreling or offending each other?” In response, the elder said only one word.

Which? (patience)

Conclusion: Learn to control your emotions, and this will help you regulate your relationship with your parents.

You know that among our people one of the leading commandments is to honor elders, parents, and old people. What are we talking about? About duty to parents. You can love unaccountably, but duty requires comprehension and mental work. It is not for nothing that people say: “The earth without water is dead, a man without a family is empty”, “Good children are the crown of a home, bad children are the end of a home.”

You guys see how much depends on you in the family.

It is important to create some traditions in the house, for example: storing family photos. Why is this tradition so important? What do photos store? That's right, the memory of dear people and events. It is not without reason that during the war or in other situations when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things, among which were photographs of relatives and people close to them. Another tradition can be a family vacation. It can become a pleasant tradition to do pleasant surprises close people: anyone will be pleased to receive a small gift, a surprise just like that, for no reason! After all, you don’t have to buy a surprise... You can make it yourself: draw a picture; make a craft; clean the apartment before parents arrive; bring a bouquet of daisies picked near the house; just to please you with good news. If you lift the mood of a loved one, you will lift it for yourself! And if anyone doesn’t have traditions in their family, then you can come up with them yourself, thereby making the life of your family bright, eventful and memorable . (The definition of “family values” is given).

  1. (The video “What is a family through the eyes of children” was shown).
  2. It was further said that relations within the Russian family are controlled by the Family Code of the Russian Federation - the main regulatory legal act that was adopted by the State Duma on December 8, 1995 (last changes and additions dated April 20, 2015). IN Russian Federation family usually means a couple who have entered into an official marriage, their children, and, in some cases, immediate relatives. To regulate relations within a given unit of society, a special set of laws is needed. Since relationships within a family will differ from those that occur between people from different kinship groups, the Family Code of the Russian Federation was compiled specifically for them.
  3. Except International Day families in Russia celebrated another holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

The holiday was created thanks to the initiative of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which was supported by all traditional religious organizations of our country, since the very idea of ​​celebrating has no boundaries. This day was established to ensure that society pays attention to the main problems of the family. After all, it is very difficult to maintain a full happy family, especially now. Decide family problems Not everyone succeeds perfectly.

The idea of ​​celebrating this day appeared several years ago among the population of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are the patron saints, are buried Christian marriage. This couple is considered a model of marital fidelity, family happiness, mutual love. The legend says that they even died on the same day - June 25, 1228. Despite the fact that they were buried in different places, they miraculously ended up in the same coffin. The relics of these amazing people are kept in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom.

The date of remembrance of these saints is July 8th. It is on this day, in honor family holiday, families are awarded a special medal made in the shape of a daisy - a symbol of family well-being.

(Demonstrated video film “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”)

  1. At the end of the event, students were offered quiz and comic riddles.


1. Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter, and there are only three of them. Who is this? (mother, daughter and granddaughter);

2. A husband and wife, brother and sister, and godfather and godfather walked; They found one and a half loaves of bread and divided them into half loaves. How many relatives were there in total? (three in total);

3. There walked a mother-in-law with her son-in-law, a husband and wife, a grandmother with her granddaughter, a mother with her daughter, and a daughter with her father. How many people were there? (four in total);

4. My father's son, but not my brother. Who is this? (myself);

5. My mother's son (my brother);

6. Brother of father or mother (uncle);

7. A girl who has parents like me (sister);

8. One father’s child is a mother’s child, but no one’s son (d oh)

Complete the proverbs:

At home... (and the walls help)

When there is no family... (then there is no home)

Family in a heap -... (not even a cloud is scary)

A willing family and... (grief does not take)

There is discord in the family... (I’m still not happy at home)

In a good family and children... (good ones grow)

1st quiz:

1. An adult son provides financial support to his parents. Which family function is manifested in this situation?

1. economic

2. reproductive

3. leisure

4. social - status

2 .M.’s family has a five-year-old child. The grandmother is preparing the child for school. What function of the family does this example illustrate?

1. educational


3. economic

4. leisure

3. The distinctive features of a family as a social group include:

1. joint activities

2. general political views

3. overall experience

4. common goal

4. A small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life and mutual responsibility, is:

1. gender

2. class

3. family

4. elite

5. Belonging to the R family provides its members with the opportunity to make a good career. What function of the family is illustrated by this example?

1. economic

2. social control

3. emotional - psychological

4. social - status

6.The social sphere of society includes the institute

1. religion

2. science

3. families

4. production

7. The family, unlike other social institutions, performs the function

1. educational

2. reproductive

3. emotional - psychological

4. social - status

8. Are the following judgments about the family true?

A. Family is a small group

B. Family is a social institution

1. only A is correct

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

9. What characterizes the economic function of a family?

1. regulation of behavior

2. reproduction of social structure

3. organization of family leisure

4. distribution of household labor

2nd quiz:

1. What does the word “Family” sound like in Latin? (Surname).

2. What does the word “family” sound like in Italian? (Mafia).

3.As you know, the Greek goddess Athena was the goddess of wisdom, and the owl was considered her bird. But the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus, was considered the patroness families in general and motherhood in particular. Guess which bird was considered the “bird of Hera”? (Stork.)

4.As they say about those who divulge internal family troubles and quarrels? (Wash dirty linen in public.)

5. Here is a Russian proverb: “To live for yourself is to decay, for families- ... (verb missing), but for the people - to shine.” Name the missing verb. (Burn.)

6.According to legend, Russia is guarded by three sisters: Faith, Hope and Love and their mother. Name the mother of three sisters. (Sophia, that is, Wisdom.)

7. The first, eldest child in the family is the first-born. What was the name of the third child in Rus'? family? And the last one? ( Tretiak, scratch it.)

8. How does the Russian “fruit” proverb sound about someone who has inherited bad, unseemly behavior from father or mothers? ("The apple never falls far from the tree".)

9. What Russian toy is this quote from the encyclopedia about: “It personifies the idea of ​​strong families, prosperity, procreation, carries the idea of ​​unity”? (About the nesting doll.)

10. At what age, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can one enter into marriage without parental permission? (From the age of eighteen.)

11. What is the name of a woman before her marriage? (Girl.)

12. The content of one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is as follows: “ Marriage can only be concluded with the mutual and free consent of both parties.” Name a fairy tale by Andersen in which its characters violate this article. (“Thumbelina.”)

13. In which Andersen fairy tale is the child’s right violated: “Children have the right to live with their parents, and no one is allowed to separate them”? The Snow Queen" From grandma's house, the Snow Queen took little Kai to her ice palace.)

14. Name the most family geometric figure. (Circle. Close family circle, in the family circle.)

15. Parental Instruction in one word is... (Order.)

16. My father's child is not my brother. Who is this? (My sister.)

17. What is the name of the home of a big, hard-working bee? families? (Beehive, board.)

18. Which plant represents both native and adopted relative? (Mother -and-stepmother.)

19. There is a letter family, in which, according to numerous verses, there are “thirty-three sisters.” What is this family? (Alphabet.)

20. In what month is International Day celebrated? families? (Celebrated annually on May 15 since 1994. Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly.)

21. What does the word “Family” sound like in Latin? (Surname).

22. What does the word “family” sound like in Italian? (Mafia).