Educational technologies for interaction with parents. Technologies for effective interaction between educational organizations and parents of students

Work with parents, like any work in an educational institution, cannot be episodic in nature, carried out from case to case and without any system.

The following are used in school practice: forms:

1. Preventive, explanatory work with all categories of parents on issues of children’s health, personality formation and individual educational work.

2. Identification of problem families of children with various problems. Corrective work with them. Protection of children's rights.

3. An invitation to meetings of the parent committee, the administrative council, and there are often cases of contacting public organizations of the city - the commission for minors, the court (up to the deprivation of parental rights).

Methods for studying the family.

To get to know a child, you need to know his family well. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The most common methods of working with parents are:

· diagnostics

· consultation, training, observations

· testing and questioning

· essay as a method of studying family

method of generalization of independent characteristics

· pedagogical living room.



"Technology of interaction with parents"

Work with parents, like any work in an educational institution, cannot be episodic in nature, carried out from case to case and without any system.

The following are used in school practice: forms:

1. Preventive, explanatory work with all categories of parents on issues of children’s health, personality formation and individual educational work.

2. Identification of problem families of children with various problems. Corrective work with them. Protection of children's rights.

3. An invitation to meetings of the parent committee, the administrative council, and there are often cases of contacting public organizations of the city - the commission for minors, the court (up to the deprivation of parental rights).

Methods for studying the family.

To get to know a child, you need to know his family well. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The most common methods of working with parents are:

  • diagnostics
  • consultation, training, observations
  • conversation
  • testing and questioning
  • essay as a method of studying family
  • method of generalization of independent characteristics
  • pedagogical living room.

This work includes the use of optimal forms and methods in differentiated group and individual work with a family:

  • Compilation of characteristics of students' families (composition of parents, area of ​​their employment, educational and social level, etc.).
  • Organization of diagnostic work to study families.
  • Organization of psychological pedagogical education parents.
  • System creation mass events with parents, work on organizing joint socially significant activities and leisure time for parents and students.
  • Identification and use of positive experience in practical activities family education.
  • Introduction of pedagogical traditions into family education.
  • Assisting parents in forming a moral lifestyle for the family, in the prevention and diagnosis of drug addiction, and in preventing other negative manifestations in children and adolescents.
  • Usage various forms cooperation with parents-fathers, involving them in joint creative, socially significant activities with children, aimed at increasing their authority.
  • Creating conditions to ensure the rights of parents to participate in the management of an educational institution, organizing the educational process: assistance in organizing the activities of public parent groups (School Council, parental committee, Council of Fathers, etc.)
  • Associations of parents family problems(school for young parents, union, association, clubs for young families, single fathers, single mothers, disabled parents, family clubs).
  • Assisting parents with children's development social experience, communication skills and abilities, preparing high school students for family life(electives, special courses, clubs, clubs under the programs “Ethics and Psychology of Family Life”, “Fundamentals of Family Education”).
  • Development thematic design for working with families (corner for parents, museum family traditions and etc.).
  • Information and pedagogical materials, exhibitions of children's works, which allow parents to become more familiar with the specifics of the institution, introduce them to its educational and developmental environment
  • Combining the efforts of the teacher and parent in joint activities on child upbringing and development; these relationships should be considered as the art of dialogue between adults and a specific child based on knowledge of the mental characteristics of his age, taking into account the interests, abilities and previous experience of the child
  • Showing understanding, tolerance and tact in raising and teaching a child, striving to take into account his interests without ignoring feelings and emotions.

Before raising a child, educate your parents, if parents read books, children will read too, if parents listen to classical music, then children will be interested in it.

Forms and principles of interaction between teachers and parents.

There are individual and collective forms of working with parents, as well as traditional and non-traditional ones.

Traditional forms

Not traditional forms


Individual. Creative things.

Parent meeting

Family traditions.

School-wide conference

The story of my family.

Parent lecture hall

Family mascot. Family horoscope.

Evening for parents

Family book of records.

Parent readings

Geographic map of my ancestry.


“Long-liver” of the family (book, toy, etc.).


Family birthday.


Family holidays.

"Round table"

Family hobbies.

“Pedagogical living room”

“Four ways to make your mother happy.”

“Oral Journal”

Grandma's pies (expressions, horror stories, games).


My family album.

Sport competitions

Famous people of the family.

Action “Mercy”

Dad can do anything.

Promotion “Book”, “Toy”

Our house is a theater, a museum, a greenhouse....

Labor landing

Songs (fairy tales) of my grandmother.


Mom's most affectionate word.

Creative concert

My favorite dish.


I'm proud of my grandfather!


Competition for the most interesting mother's notations and moral teachings.

  • psychological and pedagogical education of parents;
  • involvement of parents in the educational process;
  • participation of students' families in managing the educational process at school.

