"Gifts of Autumn" Calendar plan in the senior group

Day of the week


Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Golden


Remind your children about the change of seasons and highlight the signs of autumn. Repeat the autumn months.

Repeat the sequence of seasons, months of the year and days of the week. Game "What for what?"

(Kostya, Kolya, Diana)

Continue to reinforce correct posture while eating.

Looking at photo illustrations about autumn and trees.

Offer to parents :

Collect leaves for the work “Autumn Bouquet”;

Bring plant seeds and fruit seeds.

    Physical training.

    Familiarization with the subject and social environment.

Topic: “What autumn brought us.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.



Watching the wind.

Pay attention

children to the wind, teach

see changes in the

sort of in windy weather.

Exercise Sonya, Dasha, Eva in hitting the ball with one hand in motion.

Research activities:

“We study leaves, bark, trunk, fruits and seeds”;

P/i “Fox in the Chicken Coop” - teach to jump gently, bending your knees, and run without touching each other.

Work before bed

Reading my favorite book “Autumn” by M. Sadovsky.


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Adding plant care equipment to a natural area.



Approximate scheduling educational activities

Topic: “What autumn brought us as a gift.”

Final event: Exhibition of children's works “Patterns of Nature”.

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of basic educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning exercises.

Conversation:"Autumn. What do you know about her? Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

With Artem, Matvey, Seryozha, consolidate the names of the autumn months.

Situational conversation“On the benefits of air and trees for humans”

Exhibition of books about nature, children's encyclopedias.

Suggest to parents:

Make an applique with your children from autumn leaves"Clown"

Organized educational activities

    Introduction to the natural world.

Topic: “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”

Goal: expand children's understanding of the diversity of the plant world; about vegetables, fruits, berries. Learn

Recognize them and correctly name vegetables, fruits and berries. Expand your understanding of care options

For gardening plants. Create a desire to share impressions.


Theme: “Autumn Harvest”

Goal: to consolidate figurative ideas about the gifts of autumn. Continue to develop the ability to draw mushrooms,

Vegetables and fruits, conveying their shape and characteristic features.


Topic: “Basket with mushrooms”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to sculpt objects or their parts in round, oval, disk-shaped shapes, using

Movement of the entire hand and fingers.


Watching the sun

To consolidate children's knowledge about the sun and its influence on the state of nature.

Individual work on securing the side gallop with a change of direction.

Remind children that they need to take care of their appearance and cleanliness of clothes.

Self De children on the site. p/n

"Skok, skok"

Cleaning the veranda from debris.

Work before bed

Remind children that bedspreads must be folded carefully.

Reading V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Swallows say goodbye to their native side.”


Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures. Independent activity of children in activity centers.


Observations of clouds (shape, color, how they move, why?)

Independent play activity children in the area, games of their choice.

Approximate calendar planning of educational activities

Topic: “What autumn brought us as a gift.”

Final event: Exhibition of children's works “Patterns of Nature”

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of the basic educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises.

Conversation: “Why there should be order in a group”

Development fine motor skills. (Seryozha, Bogdan, Diana)

Continue to strengthen your ability to use a napkin.

Enrichment of role-playing games with materials from the Semena store.

Together with your child, compare people’s clothes in early and late autumn;

draw his attention to how the weather has changed.

Organized educational activities


Topic: “Strengthening counting skills within 5”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to form the number 5 based on a comparison of two groups of objects expressed

Adjacent numbers 4 and 5. Clarify ideas about the sequence of parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

    Speech development.

Topic: “We are senior group students”

Goal: to give children the opportunity to experience pride in the fact that they are now senior preschoolers.

    Physical training.


Observations of the work of adults in kindergarten

(to cultivate a desire to help adults - a teacher, a janitor)

Labor activity: care indoor plants, cleaning dry leaves

D/I “Find a tree by its seeds.” Examine the leaves under a magnifying glass. Games with external material.

Work before bed

Finger game "Cabbage"


Gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures. Reading "Tops and Roots" Board games at the request of the children. Didactic games: "Say the opposite" “Whose branch are the babies from?”; S/I store "Seeds"


Independent activity of children. P/I “Jump and get it”, work on the site - we will sweep the veranda.

Approximate calendar planning of educational activities

Topic: “What autumn brought us as a gift”

Final event: Exhibition of children's works “Patterns of Nature”

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of the basic educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “What day of the week, month, day, season is it today?”

Invite Lera and Sonya to help the teacher prepare the tables for class.

Continue to reinforce the rules of behavior in the group.

Add images of Khokhloma and Gorodets painting to the drawing center.

Organized educational activities


Topic: “Gifts of nature (mushrooms, berries, nuts)”

(according to the artistic director's plan)



Precipitation monitoring. The nature of precipitation in September is rain and fog. Children find the differences between long and short rains.

Continue to improve your skills various types walking, running, jumping. (Zhenya, Kirill, Ulyana)

Conversation: “About the work of adults in the fall”

Children's games with external materials. Enter attributes for the p/i “Catch a leaf”

Work before bed


Gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures. Examination of illustrations in the book and subject pictures on the theme “Autumn”.

Reading : S. Prokofiev “A Tale about a Little Oak Tree.”


Independent activity of children, p/i “Catch a leaf”

Approximate calendar planning of educational activities

Topic: “What autumn brought us as a gift”

Final event: Exhibition of children's works “Patterns of Nature”

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of the basic educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises.

Looking at paintings

I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”.Learning the physical education lesson “Leaves are Falling”

Exercises on FEMP with leaves “Ordinal counting”

(Alice, Seryozha, Ksyusha)

Remind children that books and toys need to be kept in order.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Invite parents to bring photographs on the theme “Autumn in our city.”

Organized educational activities

    Speech development.

Topic: “Memorizing the poem Autumn”

Goal: to help children remember and read the poem expressively.

    Manual labor.

Topic: “Nature Patterns”

Goal: to consolidate manual skills in making crafts from natural material.

Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of Nature"


Watching the wind. Children independently characterize the wind: strong, gusty, weak, short-term, hurricane. Determine where and where the wind is blowing.

Throwing at a target with the left and right hand. (Ilya, Artem)

Situational conversation about how paper is made from wood. What types of paper do children know?

Games with external material, p/i “Catch up with your pair”

Work before bed

Free activity for children in activity centers. Reading L. Tolstoy “The Oak and the Hazel Tree.”


