What is continuous work experience and what is it used for? We calculate continuous work experience How to calculate continuous work experience according to a work book

Everything changed a few years ago. In 2006, a bill was submitted to the Duma for consideration, according to which the concept of not continuous work experience, but general one, came to the fore. Previously, the length of continuous work experience determined how much a person would receive payments for temporary disability. If continuous seniority was up to 5 years, then they paid 60% of the salary, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, more than 8 years - 100% payment. Naturally, working people wanted the transition from one place of work to another to take as little time as possible. In this part, a limit was established - no more than 21 calendar days in case of dismissal due to at will and for no apparent reason. For those who were fired by their employer, this time increased to 1 month.

In this regard, transfers from one institution to another were previously organized. For example, this concerned, for which the concept of teaching experience is also of particular importance.

How is it now?

From January 1, 2007, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 16 of Law N 255-FZ, the amount of benefits for sick leave or child care under 3 years of age depends not on the total continuous work experience, but on the insurance period. That is, when determining the amount of payments, all the years when a person worked and was subject to compulsory insurance are summed up. The insured person is considered to be a person who is covered by state pension insurance, that is, everyone who has a certificate of state pension insurance. Thus, a person who had previously worked for 17 years quit, got a job six months later, then went on sick leave, and was paid 60%, since continuous experience started counting again. According to the latest law, sick leave will be paid 100%. And rightly so.

Your work experience will not be interrupted if you join the labor exchange no later than two months after your dismissal.

Thus, now the length of service is not calculated continuously, as was previously the case, but cumulatively, regardless of the duration of the break.

However, the length of service remains relevant for receiving a pension in the future. According to Labor legislation Russian Federation, to calculate a pension, it is enough to have 5 years of service, regardless of whether it was interrupted or not. When calculating a pension, continuous work experience does not play a role. The total length of service when contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were made is taken into account.

For a long time, continuous work experience played a vital role in the assignment of pensions and payment of sick leave. Losing a job and failure to meet the deadline for subsequent employment threatened to lose the right to increased benefits and other benefits. In this article, we will look at what this concept means, what role it plays today, and whether continuity of service affects pensions and benefits.

What is continuous experience

In order for the length of service to be considered continuous, it must meet the following conditions:

  • the employee continuously works at one enterprise;
  • or the break between work at different enterprises does not exceed the period established for a specific situation (as a general rule - one month).

This procedure was first established by the Rules, approved. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 13, 1973 N 252, which are currently not in force. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in Ruling No. 16-O dated March 2, 2006, indicated that establishing the dependence of temporary disability benefits on the amount of continuous service is considered a violation of the constitutional rights of citizens.

Therefore, from January 1, 2007, with the adoption of Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006, the amount of benefits began to depend on the insurance period, which consists of periods of work with the payment of insurance contributions by the employer and other periods provided for by the Law. The concept of continuity does not apply to the insurance period.

Sick leave pay is determined as a percentage of average earnings in the amount of:

  • 60 - if the employee’s insurance period is up to 5 years;
  • 80 - with experience from 5 to 8 years;
  • 100 - with more than 8 years of experience.

However, Part 2 of Art. 17 of the above Law gives the right to an employee whose continuous work experience accumulated before the entry into force of the new law exceeds the insurance period, to demand the accrual of benefits on the basis of the first. Its value is in this case will be taken as insurance experience.

The current pension amount is general rules also does not depend on the duration of continuous work of the pensioner.

What does continuous work experience affect today?

This concept was not completely excluded from the legislation. In some cases, depending on this value, the following are determined:

  • length of service;
  • salary supplement;
  • official salary, etc.

So, for example, Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated November 13, 2008 N 1412 established a salary bonus for employees of healthcare institutions and health centers managed by this service, which is assigned depending on the duration of their continuous work in these organizations.

The procedure for maintaining continuity of service, as well as which periods do not interrupt the flow given period, is determined by industry regulations.

Thus, the Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ allows you to count the time military service into continuous work experience as follows:

  • one day of service = one day of work, if the citizen performs military service on the basis of a contract;
  • one day of service = two days of work, if conscripted.

However, this procedure applies provided that between the day of completion of military service (dismissal) and the day of the start of work or admission to educational institution less than a year has passed.

At the same time, for military veterans and citizens whose military service experience is more than 25 years, these periods are counted as continuous service, regardless of how long the above break was.

