Mushroom applique templates middle group. Software requirements for creating “Mushrooms” applications in the middle group

Applique is a type of creativity that allows you to create patterns or paintings from pieces of paper, fabric, plant and other materials, glued or sewn onto a certain base. And for children, such activities are also a great opportunity to develop intellectual and creative abilities and train fine motor skills.

That is why applications are so widely used in developmental activities for children in the senior and middle groups of kindergarten. In general, of course, such applications are being made already in the second younger group, however, from pre-prepared parts of the mushroom. But already in the preparatory group, quite complex work is already being done. This article will provide master classes on making mushroom appliqués for beginners.

For cutting, you can prepare a stencil specially downloaded from the Internet, and the prepared parts cut out from the stencil can be pasted onto the outline, which can again be downloaded on the Internet or drawn by hand. A basket of mushrooms made by kids looks very nice - while working, it will be useful to further study the names of edible mushrooms that may be in the basket.

The advantage of this type of creativity is opportunity create real works of art from scrap materials, and sometimes even from unnecessary things.

To develop the baby and replenish it horizon and volume knowledge about the world around him - it is very important to teach him to create something with his own hands. A suitable option in this case would be the application “ Mushrooms“- it is not difficult to implement and does not require a lot of time and materials.

This “Mushrooms” applique for the middle group can be a fun activity that develops their horizons well and perfectly trains fine motor skills. To make this craft we will need:

This list materials can be supplemented at your discretion. You can use corrugated paper, cereals, plasticine, paints.

Mushroom template You can download it from the Internet and print it, or you can draw it yourself. This can be an outline image or a multi-colored picture.

We present step by step instructions performing the “mushrooms” application in the middle group. To begin with, it is recommended to choose the simplest mushrooms in shape.

Using the obtained fungi you can make spots by drawing them with felt-tip pens or paints. You can glue small paper circles.

Gallery: application on the theme “Mushrooms” (25 photos)

Application "Mushrooms" made from natural materials

Application "Mushrooms" in senior group from natural materials - a somewhat more complex process, but very interesting and exciting. It is very easy to make an applique from dry leaves.

Collected leaves need to be leveled and dried with a warm iron. You can dry the leaves between the pages of the book. Such an application can turn out to be very original and bright. The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, blanks for legs and caps are cut out of thin paper according to a template.
  2. Each paper piece is covered with dry leaves, selected by color.
  3. All parts are glued to a cardboard base.

The lower part of the picture is decorated using dry blades of grass, twigs, and small leaves.

Making applications from cereals

A very natural and original application on the theme “Mushrooms” can be made using cereals or grains. To make such a craft you will need a template. mushroom on white paper. However, it is absolutely not necessary to print out the finished template; you can simply draw it for your child. Such sample will allow you to preserve the natural colors of the materials you will use.

If necessary, you can use paints and give the applique any desired color.

However, it is better to postpone such coloring until the end of the work, because coloring bulk material is not the easiest task.

The sequence of making an applique from cereals can be as follows:

You can make an applique from pumpkin or watermelon sunflower seeds. To do this, the template is made on a cardboard base, the cap and leg are covered with a thin layer of plasticine. The seeds are carefully placed on the surface of the plasticine.

Crumpled paper applications

You can make an application using mint paper. To do this, print out the templates on white paper and distribute them to children. Next you need to do the following:

At the end of the work, the lower part of the composition is supplemented weed. To do this, take a strip of paper Green colour and cut it on one side with a fringe. The strip is glued to the mushrooms.

Application "Amanita"

Application in the form fly agaric can turn out to be very elegant and attractive and also gives scope for children’s imagination - after all, this beautiful mushroom can be created and decorated in the most incredible ways. To work, you can use the proposed template.

Summary of educational activities for the application for children 4–5 years old “Basket of Mushrooms”

Target: Learn children cut off the corners of the square, rounding them. Strengthen the ability to hold scissors correctly, cut with them, carefully paste parts of the image into appliqués. Lead to a figurative solution, a figurative vision of the results of work, to their evaluation.

Demo material: Mushroom basket, drawn by the teacher and pasted onto a square sheet of paper so that there is space left for sticking mushrooms.

Handout: colored paper rectangles for hats mushrooms; white and light gray rectangles for legs mushrooms, glue, glue brush, napkin, oilcloth (per child)

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

2. Educator: Look who came to visit us (opens a picture with a hedgehog). Educator: Where does the hedgehog live? (In the forest). Educator: What does a hedgehog eat? (Mushrooms, apples, etc.)

