How to numb a tattoo during application. Does it hurt to get a tattoo? Tattoo without pain

Many people have long wanted to get a tattoo, but are hesitant: there is an opinion that it is very painful. People often say that it is the fear of unpleasant sensations that stops them.

Let's not lie: yes, it will hurt, but exactly how much depends on many factors.

There is a theory that a person gets a tattoo at a certain time in his life - when he wants to change himself, the attitude of others towards him and the world around him. Therefore, for him, in fact, it is not so important what kind of drawing it will be, in what place and how much it will hurt. It's more of an act of self-expression.

Alexander Maryshev, tattoo artist, has been doing tattoos for about 20 years

We talked with experts and found out what they depend on and how to reduce them to a minimum so that the treasured tattoo does not cause much discomfort.

Why does getting a tattoo hurt?

We can often get a scrape or a small cut without feeling any pain. Why doesn't it work out like this with a tattoo? IN in this case it all depends on the pigment: exactly how it gets under the skin and what path the paint molecules take to penetrate the tissue.

Human skin has two layers:

  • The epidermis is the outer layer of skin, which is less sensitive and is constantly renewed.
  • The dermis is the second layer, which is located under the epidermis and is not capable of noticeable renewal. The dermis contains various glands, hair follicles, blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as sensory cells and receptors that the epidermis does not have. They are the ones responsible for painful sensations.

When paint molecules penetrate the dermis, receptor cells send pain signals to the brain, telling us that the body is damaged and that something is threatening our safety. This is a vital function. But it’s one thing when it’s a single signal (for example, a climber injured his arm while clinging to a rock), and another when it’s a whole series of 80–150 pulses per second (during tattooing). In the latter case, this is evidence of increased danger for the brain. And such a condition, by definition, cannot be painless for everything. However, experts consider the widespread opinion about unbearable pain to be not entirely justified.

The depth of penetration of needles under the skin is so small that a tattoo, in terms of the severity of skin damage, can be compared to an abrasion caused by a fall on asphalt. Many women say that hair removal is much more painful.

Where is the most painful place to get a tattoo?

Each part of the body reacts differently to a tattoo artist's needle. It all depends on the structure of the skin and the concentration of nerve endings in it.

When choosing a place for a tattoo and trying to avoid acute pain, they are usually guided by principles that apply in everyday life. It hurts more where the bones and tendons are closer to the surface of the skin (ribs, wrists, knees, elbows) or where the skin is more delicate (armpits, crooks of the arms and legs, inner thighs).

Alexander Maryshev, tattoo artist, has been doing tattoos for about 20 years

Here are the most painful parts of the body to tattoo:

  • ribs and chest;
  • head;
  • inner thigh;
  • the inner surface of the shoulder near the elbow;
  • Feet;
  • inner surface of the wrist;
  • fingers;
  • armpits.

Yurchenko Yuliay/

1. Ribs and chest

Tattooists and people with tattoos admit that this is one of the most painful places. The increased feeling of pain is explained by the fact that there is no thick tissue or muscles on the chest that would soften the sensations of needle pricks.

Another reason for increased pain is that with each inhalation and exhalation, the ribs move slightly. Because of this, the discomfort intensifies every time the needle touches the surface of the skin, which does not get used to the pain after several injections, as on other parts of the body.

However, the worst begins after the session. If in most cases the unpleasant sensations go away after an hour or two, then in this case they persist much longer. Sometimes people may experience constant pain for six hours or more.

It hurts most on the ribs, nipples and, I think, the skull. I have a lot of tattoos, including one on my ribs under my heart. It was in this place that it hurt the most. I did the tattoo not with a machine, like most people, but in the old way - with a bamboo stick. A lot depends on this too.

Irina Saratova, has been tattooing for 15 years

2. Head

The abundance of nerves and a small layer of fat makes this part of the body one of the most painful for tattoos. Some salon clients complain that it feels like they are drilling into your skull. For those who still want to decorate their head with a design, tattoo artists advise overcoming psychological and physical pain barriers.

