Diagnostic findings in the senior group of federal state educational institutions. A set of diagnostic techniques for examining all groups of dows

Municipal preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 215 “Buratino”
Sovetsky district, Rostov-on-Don

Analytical information
Based on the results of diagnosing the knowledge, skills and abilities of children
Senior group No. 9

Educator: Panteleeva T.V.
Duration: September 2017. At the beginning of the school year, there were 35 children in the senior group: 19 girls and 16 boys. Of these, 13 were newly admitted children: Bakhina M, Gaidamakin M, Demyanik V, Zharova I, Isaeva M, Kotov K, Kotova E, Kryakvin A, Menabde E, Mukha A, Ovsyannikova L, Rogov S, Tolkachev M. - adaptation period It went well for these children; the children quickly settled into the group, made friends with the children, and ate and slept well.
The survey was carried out as part of the implementation of the program “From birth to school” Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.
30 children took part in the diagnostics. Do not visit kindergarten 5 children: Barna D., Lebedinskaya S., Kim D., Shevtsova E. - for family reasons.
Diagnostics were carried out in sections:
“Socio-communicative development”,
« Cognitive development»,
« Speech development»,
"Artistic aesthetic development»,
« Physical development»
problematic (diagnostic situation);
conversation; a game.

Forms of implementation: individual; subgroup; group
Diagnostic results:

"Social and communicative development"
Socialization Game Labor Safety
High 23% 23 28 23
Average 62% 61 59 48
Low 15% 16 13 29
"Cognitive Development"
Mathematics Construction The surrounding world
High 26 35 30
Average 55 50 53
Low 19 15 17
"Speech development"
Speech development Literacy training Familiarization with artistic literature.
Tall 42 35 39
Average 48 52 44
Low 10 13 17

"Artistic and aesthetic development"
applique drawing theater
High 27 36 29
Average 57 54 52
Low 16 10 19
"Physical development"
Cultural and hygienic skills
Tall 38
Average 62
Short -

Educational field: “Socio-communicative development”.
Monitoring in the educational area “Socialization” used observations of the child’s activity during various periods of stay, individual conversations.
High level. 7 children - 23%. These are children who can agree with their peers on what to play, who will be who in the game, obey the rules of the game, and explain the rules of the game to children. They know how to design a game using a variety of materials. They are the initiator in the game.
18 children have an average level, which is 18%. These children can take on a role and briefly interact with peers in the game on behalf of the hero, but in didactic games they cannot assess their capabilities and do not know how to design their game.
5 children have a low level; 15% are primarily children who are often ill and allow a lot of absences. Children in this group are impulsive. Their ability to communicate independently with peers is not sufficiently developed and they mostly play alone.
15% have a high level; these are children who can take on a role and actively communicate with peers during play. They use the toy correctly during play and are able to organize independent games.
77% have an average level; these are children who know how to design a game using a variety of materials (attributes, improvised materials). They are often organizers of the game, able to accept a problematic game situation, change their own role behavior and show respect for peers and adults. But in didactic games they cannot assess their capabilities, do not know how to design their game, and do not always follow the rules of the game.
10% have a low level, these are children who communicate only with adults, act with objects according to a show or model. They actively participate in the game, but do not follow the rules. They partially see their mistakes and correct them with the help of an adult. The supposed reason for the average quality of assimilation of program material by children in this section: hyperactivity of children, age characteristics.
Ways to solve: continue working with children through the use of didactic games on the problem; interest children through play situations and reading books with problem situations. Use more often when working with children didactic games. It is necessary to pay attention to enriching the plot of games, strengthening the ability to conduct role-playing dialogues, accept game tasks, and communicate with adults and peers.

See: "Handbook of educational psychologist. Kindergarten", 2012. No. 3. P. 4.

Diagnostics of the mental development of children of the older group (beginning of the year)

Date of birth ___________________ Age at the time of examination ________________

Date of examination ___________ Kindergarten No. ______________ Group ________________

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1. Build a house.