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Application at the request of children “Images from leaves” board and printed games “Learning letters”, “Loto”


Children's games with external materials. Labor on site. Role-playing games of children's choice. Weather observations, compare morning and evening weather. P/n “Catch up with your mate”

Larisa Rudenko
"Gifts of Autumn" Calendar plan V senior group

Calendar plan for the senior group on the topic: « Gifts of Autumn» . Completed by teacher MBDOU 119 Rudenko L.V.

Joint activity of the teacher with children in the process of regime moments. Organization independent activity children Interaction between teacher and family

Morning Dining duty.

Learn to set the table correctly and accurately as shown by the teacher.

Didactic game "Say it the other way around". Learn

Children choose antonym words.

Conversation on the topic: "Oh still life". Looking at reproductions of paintings "Vegetables" A. Lentulov and “Moscow food. Breads" I. Mashkov. Strengthen the idea of ​​still life.

Individual work of FEMP. With Misha and Alena, consolidate counting within 5 (quantitative and ordinal, using counting material.

Organization of the exhibition « Gifts of Autumn» .

Bring in dummies of vegetables and baked goods for role-playing games.

Introduce colored modules for outdoor games.

Prepare natural material for productive activity children. Post information to parent's corner about the theme of the week and its goals.

Invite them to take a self-guided tour of a store or market. Target: pay attention to the vegetable and bakery departments, the work of sellers.

Direct educational activities. Cognition. “Bread is the head of everything”

Target: introduce the journey of a grain from field to table (how bread is made).

Program content:

Cognition: -summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about bread, the process of growing and making bread, the variety of bakery products;

Bring children to an understanding of caring for nature and reasonable human intervention;

Work: -based expanding knowledge about the world around us, instilling in children respect for working people (grain growers, bakers, respect for bread;

Forms of work: showing, explaining, talking, posing problem situations, reading fiction.

Preliminary work: guessing riddles about bread; memorizing poems and chants about bread; explanation and memorization of proverbs and sayings about bread; reading stories by M. Glinskaya "Bread", M. Prishvina "Fox Bread"; comparison of ears of rye and wheat; comparison of wheat and rye bread by color, shape, taste.

Artistic creativity. Dough modeling "Buns".

Target: continue to develop children’s interest in dough modeling and the ability to create relief figures;

To achieve the realization of expressive, bright design products, complementing the work with decorative elements;

Forms of work:


Teacher demonstration

Independent activities of children

Playing with crafts.

Walk. Observation of plants: maple in September. Target: fix the names of the parts of the tree, pay attention to the beauty of its leaves, choose the most accurate designations of colors and shades.

Forms of work: showing, looking at, talking, reading fiction.

Work assignments: cleaning the garden.

Target: to instill in children hard work and a desire to achieve results.

Recall with your children the necessary conditions for growing vegetables. determine the ripeness of vegetables.

Forms of work: conversation, joint work.

Sport game "Towns".

Target: introduce children to the folk game and the history of its origin.

Develop dexterity in children.

Teach children to negotiate with each other while playing.

Forms of work: conversation, explanation, Team work. Add attributes for organizing outdoor games (prides, soccer ball, scooters).

Involve Nikita and Semyon in joint games with the children.

Enrichment of the game experience:

Excursion to the post office.

Invite parents and their children to make crafts from natural materials or draw a still life.


Subject: “Gifts of the forest: mushrooms, berries”

Group: senior

Target: Expanding children's understanding of mushrooms and berries. Systematization of children's knowledge on this topic.

Date: 09.25.2015

Day of the week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises (complex No. 4)

Watching an educational program for children “Shishkina School. Poisonous mushrooms", discussion.

Didactic game "Mushroom pickers" - learn to find a pair of identical mushrooms, consolidate knowledge about the names of mushrooms, develop attention, memory, and oral speech.

Didactic game “Say it differently.”

Target. Teach children to form relative adjectives.

(Edgar, Vitya)

Learn the counting rhyme:

There was a grandmother coming from overseas,
She was carrying a box.
In that box
There were mushrooms lying
To whom - a mushroom,
To whom - two,
And for you, child,
The whole box.

Stencils, mushroom templates.

Books on this topic.

Children's drawings: “Basket of mushrooms.”

Offer to make from waste material mushrooms.

OO " Speech development" (Fiction) Topic: “Funny stories by N. Nosov.” Introduce children to new stories; Teach to listen carefully and empathize with the characters.

OO " Physical development» according to the physical plan instructor.

OO "Cognitive development" (Manual labor)Topic: “Bird” (natural material) Involve children in making crafts from natural materials. Show techniques for making poultry from acorns and pine cones. Teach children to make a bird according to the teacher’s model. Develop visual abilities when working with natural materials.


Ant watching

Goals: expand knowledge about the features of the appearance of ants, their life manifestations;

arouse interest in the world around us.

Didactic game “Stocks of animals”

- improve the ability to select appropriate food for animals,

Develop attention, memory, observation skills.

Development of movements.

Target: strengthen the skills of throwing objects at a distance.

(Igor, Sasha)

Labor activity

Collection and preparation of calendula seeds.

Goals: instill responsibility for the assigned work; to form environmental consciousness.

Outdoor games

“One - two”, “Pass silently.” Target: teach to walk clearly, rhythmically, with good posture and coordination of movements (use walking as a means of developing endurance in children).

Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking around massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. Reading S. Aksakov “Mushrooms”.

Competition for reciting poems about mushrooms and berries.

Screening of the fairy tale “At the Forest Edge” (for children junior group) - To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature, to teach them how to properly collect mushrooms and berries.

Didactic game “Compare the berries”.

Target. Strengthen the ability to compare berries. Practice selecting words that have opposite meanings (Emil, Tanay).

Didactic game “Mushroom Basket” - improve the ability to determine the name of a mushroom by appearance, learn to use words in speech: edible, inedible, develop attention, memory, oral speech.

In the corner Creativity: colored paper, cardboard, glue, scissors, diagrams for making origami-type mushrooms.


Outdoor games “Who can stand on one leg longer?”, “Blind Man’s Bluff.” Target: learn to act quickly when losing balance.

Individual work

Development of movements. Target: consolidate the skills of jumping in place (legs apart - together; one forward - the other back).

Oksana Petrova
Scheduling theme week"Mushrooms. Berries" (middle group)

Thematic week« Mushrooms, berries» .

Monday Morning exercises

Situational conversation: “How I celebrated Victory Day”

Target: develop children’s memory and speech, the ability to share their impressions of the holiday.

Observation and work in a corner of nature.

Target: strengthen the skills of caring for indoor plants.

Di “Name the part of the object”

Target: learn "disassemble" any object into its component parts.

Sri « Festive concert for dolls"

Target: develop children’s ability to organize play. O

OD. Fiction.

