How to be a good wife. Create harmony in relationships, and not just please your husband. How to become a good wife for your husband.

The ideal wife is a biorobot who never has a headache, is never in a bad mood, and whose basic functions are washing, cooking, and cleaning.

Many women think so. They believe that it is impossible to become an ideal man, so they don’t even try.

But there are lucky women who are given flowers every day, carried in their arms and showered with gifts! From the outside it seems that they are sitting on their butts straight and doing nothing about it.

But they managed to find the key to their husband’s heart, to become an inspiration, a goddess, an ideal for him!

What does an ideal wife mean? What qualities does every man want to see in his life partner?

Family psychologists claim that 90% of family relationships depend on the woman. If your neighbors (colleagues, friends) have managed to buzz your ears that all men are the same and there are no ideal marriages, feel free to throw this nonsense out of your head.

Every woman can build an ideal relationship with her partner, but for this she will have to work hard!

What should a wife be like?

An excellent question to ask your husband. Each man has his own answer: some will give three or four criteria, while others will make a five-page list.

However, it is vital for any representative of the stronger sex to feel needed, strong, loved.

A woman who creates such conditions for him will be an ideal!

How to become an ideal wife? 10 steps to perfection

Step 1. External beauty. Men love with their eyes and there is no getting around it.

For some reason, a woman who has successfully ringed a guy often relaxes. That's it, a ring on your finger, we take out curlers from the closet, a terry robe - the image of a typical wife is ready.

We wear dresses only on holidays and then only to impress other men. But your chosen one wants you to be beautiful only for him.

Fun fact: Arab women practically never go out without makeup, although sometimes even their eyes are not visible from under a burqa or hijab.

They carefully take care of their skin, wear sexy lingerie, but they do this not to please the eyes of men passing by, but only for the sake of their husband!

To make him proud of his wife! Maybe we should learn this from them? Because only a blind man can be proud of a lady in a washed-out robe and worn-out slippers!

You don't need to spend days in SPA salons or work out in the gym until you lose consciousness.

He already loves you for who you are! Just keep in shape what nature gave you. Replace your robe with a comfortable and stylish home suit or a cute peignoir, get a new haircut, and choose care products for your face and body.

If you go to the cinema (restaurant, or even for a walk), your husband should understand that you are dressing up for him! And not to attract the gaze of sexually horny males.

Step 2. Intimate territory. Good sex strengthens relationships. But instead of receiving and giving pleasure, women begin to manipulate it.

“You didn’t buy me boots. That’s it, two weeks without sex.” But if you use your feminine charms correctly, you can ask for the moon from the sky - your husband will get it.

Sexual dissatisfaction is the main reason for cheating. It's not a problem if a man wants sex. It’s much worse if spouses live like neighbors and just sleep in the same bed!

Try to diversify your relationship: sexy lingerie, toys, role-playing games... If you are not just a good wife, but also a passionate lover, this is 50% success.

Step 3. Inner beauty. A person who stops developing and does not set new goals turns into a dull vegetable.

If earlier you could communicate on any topic, found common interests, but now you spend your evenings buried in smartphones - you need to sound the alarm. TV series, glamor magazines, a new portion of “information” from gossiping friends...

If this is how you spend your free time, don’t be surprised that your husband is not interested in discussing why Pedro left Juanita and what fur coats are in fashion now.

Read informative books and articles, learn foreign languages, sign up for interesting courses and trainings.

Be sure to tell your loved one about your achievements and ask for his opinion. Be an attentive listener when necessary.

Yes, you are not interested in hearing that car parts have become more expensive, and at work the new system administrator has caused a computer Apocalypse!

But for a man this is important! If your spouse shares his experiences and problems, it means he trusts you!

Step 4. Make it cozy. A man should know that he has a home where he is loved and welcomed.

A woman has long been considered the keeper of the hearth, so your primary task is to be a reliable rear.

What distinguishes a man’s “den” from a cozy nest is not the number of scattered socks, but the atmosphere. A real home is cozy, smells of delicious food, and you want to return there.

A woman should not be Hercules and multi-armed Shiva in one bottle. Responsibilities can and should be shared with a man.

