Deep peeling. Deep facial peeling - purpose and effectiveness

Aesthetics supports a person’s sense of beauty. This applies to everything! And, of course, the human body. Some people are given the maximum by nature, others - less. Preserving and sharpening this is a task that is solved with the help of plastic surgery or corrective procedures, with the help of cosmetics, etc.

Among the variety of remedies, a procedure called yellow peeling stands out somewhat. Why yellow, and what is it? Let's figure it out.

What is retinoic (yellow) peeling?

A necessary condition for maintaining youthful skin is its cleansing. Why? When we remove dead cells, the skin begins to “breathe”, the process of its restoration begins: cells are renewed, metabolism is normalized, necessary substances are produced, etc. At home, we use special products and scrubs for cleansing, but sometimes this is not enough. Such products are suitable for young skin if there are no other problems.

What to do when there are problems? In this case, deep cleansing is required. Peeling is a deep cleansing of the skin. Cosmetologists perform this procedure.

Retinoic peeling, or also called yellow peeling, is one of the most effective. The video below will tell you about it:

Concept and essence

Retinoic peeling belongs to the category of superficial peelings. Retinoic acid is used to formulate the peeling mixture.

It is the main active component. Retinoic acid is vitamin A-acetic acid, similar in molecular structure to that which gives a noticeable exfoliating effect. It is called yellow because of its color.


  • Various defects are indications for retinoic peeling. But the most important of them are:
  • Consequences of acne (post-acne),
  • Acne disease,
  • Small scars

Prevention of neoplasms.

After peeling, the skin is cleansed as much as possible, which promotes its renewal. The procedure is available to women and men.

Area of ​​influence: face, neck, décolleté, arms, back, chest.


  • Yellow peeling is categorical, since it causes irreversible consequences during pregnancy, which leads to pathology of the fetus, leading to deformities, etc. This is important to take into account when planning pregnancy, since peeling is permissible at least 6 months before conceiving a child,
  • It is contraindicated for those who are undergoing
  • components of the composition is a serious contraindication,
  • and other or viral skin diseases,
  • Antibacterial therapy,
  • Large acne,
  • Fresh tan.

Carrying out

In the cabin

It is preferable to carry out the procedure in a salon. It will be somewhat more expensive, but safer. Retinoic peeling is one of a number of chemical peels that require strict control and extreme care. The procedure involves preparation, which is an unconditional condition, otherwise there will be no desired result. This item is discussed at the initial consultation.

If it is impossible to carry out the preparation, which requires financial expenses, you will most likely be denied peeling. One procedure is usually sufficient. But it is permissible to carry out 2 - 3 procedures with an interval of 1 month (according to indications). It is recommended to repeat it after 6-12 months in cases where the skin is unable to produce collagen on its own.


Preparation begins 3 weeks before the event. Key preparation points:

  • Using retinoic ointment or skinoren gel according to the instructions,
  • Carrying out 2 - 3 superficial peelings with fruit acids,
  • Use only special care cosmetics that contain low concentrations of fruit acids.

Neglecting these preparation measures entails the risk of side effects and does not give the desired result from the retinoic peel itself.


The entire procedure takes about 3 hours in total. It starts with cleansing the skin.

  • Cleansing. The skin is washed with warm water and dried, and a special cleansing composition containing salicylic and glycolic acids is applied.
  • Applying the peeling mixture. Prepare the composition of the mixture in advance. The main component is retinoic or retinolic acid, the auxiliary component is ascorbic or phytic acid. The concentration is calculated individually in each case. Apply the solution with a special spatula, without touching the area of ​​the eyelids and eyebrows. A uniform and dense layer of the solution hardens in about 20 - 30 minutes.

In case of rapid redness, the composition is immediately washed off and a nourishing gel is applied to the skin.

  • After hardening, the peeling is removed like a film.
  • Apply a nutritional composition (gel, balm). It should have an increased sun protection factor.

In some cases, repeated application of the solution is required, which depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the degree of its damage. Different drugs require different application times, from 1 hour or more.

