Neighbor's Day script for adults. Scenario for the holiday "World Neighbors Day"

Nadezhda Rakutova

Scenario for International Neighbor Day

Before the event begins, songs about family, kindness, and children are played.

The host comes out to the backing track “wonderful neighbor.”

Leading: Everyone has neighbors: people, animals, countries.

And by and large, everyone is neighbors.

And if we are together, we are not afraid

No storm, no hurricane, no thunderstorms on the planet.

Celebrate Neighbors Day, don't be lazy,

Forget about TV for the evening.

Knock on your neighbor's door.

May your meeting be joyful and pleasant.

Good evening, Dear friends: adults and children, residents of the neighborhood! Such a wonderful and kind holiday as International Neighbor Day, which brought us all together on this wonderful warm May evening, began to be celebrated only in 2000, therefore, this is a new and modern holiday 21st century. It's time to reconsider your attitude towards the people around us, become more responsive and attentive to your Neighbors who surround us everywhere!

World Neighbors Day was invented by the French, they actually came up with a lot of things that suited us too - cinema, cosmetics, chocolate and mayonnaise, an electric car and even the name of the single currency - the Euro! So let's embrace their recent innovation - celebrating World Neighbors Day! (applause)

In our typical house

We live with neighbors

Very fun and friendly.

After all, sometimes it is very necessary,

For someone to support

To shake your hand in the morning,

I would lend you salt and matches,

I would talk in person

Happy neighbors day!

And I wish you patience

To everyone living in peace with us,

Behind the wall, in another apartment.

And so that we, neighbors, can meet more often, walking with our beautiful children, Deputy of the Saratov City Duma *** installed a bright environmentally friendly and safe children's sports complex with comfortable benches for parents in the courtyard of the house at ***!

International Neighbor's Day is celebrated on the eve of summer and holidays! And summer is always about active recreation and fun! So let's play with you!

Not so long ago there was such a tradition - to visit each other as neighbors, with pies, cookies, for tea, and just talk about everything and nothing. And now we want to invite you to bake an impromptu pie! But first, let's remember what ingredients we need for the dough? (answers: flour, sugar, salt, water, butter, eggs, vanillin). Well done, you know everything, and you and I will decorate our pie!

2 pies are laid out on the asphalt (the basics, 2 teams of children of 6 people are selected, they are given fruits - strawberries, raspberries, a tangerine slice, grapes, etc. And to the music, without running, the children come up and decorate the pie with berries. (or a musical game "Loaf")

Leading: Well done boys! And you can try baking a real delicious pie for yourself and your friends or neighbors at home with your mother and grandmother! And now I invite you to dance a little! Let's stand in a large circle so as not to disturb each other, look at me and repeat all the movements after me!

Music exercise “Hey, couch potatoes”

game "Stomp your foot"

Dear friends, tell me, are you friends with your neighbors? Are you communicating? Or maybe there is some secret on how to maintain good relations with your neighbors? (people’s answers: say hello, jointly keep the entrance clean, don’t make noise, etc.).

Great! But do the guys know polite words? Which ones? (hello, goodbye, thank you, please, etc.).

Do we have those who do not yet know their neighbors, but really want to make friends with them? Come to me, let's stand in a big circle! I suggest we all get to know each other, because even standing in a circle, each of us has a neighbor! Do you agree? (yes) So, I will say my name - Yana, and the one standing to my left says: “To my right is Yana, and my name is (name)” and so we continue along the chain until our circle is closed! Ready? (Yes)

The game is being played

Leading: Guys, now we want to invite you to draw bright drawings on the asphalt - about neighbors, about friendship, about summer! Take the crayons, and then parents will choose the best drawings! Do you agree? (Yes)

The children are given crayons and the kids go off to draw.

Leading: And you, dear adults, listen to some advice on how to become good neighbors!

1 If you are a newcomer yourself or your neighbors have just moved, introduce yourself. Say hello, make a small symbolic gift(for example, homemade pie, congratulate them on their housewarming. Tell us where the nearest grocery store is and where the pharmacy is.

