How to clean a sheepskin coat at home. The purity and shine of your natural sheepskin coat

Natural sheepskin is dirt-repellent and water-resistant. It prevents sweat from escaping from your skin. Moreover, this material is antibacterial and hypoallergenic. However, it is very important to implement proper care, and if it is dirty, remove the dirt. Of course, you can take it to the dry cleaner, or you can do the process yourself without leaving your home. So how to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home?

How to clean a natural sheepskin coat with your own hands?

As soon as stains or just an unpleasant odor appear on your item, quickly choose one of the cleaning methods suggested below. Your sheepskin coat will look like new.

Steam method

A very small number of people know about this method, but this does not mean that the method is not effective enough - on the contrary, the “steam” method is quite effective. It copes well with its basic tasks.

The strategy for cleaning a sheepskin coat is to hang the item in the bathroom and close the door. Then you need to take a hot shower or simply turn on the hot water - its temperature should be so high that steam is formed. It will kill bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors. Could anything be easier?

Carpet method

The second method is no different from the method of cleaning a regular carpet. You can clean your sheepskin coat with carpet, rug or rug cleaner.

Important! Some people think that this is unacceptable, since the chemical components of the product can seriously damage the item - this is not so. If you apply it in accordance with all the rules, you can get an excellent result.


  1. The product label will indicate its required ratio with water. Lather the concentrate.
  2. Spread the foam evenly over the surface of the sheepskin coat. It is very important to prevent it from getting wet.
  3. Leave the item for a while room temperature to let the foam dry.
  4. Clean the sheepskin coat with a soft brush.

Important! Under no circumstances should you dry your item over sources. high temperature(fireplace, heater, etc.) Otherwise, it will lose volume and become lumpy. The previous appearance will be lost.

Vacuum cleaner method

This method is suitable for those whose sheepskin coats are not heavily soiled. If it’s just “covered with dust,” feel free to pick up a vacuum cleaner and use the upholstery attachment to vacuum the item without fear that it may be damaged.

“Semolina porridge” method

This method works great with fresh stains. If, for example, you recently accidentally spilled hot chocolate on your sheepskin coat, then this option is simply created for you.

However, it must be done as soon as possible, before the stains have time to dry:

  1. Moisten the stained area with water.
  2. Sprinkle semolina on top.
  3. Rub it in vigorously for several minutes, then take a new handful and repeat the procedure.
  4. Once the stain is removed, dry the item.

The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Other methods:

  • A regular school eraser can help you deal with greasy areas. Most often they are sleeves. Rub the eraser vigorously over the stains, as if you were erasing a painting you didn’t like.
  • If you are interested in how to clean a light, natural sheepskin coat at home, then an excellent method is to soak a small piece of fabric in a mixture of milk and hydrogen peroxide and wipe the stain with it.
  • Grease stains are much more difficult to remove, however, no one said that this is an impossible mission. You can remove them by moistening them with a small amount of kerosene or refined gasoline.

Dry cleaning

If you do decide to contact a dry cleaner, be sure to read reviews and ask your friends about the organization you want to contact.

Important! Good advice- provide the master with all the labels from your item. This will help reduce the risk of it being damaged.

How to clean fur at home?

If your item has fur, you can also clean it at home. To do this delicately, you need to be very careful.

  • In dry weather, take the fur outside and shake it well, which will dislodge and remove dust particles.
  • Large particles of dirt can be removed using a brush or a special fur brush. It is usually made with wire bristles and does not look too much like a regular brush. The design of the wire allows you to pull out large pieces of dust, while keeping the “healthy” fibers intact.
  • For very small stains, lightly dampen a clean cloth and gently rub the dirty mark - do not scrub vigorously.

Important! With any DIY treatment, the main thing is that you use only a very small amount of water, as it is best to leave the fur dry. If it gets wet in the rain or snow, shake out as much of the moisture as possible as soon as you get home.

  • Do not try to use soap as this may affect the appearance of the fur.

