Hans Christian Andersen. Swineherd

Script for staging a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen in a home puppet theater


King Father
Maid of honor

In the foreground on the left is the prince's castle, next to it is a rose bush with a nightingale sitting on it, on the right is the princess's castle, in the background is an autumn landscape.


Washing away the colors of summer,
Autumn rains for us
Fairy tales are written on glass
About a long time ago when
Sins were forgiven less often.
There were other cities
But the people were the same.
Then he lived in fairyland
The prince is young and handsome.

The prince appears in the castle window on the left.


Rich, like a poor man in a dream,
But indifferent to gold.
Above all earthly riches,
Underground and heavenly,
Above the neighboring kingdoms,
And flattering praises
The prince loved the trill of the nightingale,
Singing on a branch
In the dawn darkness by the stream,
And not in a diamond cage,
And a rose - the mournful gift of the creator,
Blooming by the grave
His deceased father.
Seemed to say

A flower emerges from a rose bush.


Inhale my scent
Remember these words:
"He who is happier than rich,
It’s not in vain that he lives in the world!”

The prince rides out of the castle gates on a horse and gallops towards the princess's castle.


The prince got ready to set off for happiness
Into unknown distances,
Look at new countries,
Escape your sorrows.
He rode behind the wild wind,
But he changed -
The prince himself did not know what he was looking for,
What my soul was striving for.
Alas, nowhere in foreign lands,
Nobody's heard before
About the vociferous nightingale
And a snow-white rose.

The princess comes out onto the balcony of her castle. The prince stops his horse near the castle.


But on the way to my country
Our prince has lost his way,
I saw the princess alone
And, it seems, he fell in love.

The princess giggles and disappears into the castle. The prince turns his horse, gallops to his castle and hides in it.


Since then the same dream
He dreams at night
And one day he woke up and

The prince looks out of the window.


I want to get married!
I will give her no stones
Priceless waterfalls,
Not white silk horses,
Not lush outfits,
And I’ll give her a nightingale,
Let him sing her a song
That I dream of her,
That she is the prettiest of all.
And I'll pick a rose for her,
Let him tell the princess
That I can't live without her
And I even die.

The prince leaves the castle with a casket, puts a rose and a nightingale there and, together with the casket, goes to the princess's castle.


He put his gifts in a casket
And myself, like the poor duke,
Went to the princess's palace
Ask for your hand and heart.

The prince approaches the door of the princess's castle and knocks. The King Father looks out of the window. The Princess appears on the balcony, accompanied by her maid of honor.

Princess (clapping her hands)

Ah, here comes the messenger to me again
Sent with gifts.

King Father

Such a nice casket
We haven't seen it yet.


Oh, if only I were there
Porcelain pussy!

The prince takes out a beautiful rose from the casket.


But this is a rose...

Maid of honor

Ah, the organ!
Probably English silk!

King Father

What a masterful scent.

Maid of honor

It brings love...


I'm glad to give it to you.

The princess leans down from the balcony, takes the rose and immediately throws it down.

Princess (offended)

Fi! Fi! She is alive!

The princess is about to leave.

King Father

Just wait, the chest is big,
Most skillful work.
There will be something else.

A nightingale flies out of the casket, sits on the balcony and begins to sing.

Maid of honor

Oops, something flew out.


What a wonderful nightingale!

Maid of honor

King Father

Probably more expensive than a hundred pigs,
Like a music box
Your late mother.

Princess (offended)

Fi! Fi! He is real!

The princess is hiding in the palace, the maid of honor is behind her. The king-father leaves the castle and takes the casket from the prince.

King Father

Here's a series of disappointments -
Two disappointments at once!

The father-king hides in the castle with the casket and immediately looks out of the window.

King Father

And tell the groom:
She refused.

The prince with a rose and a nightingale sadly returns to his castle.


Here I am, a rejected fool
I'm going back empty-handed
I could give you a casket
Chocolate toys
And a clockwork nightingale,
And a golden rose,
I could come with my retinue,
Raise such dust here -
Name all my titles,
All well-born ancestors...

The flower appears again above the rose bush.


But you can't buy love
Pigs to her trough.
You are gold at her feet
Fill it up to the top of your head,
But they will be more important to her
Empty trinkets.


Oh, Rose, for the first time in my life
I don't believe your words!


So let fate judge us!


No, I’d better check it myself!