3. Inner thigh

Getting a tattoo here is painful for physiological reasons: when walking, one leg rubs against the other, which interferes with the rapid healing of the wound and causes it on the skin.

Contrary to popular belief, most women tolerate pain better than men. Probably, some mechanisms are at play that help to endure childbirth.

Alexander Maryshev, tattoo artist, has been doing tattoos for about 20 years

4. Inner surface of the shoulder near the elbow

This place contains two of the three main nerve endings of the human body, which makes getting a tattoo here painful as hell. Each time the needle touches a nerve, pain is felt throughout the entire arm. In other words, you get the impression that you are getting a tattoo on its entire surface at once, driving dozens of needles under the skin at the same time.

5. Feet

There is no fat or muscle on the feet and in most places the skin covers the bone. As a result, the nerves in this area are exposed and especially sensitive.

6. Inner wrist

Most people choose word tattoos or designs that require constant needle contact with the flesh. And it's not the most pleasant experience.

7. Fingers

This is one of the most fashionable places for tattoos, but to get even the smallest design on your fingers, you will have to endure severe pain. There are many nerve endings in the hands, since the main purpose of this part of the human body is to sense the world around us.

8. Armpits

Here, many people want to have a tattoo, because if desired, it can be easily hidden from the eyes of others, showing the drawing only when you want. But the problem is that the skin here is especially delicate and sensitive, which increases the pain.

It is not advisable to choose one of these places for your first tattoo, as this experience can be sad. Getting tattoos on particularly sensitive parts of the body is for experienced tattooists who understand perfectly well what they are getting into. Beginners are better off choosing other places.

Where is the least painful place to get a tattoo?

Getting a tattoo on the softest place (we're talking about your buttocks, of course) is the most comfortable option. But most people are not ready to decorate this part of the body with a design, so let’s move on to those places where the tattoo looks better.

Someone with a low pain tolerance will experience less pain when getting a tattoo on the following parts of the body:

  • outer thigh;
  • forearm;
  • caviar;
  • back.

1. Outer thigh

This area has a thick layer of fat and rougher skin, which reduces pain to a minimum.

2. Forearm

Perhaps one of the most popular places for tattoos. Getting a design on the shoulder is not very painful: you quickly get used to the unpleasant sensations, and in the vast majority of cases the wound process goes quickly and without complications.

There is a misconception that small drawings are much less painful than large ones. I don’t agree, because in the first case the specialist has to work with one small area, which makes the skin there become more irritated.

Alexander Maryshev, tattoo artist, has been doing tattoos for about 20 years

3. Caviar

This part of the body consists entirely of soft fabric, which acts as a kind of buffer during needle injections.

4. Back

The skin on the back is thick and there are not as many nerve endings as in other areas. Moreover, lying on the stomach allows a person to relax, which also reduces pain during a tattoo session.

If a tattoo involves a small amount of work, then in fact most of the body is quite tolerant of injections: arms, legs, stomach, back. Here you need to understand that everyone is different: what hurts like hell for one person is just a slight prick for another. For me personally, the most pain-free places are the buttocks, calves and forearm. When I tattoo there, it feels like my cat is just slowly and tediously scratching the same place.

Irina Saratova, has been tattooing for 15 years

How long will you have to endure pain during a tattoo session?

As we mentioned at the very beginning, pain sensations are directly dependent on the time during which receptor cells send pain signals to the brain. It is in your best interest to keep the session as short as possible. However, its duration is also influenced by the complexity of the work, the qualifications of the master and other external factors.

There are generally accepted rules: a professional will not tattoo you for more than three to four hours. If it is not possible to complete all the work within this time, he will schedule additional sessions.

A tattoo is most often more scary than painful. During the application process, the sensations are acute for the first 10–15 minutes, then the body gets used to it and for the next three hours it tolerates the “suffering” quite calmly. Therefore, a session usually does not last longer than four hours, although everything is individual.