At home

Is it permissible to carry out the procedure at home? Yes, but you should know all the nuances of its implementation. When deciding to peel yourself, you should consult a cosmetologist and then strictly follow his instructions and recommendations. The algorithm for doing peeling at home is identical to doing it in a salon or clinic. An important condition: do not perform the procedure alone; someone must monitor the condition of the skin besides you in order to change the peeling layer in time.

Before carrying out the procedure at home, it is necessary to check the reaction to the components of the mixture. To do this, the solution is applied to the elbow area. If severe redness and itching are not observed, then you can use a peeling solution.

The video demonstrates the retinoic peeling procedure based on retinoic acid (vitamin A) for mature skin:


During the first day it appears and grows. It is especially noticeable in the eyelid area.

Signs of skin renewal will appear on day 3:

Rules for the rehabilitation period:

  • Refusal from baths, swimming pools, solariums,
  • Reduced physical activity
  • After two weeks (not earlier) it is recommended to do mechanical cleaning.

The first two weeks the skin will be white, but later melanin begins to be produced, which is responsible for pigmentation. After the next two weeks, the skin will acquire a natural color. You will see the first result of the procedure in a month, the final result in 4 months.

Possible complications

Complications arise due to an overdose or an allergic reaction of the body. Vitamin A has the ability to accumulate in the body. Overdose is possible in cases where external use is combined with oral administration of the vitamin. This can lead to complications:

However, this is the price of the peeling itself. The cost of the entire procedure, including preparation and rehabilitation period, will be significantly higher. It all depends on the cost of the funds you choose.

Peeling is a useful facial skin care procedure. But after this the surface becomes extremely vulnerable, so it needs special care. Poor behavior after the procedure can lead to serious side effects. Moisturizing masks will help avoid the formation of scars and scars and speed up healing.

Read in this article

Why do you need additional care after peeling?

Peeling is carried out at superficial, medium and deep levels. For this purpose, various drugs and means are used. It could be just scrubs or chemical acids. After exposure to aggressive cleansing substances, the skin receives microtrauma. The recovery period can last from one day to several months, depending on the type of peeling. Temporarily, the skin will develop marks similar to burns.

This condition, as well as a strong one, is a normal and even obligatory consequence after peeling. But if no measures are taken, this situation can continue for quite a long time. Therefore, in order to reduce rehabilitation time and avoid side effects, masks, gels, and creams should be used.

The following types of procedures will help cope with the consequences of peeling:

  • Masks for hydration and regeneration. These are special species and are not used for permanent care.
  • Soothing to relieve irritation and redness after peeling.

Home care after the procedure has its own characteristics:

  • After medium peeling, you should not touch your facial skin for 3-4 days, and the use of decorative cosmetics is also prohibited.
  • If it is deep, recovery will take about 30 days. It is extremely important to protect your face from exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Superficial peeling is the least traumatic; the skin will need a maximum of a day to recover.
  • You can return to your usual daily care no earlier than after a week.
  • For a month or two you cannot go to baths, saunas, or swimming pools.
  • If itching or swelling occurs, you should use soothing, anti-inflammatory masks and gels.

If you build the right care program, it will take much less time for rehabilitation, and the result of the procedure will become more effective.

Should I make face masks?

The procedures after peeling should be selected by the cosmetologist who performed it. Maintenance should be done according to the type of cleaning. So, in one case it will take only a few days, in another - a couple of weeks. But in any case, during this period you need to be more attentive to your skin.

After chemical peeling

The deep type of cleansing involves the almost complete dissolution of the surface layer of the epidermis. The result is very similar to a third degree burn. He's just as strong. The upper layer of the dermis after deep chemical peeling becomes one continuous wound.