Subject: "Visiting the forester" Abstract is attached.

OD Physical culture


Observing the flower garden

Goals: consolidate knowledge about the flower garden; show flower shoots; cultivate a desire to care for the flowerbed and show flower sprouts.

Di “Who knows, let him continue”

Target: develop knowledge about insects; clarify the meanings of generalizing words.

P/i "Sunflowers"

Target: develop children's playing skills folk games. R

Ind/r on movement development. run "snake" between pins arranged in a row.

Goals: teach not to touch the pins when running between them; develop speed, agility, balance.

Labor activity. Sweeping paths.

Target: to form a desire to work, the ability to perform basic labor processes.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics Walking along the paths of health

Reading a fairy tale by V. Dahl "War mushrooms with berries»

Target: teach children to listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions.

Fine motor skills exercises hands: "Lay it out on the sand"

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands; imagination.

Ind/r, drawing. "Parade of military equipment"

Target: develop the desire for knowledge; practice the ability to trace a stencil using the dipping method.

Conversation "Diversity mushrooms and berries»

Target: expand children's knowledge about mushrooms and berries.

An evening walk

Bird watching

Target: create a desire to take care of birds.

Di. “What then?”

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of people at different times of the day.

We draw with crayons on the asphalt. "This is Victory Day"

Target: fasten spatial representations, develop imagination and Creative skills. Interaction parents: Folder- movement: “What should a child know about mushrooms and berries» .

Morning exercises

Morning of joyful meetings. "I give you a smile"

Target: to form a friendly attitude towards each other.

Examination of illustrations, paintings, photographs with images mushrooms and berries.

Target: continue to introduce names mushrooms and berries.

Di “It won’t be enough!”

Target: practice forming the plural of nouns; develop attention and speech.

Finger games "Behind berries»

Goals: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm.

OD Musical

Od Cognition FEMP.

Subject: “The game is a journey through fairy tales”. Abstract is attached.


Watching the wind

Goals: - continue to consolidate ideas about weather changes.

P/n "Delicious berry» .

Goals. engage children in play; continue to introduce children to berries and mushrooms, develop attention.

D\and life safety "Rules of behavior in nature"

Target: teach children to take care of nature; follow the rules of behavior in nature.

Round dance game « Mushroom pickers»

Target: consolidate the ability to dance in a circle and act at the end of words.

Labor activity: Cleaning the area.

Goals: cultivate hard work; learn to help each other.

D/i " "Grandma's ABC"

Target: develop attention, memory and speech; the ability to listen to a sentence to the end.

Free communication: "Where they grow mushrooms and berries,

Target: expand children's knowledge about forest berries and mushrooms.

Individual work on application "Dove of peace"

Target: to form an idea about unconventional technology work - trimming, develop creative abilities.

Low mobility game "Where we were"

Target: develop motor skills and abilities; develop observation, attention, intelligence, breathing.

An evening walk

Construction equipment monitoring

Goals:- consolidate and expand knowledge about the role of technology at different stages of construction, about the profession of a builder.

P/n "By the Bear in the Forest"

Target: learn to navigate in space; develop attention

Di "Find a Pair"

Target: Develop children's phonemic hearing.

Interaction with parents. Memo “Take care of and protect children’s vision Wednesday Morning exercises

Observation of a birch tree.

Target: to develop knowledge about plant life.

Di "Find out by description"

Target: consolidate the ability to recognize trees by description or describe the desired plant yourself.

Working with a poem « Mushrooms» , « Berries» .

Target: promote memorization of words; develop memory and speech.

Wed and "Journey into the Forest".

Target: develop children’s ability to organize a game by combining several plots.

OD Child and the world around

Subject: "Into the forest by mushrooms, By berries» Abstract is attached.

OD Physical culture

OD Construction


Watching swallows.

Target: expand children’s knowledge, develop attention, observation,

D/i " "When it happens"

Target: develop knowledge about the months and seasons; .

P/n "Tunnel"

Target: practice walking in a column, keeping the same speed for everyone.

Game exercise on traffic rules. “So that trouble does not happen”

Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior on the street and on the road.

Labor activity. Work in the garden.


Afternoon. Awakening gymnastics. We walk along the paths of health.

Sports entertainment "Journey through the native land"

Target: contribute to the overall health of children.

Screening of educational films. « Fungus - teremok»

Target: Such cartoons teach goodness and help a child explore the world with cute and funny characters

Conversation: « Mushrooms and berries - gifts of the forest»

Target: develop the skill of coherent speech; teach to see and feel the beauty and richness of our native nature.

An evening walk

Observation "Spring Sky"

Target: show the features of the spring sky, teach children to compare the autumn sky and the spring sky.

P/i "Pigeon"

Target: develop coordination of movements, orientation in space; practice pronouncing sounds.

Games with sand and water "Sand Hide and Seek"

Target: development of tactile sensitivity, visual perception, imaginative thinking, arbitrariness.

Interaction with parents. Booklet "Beware of poisonous mushrooms!"

Morning exercises

Di “One word, two words”

Target: exercise the ability to compose a story based on a series of paintings - "In the forest"

Working with a poem « Mushrooms» , « Berries» .

Target: promote expressive reading; develop memory and speech.

Board-print game: « « Mushroom hunting»

Target: develop thinking, consolidate knowledge about mushrooms.

OD Musical

OD Drawing

Subject: Berries, mushrooms«» Abstract attached


Observation "At work as a janitor"

Target: teach respect for the work of adults.

P/i "Firework"

Target: cultivate independence; Practice children tossing a ball from bottom to top.

D/i " "What do they plant in the garden"

Target:- teach children to classify objects according to certain criteria (according to the place of their growth, according to the method of their use).

Labor activity: Tidying up flower beds, loosening the soil, planting seedlings.

Target: teach to work together.

Conversation " “How not to get lost in the forest?”

Target: to form ideas about the rules of behavior in the forest.

D/i k- triz "Garland"

Target: develop the ability to build a chain of words, connecting them in meaning with the help of questions.

Ind/r by application "Basket mushrooms»

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about edible mushrooms; get children interested in doing the applique.

Music upbringing. Learning a song « Mushrooms berries»

Target: help memorize words, learn to sing together.

An evening walk

Monitoring insects on the site

Target: expand knowledge about insects, about appearance and habitat.

P/n “Burn, burn clearly!”

Target: develop children's self-control and spatial orientation. Practice running fast.

D/i Nature and Man"

Target: Pin systematize children's knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Interaction with parents. Consultation “Boys and girls are two different people”

Friday Morning exercises

Development of positive emotions" "Caterpillar"

Target: contribute to the unity of the children's team.

