Single class hour - day of national unity. Class hour for National Unity Day

Class hour for National Unity Day for grades 7-8 with presentation

Shchepeleva Natalya Mikhailovna, teacher-organizer, State Educational Institution of the Republic of Orphanage No. 1, Novocherkassk.
Description of material: I bring to your attention a summary of a class hour dedicated to National Unity Day. This event was held with older teenage children on the eve of the holiday.
Goals: deepen children's knowledge about the history of Russia; contribute to the establishment of patriotic values.
Educational:-expand knowledge about the Time of Troubles as a historical era;
-introduce masterpieces of art dedicated to this time.
Educational: speech, logical thinking, visual memory.
Educators:-respect for historical and cultural heritage.
Form: oral journal.
Preparatory work: distribute roles among children (editor-in-chief, authors, art critics).
Assignment to participants: The editor-in-chief runs the entire magazine, the presenters (authors, art critics) prepare messages based on the script material.
Visual range: presentation.

Progress of the event.

I. Opening remarks.
Teacher. In 2005, the Russian Federation adopted the law “On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia.” One of these days is November 4, National Unity Day. Why exactly November 4, 1612 is considered an important turning point in history, and which outstanding people participated in those events, you will learn from the issue of our oral magazine “Patriot”. I give the floor to the editor-in-chief of the magazine (the teacher calls the student’s last name and first name).
II. Oral journal.
Chief Editor Dear listeners, I present to your attention the contents of our release. Today you will get acquainted with the following sections: (reads from the presentation slide).
Headings of the oral magazine "Patriot":
editorial “Patriot and Motherland” (Artyom Kashcheev);
column “Historical Sketches” (Zhenya Shchepelev and Vadim Komarov);
“The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is the greatest shrine of the Russian people” (Egor Eruntsov);
column “Military Glory” (Vitalik Shchepelev);
“In People’s Memory” (Lera Stanishevskaya and Alena Podluzhnaya);
forum "My opinion".
Let's get started with the magazine! So, the editorial is called “Patriot and Motherland”, it is devoted to the theme of patriotism and love for the Fatherland. A word from the author... (last name, first name).
Author 1 The following lines from I. Krylov were chosen as the epigraph for the article
(reads from slide No. 3 of the presentation):
Beloved land.
Granite. Mighty.
You are my life.
You are my homeland.
You are a part of me - both bigger and better.
In the modern world, we increasingly touch upon the topic of patriotism. So what is it? Where do the concepts of patriot, patriotism, and Motherland come from? Let's try to figure this out.
From time immemorial, the unwritten rule for a Russian warrior was to stand to the death for his father and brother, mother and wife, for his native land. Fidelity to military duty was sealed by a verbal oath, an oath on weapons and before God. In military campaigns and battles, mutual assistance, camaraderie, courage, heroism, and contempt for death were brought up in the name of saving the Fatherland. Gradually, these qualities became the basis of patriotism as the most important phenomenon in the socio-political and spiritual development of our society, which was an important component of the Russian mentality.
The Fatherland began to be identified with a certain territory and the community of population historically established on it, and the idea was gradually developed: “We are Russians!”
(Slides No. 4, 5 with a portrait of N. M. Karamzin and a quote).
The concept of patriotism was most accurately defined by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin: “Patriotism is love for the good and glory of the Fatherland and the desire to contribute to them in all respects.”

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin
Karamzin distinguishes between physical, moral and political patriotism.
Physical patriotism is love for one’s native land, for one’s native nature. Moral is love for the people with whom you grew up, were brought up, and lived. And political is love for the glory of the Fatherland, the desire to work for its benefit. A true patriot, according to Karamzin, combines all three types of patriotism.
To be a patriot means to sacredly honor and preserve the faith of our ancestors, to always be ready to defend our family, our land, our homeland, to defend the faith of our fathers, without which any nation will crumble and crumble into dust.
We must remember this, which means studying the history of our homeland, knowing the names of its heroes, striving to be like them.
Author 2 In my section “Historical Sketches” I will tell a story about the origins of the celebration of National Unity Day.
The formation and development of Russian statehood was accompanied by vivid examples of the unity of the people in the face of danger.
(Slide No. 6 with the image of Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky).

Kuzma Minin

Prince Pozharsky
One of the striking examples of such unity is the militia formed by the townsman Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky to resist the intervention of Poland and Sweden in 1612.
Thanks to this militia, the threat of loss of independence of the Russian state was eliminated. The intervention was preceded by a period of Troubles, which was characterized by a weakening of state order.
(Slide No. 7 - date of beginning and end of the Time of Troubles).
The date November 4 (October 22, old style) 1612 falls on the so-called Time of Troubles - the period from 1584 (death of Ivan the Terrible) to 1613 (coronation of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov).
After the death of Ivan the Terrible and his two heirs - his brother Fyodor Ioannovich and his youngest son Dmitry, the throne was taken by Boris Godunov in 1598. In 1604, the troops of False Dmitry I invaded Russia from the territory of Poland, posing as the escaped Tsarevich Dmitry. After the death of Godunov, in 1605, False Dmitry took the royal throne. A year later, he was killed during a conspiracy led by Prince Vasily Shuisky, who was subsequently crowned king. In 1610, power passed to the council of boyars led by Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky - this is the period of the “seven boyars”. Mstislavsky swore allegiance to the Polish prince Vladislav. Moscow was occupied by Polish troops under the leadership of Hetman Stanislav Zolkiewski.
The first noble militia, created in Ryazan in 1611, under the command of Prokopiy Lyapunov, approached Moscow, but could not take it. Disagreements began within the leadership of the militia and it disintegrated by the winter of 1611.
It seemed that there was no return to a unified and independent state... However, a new movement for the revival of the Russian state arose in Nizhny Novgorod.
(Slide No. 8 – picture + description of the imprisonment of Patriarch Hermogenes).

