Recovery after artificial childbirth. What are artificial births and when are they necessary?

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Unfortunately, many women seeking to realize themselves as mothers had to go through artificial childbirth. Currently, the Ministry of Health clearly regulates the main reasons related to the health status of patients, which can become indicators for termination of pregnancy. later. Quite often there are cases in which defects in the development of the fetus do not allow a woman to continue bearing it.

Every doctor who observes pregnant women knows all the specific medical indications that are taken into account when sending a patient for artificial childbirth at 20 weeks.

Main indications for artificial childbirth:

  • pregnancy that threatens a woman's life. Typically, contraindications to pregnancy are for women suffering from serious chronic diseases for which it is physically impossible to bear a fetus;
  • underdevelopment or defects of the fetus, which are determined during ultrasound diagnostics and special laboratory tests;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, determined during genetic research;
  • severe illnesses suffered by a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, which can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus;
  • oncological and cardiovascular diseases, the treatment of which requires the mandatory use of potent medications, the patient undergoing chemotherapy and radiation exposure;
  • detection of tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, etc. in a pregnant woman;
  • mental disorders that may manifest themselves during pregnancy;
  • young age of the patient (pregnant girls under 16 summer age) etc.

But artificial births can be performed not only for medical reasons. Unfavorable social conditions can become a significant reason influencing a woman’s decision to make a fatal decision:

  • incapacity of one of the spouses;
  • deprivation of a woman's parental rights to other children;
  • pregnancy resulting from violent acts used against a woman;
  • finding a pregnant woman or her husband in prison;
  • death of a spouse during a woman’s pregnancy;
  • antisocial lifestyle of spouses;
  • alcohol and drug abuse;
  • disability of one of the spouses.

What is induced childbirth really?

Medical professionals making a decision regarding the abortion of a patient's pregnancy must consider each individual case with great care. A pregnant woman can be referred for an induced birth at 20 weeks by a commission that includes:

  • a gynecologist who observed the patient from the first days of pregnancy;
  • chief physician medical institution;
  • a highly qualified specialist of a narrow profile (in the field of medicine in which problems were identified in the pregnant woman).

After the consultation, the patient will receive an official document certified by the signatures of all members of the commission and the seal of the medical institution. A woman who has been given a referral for artificial childbirth is recommended to consult a psychologist, since in this stressful situation the patient’s nervous system may give an unexpected reaction.

Recently, quite often there have been situations in which women who have been referred for artificial childbirth for serious medical reasons refuse this procedure, citing religious beliefs. The consequences of such a decision can be unpredictable:

  • newborn children may have physical defects;
  • infants may die during the first weeks of life;
  • newborns may have strong chromosomal abnormalities, etc.

For mothers, this can be a real blow, which some of them cannot cope with without outside help.

Time limits established for abortion

Modern medicine clearly defines the time frames in which an abortion is performed and in which artificial childbirth is performed. From 12 to 22 weeks, the patient can undergo this surgical procedure. The gestational age is confirmed during an ultrasound examination of the patient. In the event that the medical council has doubts about the timing of pregnancy, the woman is prescribed an additional laboratory examination. Only after the conclusion of a commission consisting of highly qualified specialists in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, a pregnant woman can undergo an artificial birth at 20 weeks.

The price for artificial termination of pregnancy at 20 weeks is set individually by each medical institution.

Methods of artificial childbirth

Artificial birth is carried out in a hospital setting, due to which the pregnant woman is under constant supervision medical workers. Depending on the specific situation and stage of pregnancy, the baby may be born alive.