The prince goes to his castle, puts on a worn cloak over his rich clothes, and puts an old wide-brimmed hat on his head. The prince leaves the castle and goes to the princess's castle again.


The prince put on a cloak with holes in it,
He put on his patched hat,
The executioner did not execute them for them
Some kind of bungler.
Came in the guise of a beggar
He is a friend of the palace.

The prince approaches the princess's castle and knocks. The king comes out onto the balcony.

King Father

Hey, ragamuffin! Go away!


I see the owner at home.
King, I need a job.
Isn't there something here in the castle?

King Father

Not really! However, there is one
If you like it.
We have tons of pigs,
They need supervision.


What will you put in?

King Father

Bread and kvass
For breakfast and dinner.


Well, master, hands down!

King Father

I won't get my hands dirty!
Give your hand to the poor
You won't be disgraced!

The king father gives the prince a shepherd's crook.

King Father

Take your staff and go!
(to himself)
What a narrow-minded fellow!
Bury this one in manure,
He probably won't mind!

The prince with the staff walks away from the castle and stops in the middle of the stage. Behind him, pigs run out of the castle gates. The King Father is hiding in the castle.


Thus became a handsome young prince
Court swineherd -
He grazed them at his borders
And washed down the bread with kvass.
And to find out for sure,
What does the princess want?
Prince from an ordinary pot
I made my own pot.
He gave him a voice
Silver drop -
When the pot was cooking soup,
The bells were ringing.

The prince puts down his staff, takes out a pot and shows it to the audience.

Ah, my dear Augustine,
Augustine, Augustine!
Ah, my dear Augustine,
Everything, everything is gone!


And if you extend your hand
And hold it over the steam,
You can look into the plates
To both the young and the old -
Find out where cabbage soup is prepared
Omelettes and cutlets,
Where are breams spun in oil?
And crumble the vinaigrettes.
Where there are only beans for lunch,
Where's the kidney pate?
Ring, my little bell, ring!
Cook, cook, pot!

Potty (sings to the sound of bells)

Ah, my dear Augustine,
Augustine, Augustine!
Ah, my dear Augustine,
Everything, everything is gone!

The princess appears on the balcony, accompanied by her maid of honor.


Lovely! Oh! Sharman! Mercy!
What a cute little thing!
Go to the pigsty and ask:
Wouldn't you agree to sell?

The maid of honor leaves the castle and approaches the swineherd.

Potty (sings to the sound of bells)

Ah, my dear Augustine,
Augustine, Augustine!
Ah, my dear Augustine,
Everything, everything is gone!

Maid of honor (arrogantly)

Hey, what do you want for him?


Ten kisses!

Maid of honor (horrified)



Maid of honor


I won't take less!

The maid of honor approaches the balcony, the princess leans towards her.


What does he want?

The maid of honor whispers in her ear.


What a cheeky fellow!
How unpleasant it is!
Or maybe you...

Maid of honor

No, he said
What are you...

Princess (with a sigh)

The princess leaves the castle and approaches the swineherd.

Princess (to prince)

Hey, you with the potty, come over!
(to the maid of honor)
And you cover us with a dress.
So that no one finds you, look
For something like this.

The maid of honor stands between the castle and the kissers. The princess opens her umbrella and hides behind it with the prince. The sounds of kissing are heard from behind the umbrella.


Once! Two! Three!



Not yet!
Four! Five!

Princess (whispers)


Six! Seven!


What a horror!


What about


Get it!


So, there are only two left -
Ninth and tenth!

The sounds of the last two kisses are heard, the umbrella is removed.


Oh, how dizzy!
Give me the pot, damn it!

Potty (sings to the sound of bells)

Ah, my dear Augustine,
Augustine, Augustine!
Ah, my dear Augustine,
Everything, everything is gone!

The princess grabs the pot and runs into the castle. The maid of honor hurries after her. After a while, both appear on the balcony along with the pot. The prince dines in front of the castle with bread.


All day pot from the hearth
The princess didn't take pictures.


What's for lunch? Yeah!
Woodcock and side of narwhal!

Maid of honor

And the minister has fricassee
And marmalade pudding.


The General has grand meringue
With hot chocolate.

Maid of honor

And the court cat
Sardines with sour cream.


The padre has two whole cakes
And lamb ribs!

Maid of honor

And the shoemaker has a hearth
Not heated for three weeks.


What did the carpenter and potter eat?
Fi! We didn't eat anything!
And the neighbor's prince is like a poor man,
I dined on bread and kvass.