Presentation "Kingdom mushrooms» ICT

Goals: continue to develop children's knowledge about mushrooms, about their diversity and benefits for the forest.

Di "Guess it"

Target: Develop thinking, memory and speech.

Finger gymnastics : "Behind berries»

Target: coordination of movements with the text.

OD 1. Artistic creativity. Modeling.

Subject: "Meadow with mushrooms» Abstract is attached.

OD 2. Physical culture


Excursion outside the territory kindergarten.

Target: teach children to walk in pairs, tell why this is necessary. Ask if it is possible to leave the kindergarten territory on your own, why is this dangerous?

Experimental activity: "Light and shadow"

Target: introduce the formation of shadows from objects, establish the similarity between a shadow and an object, create images using shadows.

Di "The Cheerful Chef".

Target: develop the ability to form adjectives, the ability to think logically; dialogue skill.

P/n "Gardener and Flowers"

Target: practice running, agility; develop coordination of movements, the ability to act after a signal.

.Labor activity: Work in the garden.

Goals: - consolidate the ability to work collectively, carry out instructions from the teacher (planting in the garden).

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics. We walk along the paths of health

Reading the work of Tolstoy A. « Mushrooms»

Target: teach children to listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions. Encourage children to participate in conversation and become coherent.

Board-printed games "Fold the picture",

Target: develop intelligence and attention.

Sri “Drivers. Garage"

Goals: teach children to distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed.

Ind/r on drawing "Trace and Color"

Target: develop the ability to draw straight lines at points, carefully paint over a drawing.

An evening walk

Observation of lilacs.

Goals: consolidate knowledge about the structure of the bush; form an idea of ​​the change in nature in May.

Di "Take - don't take"

Target: forest differentiation berries and mushrooms. at

Games with sand and water "Guess what's hidden in the sand"

Target: Development of the ability to represent objects according to their verbal description.

P/ and " "Homeless Hare"

Target: develop spatial orientation in children; practice fast running.


Game exercises

1) “Mushroom pickers”: the teacher says: “Now one of you will be a mushroom picker, and the rest will be mushrooms. Each mushroom will find a place for itself in the forest, and the mushroom picker will look carefully and remember. After this, the mushroom picker and the mushrooms dance, when the music ends, the mushroom picker turns away, and the mushrooms take their place. Then the mushroom picker will check whether the mushrooms are seated correctly.

2) Competition game: “Who can pick mushrooms (berries) the fastest.”

3) Game: “Hunters and Mushrooms.”

Outdoor game

1. “Mushroom, tree, berry” - children run into the loose, when the leader says “Mushroom” - the children squat, “Tree” - raise their hands up, “Berry” - lock their hands.
2. “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

3. “Catch up with your date.”
Goals: - perform movements at the teacher’s signal;
- clearly navigate when finding your match.
"Don't get caught."
Goals: - practice running in different directions;
- develop slow and fast running, spatial orientation.


1. Raking snow with a shovel, cleaning with a shovel - learn how to use a shovel correctly.

2. Collecting toys, clearing them of snow - teach how to treat toys with care, collect them together after games.

3. Shoveling up snow in places where tree roots are exposed (to keep them warm) - teach them to work together, to achieve goals through joint efforts.

4.Shoveling snow to a specific location.

Target:teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the children's area garden

5. Shoveling snow, clearing paths.

Lots of snow, no place to run.

There is also snow on the path.

Here are the shovels for you guys,

We will work for everyone.

Target:teach how to use shovels, shoveling snow in a certain direction place.



Musical game "Mushroom"

For this game you will need a mushroom. Participants in the game dance to the music and at the same time pass the fungus to each other. The presenter turns off the music from time to time. The one who has a mushroom in his hands at that moment is eliminated. The last player to dance wins and is rewarded with a mushroom.

Low mobility outdoor game “And we walked through the forest”

And we walked through the forest,

Found fungi under a bush

Boletuses, moss mushrooms, boletus mushrooms



· “Mushroom Glade” (drawing)

· “How a squirrel dried mushrooms for winter” (see Volchkova p. 96)

· Mushrooms


"Mushroom Basket"

“We’ll go into the woods, we’ll find a fungus” (see Volchkova p. 96)

"Treat for the Hedgehog"

“Mushrooms on a stump” (see Lykova p. 46)

Origami "Mushrooms"



“Mushroom Glade” (see Lykova p. 48)

Creative works

"Basket with mushrooms"

Making the model “Autumn Forest”

Working with parents :

· Mobile folder: “What a child should know about mushrooms and berries.”

· Weekend route: “Family hike in the forest.”

· Collaborative drawing competition: “Our trip to the forest”

· Creating a sliding folder “Edible and inedible mushrooms”

· Project: Acting out the fairy tale “Under the Fungus” for kids (making costumes)

· Contest joint work children and parents “Gifts of Autumn” - crafts with children from mushrooms and natural materials.

Conversation “Hand Hygiene” (to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, discuss the need to wash hands after visiting the toilet, before eating, talk about the dangers associated with dirty hands. Find out which of the children always remembers the need to wash their hands, come up with ideas for the rest “ drawings - reminders")

Di. “Guess what’s in my picture” (to develop in children the ability to visually examine an object and give a verbal description of the shape of objects. Develop visual perception. Speech. verbal imagination)

Song creativity: working with the song “Song” autumn rain"(teach children to come up with text and melodies on a given topic based on a model, develop musical and auditory perceptions, emotional responsiveness to music)

Educational game “Fold the pattern” (development of creativity, memory, imagination)

Work in a corner of nature: planting cuttings (consolidate children’s ideas about plant propagation by cuttings. Form appropriate work skills, develop curiosity, observation. Foster a caring attitude towards nature, encourage the desire to participate in joint activities).

Walk (morning):

1.Observation seasonal changes(form concepts about natural phenomena, consolidate knowledge about the sun)

2. Labor activity: cleaning up garbage on the site (to foster a sense of pleasure from the work done)

3.P/i. “Traps” (practice running without bumping into each other).

4.Individual work: exercise to develop balance (learn to run up a hill and run down it).

2nd half day:

Di. “Guess what’s in the bag” (teach children to consistently examine berries using touch, determine their shape. Surface quality. Develop the ability to talk about the progress of work, generalize, and evaluate its results.)

Memorizing the poem by P. Voronko “It’s better not native land"(teach children to understand and feel the figurative language of a poem, recite it expressively. Develop a poetic ear, literary speech.)

S/r.i. "Journey into the Forest." The plot of “By the berries” (to develop children’s ability to assign roles, develop cooperation skills).