2 Find out more about the lives of your neighbors - what they do, what their work schedule is, whether they have a large family. This way you can avoid some problems before they start to pop up. For example, if you find out that your neighbors work at night, you will try to be quieter during the day, knowing that at this time they are sleeping. If there are small children in the family, you will try not to make noise in the evenings. Provide your neighbors with similar information about you. If you are going to do repairs or play drums, warn about this in advance. Agree that if one begins to cause inconvenience to the other, the other will immediately report it.

3 Be careful with shared walls. If you are neighbors in apartments, try not to place noisy household appliances, such as washing machines or dishwashers, near common walls. It is also better to keep the TV and speakers away from the wall. If you live above someone, consider placing rubberized mats under appliances to help reduce noise. Try not to stomp too loudly when everyone is already asleep.

4 Keep an eye on your pets. If you live next door to each other, keep your dog on a leash when letting him outside. Especially if your neighbors have a cat or dog. If your pet makes too much noise, this can also cause conflict. Imagine yourself in the place of your neighbors and try to understand them. If your dog barks loudly all the time, consult your veterinarian for advice.

5 Warn about parties. If you decide to throw a party, notify your neighbors in advance, specifying when it will start and how long it will last. Just in case, leave them your phone number. If you like your neighbors, why not invite them too? At the party itself, stick to your agreement.

6 Keep your area clean and tidy. If you live in your own home, keep an eye on your area. Remove weeds regularly. Not only do they detract from the overall appearance of your yard, but they can also spread to your neighbor's yard. Mow your lawn and trim your flowers, trees and shrubs when necessary. When using fertilizers, ask if any of your neighbors are allergic to them.

7 Keep an eye on the fire when you're grilling something in the yard. If you decide to barbecue or barbecue in your yard, keep an eye on the fire and follow all safety rules. Warn your neighbors about your intentions; perhaps on this very day they planned to dry their clean laundry outside. Having learned about your desire in advance, they may reschedule their plans.

8 Observe parking etiquette. When parking your car, be careful not to block your neighbor's exit. Avoid starting the engine too late at night or too early in the morning. Its noise may wake up your neighbors.

9 Chat with your neighbors. Keep in constant touch with your neighbors and keep them informed of your plans. Remember " Golden Rule" - if you are going to do something concerning your neighbor, warn him about it in advance. Keep the lines of communication open: if your neighbor is unhappy with something, he should be able to let you know.

10 Don’t forget about mutual assistance. If your neighbors are leaving, keep an eye on their house or apartment. Don't let your guard down when they are at home either. If you notice suspicious people nearby, immediately report them to your neighbors.

11 Good neighbors look out for each other. They give each other advice and offer help. They respect other people's boundaries and are always ready to support in an emergency. They are looking for opportunities for cooperation and will never refuse communication.

12 If you are convinced that the conflict with neighbors is unresolvable, seek advice from specialists. Perhaps you can find justice for them legally.

Guys, who have already drawn your drawing, who are already free, stand in a big circle, let's play and have fun! And our parents will help us! Guys, repeat all the movements after us!

Game "We'll go right first"

Game "What Attracts the Bird"

Leading: Well, guys, do you all have your drawings ready? Let's get a look! (they evaluate the children’s drawings and announce that friendship won).

All the guys are great! And we continue to play!

Skittles game

music game “We’re going to play” (song by Strekotusha and Mishka-Tishka)

Leading: Dear friends, we have found out that you are and will be friends with your neighbors, right? (yes) But they forgot to praise our wonderful neighbors! We need to fix this!

Let's play a coding game with you, for each letter of the word "FRIENDSHIP" we will name what our neighbors are? For example, with the letter “D” (shows a card with the letter) - kind, what else?

The game is being played

D kind, friendly, friendly.

R joyful, kindred, playful.

Respected, successful, smiling.

They are cheerful, terribly good, life-loving.

B cheerful, rich, fast.

And active, neat.

Presenter: Well done!

Be polite neighbors

Clean and modest.

And in midday conversation

Forgiving, smart.

Young people, respect

Gray-haired old men!

And don't throw away your cigarette butts

Past the damage and barrels!

Wise over the years

Have pity on the young!

Loving them without judging them,

You will forgive all their ardor

And stingy forgetfulness,

Songs, noise from all sides,

Life speed is unearthly

And cars under the window.

Living side by side is so difficult.