Continuity of length of service is confirmed by a work book, archival certificates and other documents containing information about the citizen’s work activity.

Start of execution by a specialist job responsibilities for the benefit of any organization, is almost always accompanied by the drawing up and signing of an employment contract. This document forms the basis for controlling the rights and obligations of the parties.

All the time of official employment is added up to the length of service, which is recorded in accordance with current legislation.

Many citizens associate this concept with “continuous work experience,” which was very valuable in Soviet times. How relevant is this definition in the present period of existence?

What length of service is considered continuous?

Continuity of service is based on work activity Therefore, the following conditions must be met:

Previously, continuous activity for the benefit of any production was highly valued, since it was this concept that accountants relied on when calculating disability benefits. In 2007, Federal Law No. 255 was signed, which abolished the above-described concept, since the amount of the benefit began to depend only on the employee’s insurance experience.

What does it influence?

Length of service is a continuous period of time, depending on the value established in the local act of the institution. That is, if an employee reaches this mark (works at the company for a certain number of years), he will be able to take advantage of all kinds of allowances and benefits.

Continuous work experience is also necessary to receive well-deserved rest time, for example, a citizen must work for at least 6 months in order to apply to the employer for the next labor leave.

In addition, local and departmental documents may contain information on the procedure for rewarding employees who conscientiously perform their job duties for a certain period of time.

When is continuity maintained?

There is a list of situations the occurrence of which guarantees continuity of work experience for 2 months. These include:

  • expiration of the employment contract regulating relations with the employer in an organization located in the Far North or in any other area with a similar climate;
  • employment outside the homeland;
  • employees are residents of states to which the Russian Federation has guaranteed social Security.

You can spend 3 months searching for a new place of official performance of official duties if the following circumstances exist:

  • citizens left without work due to staff reductions, bankruptcy or reorganization of the institution;
  • the dismissal occurred due to the onset of limited capabilities or a doctor’s ban on a certain type of work (acquired inadequacy for the position held due to the diagnosis of a disease);
  • transfer of a spouse to serve in another region (region).

How is it calculated?

Continuous work activity is no longer so important for a modern employee, but some enterprises still continue to use this concept, for example, in order to encourage employees, increase monthly income, provide additional leave and other benefits determined by internal local regulations.

Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that continuity can be considered in different ways: the duration of work in public institutions, the period of employment with a particular employer, the time spent performing job duties in a certain area, etc.

For sick leave

HR specialists and accountants often have to process and calculate the amount of benefits associated with temporary disability. Before starting to calculate the length of service, the personnel officer must understand the varieties of this concept:

  1. Total experience - all the time of execution job descriptions, included in the main document on experience.
  2. Continuous length of service is the sum of periods of work in all institutions, if the duration of being without a permanent place of work did not exceed the acceptable limits.
  3. Special experience is the time of official employment in special conditions, the status of which is determined at the state level, for example, the Far North.
  4. Insurance length of service – work or any other activity during which insurance premiums were transferred. Typically, this type of experience includes: time spent in the ranks Russian army, service for the benefit of the state, etc. The final amount of benefits associated with temporary disability directly depends on this value.

So, what periods should a personnel employee take into account in order to correctly determine the duration of the insurance period? Anything that is related to any activity that involves the calculation and payment of insurance premiums.

The only condition: it is forbidden to count a period twice, that is, if a citizen at the same time was engaged in selling products on the market (individual entrepreneurship) and worked on the basis of a contract, then only 1 period is included in the calculation.

For retirement

Continuous work experience is the time of official employment of an employee, during which periods of being unemployed fit within the framework defined at the legislative level. In accordance with the general requirements, it is possible to maintain the integrity of the work experience if 1 to 3 months were spent searching for a new place of employment, depending on the surrounding circumstances.

In the old days, when the USSR existed, citizens treated the definition of “continuous labor activity” with particular trepidation, since special benefits and the size of the state government depended on this. pension provision. But, in 2002 The Russian government has revised the procedure for calculating pensions.

In accordance with the norms of current legislation Pension Fund does not take into account continuity of work experience. The final amount of pension provision is mainly influenced by the insurance premiums paid by the citizen for the entire period of performance of official duties.

The current procedure for calculating continuous work experience differs from the previous one. The modern Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the duration of official employment remains intact if the citizen remains faithful to the profession, finds work in an area similar to the previous one, or pays close attention to the duration of the break established at the legislative level.

