Two cones of hair on the head. How to make a tail bump

For many years, hairstyles with a bump were in demand mainly among ballerinas, dancers and gymnasts, and for some reason girls stubbornly disliked buns. Most representatives of the fair half of humanity treated this type of hairstyle very disdainfully, choosing any other options.

Star options
thin scheme unusual
unusual hairstyle

Everything has changed in the last few years: the fashionable hairdressing industry, beauty bloggers, magazines, and social networks have actively popularized this composition, so it quickly became popular among the people. This model is universal - it suits almost everyone, and if it doesn’t suit you, then you have chosen the wrong variation.

Options for this installation

There are numerous options for a bump on the head, ranging from classic ones, when a lump is made from the total mass of strands low bun, ending with newfangled high buns made from a half ponytail.

More and more often we see hairstyles with two or more bumps on girls, especially fans of Japanese animated films. In the photo and video in in social networks You can find an endless variety of types and types of bump hairstyles with or without a roller based on backcombing, with loose hair or gathered, for long or medium hair, with ribbons, on the crown, with braids.

Let's look at the type of person who is suitable for which option:

  1. Representatives of an oval face are luckier than anyone, since they can choose their hairstyle based only on own wish, taste and latest fashion trends, without thinking that it will look unprofitable.
  2. For girls with a round face, options that frame the face are recommended, i.e. in the case of a bun, it is worth forming the hair on the basis of a half ponytail or a low ponytail, having first released the strands adjacent to the face (to add romance to the styling, curl the strands into curls).
  3. Those with a square face should follow the same recommendations as those with a round face. They are also shown oblique bangs; it is advisable to make compositions (bump hairstyle) based on lush, curly or curly hair.

Instructions for implementation

Using the example of the classic version using a roller (donut), we’ll look at how to make a cone yourself.

To perform it, we will need the following tools:

  • comb;
  • elastic band;
  • roller (donut);
  • bobby pins or stilettos.

So, we are fully armed, let's start designing the composition:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. Gather the strands into a ponytail at the location where you want to place the bun.
  3. For convenience, tilt your head down, thread the tip of your ponytail into a donut, and twist your hair around it. While carefully twisting the donut, twist not the entire mass of the tail hair onto it.
  4. Distribute your hair over the donut so that it completely covers it; use hairpins or bobby pins to secure the hairstyle. Use restraints if necessary.

To control the distribution of strands over the donut, use two mirrors. Total 4 simple steps- and everything is ready!

To complete such a composition it will take very little time - only 5-7 minutes will be enough for the first time. The more often you do this type of styling, the less time it will take to complete it.

In addition to the classic version of this hairstyle, recently a hairstyle with bumps on the sides of the head is often seen.

Numerous photos and videos with a detailed step-by-step description of how to do it on the head beautiful hairstyle with 1 or 2 cones per long hair you can easily find it on the Internet.

Hair accessories will help diversify your hairstyle and give it a solemn look. All kinds of bows, decorative hairpins, hairpins, wreaths, ribbons, headbands, arrangements of flowers, beads and much more will make your hairstyle unique.

When choosing accessories, consider their combination with your appearance. Remember the “golden” rule - less is more!

For what occasions is it suitable?

Perhaps we can say about models with cones: “And to the feast, and to the world, and to good people" This hair composition is truly universal, as it is suitable for all occasions and, oddly enough, for all ages - starting from kindergarten, ending with mature people.

In addition, such styling is appropriate even where a strict and merciless dress code rules. Representatives of many airlines, banks, government agencies and others have long loved the bump and decorate it on their heads.

And if you add accessories, this strict composition will instantly transform into a holiday or weekend option.

Price in Russia

When you want to get the perfect hairstyle, you should use the services of professionals. We analyzed the prices for this hairstyle in major cities of Russia.

/ 30.12.2017

Children's hairstyle with two buns. How to give a girl a “Pine cone” hairstyle, decorating it with a bow. How to do fashionable hairstyle with “horns” for girls: master class

The “Hair Horns” hairstyle has become a worthy replacement for boring half-buns. This styling not only looks original, but also adds mischief to the image, and most importantly, it is easy to perform. You can rest assured that you can easily cope with this task at home, the main thing is to read the article carefully, and also preview photos and videos.

The history of the appearance of the “Hair Horns” hairstyle

There are several ways to spice up your look. You can do unusual makeup, change your wardrobe, dye your hair. If you are not ready for radical changes, then try making horns out of hair. This option is ideal for those who want to add a twist to their appearance and at the same time correspond to fashion trends.