A powerful impetus for this popular movement was the letter of Patriarch Hermogenes, imprisoned. From the Chudov Monastery he appealed to the people of Nizhny Novgorod to stand up for the holy cause of liberating Rus' from foreign invaders.
In 1611, a people's militia was formed there, led by Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, whose forces liberated Kitay-Gorod on November 4, 1612 and then expelled the Poles from Moscow.
(Slide No. 9 – painting + text: “In 1613, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov established a day for the cleansing of Moscow from Polish invaders, which began to be celebrated on November 4.”).

In 1613, the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, elected by the Zemsky Sobor, established a day for the cleansing of Moscow from Polish invaders, which began to be celebrated on November 4.
The victory of the militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky became possible thanks to strong national and religious ties. It was these connections, according to a number of Russian historians of the 19th and 20th centuries, that saved society.
Author 3. “The Trinity - Sergius Lavra is the greatest shrine of the Russian people.”
(Slide No. 10 with the image of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra).
The Trinity - Sergius Lavra is the greatest shrine of the Russian people. The monastery, founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh, was the main spiritual support of the people and the state in the most difficult days for the Motherland.
During the Time of Troubles, besieged for 16 months in 1608-1610. from all sides by Polish-Lithuanian invaders, the monastery did not flinch, did not surrender to the mercy of the enemy.
Russian historian S. F. Platonov wrote: “Located near the capital and on one of the main roads of the entire state, shining with the great name of its founder, the Sergius Monastery was one of the most noticeable places in the whole country.”
This is what the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius looks like today (the author points to slide number 10).

(Slide No. 11).

In the old days, during military operations, monasteries served as fortified structures where people could wait out the disaster. This is what the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius complex looks like from satellites. It is clearly visible that the monastery premises are surrounded by a high stone wall.
(Slide No. 12).

Obelisk. Modern view of the courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The text placed on the north side of the obelisk talks about the role of the Trinity Monastery in the Time of Troubles and that the peace with the Poles, which put an end to the “Troubles,” was concluded in 1618 “under the walls of the monastery in the village of Deuline.”
(Slide No. 13).
A memorial plaque installed in 1910 in memory of the valiant defense of the monastery.

(Slide No. 14).
Pyatnitskaya tower of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, under which the Polish-Lithuanian invaders were digging.

This is how the poet describes these events P. Radimov
Siege of the Lavra.
There is no end to the siege. Sapega is relentless.

And in the Lavra, scurvy plagues the defenders.
The sunset has already faded. Anxious hour of the night,
There is a tunnel under the tower, and the Poles are drilling into the ground,
But the watch heard, and the alarm was not loud.
Here, having crossed himself in the name of God,
Two formidable fighters with a lit fuse
They descend into the dug passage to meet
An underground rustle, they will not accept the beating,
They can quickly reach the barrel of gunpowder with fire.
Now the fuse is already lit - and a menacing thunder crashes.
Death has been ordered for everyone, and it is not far away.
A collapse suddenly rushed, and a heavy clod crushed
And crushes the enemies’ heads, chests, and shoulders.
(Slide No. 15 Foray of defenders into the Polish camp)
There are many historical paintings that depict various moments of the siege of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The defenders' foray into the Polish camp.
(Slide No. 16 - Archimandrite Dionysius dictates an appeal to the peoples to the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The painting was painted at the beginning of the 20th century).

Archimandrite Dionysius dictates an appeal to the peoples to the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Beginning of the twentieth century.
(Slide No. 17 - Siege of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra).

Siege of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. 17th century lithograph
(Slide No. 18 - Explosion of a tunnel under the Pyatnitskaya Tower)

Explosion of a mine. Lithograph from the 18th century.
Editor-in-chief I propose to look at what types of weapons existed at the beginning of the 17th century and how the military of that time dressed. The author of the “Military Glory” column will introduce you to this information.
Author 4
(Slide No. 19 - weapons that belonged to Minin and Pozharsky).
Edged weapons - all kinds of sabers, blades, swords - became widespread. The weapons that belonged to Minin and Prince Pozharsky are kept in the armory of the Moscow Kremlin.

(Slide number 20. At the beginning of the 17th century, bows and arrows were still used).

Also, bows and arrows were still used at the beginning of the 17th century.
(Slides No. 21,22 – images of various guns).
Various cannons were used to storm fortified structures.

(Slide No. 23 – images of armor).