Learn to keep peace!

To quarrelsome teenagers

Be lenient!

We hope that you are surrounded by decent people, good people, responsive neighbors, and you yourself are one! Let's never quarrel, listen to each other's requests, jointly maintain cleanliness and order in the hallways and in the yard, respect each other!

And once again, loudly and unanimously, let us congratulate each other on International Neighbors Day, shouting “Congratulations!” (shouting)

Our holiday has come to an end! But we don’t say goodbye to you, but we say goodbye to you! See you again!

As the audience disperses, music plays.

In order to inform neighbors about the upcoming holiday, it is useful to do poster. This is necessary in order to inform the residents of your city. The poster can be placed near the school, on stands in the neighborhood or near the post office, shops, and in all public places.

As an alternative or companion material, one can make Leaflets, which are very useful as they explain how to organize a holiday. Invitation can be hung in the hall of the house that is taking part in the holiday, on the stairwell near the elevator, stairs or mailboxes. You need to indicate the place and time of the holiday, as well as other details regarding the holiday, and leave your name and contact phone number.

To reach specific people or especially important guests, send thempersonal invitation letters. Such letters allow you to establish contact with your neighbors. Place them in mailboxes or hand them out in person, inviting your neighbors to join in the celebration.

Can be used to create a good mood and a bright, memorable holiday. various ways: multicolored air balloons, hats, ties, specially prepared cards or gift bags.

It is very important to attract as many residents as possible to participate in the holiday and do everything possible so that they became not guests, but real participants. After all, this is Neighbors Day, which means everyone can take an active and friendly part in it.

On the day of the holiday, all people will be able meet each other at the same table, drink or snack, with everyone bringing something different to the table. This is a good reason to give housewives the opportunity to express themselves by preparing a delicious treat for the common table.

Organizing a neighbor's party is easy, and it's up to you. You, the residents, are the main participants, and it is your participation that is the key to the success of the holiday. Don't hesitate to ask your neighbors for help organizing this event. Everyone can make a contribution to the creation of their own holiday. There is no need to come up with something special. Conditions growth and hospitality, unity and solidarity will allow all neighbors to feel like members of one large team, where everyone’s opinion is important and taken into account and joint activities are very important.

What to do during the holiday? For example, arrange competitions- any, as long as as many residents as possible are involved in the holiday:

  • musical,
  • neighboring talents,
  • to the kindest neighbor,
  • to the oldest (youngest) neighbor,
  • for the best grandmother
  • for the best pie, salad and appetizer,
  • for homemade liqueurs,
  • songs,
  • toasts,
  • neighbors' praises
  • drawing up “good neighbor instructions”,
  • to the best entrance,
  • for the best wall newspaper,
  • visit beautiful entrances (if someone bothered to decorate them),
  • conduct survey neighbors “Neighborhood Talents” (see appendix)
  • arrange games for children and adults (if a kind and relaxed atmosphere is created and there is space).

In the manual “Housing Culture, Housing Holidays” you will find many examples and scenarios of such a holiday.

Venue: hall MBDOU No. 2

Decoration of the hall: on the central wall is the theme of the club meeting “A neighbor is closer than a native” , drawings of houses, trees, between them photographs of employees kindergarten- neighbors. Poster with words by Jean-Jacques Rousseau “You can resist anything, but not kindness.” . Large cardboard heart on an easel.

A word of greeting and opening of the club meeting to the head of the kindergarten - Olga Gennadievna Bochkareva

1st presenter:

Dear women!

You feel at home in this cozy room. We are all so different, but we all have one thing in common - we are neighbors! Neighbors by place of residence, by the location of groups, premises in a kindergarten, by workplace, by garden or vegetable plots. Everyone knows that neighbors are those people who know more about us than we do ourselves. Let our neighbors know and say only good things about us!

2nd presenter:

And don’t forget that you are also their neighbors, who know more about them than they know about themselves!

So what good do we know about our neighbors? (statements of participants)

1st presenter:

Leafs through life's lived pages,
Their memory will be kept in the heart for a long time.
And the alluring lightning of past years,
They always touch our souls sweetly.

Let's remember yesterday
Today, let's take a look around.
Our successes, our happiness -
All this is the work of our hands.