Psychological and pedagogical education parents. It is necessary to involve specialists from various fields in the psychological and pedagogical education of parents: a doctor, a psychologist, a speech therapist. This direction can be organized using the following forms of work.

  • parent universities;
  • conferences;
  • individual and thematic consultations;
  • parent meetings;
  • educational trainings;
  • round table;
  • preparation of instructions for parents;
  • parent rings;
  • ceremonial meetings.

Parent meeting,being a traditional form of work with parents, it can be built in a new way, using various techniques and approaches (debates, elements of a business game, seminars). Various exhibitions (of the best works, notebooks, drawings, crafts, achievements in sports) showing intellectual development children. This classic form of work has a certain result in establishing a friendly, trusting atmosphere and a good emotional mood.

Meeting - workshopnot only introduces parents to some concept, but also during the meeting teaches social exercises and helps to apply the information received in practice. For example, one of the topics of such a meeting might be: “How to help a child become attentive,” where participants become familiar with the concept of attention and its basic properties, study and demonstrate games and exercises for developing attention.

A good form of parent education isparent ring. This is one of the discussion forms of communication between parents and the formation of a parent team. The parent ring is held with the aim that many parents can confirm the correctness of their methods of education or conduct an audit of their pedagogical arsenal, think about what they are doing correctly in raising their child and what is not quite right. The usefulness of such meetings of parents also lies in the fact that they allow you to film all sorts of behind-the-scenes conversations among parents on the organization of the educational space of their children and the content of the educational process.

Conference - a form of pedagogical education that provides for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about raising children. Conferences can be scientific and practical, theoretical, reading, experience exchange, conferences for mothers and fathers. The main thing is to carry outparent conferencesavoid excessive scientificism and general phrases that are not supported by living experience of family upbringing. It is necessary that there is always live communication at every meeting with parents.

Involve parents in the educational processpossible through the following forms of activity:

  • creativity days for children and their parents;
  • open lessons and extracurricular activities;
  • assistance in organizing and conducting extracurricular activities and strengthening the material and technical base of the school and class;
  • hiking, excursions into nature;
  • patronage assistance;
  • joint holidays;
  • competitive games;
  • work activity.

A great effect in education, strengthening connections and mutual understanding between parents, children and teachers is provided by joint events: concerts and performances of children for family members, class trips with parents to nature, excursions to museums, the zoo, visits to theaters and various other events. Parents are frequent guests and extracurricular activities. All this allows parents to get to know their children better and discover yet unknown aspects of their interests, hobbies, and talents.

Organization labor activity : decoration of classrooms, landscaping and landscaping of the school yard, planting alleys, creating a classroom library, creating family projects.

Participation of parents in managing the educational processcan be organized using the following forms of activity:

  • participation of class parents in the work of the school council;
  • participation of class parents in the work of the parent committee;
  • participation in the work of the family and school assistance council.

Corrective work with parents will give positive result only if the teacher and parents, having a common goal, act in concert.

relationship family school

Collective methods and forms of work of teachers with families of schoolchildren

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. It is advisable to combine collective, group and individual forms of interaction. Thus, it is useful to continue the discussion of any parenting problem at a parent meeting during individual meetings with parents or in group consultations.

Let us briefly describe the most common collective forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Parent meeting- the main form of work with parents, where the problems of life of the classroom and parent groups are discussed. The class teacher directs the activities of parents in the process of preparation and is an ordinary participant in the meeting. The first meetings, providing an example of democratic discussion of issues, can be led by him himself, and in the future this role can be legitimately performed by the parents themselves. The parent committee or the next group of parents (case council) discusses the progress of the meeting, selects a leader, and determines options for resolving issues brought to the meeting.

Parent meetings can be divided into: school-wide And meeting of parents of students of certain classes. At school-wide parent meetings or conferences, the most important topics are discussed. actual problems improving the educational work of families and schools, as well as current issues of training and education of students. Thus, parent meetings are devoted to discussing tasks and activities to improve the quality of students’ knowledge, improve labor education and vocational guidance for schoolchildren, etc. Often, at school-wide parent meetings, scientific and pedagogical issues of educational work in the family are raised, for example: about the role of parental authority in education, about the acceleration of student development and its influence on education, etc. School-wide parent-teacher meetings are usually held two to three times a year.

A more operational form of organizational pedagogical work with the family is a meeting of parents of students in individual classes. At them, class teachers make reports on the state of academic performance and discipline of students, discuss information from parents about the experience of educational work with children, and also resolve issues related to improving the academic work and behavior of individual students. Such meetings are especially important for establishing a common line in educational work families and schools. The point is that when the class teacher puts forward this or that educational task for the class, he also needs to involve parents in solving it. The class teacher, naturally, sets the appropriate task for the students and develops a system educational activities by her decision. For this purpose, a special parent meeting of the class is convened, at which the class teacher introduces the parents to the task assigned to the students and agrees with them on the specific help that he expects from them. If parents know what educational problems are being solved in the classroom or school, and have a good idea of ​​what specific help is required from them, they will work in the same direction with teachers.