The main armor was chain mail, as well as plate armor. The warrior's head was covered with a helmet. In addition, various protections were used for the arms and legs.
(Slide No. 24, 25 – firearms).
At the beginning of the 17th century, they used firearms - squeaks and muskets.

Chief Editor. The next section is called “In People’s Memory.” A word to our art critics!
Art critic 1
(Slide No. 26, with the text of I. Zabelin’s statement).
The era of the Time of Troubles is reflected quite deeply in Russian culture. Poetic and prose works are dedicated to the Nizhny Novgorod militia, hymns and operas, paintings were written, feature films were shot, and monuments were erected.
According to historian Ivan Zabelin, “The Nizhny Novgorod feat is a great thing in our history, the greatest of all our historical deeds, because in the full sense it is a people’s cause.”
(Slide No. 27. Gallery of artwork dedicated to the events of the Time of Troubles).
I propose to look at a gallery of works by various artists dedicated to the events of the Time of Troubles.
(Slide No. 28, painting “Minin and Pozharsky”).

Mikhail Scotti “Minin and Pozharsky”, 1850

(Slide No. 29 - “In Time of Troubles”).
Ivanov Sergey Vasilievich, “In the Time of Troubles.”

(Slide No. 30, “Appeal to the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod by citizen Minin in 1611”).
“Appeal to the Nizhny Novgorod citizens of citizen Minin in 1611”, M.I. Peskov (1861).

This is how the poet describes this event Vasily Mikhailovich Chufarin in his poem "Minin and Pozharsky", 1897.
Excerpt from the poem “Minin and Pozharsky”
Kuzma Minin's appeal to the people
Orthodox world! - he began -
The Holy Motherland is suffering,
Everywhere there is grief, screams, groans,
Human blood flows in streams.
Foreigners in a crowd
Our homeland is being ruined,
Own the Russian Land
And they enslave us.
Wives and daughters are tyrannized
Enemies before our eyes
And they put horses in temples,
Laughing at faith and at us.
Moscow in captivity, within the walls of the Kremlin
Enemies gather in crowds;
Rus', its land, is suffering
Swarming with hostile troops.
There is no Tsar on the Russian throne,
The enemy commands Moscow,
And all the people in times of trouble
He involuntarily swears allegiance to the enemy.
One fearless Hermogenes
In the holy rank of patriarch
Does not recognize shameful captivity
And a foreign monarch.
Russian cathedrals and churches
He sends orders:
“Do not give Rus' up to enemies,
Lead the militia to Moscow!”
Orthodox world! Or with us
Are we lacking feelings and lethargic in our hearts?
Let us rise, every hour is precious!
Let's rise up, everyone will follow us!
Let's liberate our native country,
Or for the Holy Motherland
Every single one of us will die!”
Great are you, our Russian people!
When you save your homeland -
You are a hero, from all worries
You free yourself for her!
You are weak while your courage sleeps,
But if you wake up in spirit,
Then you will be rushed into battle by a storm,
No one can defeat you!
(Slide No. 31, “Expulsion of the Poles from the Moscow Kremlin”).
As you know, the militia defeated the Polish invaders. Let's look at the next picture.
E. Lissner “The expulsion of the Poles from the Moscow Kremlin”

Art critic. 2.
(Slide No. 32. Monuments dedicated to the heroes of the Nizhny Novgorod militia).
The idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of the heroes of the country's liberation from the Polish invaders was put forward in the leading circles of Russian society back in 1803. Such a proposal was made at a meeting of the “Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts” by the ardent patriot poet Vasily Pugachev.
(Slide No. 33).

This idea was picked up by the Russian sculptor Ivan Petrovich Martos, who already in 1804 began work on the monument.
I. P. Martos depicted the moment of Minin’s appeal to the wounded Prince Pozharsky. Minin calls on Pozharsky to lead the army and liberate Moscow. With one hand Minin hands Pozharsky a sword, and with the other he points to the Kremlin, calling for the defense of the Fatherland.
Bronze heroes rest on a powerful pedestal made of polished red granite. On the pedestal there is an inscription: “To Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky, grateful Russia. Summer 1818.”
(Slide No. 34 – bas-relief from the front side of the monument).

There are bronze bas-reliefs on both sides of the pedestal. The front shows the collection of funds to fight the invaders. Men carry money and goods, women carry their jewelry, one man brought his sons instead of a gift - they will go into battle.
Martos’s favorite student S.I. Galberg, who sculpted his father’s head, gave her the portrait features of his teacher. The reason for this, apparently, was that Martos’s son fought in Kutuzov’s army in 1812.
(Slide No. 35 - bas-relief from the rear side of the monument).

The bas-relief on the rear side of the monument shows a battle scene - militias expelling the invaders.
(Slide No. 36 – fragment of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky).