Educator: Children, listen to the riddle and guess.



Passed through the earth

I found Little Red Riding Hood.

Children: Mushroom

Educator: That's right, that's mushroom. I suggest you do mushrooms for our guest, hedgehog.

3. Educator: (demonstrates mushroom) Consider mushroom. What parts does it consist of?

Children: Hat and leg.

Educator: What shape is the hat? What shape is the leg?

Children: Semicircular, oval.

Educator: Look at the trays. What geometric shapes do you see?

Children: Rectangles.

Educator: What shape do you think the hat can be made from? (answers children) And the leg? (answers children)

Educator: Watch how the magic scissors turn a colored rectangle into a hat for mushroom. To do this, I cut, rounding two corners of a paper rectangle (showing the technique of cutting corners, rounding them so that they fall off). And now the white rectangle will become a leg mushroom(show how to cut the leg). Then, by gluing the cap with the stem, we get a whole fungus(demonstration of gluing technique).

4. The teacher invites the children to cut and glue several mushrooms. During the work process, monitors the correct use of scissors and cutting techniques. Ready mushrooms together with the children sticks in hedgehog basket.

At the end of the lesson, review everything mushrooms in a basket, note more expressive ones.

Educator: I think the hedgehog liked everyone mushrooms. Let's put it together mushrooms in a basket to the hedgehog and take our guest into the forest.

Publications on the topic:

PROGRESS OF ACTIVITIES: -Guys! Come here quickly! Someone is hiding in our group. There is a growl. -Who is this? (looks under the table and pulls it out.

Summary of GCD for modeling in the preparatory group “Basket with mushrooms” Hello Dear colleagues. Happy New Year everyone. May everything be fine in your life and may your dreams come true. Wish.

Objectives: To introduce children to the telephone number “01”, which should be called in case of fire. Give children an idea of ​​the dangers they pose.

On the topic: “WILD ANIMALS OF OUR FORESTS” Objectives: educational: consolidate acquired knowledge about forest animals; Developmental: develop and encourage.

Lesson notes for the educational world section “Raspberry from the Little Bear” for children of the first junior group Educator: Minko Elena Sergeevna MADOU No. 9, Armavir Summary of lessons on the cognitive world section “Raspberry from the Bear” for children.

Summary of the modeling lesson “Glade of Mushrooms” (senior group)"Mushroom Glade" Program content: teach children to sculpt mushrooms using a sculptural method. Develop integrity of perception. Learn to relate.

Artistic creativity. Drawing in the senior group Prepared and conducted by L.V. Fishchuk Topic: “Box for picking berries and mushrooms” Programmatic.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Combined kindergarten No. 60

Master class “Basket of mushrooms”

(volumetric applique,

in combination with unconventional technology painting with salt on wet watercolor)

for children and parents preparatory group №8

(using multimedia equipment)

Prepared by: Teacher of the highest qualification category Ivanova M.A.

Teacher of 1st qualification category

Ronina E.V.


Joint activity of parents and children of the school preparatory group in the production of three-dimensional appliqué.

Target: promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships, the formation of parental consciousness when preparing children for school.
Relevance: Fine art activities, including drawing using unconventional drawing salt over wet watercolor, applique, is of great importance for comprehensive development preschoolers and preparing children for school. Classes on visual arts which are regularly held in kindergarten, are the basis for a child’s acquisition of artistic experience. The main task of the teacher remains to create conditions under which parents can enrich their experience with new artistic impressions and create favorable conditions in the family for the child to develop independence and creativity when working on an application.
group No. 8 Ivanova M.A. and Ronina E.V.

Equipment: projector, multimedia presentation, parent manuals (templates for mushrooms, string), art materials (water jar, watercolor, salt, brown and sand colored cardboard, red, brown and sand colored velvet paper, napkins) and tools ( scissors, bones, glue).

Expected result joint activities,: parents' awareness of the importance of developing artistic skills in children.

The master class is designed for older children preschool age and parents.

Description of work. Volumetric applique combined with unconventional drawing technology.

Purpose. The work can be used for presentation at an exhibition, as a gift, or as a decoration for a child’s room.

Goal: Formation of mental, creativity preschooler, labor skills, artistic taste.