At proper care and timely delivery medical care there is a very high probability that he will survive and will be able to fully develop in the future. But, unfortunately, artificial induction of labor does not always go well for babies, many of whom die in agony for a long time. Artificial childbirth is usually carried out using the following methods:

  • The pregnant woman is given special medications (prostaglandin, oxytocin, etc.) to stimulate the onset of labor. At rapid labor the patient is given medications to slow down labor;
  • In the absence of labor, a pregnant woman undergoes a cesarean section. During this surgical operation, the abdominal cavity is cut, and then the body of the uterus. Abdominal surgery can be performed both under general anesthesia and using epidermal anesthesia;
  • If there are medical indications, the pregnant woman is given special medications that interrupt intrauterine development fetus After this, stimulation is carried out and artificial labor is induced. If after birth the child shows signs of life, he is killed. This procedure usually performed during early stages of pregnancy and is often accompanied by injury to the woman’s internal genital organs. Medical abortion is carried out according to the same principle;
  • The most inhumane method of artificial termination of pregnancy is saline (candy) abortion. When using this technique, the fetus in the womb dies, experiencing unbearable painful sensations. In the event that a born child remains alive, he will remain disabled for the rest of his life and will not be able to fully exist in society.

Possible risks arising from abortion

Every pregnant woman who is referred by her attending physician for an induced birth at 20 weeks should be informed of all possible consequences. Any termination of pregnancy is a strong stress for the female body, which can result in serious problems related to the reproductive system. A negative impact can also be had on the endocrine system, which controls many vital processes of the body. The most common consequences caused by artificial childbirth are:

  • intrauterine bleeding, if untimely stopped, the patient may die;
  • growth, in which breakthrough bleeding is often observed;
  • inflammatory processes, which are very often observed during artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • infertility, which even after long-term therapy cannot be cured;
  • inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • purulent abscesses on the uterine cavity, etc.

If a patient decides to terminate a pregnancy for social reasons, she should think very carefully and consult with her family and friends. If in the future a woman who has undergone artificial childbirth wants to become pregnant, she will need a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Video about how abortions are performed in late pregnancy

Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when a pregnancy needs to be terminated. In the early stages, up to 12 months, pregnancy is terminated by abortion. But it also happens that the pregnancy needs to be terminated at a later date. Such an interruption is called artificial childbirth.

Artificial birth is carried out only in extreme cases. There are special medical and social indications for this. The woman herself, without compelling reasons, cannot terminate a pregnancy if its term is more than three months. As a rule, artificial childbirth is carried out between 15 and 23 weeks of pregnancy.

Types of artificial childbirth

There are several types of late pregnancy termination. One of these varieties is salt abortion. It is worth noting the fact that doctors are resorting to this method of terminating pregnancy less and less, since there is a high risk of various complications.

A saline abortion is performed in this way: the doctor pumps out 200 ml of amniotic fluid by puncturing the amniotic bladder. The volume that is vacated is filled with a special saline solution - sodium chloride. This solution surrounds the fetus, and as a result it dies. Unfortunately, the death of an unborn baby with this type of abortion is very long and painful. Within a few hours the child dies. The death of the fetus occurs in several stages: first, a severe chemical burn is formed under the influence of sodium chloride, then hydration occurs, and then hemorrhage in the brain, which causes the death of the baby.

After some time, the woman begins to experience labor pains, during which the uterus begins to contract and push the fetus out. In medicine, such a fruit is called “candy”, as it has a bright red color. skin. The skin acquires this color due to the effect of a saline solution, which thins the skin and all blood vessels become visible.

Any doctor is obliged to warn the woman in advance about what the baby will experience during a saline abortion. After all, the child has already formed a nervous system and all pain receptors. In addition, there are situations when a child survives after such an abortion. But at the same time he remains disabled for the rest of his life.

Because of such serious consequences of saline abortion, doctors are trying to perform artificial birth in a different way. The woman is given a special drug - prostaglandin. This substance is a female hormone that leads to softening of the uterus and the occurrence of labor pains. Oxytocin is also sometimes used. This drug provokes contractions of the uterus, which also leads to premature birth.

Sometimes doctors perform a minor caesarean section. During the operation, the fetus is removed. In such cases, the fetus dies immediately, since its lungs are not yet formed, and it simply suffocates once outside the uterus.