Parent lecture hall helps familiarize parents with issues of upbringing, improves their pedagogical culture, and develops common approaches to raising children. The name “lecture hall” is conditional. This does not mean that only lectures are given to parents. The forms of work are varied, and often they determine the position of parents not as passive listeners, but stimulate their activity, creativity, participation in discussing issues, in organizing and conducting classes.

Parents participate in determining the topic of the lecture. If they find it difficult to formulate lesson topics or identify problems to study, the teacher will be able to offer a set of possible topics taking into account existing methodological recommendations, as well as the problems of raising children in this team.

It is advisable to prepare classes one by one by a group of parents (work council). Depending on the complexity of the topic, the preparedness of the parents for it, the teacher, the case council attracts specialists or selects the material and conducts the lesson on their own. If a specialist is invited, the organizers first discuss with them the range of problems that concern parents, and think through ways to attract and activate class participants.

Dispute - reflection on the problems of education is one of the forms of improving pedagogical culture that is interesting for parents. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, allows everyone to be included in the discussion of problems, promotes the formation of the ability to comprehensively analyze facts and phenomena, relying on accumulated experience, and awakens active pedagogical thinking. The participants in the debate themselves, divided into groups, can formulate the most interesting questions, and then select and preliminarily discuss those that can be submitted for collective discussion. This method allows you to include everyone in the search, the most the right decision question, helps parents take a definite position, and gives everyone the opportunity to speak out. To sum up the results of the case, the teacher or one of the parents needs to prepare a final message. The subject of such discussions and discussions can be specific situations from the life of the class, family, performances or films watched together.

It is advisable to hold meetings with the administration and class teachers annually. Teachers introduce parents to their requirements, individual consultations, conversations or work in groups, taking into account the problems and difficulties that have arisen in raising and teaching individual groups of children.

Group forms of interaction teachers and parents are determined by the different degrees of preparedness of parents for raising children in the family, the specifics of their professional activities, the nature of the participation of parents in organizing the educational work of the class, the unequal role they perform in the family, individual characteristics students, difficulties in family communication.

According to Rozhkov M.I. A particularly important form is the interaction of teachers with the parent committee, which can be elected by the parent meeting for the entire school year. In some classes where parents are active and interested, everyone takes turns serving as PTA members, distributed into groups as desired. Parental assets are the support of teachers, and with skillful interaction, they become the conductor of their ideas. At meetings of the parent committee, which are held as needed, the teacher and parents develop ways to implement the ideas and decisions adopted by the meeting. Committee members can distribute responsibilities, roles, functions both in organizing work with parents and children, and determine ways to interact with individual parents and families. The Parents' Committee strives to involve parents and children in organizing class activities and solving problems in the life of the team.

Teachers and the parent committee are trying to form action councils to organize work taking into account the capabilities and interests of parents. In this case, teachers interact with various groups of temporary organizers of a specific activity, providing assistance, consulting, and, if necessary, engaging in active joint activities.

Teachers and class teachers conduct group consultations and practical classes for parents, for example, not helping children master the skills of thinking and reading quickly. Group classes can be exploratory in nature. Thus, teachers and the class teacher invite to the lesson the parents of those children who experience typical difficulties in educational activities. Educators strive to tailor their lessons to the challenges of these students. After attending a number of lessons, teachers and parents together try to identify the reasons for children’s failure and find ways to help them. A number of group classes for teachers and parents can be associated with equipping parents with the knowledge and skills of organizing the activities of clubs for children, club forms of work on weekends at home.

Teachers are particularly concerned about interaction with fathers (mothers) of children: how to involve fathers (mothers) in educational work in the classroom and increase their role in raising a child. For this purpose, class teachers organize special meetings with fathers (mothers) of children, hold conferences, consultations and reflections.

With skillful interaction between parents and school, it is possible to achieve best result in raising children.

Elena Zhdanova
Pedagogical technologies, their role in interaction with parents.

Technology- a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art (Dictionary).

Pedagogical technology- is a set of psychological pedagogical attitudes, defining a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit pedagogical process. (B. T. Likhachev)

Primary requirements (criteria) educational technology:

conceptual, systematic, manageable, efficient, reproducible

Conceptuality - reliance on a specific scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and social pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.

Systematicity - technology must have all the characteristics systems: process logic, the interconnection of its parts, integrity.

Controllability - the ability to set diagnostic goals, plan, design the learning process, stage-by-stage diagnostics, vary means and methods in order to correct results.