The recovery period is very difficult and painful, it can take up to six months. However, the result exceeds all expectations. After rehabilitation, the skin becomes fresh, radiant, elastic and firm. Deep peeling helps get rid of wrinkles, even very serious ones. Old scars and age spots also disappear. After this procedure it is possible to look several years younger. Typically, the recovery period is divided into four stages:

  • During the first twelve hours, the skin should not be touched at all. There is no need to try to use any means.
  • At the second stage, you need to make compresses and lotions from slightly acidic solutions. In addition, the surface of the skin should be treated with ointments with soothing properties or Vaseline. The cosmetologist who performed the procedure prescribes a special one. It must be applied to the entire surface carefully, without injuring the skin, or you can make compresses and applications.
  • On the third day and over the next two weeks, you need to go to a special dressing - occlusive. This means applying a cream that helps the formation of a new healthy layer of epithelium, without scars or side effects.
  • The final stage lasts until the normal dermis is completely restored. Each person is different. All this time, ointments and other products that have regenerating properties should be used. It is also important to constantly use a cream with a high SPF factor.

At the end of the recovery stage, you can make tonic and moisturizing masks from sour cream, honey, yogurt, fatty oils, etc.

After superficial

Fruit acids do not damage the dermis as much, so care is not so difficult. With superficial peeling, substances are applied to the skin that can only dissolve the epidermis. During the procedure, tissues deeper than the dermis or basement membrane are not affected. Peeling is carried out with lactic, fruit, retinoic, glycolic acids or enzymes. As a result, a skin burn occurs, caused by a cosmetologist.

Since the impact is not very strong, it is important to follow some rules after exfoliation:

  • The skin needs to be cleansed carefully and delicately.
  • It needs constant hydration.
  • It is important to choose products with a high degree of protection from external factors.

As a rule, the maximum recovery time does not exceed a month. During the first 5 - 7 days, there is severe peeling of dead cells as a result of peeling. At this time, do not use aggressive cleansers. In addition, it is necessary to use a cream with a high sun protection factor. Otherwise, age spots may appear, which will be much more difficult to remove.

However, you should not use such products yourself, since only a cosmetologist who performed facial cleansing can prescribe any cosmetic or therapeutic ointments, creams or sprays.

A few days later, as soon as the doctor allows, you can make soothing masks with herbs, moisturizing masks with honey, sour cream and fatty oils.

With proper and competent post-peeling care, you can enjoy the result for a long time without experiencing any side complications.

After the middle

This type of exfoliation involves exposure no deeper than the surface layer of the epidermis. But the burn after the procedure is stronger than with the type of cleaning described above. The cosmetologist acts on the skin with acids and enzymes, the concentration of which is up to 50%. As a result, the dermis receives quite serious injury.

Post-peeling care includes all the same recommendations as described above, as well as the constant use of a cream with a high degree of protection. You can even use a full sun block. The recovery period can last several months, so during this time you need to apply a protective cream.


It is best to carry out such procedures in the autumn, when the sun is not so hot and active. But products with a high SPF factor must be applied before every exit from the house, even in winter.

To ease the feeling of tightness, as well as speed up healing after peeling, you need to make moisturizing masks and apply a nourishing cream several times a day.

Watch this video to learn about skin restoration after peeling:

How long after peeling can you make masks?

After peeling, any caring procedures are stopped for 3 days, after which you can make masks, use professional cosmetics and herbal decoctions for washing.

If the procedure for deep cleansing the skin was accompanied by complications, or during the recovery period there is a general increase in body temperature, severe swelling and other side effects, then you cannot use any care masks. At least, such a ban is in place before consulting a cosmetologist.

When can you use paraffin masks after a chemical peel?

Paraffin masks after chemical peeling can be done already on the second day, but only if the procedure itself and the short rehabilitation went without complications. You will need to apply a moisturizer to the skin, then lay a thin gauze napkin on top and apply the product in question on it. Eyelids should be protected with cotton pads.

Composition of paraffin masks: main substance + olive oil + beeswax (proportions 50 g/20 ml/5 g, respectively). If your skin is oily, then the amount of olive oil in the composition should be reduced by 2 times.