Important! Fur can also be cleaned using talc, sand, refined gasoline, and starch.


Cleaning a sheepskin coat at home made of suede is practically no different from cleaning any other sheepskin coat. There are just a few nuances:

  • The cleaning brush should be soft;
  • Cleaning products should contain a minimum amount of chemicals.


How to clean a leather sheepskin coat at home? In fact, everything is very simple. The outside can be washed with soapy water. This takes no more than 15 minutes. Use the remedies suggested above, and the result will not be long in coming.

Important! Be sure to use a special brush to straighten the pile.


Taking care of your sheepskin coat is incredibly important, because no amount of cleaning (even with the hands of professionals) can make things look great. But it’s not difficult at all - just follow simple rules.

Thrifty housewives wash and clean almost everything in their home themselves: carpets, upholstered furniture, shoes, outerwear, finally. But cleaning a sheepskin coat at home is different from cleaning other outerwear. To ensure that this chic item serves you for a long time and does not lose its attractiveness, surround it with proper care. For example, never try to wash it in a washing machine. But then what to do with worn-out sleeves, dirty hems, and stains of unknown origin? After all, such a sloppy appearance of a sheepskin coat jeopardizes the image of the owner herself!
How to clean a sheepskin coat at home without harming it? Don't get upset ahead of time! Determine how its surface is processed. The most important thing is not to experiment, but strictly adhere to the advice of experts.

In this article:

How to clean a leather sheepskin coat

  • Try to avoid getting a lot of moisture on your skin. If this does happen, dry the product at home. After this, knead it vigorously in your hands so that it does not become hard. If the skin has lost its shine, wipe it with glycerin.
  • The most common problem is how to clean greasy and worn-out areas on sleeves, pockets, and collars at home. Mix tooth powder with ammonia and apply the resulting mixture to problem areas using an old toothbrush. Deficient tooth powder can be replaced with talcum powder or baby powder.
  • Clean a fresh, non-greasy stain with a cloth soaked in soapy water. After treatment, rinse off any remaining solution. clean water, dry with a dry cloth. If the stain is old, add a little ammonia to the soap solution. When cleaning, change dirty rags to avoid streaks. That's not all! Next, prepare a special mixture: add 20 ml of glycerin and ammonia, 5 ml of borax to 500 ml of water. It is advisable to wipe the entire product with this mixture.
  • Clean a sheepskin coat at home from greasy stains Regular semolina and starch will help you. They perfectly absorb grease and dirt. Sprinkle them on problem areas, and after a while, clean off any remaining dirt with a brush. This method is also suitable for suede items. Wipe the old stain with a cloth soaked in gasoline or kerosene.

But you shouldn’t clean it with salt. Why? Just remember the white stains on your winter shoes, which are so difficult to get rid of!

How to clean a suede sheepskin coat

  • Suede is more demanding than leather. When buying a suede sheepskin coat, immediately purchase special products for its care: aerosols, sprays, liquid preparations. They will help you renew your cover at home, refresh its color and appearance.
  • Before putting on a sheepskin coat after long-term storage, vacuum it thoroughly using a soft nozzle.
  • The suede pile can be fluffed up with a rubber or brass brush. If there is no such brush, treat the abrasions with a regular eraser or fine-grained sandpaper. A steam bath lifts the lint well: hold the product over the spout of a boiling kettle, then comb it with a clothes brush with stiff bristles.
  • How to clean a sheepskin coat at home from greasy and old stains? Wipe them thoroughly with a rough cloth soaked in gasoline. Treat heavily contaminated areas with ammonia diluted in water in a ratio of 4:1. To be safe, you can add detergent. Treat the contaminated surface with this mixture. Rinse with water and wipe with a dry soft cloth.
  • You can get rid of yellow stains on a white sheepskin coat at home with hydrogen peroxide. Dilute a teaspoon of peroxide in a glass of water and wipe the stains with this solution.
  • Skim milk and baking soda will help you clean your sheepskin coat from dust at home and restore its freshness. By the way, this is another way to clean a light sheepskin coat. To do this, mix a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of baking soda. Dab a cotton swab into the mixture and wipe the surface with it. Change tampons when they become dirty. Rinse with water and vinegar - pour a teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water. After processing, wipe the product with a dry cloth and hang it on a hanger to dry.