Efficiency - modern educational technologies , existing in specific conditions, must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of training.

Reproducibility - possibility of application (repetition, reproduction) educational technologies in educational institutions, i.e. technology as pedagogical the tool must be guaranteed to be effective in the hands of anyone teacher using it, regardless of his experience, length of service, age and personal characteristics).

Successful solution of educational problems is possible only by combining the efforts of educational institutions and families. Contents of cooperation preschool with family includes three main directions:

psychological pedagogical education of parents,

involvement parents in the educational process,

participation of families in managing the educational process in kindergarten.

T. A. Markova, A. K. Menzhanova, O. N. Urbanskaya and others identify the following traditional forms interactions:

Collective ( parent meetings, conferences, "Round tables" and etc.);

Individual (pedagogical conversations with parents) ;

Visual information (tape recordings of conversations with children, video clips of the organization various types activities, regime moments, GCD, photographs, exhibitions of children's works, stands, screens, sliding folders)

Non-traditional forms were highlighted by O. V. Ogorodnova (head of the department pedagogy methods of initial and preschool education Institute of Psychology and pedagogy, candidate pedagogical sciences, dividing them by 3 groups:

1st group - "mediated forms interactions» : correspondence, newspapers, newsletters, memos, exhibitions, etc.

The 2nd group is implemented at the level "oncoming traffic" and characterizes the immediate interaction between teachers and parents: lectures, educational social pedagogical and psychological seminars, round tables, trainings, workshops, meetings, clubs, workshops, etc.

The 3rd group of forms involves joint activities teachers and parents with children. The forms of this group include holidays, entertainment, competitions, exhibitions, evenings of music and poetry, performances, recreational evenings in the form of salons and workshops.

A classification scheme for non-traditional forms is also proposed by T. V. Krotova.

Information and analytical:



Visual information:

Kindergarten website and websites teachers;

Days open doors in preschool educational institution;

Open display of GCD for parents;

Information stands;

- parent corner;

- mini-libraries:

a) children's literature for family reading;

b) pedagogical literature.

Health passport;


Film screening "From the life of the group".

3. Cognitive:

Non-traditional parent meetings;

Individual conversations, consultations;

Collaboration on thematic plan, projects;

GCD with participation parents"Group Guest";

Weekend excursions.

4. Leisure:

Joint participation parents, teachers and children in urban, Russian competitions;

Participation in family opening days, exhibitions;

Spartakiads, Olympics;

Participation in the preparation and conduct of holidays, leisure, entertainment;

Collaborative writing of fairy tales;

Visiting the theater, museums, exhibitions.

5. Labor or economic:

Updating the subject development environment of the group;

Landscaping, landscaping, seasonal decoration;

- "ecological" stock;

Days "good deeds"

To date, two types of forms of joint activities:

Joint events teachers and parents

Parent meetings



Evenings for parents

Mugs for parents

Thematic exhibitions

Pedagogical advice

Board of Trustees

Meeting with the administration

School for parents

Parental committee

Joint events teachers, parents and children

Kindergarten and group websites

Children's parent projects

Open days

Photo exhibitions

Master classes

Joint walks and excursions


Brochures, booklets, leaflets

Joint exhibitions


KVN, quizzes



Evenings of music and poetry


Family competitions

Family newspapers

Group registration

Improvement of the preschool educational institution and territory

Modern technologies development of joint activities teachers, parents and children

The more intensely the family leaves its mark on the child,

especially since this child will be inclined to see the reflection

your childhood miniature world V big world adult life...

technology"Family theater in kindergarten"

Family theater is a creative association of several families, kindergarten teachers, focused on the integration of the traditions of home and public theaters, and the development of the educational potential of the family.

technology project activities

A project is a set of tasks or activities associated with achieving a planned goal, which is usually of a unique and non-repetitive nature.

Design is necessarily a practical activity.

Technology"Family Assembly"

Within "Family Assembly" master classes and meetings can be held "Club Guest", "Weekend Club", "Shares of Good", "Tea Parties", "Literary Lounges".

In your work you can use information and communication technologies technologies(ICT)

All selected forms interaction with parents, create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the team of adults surrounding the child, contribute to improving the psychological pedagogical competence of parents. They establish good communication between the family and the kindergarten group, which helps support the child and ensure that his life in kindergarten is full of impressions, love and trust in the environment.

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State budgetary professional educational institution"Alexandrovsky Agricultural College"

Interaction between educational organization and parents of students

Regular interaction between the college and parents - important aspect educational success of the child. Numerous studies show that parental involvement in college improves student attendance and academic performance, as well as positive attitudes toward college, social skills, and behavior.

