DIY children's costumes for the New Year. Carnival owl costume with eyes, mittens and feathers New Year's owl costume for a boy

Masquerade on New Year's party For a child, this is the most exciting event of the year. Therefore, you need to prepare for it in advance and thoroughly. The main stage of preparation is choosing a costume.

Animal and bird costumes are very popular: bunnies, foxes, squirrels, owls. It is the process of creating an owl costume that we will consider.

Festive owl outfit from a T-shirt

To create an owl costume for a girl with your own hands you will need:

  • T-shirt (preferably loose-fitting and long);
  • scraps of fabrics of various colors;
  • threads or hot glue;
  • scissors.

From fabric scraps we cut out feathers for an owl, any shape you like. Then we sew or glue the feathers onto the T-shirt in a checkerboard pattern. If the T-shirt turns out to be too short, the lower feathers can be lengthened or sewn in several rows to imitate a skirt.

To add elegance, you can make several bows from satin or velvet ribbons. Bows can be attached to the sleeves or neckline. You can also add nylon ribbons or embroider some elements of the suit with lurex.

Universal owl masquerade costume

To make a costume that would be suitable for boys and girls, you will need the following materials:

  • thick fabric;
  • lining fabric;
  • satin or velvet ribbon;
  • small pieces of fabric of different colors;
  • threads

Fold the main one and lining fabric and cut out a semicircle (you can use a full circle or ¾, depending on the required splendor of the outfit). The length of the semicircle should be equal to the length of the product, taking into account the hems and neckline.

We cut out a small semicircle in the center so that the head fits comfortably. We grind the neck of the satin flight, and leave the ends of the ribbon free, they will serve as the ties of the cloak.

We bend the material at the bottom and trim it with edging or tape. We make slits on the sides for the arms and trim them with tape. It is better to make the slots more spacious so as not to restrict the child’s movements.

We cut the pieces of fabric into ribbons 5-10 cm wide (if desired, you can make smaller feathers), then we cut the ribbons so that you get a kind of garland of feathers. We sew or glue the resulting blanks to the raincoat along its entire length, starting from the bottom edge. It is desirable that one stripe slightly overlaps the other, this will give volume and realism to the plumage.

If desired, you can add a hood to the raincoat. To do this, cut out a rectangle from the main and lining fabrics folded in two, sew it along one edge and grind it along the other. We sew the end sides to the raincoat. Then we embroider garlands of feathers along the hood, making sure that the feathers on the hood do not stick out in different directions and correspond to the plumage of the cloak.

This owl costume is equally suitable for a boy or a girl. All that remains is to choose the right trousers and jacket. For girls, you can even wear a dress (preferably not a fluffy cut) under a raincoat.

Indispensable attributes for an owl

The image of an owl will be complemented by such little things as its beak and glasses. You can use old sunglasses as glasses, after removing the glass from them, or make a mask in the shape of glasses. For those who use sunglasses, you can cut out a small beak from felt and glue it to the center of the glasses.

The mask can be cut out of cardboard, felt (it is better to use two colors) or printed on a printer. It is worth noting that felt is more convenient and pleasant to the face than cardboard, and paper mask wrinkles easily. You can secure the mask with an elastic band or a hairpin (for girls).

Other options for the owl costume and its details.

A New Year's party masquerade for a child is the most exciting event of the year. Therefore, you need to prepare for it in advance and thoroughly. The main stage of preparation is choosing a costume.

Animal and bird costumes are very popular: bunnies, foxes, squirrels, owls. It is the process of creating an owl costume that we will consider.

Festive owl outfit from a T-shirt

To create an owl costume for a girl with your own hands you will need:

  • T-shirt (preferably loose-fitting and long);
  • scraps of fabrics of various colors;
  • threads or hot glue;
  • scissors.

From fabric scraps we cut out feathers for an owl, any shape you like. Then we sew or glue the feathers onto the T-shirt in a checkerboard pattern. If the T-shirt turns out to be too short, the lower feathers can be lengthened or sewn in several rows to imitate a skirt.