Try to clean stains while they are still fresh. First, treat a small area on the inside. Wait until the surface is completely dry and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Dry the product only in a natural way, hanging it on hangers at home. Do not use a hair dryer or place it on batteries. Temperature changes will cause your favorite item to warp.

Store the product on hangers in a cotton case or sheet. Place a napkin soaked in lavender oil there.

These comfortable, warm, but no less capricious items will serve you for more than one season if you wear them carefully, store them correctly and clean them on time!

Many women when buying winter clothes opt for a sheepskin coat. This is a high-quality and beautiful thing, the cost of which is lower than the price of the most inconspicuous and cheap fur coat, but at the same time it is no worse, and even better in some ways. The only thing in which sheepskin coats seem to lose is cleaning them. Stains and dirt on such products are very noticeable, in addition, they can become greasy and shiny. How to clean a natural sheepskin coat?

Cleaning methods

Many housewives do not know how to clean a natural sheepskin coat. This procedure can be done in two ways:

  1. Trust experienced and professional dry cleaning workers.
  2. Clean your sheepskin coat yourself at home.

Each of these methods has its positive and negative sides. Let's look at each of them.

What you need to know about dry cleaning

When choosing a dry cleaner, it is recommended to find out more about it, read customer comments on the Internet - this will help you decide right choice. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to negative reviews, which will help you find out the negative aspects of the work, the quality of the services provided, how employees treat clients, etc.

Before you clean your natural sheepskin coat, try to gather as much information about it as possible. more information. Find labels, tags, a purchase receipt with a warranty card, which will help you obtain information about this product - what material the inserts are made of, whether it can be dry-cleaned.

Before making the final choice, it is advisable to visit several dry cleaners, show them your sheepskin coat, talk to the employees, ask them questions about the price, guarantee, additional services etc. If the staff is unfriendly, reluctant to answer, in a hurry - this is a reason to think about it. You also need to pay attention to the mood and emotions with which clients leave, and ask if they are satisfied with the quality of cleaning.

When you return your product for cleaning, you may be asked to sign a waiver of claims. This is done in the following cases:

  1. If the sheepskin coat contains dirt or stains of unknown origin.
  2. There is any damage.
  3. There are no tags indicating how to care for this item.
  4. The dry cleaner simply does not want to take responsibility for this expensive product. Of course, employees will not openly admit this, but will refer to one of the above points.

Sometimes there are situations when there is no special product for cleaning a particular sheepskin coat or dry cleaning is powerless to help, then they will simply refuse to help you.

Remember that upon receipt of the product, it must be checked.

Pros and cons of dry cleaning services

The services of specialists have many advantages:

  • By giving your sheepskin coat to the dry cleaner, you will receive good result.
  • There is no need to think about how to clean a natural sheepskin coat, what products to buy and how to use them. In a few days you will receive the item in perfect condition.
  • Dry cleaning staff can show the dirtiest areas and stains to get better results.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Not every sheepskin coat can be chemically treated, as there are some products that have tags or labels that restrict or even prohibit professional cleaning.
  • Since cleaning a sheepskin coat is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure, not all dry cleaners undertake it. This means that searching for a suitable establishment may require a lot of personal time.
  • Dry cleaning is quite an expensive pleasure, which not everyone can afford. The minimum cost of the service is 3300 rubles. ($60) and above.