It is interesting to know where the described trend originates? Not everyone knows, but it is the world-famous art and music festival called Coachella that regularly presents the world with trends. It is worth noting that they are quickly adopted by beauty fashionistas. A funny hairstyle suddenly became one of the trends of the above-mentioned festival. She is often preferred by Hollywood stars, and ordinary girls also like her.

If you were a fan of buns or half-buns, then it’s time to change them to hair horns, this is a newer hairstyle option. What’s most important is that you can do it yourself, and without spending a lot of personal time, which is always in short supply. There is no need to resort to the help of a professional hairdresser.

Hairstyle technique

To “build” cool horns on your head with your own hands, you will need:

  • hairpins;
  • thick elastic bands;
  • varnish or foam;
  • comb.

If you are a lover of cute accessories, you can use bows, hairpins, and headbands as decorations. By the way, when you then open your horns, you will get beautiful curls and curls, which also looks very beautiful.

Before making horns, you need to comb your hair thoroughly. Then divide them into two parts of equal volume (the parting should be perfectly even). To emphasize the cuteness and charm of the image, you can separate the bangs or let out the facial strands. The next stage is the formation of two high ponytails; they will look more impressive than low ones. Lightly comb each ponytail and twist it into a braid. At the end, twist everything into a “nozzle”, fluff it slightly and secure with hairpins; you can also use bobby pins.

Other ways to create hair horns

The hairstyle can also be done with loose hair. To do this, take those strands that are on the top of the head and divide them into two parts. The parting does not have to be straight; it can be asymmetrical. Next, twist individual strands into a “bundle” and secure with hairpins. As you understand, not all hair is curled; the main part remains loose.

Using this principle, you can make different hairstyles. Experiment by creating styles with straight or wavy hair, neat and careless, twist the plait at the back or crown, create a bun, roll your hair into a “loop” or tie it in a knot. The looser the bun is, the simpler the hairstyle will look, and the option with a neat bun at the back of the head is suitable even for a social occasion.

Beauty trends are full of new ideas. One of them is fashionable ones with “horns”, which are rapidly gaining popularity. The playfulness and slight audacity of such hairstyles attract fashionistas different ages, they have adapted perfectly to the most different styles, except for the most strict and conservative - business. This means it’s time to figure out how to make a fashionable hairstyle with “horns” yourself, especially since you can create it with your own hands in just a few minutes.

Hairstyle “horns” on the head: youth trends

A hairstyle with “horns” is certainly a youth trend; this style is ideal for very young girls. But judging by how actively style icons such as Milea Cyrus and Gwen Stefani are interested in it, age is not a reason to refuse such a hairstyle - the main thing is the brightness and elegant original style of the image.

Who suits such styling? First of all, for those with thin or oval faces, the hairstyle too clearly emphasizes the oval of the face. But for those with round faces, there is a suitable combined version of this style with loose hair. The second and most important thing that needs to be taken into account is the length of the hair - it is almost impossible to create a hairstyle with “horns” for hair that is too short. Otherwise, you will end up with nothing more than a pair of funny ponytails on top of your head, which are unconditionally suitable only for fashionistas no older than five years old. But on shoulder-length curls and below, regardless of their thickness and structure, this styling works and looks great.

How to make a hairstyle with “horns” of hair in order to emphasize all the advantages of your own appearance and use the potential of this styling? There are many options for creating it; the “horns” can be decorated with strict tight buns, or you can give them free shapes or form them from braids. This original styling looks organic, both with smoothly combed hair from the forehead, and in combination with bangs and released side strands, on straight and curly hair. Owners of curly or voluminous wavy hair should definitely leave voluminous, loosely collected strands around the face - each version of this styling is individual.

A simple step-by-step instruction on “how to make a hairstyle with horns” will allow you to do this styling at home, without resorting to the services of stylists, even for those who are not experienced in hairdressing. To create it you will need: hairspray, a regular comb, hairpins and several elastic bands matched to the color of your hair. The curls themselves should be prepared in advance - wash and make a nourishing or moisturizing mask, as well as use conditioner or balm after washing.

Hair should be manageable and shiny - the effectiveness of styling depends on this.

How to make a “two horns” hairstyle from braids

Making a “two horns” hairstyle like a professional stylist is quite simple; first, part your hair. You can make either a classic straight or a zigzag - it depends only on your taste. Gather and carefully comb, lifting up, each of the resulting strands and secure them symmetrically on the top of the head with elastic bands. To make a hairstyle with “horns” stay on your head more steadily and for a long time, strengthen the resulting ponytails with a second elastic band.

This must also be done if your hair is too long and thick, and therefore heavy. Make sure that the position of the ponytails definitely suits you - you can position them arbitrarily, and then use your hands to wrap the strands around the elastic bands. This can be done in different ways. You can twist it beautifully and freely, creating elegant “nests”, you can twist the strands into strands and create dense tight buns - this option is best suited for owners of very long hair. You can braid any type of braid from the resulting strands: regular, reverse, French or spikelets. Any hairstyles with “horns” made from braids look great on long and thick hair.