Educational game “Full Basket” Collecting Game (learn to remember the names of berries, collect as many edible berries as possible from a forest wicker basket)

Walk (evening):

1. Monitoring a pedestrian (consolidate knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road, traffic rules)

2.) P/n. “Traffic light” (develop dexterity, consolidate knowledge about the meaning of a traffic light).

3. Labor activity: collecting beautiful leaves for the herbarium; raking fallen leaves to the roots of trees).

4.Individual work: development of movements (to consolidate the skills of throwing objects).


I developed approximate thematic planning in accordance with federal requirements for educators working with children of senior preschool age.

Goals: Expanding children's understanding of MUSHROOMS. Systematization of children’s knowledge on the topic “MUSHROOMS”


Generalization and systematization of children's knowledge on this topic.

Expansion, generalization, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “MUSHROOMS”.

Teaching children to establish connections and interactions between humans and nature.

Development of children's skills in productive and other types of children's activities.

Development of family creativity and cooperation between family and kindergarten. Types of joint activities

Cognitive and speech development


conversation using personal experience children.

stories of parents picking mushrooms.

Free communication:

"What are mushrooms"

“What are the benefits of mushrooms”

Joint update of the section/stand for parents/:

"Caution, poisonous mushrooms!"

"Edible mushrooms"


Teacher's story

"What goes around comes around"

“No labor, no fruit”

Learning riddles and poems.


photos, reproductions, illustrations, dummies, natural mushrooms, drawings of other children

Research activities:

examining and comparing mushrooms (by shape, size, length, taste)

Didactic, cognitive-speech, finger games

D/i “Who will collect it sooner”

D/i “Big-small”

D/i” “Give me a word”

D/i “Edible – inedible”

Game exercise “Mushroom picker”

FEMP(according to the method you use)

Reading fiction

Reading poems, stories and fairy tales on this topic (see appendix)

Social and personal development



Participation in the preparation of mushroom salad, soup and other mushroom dishes.

Role-playing games:


Drawing up algorithms for role-playing games using models together with the teacher (sequence of preparing mushroom salad, caviar)

Acting out the fairy tale “Under the Fungus” for kids

Introduction to professions

Manual labor:

participation in the preparation of mushroom dishes.

making dummies of mushrooms.


Conversation with children

“Why can’t you eat raw mushrooms?”

“Why can’t you pick poisonous mushrooms?”

Conversation with the senior nurse. sister “If you want to be healthy! “

Artistic and aesthetic development

Artistic creativity.

Productive activity.

Drawing – “Mushrooms”

Modeling – “Treat for the hedgehog”

Application - “Borovichki”

Origami "Mushrooms"

According to the music director's plan

M/i “And we walked through the forest”

Physical development

Physical training

Outdoor games

"Who is faster under the fungus"


Free communication “On the benefits of edible mushrooms”, “On the dangers of poisonous mushrooms”



T.Dneprovskaya . Mushrooms, etc. (see Attachment)

Creating conditions for independent activity of children

Book corner :

Subject pictures on the topic “Mushrooms”

V. Suteev. "Under the Fungus"

Various baby books

Role-playing games center: creation of a subject-development environment and joint production of attributes.

"Store": special. clothes, scales, fake mushrooms, cash register, checks, “money”, bags, weights...

“Cook”: toy stove, games. kitchen, dishes, dummies of mushrooms, specials. cloth.

Algorithms for preparing simple dishes (mushroom soup, salad, mushroom caviar,

Productivity Center:

Pictures for the fairy tale “Under the Fungus”, a selection of materials for making masks based on the fairy tale “Under the Fungus”. Materials and tools for drawing, sculpting, appliqué and artistic work.

Interaction with family

Creating a sliding folder “Edible and inedible mushrooms”

Project: Acting out the fairy tale “Under the Fungus” for kids (making costumes)

Competition of joint works of children and parents “Gifts of Autumn” - crafts with children from mushrooms and natural materials.


Musical game "Mushroom"

For this game you will need a mushroom. Participants in the game dance to the music and at the same time pass the fungus to each other. The presenter turns off the music from time to time. The one who has a mushroom in his hands at that moment is eliminated. The last player to dance wins and is rewarded with a mushroom.

Low mobility outdoor game “And we walked through the forest”

And we walked through the forest,

Found fungi under a bush

Boletuses, moss mushrooms, boletus mushrooms

Didactic game “Who will collect it most quickly” (Models–leu)

Target. Teach children to group mushrooms, develop quick reaction to the teacher’s word, endurance, and discipline.

Game rule. Collect mushrooms only in accordance with the mark - the icon on the basket (on one there is a picture of a “white” mushroom, on the other - a “butter can”). The team that collects all the items in the basket faster without making a mistake wins.

Game actions. Search for objects, team competition.

DESCRIPTION. When addressing the children, the teacher reminds them that they already know many mushrooms.

“And now we’ll compete to see whose team will pick mushrooms the fastest. Here in this basket (points to the picture “chanterelle mushrooms”) they need to collect, and in this one (where “red mushrooms” are drawn. Those who think that they have collected everything, lift the basket like this. We will all then check if they forgot what “somewhere in the garden or vegetable garden.”

The teacher and the children lay out pictures of mushrooms on the floor (or in the area).

Two teams are selected: (two or three people each). At the teacher’s signal (clap), children collect mushrooms in the appropriate baskets. The team that picks up the basket first wins (you need to check if the players made a mistake and if the wrong mushroom got into the basket).

After this, the winning team is announced. The game continues with other teams.

Didactic game "Edible- inedible"

Target. Teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (by where they grow, by how they are used), to develop quick thinking, auditory attention, speech skills.

Game rule. You only need to answer the driver’s questions with “yes” or “no.”

Game action. Whoever makes a mistake gives a forfeit, which he then wins back.

DESCRIPTION. The teacher asks: “Children, do you know where mushrooms grow? Let's play this game: I will name the mushrooms, and you listen carefully. If I name edible mushrooms, you answer “yes,” but if they are not edible, you say “no.”

If someone is in a hurry and answers incorrectly, the teacher can say: “If you rush, you will make people laugh. Be careful!"

Game exercise “Mushroom picker”

Target: Development of general speech skills, coordination of speech and movement, development of fine motor skills, development grammatical structure speech.

Yesterday we walked in the forest, (Children walk in a circle, holding hands.)

We collected mushrooms. (Depict how mushrooms are collected.)

And they put them in a basket. (Move your right hand up and down.)

We started a conversation: -

You tell me

You are our mushroom picker,

What do you mean to us

Will you give it as a reward? (They stand facing in a circle, one child comes to the center.)