Applying a paraffin mask

The paraffin mask is applied in a layer of 0.5-1 cm and remains on the face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to carry out 10-15 such procedures once a day with a break of 24-48 hours.

The best masks

It is important to understand that chemical peeling is a serious procedure that causes burns and requires long-term and careful care. Therefore, you can carry out certain activities after it only as prescribed by a cosmetologist and only when he allows it.


The most common masks after peeling are those that help remove tightness and restore skin moisture balance. The following types of moisturizing masks will quickly relieve discomfort:

  • Grape seed oil, shea butter and fatty acids help with peeling. They need to be applied carefully along the massage lines, without stretching the skin.
  • A banana mask also moisturizes well and saturates the dermis with minerals and vitamins.
  • Olive oil with a couple of drops of a solution of vitamins A and E will help quickly restore the epithelium and prevent the appearance of age spots and scars. This mask will soothe irritated skin and eliminate inflammation.
  • Special ready-made products for moisturizing the dermis, prescribed by a doctor.


When the skin has already recovered a little and has become less sensitive, it is possible to use masks with a more intense effect.

However, under no circumstances should you self-medicate. All masks and skin care products should only be prescribed by the doctor who performed the chemical peel.

At home from what's on hand

Sometimes the doctor may prescribe medications that the patient cannot afford. In addition, they also contain the active ingredient, but the price is much higher. To provide first aid for unpleasant sensations, the following usual means are used:

  • D-panthenol in the form of cream and spray. You should have both because different types of medication are worth using at different stages of recovery. It helps moisturize the skin.
  • Lyoton-gel and Arnica cream can relieve redness.
  • Troxevasin helps with edema.
  • Other agents with antimicrobial properties also prevent inflammation.

Mask after chemical peeling of the face

For the first 3 days after chemical peeling of the face, no masks are used at all - you need to give the skin time to “rest” and partially recover. Then experts recommend using:

  • Soothing masks. They are cosmetic oils in combination with each other or as an independent product. For example, applying a thin layer of grape seed oil will be effective. You can add a small amount of chamomile oil to it, which has an anti-inflammatory effect - add 10 drops to 1 teaspoon of base.
  • Moisturizers. Can be used for facial care only on the 5th day after chemical peeling. The composition is simple - honey and cosmetic oil. To prepare the mask, you will need liquid honey, if it is candied (too thick, crystallized, then it needs to be melted in a water bath. Then add ½ teaspoon of almond, peach or olive oil to 1 teaspoon of bee product, mix everything.
  • Toning masks. They can be used on days 10-14, at the very end of the recovery period, when there are no traces of chemical peeling on the face. Such masks may include sour cream and oatmeal flour, strawberry puree and natural yogurt, honey and apple puree. The proportions in each combination are the same for all ingredients.

Masks can be used daily. Apply to the facial skin for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water without soap or any other detergents. Since the composition contains natural ingredients, you need to be sure of an adequate reaction to them - after chemical peeling, the sensitivity of the skin increases significantly.

Mask after glycolic peeling

As soon as active peeling of the skin begins, you should wipe your face every 3 hours with a cotton swab dipped in cosmetic oil. This will soften the crusts, reduce the intensity of peeling and speed up the completion of the recovery process.

Soothing face mask after peeling

Soothing face masks after peeling can solve the problem and shorten the recovery period, because the face after deep cleansing is a damaged skin surface that turns red, “burns” and acquires the highest possible sensitivity. They contain natural ingredients, so you need to make sure you are not allergic to them. The most effective means are considered:

Watch this video on how to make a soothing face mask from parsley and sour cream:

Revitalizing face masks after peeling

You can speed up the rehabilitation process with restorative facial maxims, after peeling they will be useful for any skin type:

  • 10 g dry yeast + 50 ml warm kefir + 1 teaspoon linden decoction. First you need to introduce yeast into kefir, then wait 10 minutes and pour in the broth, mix everything thoroughly. The mask is applied to the face for 30 minutes.
  • Honey + lemon juice. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of bee product and 5 drops of citrus juice, apply a thin layer to your face and leave for 10 minutes. This mask is quite aggressive, so it cannot be used on the first day after peeling.
  • Banana + sour cream. Mash the pulp of ½ medium banana with a fork and add 1 teaspoon of sour cream to it. This mask is especially good at restoring dry skin after peeling. The mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes, can be used 2 times a day - in the morning (peeling will be less noticeable) and in the evening.