Look how original a hairstyle with “horns” made from hair of different lengths and structures looks in these photos:

How to make a fashionable hairstyle with “horns” for girls: master class

This is one of the few styling trends that are relevant for adults, which also looks natural on children. It can be used both everyday and as a festive occasion - it goes well with various types of decor, from tiaras to flowers and voluminous hairpins.

You can create a horns hairstyle for a girl in the same way as for adult fashionistas, taking into account the length and structure of the hair. But especially in children’s and, especially, in everyday use, it is worth avoiding active and strong styling, too tight elastic bands, so as not to damage the curls.

A simple master class on “hairstyle with horns for girls” will suggest several current options for adult fashionistas.

Divide the curls into a parting and, if they are not long enough and you cannot make full-fledged strands and “nests” out of them, separate the strands of the occipital area and leave them free. Also, in this version, you can make bangs free. Gather the parted strands into ponytails and secure them with an elastic band.

Using the second elastic band, make a bun or loop out of the ponytail, securing it at the base of the ponytail.

Children's styling should be comfortable, so the curls should not be pulled too tightly, but they should be secured in such a way that they can be corrected at any time.

A similar hairstyle with “horns” and loose hair can be done for adult fashionistas, letting go and leaving the curls of the occipital area free. They can be laid most different ways, leaving loose and curling the ends into curls, braid them into braids of complex styles or making a ponytail

How to make a hairstyle with “horns”-buns for long and medium hair

Hairstyle "Bump" with a pigtail at the back of the head

To do this styling, you don't have to practice for a long time. If the styling came out a little careless, it doesn’t matter. This option will complement a romantic look well and will go well with a light summer dress.

If you have little time to put your hair in order, and the meeting requires you to look beautiful and elegant, then the best solution would be to pin up a classic bun. The styling will look stylish and at the same time natural, and this is really in trend now.

The simplest, “classic” option is the cone hairstyle with a pigtail, which is done in just a couple of steps:

Tie your hair into a tight ponytail; it is advisable to choose an elastic band that matches your hair color. But don’t overdo it: by the end of the day, the hairstyle can cause a feeling of severe discomfort due to the tight tension.

Divide your hair into 3 equal parts and start weaving a regular “triple” braid. Secure the end of the braid with a thin elastic band.

Wrap the braid around the base of the ponytail and secure with bobby pins or bobby pins.

To give the bun more volume, the top strands can be loosened a little. But after this, the styling will look a little sloppy and is unlikely to be suitable for a business meeting.

This option is good for a high bump hairstyle, but you can also place it on the back of the head.

For detailed instructions on how to make a bump hairstyle on your head, see the photo below:

How to make a “Bump” hairstyle on your head from long hair (with photo)

Without a doubt, long hair offers endless styling options with intricate weaves and curls. However, the bun is available to owners of any hair type and length.

On long hair, a bump will become a hairstyle of first necessity, as it can quickly hide the hair in a convenient style so that, for example, it does not interfere with sports activities.

One of the original versions of the bun is weaving a bun with a spikelet. On the top of the head there is an ordinary bun, but the back of the head is decorated with an unusual braid.

It’s not difficult to do this setup:

Lean forward and comb your hair over your face.

Starting at the back of the head, select a wide section of hair and begin braiding a French braid.

Continue weaving until you reach the future location of the bundle.

Tie the remaining hair into a tight ponytail.

Look at the photo with cone hairstyles for long hair:

Do-it-yourself “Bump” hairstyle made of curls for medium hair

The variety of hairstyles with a bump for medium hair is not much inferior to long-haired options. The whole point is that a bun can hide even a cascading hairstyle and securely secure it in the styling.

One of these hairstyle options is a cone of curls:

Separate your hair with a horizontal parting and tie the back part into a tight ponytail.

Curl the strands with a curling iron.

Backcomb it for volume, then wrap the ponytail around an elastic band and pin it with bobby pins to create a bun.

We pin the remaining curled curls to the main bun.

To make the styling stick better, you should spray it with a large amount of varnish.

Look at the photo instructions on how to do this styling:

“Bump” hairstyle options for short hair with and without bangs

Many girls believe that it is impossible to style a bob hairstyle on short hair. But this is a deep misconception.

You can make a bun in at least three ways:

  • Twist a bundle of strands
  • Secure the strands with a net
  • Arrange the strands like an accordion

Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

A bundle of strands is made extremely simply:

Divide your hair with an even parting into 2 parts.