2. Connect the dots.

3. Mend the carpet.

4. Find identical objects.

5. Houses.

Teacher-psychologist _____________________1 task:

Task 2:

  • high level– the task was completed without errors;
  • average level– the task was completed with 1–2 errors, the lines are broken, unclear or circled several times;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 3:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level – task completed with 1–3 errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 4:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 5:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • medium level – task completed with 1 error;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Diagnostics of the mental development of children of the older group (end of the year)

Date of birth ___________________ Age at the time of examination ________________
Date of examination ______________ Kindergarten No. ____________ Group ________________

1. Build a house.

2. Complete the figure.

3. Cross out the extra figure.

4. Match the pictures that begin with the same sounds.

5. Remember and underline the 5 named items.

Teacher-psychologist ____________________ 1 task:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level – the task was completed with 1–2 errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 2:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 3:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level – the task was completed with 1–2 errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 4:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • medium level – task completed with 1 error;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 5:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • medium level – task completed with 1 error;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere of the preparatory group (beginning of the year)

Last name, first name of the child ________________________________________________________________

1. Continue the series without breaking the pattern.

2. Match the number and the corresponding picture.

3. Eliminate the extra item.

4. Corrective test.

5. Circle the objects you see in the sample.

Sample for determining the level of visual memory

6. Methodology "Resolution of problem situations"

Educational psychologist ___________________1 task:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level – the task was completed with 1–2 errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 2:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • medium level – the task was completed with 1–2 errors, the lines are broken, unclear or circled several times, the shape is unclear;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 3:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level – the task was completed with 1–2 errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 4:

  • low level – task completed incorrectly, 39–0% of characters.

Task 5:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • medium level – task completed with 1 error;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 6:

The child’s choice is assessed: either an adequate solution to the problem situation; or an immature decision - an attempt to blame your mistake on someone else; or an aggressive attitude, a distrustful attitude towards others, which means a high level of anxiety - diagnostics are carried out in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere of children in the preparatory group (end of the year)

Last name, first name of the child ________________________________________________________________
Age ________ Group No. _____ Kindergarten No. ____ Date of examination ____________
Educational psychologist ________________________________________________________________
Recommendations: _________________________________________________________________

1. Draw lines in the middle of the path without lifting your pencil.

2. Draw a figure dot by dot according to the sample.

3. Sew up the rug.

4. Corrective test.

5. Find the picture you need.

Psychological examination protocol

1. Fine motor skills, preparation for writing

2. Method "Draw a figure by dots"

3. Methodology "Roven Matrix Problems"

4. Methodology "Corrective test"

5. “Visual analogies” technique

6. Methodology "Assessment of motivational readiness for school"

Educational psychologist _______________________.

Diagnosis of motivational readiness for learning at school

Teacher-psychologist __________________1 task:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors:
  • intermediate level – task completed with 1–2 errors:
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 2:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • medium level – the task was completed with 1–2 errors, the lines are broken, unclear or circled several times, the shape is unclear;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 3:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level – the task was completed with 1–2 errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 4:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors, more than 60% of characters;
  • medium level – the task was completed with errors, 59–40% of characters;
  • low level – task completed incorrectly 39–0% of characters.

Task 5:

  • high level – the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level – the task was completed with 1–2 errors;
  • low level – the task was completed incorrectly.

Task 6:

Motivation for educational activities - the child chooses mainly pictures of educational and work activities. Moreover educational activities– in a situation of 1 choice.
The attractiveness of the external side of learning - the child chooses labor activity in the situation of 1 choice, several pictures of educational and gaming activities.
Lack of educational motivation - the child chooses only work and game forms activities.

List of methods used

Name of the technique

The main focus of the methodology /test/

Literary source

Study of the volume and speed of auditory-verbal memorization

Luria A.G.

Visual memory research

Identifying Features visual perception

Semago M.M.

Diagnostic kit. Semago

Correction test

Study of attentional stability

Pierron - Rouser

Diagnostic kit. Semago

Simple analogies

Diagnostic kit. Semago

Exclusion of concepts and objects

Nonverbal and verbal logical thinking

Diagnostic kit. Semago

What's missing

Attention Research

Perception Research

Golovina T.N.