How to apply a mask or aloe gel after peeling

After peeling, aloe gel will be an effective restorative agent, which can be applied as a stand-alone preparation or as part of a mask. If we are talking about the second option, then to prepare the mass you will need to add ½ tablespoon of dry seaweed (for example, seaweed/kelp) and the same amount of honey to 1 teaspoon of the main preparation.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and 1 capsule of vitamin E (sold in pharmacies) is added to the resulting mixture.

This mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes; you can simultaneously treat the neck and décolleté area.

Masks after retinol peeling

After retinol peeling, the skin of the face acquires a yellowish tint, so in your care it is worth using masks that have a whitening effect. The following combinations of components are characterized by this:

  • rice flour (1 tablespoon) + low-fat sour cream (2 tablespoons);
  • fresh cucumber pulp + 1 teaspoon honey;
  • oatmeal powder + water.

Any of these masks should have the appearance of sour cream with a thick consistency. If there are signs of irritation on the skin, or recovery occurs with complications in the form of severe redness of the skin, then a small amount of decoction of chamomile flowers, sage or string can be added to the composition of the products.

On the 3-4th day after the procedure, you will need to add moisturizing masks to your care; the easiest way is to use cosmetic oils. They will soften the skin, prevent excessive peeling and speed up the process of shedding epidermal scales.

Is it possible to apply acid masks after peeling?

After peeling, the facial skin is one large wound surface that needs to be rested, so applying acid masks during this period is strictly prohibited. Doctors do not even allow you to touch the treated dermis again! Acid masks lead to serious complications:

  • severe irritation;
  • constant presence of a burning sensation;
  • burns of delicate skin;
  • uncontrollable itching.

Together, this will provoke the development of an inflammatory process, which can result in long-term therapy with the use of specific antibacterial drugs.

Is it possible to make a mask after peeling the roll?

Roll peeling is done at home and dries the skin as much as possible, so after it you can and should make moisturizing, soothing masks. And there is no 3-day rule, during which any manipulation of the facial skin is contraindicated.

Immediately after washing off the applied peeling agent, you need to apply a centimeter layer of any moisturizing mask to the treated skin - for example, based on fat sour cream or natural yogurt. To these bases add oatmeal, honey or chamomile decoction in equal proportions.

Is it possible to make a clay mask after peeling?

After peeling, you can make a clay mask, but only if the following conditions are met:

After such a mask, you will need to lubricate your face with moisturizer - clay tends to dry out the skin, which can significantly increase post-peeling peeling.

What to do with your face after a mask

After the mask, the face should be washed with warm water without using detergents, then the skin is dried naturally - towels and napkins should not be used so as not to damage the irritated skin by friction.

The next step is applying a moisturizer, which should be present in the procedure regardless of what type of skin is being treated. The cream is applied with soft circular movements; do not rub it in.

After chemical peeling, the skin needs special care, constant hydration and nutrition. Such care guarantees a high-quality result that will please you for about a year or even longer. However, you need to select a treatment and, especially, a product for it, only after consulting with a cosmetologist who did the exfoliation.

Useful video

For information on what not to do after a chemical peel, watch this video:

Many women turn to cosmetic institutions about freckles, chloasma, and traumatic age spots on the face. There are currently no radical means to eliminate skin pigmentation defects. Methods of exfoliation of the stratum corneum and epidermis give a short-term effect (3-6 months) when preventive protective agents are used at this time. Peeling is indicated in the presence of age spots (freckles, chloasma), stagnant spots after severe forms of acne.

The skin peeling procedure is complex and can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in medical and cosmetology institutions.