The height of the pedestal is almost 4 m; the monument was cast in St. Petersburg. It took 20 tons of bronze. Then the sculptural group was delivered to Moscow by water. This magnificent monument was built with funds raised by popular subscription. The impressive sum of 150 thousand rubles was made up of kopecks and kopecks. The monument to Minin and Pozharsky was the first monument in Moscow erected not in honor of the sovereign, but in honor of national heroes. Funds for the monument were collected by popular subscription.
(Slide No. 37. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod).
In other cities of our country, various monuments to Minin and Pozharsky were also erected. The largest number of them is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region - this is due to the fact that Nizhny Novgorod was not only the center of the militia, but also the homeland of these heroes. There are similar monuments in other cities - in Yaroslavl, Moscow, Suzdal.
For example, few people know that in Nizhny Novgorod there is an exact, but slightly smaller copy of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, which was discussed earlier. On November 4, 2005, a monument by Zurab Tsereteli was unveiled in Nizhny Novgorod - a copy of the Moscow monument reduced by 5 cm. It is installed under the walls of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, near the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist.

According to historians and experts, in 1611 Kuzma Minin, from the porch of this church, called on Nizhny Novgorod residents to gather and equip the people’s militia to defend Moscow from the Poles.
(Slide No. 38. Chapel of Our Lady of Kazan).
Monument to the people's militia of 1612 in Yaroslavl (Chapel of Our Lady of Kazan)

The building is both a chapel, since there are images of Christian saints, and a monument to the past, since the words “To the People's Militia of 1612 from Grateful Descendants” are inscribed on the slab inside.
(Slide No. 39. Obelisk in honor of Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod).
Obelisk in honor of Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod.

(Slide No. 40. St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral).

St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral is the oldest stone church in Nizhny Novgorod.
On April 23, 1628, under the leadership of architects Lavrenty Semenov and stepson Antipas, construction of the existing building began.
The restoration was carried out in memory of the Nizhny Novgorod militia and was completed in 1631.
In 1962, after restoration, the ashes of Kuzma Minin were transferred to the cathedral.
(Slide No. 41. Monument-bust to Prince Pozharsky in Zaraysk.).
Monument-bust to Prince Pozharsky in Zaraysk.

(Slide No. 42. Monument to Prince Pozharsky in the village of Borisoglebsky, Yaroslavl region.).
Monument to Prince Pozharsky in the village of Borisoglebsky, Yaroslavl region.

Forum “My opinion!”
Author 1. And now we invite you to express your opinion. I give the floor to the forum host.
Teacher. Guys, there was a lot of interesting information today. I would like to hear what facts surprised you, interested you, what information made the greatest impression?
Children speak out.
(Slides 43,44 – questions for discussion).
Now I propose to discuss the following questions.
1.What three types of patriotism did N.M. talk about? Karamzin?
2. Do you agree with the statement that a true patriot must combine all 3 types of patriotism?
3. Prince Pozharsky, Kuzma Minin, Patriarch Hermogenes, sculptor Martos - are these individuals true patriots? Why?
4. Ivan Petrovich Martos is an outstanding Russian sculptor. What do you think prompted him to sculpt a monument to Minin and Pozharsky?
5. Which greatest shrine of the Russian people was under siege by the Poles for 16 months?
6. What do you think helped the defenders of the Lavra hold the defense for so long?
7. Why did the State Duma decide to celebrate November 4 as a national holiday?
8. What danger do national strife and conflicts pose? What can we do to prevent them from happening?
Teacher. This concludes our discussion. I hope it made you think about eternal values ​​- love of country, patriotism, duty and responsibility. After all, all these qualities are necessary in the life of a person and a citizen!
III. Summarizing.

National Unity Day is celebrated as a major public holiday throughout the great Russia on October 4. The presentation tells about the history of this holiday, which has more than one century behind it. His main date of birth is called 1612, when Minin and Pozharsky organized the people to defend the city of Moscow and the entire Russian land. In unity they defeated the enemy. This and other historical facts are described in a presentation that can be downloaded from the website for free and shown to schoolchildren on National Unity Day.

Do not forget the holidays that are associated with the history of the people. They should be proud. Children need to be raised on them as they grow up. For a long time this date was forgotten in Russia. It's time to revive the holiday and talk about this topic. Since 2005, Unity Day in Russia has been a great day worthy of veneration of glorious people and the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

The presentation will tell students from grades 5 to 9 about the history of the Unity Day holiday. At such an event, it is possible to develop in students both a patriotic feeling of love for the Motherland and an awareness of the need to be prepared to defend our country from any aggressor.

The presentation slides telling the history of Unity Day are filled with historical information and documentary photographs, pictures that characterize this event:

  • Start
  • The first militia in Ryazan in 1611
  • Second militia in Nizhny Novgorod
  • Liberation of Moscow
  • The first monument in Moscow to Minin and Pozharsky
  • Revival of the holiday
  • People's Unity Day since 2005 (November 4)
  • Tolerance (concept)

You can download the presentation on the theme of National Unity Day not only for class hours, but also for history lessons and the surrounding world.

Scenario and presentation for a class hour on National Unity Day. The purpose of the event is to explain to schoolchildren the significance and meaning of the new holiday in the Russian Federation, and to foster patriotism.

Presentation for a class hour on National Unity Day. Contains historical information, information about the origin of the holiday, and a quiz. Introduces students to architecture and painting.

The material contains a script and presentation for a class hour on National Unity Day in primary school. It develops in schoolchildren a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland, an interest in the history of Russia, and forms a sense of responsibility for their country.