Practical material for p-p examinations children. S.D. Zabramnaya, O.V. Borovik

Sequence of events

Study of thinking processes

Bershtein A.N.

Corrective and developmental classes. Sharokhina V.L.

Fence (Continue the pattern)

Thinking Research

Zabramnaya S.D., Borovik O.V.

"From diagnosis to development"

Fix the rug

Thinking Research

Zabramnaya S.D., Borovik O.V.

"From diagnosis to development"

Eliminating unnecessary things

Thinking Research

Zabramnaya S.D., Borovik O.V.

"From diagnosis to development"

Establishing patterns

Thinking Research

Zabramnaya S.D., Borovik O.V.

"From diagnosis to development"

Assessment of motivational readiness to study at school

Soldatov D.V.

Ready for school life.

Kamenskaya V.G., Zvereva S.V.

Kazakova Valentina
Analysis of pedagogical diagnostics in the senior group for 2016–2017 academic year

Educators: Grigorenko S.V. Kazakova V.Z.

In May 2017, at the end of the year, a diagnostics of older children.

IN diagnostics 24 children took part nka:

Girls – 11

Boys – 13

Of these, 14 children showed high results – 62%;

The average result of 10 children is 38%;

There is no low result.

results diagnostics showed, at the beginning of the year 40%, at the end of the year 50%. Children dramatize short fairy tales, recite poems based on roles, weakly compose stories based on pictures and series of paintings, determine the place of a sound in a word, name words with a given sound. We plan to do a lot of work with group children on the development of monologue, dialogic and sound culture of speech;

Continue to pay more attention to cognitive development.

At the beginning of the year, a high level of 31%, at the end of the year 42%. During the year, children were taught to distinguish and name geometric figures, correlate volumetric and planar figures, children can compare by length, width, height, children can navigate in time (yesterday Today Tomorrow).Next training This year we plan to do more work to consolidate knowledge of the days of the week and the names of the months. Children have mastered counting forward and backward to 10 and can increase and decrease numbers by one.

I would like to note the high results in the development of the game plot; the ability to independently distribute roles in a game or dramatization.

Over the course of the year, we worked on observing the rules in public places and taught how to give a moral assessment of our own and others’ actions.

Artistic and aesthetic development; to the beginning academic year – 48%, at the end of the year 79%; for training year, children have mastered the correct use of scissors, are able to create individual and collective drawings, and are able to create works based on applied arts. Next time training This year we plan to pay more attention to designing from paper and natural materials.

Children know and name musical instruments well. Some children have mastered playing wooden spoons; basically all children can sing songs accompanied by a musical instrument.

We plan within educational continue to work together with their parents for a year.

Social and communicative development:

At the beginning of the year 31% at the end of the year 42%, children come up with variants of games, follow the rules, combine movements.

Care and health for every child, well-being and comprehensive development every child, creation in group friendly attitude towards all students; using a variety of activities; unity of approaches to raising children in conditions of the preschool educational institution and families.

Publications on the topic:

Analytical report on the results of diagnostics in the second junior group for the 2016–2017 academic year At the end of the school year in May 2017, pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) was carried out in the second junior group in which the student participated.

Analysis of the work of MBDOU for the 2016–2017 academic year MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Kindergarten No. 235 of a combined type", located at the address: 660113,

Analysis of the work of the preparatory group for the first half of the 2016–2017 academic year 1. Information note. Preparatory group located on the 2nd floor of the preschool educational institution building. The group is attended by 23 people, of which: 10 are girls, 13.

Analysis of the Junior Group RPPs for the 2016–2017 academic year NGO “Speech Development” Name of centers (development corners): Speech development center, book corner, theatrical activity center (corner.

Comprehensive thematic planning in the senior group for the 2016–2017 academic year Comprehensive thematic planning in senior group No. 3 “Rainbow” for the 2016-2017 academic year. Calendar period block Week Topic of the week.