To add elegance, you can make several bows from satin or velvet ribbons. Bows can be attached to the sleeves or neckline. You can also add nylon ribbons or embroider some elements of the suit with lurex.

Universal owl masquerade costume

To make a costume that would be suitable for boys and girls, you will need the following materials:

  • thick fabric;
  • lining fabric;
  • satin or velvet ribbon;
  • small pieces of fabric of different colors;
  • threads

Fold the main and lining fabrics and cut out a semicircle (you can use a full circle or ¾, depending on the required splendor of the outfit). The length of the semicircle should be equal to the length of the product, taking into account the hems and neckline.

We cut out a small semicircle in the center so that the head fits comfortably. We grind the neck of the satin flight, and leave the ends of the ribbon free, they will serve as the ties of the cloak.

We bend the material at the bottom and trim it with edging or tape. We make slits on the sides for the arms and trim them with tape. It is better to make the slots more spacious so as not to restrict the child’s movements.

We cut the pieces of fabric into ribbons 5-10 cm wide (if desired, you can make smaller feathers), then we cut the ribbons so that you get a kind of garland of feathers. We sew or glue the resulting blanks to the raincoat along its entire length, starting from the bottom edge. It is desirable that one stripe slightly overlaps the other, this will give volume and realism to the plumage.

If desired, you can add a hood to the raincoat. To do this, cut out a rectangle from the main and lining fabrics folded in two, sew it along one edge and grind it along the other. We sew the end sides to the raincoat. Then we embroider garlands of feathers along the hood, making sure that the feathers on the hood do not stick out in different directions and correspond to the plumage of the cloak.

This owl costume is equally suitable for a boy or a girl. All that remains is to choose the right trousers and jacket. For girls, you can even wear a dress (preferably not a fluffy cut) under a raincoat.

Indispensable attributes for an owl

The image of an owl will be complemented by such little things as its beak and glasses. You can use old sunglasses as glasses, after removing the glass from them, or make a mask in the shape of glasses. For those who use sunglasses, you can cut out a small beak from felt and glue it to the center of the glasses.

The mask can be cut out of cardboard, felt (it is better to use two colors) or printed on a printer. It is worth noting that felt is more comfortable and pleasant to the face than cardboard, and a paper mask wrinkles easily. You can secure the mask with an elastic band or a hairpin (for girls).

Other options for the owl costume and its details.

Despite the fact that the times of peak popularity of Harry Potter have already passed, the fashion for owls remains. Plus, the owl is one of the “emblems” of autumn, since autumn is always associated with nostalgia and the beginning of education in schools and universities, and therefore with knowledge and wisdom. Making an owl costume is quite simple, and with one of the options below, you will only need a few available materials, a couple of hours and, by the way, no sewing. In total, here we will look at 2 options: there are different owls, and so are the ways to make a costume. Both costumes can be made to fit any size: for both children and adults. First, you will have to buy some inexpensive and preferably plain clothes.

Option 1: common brown and black owl.

Prepare in advance:
- brown sweatshirt or top tracksuit- necessarily with a hood;
— brown sweatpants;
- a lot of felt or felt of 3 shades: brown, tan, black;
- scissors;
- fabric glue.

1. Cut out the simplest shapes of feathers from felt/felt in brown and tan colors. Three times less of the same black “feathers”. For a child you will need about 200 feathers (not too large, but not miniature, of course). Increase their number if necessary.

It is not advisable to use real feathers, especially if they are fluffy, which are not difficult to find in a craft store, simply because you will need a lot of them, and in the end the fluffy creature is unlikely to be mistaken for an owl, but rather for some small one a bird, a chicken, or even a chicken. Still, the image of a brown owl is somewhat more cruel, brutal, if you like.

2. Choose the size and density of the sweatshirt and trousers, taking into account that 200 felt feathers is still not the lightest load, and loose and/or stretchy fabric or things that are large will certainly sag unsightly with such weight. If there are no special options, and you have to buy a suit a size larger when you go to the holiday, put several things under it for density and volume, taking into account the temperature in the place where you are going.