Why do difficulties arise in the interaction between college and family? Let us highlight the most significant barriers and obstacles in their communication. The most obvious barrier, of course, is organizational factors: the workload of both teachers and parents. It’s really not easy for working moms and dads to find time to meet with the teacher, and they also don’t always have the opportunity to fully devote time to each parent. The presence of certain algorithms for individual work helps to partially overcome this obstacle.

The second barrier is the attitudes with which parents and teachers interact with each other, their psychological state. Finally, the third is stable patterns and methods of interaction with parents, which are unconstructive. The second and third barriers are closely related: what techniques the teacher uses is closely related to his attitudes. We will look at these two barriers in more detail, and also look at ways to overcome them.

So, let's analyze the second barrier and start with parental attitudes: let's look at the emotional state of a parent who himself or at the invitation of a teacher came to school to talk about his child.

Parental attitude towards a child includes two closely related aspects: on the one hand, the parent loves and accepts his child for who he is, and on the other hand, he needs to be proud of the child, therefore the success of his child is important for the parent. Any parent treats the failures and difficulties of a child personally and biasedly, since to some extent he perceives them as an indicator of his own success: if my son or daughter is prosperous, then I am a good parent.

A parent will never be able to treat his child as objectively and impartially as a teacher does.

For mom and dad, discussing the child's difficulties is very difficult situation, which is accompanied by strong emotional experiences: the parent may worry that something is wrong with the child, be ashamed that he is not doing enough for the child, or be afraid of condemnation from the teacher. Recognition of some difficulties in a child, one or another disorder of varying severity (both mental and physical) is an extremely traumatic experience for a parent, since, in his opinion, it speaks of his failure as a parent. These emotions must be dealt with somehow, and the methods may be different. Thus, some parents do not pay attention to the child’s problems, others blame the school, and still others begin to attack the teacher.

In practice, you can come across cases where a parent does not seem to notice quite obvious difficulties in their son or daughter.

The child cannot cope with school curriculum, demonstrates inappropriate behavioral manifestations, cannot build relationships with peers, and to all this the parent says: I was like that myself, He is the same as other children. All this may indicate that the parent is avoiding the unpleasant experiences associated with recognizing the child’s problems.

It is important to emphasize that the negative emotional state of a parent may not be associated at all with the teacher with whom mom or dad is talking in this moment. Parental anxiety can be caused by past experiences (perhaps some teacher or educator spoke rather incorrectly or even harshly about the child or the parent’s educational strategy), childhood memories (maybe his own first teacher was too strict, and the memory of him is still causes distress).

The interaction of a parent with his own child, his perception of his son or daughter is an emotional process loaded with the parent’s childhood experience, his expectations from the child, and feelings for the child. This makes the parent less sensitive to logical arguments and arguments. For example, a teacher says: Your child gets tired quickly, it’s hard for him to study with us, and the parent hears in this: Your child is not as capable as other children.

Thus, the parents with whom we communicate about the child’s difficulties experience various negative experiences, and for some they will be barely noticeable, and for others they will be extremely strong. And the success of our interaction with parents largely depends on whether we manage to build our interaction taking into account the parent’s condition.

In addition to parental experiences, the attitudes of the teacher himself are important for the interaction between family and school. If a teacher perceives parents as an obstacle in his work, treats them condescendingly, or, on the contrary, is afraid of parents, constructive dialogue will not work. The position from above has a negative impact on interaction with parents if the teacher emphasizes his high status and communicates with parents in a condescending manner.

Can we say that using these techniques will help you find an approach to any parent? Of course, this is not entirely true. Characteristics of the parent, his past experience, including childhood, psychological problems- all this can become a serious obstacle to building cooperation with the teacher. None psychological techniques do not guarantee a successful result. However, in most cases, if we put in some effort, we will be able to build a connection that will become the basis of a productive interaction. After all, we really have a common goal.

Thus, the basis for successful interaction between a teacher and parents is the contact that develops as a result of targeted efforts on the part of the teacher. Understanding possible barriers, taking into account the emotional difficulties of parents, using effective communication techniques - all this will help to actually implement the idea of ​​​​cooperation between family and school.

Pedagogical potential of the parent meeting and forms of interaction between the educational organization and parents of students

The parent meeting traditionally remains the most common form of interaction with parents. Both teachers and parents have strong, often stereotypical expectations regarding meetings: moms and dads expect the teacher to talk to them about their progress, but are convinced that the parents of the most difficult students, of course, will not come to the meeting.

Despite the general conservatism, the format parent meeting provides great opportunities for teaching work.

In order to characterize this potential, we first define a parent meeting: this is a short-term, structured, formalized meeting between the parents of children attending a child care institution and the employees of this institution. Conventionally, parent meetings can be divided into organizational and thematic. Organizational meetings are aimed at resolving issues of organizing classes, extracurricular activities and current problems of school life. Usually such meetings are held at the beginning and end school year. Thematic meetings are devoted to the consideration of psychological and pedagogical issues relevant to parents. Thematic meetings can be held both systematically, in accordance with a pre-drawn plan, and as needed, in the event of any pressing problem.