Indications for artificial childbirth

It has already been said above that artificial childbirth is carried out only if there are strict medical or social indications. Medical indications are established by a special commission, which is created at the medical institution in which artificial birth will be carried out. The woman will be preliminarily examined and referred for consultation to specialists. If other doctors confirm that there is no way to continue the pregnancy, then such a birth will be carried out.

There are some situations in which artificial childbirth can be carried out without additional examinations:

Infectious diseases

If a woman becomes infected during pregnancy, this can lead to the development of serious pathologies internal organs fetuses, which are most often incompatible with life. They may also prescribe termination of pregnancy if a woman has syphilis or tuberculosis.

Identification of developmental defects in a child that are incompatible with life

Sometimes it happens that on the first ultrasound it is not possible to notice pathologies in the development of the fetus. These pathologies can be very different, from mild to severe, which will inevitably lead to death. But even in such cases, the decision remains with the mother. It is up to her to decide whether to have an abortion.

Severe systemic diseases of the mother

If the mother has chronic diseases of the heart, nervous system, circulatory and vascular system, kidneys or liver, pregnancy can pose a serious threat not only to health, but also to life. Therefore, if it is impossible to carry the fetus to term without serious harm to health, doctors prescribe an artificial termination of pregnancy. But the mother always has the final say.

In addition to medical indications for artificial childbirth, there are a number of social ones. These include:

  • A court decision to deprive or restrict parental rights in relation to other children;
  • Pregnancy that occurs as a result of rape of a woman;
  • The presence of a woman in places of deprivation of liberty, including colonies;
  • Death of a husband that occurred during pregnancy;
  • The husband receiving the first or second group of disability during the woman’s pregnancy.

No doctor will agree to use artificial abortion as a means of terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

Health consequences after induced childbirth

The health risk after artificial childbirth is very high, even death is possible.

Bleeding. The bleeding can be so severe that the woman may even die or become infertile.

Development of placental polyp. Some of the placenta may be attached very tightly to the uterus. This can cause prolonged bleeding and even lead to the development of severe iron deficiency anemia.

Inflammatory processes most often occur after artificial childbirth. This happens due to the exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs and pelvic organs. Inflammation may initially occur in the injured uterine cavity, and then spread to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result, the lining of the uterus loses its mucous functions. This can lead to infertility, because the fertilized egg can no longer attach to the uterus.

Inflammatory processes lead to hormonal imbalance. Also, if the fallopian tubes are inflamed, ectopic pregnancy is possible. Inflammatory processes can cause pustules that form around the uterus and over time can spread to the abdominal cavity or other organs.

Inflammation of the peritoneum– the most severe complication after artificial childbirth. The inflammation covers the entire internal cavity of the peritoneum and, if not detected in time, can lead to blood poisoning. Through contaminated blood, the infection spreads to all organs and systems of the body.

Remember that artificial childbirth is a big risk for your health. They should be carried out only in extreme cases. Before deciding on such an operation, choose a good clinic and a good specialist who has positive recommendations. A lot will depend on this: the success of the artificial birth, as well as your subsequent recovery.

More recently, artificial birth in late pregnancy could not help save the child's life. Little by little, medicine has found a way to reduce this risk, but it still remains. The first and most common complication is considered to be bleeding. There are cases where women died due to bleeding or remained infertile. This is largely caused by exposure to a variety of drugs that are not at all beneficial to the body. It is possible that a placental polyp may occur due to the fact that the placenta is very firmly attached to the uterus. This can cause long and heavy bleeding, as well as iron deficiency anemia. If after childbirth doctors suspect the presence of this complication, they immediately begin to scrape the uterus.