Maid of honor (concerned)

The soldier did not eat, the furrier did not eat...
Hasn't it broken yet?

The maid of honor shakes the pot.

Potty (sings to the sound of bells)

Ah, my dear Augustine,
Augustine, Augustine!
Ah, my dear Augustine,
Everything, everything is gone!

The princess and her maid of honor go to the castle.


Alas, my love is dead!
I was chasing a ghost...
Oh rose, how right you are
And how wrong I was!
Let her be beautiful and tender
Yes from a different test -
Girls like her
No place among princesses!


And letting my pigs go
Wander around the neighborhood
The next day
The prince made a rattle.
She can play everything
Melodies in the world.

The prince takes out a rattle and shows it to the audience. Music is playing and pigs are dancing. The princess and her maid of honor go out onto the balcony.


An arrow for an eagle, a trap for a fox,
And for the partridge - a net!


How lovely! Nothing
I haven't heard better.
Go quickly and ask him...
Well... this impudent guy
How much will he give it for?
Yes, pay the idiot.
And tell me that this time
I won't kiss you.

The princess gives the maid of honor a purse, she leaves the castle and goes to the prince. The ratchet spins and a medley sounds.

Maid of honor (arrogantly)

Hey, what do you want for her?


Yes, a hundred kisses!
But no, so everyone to their own
Will stay.

The maid of honor and the prince look at the princess.

Princess (with a sigh)

The princess leaves the castle and goes to the prince.

Hey you, with the ratchet, come over!
(to the maid of honor)
And you cover us with a dress.
Follow the kisses
I don't have time to count them!

The maid of honor stands between the castle and the kissers. The princess opens her umbrella and hides behind it with the prince. Frequent sounds of kissing are heard from behind the umbrella.


Maid of honor

No, only twenty-three.


Why did I agree?


Kiss, kiss, don't tell!

Maid of honor

Oh, I lost count!

The kissing continues, the king-father comes out onto the castle balcony.

King Father

And what is there, at the pig's nooks,
Is this happening?

The King Father leaves the castle and sneaks towards the kissers.

King Father

They are having some kind of holiday here.


Well, how much?

Maid of honor

Forty, I think.


Can't be!


Kiss, kiss!

The King Father comes close and looks over the shoulder of the maid of honor and behind the umbrella.

King Father

What's going on here!

The umbrella falls. The prince and princess turn around. The maid of honor squeals and faints. The king father takes off his shoe and hits the princess on the head with it.

King Father

Oh, you scoundrel!

The king father beats the prince too. The maid of honor jumps up and runs into the castle.

King Father

May you fail!
You dissolute ones, go away!


But dad...

The king-father takes a swing at the princess again.

King Father

Go away!
And from now on you are not my daughter!

The king-father is hiding in the castle, the slam of the door is heard.

Princess (in tears)

I won't do this again!

The princess covers her face with her hands. The prince disappears and appears next to the princess in his rich attire.


Oh, I'm unhappy! For what
Didn't I marry the prince?
Now alone, completely alone,
Oh, I keep dreaming about this...

The princess lowers her hands, sees the prince and curtsies.

Princess (joyfully)

Oh, it's you! Bonjour! Plaisir!
Do you remember that you wanted
Marry me...

Prince (sad)

You are in the mud!

The princess looks around herself.


In the soul, not on the body.
Now goodbye, more me -
Not the same fool as before!
You are not worthy of a nightingale
And snow-white roses!

The prince is hiding in his castle. The princess stands and sings sadly.


Ah, my dear Augustine,
Augustine, Augustine!
Ah, my dear Augustine,
Everything, everything is gone!


Saying goodbye to the sun, don’t be sad -
Washing away the colors of summer,
Autumn rains for us
Fairy tales are written on glass
About a long time ago when
Sins were forgiven less often.
There were other cities
And the people were the same...

Script for the fairy tale "DerSchweinehirt»




Maids of Honor

Prince: Ich bin ein armer Prinz. Vom Vater sind mir eine Rose und eine Nachtigall geblieben. Diese will ich der schenken, die ich liebe. (Gives away maid rose And nightingale.) Gehe zur Prinzessin und frag, ob sie mich heiraten will.

Clawn: (in the king's palace) Guten Tag, Kaiser! Ich hab der Prinzessin Geschenke gebracht.

Princess: Was it denn das?

Maid: Das sind eine Rose und eine Nachtigall vom Prinzen.