Subject to the rules for caring for the product described, professional cleaning he will need it much less often. You need:

  • Send your sheepskin coat for storage after winter only after thoroughly cleaning it.
  • Hang and store the product only on hangers. Be sure to pack it in a breathable bag.
  • The sheepskin coat should hang freely, and not in a closet packed to capacity.
  • If this item gets wet, for example, during rain, it should also be dried on hangers, closer to the radiator or other heat source. You should not spread it on the table or floor.
  • If stains appear, they must be cleaned immediately. Old stains are much less easily removed even when using professional chemicals. In addition, the skin in the greasy area becomes thinner after cleaning.
  • If you have decided how to clean a sheepskin coat at home, then having chosen a suitable product, test it on the skin in an inconspicuous place (for example, on the lapel or inside). In which case you will not harm the product.

How to clean a sheepskin coat yourself at home: general rules

First of all, before starting the procedure, you need to choose a suitable cleaning product. You need to clean sheepskin coats made of leather or suede with different compositions. The fur is processed separately.

As already mentioned, before you clean a natural sheepskin coat at home, you need to conduct a test in an inconspicuous place. And after the procedure, the item should not be dried near heating devices or using an iron or hair dryer. It must be hung on hangers and taken to a well-ventilated place.

Ways to clean sheepskin coats at home

There are two ways to clean a sheepskin coat yourself:

  1. Dry - does not require soaking the product.
  2. Wet - involves the use of liquid detergents.

Dry methods look like this:

  • If the sheepskin coat is simply dusty, it can be refreshed using a regular vacuum cleaner with an attachment.
  • Fresh stains and dirt can be easily removed using semolina. To carry out the procedure, you need to put a textile glove on your hand, pour a handful of cereal onto the stain and rub it thoroughly. If necessary, you can replace the semolina and repeat the whole process again. After achieving the desired result, the remaining cereal can simply be shaken off.
  • Cleaning fresh stains with a stale piece of bread (color does not matter). Dirt should be rubbed vigorously with a bread crust. Shake off crumbs after the procedure.
  • You can also get rid of greasy stains using bread crumbs. You need to roll it into a ball and roll it over the contaminated area. Periodically it must be changed to a clean one. After the procedure, this surface should be cleaned with a brush.
  • Another way to clean natural sheepskin coats at home is to use starch. It should be applied to a fresh greasy stain. The starch will gradually absorb the fat. If necessary, it is replaced with a new one.
  • You can try rubbing fresh greasy areas or shiny areas with a regular school eraser.

Wet methods

Now let's look at how to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home using a wet method:

  • You can remove the stain using a soap solution with a few drops added. ammonia. To clean the product, use rags, gauze or a cotton swab. After completing the procedure, the cleaned areas must be additionally treated with the following solution - add glycerin (20 ml), ammonia (5 ml) and borax to 500 ml of water.
  • You can remove old stains from a dark sheepskin coat using kerosene or gasoline. The treatment must be done extremely carefully: the chemical should be applied in very small quantities to a piece of cloth or bandage. Under no circumstances should gasoline be spilled on clothing. This method is not suitable for light sheepskin coats.
  • Another way to clean a sheepskin coat at home using a wet method is to make a solution of 0.5 liters of water and 125 ml of ammonia. Then you need to moisten a cloth in the composition and wipe the product. Upon completion of treatment, a solution of water (0.5 l) and vinegar (2 tbsp.) should be reapplied to the area.

After cleaning the sheepskin coat using any wet method, the product must be thoroughly dried. To prevent the treated areas from becoming hard, they must be thoroughly kneaded and then rubbed with a brush. Dry this item on a wide hanger in a dry place, away from heaters.

Cleaning light sheepskin coats

Any light-colored (especially white) outerwear needs daily home care. To prevent the snow-white pile from fading, it must be cleaned every day using a special rubber brush. This is done only after the clothes have dried after going outside.

There are several ways to clean a sheepskin coat yourself at home. This is done using the following means:

  • A stationery grater or a crust of stale bread.
  • Decoys and regular cotton gloves.
  • Chalk or tooth powder.
  • Tooth powder and a small amount of ammonia. The resulting slurry should be applied to greasy stains using a stiff brush.
  • Water, ammonia and a kitchen sponge.
  • Milk, vinegar and soda. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of slightly warmed milk. The sheepskin coat is first cleaned with a cloth soaked in this solution, then you need to go over it with vinegar.