This understanding of the congregation helps to highlight its resources.

The meeting allows the teacher to address the widest possible audience of parents, since all other forms group work with parents are much smaller scale. Therefore, it is within the framework of the meeting that education or information on a particular topic will be most productive.

Since it is in the format of the parent meeting that the interaction between parents and the college primarily takes place, it allows taking steps towards establishing constructive cooperation with parents. Contact with parents develops gradually, and the use of such meetings will contribute to the development of friendly and open relationships.

However, the use of these resources is complicated by the specific position that parents typically take at the meeting. Often the meeting is perceived by parents as a formal, boring event; they passively listen to information from the teacher or actively enter into confrontation with him. To overcome this position, increase the activity of parents at the meeting, motivate them to interact with the teacher, and maximize the pedagogical potential of the meeting, various interactive methods can be used during the meeting.

Interactive techniques used in a meeting must meet two criteria: compactness and safety. In general, the parent meeting is a rather rigid event, strictly limited in time, and does not provide significant resources for active socio-psychological forms of work. Excessive duration of a particular method can lead to formal completion of the task (let's do it quickly, just to get rid of it) or to obvious negativity (let's not waste time). Therefore, the duration of these techniques should not exceed 15-20 minutes, and in most cases can be limited to 5-10 minutes.

In the first section, we already talked about the fact that interaction with college can be psychologically uncomfortable for parents as well. writes: At a parent meeting, quite self-confident adults turn before our eyes into lurking teenagers, fearfully waiting for their name to be heard. Parents noted that at the meeting they were ashamed, anxious, and generally “feeling bad.” It is also necessary

The relationship between school and family is one of the most pressing problems of practical pedagogy. But this is an “eternal” problem, so at different times it worsens for different reasons and in different forms.

Decades of Soviet power have accustomed society to the fact that the school, as an institution of the state, leads and controls family education. This created the belief among many teachers that if certain pedagogical efforts were purposefully organized, then all parents could be turned into well-behaved people. And if the school cannot overcome the bad influence of the family, children should be completely protected from their parents.

The paradigm of personality-oriented education, which is currently being mastered not only by pedagogical science, but also by educational practice.

tika presupposes a different relationship between school and family, between the class teacher and parents of schoolchildren. This is a relationship of pedagogical interaction.

Let us denote the technological algorithm of pedagogical interaction between the class teacher and parents of schoolchildren.

1. Study of the socio-cultural and educational capabilities of the family.

Undoubtedly, attention should be paid to the material living conditions of the family, the number of children and adults, and the educational and cultural level of the parents. But the most important thing that the class teacher must understand is: style of educational behavior of parents.

Modern psychological and pedagogical literature describes several types of parental behavior. Here is one of the most complete typologies (authors E. O. Smirnova, M. V. Bykova), identifying nine options for the style of educational behavior of parents:

1. "Strict"- the parent acts mainly by force, strictly directs the child, imposing his demands. This is an authoritarian style, since the child’s own activity is completely blocked.

2. “Explainer” - the parent constantly resorts to verbal explanations, appeals to the child’s common sense, believing that if explained well, the child will do everything correctly.

3. "Autonomous"- the parent does not impose his decisions, but creates for the child the opportunity to choose and make an independent decision.

4. "Compromise" - the parent tries to switch the child’s attention and interest from an unseemly or simply dangerous action to a more acceptable one, often offering to do something together, sharing the difficulties together in a common activity.

5. "Contributor"- the parent knows his child well, the strengths and weaknesses of his personality and at the right moment, sometimes even unnoticed, comes to the rescue.

6. "Sympathizer"- a parent who subtly and sensitively reacts to the emotional state of his child, deeply empathizes, especially in moments of conflict with his comrades, the teacher, but does not take specific measures and does not directly intervene in the situation.

7. "Indulging" - such a parent is completely focused on his child, often puts his interests above the interests of the family as a whole and is ready to take any action so that only the child feels good.

8. "Situational" - the parent does not have a constant strategy for raising his child and each time acts as, in his opinion, a specific situation requires.

9. "Dependent" - the parent does not have any own point of view on issues of upbringing, but constantly looks back at someone else’s advice, at the opinions of competent specialists appearing on television or on the pages of newspapers and magazines.

It should be noted here that father and mother or grandparents involved in upbringing often have different styles of educational behavior. But, as special studies show, the predominant style of parental behavior is the explanatory style of parental behavior, which means that the class teacher has serious professional work to do to reveal to parents the very nature of education, convincing them of the impossibility of achieving real success only with explanations and notations.