Divide each part in half and twist 2 strands.

Tie the resulting strands at the back of your head, securing them with hairpins.

Secure the style with hairspray.

Thanks to the mesh, you can create a bun effect with long hair:

Tie a tight ponytail at the back of your head, then divide it into two parts: upper and lower.

Comb the bottom part to add volume.

Place a net over your combed hair, forming it into a ball. Secure everything with pins.

Use the top of the ponytail to wrap around the net and secure with an elastic band or ribbon.

Accordion styling will allow you to create a voluminous bun even on the most short hair ah:Tie a ponytail and comb it. Divide your hair into several small strands. Fold each strand like an accordion and secure with a hairpin. When all the strands are secured, spray the styling with varnish. It is very important to pay attention Special attention strands of the temporal part: they are most often the first to be knocked out of the styling.

Despite the short hair length, the bump looks voluminous.

Look at the photo and see for yourself:

Hairstyle with two “bumps” on the sides and loose hair

Recently, a hairstyle with bumps on the sides has become very popular among girls. If this is your first time encountering this type of styling, we recommend you try it. different variants wrap the bun and choose the most comfortable one for yourself.

The most in a simple way The stacking of cones from two tails is considered:

Tie two tails where the pine cones will be located.

Comb your hair and then wrap it around your ponytail.

Secure the styling with bobby pins.

You can also simply tie your hair casually with an elastic band, you are limited only by your imagination.

Another option for this style is a hairstyle with two bumps and loose hair.

The principle remains the same, the only difference is that not all the hair is involved, but only the upper part. This style is perfect for young girls.

You can make a hairstyle out of cones with your own hands, or you can contact a stylist. A professional is able to choose the ideal styling option for any type of face to create a harmonious image.

Look at the photo to see what the different options for side buns look like:

How to give a girl a “Bump” hairstyle, decorating it with a bow

A great option for a young lady would be a pine cone hairstyle with a bow. The bun holds the hair perfectly, preventing it from getting into the eyes, and the cute bow serves as a wonderful decoration for the head.

How to give a girl a bumpy hairstyle by decorating it with a bow:

Tie a ponytail. Select a small section of hair from it. The further size of the bow will depend on its width.

Style your hair into a bun by combing it and wrapping it around the base of your ponytail.

Braid the previously selected strand into a braid, leaving part of the hair to make a bow.

Secure the braid around the bun with bobby pins.

From the remaining tail, make two loops - the sides of the bow, securing them with hairpins.

The ponytail can be braided into a thin braid and wrapped in the shape of a flower to hide the central part of the bow.

Look at the photo to see what a hairstyle with a bump looks like for girls:

Retro hairstyle “Bump with curls”

A retro-style bob hairstyle with curls is suitable for hair of any length. It goes well with an evening look and will complement your everyday look.

It doesn’t take much effort to make a retro-style bump:

Curl your curls with a wide curling iron.

Make a small root backcomb.

Separate your bangs with an uneven parting.

Tie the hair at the back of your head into a ponytail with a thin elastic band.

Place the remaining curls around the bump, securing them with bobby pins in the desired position.

To prevent the curls from losing their shape prematurely, after curling them with a curling iron, twist them around your finger and pin them with bobby pins so that they can cool in this position.

Look at the photo instructions on how to make a retro bump from curls:

Performing the hairstyle “Bump with an elastic band”

To achieve this hairstyle, you will need a special accessory – a bun roller. A bump with an elastic band is secured in this hairstyle.

Tie a ponytail.

Thread your hair through the roller.

Straighten the strands around the roller and place a thin elastic band on top to secure the hair in this position.

Braid the remaining strands or roll them into ropes and wrap them around the bun.

For clarity, look at the photo instructions:

New Year's hairstyle "Pine cone" on the head with loose hair

A bump on the head with loose hair is a hairstyle that has won the hearts of many fashion internet bloggers and has become a real hit.

The bun can be very diverse - from perfectly even and neat, to a simple careless knot. Despite the simplicity of this hairstyle, it has become fashion trend this year.

Making this hairstyle is very simple: just comb your hair and tie a bun on the top of your head. And what it will be is up to you to decide.

This can be a bundle of rope, a small roller, or simply strands of hair stretched halfway through an elastic band. To make your bun look full, simply backcomb the hair a little on the top of your head.

An interesting option is obtained if you make a bun, and next to it, braid a braid from a small strand.

Look at the photo: this styling looks very fresh and unusual

How to make a “Bump” hairstyle for the New Year

Every girl wants to celebrate the New Year beautiful. In order for the image to be completed, it must be complemented with suitable styling. One of these hairstyles on New Year is a cone of braided curls.