(Information about labor activity neighboring participants)

There are a lot of employees and neighbors in our kindergarten.

On Kalinina Street, in houses No. 43 and 58, Anna Vasilievna Chernenko and Victoria Nikolaevna Chursova live.

Two more neighbors live on Zarechnaya Street - employees of our kindergarten, Tatyana Vladimirovna Geterle and Zhanna Vyacheslavovna Drigoda.

On Mira Street, in house No. 76, live Gulak Lyudmila Konstantinovna, Gulik Lyudmila Evgenievna, Sizova Olga Valerievna and veteran of teaching work Zueva Nina Nikolaevna.

Our neighbors, teachers of our kindergarten, Natalya Vasilievna Birkel and Natalya Vladimirovna Shevnina, live in house No. 53a on Kommunarov Street.

Everyone is hardworking and neat, polite and attentive.

And today I want to talk about two more neighbors - employees of our kindergarten.

Our kindergarten employs two wonderful women who live next door. The ladies are pleasant in all respects: Oksana Anatolyevna Koryakina and Irina Fedorovna Rovneiko.

These two women neighbors have a lot in common. Both were born in Karpinsk in the mid-70s. Both have daughters who are excellent students, both are kind and hardworking. They love to work on the land, in garden plots, growing good harvests.

Both sought to get an education and acquire an interesting profession.

Oksana Anatolyevna graduated from the Karpinsky Mechanical Engineering College and became a technologist. Irina Fedorovna graduated from the Nizhne Tagil Pedagogical Institute and received a diploma as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

Almost simultaneously, a year and a half apart, both began their careers in our city.

Oksana Anatolyevna at the ore repair plant. Irina Fedorovna at school No. 16.

They worked in different sectors, one in industry, the other in education, and until 2005 their career paths did not intersect.

In the fall of 2005, both of these women turned out to be not only neighbors, but also work colleagues.

Since the fall of 2005, Oksana Anatolyevna and Irina Fedorovna have been working in our kindergarten. The awards they have received over the last 3 years speak volumes about how they work.

Oksana Anatolyevna Koryakina was awarded

Certificate of education department for 2nd place in the city competition "My land is blessed" ;

has Certificates and Letters of Gratitude from School No. 5 for raising her daughter.

Rovneiko Irina Fedorovna was awarded

Diploma of the 1st All-Russian Internet Photography Competition "Pedagogical Album" ;

Certificate of education department for 1st place in the municipal stage of the 4th Regional Research Competition;

Diploma for active participation in the Regional competition "I am a researcher" ; Letter of gratitude Department of Education for participation in the city competition "My land is blessed" ;

Letters of gratitude from the children's art school and school No. 6 for raising my daughter and active participation in the life of the school.

Irina Fedorovna actively participates in the cultural life of our city, performing in the famous violin ensemble far beyond the borders of Karpinsk "Viola" .

With your honest work
You deserve praise.
And on the INTERNET your photos
We'll post it today.

2nd presenter:

Yes, our lives are running, the days are flying by. It makes my soul sad to think: “How long ago were we very young?” But let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And now let’s all smile together and remember the joyful moments from our neighbors’ lives.

What interesting things can you tell about the neighborly life between you? Which interesting stories did you have? (heartfelt, funny).

Tell us about it (neighbors' story). Each story is rewarded with applause.

1st presenter:

Human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy, while a selfish and selfish person is unhappy. An egoist has no comrades, no friends, no good neighbors. And when difficult life trials come, you are left alone, suffering, experiencing a feeling of despair.

2nd presenter:

Now I will ask those who were helped by their neighbors in difficult times, supported in word or deed, to come forward. (it doesn’t matter if they are present in this room today or not). Take daisies - a symbol of kindness and glue them to our big heart. Those present perform the task.

Admire what a beautiful picture we got.

1st presenter:

People, I ask you, for God's sake,
Don't be shy about your kindness.
There are not many friends on earth.
Be afraid of losing friends.

A song sounds for all good neighbors.

1st presenter:

A kind, benevolent person knows how to communicate and maintain good relationships with people. When communicating with another person, show interest, attention to his problems, concerns, and be sympathetic to his experiences. Praise for good deeds has a beneficial effect on many people. Even if a person does not have significant success, it is useful to notice at least his first attempts to do something good. Try to talk as often as possible « magic words» , after all « kind word and the cat is pleased" .