Presentation for a class hour dedicated to National Unity Day. Students will learn about the Time of Troubles, about the struggle against the invaders, about Minin and Pozharsky.

A presentation for class on the topic “Unity is our strength” was made by a primary school teacher. It will definitely appeal to students in grades 1 - 4. This work will help organize a lesson in acquiring new knowledge. The lesson is proposed to be held in the form of a concert. A slide show can be organized throughout the lesson, gradually revealing the topic stated above. The resource proposed for use will tell schoolchildren about the history of the National Unity Day holidays. Properly selected material will allow the teacher to instill in children the basic ideas about the events that occurred in 1612 and talk about their further significance for Russia. Aphorisms of great people, excerpts from the story “Ivan Susanin” and poems about our Motherland will help instill in schoolchildren patriotic principles and a sense of pride in their people.

The slides have a lot of visual images, there are lyrics of popular songs and beautiful poems from Russia. The show also includes photos from the lesson, which show the children’s keen interest in the proposed topic. 12 slides will help reveal it.

The presentation reveals the most pressing topic of today. Schoolchildren will talk about the fact that one cannot live separately, that one must preserve those friendly ties that have been created over the years. It is very easy to destroy, but in difficult moments you have to seek help from those closest to you, so it is not for nothing that people say that our strength is in unity. These words became the motto of a lesson or class hour, which must be taught in primary grades (1 - 4).

A travel form is offered for the lesson. Children hit the road and stop at the following stations:

  1. Olympic Games;
  2. Slavic writing;
  3. Crimea and Sevastopol.

Each stop once again proves that at all times people were friendly, they respected their roots. We cannot be separated even today, because if we lose connections, we will lose our strength.

The presentation talks about the complexities of national relations in the modern world. It is especially difficult to build them in large states where hundreds of nationalities live. However, we should not feel inconvenienced by this; on the contrary, being together makes us stronger. It is this topic “There is strength in unity” that the teacher will reveal during a thematic class hour, which is recommended to be conducted using an electronic resource in grades 5–7.

12 slides will fill the lesson with warmth and kindness, sow the sprouts of friendship and hope, because in this lesson (class hour) we will talk about the most sacred:

  • nations;
  • nationality;
  • nationalism;
  • patriotism;
  • tolerance;
  • National Unity Day.

The presentation was prepared for a unified all-Kuban class hour at school on September 1, 2015 on the topic “Our strength is in unity.” The work includes exactly 13 slides, on which are portraits of famous people - natives of the Kuban land. Each of them made their small contribution to ensuring that today Kuban is a happy, prosperous region.

In the photo in front of the schoolchildren are outstanding Kuban Cossacks: Ataman Golovaty, Stepanova, who did not receive her sons from the war, collector Kovalenko, the Kirlian spouses. Pustovoit,. Khanzhiyan, Zakharchenko, Zhigulenko, Lukyanenko, Rossinsky, Obraztsov, Gorbatko. This list could be much longer and, if necessary, the teacher can continue it at his own discretion, adding photos of fellow countrymen.

Class hour: Friendship lesson “National Unity Day”


1) introduce the history of the holiday.

2) to instill in children a sense of patriotism, love for their Motherland, respect for the history of their country, and a sense of pride in their ancestors.


education of patriotism and love for the Motherland;

demonstrating to children the importance of cohesion in the life of an individual and an entire nation.

Equipment: presentation “National Unity Day”, video “Russia is my star”, computer, TV.

Progress of the event

Epigraph:"You need great things,

(On the desk)we need a great Russia."

(P.A. Stolypin)

I . Introductory conversation.

1. There is a proverb on the board: "There is nothing more beautiful in the world

(reading in chorus)Our Motherland."

What is this? Explain the meaning.

Determine what the topic of our lesson is.

What is the name of our big Motherland?

What about us, the people who live here?


Our homeland is great.

It's still evening in Moscow,

and in the Far East

a new day has already begun.

Mountains and valleys, forests and steppes,

rivers and seas, cities and villages -

This is all our country, our Motherland.

Teacher: Many poets and writers dedicated a large number of their works to our Motherland. They described the beauty, power, strength, and wealth of our state. They talked about their great love for their country.

And now the guys will read us poems about the Motherland.

2. Children about the Motherland:

1) Platon Voronko “There is no better native land”

Zhura - zura - crane!(Sonya)

He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, walked around,

Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane(Eve)

-Where is the best land? –

He answered as he flew by:

- There is no better native land!

2) Peter Sinyavsky “Russia”

Here the warm field is filled with rye,(Polina S.)
Here the dawns splash in the palms of the meadows.
Here are the golden-winged angels of God

They came down from the clouds along the rays of light.

And they watered the land with holy water, (Polina K)
And the blue expanse was overshadowed with a cross.
And we have no homeland except Russia -
Here is mother, here is the temple, here is the father’s house.

From the poems read by the children, we saw how huge and powerful our Motherland is.

What are the 3 main symbols of our state? (anthem, coat of arms and flag).