3. Place the sweatshirt on the table (any flat, hard, wide surface) and begin gluing the “feathers” to it using fabric glue. Start from the very bottom of the jacket and constantly vary the colors of the feathers: brown - tan - brown - tan - black and so on. Be sure to make sure that each new row of feathers that goes higher covers about 2/3 of the lower row - this is the only way you will subsequently be recognized as an owl.

4. Glue feathers onto the sleeves up to the top of the arms, also starting from the bottom and working towards the shoulders.

5. Cut two circles from dark brown felt, each approximately 7.5cm in diameter. Cut two circles from lighter brown felt, but approximately 5 cm in diameter. Finally, cut out 2 2.5cm circles from black felt.

6. Make owl eyes by placing circles on top of each other and gluing, starting with the largest and then decreasing to black on top. Glue the eyes to the hood.

Option 2: snowy owl.

This costume is more complicated, but snowy owls always look more impressive.

- again a hoodie, but already white;
- similar trousers, but also white, or maybe gray, gray-black;
— feather boa - white or with light splashes of gray/black;
- tailor's measuring tape or any analogue, up to a tape measure with a soft plastic tape;
- an assistant (it will be difficult to take measurements alone);
- mask;
- paints;
- scissors;
- threads and needles;
- feathers;
- fabric glue;
— fabric: felt, fleece.

1. Take a white sweatshirt (or white-gray-black) with a hood and white or gray (or with gray/black patterns) trousers as the basis of the suit. Regarding the size and other nuances, see point 2 from the first option.

2. Measure the circumference of the open neck and front perimeter of the hood of the sweatshirt.

3. Cut this length from the boa.

4. Thread a needle with white cotton-coated polyester thread (the best thread for all purposes).

5. Sew the cut part of the boa to the edge of the hood and the open part of the throat using a zigzag stitch: push the needle through the fabric from the back of the hood/throat from the edge, pull it out from the outside, cross the thread through the boa from above, and stick the needle again from the back side of the edge of the hood. And so on from the middle of the throat in front, through the front of the hood and again to the middle of the throat on the other side.

6. Measure the circumference of the bottom of the sleeves of the sweatshirt, as well as the circumference of the bottom of the pants.

7. Cut 4 matching boa pieces.

8. Using exactly the same seam, sew parts of the boa along the very bottom of the legs and sleeves. If there are no problems with buying several boas, you can sew such pieces of it in circles one above the other: it will look more like fluffy owl legs. On the arms and legs, pieces of boa can always be replaced with white/white-black fluffy feathers, this option is just more labor-intensive.

9. This item is optional, but here you can sew/glue white/white-gray-black felt feathers in the same way as in the first version of the costume for complete authenticity.

10. Take the simplest white mask just for the eyes (you can sew it yourself without any problems - like in the picture, only white) and with paint or, for example, a permanent marker, draw a black stripe in the area of ​​the nose, which will be designed to indicate the beak of a snowy owl. Let the paint dry.

11. Turn the back of the mask towards you. Glue white fluffy feathers on top and bottom around the entire perimeter so that they stick out in different directions. To prevent the tips of the feathers from hurting you or getting in the way, cut out of white felt (or any fairly dense fabric), for example, a mask the same size as the inside of the first one, and stick it on the feathers. Let the glue dry.

12. From here onwards, follow if you missed step 9. Call an assistant. Stand up straight, spread your arms straight out to your sides. Have an assistant measure the length diagonally from each palm to your waist. Also take the measurement from behind, but from wrist to wrist across the back.

13. Cut a rectangle from snowy white (or with gray and black splashes) fleece. One side should be equal to the length of your arms (from hand to hand), the other - diagonally from the palms to the waist.

14. Sew fleece to sweatshirt. The best way to do this is to use a running stitch to attach the fleece to the jacket across the top of the back and to the top of the sleeves (at the shoulders).

15. Cut the fleece from the bottom into 2.5 cm wide and 15.2 cm long strips: they will simulate wings and feathers.

16. Glue or sew white or black/gray/white feathers onto the fleece. Cover as much of the fabric surface as you can.

17. When you are ready to put on a suit, it is best to complement it with gray/black pumps/flat boots and wrap the rest of the boa around your neck (under the hood).