Quite often, after artificial childbirth, women experience various types of inflammation. Most often, they begin to actively develop in the genital and pelvic areas. Initially, the source of infection may be the uterine cavity, and then adjacent organs such as the ovaries or fallopian tubes. This will also affect the woman’s ability to become pregnant in the future. This will be impossible because the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Placental polyp after childbirth

When a woman’s ovaries become inflamed, her hormonal levels change dramatically. The menstrual cycle also gets disrupted, which prevents a new pregnancy. In addition, if there are inflammatory processes in the pipes, this can even cause ectopic pregnancy because the risk is very high. And the fact that the embryo is not in the uterus will become clear already at 8-10 weeks. During this period of pregnancy, the embryo has already reached a fairly large size and can easily rupture the fallopian tube. Then the woman will experience very heavy bleeding, which can be fatal for the woman.

If an inflammatory process is detected, then you should not delay treatment. After all, it can lead to more severe complications such as ulcers. This is very dangerous, because there are known cases when ulcers also spread into the abdominal cavity, reached the surface of the body and infected other organs. Sometimes they may discharge pus. It is these cases that doctors call the most severe, because blood poisoning may well begin. And since the blood flow is very fast, the infection will very quickly spread to all corners of the body.

We must remember that. That artificial childbirth can only be performed by a specialist and only if there are really serious reasons for the operation. These may be diseases incompatible with life in a child: malformations of the cardiovascular system, problems with the central nervous system. They lead to severe pathologies that can threaten a woman’s life. According to the law, the procedure for artificial childbirth can only be carried out until 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. If the period is longer, then it is already called infanticide. Therefore, you need to think very carefully before deciding to take such a serious step. Weigh the pros and cons. After all, from the first minutes of pregnancy this is a living person and he has every right to life and no one has the right to decide whether he should live or die without even seeing the world.

Therefore, weigh the pros and cons before the doctor sends you for artificial birth and also think very carefully about the consequences, which will be very difficult for you. And this applies not only to the physical side, but also to the moral side. After all, as statistics show, many have many women. Those who experienced artificial childbirth as prescribed by a doctor, and not of their own free will, cannot improve their mental state for a long time.

For various medical reasons, doctors can prescribe artificial birth - every woman carrying a baby should know what it is. They are a method of terminating a pregnancy from 20 weeks by inducing premature labor. This concept also includes artificial stimulation of labor, starting from the 41st week (i.e., during pregnancy), and the birth of a child through cesarean section. Many people mistakenly attribute a lot of disadvantages to artificial childbirth, although they have many more advantages. A doctor will never prescribe this procedure unless absolutely necessary.

If termination of pregnancy before the 12th week is called abortion, then in subsequent stages the concept of artificial birth is used. This procedure is prescribed only in special, critical situations. When making such a responsible decision, the doctor always weighs the pros and cons, taking into account the medical indications for artificial childbirth, which include the following conditions of the patient:

  • chronic diseases that are a contraindication for pregnancy: with them it is physically impossible to bear a fetus;
  • defects or underdevelopment of the fetus, determined by the results of ultrasound diagnostics or special laboratory tests;
  • artificial birth is prescribed for frozen pregnancy;
  • chromosomal abnormalities identified during genetic research;
  • serious illnesses suffered by a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, if they can have a negative impact on the further formation and development of the fetus;
  • cardiovascular or oncological diseases, the treatment of which requires the mandatory use of powerful, potent medications, chemotherapy or radiation exposure;
  • tuberculosis, diabetes, blood diseases, rubella, syphilis;
  • mental disorders that manifest themselves during pregnancy;
  • alcoholism of parents, their use of narcotic substances;
  • the patient’s age is too young (if she is not yet 16 years old);
  • cessation of fetal growth;
  • (after the 41st week of pregnancy);
  • placental dysfunction;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • preeclampsia ( arterial pressure goes off scale);
  • weak labor activity;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • ineffectiveness of spontaneous contractions.

As a rule, artificial childbirth is carried out for medical reasons if there is a risk that a woman will not be able to give birth to a baby on her own, if there is a threat to their lives. Assessing the overall clinical picture, the doctor makes a decision and necessarily obtains the patient’s consent. In addition to medical ones, there are also social indications for artificial childbirth. This:

  • pregnancy resulting from sexual assault;
  • deprivation of parental rights;
  • antisocial lifestyle of spouses;
  • death of a spouse or receipt of disability of the 1st and 2nd degrees during the wife’s pregnancy;
  • stay of the spouses in prison during this period.