Despite such an intricate appearance, this hairstyle can be done without any difficulty. Curl your hair into ringlets. Tie the front strands with a thin elastic band, and divide the remaining hair into 4 parts. Lightly comb the top of your hair. Form a neat bun from this part and pin it with hairpins. Divide the lower part of your hair into thin strands and add them to the top bun. On the right side, start weaving a classic spikelet, then pin its tail with a bobby pin. Repeat on the left side. Pin both braids up next to the bun. Arrange the remaining curls around the face to your liking.

Look at detailed photos New Year's hairstyles:

Watch a video on how to make a bump hairstyle for the New Year:

If you want to make a chic hair bun, you should consider a few nuances:

  • You should not make a bun on freshly washed hair. Otherwise, the hairstyle will not stay in place and the strands will start to fall out of style.
  • Don't forget to fix it with varnish. Especially if you decide to do your hair with curls
  • A strict bun should only be done on dry hair. If you get them wet, the strands will lie unevenly.

Every girl deserves to look impressive without spending a lot of effort on her hair. A bun is a great way to look beautiful and original every day. Don't be afraid to experiment. You can add various hairpins, ribbons, headbands and even tiaras to the bun. It all depends on your goals and tastes.

Recently, it has become very fashionable to bring back long-forgotten retro nuances in clothing, architecture, and music. Even in the art of creating hairstyles, along with frivolous grunge, styling that has become classics from bygone decades is increasingly dominant. One of them is feminine and majestic.

This hairstyle is good for everyone - convenience, practicality and, of course, beauty.

Hairstyle "bump"

The “bump” hairstyle is a great hairstyle for every day and for special occasions. She has a classic Office Style, but not so much strict as refined. It is impossible to imagine a life situation in which this hairstyle would be inappropriate.

Embellished with accessories, complemented by the appropriate outfit and makeup, the “bump” will turn from an everyday one into a festive one, suitable for any formal look. It is extremely simple and even absolutely elementary, however, nevertheless, it gives excellent results, and all this in the shortest possible time, without visits to the hairdresser.

Agree, this is very convenient, because not only is choosing a suitable hairstyle for a woman often very difficult, but often there is not a minute of time to think, and in a couple of moments you need to get your hair in perfect order. This is where the problem becomes ten times more acute. It is for such cases that every girl needs to keep in her head a “database” of several simple and beautiful hairstyles. One of them is the all-time favorite “bump”.

This hairstyle has been known since ancient times, when women only wore long hair. And just so that they would not interfere with them near the face, they were gathered in a bun on the top or back of the head. True, not only practicality and convenience are the main qualities of this hairstyle. It is important that it is extremely attractive and can decorate the head of any woman.

The variety of “cones” and their variability allow you to create bright individual female images. For all times, they have remained a classic of retro style, which also remains relevant and fashionable today. And if you follow fashion trends and want to be in trend, then you should definitely learn more about the bump hairstyle and how to do it.

It's actually very easy to create this hairstyle.

This styling is suitable not only for women and adult girls, but also for the smallest beauties - girls. This hairstyle will be fashionable both today and in the distant future. It always helps you look very neat, suitable for a work dress code, for sports activities, for being on the beach, because the hair from it will not become disheveled even when it gets completely wet. “Shishka” will look appropriate both on a date and at a corporate event. And to make it more original, you can add different hairpins and hairpins with large decorations, rhinestones, flowers, and so on.

Little fashion-girl

How to do

But, despite the popularity of this style, many women do not fully understand how to do the “bump” hairstyle correctly. With all the variety of its options, there is a basic classical way of doing it. This looks very feminine and touching even without any additions.

So, to complete the main type of “bump” you will need:

  • an ordinary thin hair elastic;
  • simple comb;
  • bobby pins and stilettos;

Follow a few standard steps and this hairstyle will be ready:

  • hair is combed and gathered into a ponytail slightly above the back of the head, but not on the top;
  • an ordinary braid is braided, the ends are secured with an elastic band;
  • The strands in the braid are slightly tightened, starting from the top, to add volume.
  • the braid is taken, raised above its base and secured with hairpins;
  • the ends of the hair are tucked inward and secured with hairpins slightly below the base of the braid;
  • the braid is stretched to the sides and attached with pins to the hair on the head;
  • protruding strands are fixed with bobby pins and hairpins. The hairstyle is ready. By the way, it does not need to be made too tight, which will interfere with creating the desired shape and will look somewhat cramped.

Putting your hair in a ponytail

Braiding a loose braid

Wrap the braid around the base and secure with hairpins

There are many variations on the theme of this styling. This way you can make the top of the laid “bump” more pronounced; you can add volume to the styling using backing materials hidden under the bump. As an option - very popular with women in the seventies, an ordinary “bump” with a tourniquet, used as an everyday option, can easily be made festive by replacing ordinary hairpins with decorative ones.