Maids of Honor: Wie niedlich sie gemacht sind!

King: Sie sind mehr als niedlich, sie sind schön!

Maids of Honor: Superbe! Charmant!

Princess: (touching the rose) Pfui, Papa! Sie sind nicht künstlich, sie sind natürlich!

Maids of Honor: (disappointed) Pfui, sie sind natürlich!

Princess: (to the prince's maid) Nimm sie zurück!

Clawn: (Bows to the king and leaves; in the prince's palace) Die Prinzessin hat auf die Geschenke verzichtet. (Leaves unnoticed.)

Prince: Ah so! Dann bestrafe ich sie! (He dresses in rags and goes to the king’s palace.) Guten Tag, Kaiser! Könnte ich nicht hier einen Dienst bekommen?

King: Jawohl! Ich brauche jemand, der die Schweine hüten kann. Da ist deine Kammer. (Points with his hand towards the closet, where, having bowed, the prince leaves.)

Princess: (to the ladies-in-waiting) Wollen wir spazieren gehen!

Maids of Honor: (joyfully) Hurra, Hurra! Wir gehen spazieren !(Walking through the garden, they pass by the prince.)

Prince: (Humns a song to the sound of bells on the potty.)

Princess: Das ist ja das, was ich kann! (one from maid of honor) Gehe zu ihm und frag, was das Instrument kostet!

Maid of honor: (prince) Was willst du für den Topf haben?

Prince: Zehn Küsse von der Prinzessin.

Maid of honor: (princess) Er will zehn Küsse von der Prinzessin.

Princess: Er ist unartig! (Going to leave, But hears song And stops; maid of honor) Frage ihn, ob er zehn Küsse von meinen Hofdamen will!

Maid of honor: (prince) Willst du zehn Küsse von den Hofdamen?

Prince: Zehn Küsse von der Prinzessin, oder ich behalte meinen Topf.

Princess: Nun gut! (ladies-in-waiting) Stellt euch vor mir, damit es niemand sieht!

Maids of Honor: (They stand around the prince and princess and count the kisses.) Ein, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn.

Princess: (After the tenth kiss, he takes the pot and wants to leave, but the prince takes out a ratchet, which the princess certainly wants to get.) Ach, das ist superbe! (prince) Was kostet dein Instrument?

Prince: Hundert Küsse von der Prinzessin!

Princess: (to the ladies-in-waiting) Stellt euch davor!

King: (He goes out onto the balcony and sees the ladies-in-waiting standing around.) Interessant, was machen sie da ?(Unnoticedly creeps up to the ladies-in-waiting and sees the princess and prince; angry) Fort mit euch! (He leaves, followed by the ladies-in-waiting.)

Princess: (crying) Ach, wie unglücklich bin ich! Hätte ich doch den schönen Prinzen genommen!

Prince: (Takes off the swineherd's hat, puts on the crown; to the princess) Ich verachte dich. Den Schweinehirten konntest du für eine Spielerei küssen. Das hast du verdient! (Leaves.)

Princess: (Left alone, she stands and sings.)

Ach, du lieber Augustin, Augustin, Augustin!

Ach, du lieber Augustin! "Alles ist hin!"

Once upon a time there lived a poor prince. His kingdom was small, very small, but it was still possible to get married, but the prince wanted to get married.

Of course, it was somewhat bold of him to ask the emperor’s daughter: “Will you marry me?” However, he bore a glorious name and knew that hundreds of princesses would gratefully agree to his proposal. Well, expect this from the imperial daughter! Let's hear how it happened.

A rose bush of indescribable beauty grew on the grave of the prince's father; It bloomed only once every five years, and only one single rose bloomed on it. But she poured out such a sweet aroma that, drinking it in, you could forget all your sorrows and worries.

The prince also had a nightingale, which sang so wonderfully, as if all the most wonderful melodies in the world were collected in its throat. Both the rose and the nightingale were intended as a gift to the princess; they were placed in large silver caskets and sent to her.

The emperor ordered the caskets to be brought directly to the large hall, where the princess was playing with her ladies-in-waiting; She had no other activities. Seeing the large caskets with gifts, the princess clapped her hands with joy.

Oh, if only there was a little pussy here! - she said.

But a lovely rose appeared.

Oh, how nicely done this! - said all the ladies-in-waiting.

More than cute! - said the emperor, - This is really not bad!

But the princess touched the rose and almost cried.