If, based on the results of these indications (both medical and social), a decision was made about artificial childbirth, the woman should not be afraid. The modern level of medicine allows this procedure to be carried out quickly, painlessly and without dangerous consequences for the health of mother and baby.

Progress of the process

It is quite natural that women want to know how artificial childbirth works, how long it lasts and whether it is a painful process. Everything will depend on which method of artificial termination of pregnancy was chosen by the doctor. Today there are several of them.

  • Taking prostaglandins

This is an outdated method of artificial childbirth, which involves taking the hormone prostaglandin. This drug causes contractions by causing the cervix to slowly dilate. It is a painful and lengthy procedure. Now prostaglandin is used for these purposes in tandem with the drug Mifegin. Such artificial births are carried out at 18–20 weeks so that the child is born non-viable.

  • Taking Mifegin

This method of artificial childbirth has another name - medical abortion. It is most often carried out in later stages with the help of mifepristone (Mifegin). After 36–48 hours, the patient is given a prostaglandin analogue (Misopristol). Unlike the previous method, this one is considered safer and painless. When a medical abortion is performed at a period of more than 22 weeks, the child in rare cases survives, but is born with severe complications and pathologies. Given this fact, the patient is injected with potassium chloride to kill the fetus: it causes cardiac arrest in the child or cessation of its blood supply through the umbilical cord. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out artificial childbirth at 5 months of pregnancy, but not later.

  • Saline abortion / “Filling”

The amnion (fetal bladder) is pumped out with a long medical needle. amniotic fluid(about 200 ml), a hypertonic saline solution (20%) is injected in its place. The fetus dies from hypernatremia (increased sodium concentration in the blood plasma) and dehydration (loss of water). 24–48 hours after such an injection, the fetus is removed. Prostaglandins are used to induce such artificial labor. During a saline abortion, a woman experiences the same sensations as during a normal birth, only the fetus is born much smaller. Often in such cases, completely viable children appear, so doctors use this method less often than surgical abortion.

  • Transabdominal method

If there are contraindications to the oral administration of the above solutions, the method of dilating the cervix with the help of medical instruments is used, after which the amniotic sac is opened. The transabdominal method is used quite rarely in such cases, when other methods are contraindicated, as they can lead to cervical rupture, prolonged labor or infection.

Depending on the type of technique chosen, you can find out how long artificial labor lasts: from 12 to 48 hours, like a normal birth. This will be influenced by the duration of pregnancy and individual characteristics woman's body.


The most frightening moment for all women is the consequences of artificial childbirth, which may in the future affect both their health and the condition of the child. There are many different myths circulating about this method, but almost all of them can be debunked. The level of modern medicine is such that the doctor will not risk the life and health of the mother and baby. Consequences are possible only in case of pathologies, complications and incorrect procedure (which is extremely rare). These include:

  1. Heavy bleeding.
  2. Development of a placental polyp, which can also lead to prolonged bleeding or severe iron deficiency anemia. In such a situation, a curettage procedure is prescribed.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs or in the pelvic organs. They can begin on the surface of the uterine cavity, which was injured as a result of the procedure, and spread to the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  4. Infertility.
  5. Menstrual irregularities. Often, periods after an artificial birth can last too long due to heavy bleeding due to injury to the uterus.
  6. Blood poisoning.
  7. Significant changes in hormonal levels.

If everything was done in accordance with medical indications, artificial stimulation of labor is a completely safe process for the health of the woman and child. If the doctor strongly recommends it, you need to weigh the pros and cons and trust the modern level of medicine.

The birth of a healthy baby on time naturally considered a normal outcome of pregnancy. However, as practice shows, a favorable outcome does not happen in all cases. Situations often arise when, for various reasons, it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy at different dates. Induced birth is one of the ways to terminate a pregnancy beyond twenty weeks, when abortion or vacuum aspiration is not possible.