I'll give you a reward

Boletus, moss fly,


And chanterelles, russula,

Here's what you need

I'll give you a reward!

(For each name of fruit, bend one finger on the right hand.)

Finger gymnastics “The hostess once came from the market”

The hostess came from the market one day, (They walk their fingers on the table.)

The hostess brought it home from the market (Bend one finger on both hands.)

Butterflies, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, morels, volushki, russula. OH! (Cotton.)

Here the mushrooms started a dispute on the table - (Alternating blows with fists and palms.)

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth.

Butterflies, chanterelles, morels, volushki, russula, honey mushrooms? (Bend the fingers on both hands.) OH! (Cotton.)

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife (They knock on the table with the edge of each palm.)

And with this knife she began to chop

OH! (Cotton.)

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot (Palms are folded crosswise on the table.)

Butterflies, chanterelles, morels, volnushki, russula, honey mushrooms (Bend your fingers.)

OH! (Cotton.)

And the mushroom soup turned out to be quite good! (They show how they eat soup.)

Game "Give me a word"

This mushroom lives under the spruce tree, under its huge shadow. Wise bearded old man, resident of the forest - ... (boletus)

I'm wearing a red cap, growing among the aspen roots. You will see me a mile away - my name is ... (boletus)

Chocolate brown mushroom - the leaf stuck to the slippery cap. The openwork collar is thin - this is the name of the mushroom... (oil can) In a pink furry hat - but it doesn’t look like a bungler. Like a plush ear for pickling...(volnushka)

The brothers are sitting on a stump. All of them are freckled naughty girls. These friendly guys are called... (honey mushrooms)

In the forest, to the delight of people, among the young pines, A fungus grows in a shiny dark cap... (oil can)

In thin dresses, girlfriends dance in a circle at the edge of the forest. Dresses are striped silk: red, white, pink, satin. On an autumn day at the edge of the forest, how beautiful you are... (waves)

They wear red berets, they bring autumn to the forest in the summer. Very friendly sisters - golden... (chanterelles)

Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest, A variegated one, like Parsley, has grown, poisonous... (fly agaric)

Look, guys: here are chanterelles, there are honey mushrooms, and these are poisonous ones in the clearing... (toadstools)

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these, adults and children know, They grow on tree stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose.

Guess guys, huh?their namesThat... (honey mushrooms)

Along the forest paths there are many white legs in multi-colored hats, noticeable from a distance. Some in gray, some in green, some in pink, some in yellow. Take them, don’t hesitate, because these are... (russula)

Pink is a pleasant color, And there is a bright trace of the rings. The girlfriends are so worried, These are mushrooms... (waves)


Where do mushrooms grow? Mossy mushroom grows in gray moss, Aspen boletus grows in a dense aspen grove, Under a birch tree boletus grows on a hill. Where does the chanterelle grow? In a fox hole?

Chanterelle Why was this mushroom called a chanterelle? Maybe it’s cunning, like a sister fox? And it boldly runs away from mushroom pickers, it confuses its tracks, it winds through the forest. No, no, no, of course, the mushroom has no legs! It’s just that all the chanterelles are red in color.

These sweet little foxes don't eat chickens.

These friendly sisters

They are standing next to each other.

Like little yellow buttons

They stuck into the moss near the path.


Sekisova Svetlana Borisovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 9"
Locality: Altai Territory, Barnaul
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Calendar thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard on the topic: "Gifts of Autumn"
Publication date: 17.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Theme of the week: “Gifts of Autumn” 1st week of October Monday



Forms of educational field

goals and objectives








Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Cognitive development Physical development Social and communicative development Speech development - Articulatory gymnastics - Give pictures of fruits and berries for viewing. - Conversation: What is this? Name (apple, pear, plum). Objectives: Introduce the general word - fruit. Tell me where they grow. - Game “Pass the Apple to Another”, to teach children to be polite” - Individual. work with Sasha Mil, Vanya: D/i “Collect a picture” (What grows in the garden bed and what grows on the tree). Objectives: to exercise the ability to form a whole from parts, to develop the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits. Morning exercises No. 3 Cultural and hygienic standards. Rules of behavior at the table. Goal: to form cultural and hygienic standards, skills of proper behavior at the table during meals: eat with your mouth closed, do not talk while eating.
GCD 1 Speech development

OBJECTIVES: consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Learn to compose short story. Practice forming words using diminutive suffixes. Learn to correctly pronounce the isolated sound sh in words.
GCD 2 Physical education No. 16
P/o: teach children to find their place in Golitsyna N.S. October Pictures on the topic “Fruits, berries”. Dummy vegetables. Individual conversations and consultations on parental issues Providing assistance in correctly formulating an answer



Physical development Cognitive development Physical development Social and communicative development Physical development Social and communicative development of the line after walking and running; practice landing on bent legs when jumping from hoop to hoop; strengthen the ability to roll the ball to each other, developing accuracy in the direction of movement.
Walk 1
1.Acquaintance with your hometown. Goal: broaden the horizons of children; familiarize yourself with your hometown, village, its name, main (close to the kindergarten) attractions, basic traffic rules; Expand words knowledge. 2. Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car” Purpose: to promote the accumulation and enrichment of motor experience; create conditions for mastering the basic rules of the road P/i “On a level path” - practice balance. 3. Work “What helpers we are!” Let's sweep the path in the kindergarten yard. Goal: to teach children to maintain order and cleanliness in the kindergarten area; cultivate a desire to take part in feasible work.
2nd half of the day
1. Gymnastics after sleep. Walking barefoot along a path made of buttons. Foot massage. 2. Cultural and hygienic skills. Rules of conduct while eating. Self-service. Goal: to develop cultural and hygienic skills, basic rules of behavior at the table; create conditions for familiarization with L.I. Penzulaeva. Card file Card file B. balls, hoops. Molds, scoops, brooms. Reminder of the rules for crossing the road; clarification of the wording of the question and answer Reminder of the need to comply with the rules of safe behavior in the yard Assistance in performing acupressure Reminder of compliance with cultural