Hey, dad! - she said. - It is not artificial, but real!

Fi! - all the courtiers repeated. - Real!

Let's stop getting angry! Let's see what's in the other casket first! - the emperor objected.

And then a nightingale appeared from the casket and sang so wonderfully that it was impossible to immediately find any flaw.

Superbe! Charmant! - said the maids of honor; They all spoke French, one worse than the other.

How this bird reminds me of the organ of the late empress! - said one old courtier. - Yes, the same tone, the same manner of making sound!

Yes! - said the emperor and cried like a child.

I hope the bird is not real? - asked the princess.

Real! - the ambassadors who delivered the gifts answered her.

So let her fly! - said the princess and did not allow the prince to come to her himself.

But the prince did not lose heart, smeared his entire face with black and brown paint, pulled his hat down and knocked.

Hello Emperor! - he said. “Wouldn’t you have some place for me in the palace?”

There are a lot of you walking around here looking for you! - answered the emperor. - However, wait, I need a swineherd! We have a lot of pigs!

And so the prince was approved as the court swineherd and was given a miserable, tiny closet next to the pig nooks. He sat at work all day and by evening he made a wonderful pot. The pot was all hung with bells, and when something was cooked in it, the bells called out an old song:

Ah, my dear Augustine,

It's all gone, gone, gone!

The most interesting thing was that, by holding your hand over the steam rising from the pot, you could find out what kind of food someone in the city was preparing. Yes, the pot was no match for some rose!

So the princess went for a walk with her ladies-in-waiting and suddenly heard the melodic ringing of bells. She immediately stopped and beamed: she also knew how to play “Ah, my dear Augustine” on the piano. She played only this one melody, but with one finger.

Oh, I play it too! - she said. - So our swineherd is educated!

Listen, let one of you go and ask him what this instrument is worth.

One of the maids of honor had to wear wooden shoes and go to the backyard.

What will you take for the pot? - she asked.

Ten princess kisses! - answered the swineherd.

How is it possible! - said the maid of honor.

And it can’t be cheaper! - answered the swineherd.

Well, what did he say? - asked the princess.

Really, it can’t be conveyed! - answered the maid of honor. - It's horrible!

So whisper in my ear!

And the maid of honor whispered to the princess.

What an ignoramus! - said the princess and was about to go, but... the bells rang so sweetly:

Ah, my dear Augustine,

It's all gone, gone, gone!

Listen! - the princess said to the maid of honor. - Go ask if he will take ten kisses from my ladies-in-waiting?

No thanks! - answered the swineherd. - Ten kisses from the princess, or the pot will remain with me.

How boring it is! - said the princess, - Well, you’ll have to stand around so that no one sees us!

The maids of honor surrounded her and spread out their skirts; The swineherd received ten princess kisses, and the princess received a pot.

What a joy! The whole evening and the whole next day the pot did not leave the hearth, and there was not a single kitchen left in the city, from the chamberlain's to the shoemaker's, of which they did not know what was cooked in it. The ladies-in-waiting jumped and clapped their hands.

We know who's having sweet soup and pancakes today! We know who has porridge and pork cutlets! How interesting!

Still would! - the Chief Chamberlain confirmed.

Yes, but keep your mouth shut, I’m the emperor’s daughter!

Have mercy! - everyone said.

And the swineherd (that is, the prince, but for them he was a swineherd) did not waste any time and made a rattle; when they began to twirl it through the air, the sounds of all the waltzes and polkas that exist in the world were heard.

But it's superb! - said the princess, passing by. - That's a potpourri! I've never heard anything better than this! Listen, ask what he wants for this instrument. But I won't kiss again!

He demands a hundred princess kisses! - the maid of honor reported, having visited the swineherd.

What is he, in his mind? - said the princess and went her way, but took two steps and stopped.

Art must be encouraged! - she said. - I’m the emperor’s daughter! Tell him that I will give him ten kisses like yesterday, and let him get the rest from my ladies-in-waiting!

Well, we don't like it at all! - said the ladies-in-waiting.

Nonsense! - said the princess. - If I can kiss him, then so can you!

Don't forget that I feed you and pay you a salary!

And the maid of honor had to go to the swineherd again.

One hundred princess kisses! - he repeated. - But no - everyone will remain to their own.

Stand around! - the princess commanded, and the ladies-in-waiting surrounded her, and the swineherd began to kiss her.