2. Establishing personal contact with parents.

Parents will definitely show interest in communicating with the class teacher if they feel that he loves their child, is concerned about his health and educational success, feels sorry for him, understands his weaknesses and is proud of his achievements.

When establishing personal contact with parents of schoolchildren, it is worth considering a number of important conditions. (Please note that they are all prohibitive and restrictive, a kind of “pedagogical taboo.”)

□ Avoid an invisible “war” with students’ parents: stop making demands on everyone without exception that they cannot fulfill.

□ Do not “try on” the template of some ideal family for the families of your students, but begin a painstaking and careful study of each family: highlighting the typical features of family education, remembering its uniqueness.

□ Do not publicly discuss the personalities of individual students, their shortcomings at parent meetings, and especially do not speak critically of specific parents.

□ Do not incite rivalry between parents over children’s educational success, manifestations of individual abilities, victories in olympiads and competitions.

□ Do not complain to parents about their children’s academic work at school or their behavior. Remember: this is the domain of the professional teacher, not the parent.

3. Organization of joint activities of children and parents in a school setting.

Having made parents his allies, like-minded people, the class teacher will definitely feel their desire to get involved in the life of the class: help on excursions, do general cleaning, sew new curtains, plant flowers, arrange a tea party for the children. You never know what will come to the minds of parents, especially mothers who have overcome their mistrust of their child’s main teacher. This vigorous activity must be correctly directed in accordance with the objectives of the educational process and the educational work plan of the class teacher.

4. Pedagogical education of parents.

Even if in the class a significant part of the schoolchildren’s parents have higher education, the class teacher must nevertheless prove himself as a professional teacher. Of course, in the field of education, the boundary between co-

It is sometimes difficult to carry out the advice of a sensible person and the consultation of a qualified specialist. But a professional teacher will not allow himself, hiding behind the “fence” of scientific terms, to escape from the real problems of specific children, but will help solve them, relying on the laws of education, substantiated by modern pedagogical science.

Forms of pedagogical education for parents of one class are, in essence, a modification of the parent-teacher meeting. It may include a conversation between the class teacher on a topic of interest to parents (for example, “How to relate to children’s lies?”), or a discussion is prepared in advance if parents have already discovered different points of view on one problem and a desire to discuss it (for example, “Does the youngest need pocket money for a schoolboy?”), or “Evening of Questions and Answers”, discussion of a sharp article on the topic of education. The main thing is that parents should expect the parent meeting not as a day of “civil execution”, but as a welcome meeting with a specialist and a good friend of their family.

5. Pedagogical assistance to parents in solving difficult problems of family education.

It is no secret that an outwardly prosperous family is often shaken by conflicts between adults, from which children suffer. And even the most loving parents are not immune from the development of bad habits and asocial interests in their children. Here, serious individual consultation with parents, a general agreement on special requirements for the child, and a new assignment in the class may be needed. And there are also dysfunctional families, where the parents are divorced or the child lives with a despot father, a noisy, hysterical mother, where the adults drink, and the house is poverty-stricken and desolate. In these cases, it is worth enlisting the help of a school psychologist and social teacher, specialists from the inspection and commission on minors’ affairs, the department of child protection and guardianship of the education department and public organizations.

Literature for self-education

1.Adler A. Parenting. Interaction of the sexes / Transl. with him. Rostov n/d, 1998.

2. Gazman O. S. Non-classical education: From authoritarian pedagogy to pedagogy of freedom. M., 2002.

3. Garmaev A. (priest). Stages of child moral development. Minsk, 2002.

4. Glikman I. 3. Theory and methods of education. M., 2003.

5. Golovanova N. F. Extended day educational space. St. Petersburg, 2002.

6.Dalto F. On the side of the teenager / Transl. from fr. St. Petersburg, 1997.

7. Dalto F. On the child's side / Transl. from fr. St. Petersburg, 1997.

8. Coleman P. How to tell your child about... / Per. from English M„ 2002.

9. Levi V. Where to live: a man in the chains of freedom. M., 2004.

10. Lotman Yu. M. Education of the soul. St. Petersburg, 2003.

11. Lunina G.V. Raising children in the traditions of Russian culture. M., 2004.

12. Malenkova L. I. Theory and methods of education. M., 2002.

13. Mudrik A.V. Communication in the process of education, M., 2001.

14. Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relationships: Fav. psychological works. M., 2004.

15. Polyakov S. L. Psychopedagogy of education and training; Experience of a popular monograph. M., 2004.

16. Polyakov S. D. Education technology. M., 2002.

17. Soloveichik S. L. Education by school. M., 2002.

18. Soloveichik S L. Pedagogy for everyone. M., 2001.

19. Shchurkova N. E. Beyond the lesson. M., 2004.

20. Shchurkova N. E. New education. M., 2000.

21. Efroimson V. P. Educational genetics. Pedigree of altruism. M., 2003.

Tasks for self-control and reflection

I. From the statements listed below, choose the one that, in your opinion, most accurately defines the idea of ​​​​the results of education, or object, formulate your position.