In medical practice today, one way or another, there are moments when doctors are forced to stimulate the birth process, interrupting the pregnancy. Artificial childbirth is a forced measure prescribed for medical reasons in situations where a woman’s life is in danger, or to prevent the birth of an unviable baby, in other words, when the risks of continuing a pregnancy are higher than the risks associated with its termination.

Indications for artificial childbirth.
Let me note right away that artificial childbirth is not carried out only at the request of the woman herself. There must be serious medical or social reasons for this. This process is carried out only in a medical institution with the presence of an operating room and intensive care units. In this case, the pregnant woman first undergoes a full examination by specialists.

There are only three social indications for artificial childbirth: pregnancy resulting from sexual assault, the death of a spouse during pregnancy, and deprivation of parental rights.

The list of medical indications for terminating a pregnancy in this way is quite extensive. Among them are pathologies and abnormalities of fetal development, as a result of which the fetus is likely to be born non-viable, gene mutations, intrauterine fetal death, as well as a threat to the life or health of the mother. In the latter case, such a threat may include diabetes mellitus in a woman, diseases of the cardiovascular system, severe disorders of the central nervous system, impaired renal or liver function, and acute preeclampsia (toxicosis in the last trimester of pregnancy). In addition, induced childbirth is offered to pregnant women who, while carrying a child, “caught” rubella, syphilis or pulmonary tuberculosis. Against this background, there is a very high probability of developing various types of deformities and pathologies in the child. In addition, the reasons for artificial childbirth may be bleeding of various natures, a high risk of infections, hypertension, and placental rupture.

It is worth noting that labor is also stimulated in cases of post-term pregnancy (more than forty-one weeks), as well as cases when amniotic fluid moved away, but labor (contractions) did not begin. IN in this case wait a day, after which they decide to carry out an artificial birth, since there is a high probability of developing an infection in the child or the woman in labor. Doctors can also make a similar decision based on the patient’s past experience, when, late in pregnancy, she developed complications, as a result of which the pregnancy did not continue.

The decision to carry out an artificial birth is made in each specific case, based on the general condition of the woman in labor, individual and medical indicators. And most importantly, this process can only be carried out with the consent of the pregnant woman, except in cases that threaten her life and require urgent medical intervention.

The mechanism of action of drugs used for artificial childbirth.
When pregnancy occurs, natural mechanisms are activated in the female body, the action of which is aimed at suppressing the contractility of the muscles of the uterus. The sex hormone progesterone is responsible for suppressing muscle contractions of the uterus. An insufficient amount of this hormone in a woman’s body during pregnancy leads to failure to carry it to term (spontaneous abortion).

As labor approaches, protein and prostaglandins accumulate in the muscle fibers of the uterus; immediately before birth, the production of progesterone decreases and the secretion of estrogen increases, which enhances the contractile function of the uterine muscles. In addition, oxytocin, a pituitary hormone, begins to be produced, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the contractile activity of the uterus. As a result, the uterus contracts, against this background contractions appear, then pushing, and only then the fetus is expelled from it.

To stimulate muscle contractions of the uterus and artificially induce labor, oxytocin, prostaglandins and the drug Mifepristone are used, the action of which is aimed at suppressing the activity of progesterone.

Methods of implementation.
Several techniques are used to induce artificial labor. It also happens that several methods are used simultaneously to obtain the most effective result. In general, the technique is selected by the doctor individually in each specific case.

Separation of amniotic membranes.
This method is often used to induce labor and is widely used during induced labor. Amniotic (or amniotic) membranes seem to envelop the baby in the womb. When separating the membranes, the doctor or midwife gently carries out this procedure by inserting a hand into the cervical canal. This procedure can be performed during a routine examination by a gynecologist. If the woman gives her consent, the procedure is performed repeatedly, and then other methods of stimulation are used. In some cases, such a procedure (if the cervix is ​​difficult to access) can cause a feeling of discomfort.