2nd presenter:

Now let's play and find out if you know these "magic words" .
Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you)
Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon)
If we can’t eat any more, we’ll tell the cooks... (Thank you)

Ladies who are polite and developed speak when meeting... (Hello)
When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (I'm sorry)

In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye)

1st presenter:

Every family is based on the love and memory of the older generation. These people pass on to their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren the experience of many, many years, uniting decades of history into one continuous chain. Often neighbors are relatives, even very close ones - these are adult children and parents. I would especially like to say about the attitude towards parents. Be affectionate, kind, attentive sons and daughters.

Show love and gratitude to those who gave you life, put you on your feet, whose days and nights were filled with caring for you. We must take care of our parents, protect their peace, and be good helpers to them.

2nd presenter:

Our grandparents need sympathy, kindness, and attention. These people who gave life to our parents. Some of them endured difficult trials of war, devastation, and famine and survived them.

I will ask mothers and grandmothers whose children and grandchildren work in our kindergarten to come here (applause).

Now children and grandchildren give gifts to your dear people (flowers) made by hand (Photo for memory).

Romance sounds for neighbors - relatives, close and distant.

1st presenter:

Attention, now we will do a warm-up. We are looking for new friends, like-minded people, neighbors.

1. Those who come out in a circle and shake hands with each other:

  • likes to sleep
  • love sweets.

2. Those who go out into a circle and jump on one leg:

  • loves to work in the country
  • loves to make preparations for the winter.

3. Those who:

  • likes to spend money
  • loves to travel.

2nd presenter:

Our kindergarten employs talented and creative people, no matter what they undertake, they succeed. And now there is an opportunity to show your talents. Everyone will try to compose acrostics, you can team up in twos, let's see which team of two neighbors at the table will be the most talented.

We will write poetry in an unusual way. First write the word "neighbour" in a column:

Each letter is the beginning of a line, the number of words in which is arbitrary. The task completion time is 10 minutes. (Poems are read out, applause to all participants).

1st presenter:

We live among people. The attitude towards them should be kind and attentive.

In this bright house of our hundred apartments
Sometimes we don’t even know our neighbor.
Hello, say, do us the honor,
Stop shying away, come and visit!

If only not with a package, better not with a bouquet,
But with a smile, but with greetings.

2nd presenter:

Not with an insidious potion that is harmful to health,
But with fun, but with love.
There is no silver and gold in our palace,
The richer your soul is, the more we will respect you.

Over tea with cookies, affectionate respect,
Quiet conversation, warmed by friendship.
With family trust, with sincere sympathy
Let us equally share sorrows and happiness.

1st presenter:

Let them be friends under the bright, peaceful sky
And neighbor with neighbor, and people with people.
And they live like brothers, without war and anger.
Invite us, come visit!

2nd presenter:

And at the end of our meeting we will tell each other pleasant words.

A game "Rays" (a sun is drawn on a piece of paper, everyone draws a ray, writes nice words or wishes to their neighbor on the left on the table).

1st presenter:

Let every day
What fate has brought
Brings joy with sunrise.
And a lucky star shines on you,
Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.

2nd presenter:

Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years to come.
We wish you success in all your endeavors,


And we are always glad to meet you!

On May 24, the Central City Children's Library hospitably opened its doors to celebrate International Neighbors Day in a fun and interesting way. The holiday program was rich and interesting for our readers, young and old.

The first holiday block “Friendly neighbors - cheerful friends” began at 10.00 - the guests of the library were the pupils and teachers of kindergarten No. 61 “Golden Cockerel” - our truly good neighbors and friends. The children were met by the hosts of the holiday, Elena Nikolaevna Neznamova and Zinaida Ignatievna Gudilova, they talked about how the tradition of honoring neighbors appeared and that the basis of good neighborly relations are such concepts as respect, kindness, mutual assistance, cordiality, and attentiveness to the people around them. Fun and cheerfully everyone sang the song “Wonderful Neighbor” together, watched videos about friendship and mutual assistance, and held a session of good neighborliness “I, you, he, she are a friendly family together.”