What kind of gathering is this at the pig's corner? - the emperor asked, going out onto the balcony, rubbing his eyes and putting on his glasses. - Eh, the ladies-in-waiting are up to something again! We need to go take a look.

And he straightened the backs of his slippers. His shoes were worn out shoes. Oh, how quickly he splashed into them!

Arriving at the backyard, he slowly crept up to the ladies-in-waiting, and they were all terribly busy counting the kisses - he had to make sure that the payment was fair and the swineherd did not receive either more or less than he should have. Therefore, no one noticed the emperor, but he stood up on tiptoe.

What kind of things are these? - he said, seeing them kissing, and threw his shoe at them just at the moment when the swineherd received the eighty-sixth kiss from the princess. - Get out! - the angry emperor shouted and expelled both the princess and the swineherd from his state.

The princess stood and cried, the swineherd cursed, and the rain just poured down on them.

Oh, I'm unhappy! - the princess cried. - So that I could marry a handsome prince! Oh, how unhappy I am!

And the swineherd went behind a tree, wiped off the black and brown paint from his face, threw off his dirty clothes and appeared before her in all his royal grandeur and beauty, and he was so handsome that the princess curtsied.

Now I just despise you! - he said. - You didn’t want to marry an honest prince! You didn’t understand the meaning of a nightingale and a rose, but you kissed the swineherd for his toys! Serves you right!

And he went to his kingdom, slamming the door tightly behind him. And she could only stand and sing:

Ah, my dear Augustine,

It's all gone, gone, gone!

Script for the fairy tale "DerSchweinehirt»




Maids of Honor

Prince: Ich bin ein armer Prinz. Vom Vater sind mir eine Rose und eine Nachtigall geblieben. Diese will ich der schenken, die ich liebe. (Gives away maid rose And nightingale.) Gehe zur Prinzessin und frag, ob sie mich heiraten will.

Clawn: (in the king's palace) Guten Tag, Kaiser! Ich hab der Prinzessin Geschenke gebracht.

Princess: Was it denn das?

Maid: Das sind eine Rose und eine Nachtigall vom Prinzen.

Maids of Honor: Wie niedlich sie gemacht sind!

King: Sie sind mehr als niedlich, sie sind schön!

Maids of Honor: Superbe! Charmant!

Princess: (touching the rose) Pfui, Papa! Sie sind nicht künstlich, sie sind natürlich!

Maids of Honor: (disappointed) Pfui, sie sind natürlich!

Princess: (to the prince's maid) Nimm sie zurück!

Clawn: (Bows to the king and leaves; in the prince's palace) Die Prinzessin hat auf die Geschenke verzichtet. (Leaves unnoticed.)

Prince: Ah so! Dann bestrafe ich sie! (He dresses in rags and goes to the king’s palace.) Guten Tag, Kaiser! Könnte ich nicht hier einen Dienst bekommen?

King: Jawohl! Ich brauche jemand, der die Schweine hüten kann. Da ist deine Kammer. (Points with his hand towards the closet, where, having bowed, the prince leaves.)

Princess: (to the ladies-in-waiting) Wollen wir spazieren gehen!

Maids of Honor: (joyfully) Hurra, Hurra! Wir gehen spazieren !(Walking through the garden, they pass by the prince.)

Prince: (Humns a song to the sound of bells on the potty.)

Princess: Das ist ja das, was ich kann! (one from maid of honor) Gehe zu ihm und frag, was das Instrument kostet!

Maid of honor: (prince) Was willst du für den Topf haben?

Prince: Zehn Küsse von der Prinzessin.

Maid of honor: (princess) Er will zehn Küsse von der Prinzessin.

Princess: Er ist unartig! (Going to leave, But hears song And stops; maid of honor) Frage ihn, ob er zehn Küsse von meinen Hofdamen will!

Maid of honor: (prince) Willst du zehn Küsse von den Hofdamen?

Prince: Zehn Küsse von der Prinzessin, oder ich behalte meinen Topf.

Princess: Nun gut! (ladies-in-waiting) Stellt euch vor mir, damit es niemand sieht!

Maids of Honor: (They stand around the prince and princess and count the kisses.) Ein, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn.

Princess: (After the tenth kiss, he takes the pot and wants to leave, but the prince takes out a ratchet, which the princess certainly wants to get.) Ach, das ist superbe! (prince) Was kostet dein Instrument?

Prince: Hundert Küsse von der Prinzessin!

Princess: (to the ladies-in-waiting) Stellt euch davor!