“The result of education is in a person’s ability and desire to be internally free, in the ability to find oneself in life, in the ability to surround oneself with loved ones and loving people.”

“You cannot measure the results of upbringing, but you can notice them. And exclusively in the life of our pupil outside of school.”

“It brings up everything, and now you seepThe results of education can only really be seen by the parents of today's students, and in fifty years' time, or by people who will live nearby and need help. By and large, this is a measure of good manners.”

“To educate means to form a conscience in a child. Conscience is not an organ of external control, but an organ that harmonizes a person with people and with himself.”

“True good manners manifests itself in everyday life, in the family, in work communication - where there is no need to “pretend to be”, and a person is seen as he is.”

“Anyone who presents himself to others as a “well-mannered person” demonstrates true bad manners.”

"The main sign of good manners- moral reliability of a person. They say about someone like this: “a decent person.”

2. How do you understand the pedagogical context of the relationship:

- “Upbringing and life”,

- “Education or life”,

- “Education is life”,

- "Upbringing. Life",

- “Education in life.”

Justify your point of view. Explain how the educational process will be conceptually built based on each position?

3. Famous Russian philosopher G. S. Bytishchev (1932-1990). who dealt with philosophical problems of education, proposed to distinguish between types of pedagogical systems “according to their relationship to the world of childhood.” For this purpose, he developed a kind of “questionnaire”.

□ What is education aimed at?

□ How does pedagogy see and accept the student?

□ Who is raising?

□ How, what is the leading method?

□ What exactly educates and teaches?

□ In what culture, what spheres of it are children raised?

□ What is the ideal outcome of education?

□ Characteristics of the pupil from the point of view of human vocation.

Do you agree with this “algorithm” for the manifestation of the conceptual essence of pedagogical systems? Is it possible to use it to determine the educational orientation, for example, of the educational system of pragmatic pedagogy, Waldorf pedagogy, the pedagogical system of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, the pedagogical concept of K. Rogers, the pedagogical system of the Nikitin family?

4. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “If a person is taught goodness, he is taught skillfully, intelligently, persistently, demandingly, the result will be goodness. They teach evil (very rarely, but it happens), and the result will be evil. They don’t teach either good or evil - there will still be evil, because a person is born a being capable of becoming a person, and not a ready-made person.”

Is this statement of an outstanding teacher true? Expand and specify V.A.’s thought. Sukhomlinsky, if you agree with his point of view, or give your arguments if you do not agree.

5. Determine your position on the issue “When should raising a child begin?” Our ancestors believed that as early as possible, while the child was “lying across the bench.” Many modern teachers tend to recognize the prenatal (intrauterine) educational interaction between mother and child in the language of sensations, emotions, and thoughts.

6. A. S. Makarenko’s statement that “a personality is not educated in parts” has become a textbook statement. What, in this case, is connected with the desire of educators to specifically highlight physical, moral, mental, aesthetic, environmental, economic, political and other areas of education?

7. The famous English writer and Christian preacher Clive Lewis noted in one of his articles that in earlier times, educators sought to make children what they themselves would like to become. Today's educators instill value judgments in children not because they themselves believe in them, but because it is useful to society.

Do you think it is possible to agree with C. Lewis? Have you ever encountered such a contradiction between educational ideology and life?

8. In Pavlyshskaya high school, which was led by V. A. Sukhomlinsky, there was a “Golden List” compiled by him of the 200 best books of world literature, which his students were required to read during their school years.

Name the 10 best books (to choose from, for preschoolers, primary schoolchildren, teenagers, young adults) without which, in your opinion, modern child upbringing is impossible.

9. Should modern education completely abandon coercion, recognizing that this is only a way to ensure the child’s obedience? How would you feel about the opinion that coercion, on the contrary, allows you to put the child in a position of free choice?

Construct your judgments according to the logic of an imaginary conversation with the parents of younger schoolchildren (teenagers, high school students).

10. Stories about school republics and their presidents, about elections of children’s governments, senates, etc. often appear in periodicals and on television. Can such business games be considered a manifestation of children’s self-government or are they, rather, intended to provide experience in individual competition in preparing for a future political elite?

11. Complete the statements and expand your arguments:

“The process of education should be distinguished from...”;

“Formalism in education leads to...”;

“The image of the Motherland is formed in children under the influence of...”

12. Refer to Internet sources and select information on the topic “Problems of patriotic education in modern domestic education.” Determine your attitude towards what you read. Prepare a thesis based on the results of your research.