  • introduce an unconventional technique of painting with watercolors in combination with salt;
  • continue to teach children to cut out semicircles from paper squares;
  • improve cutting techniques from rigging cardboard;
  • introduce the technique of weaving baskets from parts of rigging cardboard;
  • develop compositional skills (place cut out elements starting from the background);
  • introduce the varieties of applique - cutting from rigging cardboard and velvet paper;
  • develop the individual abilities of pupils;
  • instill aesthetic taste;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands; compositional skills;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere for interaction between the child and the parent.
    Ready-made base parts made of fA4 cardboard folded on the floors, blanks for applique made of velvet paper, templates, glue stick, simple pencil, oil pastel, watercolor, salt, scissors, cups for handouts, electronic board.
    Participants: a group of 5 children with their parents.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Introduction - Ronina E.V.

Hello dear parents. I am glad to see you at our master class on visual arts.

  • Visual activities, including drawing, modeling, and appliqué, are of great importance for the comprehensive development of preschoolers and preparing children for school.
    Today I want to draw your attention to applique, using an unconventional technique of painting with watercolors in combination with salt.

The application is important for the formation of the mental and creative abilities of a preschooler, for the development of his moral ideas, labor skills, artistic taste.
In applique classes, preschoolers master a range of labor skills related to processing material (folding, cutting, gluing) and using tools (scissors, glue, brush).
The process of creating an application consists of a number of sequential actions that require the child not only high level development of visual and technical skills, as well as concentration, perseverance, endurance, accuracy and independence.
Children improve and coordinate their hand movements, develop qualities such as accuracy, speed, smoothness, and develop a culture of behavior.

Today our master class is dedicated to lexical topic“Mushrooms” week. During the week, the children and I became acquainted with edible and inedible mushrooms, their structure, and the rules of behavior in the forest. At the beginning of our creativity, we want to play a little with you.

Game “Choose related words for the word mushroom”

Somehow it started to rain early... mushroom. Slide No. 3

At the same moment, a mushroom picker left the house for the forest. Slide No. 4

To bring the catch, I took a basket for...mushrooms. Slide No. 5

I walked for a long time into the wilderness of the forest and looked for a clearing there... for mushrooms. Slide No. 6

Suddenly, under the Christmas tree on a hummock, he sees a small... mushroom. Slide No. 7

And our lucky mushroom picker rejoiced for a moment.

How can he not have fun if there is a mycelium here in the ground. Slide No. 8

I began to look under the fir trees, under the birches and oaks,

Collect all edible...mushrooms in your basket Slide No. 9

And when he collected a lot of them, he went home,

And he dreamed all the way how he could cook mushroom soup. Slide No. 10

He collected a lot of mushrooms, and mushrooms, and mushrooms,

Those who search for a long time end up in a mushroom place. Slide No. 11

Educator Ronina E.V..

We played a little, now we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics is conducted by Ivanova M.A.

Finger gymnastics “For mushrooms”

Top-top five steps, there are five mushrooms in the little room.( walk with their fingers on the table, intertwine their fingers (body), thumbs - pen)

Red fly agaric is a dangerous mushroom, Slide No. 12

And the second one is a fox, a red sister, Slide No. 13

The third mushroom - volnushka, pink ear, Slide No. 14

And the fourth mushroom is the morel, the bearded fatty Slide No. 15

The fifth mushroom is white, eat it boldly. Slide No. 16

Educator Ronina E.V..

Now we can begin making a three-dimensional applique called “Basket of Mushrooms”.
The quiet melody of the forest sounds.

First, we will apply just water to the entire sheet of paper with a wide brush, then we will create the effect of the autumn sky. To do this, we will use blue watercolor on the palette with the addition of black shades. And we apply this blue-gray tone with strokes over the entire sheet.

After we cover the sheet of paper with a blue-gray tone, we sprinkle regular salt on it, which will absorb moisture and create the effect of rain on the sheet .

After making the basket, we begin making mushrooms, drawing according to a template from blanks and cutting them out.

When the mushrooms are made, they are placed in the middle of the sheet and a basket is glued under them. A cord handle is glued to the basket. The final stage, framing and exhibition of works.


Our wonderful evening of creativity has come to an end, and you have noted some important points for yourself that you need to pay attention to for the further development of your children’s creative abilities. We hope you enjoyed everything today.