Now only certain categories of workers are sensitive to continuity of service, for example:

  • specialists working for the benefit medical institution, since they receive additional payment;
  • citizens working in conditions Far North or an equivalent area, because they have the right to receive a premium.

According to labor

A work book is a document that contains information about all organizations in which a citizen was officially employed for any period of time. Based on it, the length of service is also calculated.

For example, the citizen came to the enterprise immediately after graduating from university on August 11, 1987, and left on September 20, 2015. To determine the time he performed his official duties, you need to subtract the first from the second date:

2015-09-20 – 1987-08-11 = 28-01-09

That is, years, months and days must be subtracted from the corresponding values. If it were necessary to subtract 30 from 20 days, then 1 month would have to be converted into days. The same rule is used when counting years.

If a citizen managed to work in several organizations, then, in accordance with the above example, one should determine the time of work in each of them, and then add up the resulting values.

When determining the length of service according to the work book, you should remember that each month is equal to 30 days, not 31, and each year is 12 months.

And if a citizen worked on the day of dismissal, then after subtracting the number of hires from it, one should be added.

In this video helpful information about continuous experience.

Today, continuous work experience is not an important indicator affecting pensions, sick leave and other payments. However, it is necessary if, for example, the employer provides any benefits for an employee working in one place for a long time. In the article we will look at how to calculate continuous work experience and what this indicator can affect.

Continuous work experience according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

In order to understand why continuous experience is considered, you can refer to the local regulations of individual organizations. This indicator is required when calculating special allowances, benefits, and additional leaves. For example, for workers who work in the Far North. When calculating the continuous length of service of medical workers, it includes not only the period of work, but also internship and residency training.

Important! Some companies provide certain benefits for employees who work continuously for a long time. Such preferences should be provided for in a collective agreement and encourage workers to work in the same company.

How to calculate continuous work experience

To calculate continuous length of service, you need to refer to the work book and write down periods of work from it. It should be borne in mind that if an employee changed jobs, then the dates of job changes may not be strictly one after another. Continuity of work experience will be maintained only if the break in work does not exceed:

  • 1 month – upon dismissal of one’s own free will;
  • 2 months – for workers in the Far North and outside the Russian Federation;
  • 3 months – upon dismissal due to reduction or liquidation.

In addition, continuous work experience is also possible in the following cases:

  • upon dismissal to care for a child with HIV, and the specialist signs an agreement according to which he must return to work when the child reaches 18 years of age;
  • if the employee returned to work after retirement;
  • upon dismissal of a military personnel.

Thus, if breaks in work due to labor do not exceed the specified periods, then the length of service will be considered continuous. Otherwise, the period of service will be interrupted.

Important! Sometimes an employee can return to his previous place of work after dismissal. But at the same time, his service may be interrupted, although this will depend on what exactly is prescribed in internal regulatory documents.

Continuous work experience when calculating pension

Currently, there is no connection between continuous length of service and pension payment. The size of the pension today is determined based on insurance contributions, wages, additional contributions and insurance coverage.

In contrast to continuous insurance experience, it represents all the working time of a person for which the employer paid insurance premiums for her. All amounts contributed by the employer go to the employee’s individual account, and upon reaching retirement age already affect the size of the pension.

Important! Until 2002, a person's length of service influenced their future old-age pension. But after the reform, continuous service does not affect retirement in any way.

In what cases is continuous work experience maintained?

As noted above, continuous work experience is maintained if the break in work is no more than 1-3 months. If a person quits on his own, a break in work is allowed for no more than 1 month. A break of 2 months is allowed for residents of friendly countries with which the Russian Federation has entered into an agreement, for workers in the Far North, as well as for persons working abroad.

If the dismissal occurs due to the liquidation of the company or reduction in the number of employees, or due to dismissal for health reasons, then the break in work can be extended to 3 months.

Women who are raising disabled children under the age of 16, who have children under 14 (including those taken into custody and adopted), as well as pregnant women, have the right to claim continuity of work experience. The work experience will also not be interrupted for a woman who is forced to quit due to her husband’s transfer to another locality.

Continuous experience for seniority

Length of service also represents continuous time worked, which is determined by the number of years worked. When this indicator is reached, a person becomes entitled to receive benefits and allowances.

This type of pension is awarded to workers in the Far North, military personnel, teachers and other categories of workers. The right to an old-age pension does not cancel the right to a long-service pension. Even if a long-service pension has already been assigned, but the person continues to work, continuous work experience will also be considered.