Now the guys will tell us about these symbols


State anthem of the Russian Federation is one of the main official state symbols Russia, along with the flag and coat of arms . The music and the basis of the text were borrowed from the hymnSoviet Union, for which I wrote the melodyAlexander Alexandrov for poetry Sergei Mikhalkov.


At first the anthem was without words, but in 2000a competition was announced to create a text, in which poems were accepted from all citizens of Russia . Over 6 thousand letters with texts were received from citizens, but the commission chose Mikhalkov’s poems.

Now we will listen to the Russian anthem (video)


State emblem of the Russian Federation It is a quadrangular red heraldic shield with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, with a golden double-headed eagle raising its spread wings upward.


The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and - above them - one large crown, connected by a ribbon. In the eagle's right paw - scepter, in the left - orb . On the eagle’s chest, in a red shield, is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking a black dragon with a silver spear.


State flag of the Russian Federation It is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red.


White color represents purity of thoughts, nobility, and also frankness.

Blue color symbolizes greatness, fidelity, chastity.

The color red represents bravery, courage, boldness and generosity.

There have been many bright and glorious pages in the history of our country, but no less dark and sorrowful ones. We have something and someone to be proud of, someone to thank, but there is something and someone to regret. But there are events in the history of any state that do not change for centuries and never change.

And now we will find out what so special happened on this day.

- Russia in those distant times was called Holy Rus'. This was in 1611. The Russian land was going through difficult times at that time. The Polish invaders ruled Moscow as if they were at home. Enemies robbed and killed. The Russian people could not come to terms with this. (Slide 1)

In one rich city - Nizhny Novgorod, the mayor of the townspeople, Kuzma Minin, spoke on the square with an appeal not to spare anything to save the Motherland. He proposed creating a detachment (people's militia): all Russian people would unite and drive the enemies out of Moscow. Prince (voivode) Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky was asked to lead the militia. The militia set out on a campaign. In 1612, in July–August, the army approached Moscow. The siege of the Polish garrison began. (Slide 2)

For two whole months the Russian army fought for Moscow, and now the militia of Minin and Pozharsky entered the Kremlin. It happened on November 4 - the “Moscow cleansing” took place. The Russian army solemnly entered the devastated but already free Moscow. (Slide 3)

Teacher: (slide 4) Under the banners of Pozharsky and Minin, a huge army for that time gathered - more than 10 thousand serving local people, up to 3 thousand Cossacks, more than a thousand archers and many peasants.

Teacher: (slide 5) With the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, revealed in 1579, the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo militia managed to take Kitay-Gorod by storm on November 4, 1612 and expel the Poles from Moscow.

This victory served as a powerful impetus for the revival of the Russian state. And the icon became the subject of special veneration.

Teacher: (slide 6) The confidence that it was thanks to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God that the victory was won was so deep that Prince Pozharsky, with his own money, specially built the Kazan Cathedral on the edge of Red Square.

Teacher: (slide 7) National Unity Day is not a new holiday at all, but a return to an old tradition. A monument was also erected on Red Square, on which it is written “Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. Grateful Russia."

The Russian people came up with manyproverbs about the Motherland

“Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.”

“The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for it.”

“Where there is courage, there is victory.”

What universal human values ​​help the Russian people in difficult periods of life?

Student 1 Lisa

There's no arguing with history

Live with history

It unites.

To feat and to work!

Student 2 Nikita

One state

When the people are united

When great power

He moves forward.

Disciple 3 David

He defeats the enemy

United in battle,

And Rus' liberates

And sacrifices himself.

Student 4 Polina S.

For the glory of those heroes.

We live by one destiny

Today is Unity Day

We celebrate with you!

Teacher: Our friendship, our faith.

Will be with us forever,

Our strength, our will.

Will never die!

And while in this world

The sun is shining on us all,

We wish all Russians

To be united forever!

Our class hour is coming to an end. Let's watch the video for the wonderful song “Zvezda-Russia”.

M y favorite cartoon hero is “Cinderella”.

Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl whose name was Cinderella. She had a very kind and gentle heart. Her mother died, so she lived with a wicked stepmother and her terrible ugly daughters. Poor girl was very unhappy because they made her work hard all days long.

My favorite fairy-tale has a happy ending. The Prince married Cinderella and they lived happily ever after... And I think that this wonderful story will live in my heart forever because it reminds me that our dreams always come true.

Class hour in 4th grade "National Unity Day - a national holiday in Russia"
The purpose of the lesson:

To acquaint schoolchildren with the main content of the holiday on November 4 - National Unity Day.
Tell schoolchildren about the spiritual significance of the holiday in order to develop their citizenship and patriotism.
Develop the student’s thinking, speech, and vocabulary.
Equipment: multimedia projector.

Lesson plan:

Disclosure of the content of the holiday.
Icon of the Kazan Mother of God.
A story about the Motherland.
Symbols of the state.
During the classes

I. Entering with music.

(Slide – views of Moscow)

Ved: We are starting a class hour dedicated to National Unity Day. Listen to the poem “National Unity Day.”

There's no arguing with history
Live with history
She unites
For feat and for work
One state
When the people are united
When great power
He moves forward.
He defeats the enemy
United in battle,
And Rus' liberates
And sacrifices himself.
For the glory of those heroes
We live by one destiny
Today is Unity Day
We celebrate with you!
Ved: What is this poem dedicated to?