Cognitive development Physical development Social and communicative development menu 3. D/i “We have order” - help children build a bus from a soft construction set. S/r game “Bus”, plot “Mom takes her daughter to kindergarten”. Goal: expand knowledge about the rules of behavior for passengers, develop the ability to negotiate, and teach them to play together.
2nd Walk
1. Observation of the roadway. “Four wheels, rubber tires, motor and brakes. And what is it?" (Car). Traffic rules Goal: to contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world; expand children's horizons; familiarize yourself with the roadway, traffic rules; develop the ability to perceive the meaning of a riddle; create conditions for expanding and activating children's vocabulary. 2.P.I. "Sparrows and a car." Goals: develop physical qualities, contribute to the accumulation and enrichment of motor experience; create conditions for mastering traffic rules. P/i “Sun and Rain” - teach to act on a signal from the teacher. Individual. work with Lida, Andryusha – exercise: “Step over the obstacle”
1. Reading the fairy tale “The Picky One.” Conversation about what you read using illustrations. Why was the girl called a picky girl? Is being picky good or bad? Goal: expand the understanding of good and bad deeds. 2. D/i “Mosaic” - do it like me. Creative workshop: color the fruits. Games at the request of children in the play corner. Card index Molds, steering wheels, scoops, brooms. hygiene standards Providing assistance in describing what he saw, correctly constructing answers to questions Reminder of the rules of the game Theme of the week: “Gifts of Autumn”
1st week of October Tuesday regime Educational area Forms of the educational area goals and objectives literature Subject-developmental environment Note morning Speech development Social-communicative, speech development Cognitive development - Finger gymnastics “Family” - we learn words and repeat movements after an adult. - Conversation “What did I see on the way to the d/s?”, Tasks: clarify the names of familiar objects and phenomena. - Exercise “We wash our hands correctly”, Objectives: teach how to wash your hands correctly, thoroughly dry each finger. - Individual. work with Nastya, Kira, Yarik Z - D/i “Assemble the pyramid in order” (from large to small) Pyramids Individual. conversations and consultations on parenting issues Physical development Speech development Morning exercises No. 3 GCD card file Cognitive development

Continue to teach how to compare two groups of objects that are different in shape, determining their equality or inequality based on comparison of pairs. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina Page 5 Art. aesthetic development
Walk No. 1 Physical development,
Transport surveillance

Learn to distinguish vehicles by appearance. Give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.
Outdoor games: “Birds in


teach to walk and run, scattered, without bumping into each other; accustom Card index Spatulas, Buckets, Sand molds, b. balls.
act quickly on the teacher’s signal, help each other.
"Find your house."

learn to act quickly on a signal and navigate in space.
Individual. work with Sasha Mil, Vika –

practice playing with the ball.

Labor activity:
Collection of colorful leaves.
Encourage them to independently carry out basic tasks. 2nd half of the day Physical development social and communicative speech development Exercises after sleep. Walking on massage mats. Preparation for the s/r game “Family”. Reading the poem by N. Zabil “As a mother, I don’t like a mess in the house”, “About the girl Marina”, looking at illustrations, helping to enrich the gaming experience by reading fiction. Table theater “Zayushkina’s Hut” - introduce a new fairy tale. Fixing primary colors N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova Attributes of a play corner. Walk No. 2 Physical development, cognitive, social and communicative
Autumn tree watching

To develop knowledge about the parts of wood, their height and thickness. P/I “Birds in nests” “Get in the circle”
Individual. Job
with Vanya, Yarik K - exercise “Bunnies” - practice jumping on two legs.
Labor activity:
Garbage collection on site.
continue to cultivate the desire to participate in work. Card index Shovels Sandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, molds, signets, pencils, buckets, scoops. Evening social - - Games with Lego, Constructor
communicative speech development Objectives: to teach how to connect parts into a simple structure, to encourage them to play with buildings. - Smoothing out crumpled paper balls from colored paper - Objectives: To promote the development of fine motor skills. -Individual. work with Yaroslav Z, Kira, Dasha_ D/i “Match the cup to the saucer.” Objectives: learn to correlate objects by color. "Lego" Pieces of paper. D/i “Match the cup to the saucer.”

Topic of the week: “Gifts of Autumn”

1st week of October Wednesday
mode Educational area Forms of the educational area goals and objectives literature Subject-developmental environment Note morning Speech development Cognitive development - Articulatory gymnastics - Conversations: What grows on a tree? What does an apple (apple, pear, plum) taste like? Is it hard or soft? What can you make from fruits? - Individual. work with Yarik K, Andryusha, Nastya - D/i “Fold this pattern.” Objectives: Develop a sense of rhythm, promote the development of attention. Pictures of fruit trees; fruits, juice, compote, jam. D/i “Fold this pattern.” Individual conversation, consultations on parental issues Physical development Speech development Morning exercises No. 3 Finger exercises “Orange”. GCD card index Cognitive development
Educational activity
"Gifts of Autumn"
P/o: consolidate knowledge about autumn natural phenomena. Learn to understand poetic images in a poem. Give an idea of ​​the need to dress appropriately for the weather to avoid getting sick. Golitsyna N.S. October Page 36 Artistic aesthetic development MODELING THEME:
"Mushrooms for the Hedgehog"
P/o: consolidate the idea of ​​​​mushrooms. Give an idea of ​​poisonous mushrooms. Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects using rolling techniques. N. S. Golitsyna October Page. 41 Plasticine, boards for modeling. Physical development
Outdoor exercise
P/o: exercise children in walking while performing various tasks, in jumping, and strengthen the ability to act on a signal. L.I. Penzulaeva No. 18 Page. 34 Walk No. 1 Physical development,
Bird watching
Card index of Shovels,
cognitive, social - communicative
Expand your understanding of birds; Formation of knowledge about which birds most often fly to the feeder and what they should be fed with; cultivate a kind attitude towards birds P/i “Airplanes”. Learn to run in different directions without bumping into each other. Game "Catch and throw". Objectives: Practice catching and throwing a ball. Individual work with Nikita, Ilyusha - clarify the time of year. Its characteristic features.
Labor activity
Cleaning the area.
learn how to use brooms correctly. Buckets, Sand molds 2nd half of the day Physical development, social and communicative Exercise after sleep No. 3 Walking on massage mats. Tabletop theater “Zayushkina Izbushka” - continue to develop the ability to stage a familiar fairy tale using a tabletop theater. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova Tabletop wooden theater. Walk No. 2 Physical development, cognitive, social and communicative Observation of freight transport Purpose: To teach to distinguish freight transport by appearance. P/I: “Sparrows and a car” - exercise the ability to act on a signal. Throwing cones into a circle with the right and left hands. Objectives: develop accuracy. Individual work with Vika, Sasha Men - exercise “Climb into a hole” Goal: to develop the ability to crawl under an arch. Card index Remote material, typewriters.
Evening social and communicative speech development Reading and discussion of the poem by Z. Petrova: “Let the toys be friends with us, we will not offend them...” Purpose: to teach to put things in order in the play corner. Individual work with Eva, Dasha, Vika – Game with clothespins “Make a sun”. sensory perception. Free activity for children in play areas Playing with clothespins “Make a sun”. Attribute for games
Topic of the week: “Gifts of Autumn”