Pros and cons of cleaning sheepskin coats at home

When carrying out the procedure at home, you will not need to spend a lot of money. You don't have to go looking for a good dry cleaner.

But there are also disadvantages to home cleaning:

  • There is a certain risk of spoiling expensive thing, since the first time it is not always possible to guess the appropriate cleaning agent, the amount required and how suitable it is for leather or suede.
  • On the search suitable remedy, preparing a sheepskin coat for cleaning, removing dirt will need to spend a lot of time, effort and nerves.
  • Home cleaning is less effective than professional cleaning.

Cleaning sheepskin fur at home

If your clothes have fur inserts, remember that you absolutely cannot clean them using the same methods as a sheepskin coat. The fur must be shaken out, combed thoroughly with a brush and wiped with a cloth soaked in soapy water.

To restore shine to the fur, a special emulsion of fish oil and water is applied to it with a brush.

  • You should never put off cleaning your sheepskin coat until later. Remember: the fresher the stains, the easier it is to get rid of them.
  • Cleaning sheepskin coats can be done with special professional products, but you must strictly follow the instructions.
  • Before using the product, test it on the lapel or back of the product. You need to be especially careful when using gasoline, kerosene and solutions containing ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.

Do not allow the natural sheepskin coat to get too wet. Periodically treat with special water-repellent agents. Try not to wear it when it is raining or sleeting.

Sheepskin coats require delicate handling and care. If you notice a stain or dirt on your favorite outfit, do not rush to go to the dry cleaner. This is not always necessary, because such a procedure can be carried out independently. The main thing is to know how to clean a sheepskin coat correctly so that it lasts for a long time.

How to clean a suede sheepskin coat at home

Suede sheepskin coats are whimsical things both to wear and to care for. When purchasing such a beauty, be prepared that you will pay for the gorgeous look with a headache when deciding how to clean it.

This item requires special care, so do not try to wash greasy cuffs by hand or, God forbid, in a washing machine. It will absorb water like a sponge and will be hopelessly damaged, because when it dries it will shrink, become stiff and deformed. If you cannot do without water, then use a small amount in a small area.

Most often, owners of such clothes are faced with greasy collars, pockets, sleeves and fasteners, greasy stains and drops of dirt on the floors.

How to clean such a thing so as not to spoil the appearance? To get rid of darkening in the area where the sheepskin coat comes into contact with the hands (sebum contaminates the surface):

  1. Hold these areas over steam (kettle, steam iron or steam cleaner). Then go over these areas with a rubber brush or a regular school eraser.
  2. Treat greasy areas with a solution of 6% vinegar (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water) applied to cotton pads.
  3. Wipe the stains with a solution of ammonia and water (10 drops per glass of liquid).

To remove stains, depending on their nature, different means are used. Starch, talc and salt neutralize fat. They need to be carefully rubbed into the damaged segment. If the sheepskin coat is brown, then use ground coffee.

When it comes to old greasy stains, you can’t do without aggressive cleaning using a mixture of aviation gasoline (you can use kerosene) and talc (sawdust). It needs to be applied to the surface and rubbed lightly. After such cleaning, go over with a brass brush or fine-grained sandpaper to lift the pile and give the product a marketable appearance.

How to clean a sheepskin coat

Classic leather is considered a durable and easy-to-maintain material. This is a misconception, because cleaning a sheepskin coat made of leather is just as difficult as cleaning a suede product. It has its own features and secrets:

  1. Never use salt to remove grease stains. It will irrevocably ruin your outfit, because its large abrasive particles will damage the paint and leave lightened spots at the site of impact. For such cases, less aggressive means are suitable - starch and semolina.
  2. Greasy areas can be cleaned with a mixture of tooth powder and ammonia. Rub this mixture into problem areas using a stiff brush, let dry and remove with a cloth.
  3. Dirty stains will go away if you go over them with an eraser dipped in kerosene.
  4. For old stains, use gauze soaked in gasoline. Place it on the desired segment and wait a few minutes. Then carefully wipe the area with a clean, dry cloth. Before carrying out the procedure, test the effect of the cleaning agent on a small area.