– Motherland and Unity... How do you understand these words?

III. Conversation about holidays.

– What is the meaning of today’s holiday? (in unity, the unity of the people - the strength of Russia)

– What holidays do you know? (slide national holidays)

The holiday of November 4th is perceived by many as a new holiday. We have been celebrating it since 2005. Sk. years have we been celebrating it? (5)

IV. Disclosure of the content of the holiday.

The most important thing is that this is not a newly invented holiday, but a restored holiday. It has a very ancient history. Let's go back 400 years to the early 17th century. (slide – views of Moscow in the 17th century)

-Who do you see here? Then a terrible time began in Rus', which was called the Troubles.

– How do you understand what the Troubles are? (everything is mixed up, nothing can be understood)

– What is needed for there to be order in the state? (government, army, laws)

“None of this happened, there was no king, the laws were not observed. The enemies (Poles) took advantage of this and wanted to take over our country and make it part of their state.

– Let’s read an excerpt from the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Kozma Zakharyich Minin". (Children read the passage by role)

(slide – painting by K. Makovsky “Minin on Nizhny Novgorod Square”)

(Annex 1)

Ved: Is it possible to say that the people passionately love their Motherland? What words and deeds show this?

– Who called on ordinary people to stand up for their Motherland and raise money for this?

-Who was put in charge of the militia?

– Here are portraits of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky (slides)

- Let's get to know these heroes. (Students' stories)

1) Kuzma Minin (full name – Kuzma Minich Zakharyev-Sukhoruky)

Minin was a citizen of Nizhny Novgorod. He was an honest and respectable merchant, the mayor of the city. Minin urged the people to “stand for the faith, for the Fatherland.” Constant meetings began in Nizhny Novgorod: they discussed how to rise, where to get people and funds. Such questions were addressed primarily to Minin.

The residents of Nizhny Novgorod were carried away by Minin’s proposals and decided to form a militia, convene service people and collect money for them. On Minin’s advice they gave “third money”, i.e. a third part of the property; on his advice, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was chosen as leader.

Other cities soon joined the Nizhny Novgorod residents. At the beginning of April 1612, there was already a huge militia in Yaroslavl with Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin at the head, and in October Moscow was cleared of Poles.

He died in 1616. Minin's ashes rest in the Nizhny Novgorod Transfiguration Cathedral. In 1818, a monument was erected in Moscow, and in 1826 in Nizhny Novgorod.

2) Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich (1578–1614) – prince.

Pozharsky came from the princes of the Suzdal land, and belonged to the so-called “seedy” princely families, i.e. did not play an important role in government affairs.

In previous battles, Pozharsky was wounded and treated his wounds on his estate near Nizhny Novgorod, where the townspeople arrived to invite him to become the head of the militia that was being started in Nizhny Novgorod. He agreed.

D.M. Pozharsky lived a long time, but did not play an important role, as one might expect. He was neither a particularly close adviser to the state nor the main military leader. He was not entrusted with particularly important government affairs. His service was limited to minor assignments. He was buried in the Suzdal Spaso-Efimovsky Monastery.

3) And so it happened! (battle slide show)

The entire Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kozma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital like a simple warrior. And then the glorious day came: the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the victors!

When times of peace came, the new tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward was people's memory. It is not for nothing that a monument to them stands on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia (slide monument to Minin and Pozharsky)

Ved: The main thing in this event is that for the first time it was not the state that defended itself, not the authorities, but the people themselves. The people who led this militia did not intend to become kings or occupy any government positions. People simply restored state power, elected a king and transferred power to him. This is probably the unique feature of this holiday.

V. Feast of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

Vedas: November 4 coincides with one of the Orthodox holidays. Does anyone know what kind of holiday this is? (students' stories)

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is especially revered by the Russian Orthodox people. The holiday in honor of her is one of the oldest in Russia; it has been celebrated as a national holiday since the 17th century.

The coincidence of these two holidays is significant. The icon of the Kazan Mother of God helped the Russian army more than once. A miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary was sent from Kazan to the militia, which was headed by Prince Pozharsky. The entire people and militia imposed a three-day fast on themselves and turned to the Lord in prayer. And the prayer was answered. This icon helped national unity, victory, and overcoming the Troubles.

Later, in honor of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and in memory of all those who died during the time of troubles, Dmitry Pozharsky built the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square at his own expense. (Slide)

History of the icon.

In 1579, most of Kazan was destroyed by fire. One of the fire victims was Daniil Onuchin. After the fire, the Mother of God appeared in a dream to his daughter and revealed to her that under the ruins of their house there was Her miraculous image. The mother told the metropolitan about the miraculous phenomenon.

A huge crowd of people headed to the Onuchins’ house. Excavations have begun. A holy image of extraordinary beauty was found.

At the site where the miraculous icon was found in Kazan, the Kazan Mother of God Convent was founded. Young Matrona Onuchina took monastic vows and later became abbess.

The original icon has been kept for more than 300 years in the Kazan Monastery.