In order for our children to grow into good and kind neighbors, it is necessary that they now learn the main moral principles - it is important to be friendly and attentive to the world around them: people, animals, plants - after all, we are all “neighbors on the planet.” It is important to respect elders, not offend little ones, be polite and friendly - and then our whole life will be comfortable and convenient. The children listened attentively to the presenters, readily answered questions about good and bad deeds, and showed their best the best side. And then it was time for a creative moment. On whatman paper we depicted a big and kind heart, which personifies the best human qualities: friendliness, kindness, and invited the children to revive it with daisies, which they made in advance with their teachers. But chamomile is a symbol of friendship, which means our heart will become truly kind, happy and joyful. With great pleasure, each of the guests attached his own daisy to his heart, and even the children prepared flowers for the librarians, and we also took part in decorating the “Heart of Friendship.” How wonderful it turned out! Our holiday of good neighbors continued with another bright event: balloons all the children tied bright multi-colored ribbons with good wishes and we launched the balloons into the sky, with a good message to the world. But our guests did not come empty-handed; as a sign of good neighborly relations, the teachers and children made bright and beautiful birds and tulips using the origami technique, which they presented to the library staff and Volga residents passing by the library, with wishes of health, happiness and goodness. Now many Volga residents have their own bird of happiness from the pupils of the Golden Cockerel kindergarten.

And as a farewell gift, we gave the guys sweet prizes.

Next part of the day open doors gathered in the reading room of the Pushkin Library for a heart-to-heart conversation “Who goes where - and I go to the neighbors!” adult audience. Regular readers of the library and visitors to the Center for Cultural History – residents of our area – gathered in a friendly circle.

In opening remarks head TsGDB I.N. Volynskaya drew attention to the fact that the meeting dedicated to International Day neighbors, takes place in the library - the real center of cultural and intellectual life of the area, and it is on May 24 on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture and on the eve professional holiday– All-Russian Library Day.

Deputies of the Volga City Duma S.V. were present at the event as guests of honor. Vinokurova and Yu.L. Angelica, which is well known to Volga residents living in nearby neighborhoods. In their welcoming speech, Svetlana Viktorovna and Yuri Leonidovich told the Volga residents how much neighbors mean to each of us, how important it is to maintain peace and friendly relations in every yard, quarter, and city as a whole. They wished everyone good health, prosperity in their families and only kind, sympathetic neighbors. And we, in turn, thank our respected deputies for their help in organizing this holiday.

The heart-to-heart conversation was conducted by librarians S.I. Svistukhina, I.A. Tareeva and head. Center for Cultural History T.I. Gavrilova. The guests of the meeting were told about the history of the holiday, about the already established traditions of its holding.

Tatyana Ivanovna Gavrilova gave a tour of the history of the streets where our closest neighbors live. Together with our guests, we “walked” along the streets of Engels, Sovetskaya, General Karbyshev, and remembered the sights and interesting cultural sites located here: this is a monument to the Hero Soviet Union General Karbyshev; memorial plaque on house 24 on the street. Sovetskaya, where the first secretary of the Volga City Committee of the CPSU Yu.N. lived. Ponomarev; reliefs by the artist N.F. Baroha on the ends of buildings on the street. Engels; Volzhsky Drama Theatre; the building of the old mill and, of course, the Central City Children's Library, Library No. 5 named after. Pushkin and the Center for Cultural History, which this year were merged into one institution. We remembered with gratitude and respect that Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Fedorovich Filippov lived next to us, and he was the last Hero who lived in the city of Volzhsky. And among the guests of the meeting we named the oldest resident of Engels Street - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, order bearer M.Ya. Balibardin, he has lived here since 1963, that’s when this street began to be populated.

Many interesting, creative, extraordinary personalities live in close proximity to the library, and here is a word from an old friend of both the adult and children's libraries - the Volga poet N. I. Ledovsky, he spoke about his childhood in the orphanage and how he learned the science of living in a good neighborhood. Nikolai Ivanovich presented to the audience the almanac “Volga Parnassus”, in which you can read his works and get acquainted with many wonderful Volga authors.