This hairstyle with two “bumps” is suitable for girls or very young girls.

To give a woman’s image more playfulness, a “bump” can be built on the side, or you can even make two of them. The usual “bump” can be slightly modified, for which the hair is braided not in one, but in several braids with multi-colored ribbons woven into them, which makes the styling more original.

In practice, there are a lot of hairstyles in the shape of a cone, and the way of using them and even creating new ones depends only on the imagination and desire of the performer. Hints can be found both in glossy magazines and on the Internet, even with step-by-step instructions and video master classes. It is often suggested to style hair on pre-curled hair and combine it with loose strands of hair. And when you let a couple of strands out to the sides and twist them, it will turn out very gentle image, which is suitable for holidays, romantic dates, and for everyday life too.

You can try to build a majestic “bump”, complicated by weaving elements, especially since various braids and weaves have become very popular today. This is how an ordinary “bump” will turn into an original, complex hairstyle. True, if you look closely, there is nothing complicated in its implementation:

  1. A thin “French” braid is braided in the place where a side parting is always made. If you are unwilling or unable to perform such braiding, you can simply part it on one side and braid a thin braid so that it is near the face and frames it;
  2. The hair is neatly gathered into a ponytail and secured with a thin elastic band;
  3. The theme of weaving can continue further, or you can limit yourself to a simple bun. When performing a simple bun, you need to look at the description of the main hairstyle. And for the “bump” of braids, the hair gathered in a ponytail is divided into several strands and each is braided into a braid, secured with an inconspicuous elastic band. The resulting thin braids are wrapped in different directions around the main elastic band and secured with hairpins.

The “cone” with weaving looks especially elegant

Hair that is not very thick or not very long can be saved by attaching a special foam rubber roller to the top of the elastic. The larger it is, the more voluminous the hairstyle will be. The hair is carefully distributed around the circumference of the roller to completely hide it. Here's a bouffant hairstyle for you. By the way, the roller can be replaced with any available material, but it will also have to be carefully disguised.

This foam rubber “donut” is sold in many stores.

Using a roller you can create a voluminous “bump” even on short hair

The roller is completely hidden under the hair

Try to decorate yourself with such a “bump” - you will feel the result when you catch admiring glances on yourself, and your head with such a neat styling will inevitably look truly regal.

A bob hairstyle is a great way to style your hair effectively and beautifully. Women with any hair length and regardless of age can apply styling. The hairstyle is universal, as it is suitable for any occasion. This could be a business meeting, a date, a graduation party, or even a wedding. The process of creating it is simple and quick, and if you decorate it with decorative elements, the image will turn out to be original and unique. How to make a hair cone with your own hands?

How to make a beautiful hair cone on your head for short hair - step by step

You can create a bump not only on long hair. For these purposes, you can use a special device - a donut. With its help you can add volume to your hairstyle.

The creation process is step by step as follows:

  1. Comb your hair and divide it into two equal parts. The first part is further divided into 2 sections. Create a rope from each resulting strand and secure with an elastic band. Perform similar steps for the second part.
  2. Tie two flagella in the back of the head and secure with bobby pins. You need to tie your hair as if it were shoelaces. Comb the ends that remain on the sides of the knot and varnish them.

There is another simple option for creating a cone using a special mesh. It is necessary to gather the pre-combed curls into a ponytail. Divide the strands into 2 equal sections. Comb the lower hair to create the effect of strands collected in a bun. Place a mesh over the fleece and form a ball, fastening it with pins. Cover the formed ball with the top ones, and secure the tip with bobby pins. To decorate the styling you can use satin ribbon or flower. Here's what short haircuts for curly women's hair the most popular, will help you understand the photo from this

Middle length

If your hair is thick and voluminous, then creating a bump is very easy. If they are thin and sparse, then you will need to use additional elements, such as a sock or a donut. They will give the bump a neat look and make it voluminous.

Photo of the classic version

This method of creating a beam is considered the simplest and easiest. To do this, you need to make a tail and put an elastic band on it.

In this case, the elastic band should ideally match the color of your hair. Comb the strands in the ponytail and create a regular braid. Use it to wrap the pine cone. The main advantage of this hairstyle is that it allows you to create an elegant and elegant look.

Using a donut

A bagel is an accessory made of foam rubber, with which you can get a neat and stylish bump. If you were unable to find this product, you can make it yourself at home using an old sock. To do this, cut off its upper part and fold it into a roller shape. To begin, gather your curls into a ponytail and secure it with an elastic band.