Rupture of the membranes.
The essence of this method is to violate the integrity of the amniotic membranes. This technique is rarely used to artificially induce labor. The exception is cases when it is impossible to administer prostaglandins vaginally. However, it is often used to speed up labor.

A midwife or doctor uses a special hook or gloves with a pointed tip on one of the fingers to puncture the amniotic sac. The procedure is highly effective when the uterus is in a relaxed and softened state, in other words, when it is ready for childbirth.

It should be noted that this technique is not always effective, and after the water breaks, the risk of infection in the child increases significantly. Therefore, this method, like the separation of the amniotic membranes, is used as an auxiliary method of inducing labor. If an infection is suspected, the woman in labor is prescribed antibiotics.

Use of oxytocin.
Action female hormone Oxytocin is aimed at stimulating the process of milk production and muscle contraction of the uterus. Oxytocin is used to induce and stimulate labor. As a rule, its administration is carried out intravenously by drip in combination with a 5% glucose solution, with the dose gradually increasing. The action of oxytocin promotes the growth of labor.

However, this technique has its own contraindications: a narrow pelvis, when the size of the fetus more sizes pelvis of the woman in labor, scars on the uterus, transverse or oblique position of the fetus, threat of uterine rupture.

Administration of Mifepristone.
Mifepristone suppresses the effects of progesterone, blocking its function to suppress the contractility of the uterine muscles. Under its influence, small blood vessels in the uterine mucosa are destroyed, resulting in its rejection. In addition, this drug helps to increase the level of prostaglandins, which cause contraction of the uterine muscles. All this contributes to the onset of labor, dilation of the cervix and removal of the fetus from its cavity. In order to enhance the effect of this drug, it is administered in combination with prostaglandins. Mifepristone is also used to terminate pregnancy early stages(up to 6 weeks).

Administration of prostaglandin.
Prostaglandins are biologically active substances that accelerate the ripening of the cervix, soften it, and cause uterine contractions or contractions. In order to terminate pregnancy, prostaglandins are injected internally and applied externally to the fetal bladder, injected into the vagina, as well as intramuscularly and intravenously. To induce artificial labor in the late stages of pregnancy in order to terminate it, the greatest effect is obtained by administering prostin F2 alpha inside the fetal bladder.

In addition, drugs containing prostaglandin are injected into the vagina to a considerable depth. These can be tablets, suppositories or gels. Achieving results may require repeated procedures. If labor does not occur six hours after administration of the drug, the procedure is repeated. This technique has one significant drawback - it is excessive stimulation of the uterus, which may reduce the supply of oxygen to the baby. In this case, medications are used to slow down the contractile activity of the uterus.

This technique is contraindicated for use in diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, liver and kidneys.

"Minor" caesarean section.
A minor caesarean section is one of the surgical methods of artificial termination of pregnancy; it is usually performed at a period of thirteen to twenty-two weeks of pregnancy, taking into account the presence of medical indications, as well as contraindications to performing artificial termination of pregnancy by other methods.

This method is also used in cases where, along with an abortion for medical reasons, it is necessary to carry out surgical sterilization. The procedure for a minor cesarean section is carried out in the following order: the doctor dissects the cervix and its lower segment, then removes the embryo and placenta, after which the integrity of the uterus and vagina is restored. Because of high level In case of injury, this method is used in exceptional cases (unprepared birth canal, indications for deprivation of the ability to reproduce).

Possible risks.
Naturally, intrusion into physiological processes entails a lot of negative consequences. The “safest” thing is a hormonal imbalance, the restoration of which will require a long period of time. In addition, during artificial childbirth, a woman’s organs can be damaged, there is a risk of blood loss and infection, blood poisoning and the development of inflammatory processes. And the worst thing is that after such an intervention a woman may never have children again.

It is worth noting that each specific case has its own risks.

Women who have experienced induced childbirth need a long period recovery. In the future, when planning the next pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a full course of examination, and both partners must do this.