Peeling of the stratum corneum of the epidermis can be carried out using slow and deep peeling methods.

Slow Peeling Method. With this method, bodyagu and ointments containing amidochloric mercury are used.

Contraindications for use are kidney disease, pregnancy, lactation, pustular and fungal skin diseases, increased skin sensitivity to preparations containing mercury and its compounds.

Before carrying out this procedure, a mercury tolerance test must be carried out: the skin of the inner flexor surface of the forearm is thickly lubricated with mercury ointment and bandaged for 24 hours, after which the skin reaction is checked. The presence of redness at the site where the ointment was applied, even a slight one, indicates a person’s increased sensitivity to drugs containing mercury. If the result is negative, the peeling procedure begins a day later.

After cleansing the facial skin, apply a bodyaga mask for 20-30 minutes (Fig. 13). The mask is washed off with warm water, the face is wiped with a dry swab, and the facial skin is lubricated with a 5% solution of salicylic acid. 2-3 times in a row, after 10-15 minutes, wipe the facial skin with a 10% alcohol solution of salicylic acid and powder with talcum powder. These procedures are carried out daily for 2 days in a row. Then, 10% amidochloric mercury ointment is applied daily for 5-7 days for 40 minutes.

After exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, amidochloric mercury ointment is used in increasing concentrations (15-20%) for 5-7 days. If cracks appear around the mouth, nasolabial folds, or chin, the skin is lubricated with 2% mercury amidochlorine ointment. At the 10-15th procedure, peeling ends.

During the period of peeling, washing is prohibited: the facial skin is wiped with a 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid.

After peeling, you should definitely use protective sun creams (“Ray”, “Shield”, “Anti-tanning”, “White Swan”). The cream is applied to the skin before going outside, its effect lasts 2-3 hours; effect of “White Swan” cream - 5 hours.

Deep Peeling Method. Deep peeling of the skin can only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor by a qualified nurse who is well versed in the technique of carrying out this procedure.

The procedure is painful and requires special attention to the patient during it.

Deep peeling is indicated for acne and smallpox scars, for rapid skin whitening, for freckles and other hyperpigmentation.

Contraindications are hypertension, epilepsy, thin, dry facial skin.

During the period of deep peeling, washing is contraindicated.

The patient must be warned that if the rules of protecting the facial skin from sun rays are not followed after the procedures, skin hyperpigmentation may become more intense.

Procedure technique: on the 1st day after preparing the patient (peignoir, hair bandage), wipe his face with a cotton swab moistened with lotion for the appropriate skin, after which he takes a steam bath for 10 minutes. Then wipe the face with a dry swab and apply Vaseline to the eyebrows, eyelids, and lips to protect against burns. After this, quickly lubricate the facial skin (4-5 times) with a cotton swab moistened with a 20% alcohol solution of salicylic acid. Lubrication begins from the side areas of the cheeks, then the chin, nose, and forehead are lubricated. The white coating that appears is removed with a swab moistened with a 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid. When wiping the skin, the swab should be held with tweezers.

On the 3rd, 4th and 5th day after preparing the patient for the procedure (dressing, covering the eyebrows, eyelids and lips with Vaseline), lubricate the facial skin with a 20% alcohol solution of salicylic acid every 2-3 minutes 5-6 times, after which apply 20-30% salicylic ointment with green soap for 40 minutes. The remaining ointment is removed with a cotton swab and the face is powdered with talcum powder.

Usually by the 5th day the skin takes on the appearance of “parchment” and becomes dark in color. However, no procedures are performed within 2 days.

On the 8th day, after the usual preparation for the procedure, take a steam bath for 10-15 minutes, after which the skin is lubricated with 2% mercury ointment for 30 minutes. Then carefully remove the exfoliating stratum corneum with a cotton swab and tweezers.

After the procedure, delicate pink skin should be well protected from sunlight. For this purpose, creams “Me-lan” and “Achromin” should be recommended. They must be used daily. The cream is applied to the face for 30-40 minutes.