How to calculate continuous work experience: example

A work book is a document that contains information about the periods of a person’s work, indicating exact dates hiring and firing. This is what you will need to calculate your length of service. Such a document is personal and is created separately for each employee. The book is kept in the personnel department. It contains the employee’s personal information: full name, date of birth, education and specialty.

Important! We convert the 30 days obtained in the calculation into months, and 12 months into years.

Example 1

The following algorithm will be used for calculation:

  • The day of dismissal is considered a working day, so we calculate it this way: day of dismissal – day of hiring + 1: 23 – 10 + 1 = 14 days
  • Next we calculate the number of months: 3 – 9 = – 6. Since the result is negative, it is necessary to take 1 unit from the number of years (12 months), that is: 12 – 3 – 9 = 0 years
  • Now let’s calculate the number of years: 2013 – 1998 – 1 (12 months taken earlier) = 14 years.

Thus, Ivanov’s work experience is 14 years and 14 days.

Example 2

Petrova worked at two enterprises:

  1. date of admission April 12, 1996 – date of dismissal June 14, 2008
  2. date of admission July 17, 2008 – date of dismissal September 25, 2015

We make the calculation as follows:

  • First let's calculate the days: 14 – 12 + 1 = 3 days and 25 – 17 + 1 = 9 days
  • Now let's calculate the months: 6 – 4 = 2 and 9 – 7 = 2
  • Now let’s calculate the years: 2008 – 1996 = 12 years and 2015 – 2008 = 7 years.

Thus, at the first place of work, the length of service will be 12 years, 2 months and 3 days, and at the second, 7 years, 2 months and 9 days. And the total figure will be 19 years 4 months and 11 days.

The concept and meaning of continuous work experience are enshrined in the Labor Code of our country. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, continuous service is the period of work during which the employee worked or had the status of unemployed, but not more than 3 calendar months.

What does such experience give?

The older generation remembers from the times of the USSR that thanks to an entry in the work book about an entire period of work, one could claim more high level pensions. Now that quite a lot of time has passed since the collapse of the Union and Russia is already an independent legal state, the procedure for calculating continuous work experience is determined by the Labor Code. It is preserved only if the citizen is employed in a similar position within no more than three months after dismissal (but this definition also contains nuances, which we will talk about a little later).

When continuous work experience is maintained according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Today, legislation has made some adjustments to the definition of when such production is retained.
Continuous work experience is maintained if the break was no more than three months, if the employee was dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise or staff reduction. Citizens living in the north of our country, as well as foreign citizens, if a social security agreement has been concluded with their country during this period, may not work for two months. If an employee quits on his own initiative, in order not to lose his seniority, he must resume work within a month.

If the break exceeds the time limits established by the Labor Code, production is not maintained.

Continuous work experience when calculating the amount of pension

Today, such status does not give privileges to the future pensioner and does not affect the level of pension provision, as was established in former USSR. The level of pensions is now influenced by the size of insurance premiums, as well as the working conditions of the worker. But for those who have it, the company can give a salary increase based on its duration, and in some cases even for additional leave.

Calculation of continuous experience in medicine

For medical workers long experience is especially important. An employee who has been working in the medical field for quite a long period has the right to a significant increase in salary (we are talking about a constant additional payment to the salary, not a bonus).


In medicine, it is very important that there are no periods of unemployment of more than one month followed by employment in a similar profession. If a physician decides to change his field of activity, all accumulated privileges are canceled.

If you resign at your own request, do you still have continuous service?

If you decide to quit on your own initiative, the NTS remains if the unemployed person finds a new job within 30 days. If this does not happen, the duration of such service is interrupted.

How to calculate continuous work experience using a work book - length of service calculator

How to calculate such output from the work book? - a pressing question for many. It is for these purposes that the Internet was created online calculator to calculate NTS according to data from the labor report. But if you don’t trust electronic programs, you can do the calculation yourself.

To do this, you need to take your work book and start counting from its first entry. Every 30 days is counted as one month, and 12 months as a year. Produce results on clean slate, which for convenience can be divided into columns.

Remember that gaps between entries of one to three months (depending on the reasons for dismissal) mean that the chain is broken.


The day of dismissal, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is also considered a working day. Also, according to the rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if subsequent employment was within the 1-3 months established by law, but there was a transition to another position (different from the previous one), continuous service ceases to be calculated.

Example of calculation for labor