Report on teaching work for the 2016–2017 academic year Report on pedagogical work for the 2016-2017 year of educators speech therapy group No. 6 The roster of the group consisted of 15 children, of which.

Report on the work done by the teacher in the senior group for the 2016–2017 academic year Report on the work done for the 2016 – 2017 academic year in the senior group “Fairy Tale” Teacher of the 1st category Kovgan Yu. I. Pedagogical process.

Diagnostics mental development children of the older group (beginning of the year)

Last name, first name of the child ___________________________________________________
Date of birth ___________________ Age at the time of examination __________
Date of examination___________ Kindergarten No. ______________ Group________________

Assignments: Appendix 7.docx
1. Build a house.

2. Connect the dots.

  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • medium level - the task was completed with 1-2 errors, the lines are broken, unclear or circled several times;
  • 3. Mend the carpet.

  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level - task completed with 1-3 errors;
  • low level - the task was completed incorrectly.
    4. Find identical objects.
  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level - task completed with 1 error;
  • low level - task completed incorrectly
    5. Houses.
  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level - task completed with 1 error;
  • low level - the task was completed incorrectly.

F.I. child, date of birth

Diagnosis of the level of sensory perception, ability to distribute attention. "Let's build a house."

"Connect the dots". Instructions: “Connect the dots with one continuous line to make clear, beautiful figures»

“Let’s mend the carpet.”

Instructions: “Select and circle the shape that is missing in the rectangle”

Diagnostics of the ability to concentrate, distribute attention, and the development of sensory perception “Find identical objects.” Instructions: “Find identical objects in each line and circle them”

Diagnostics of the state of memory (direct memorization, fatigue, attention activity "Houses". Instructions: “There are houses in front of you, paint the roof of the first house, draw a window in the third, shade the wall in the smallest house.” Repeat three times.



Diagnostics of the mental development of children of the older group (end of the year)

Last name, first name of the child ______________________________________________________________
Date of birth ___________________ Age at the time of examination ________________
Date of examination ______________ Kindergarten No. ____________

Group ________________

Lessons: Appendix 8.docx
1. Build a house.

  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • low level - the task was completed incorrectly.

2. Complete the figure.

  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • medium level - the task was completed with 1-2 errors, the lines are broken, unclear or circled several times, the shape is unclear;
  • low level - the task was completed incorrectly.

3. Cross out the extra figure.

  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level - task completed with 1-2 errors;
  • low level - the task was completed incorrectly.

4. Match the pictures that begin with the same sounds.

  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level - task completed with 1 error;
  • low level - the task was completed incorrectly.

5. Remember and underline the 5 named items.

  • high level - the task was completed without errors;
  • intermediate level - task completed with 1 error;
  • low level - the task was completed incorrectly.

Results of diagnostics of psycho-emotional development

Senior group_________________Date______________

F.I. child, date of birth

Diagnosis of the level of sensory perception, ability to distribute attention, and concentrate. "Let's build a house."

Instructions: “Look at the right and left houses. In the right house you need to add lines so that the two houses turn out the same"

Diagnosis of the level of self-regulation and attention "Complete the figure". Instructions: “There are half-drawn circles and triangles on the piece of paper in front of you, Draw them in.”

Diagnostics of the formation of thinking “Cross out the extra.”

Instructions: “In each row, cross out the extra figure, the one that in your opinion does not fit with the rest.”

Diagnostics of the ability to concentrate, the level of verbal and logical thinking “Find objects with the same sound.” Instructions “Connect objects that start with the same sound”

Memory diagnostics “Remember and underline.” Instructions: “Listen to the words: umbrella, teapot, bear, elephant, mushroom (repeat 2 times). Cross out on your piece of paper the items I named.”



Educational psychologist ________________________________________


Solonina Yu.I.

for the 2014-2015 academic year

With. Elan-Knee

There are 24 children in the senior group “Kapelka”: 11 girls and 13 boys. 22 children took part in the monitoring. Nikita Boldyrev (for family reasons) and Ulyana Buravleva (Vacation) were absent. Results monitoring showed that the children of the group mastered material in all educational areas at a high, average and low level

This integrative quality is most highly developed in

Sashi K., Sashi S, Egora B., Artyoma V., Andrey L., Viti L., Veronica P.