When going outside, the skin of the face should be lubricated with protective creams (“Anti-tanning”, “Ray”, “Shield”, “White Swan”) and powdered with powder to which quinine or salol is added.

If you do deep facial peeling at home, you can renew, tighten and rejuvenate your skin. A home procedure is a good alternative to visiting a salon. Peeling, performed according to the rules, improves the texture and color of the skin, removes blemishes and fine wrinkles, and smoothes out scars. Deep peeling can be performed only if there are no contraindications.

When can the procedure be used?

During peeling, the active substance penetrates the top layer of skin and destroys it, which stimulates regeneration and renewal of the skin.

With superficial peeling, the drug penetrates up to 0.1 mm, with deeper peeling - up to 0.5 mm. With deep peeling, the entire epidermis is affected. at home, they are carried out in a gentle manner, using the minimum possible active concentration of the active substance. This is necessary in order to avoid complications.

  1. Deep peeling is contraindicated in the following cases:
  2. If the skin is covered with pustules, acne or scratches.
  3. For viral skin lesions (herpes, warts).
  4. For allergic diseases, eczema, dermatitis.
  5. In the first week after the end of depilation.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to refrain from this procedure.

To remove all doubts about the safety of the procedure, you should consult a dermatologist before carrying out the home event. Deep peeling of the face requires preparation, which consists of several micropeeling procedures. To do this, use a cream with fruit acids that smooth the stratum corneum of the skin.

Using calcium chloride, you can carry out an effective deep home peeling. The drug is purchased at the pharmacy. The first procedure is carried out using a 5% solution, then you can use a 10% composition. Before using the product, it is necessary to conduct a test for its safety, for which the drug is applied to the skin of the inside of the wrist. If redness and soreness do not appear, then the product can be used to treat the face.

The procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. Before the event, cleanse the skin with soap and lotion.
  2. Apply a calcium chloride solution to a cotton pad and wipe your face with it.
  3. When the first layer of the product has dried, you can apply the next layer. In one procedure you can do from 4 (the first time) to 8 layers.
  4. After the last layer has dried, lubricate your fingers with soap and, making circular movements, carefully roll up the mask. In this case, the keratinized cells are removed along with the calcium film.
  5. After the procedure, the face is washed with water and, to soothe the skin, a little moisturizer is applied to it.

Using acids for cleansing

Acid can be carried out using glycolic or salicylic acid. This product can be found in a pharmacy; it contains acid in the required concentration.

Apply an exfoliating agent to clean, dry and oil-free skin and leave it for 10 minutes. Then the acid is washed off and the skin is moisturized with cream. The product should not be used for severe tanning.

Deep cleansing of the skin can be carried out using a mixture consisting of ammonia (10 ml, 10%) and camphor (30 ml) alcohol, glycerin (30 ml), boric acid (10 ml) and 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%). You need to add a little grated soap to the composition and mix it until smooth. The cream is applied to the face and kept until it dries. Remove the mask with a solution of 10% calcium chloride, then wash the skin with water.

You can do peeling at home with bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide. To obtain the composition 2 tbsp. l. bodyagi herb powder is diluted with peroxide to the condition of a cream. The face is cleaned, lightly steamed, and the eyelids, eyebrows, and lip area are lubricated with Vaseline. The mask is applied along the massage lines, left for 15 minutes and washed off, the facial skin is dried and powdered with talcum powder. After 4-5 procedures, the skin begins to peel off, which indicates that you have received a fairly deep peeling at home.

All procedures must be carried out according to technology, observing the rules of application and the time of exposure of the drugs.

The result of peeling and cleaning pores at home will be the appearance of smooth, clean and smooth skin. It is better to plan an event in winter or autumn, since the renewed layer of skin is delicate and pigmentation may appear on it. If you do the procedure at another time, you need to apply sunscreen when going out into the air. Properly performed peeling, even with a small investment of time and money, will help cleanse and rejuvenate the face.