Dress up as an owl for Halloween or any other children's holiday!

Despite the fact that the main goal of Halloween participants is to scare each other, we will still try to make our owl not scary, but funny, because there is already too much evil in our world.

Necessary materials:

  • Different colors of felt fabric
  • Ruler
  • Bias tape or narrow ribbon for ties
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Plate

Step 1

Let's start sewing the suit with the wings. Take the fabric that will go on top. Place a plate on the canvas to mark the opening for the neck.

Step 2

Now, using a ruler and chalk, draw straight lines of 40 cm down on both sides of the opening. Then close these two lines with zigzags, creating jagged feathers on the owl's wings. It is not necessary to adhere to symmetry. Once the wing template is ready, cut it out.

Step 3

To make the second wing (bottom), take a ready-made template and lay it out on the second piece of felt fabric. Outline the template with chalk, taking into account that the lower part of the wings should be an order of magnitude longer. Therefore, focusing on the template, lengthen the side and zigzag lines. Then cut out the wing along the outline.

Step 4

Connect the cutout of the top wing with the cutout of the bottom wing and sew them along the neck line. Sew ribbons for ties to the back of the wings, on both sides of the neck opening. The wings are ready!

This is roughly what they should look like when finished.

Step 5

Make the feathers on the owl's chest in the form of figures resembling a cherry leaf, measuring 10x4cm in two colors. Cut out shapes from fabric and glue them to a regular T-shirt about 5 rows, alternating colors.

Step 6

Now we sew an “owl” headdress. Make a pattern of details on the fabric, as in the image. IN in this case The template was a children's cap. But the size of the middle part had to be changed slightly, expanding its front part.

Step 7

Sew all three pieces together.

Step 8

Sew on the ties and turn the hat right side out.

Step 9

Both beginners and experienced seamstresses can make an owl costume. The main thing is to follow the instructions and maintain the proportions, and then everything will work out!

How to sew an owl costume with your own hands

First of all, go to the store for fabric. The basis for a children's owl costume ">take thick burlap Brown. For a child 3-5 years old, 2 m is enough with a standard fabric width of 1.5 m. For feathers, buy a beige mesh. You don’t have to buy the rest of the fabric and use scraps of old clothes.

"> Let's start the pattern. To do this, cut 1.2 m from a piece of fabric and attach it to the rest of the fabric. Thus, the future hood will remain in one layer. Cut it out as shown in the picture. The white dotted line marks the line that needs to be sewn. Green is the place for the face. It is better to trim this edge with braid so that small threads do not fall off and get into the child’s eyes. Don’t forget to cut out the sleeves. They resemble geometric figure- rhombus There should be enough fabric for them. Now let's make the body owl costume ">The hole where the sleeves are sewn is marked in blue. The yellow lines are the place for stitching.

If you run out of time or patience, leave the costume as is. So your baby will look like a hermit monk. If this option is not suitable, let's start decorating. To do this, sew mesh fabric onto the front part.

From above, manually sew the patches on top of each other. Move from bottom to top, then the seams will be hidden under the next layer. IN This is how the owl’s costume is already taking shape.

Now sew the patches onto the sleeves and stitch the piece to the suit. It’s good if the shreds are also in the autumn colors, which will give children's costume owls whole and thoughtful look.

All that remains is to “revive” the owl costume. To do this on Sew on the eyes and beak for the hood, and if there is burlap left, make small ears. It will look very cute.

More options for owl costumes

The main advantage of such costumes is that they are easy to make yourself. Instead of an owl's head for a costume, you can use a regular brown hat, onto which you can sew eyes and a beak.

The simplest option is sweatshirt suit black or brown. For girls you can use hoodies bright colors, such as pink, red or yellow.

Masks for an owl costume

A child may feel hot at a party wearing a hat or hood, so you can simply use a mask with an owl’s face as the top part of the costume. As a rule, they are made from felt (since it does not crumble and holds its shape), but they can be made from colored paper.

Get creative and come up with funny children's costumes! And since the coming year of the horse, you might like it. Happy holiday!