High level – 25%

Average level - 66%

Low level - 9%

The lowest result in mastering the program was for Katya Pereslytsky and Sogdiana Bukova due to individual characteristics children.

They will be worked on in in this direction.

The highest scores are for Egor B., Igor K., Vitya L., Veronica P., Ilya K., Sasha S, Sasha K. These guys are always ready to learn new things and are interested in things and circumstances unknown to them.

High level-23%

The average level is 73%.

Low Level-4%

Low scores for Oleg B., Sogdiana B., Children have little interest in events outside their circle and lifestyle

All children are at an average and low level.

High level-13%

Average level - 76%

Low level - 11%

Oleg B. and Sogdiana B. have fewer points.

The highest score went to Egor B. Igor K. Sasha K., K Udryavtsev S., Ilya K., Kandrey L, Viti L. Sasha S, Veronica P.

High score - 21%

Average level -78%

Low score_1%-

The lowest scores went to Sogdiana B., Angela Kh.. and Oleg B. These children do not have a rich enough vocabulary and do not express their opinions.

The highest score went to Egor B. Igor K. Sasha K., K Udryavtsev S., Ilya K., KAndrey L, Viti L. Sasha S, Veronica P

High -12%.

Average level - 78%

Low level10%

Low scores for Oleg B., Sogdiana B., Angela H.

Individual work will be carried out with these children in this direction.

Physically developed

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Cognitive development

Social-communicative development


Average (norm)


Total number of children examined

Percentage of absorption



MKDOU "Elan-Kolenovsky general developmental kindergarten No. 1"


Teacher of the senior group "Kapelka"

Solonina Yu.I.

for the 2014-2015 academic year

With. Elan-Knee

Analysis of diagnostics in the senior group “Kapelka” at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year.

There are 24 children in the senior group “Kapelka”: 11 girls and 13 boys. 22 children took part in the monitoring. Nikita Boldyrev (for family reasons) and Ulyana Buravleva (Vacation) were absent. Results monitoring showed that the children of the group mastered material in all educational areas at a high, average and low level

Educational area “Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills”This integrative quality is most highly developed in

Sashi K., Sashi S, Egora B., Artyoma V., Andrey L., Viti L., Veronica P.

High level – 25%

Average level - 66%

Low level - 9%

The lowest results in mastering the program were achieved by Katya Pereslytsky and Sogdiana Bukova due to the individual characteristics of the children.

Work will be carried out with them in this direction.

Educational field "Speech development"

The highest scores are for Egor B., Igor K., Vitya L., Veronica P., Ilya K., Sasha S, Sasha K. These guys are always ready to learn new things and are interested in things and circumstances unknown to them.

High level-23%

The average level is 73%.

Low Level-4%

Low scores for Oleg B., Sogdiana B., Children have little interest in events outside their circle and lifestyle

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

All children are at an average and low level.

High level-13%

Average level - 76%

Low level - 11%

Oleg B. and Sogdiana B. have fewer points.

Educational field "Cognitive development"

The highest score went to Egor B. Igor K. Sasha K., K Udryavtsev S., Ilya K., Kandrey L, Viti L. Sasha S, Veronica P.

High score - 21%

Average level -78%

Low score_1%-

The lowest scores went to Sogdiana B., Angela Kh.. and Oleg B. These children do not have a rich enough vocabulary and do not express their opinions.

Educational field “Social and communicative development”.

The highest score went to Egor B. Igor K. Sasha K., K Udryavtsev S., Ilya K., KAndrey L, Viti L. Sasha S, Veronica P

High -12%.

Average level - 78%

Low level10%

Low scores for Oleg B., Sogdiana B., Angela H.

Individual work will be carried out with these children in this direction.

The diagnostic results showed that at the end of the year the percentage of absorption educational areas -88%

Level of development of integrative qualities

Physically developed

Speech development