If the sheepskin coat gets wet during the cleaning process, lay it out on the table and periodically knead the wet parts so that they do not become deformed.

How to clean a laser coated sheepskin coat

Not so long ago, sheepskin coats with a smooth surface came into fashion. To achieve this effect, a laser is used to process sheepskin. Such things are much cheaper than traditional outfits, because they are made from materials with defects. During laser processing, they are transformed into interesting and unique designs, giving the product originality and exclusivity.

In addition to beauty, this coating has increased wear resistance. Laser processing creates a protective layer that protects the sheepskin from getting wet. Such things are practically not polluted. However, owners of such outerwear sooner or later face other problems: how to clean them so as not to damage the surface, and how to restore the shine of a sheepskin coat?

Unlike previous versions, laser-coated products easily respond to wet cleaning. The following compositions can be used for it:

  1. Soap solution with ammonia. Add a tablespoon of ammonia to a glass of warm water with 10 ml of liquid soap (or other foaming laundry detergent) dissolved. Wet a cotton pad and remove dirt.
  2. A bleaching mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon each) will lighten the greasy areas of a light sheepskin coat.
  3. Apply a solution of ammonia and water (1:4) with a sponge to the surface, remove it after a few minutes and wipe the area with a dry cloth.
  4. A mixture of milk with a teaspoon of baking soda and vinegar will remove greasy stains from sheepskin.

After such cleaning, ensure that the product dries evenly. It's good if you lay it out on the table or hang it on hangers. After drying, treat the surface with a mixture of ammonia (15 ml), glycerin (20 ml), boric acid (5 ml) and water (half a liter). It will return shine and freshness to the laser coating.

Remember: no matter how carefully you clean your sheepskin coat, it will become deformed and wear out. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the appearance of contaminants than to remove them. Purchase care products along with your outerwear. You will need a special rubber brush, spray and cream paint.

Have stains on your sheepskin coat spoiled your mood? Don't worry, there are many options for cleaning outerwear at home. I'll tell you how, I use inexpensive ones, available funds, clean suede and leather sheepskin coats from dirt, yellowness, grease and other contaminants.

Attention! Be careful, before performing these procedures at home, carefully read the cleaning methods and read reviews. After all, as a result of an unsuccessful attempt, you can not only end up with stains on your clothes, but also lose an expensive item.

How to clean a suede sheepskin coat

Dry cleaning

This method does not use water or any liquid. All cleaning products are applied dry.

  • Semolina. Fresh stains and shiny shine are removed using semolina. Sprinkle problem areas (cuffs, collar, pockets) generously with cereal. Then, wearing a cloth glove, rub in a circular motion. Contaminated cereals are changed until they remain clean.
  • Salt. You can use salt instead of semolina, but do not rub it in too much.
  • Starch. Sprinkle starch onto the grease stain and leave for a few minutes. Starch will absorb fat from the surface of clothing. If the stain is too large, change it several times.
  • Bread. Dirt and grease from a sheepskin coat can be cleaned with bread crumbs. Roll the bread into a ball and roll out until the stains disappear, change the balls.
  • Eraser. Shiny areas are removed with a paper eraser. Rub the problem areas and then shake out the clothes well. For this purpose, you can buy a special brush made of bamboo, rubber or brass.

Wet cleaning

If the suede sheepskin coat is very dirty, wet clean it. To do this, hold the problem area over a steam bath, then comb the pile with a brush. And then evaluate the condition of the stain.

  • If there is a stubborn stain, take a piece of burlap, pour kerosene or gasoline, then wipe the problem area.
  • We take ammonia and combine it with water. Proportion 1:4. We wipe the dirt with the solution, then treat it with a solution of water and vinegar. Preparation of the solution: add a tablespoon of vinegar to 500 ml of water.