Program content:
- learn to identify parts of a mushroom according to geometric shapes (leg - oval, cap - semicircle);
- teach how to transform a shape, cut a circle into semicircles; preschool education, applique,
- to develop compositional skills in arranging the image on the entire plane of the sheet;
- reinforce techniques for carefully using paper and glue.
- develop a sense of form and composition;
Health saving:
- continue to formulate rules of safe behavior when working with scissors;
- continue to teach children to monitor their posture.
- continue to cultivate accuracy when working with glue and paper.
Material and equipment:
visual: artificial tree, fake mushrooms, path, autumn leaves from cardboard;
dispensing: tinted paper the size of ½ landscape sheet, three circles of colored paper, a silhouette of a hand cut out by the teacher, a green felt-tip pen, scissors, jars of PVA glue, glue brushes, a napkin for each child;
TCO: audio recording “Sounds of Nature”.
Progress of the lesson:
Children approach the teacher and repeat the movement together with him to the words of the poem.
So autumn has come to us,
She called us on the road.
Let's go for a walk in the forest, (children marching)
Let's walk happily. (walk in a circle)
Let's go along the path (walking like a snake)
One after another in single file.
Stand on tiptoes
And they ran to the forest. (running on toes)
We ran to the forest
Everyone sat down in a circle. (sit down)
Children sit near a tree under which mushrooms (dummies) grow.
- Guys, look, we got to forest clearing! And there are so many mushrooms, but they’re all different! Only some can be collected, others cannot. Look carefully, does anyone know which of them cannot be collected and why? (Children's answers)
- That's right, guys. This is a fly agaric, it cannot be collected, because it is an inedible mushroom, it is poisonous and dangerous to human life. But in nature it does not grow easily; some animals are treated with it. Fly agaric is a medicine for animals.
- Who can tell me how mushrooms differ? (They have different colored hats)
- This mushroom has a brown cap, it is called boletus, and this one has a red-brown cap - boletus.
- How are these mushrooms similar? (All mushrooms have a cap and a stem)
The teacher includes a presentation (slide with an image geometric shapes- oval, semicircle, square and triangle).
- Pay attention to the screen. There are several figures in front of you, tell me which figures are needed to get the image of a mushroom. (Oval, semicircle)
- Well done, the mushroom consists of an oval, this is the stem, and a semicircle, this is the cap.
- I suggest you depict a mushroom meadow in the applique. On everyone’s table there is a silhouette of your hand, circles and a green felt-tip pen in a plate. The legs of the mushrooms will be the fingers of the palm. Glue the silhouette of the palm onto the base, the legs of the mushrooms are ready.
- What is the shape of the mushroom cap? (Children's answers)
- That's right, a semicircle. We have a circle. How to turn it into the shape of a hat? (The circle needs to be cut in half to make a semicircle)
- Great, cut all three circles in half, into two equal parts. We glue each cap (semicircle) onto a stem, and we get a whole clearing of mushrooms. Please note that we glue the hat onto the leg, just barely touching it.
- In order for the composition to look complete, we will make grass at the bottom of the leaf. Let's take a felt-tip pen and draw grass. The mushroom meadow is ready. Now let’s go to the tables, stretch our fingers and start applique.
Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”
One two three four five! They “walk” their fingers on the table.
We're going to look for mushrooms.
This finger went into the forest Bend one finger at a time
This finger found a mushroom starting with the little finger.
I began to clean this finger,
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything
That's why I got fat.
Children begin appliqué while playing soft music. During the task, the teacher helps children if necessary and monitors safe behavior when working with scissors. When finished, children hang their work on the board.
- Guys, look, we really ended up in a mushroom clearing and there are so many mushrooms on it.
- Let's remember what geometric shape the stem and cap of the mushroom, and how did you get the semicircle shape? (Children's answers)
- There are two emoticons in front of you. If you liked our lesson today and are in a great mood, take a cheerful smiley face and stick it on the mushroom. If you found the activity difficult and the task was difficult for you to complete, then add a second emoticon that is a little upset.
The teacher hangs a base, in the shape of a mushroom, for gluing emoticons and the children come up and stick them on.
- I’m glad that everyone liked the lesson and you’re in a great mood.

Valentina Yakovleva
Summary of GCD in the middle group “Basket of Mushrooms”

Application. « Basket of mushrooms» (teamwork).

Program content:

"Cognitive Development"

Consolidate knowledge about appearance mushrooms.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Teach children to cut the corners of a square, rounding them.

Strengthen the ability to hold scissors correctly, cut with them, and carefully glue parts of the image into the applique.