King: (He goes out onto the balcony and sees the ladies-in-waiting standing around.) Interessant, was machen sie da ?(Unnoticedly creeps up to the ladies-in-waiting and sees the princess and prince; angry) Fort mit euch! (He leaves, followed by the ladies-in-waiting.)

Princess: (crying) Ach, wie unglücklich bin ich! Hätte ich doch den schönen Prinzen genommen!

Prince: (Takes off the swineherd's hat, puts on the crown; to the princess) Ich verachte dich. Den Schweinehirten konntest du für eine Spielerei küssen. Das hast du verdient! (Leaves.)

Princess: (Left alone, she stands and sings.)

Ach, du lieber Augustin, Augustin, Augustin!

Ach, du lieber Augustin! "Alles ist hin!"

1. Music. The Storyteller appears.

Storyteller: Saying goodbye to the sun, don’t be sad - washing away the colors of summer,
For us, the autumn rains write fairy tales on the windows.
About a long time ago, when sins were forgiven less often.
The cities were different, but the people were the same.
Then a young and handsome Prince lived in a fairyland.

The prince appears in the castle window.

Storyteller: Rich, like a poor man in a dream, but indifferent to gold.
Above all earthly riches, underground and heavenly,
Above neighboring kingdoms and flattering praises
The prince loved the trill of a nightingale singing on a branch,
In the dawn darkness by the stream, and not in a diamond cage,
And a rose - the mournful gift of the creator, blooming at the grave
His deceased father. She seemed to be saying...

A flower emerges from a rose bush.

Rose: Inhale my scent, remember these words:
“Whoever is happier than rich does not live in vain!”

Storyteller: The prince got ready for happiness on a journey into unknown distances,
Look at new countries, relieve your sorrows.
He galloped after the violent wind, but it changed -
The prince himself did not know what he was looking for, what his soul was striving for.
Alas, nowhere in foreign lands has anyone heard before
About the loudest nightingale and the snow-white rose.

Storyteller: But on the way to his country, our prince lost his way,
I saw the princess alone and, it seems, fell in love.

Since then he has had the same dream every night,
And one day he woke up and decided...

Prince: I want to get married! I will give her no stones
Priceless waterfalls, not white silk horses,
Not lush outfits, but I’ll give her a nightingale,
Let him sing her a song about how I dream about her,
That she is the prettiest of all. And I'll pick a rose for her,
Let him tell the princess that without her I cannot live and even die.

The prince leaves the castle with a casket, puts a rose and a nightingale there and, together with the casket, goes to the princess's castle.

Storyteller: He put his gifts in a casket and, like a poor duke,
I went to the princess's palace to ask for her hand in marriage.

The prince approaches the door of the princess's castle and knocks. The King Father looks out of the window. The Princess appears on the balcony, accompanied by her maid of honor.

Princess (clapping hands): Ah, here they have sent me a messenger with gifts again.

King Father : We have never seen such a glorious casket.

Princess: Oh, if only there was a porcelain pussy there!

The prince takes out a beautiful rose from the casket.

Princess: But this is a rose...

Maid of honor: Ah, the organ! Probably English silk!

King Father: What a masterful scent.

Maid of honor: It brings love...

Prince: I'm glad to give it to you.

The princess leans down from the balcony, takes the rose and immediately throws it down.

Princess (offended):Fi! Fi! She is alive!

The princess is about to leave.

King Father : Just wait, a large casket of the most skillful work. There will be something else.

A nightingale flies out of the casket, sits on the balcony and begins to sing.

Maid of honor: Oops, something flew out.

Princess: What a wonderful nightingale!

Maid of honor: Oh, what a little voice! The Crystal Hammer is probably hidden in the head.

King Father: Probably more expensive than a hundred pigs, Like the music box of your late mother.

Princess (offended):Fi! Fi! He is real!

The princess is hiding in the palace, the maid of honor is behind her. The king-father leaves the castle and takes the casket from the prince.

King Father: Here is a series of griefs - Two griefs at once!

The father-king hides in the castle with the casket and immediately looks out of the window.

King Father: And you tell the groom: She refused.

The prince with a rose and a nightingale sadly returns to his castle.

Prince: Here I am, a rejected fool, going back with nothing,
Or I could give a chest of chocolate toys
And a clockwork nightingale, and a golden rose,
I could come with my retinue and raise such dust here -
Name all my titles, all my noble ancestors...

The flower appears again above the rose bush.