Alexander Maryshev, tattoo artist, has been doing tattoos for about 20 years

To reduce pain during the session, it is recommended to use painkillers (for example, TKTX, Dr. Numb, Painless Tattoos Cream). They are suitable if you are getting a large tattoo. Before purchasing, be sure to consult with a specialist - he will tell you which product is suitable in your case.

Having the right attitude also helps you feel less pain. During the session you need to calm down and deeply. You can call a friend for support or listen to your favorite music - all this will help you feel more at ease.

How long after a tattoo session will pain be felt?

The worst pain from having special ink injected under your skin usually lasts during the tattoo session and for several hours after it. Noticeable pain may persist for several days (up to a week). After this it should become easier.

If after seven days the pain does not subside, and the part of the body on which the tattoo appeared pulsates and looks red, this is a cause for concern. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible to make sure there is no infection or take action if necessary.

Almost everyone who wants to immortalize a design on their body is interested in whether it hurts to get a tattoo. On the one hand, this is a natural interest in the process of applying a tattoo, but on the other hand, when a tattoo artist is asked where it doesn’t hurt to get a tattoo, or whether it hurts to do it at all, the artist may regard this as the client’s unpreparedness to get a tattoo. How painful is drawing actually and is it worth getting a tattoo if you are afraid of the procedure? The answers to these questions should be clarified before making a final decision.

To do or not to do?

Not only women, but also men are interested in whether it hurts to get a tattoo. And if the fear of pain prevails over the desire to get a tattoo, then you definitely shouldn’t rush. And if a trip to a tattoo parlor is postponed due to the pain of getting a tattoo, then it is quite possible that this is an intuitive feeling of the wrong choice of design or a hasty decision. In any case, if the desire to get a tattoo is not based on a momentary whim, then no fear of pain will stop it.

There is no clear answer to this question, and each tattoo owner describes his feelings differently. But the following factors significantly influence pain sensations.

Psychological attitude

For those getting a tattoo for the first time, the main intimidating factor is not the pain itself, but the unknown. Due to the fact that there is no idea about the upcoming pain, fear appears. At the same time, with repeated sessions, when this fear disappears, the pain is tolerated completely differently. Of course, there are times when fear only intensifies, especially if the first tattoo session was very painful. With such an attitude, it is almost impossible to ignore the pain.

The psychological attitude plays an important role not only in the first tattooing sessions. With fatigue, poor health, anxiety, pain can increase significantly. And even avid tattooists who visit tattoo parlors more than once a year note that each time the pain is perceived differently. Therefore, when visiting a tattoo artist, you should prepare, be in a positive mood, have a good rest and, if possible, eliminate irritating factors.

Individual pain threshold

The perception of pain depends on individual tolerance. A person may fall asleep while getting a tattoo or endure it calmly for several hours, but then feel unbearable pain, or, on the contrary, experience discomfort at the beginning, and then can endure it calmly for several hours. As a rule, women are more resilient, but react to pain more emotionally.

Professionalism of the master

Painful sensations largely depend on how the master works and what equipment he uses. Professional craftsmen work only with high quality modern tattoos machines, which significantly reduces the pain of the procedure. Tattoo size and application technique.

Applying a large pattern requires more time, and, consequently, the wound surface of the skin will be larger. But even small tattoos can be quite painful if the main part consists of outlines. For example, whether it hurts to get a wrist tattoo depends on the size of the design and its complexity. A drawing that covers a large area, as well as a complex detailed drawing, is much more painful to make than an inscription or a small simple drawing. This is due to the time of exposure to the thin and sensitive skin of the wrist, and the extent of the damage. skin on the most painful areas.

Place of application

As a rule, the most painful areas are those located closer to the bone, as well as those containing a large number of nerve endings. It is believed that the most sore spot for tattooing - this is the genital area, chest, ears and eyes. Tattoos on the neck are painful to do in the area of ​​the vertebrae, but due to the thin and sensitive skin, the sides and front of the neck may be more painful.