Writer V.N. Remchukov, the author of the “Explanatory Cossack Dictionary” and other books dedicated to the history and culture of the Don Cossacks, is well known not only in Volzhskoe, but also far beyond its borders. Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, remembering that we gathered on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, shared his thoughts about the meaning in the life of any nation native language, about the importance of studying, developing and certainly preserving it, as the most expensive and valuable national asset.

EAT. Mashtakov - almost dear person for many Volga residents present at the event, because she worked for many years in library No. 5 named after. Pushkin and has always been an interesting interlocutor and guide to the world of literature, history, and culture for readers. Elena Mikhailovna spoke about her recent trip to the village of Veshenskaya, and her story was very opportune, because May 24 is also M. Sholokhov’s birthday.

This is how our holiday passed, with heart-to-heart conversations and tea drinking. Much unites all of us, neighbors in the house, yard, neighborhood, city... but nothing brings us together like a song. And, of course, songs were played - favorite ones, familiar to everyone. We really hope that the guests were satisfied with the friendly and neighborly atmosphere that reigned in the library.

After a short break, the Central City Children's Library welcomed guests again. We invited our closest neighbors, students from school No. 19, and our already permanent partners, the Joy Association, to the Good Neighborhood Lesson “It’s crowded here because of smiles.”

Every year around the world, Neighbors Day is celebrated at the end of May. There is some controversy regarding the date of this holiday. In Europe, it is celebrated on the last Tuesday of May, but as a rule, the date of the holiday and all events associated with it are moved to the next weekend. Somewhere it’s the last Friday of May, somewhere it’s the last Sunday.

This is how we will celebrate Neighbors Day in Russia in 2020 May 29

Wonderful good holiday! It’s time to sing some ditty from the repertoire of the brownie Kuzya, for example, this: “a neighbor came to a neighbor on cheerful conversation", bake pies, put on a samovar and invite your neighbors to the holiday.

But in fact, the international holiday Neighbors Day, or as it is also called Good Neighbor Day, is designed to look at the issue from the opposite side.

We are talking about alienation and indifference to those who are close to us in the broadest sense of the word. Residents of large cities often do not even know who lives behind their walls. What kind of good and neighborly relations can we talk about here?

And if you think about the fact that the word “neighbors” is not so literal, that there are neighboring countries, the borders with which are carefully guarded, there are Live nature, and each of its representatives is our neighbor on the planet, then it becomes completely sad.

You can't get away with pies and ditties here. We need to decide serious problems HOSTEL, patching up the holes, learning to see and hear a little further than one’s own “I”.

The Frenchman Antanas Perifan first thought about this. With the help of sponsors, he organized a holiday for his hitherto unknown neighbors of the district, during which he found work for several unemployed people, organized small home kindergartens, helped those in need financially and did a lot of other good deeds that were not at all difficult to do - it was enough to know about the problem person.

For the first time, such a useful and humane holiday was held in 1999 in Paris, 800 houses and more than 10,000 residents took part in it, and since then this day has been celebrated annually.

Since 2000, Neighbors Day has become official international holiday. If in Europe the European Federation of Local Solidarity (there is one) is organizing the holiday, then in Russia they take matters into their own hands ordinary people, creating a holiday for your loved ones, giving them warmth and kindness.

This day is gradually beginning to acquire traditions. Every city and even every yard has its own, but they have one thing in common: the desire to open up and extend a hand to those who are nearby.

So far this holiday is not yet so popular in Russia. And that's even good. Let everything go, grow and develop in a natural way - from heart to heart. If this holiday is “taken into circulation”, it may very well turn out that it will turn into another large-scale “tick”.

Neighbors, like the Motherland, as a rule, are not chosen. This means you need to learn to be friends. And this is a great work of the soul and it is not a matter of one day, even a festive one: to understand, accept, find a compromise - this is also a neighborhood. “Come on, come on, what kind of neighbors do we have? Friends or just acquaintances?

If you don’t know each other, how long will it take to get to know each other?” - the kind and generous Brownie invites guests to the housewarming party. Everything about him is simple, just like in childhood: he ate a “baby cake” with a neighbor and that’s it, a bosom friend for life. Or maybe he’s right, and we’re making our lives more difficult?

Let's try to find the answer to this question on May 31, Neighbors' Day, when we invite those around us to tea with delicious pies.