Ved: What did Minin and Pozharsky and the militia defend? (Motherland)

VI. Conversation about the Motherland.

– Listen to N. Rubtsov’s poem.

Russia, Rus –
Everywhere I look
For all your suffering and battles
I love your old Russia,
Your loess, churchyards and prayers.
I love your huts and flowers,
And the skies burning with heat,
And the whisper of willows near the vague water,
I love you forever, until eternal peace...
Ved.: What is this poem about? (about love for the Motherland)

– The Russian people have long conveyed their love for the Motherland in proverbs and sayings.

– What proverbs do you know about the Motherland?

– Look at the screen. Assignment: collect proverbs. (slide)

Motherland is mother, serve the Motherland.
To live - know how to stand up for it.
A man without a homeland will come in handy there.
Where someone is born is like a nightingale without a song.
Conclusion: In order for the creativity of the Russian people to live forever, it is necessary to protect our Russian state, our Russia.

– The Russian people loved another genre of folk art. These are riddles. Listen to them. (slide - riddles about the colors of the flag)

Snowflakes are so beautiful and light,
How perfect are the petals of a chamomile,
Like a line written in chalk on a blackboard,
We are talking now about color... (white)

The waters of Russian rivers are calm and clean
Transparent and bright, like a winter evening
And the vaults of the sky are noble and spacious
The artist painted them in... (blue)

Russia has gone through many wars
And our grandfathers did not die in vain
And loyalty to their homeland led them to glory
Under the Victory Banner is bright...(red)

– What did you do? (flag)

VII. Conversation about state symbols.

Teacher: The colors of the national flag are never chosen just like that. Since ancient times, each color has a special meaning, so in our flag - (children's story)

White color means peace, purity, truth, nobility - it indicates that our state has no evil intentions. It is fair and friendly towards all countries.
The blue color is the sky, nobility, spirituality, faith, it says that Russia is against war. She wants to be friends with all the peoples of the Earth.
Red color - courage, heroism, fire, means that every citizen of Russia is ready, if necessary, to defend the freedom and honor of the Motherland from enemies.
Ved.: The national flag of the Russian Federation is raised on the buildings of the supreme bodies of state power and administration, embassies, trade missions, consulates of the Russian Federation abroad, ships sailing on the high seas and in the territorial waters of foreign states.

– What is the flag for our state? (by symbol)

– What state symbols do you still know? (coat of arms, anthem)

Let's look at the drawing of the State Emblem of Russia (coat of arms translated from German means heritage, inheritance).

– Listen to the student’s story. (coat of arms slide)

1 Student: In modern Russia, an image from the time of Alexander II has been adopted as a coat of arms, with modifications. It represents an image of a golden double-headed eagle on a red shield. Above the eagle are three crowns (two small and one large). In the eagle’s paws there is a scepter (golden rod) and an orb (golden ball), and on the chest, on a red shield, is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear.

2 Student: The double-headed eagle is a symbol of the unity of the peoples of Russia; his crowns are symbols of the union of republics, territories and regions. The scepter and the orb mean the strength and power of a single state. The rider on the shield is the personification of victorious good, the readiness of the people to defend the country from enemies.

3 Student: We have a very beautiful coat of arms. It depicts a double-headed golden eagle against the background of the Russian flag. The eagle is a symbol of the sun, heavenly power, fire and immortality. This is a very ancient coat of arms. It appeared 500 years ago - in 1497.

4 Student: It was first introduced by Tsar Ivan III Vasilyevich - the Grand Duke of All Rus', as he was called. It was the coat of arms of the Moscow State, the Russian State, the Russian Empire, and now it is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Inside the Russian coat of arms is the coat of arms of Moscow. It depicts St. George the Victorious on a red background, slaying a dragon with a spear.

The coat of arms is the emblem of the state; it is depicted on seals, passports, banknotes, and documents.

– Now the guys will tell you about the anthem.

Hymn translated from Greek is a solemn song of praise, or praise, performed on special occasions.

National anthem! It is performed on especially solemn occasions: during meetings and farewells of heads of state, during parades, and major public holidays. Everyone present stands up, and the military salutes.

Teacher: Let's listen to an excerpt from the National Anthem of the Russian Federation. Remember that everyone listens to the national anthem while standing. (slide – appendix 2)

– Listen to poems about today’s holiday.

Natalia Maidanik

On Unity Day we will be close,
We'll be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages and cities!
Live, work, build together,
Sowing grain, raising children,
Create, love and argue,
Protect people's peace
To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts,
To fill your life with happiness,
To sleep under a peaceful sky!
The day of the liberation of Moscow from the invaders is celebrated as National Unity Day. This is not only a holiday of expelling invaders who carry values ​​alien to us, it is a holiday of friendship and unification, a holiday of love and harmony, faith that God is in truth, and not in power. Remember the slogan of the winners: stick together, love and help each other, be able to sincerely forgive the offender.

In conclusion, let’s hold hands and say this chant together: (slide)

The main thing is together!
The main thing is to be friendly!
The main thing is with your heart burning in your chest!
We don't need indifference!
Drive away anger and resentment!
Remember this feeling of unity and amazing elation and keep it for life. Be worthy of your glorious ancestors. All the best!