Tattoos on the leg are painful to do in the area of ​​the ankles and feet, due to a small layer of subcutaneous fat and a large number of nerve endings. Wrist tattoos are painful to do in areas with thin skin and in the area of ​​the bones. In addition, the areas of the ribs, armpits, elbow and knee joints, and spine are painful.

It is believed that the areas of the body that contain the largest layer of fat between the bones and skin are the least painful. The most common places where it is not painful to get a tattoo are the shoulders, since this area contains a layer of fat and a small number of nerve endings. There is also not much pain in the calves and buttocks, although tattoos are not so common on these parts.

What is used for pain relief when getting a tattoo?

Most often, products with a slight analgesic effect are used in the form of sprays or gels based on lidocaine or benzocaine. The use of local anesthesia in the form of injections is associated with risks, and most tattoo artists refuse such drugs. For pain relief, you should not take alcoholic drinks and drugs, as well as drugs that increase bleeding, change blood pressure and interfere with blood clotting, as all this will affect the quality of the tattoo. In fact, the body itself takes care of reducing pain by producing endorphins, joy hormones that are responsible for our mood and well-being. This often explains the desire to get another, or maybe more than one, tattoo.

Without pain there is no result - when it comes to getting a tattoo, you can’t be more precise. This process is very painful (at best, you will A little hurt). However, armed with knowledge and a certain technique, you can control the pain during tattooing.


Part 1

Before tattooing

    Talk to someone who understands the issue. If you have never had a tattoo, then The best way The best way to mentally prepare for it is to find out as much as possible about the process by talking to people who have many tattoos or directly with the tattoo artist. Most of them will be happy to share their experience. Forewarned is forearmed.

    • The pain threshold is individual for each person. Although getting a tattoo is painful, it is nothing compared to the pain of childbirth or kidney stones. You will be convinced of this by talking with knowledgeable people.
  1. Know the most painful ones places. The intensity of the pain depends on where you are going to get the tattoo. If you want to reduce pain, consider getting a tattoo on a specific part of your body. Everyone's pain threshold is different, however general rules are:

    Know which Tattoos are the most painful. Remember that different tattoos cause different levels of pain. In most cases:

    • The simpler and smaller the tattoo, the less painful the process of applying it will be.
    • A single color tattoo will be less painful (and take less time to apply) than a multi-color tattoo.
    • The part of the tattoo that is filled with a certain color will be the most painful, as the tattoo artist will need to go over it several times.
  2. If you want to get a tattoo, take a friend or relative with you so you aren't alone. You don't have to go through this alone. Having someone who can care about you will help ease the pain of getting a tattoo (you can tell that person how you're feeling, and they can reassure you).

    • If you are not a very shy person, bring a whole group with you. Many tattoo parlors allow friends to be in the lobby or even in the room where the tattoos are being done. Such a group of like-minded people will support you and you will not be so hurt.
  3. Know that needles will be involved and there will be some blood. Modern process tattooing involves the use of a special machine, with which the tattoo artist quickly pierces the skin with a needle, injecting ink under it. Due to numerous punctures in the skin, the tattoo site bleeds a little. If you can't stand the sight of blood, turn away and don't look.

    • Tell your tattoo artist about your feelings - a good specialist will definitely help you overcome the process of getting a tattoo with the least discomfort.

    Part 2

    During tattooing
    1. Calm down and relax. This will hurt you less. Take a few deep breaths and talk to a friend, family member, or even your tattoo artist. This will help you relax and stop worrying about what's about to happen.

      • If you are very tense or nervous, call your tattoo artist ahead of time and ask if you can bring items to help you relax. For example, you can take an MP3 player with you to listen to your favorite songs and thus relax. In many tattoo parlors you can do whatever you want as long as it does not interfere with the work of the tattoo artist.
    2. Make sure you are as comfortable as possible. Depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo, you may spend several hours in the salon. Although your therapist will give you breaks during which you can stand up and walk around, there are certain things you can do that will allow you to go through the entire procedure more comfortably.