1st week of October Thursday
mode Educational area Forms of educational area goals and objectives literature Subject-developmental environment Note morning Cognitive, speech development - Conversations: remember and name the time of year. “What has autumn brought us?” When are vegetables and fruits harvested? - Exercise “Bows for girls, buttons for boys.” Develop self-care skills, learn to tie bows and fasten buttons, and develop motor skills. Individual Conversation consultation on parental issues Cognitive development. Individual. work with Eva, Yarik, Vika D/i “Let's harvest apples”, learn to distinguish homogeneous objects by size, make rows in ascending and descending order. Models of vegetables and fruits. Providing assistance in completing the task. Physical development Speech development Morning exercises No. 3 Finger exercises: “Orange”. Card index of GCD Artistic and aesthetic development.
TOPIC: “Carrying vegetables and fruits across the bridge to the store” OBJECTIVES: to consolidate knowledge about autumn as a time for preparing vegetables and fruits for the winter. Learn to independently analyze a sample, be able to transform a building, add details, play with it. N. S. Golitsyna October Physical development Lesson No. 17 P/z: teach children to find their place in the line after walking and running; practice landing on bent legs when jumping from hoop to hoop; strengthen the ability to roll the ball to each other, developing accuracy in the direction of movement. Penzulaeva L.I., p. 34 Walk No. 1 Physical development,
Observation of flora
Card index of Shovels,
cognitive, social - communicative
to form an idea of ​​the characteristics of spruce by which it can be distinguished from other trees; Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Practice walking on a bench with an extended step.

teach to follow traffic rules; consolidate knowledge about trucks. Individual. work with Seryozha, Maxim, Matvey - D/i “What’s missing?” - promote the development of attention.
Labor activity
Labor order to sweep away sand from benches and verandas.
cultivate a desire to maintain order on the veranda. Buckets, sand molds, broom. 2nd half of the day Physical development, social and communicative Exercises after sleep No. 3 “Neboleyka”. Walking on massage mats. Work in the play corner Purpose: to teach how to maintain order, keep toys clean, and develop work skills. communication skills, learn to work together. Card file Walk No. 2 Physical development, cognitive, social and communicative
Watching the rain

introduce the natural phenomenon of rain.
: “Mousetrap” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to walk in a circle. Develop attention. The ability to run quickly and deftly. "
"From bump to bump."

D evelopment of agility, ability to navigate in space. Ind r. with Sasha Men, Sasha Mil. control in balance. "Walk across the bridge." Card index Remote materials, steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.

Labor activity
Sweeping the path leading to the site.
teach correctly, use brooms Evening Learn. development. Hood. aesthetic development. Conversation about healthy and wholesome food. Goal: expand ideas about healthy and wholesome food (fruits) Name the fruits. What do they taste like? How are they useful? - D\game: “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” Purpose: to practice classification (vegetables, fruits). - Individual work with Nikita, Ilyusha Goal: to develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly, draw round and oval shapes. (vegetables). Fruit replicas. Sheets of paper. pencils.
Topic of the week: “Gifts of Autumn”

1st week of October Friday
mode Educational area Forms of the educational area goals and objectives literature Subject-developmental environment Note morning Social-communicative, speech development Repeat with children the rules of behavior in kindergarten. Develop a respectful attitude towards others. Individual demon and consultations on parental issues Speech development Conversations: about the signs of autumn, “Golden Autumn” Goal: to evaluate natural phenomena and find the good and joyful in everyone. D/i “The postman brought a parcel”, describe the objects and recognize their description. Preparing for the s/r game “Shop”, looking at illustrations from S. Mikhalkov’s book “What do you have? Pictures and illustrations on the theme: “Autumn.” Helping children master coherent speech during a conversation. Physical development Individual. work with Seryozha, Vika - “Lay a thread along the contour” (pear) Goal: to promote the development of fine motor skills. Flannelograph, threads. Physical development Speech development Morning exercises No. 3 Finger exercises “Orange”. Articulatory gymnastics Card file NOD Hood. aesthetic development
TOPIC: “ABOUT AUTUMN LEAVES” OBJECTIVES: to clarify knowledge about the techniques of autumn. Reinforce the use of the words “leaf fall” in speech. Learn to depict the round and oval shape of leaves, placing drawings across the entire sheet of paper, and use paints of two or three colors to convey the color of autumn.
N. S. Golitsyna Walk No. 1 Physical development, cognitive,
the weather is sunny or cloudy. Observing wilting plants. Card index Shovels, Buckets,
social - communicative Pay attention to the protruding blades of grass that remain from the annual grass. Ask what mood arises when looking at this picture. P/i “My cheerful, sonorous ball”, p/i “The sea is agitated” develop imagination, the ability to express the intended image in movement.
Outdoor games

"We are drivers."

learn to navigate in space.
"Cat and Mice"
Goal: run without bumping, act on the teacher’s signal.
Individual. Job
with Maxim, Andryusha, Seryozha: “Get into the circle.”

improve the ability to handle objects; learn to hit the target, develop eye and dexterity.
Labor activity
Offer to dig up and transplant a marigold bush into a flower pot for further observation. Molds for sand, whisks. 2nd half of the day Physical development, social and communicative Exercises after sleep No. 3 “Neboleyka”. Walking on massage mats. Role-playing game “Cook” Goal: to develop the ability to independently develop the plot, interact with peers while playing together. Card index Help the teacher in the ability to interact and get along with each other in a joint game. Walk No. 2 Physical development, cognitive, social and communicative
the weather is sunny or cloudy. Trees and shrubs. What is the difference. What kind of leaves do they have? Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish between trees and shrubs, the game exercise “catch up with the hoop”, to develop dexterity and coordination. “Knock down the pin” Card index Remote materials, cars, hoops, ball.
- Individual. work with Sasha Men, Sasha Mil, Eva - Ball game “One - many” (apple - apples, plum - plums)
Labor activity in nature.
Cleaning dry plants from a flower bed.
encourage children to participate in joint work activities; cultivate a desire to participate in caring for plants on the site. Evening Cognitive development - Conversation
Vegetables and fruits". Clarify ideas about vegetables and fruits that differ from each other in appearance, develop the ability to listen to each other. - D \ game: “Guess by touch” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the development of olfactory sensations.
Individual work
Vanya, Nastya, Yarik K - “The fourth odd one”, Goal: development of attention, ability to classify (vegetables, fruits). Models of vegetables and fruits...