Remember! These methods are only suitable for dark-colored items.

Video tips

Features of cleaning light and white sheepskin coats

There are several proven methods for cleaning light and white items.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Helps get rid of yellow spots. Mix one tablespoon of water with a teaspoon of peroxide. Treat the stain with the resulting liquid.
  • Starch or talc . Works well on grease stains. Sprinkle the loose product liberally onto the stain and wait until it “draws in” the fat. If necessary, change the powder.
  • Soda and milk. Take one teaspoon of baking soda and mix with a glass of heated milk. We moisten a napkin with this liquid and go over all areas with contamination.

Advice! After cleaning, treat all problem areas with table vinegar.

How to clean a sheepskin coat made of genuine leather

Caring for leather products is easier, but certain skills are required.

Important! Before using any product, test it on a small area of ​​clothing.


Will cope with various contaminants. Apply the cereal to the surface and rub it with your hand; after a while (3-5 minutes), the semolina will absorb the fat from the surface. Next, remove the grain from the clothes with a special brush.


Outerwear spread on a flat surface, sprinkle with starch and rub. After a few minutes, remove the mixture with a brush.

Advice! For the best effect, mix starch with semolina. Proportion 1:1. In this way you can get rid of stains on both dark and light things.


If the stains on the sheepskin coat are not greasy, they can be removed with ordinary rubber. Soak it in kerosene and rub the dirty areas.

Kerosene and gasoline

In this way you can get rid of even old stains. Hang the sheepskin coat on your hangers. Using a cotton pad soaked in liquid, rub the stained areas. The procedure can be repeated several times.

Tooth powder and ammonia

Mix ammonia with tooth powder. We clean the item with a brush. We treat the problem areas with the composition, and after a few minutes, repeat brushing.


Using salt you can get rid of non-greasy stains. Use it in the same way as semolina, but rub in with caution.


Any stiff fabric will do. It must be soaked in gasoline and used as a brush.

Advice! Gasoline can be replaced with ammonia.

How to clean a faux sheepskin coat

  • Shampoo. Add a little shampoo to the heated water. Straighten the sheepskin coat and place it on the surface. Soak a cloth in the soapy solution and wipe the dirty area. The cloth should be made of microfiber. Rinse off the foam with water and dry the item.
  • Talc and starch. Talc or potato starch will help get rid of grease stains. Sprinkle the stain with a thick layer of the chosen product and leave for 2-3 hours. Clean the powder with a brush.
  • Ammonia and soap solution. Another way to get rid of greasy stains. Add a little ammonia to the soap solution. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and treat problem areas. Remove any residue with a damp sponge and dry the item.
  • Ammonia, borax and glycerin. The following solution will help remove stubborn stains: equal parts of ammonia and glycerin, add 1 teaspoon of borax and 0.5 liters of water. Mix everything. Use a cotton pad soaked in the solution to wipe the contaminated area.

  1. If you were careless to get your sheepskin coat wet, blot it paper napkin without rubbing the skin. After the procedure, hang it on a hanger and dry it. When the product is dry, knead it with your hands.
  2. Dry your expensive item at room temperature, away from heaters. Don't hang it among other clothes. This will prevent damp from spreading in the closet.
  3. If the sheepskin coat is wrinkled, you can iron it using an iron through a dry cotton cloth. Set the iron to medium temperature.
  4. To disguise stains or scuffs, use special coloring agents.
  5. Pockets, bottom, elbow bends are the most vulnerable places of a sheepskin coat, so you should handle them very carefully: do not keep your hands in your pockets all the time, do not carry a bag on your elbow or shoulder.
  6. Before sitting on a seat on public transport, unbutton the bottom button and raise the hem higher. Thanks to this, the sheepskin coat will not stretch or wrinkle.

That's all the rules you need to know before buying a sheepskin coat. I hope you find them useful.