      • Before visiting the tattoo parlor, eat and drink water (1-2 glasses) to avoid dehydration and possible fainting;
      • wear loose and comfortable clothes;
      • bring items that will allow you to relax (audio player, something to read, etc.);
      • Take a shower before visiting the tattoo parlor.
    3. Squeeze something in your hand or between your teeth to relieve pain. By tensing the muscles, a person significantly reduces pain (this method is used by women in labor to reduce pain during childbirth, and it is worth noting that it works quite well). Many tattoo parlors have items that can be squeezed; otherwise, bring such item with you. Here's what you can take:

    4. Control your breathing to reduce pain. Try exhaling when you feel a lot of pain. You can either exhale or make a sound (a low hum). Exhaling allows you to reduce tension and pain (this is why during strength training you exhale when lifting weights).

      • On the other hand, improper breathing will only increase the pain. Do not hold your breath when you are in pain - this will only increase the pain.
    5. Move as little as possible when in pain. The less you move, the more accurately the tattoo artist will apply the tattoo, which means the procedure time will decrease (imagine an artist who paints on a moving canvas - it will be very difficult for him to draw anything).

      • If you still necessary move, warn the tattoo artist in advance so that he removes the machine from your skin; otherwise the tattoo may be damaged.

The question of whether it hurts to get a tattoo plagues not only those who are just about to decorate their body with a tattoo, but also those who have already gone through one procedure and are determined to get another part of the body.

Yes, if this is not your first time on our website, then you know that the section describes in detail where it is most painful to get a tattoo. However, the body part is not the only criterion for how strong the sensations you will receive during the procedure. When answering the question of whether it hurts to get a tattoo, you need to pay attention to the following factors.

I Experience and qualifications of the master

This is perhaps the main and most obvious factor that can affect the pain of the process. The artist must not only be able to transfer the sketch onto the body well, but also be able to use pain-relieving ointments and pause if necessary. Suitable for different types of patterns, and all this affects the sensations.

II Place for tattoo

As we have said before, a lot depends on the part of the body on which the tattoo is tattooed. If the sensations on the chest or arms are quite moderate, then during the procedure on the eyelids, feet, armpits, or even it may seem that you are in hell. The degree of sensation in a particular area of ​​the body depends on two main aspects:

  • the number of nerve endings located in a given area;
  • the amount of meat or fat between the skin and the bone (the closer the skin is to the bone, the more painful it is to get a tattoo)

Of course, any pain can be endured, and a little later we will give some tips on how best to do this. But, if you are too sensitive, think twice before scoring ultra-sensitive areas of the skin.

III Pain threshold

It is no secret that all people have their own degree of sensitivity to pain. It is believed that men endure any discomfort more steadfastly, which is logical. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex are mainly interested in the question of whether it hurts to get a tattoo. In any case, pain tolerance develops over time and can be trained, so if the first tattoo was difficult for you, then the third one will not bring much discomfort.

Pain map tattoo

IV Duration of the procedure

The more complex the tattoo, the more time it will take to implement it. To draw all the small details or paint over a solid surface, the master will have to work on the same area for some time. This involuntarily leads to the fact that this zone irritated by the needle, which certainly increases pain. That is why large works are distributed over several visits to the tattoo artist. You can always take a break and finish the work while the skin heals.
These are the main factors that influence how painful it is to get a tattoo. If you're still afraid and unsure whether to subject your body to such stress, here are some tips on how to ease the sensation.

Internal mood

Don't burden yourself with pain. A tattoo is far from the most severe thing that we have to endure every day. Muscle pain after sports training, sensations during hair removal, childbirth, in the end - in comparison, the sensations during tattooing are more like tickling.

Music, cinema, TV series, books

Usually one session takes several hours, and when we are not busy with anything, we involuntarily begin to concentrate on our sensations. Therefore, the most logical thing in this situation is to simply distract yourself. Believe me, the master will only be happy if you occupy yourself with books or music. I don't think there are artists who like to chat while working. Therefore, do not hesitate to use any methods that will entertain you, but will not distract the tattoo artist.