Place a donut over the elastic band. Distribute your hair evenly over it so that the accessory is not noticeable. If the hair is too thin and sparse, then you can use a roller with artificial hair. Tuck the ends of the strands under the bun or wrap them around the base. Secure with bobby pins and varnish.


If you want to get an elegant look, suitable for an evening outfit, then you can use the technique of creating a bun with pigtails. It's completely uncomplicated. To do this, first create a ponytail on the top of the head. Divide the strands into 3 equal sections to create a braid from each. They are used to wrap an elastic band. Hide the ends under the bun and secure with bobby pins. To decorate the cone, you can use a beautiful hairpin. But what holiday hairstyles on a bob with lengthening are easiest to do, is described in detail in the photo

To create a truly original and luxurious look, you need to decorate your hair with a headband or a kanzashi elastic band. In this case, various experiments are available. You can make not one cone, but two and place them on the sides. To do this, you need to make two tails on the sides and make buns out of them.

Video on how to make a bump on your head out of hair:

For long hair

Long hair allows you to embody the most various options creating a bump. With such hair you can get luxurious hairstyles not only for every day, but also for prom or wedding.

What it is and how to make a hair cone with your own hands can be seen in the photo in this article:

But the video from this video will help you understand what the bump hairstyle looks like on September 1st and how it’s done correctly.

With rim

This hairstyle will be a great addition to your holiday look. For these purposes, you will need to buy a decorative headband, which is decorated with rhinestones. First, wash the strands thoroughly, comb them, and treat them with mousse. Dry the strands using a hairdryer. Gather them all into a high ponytail.

In the photo there is a hair cone with a rim:

Wrap the hair around the elastic band so that a lush bump is formed. Hide the ends of your hair under a bun. To prevent the cone from falling apart, it must be secured with invisible pins. But you can add volume to your styling if you slightly pull the edges of the bun. Thus, the bump turns out to be slightly sloppy. Treat the finished masterpiece with varnish. And for those who want to understand how to do a Greek headband hairstyle and how impressive such a hairstyle will look, this information will help you understand

With bias tape

To get an original look, it is absolutely not necessary to decorate your hair with various accessories. You can make an interesting decoration from your own strands. For example, you can create a cone with a ribbon. To begin, make a ponytail so that two strands are located at the top, and thread the rest under the elastic band.

Create a bump, and use the remaining hair to create two thin braids. Wrap them around the elastic band. Thus, it is possible to disguise it and give the styling a special charm. But what is it like step by step diagram braiding with ribbons, can be seen in the photo in this


If you want to create a simple, yet laconic pine cone, then you should consider this technique. From each side of the head, pick up strands and secure them together with an elastic band.

The “bump” hairstyle has captivated the fair sex, from young to old. This hairstyle can easily be considered universal, as it is appropriate under various circumstances. She emphasizes perfectly business style, romantic playfulness, elegance, childish naivety, etc.

How to make a bump on your head from braids

The “bump” hairstyle looks attractive and unusual on the hair. This hairstyle requires a minimum of time and skills. To create it you need:

  • Pre-prepare your hair, namely: rinse thoroughly, apply styling product and dry.
  • To add volume to the hair at the roots, you should apply a special volume product or during the drying process, use a hair dryer and comb to create volume at the roots of the hair.
  • We collect the hair in a high ponytail and secure it with an elastic band.
  • We divide the tail into three equal parts of hair, and then braid a pigtail from each part.
  • Alternately, we wrap each braid around the tail in the place where the elastic band is fixed.
  • After the tail is wrapped, we hide the protruding ends of the hair with the help of bobby pins, to do this we pin them under the bun.
  • To prevent your hair from deteriorating throughout the day, secure it with a fixative. Also, to complete the look, add your own twist, for example, Chinese chopsticks, various hairpins, tapes, etc.

The “bump” hairstyle made from braids is ready. This hairstyle can be safely considered universal, as it will suit any outfit and occasion.

How to make a bump on your head from ropes

A romantic, feminine look will be perfectly complemented by a “bump” on the head made from strands of hair. It will take a few minutes to create, but the result will certainly please you. Let's move on to creating a cone from strands:

  • To make your hair look fresh and beautiful, you must first wash and dry your hair. If desired, you can use hair care products, namely balm, conditioner, etc.
  • We collect the hair in one bun and tie it in a ponytail.
  • At the bottom of the ponytail, separate a small strand of hair and draw it around the elastic band that is attached to the ponytail.
  • We separate strands of hair one by one, twist them into flagella and draw them around the base of the tail in a random order.
  • We mask the ends of the last twisted strand with bobby pins or hairpins.
  • In order for the hairstyle to keep its shape for a long time, it must be fixed with hairspray.