Develop attention and memory.

"Speech development"

Enrich and activate vocabulary children:

"Social and communicative development"

Lead to a reverse solution, a figurative vision of the results of work, to their evaluation.

Create a certain emotional mood during class.

Preliminary work:

Looking at paintings on the topic « Mushrooms» , reviewing a thematic album "Edible and inedible mushrooms» , modeling mushrooms.

Didactic visual material:

demonstration: hedgehog toy, hedgehog basket, dummy mushroom, picture with image mushroom.

background - mushroom basket, drawn by the teacher and pasted onto a square sheet of paper so that there is space left for sticking mushrooms.

dispensing: colored paper rectangles (red, brown); white and light gray rectangles, glue, glue brush, brush stand, scissors, napkin, oilcloth (per child)

Methodical techniques:

1. Organizational moment - a riddle about a hedgehog, bringing a toy into basket.

2. Conversation about mushrooms and its appearance features.

3. Demonstration and explanation of the technique of cutting a semicircle or oval from a rectangle.

4. Reminder of the rules for using scissors and gluing parts.

5. Physical education minute « Fungus» .

6. Individual assistance, reminders, guidance during the process independent activity children.

7. Result of GCD.

GCD move:

Organizing time.

Children, today we have a guest. Want to know who it is? Well then guess riddle:

Along the path in the forest,

I'm carrying an apple on my back,

I look a lot like needles

and my name, of course, is…. (Hedgehog)

Who is this? That's right hedgehog. (Entering baskets with a toy hedgehog; opens cart, shows).

Look who came to visit us? Where does the hedgehog live? What does it eat? (Apples, insects, mushrooms....)

Children, please listen to one more riddle.

I stand on a thick leg,

I stand on a smooth leg,

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining. (Mushroom)

That's right, that's mushroom.

I suggest doing mushrooms for hedgehogs. It seems to me that he will be pleased to receive such a gift. Want to?

Let's consider mushroom. What parts does it consist of? (Hat and leg)

What shape is the hat? (Semicircular) What shape is the leg? (Oval)

There are geometric pieces of colored paper on the plates. What shape are they? (Rectangles) What shape do you think the hat can be made from? (From rectangular) How do we do it? (Let's cut corners.) Scissors will help us with this.

But first, let's remember how to hold it correctly scissors:

The thumb puts on one ring, middle - another ring, and the index finger helps us. We don’t use scissors, we just put it in a glass.

Watch how scissors turn a colored rectangle into a hat for mushroom. I cut by rounding two corners of a paper rectangle (Showing the technique of cutting corners by rounding them.).

What shape do you think the leg can be made from? mushroom? (From a white rectangle) How do we do it? (Let's cut all the corners.) That's right, let's cut all the corners. And the white rectangle will become a leg mushroom(Showing the technique of cutting an oval from a rectangle). Then, by gluing the cap with the stem, we get a whole mushroom(demonstration of gluing technique).

Spread glue over the entire surface of the part on the oilcloth, carefully stick it on and press it with a napkin. Do not smear the remaining glue. We work carefully.

So beautiful I got a mushroom.

Physical education in a circle. I suggest you play a game with your fingers « Fungus» .

This finger went into the forest

This finger found a mushroom,

This finger washed the mushroom,

This finger cooked mushroom,

This finger just ate

That's why I got fat.

(Alternately show fingers.)

And now you can cut it out yourself and paste it into this basket of mushrooms.

(During the work, the teacher reminds about the correct use of scissors and cutting techniques; provides assistance in gluing mushrooms in the basket.)

The result of GCD. Guys it's hard we have a basket?

Do you like your job? All because everything was cut out and pasted together mushrooms in the basket. Who did we do it for? mushrooms? (for hedgehog) How we cut mushrooms? (corners cut off, rounded). From which figure? (from rectangles) Well done.

Children, let's give ours basket for hedgehog? He will be pleased to receive such a gift. I think the hedgehog liked everyone mushrooms.

Publications on the topic:

Photo report “Basket of Mushrooms” The middle group had a lesson on appliqué on the theme “Basket of Mushrooms” (Collective composition). As we approach.

Integration educational areas: “Communication”, “Health”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”. Goal: Generalization of ideas.

Goal: to form a sense of form, proportions, composition, to develop the ability to create the integrity of an image from individual details. Tasks:.

Goal: Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of the environment.