Pain relief methods

Some salons offer clients general anesthesia during the session. This procedure is associated with some risk, so it is best to avoid it if possible, and there is no great need for it. Today, every professional tattoo artist uses special tattoo ointments, gels and sprays based on benzocaline and lidocaine during work, which not only reduce pain, but also reduce skin irritation.

Stay on your toes

Before visiting a tattoo parlor, you need to sleep, have lunch, and take a shower. You should not come to the master tired, sweaty and hungry. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol or drugs before a session (and never, ever). All this is not only unpleasant for the artist, but also directly affects the sensations during the procedure and, most importantly, the healing process after it.

Do you know other ways to deal with pain? Share in the comments. Finally I will say that the best remedy combating discomfort - endorphin is a happiness hormone secreted by our body. The joy that a well-made tattoo brings us is enough to endure any torment!

Various ointments are used for tattoos, ranging from regular Vaseline to special anesthetic creams. Which of them are the best and which pain-relieving ointment to use for everything - read in this article.

Anesthetic ointments

For tattooing, it is used to eliminate painful sensations during tattooing or when permanent makeup. Apply such creams 40 minutes before the start of the procedure on skin that has been cleansed and treated with alcohol-containing solutions. Since this ointment is based on ordinary water, the skin is covered with plastic wrap after application for better absorption of the composition. If the pain-relieving ointment for a tattoo is not covered with polyethylene, it will not have the necessary analgesic effect due to the rapid evaporation of the water in its composition.

Composition of anesthetic ointment for tattoos

Anesthetic creams consist of local action, which is part of the ester group - Tetracaine. It affects nerve endings, blocking their sensitivity. Anesthetic ointments also contain adrenaline, or epinephrine, an artificial hormone, a natural analogue of which is produced by the human body. This substance is widely used in pharmacology as a vasoconstrictor. For this reason, the areas of the skin on which tattoo anesthetic ointment was applied are slightly different in color and become paler. Such a reaction to the product when applying a tattoo will play into the hands of the artist.

Contraindications for use

The use of anesthetic ointments during tattooing may be accompanied by certain inconveniences. Main contraindications for use similar means are different diseases - Parkinson's disease, diabetes, coronary heart disease, pregnancy, lactation. Pain-relieving ointment for tattoos is sold in a pharmacy: there you can also find out possible side effects and contraindications.

Healing ointment for tattoos

Healing ointments are usually used a day or two after applying the tattoo to the skin. Experts do not recommend applying such medications immediately after tattooing: injured skin does not tolerate such exposure well, which can result in the release of a small amount of pigment, which, mixed with the ointment, is imprinted on clothing or bedding in places of contact with the tattoo.

Composition of healing ointments

Vitamins A and D, which have a restorative effect on the epidermis, must be included in the healing ointment. They promote rapid healing of the tattoo and make it richer and brighter. It is advisable not to use pain-relieving ointments before a tattoo that contain aloe or alcohol: they are harmful to the skin.

Alcohol applied to a damaged area of ​​skin causes chemical burn, which reduces the quality of the tattoo and increases its healing time several times.

Aloe extract is often used in cosmetology: it penetrates the pores of the skin, normalizing metabolism and cleansing the epidermis of dust and dirt. Accordingly, when aloe extract is applied to a tattoo, it will simply remove the pigments from under the skin.

Healing ointment is applied to a tattoo for certain purposes: during healing, the area of ​​skin on which the tattoo is applied loses its elasticity and can easily crack, especially if it is in places subject to movement: neck, elbow and knee joints, stomach, ankles.

If the skin on the tattoo dries out and cracks, then blood will appear in the cracks, and after they heal, scars will remain that will spoil the tattoo design due to the lack of pigment in them.

The ointment also helps get rid of the feeling of itching and tightness of the skin. The itching sensation appears due to a large number of keratinized skin particles; Using the cream allows you to soften them and eliminate the tickling sensation.