The “bump” hairstyle made from hair flagella is ready; it can be decorated with a variety of hair decorations, according to the chosen themes of the day.

How to make a bump on your head using a roller

Using a hair roller, you can create a lush, voluminous “bump” on your head in a few minutes. This accessory has more than once saved the fair sex in emergency situations when there is no time to get ready. And so, to create this hairstyle using a roller, you need:

  • Pre-rinse and dry your hair.
  • Comb it thoroughly.
  • Gather all the hair on the top of your head into one ponytail.
  • Thread the roller through your hair like an elastic band. Be careful when choosing a roller, as the aesthetics of your hairstyle will depend on its color. The color of the roller should be chosen to match the color of your hair. If the hairstyle is displaced and the roller is exposed, it will not attract much attention to itself.
  • Distribute the hair evenly around the roller.
  • Place an elastic band on your hair over the roller. It is also better to choose the color of the elastic to match your hair color.
  • The ends of the hair can be tucked inside the roller or twisted into flagella, braided, and then wrapped around the bump and secured with a bobby pin.
  • At the end of the work, fix it with varnish and decorate it with various decorations.

The “bump” hairstyle using a roller is ready! Such a “bump” on the head looks magnificent and elegant.

How to make a classic bump on your head

To create a classic “bump” you need:

  • Pre-prep your hair.
  • Comb thoroughly.
  • Gather the hair on the top of the head into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.
  • Loop the hair around the base of the tail.
  • Secure the ends of the hair with bobby pins or hide the “bumps” inside.

A simple “bump” on the head is ready! Making this hairstyle is not difficult.

A simple “bump” hairstyle can be presented in different ways. It will look good at various events. This hairstyle suits almost all female representatives. Personalize your hairstyle with personal accessories and create your own personal style.

Or a bump - good way quickly and . It is suitable for women of any age: little girls and mature women. This is a universal styling for all occasions. A romantic date, an official meeting, a shopping trip, a gym session - it looks appropriate, beautiful and elegant. But not all women know how to make a bump. Let's consider several ways.

The braided bun looks great

Who is the bump hairstyle suitable for?


Hair cone, not necessary to have long curls. Here's what kind of hair this hairstyle looks beautiful on:

  • Straight and voluminous. The best option.
  • Curly or curly and voluminous. To make the hairstyle look good, you will have to get used to it, but it is worth it: a hairstyle with a bump on the head on curly locks looks very impressive.
  • Straight and thin. On such curls the bun turns out to be small, so to make a voluminous cone of hair, use a foam roller.

The length of the hair does not play any role: to create a bumpy hairstyle on the head, long curls are suitable, but you need to work with them longer, medium curls are the best option, and short curls require training.

Examples of how to create a bun of long, medium, short hair on your head

To make a beautiful bump on your head, you need to first wash and dry your hair. Prepare the necessary accessories: elastic bands, hairpins, comb. And now several ways to create a beautiful bump hairstyle.

Classic volumetric version

This is a quick and easy way. You will need an elastic band and hairpins. Execution order:

  • Make a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.

Note! The elastic should not stand out, so give preference to a neutral one or one that is closest to your hair color.

  • Comb the curls in the ponytail, twist the tourniquet. Alternatively, braid it in a loose braid for a voluminous look.
  • Wrap your rope or braid around the base of your ponytail and secure with bobby pins.

The advantage of this hairstyle is that it can be elegant if the bun is neat and formal, or give it a slight casual look.

Hairstyle using a donut, roller

To make a hair cone, use a special foam roller. For this:

  1. Tie the ponytail with an elastic band and put on a roller.
  2. Tuck your curls, hiding a simple device underneath. If necessary, secure them additionally with an elastic band. Important! If you have Thin hair, use a roller with ready-made strands so that the curls completely cover it.
  3. Tuck the ends under the bun or wrap them around the base. Secure with bobby pins or hairpins.

Beautiful cone of braids for a child, girl and woman

To make beautiful cones of hair on your head, use the option with braids. This design is somewhat more complicated than just making a bun on your head. But it's done quickly. To create it you need:

  • Build a ponytail at the level where the future bun is supposed to be.
  • Divide it into three identical strands and braid from each braid. You will get three braids.
  • Wrap and hide the ends so that they do not come out.
  • Decorate the bun with a beautiful hairpin.

You can use jewelry to add some flair to your styling. A kanzashi elastic band for a bump or a large hair clip will add originality to the look. Experiment: suitable for young girls. To create it, build two tails on the sides and make buns out of them.

Hairstyle diagram with a bump of braids on the head

There are many options for bob hairstyles for long, medium and short hair. Speed ​​and ease allow you to do this beautiful styling every day, trying new options.