Special ointment for tattoos against sunburn

Such creams are used to heal the applied tattoo, at the same time protect it from exposure to direct sunlight and maintain the brightness of the pigment. Ultra-violet rays have a negative effect on pigment particles. Such sunscreens are classified according to the degree of protective properties.

Anesthesia for tattooing

Most tattoo artists use two products: “Prepcaine” - during the process and “Sustain” - after the procedure.

Both medications were created specifically for cosmetic procedures in the facial area.

"Prepcaine" is applied to cleansed skin before starting the procedure. The main effect of this product is anesthesia: tattooing under its influence is painless due to the lidocaine included in the cream (2% lidocaine and 0.5% tetracaine in the composition).

"Sustain" is a gel that reduces bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure. Despite the fact that this drug is considered one of the strongest anesthetics, it can be used for any procedure, and even for injuries and damage to the skin. Tattoos with “Sustain” are usually numbed after the contour of the design is applied to the skin: the gel reduces the likelihood of swelling and bruising, since it contains epinephrine.

Anesthetic ointment for tattoos TKTX

This is a professional application-type anesthetic used during tattooing, hair removal and many others. cosmetic procedures. Today, TKTX tattoo anesthetic ointment is considered one of the best in terms of the strength of its effect and duration of action. The cream contains prilocaine and lidocaine, as well as epinephrine - the main active substances. For infiltration anesthesia, a mixture of prilocaine and lidocaine is considered one of the most effective combinations.

Epinephrine is a powerful coagulant that reduces swelling and bleeding of tissues during the procedure. for tattooing guarantees a session without pain and discomfort. The ointment acts not only on damaged areas, but also over the entire applied area. In addition, TKTX cream does not affect skin regeneration. It is applied only to intact skin, so the active substances will not get into the wound and cause a chemical burn.

Duration of action of TKTX cream

On average, anesthetic ointment has an effect for 2-4 hours from the moment of application, the maximum duration of effect is 6 hours, the minimum is 1.5 hours. If the master strictly follows the instructions, the anesthesia will last for 3-4 hours.

Effect of cream on skin regeneration

The use of medications does not have a negative effect on the healing of the tattoo after the procedure. Proper care will avoid the appearance of crusts and preserve bright and rich colors.

Composition of TKTX cream

The effectiveness and universal action of the cream are explained by its composition. The main active ingredients of the ointment are prilocaine and lidocaine at a concentration of 5% and epinephrine - 0.01%. Infiltration anesthesia is most effective when using a mixture of prilocaine and lidocaine. Both anesthetics practically do not differ in composition from each other and guarantee a long-lasting analgesic effect even if a person is insensitive to one of the components.

Epinephrine is an effective coagulant, the use of which reduces swelling and bleeding during the procedure. Thanks to the ideal combination of active ingredients, TKTX ointment has an effective analgesic effect, which distinguishes it from its analogues.

Applying cream to damaged skin

TKTX ointment can be applied to injured skin, but only in small quantities and for a few minutes. This use of the drug will enhance the analgesic effect due to faster absorption of the composition into the skin, which may be accompanied by a burning sensation. The cream should not be kept on damaged skin for longer than 15 minutes; in addition, it can cause an individual reaction, manifested in skin redness, burning and darkening of pigment.

Pain relief cream Dr. Numb

Pain-relieving ointments for tattoo post are available in pharmacies in wide range. Dr. ointment is considered one of the most effective. Numb - cream on water based, the active substance of which is lidocaine. Used for permanent makeup and tattooing, laser hair removal, and other procedures to reduce pain.

To date, Dr. Numb is the only anesthetic that allows you to work with 3D mesothreads without pain.

Anesthesia during the tattoo process is not always a mandatory measure; often artists advise against resorting to it, since the final result may deteriorate due to the use of special means. This is due to the fact that any anesthetic compounds have a certain effect on the human body. For those who cannot tolerate pain well, tattoo anesthetic ointment will be a salvation. Such medications allow you to get rid of unpleasant painful sensations during the procedure.