Just don’t give orders, like in the army, but just ask. The stronger sex likes it when their dominance is recognized. And if you add a couple of compliments, the man will not be able to resist.

Step 5. Personal space. Men are freedom-loving creatures. They guard their personal space as jealously as a mythical dragon guards treasures, and if you are allowed into the “holy of holies”, play by the rules.

Have you ever thought that behind the typical male entertainment (fishing, hunting, garage) there is something more hidden than the desire to escape from home?

This is a way to restore strength, relax, and understand yourself. Total control and overprotection on your part will only harm the relationship. Look for a reasonable compromise.

Step 6. Headship. Ask any man what an ideal wife should be like? In 90 cases out of 100 they will answer you: tender, loving, understanding.

Relationships should be built not only on feelings, but also on mutual trust. A man should feel like the head of the family, and not a dumb appendage.

A wife, next to whom a man feels like a hero, is ideal! Turn off the “sawfish” and “supreme commander” modes and learn to trust your loved one.

A real family is when you place your partner’s interests no lower than your own. This is not a game of ambition or increasing self-esteem at the expense of your husband.

Let him make decisions and dominate, and you can gently guide his actions in the direction you need. Believe me, the role of the “gray eminence” is not so bad.

Step 7: Tradeoffs. Women's favorite phrases: “I'm always right” and “I told you so.”

They want to subjugate a man to their will, and then they wonder: why is he so spineless?

Learn to seek compromises and not argue over trifles. Be interested in the man’s point of view, do not impose your opinion.

Yes, sometimes you have to make concessions, but this is not weakness, but female wisdom. With gentleness, patience and tenderness you will achieve more than with threats and blackmail. Femininity is your main weapon, don’t forget about it.

Step 8. The only one. A man must understand that he is the best for you. This is a great motivation for new achievements.

70% of women make a huge mistake: they begin to compare their husband with others. In the man’s soul, an offended boy wakes up, who from now on will do everything in defiance.

“That’s why you and Vasya didn’t leave the company? He is now a leading programmer and receives his salary in dollars. And you?”, “Bill Gates was already earning billions at your age”...

Do you recognize yourself? So, it’s time to learn one simple exercise: bite your tongue and count to twenty.

Before you say another nasty thing to your husband, think three times. Men are vindictive creatures and the words that hurt their pride will be remembered to you!

Step 9: Get a girlfriend. With whom you can go shopping, discuss your harmful colleague Svetka and look through glamorous magazines.

Men are not interested in this! Your husband is not a personal psychologist or an image consultant.

He is ready to help solve a serious problem, but not to choose which handbag to take - burgundy or cherry. For him they are both the same: red. And period.

Step 10: Respect. Treat your spouse with respect as an individual - then he will repay you in kind.

A marriage in which partners find fault, insult, criticize and fight is doomed to failure.

Praise, encourage, support, gently guide... Men rarely pay attention to hidden manipulations and easily fall for the bait of cunning women.

Let's sum it up

To win a man’s heart, it’s enough to learn simple things:

  • maintain external and internal beauty;
  • do not neglect intimate relationships;
  • respect your loved one;
  • do not interfere in his personal space when he wants it;
  • don’t fight for dominance: give him the reins and enjoy;
  • seek compromises;
  • let the man know that he is the best for you;
  • surround him with care and comfort.

Do you consider yourself an ideal wife?

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Becoming an ideal wife for your husband is a very difficult task, but this, as many say, is also a profession, a subtle art. Wise women know that a man loves a pliable partner in life, so that he can surround him with his care, love, honor and respect. A good wife should be able to do everything and even more. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex often wonder how to become an ideal wife, succeed and be able to do everything. It’s hard to figure it out without wise advice, so read the information below about this and much more.

How to become an ideal wife for your husband: useful tips

To become ideal for your chosen husband, the first necessary condition is mutual mutual love. Then each spouse will strive to become ideal for their partner, to make each other happier, so that both feel comfortable together under a variety of circumstances. However, the wife must also make her significant contribution to the relationship with the man, consisting of wisdom, understanding, and the feminine principle. Some useful tips on how to become an ideal wife for your beloved husband:

Always be feminine and attractive

You, as an ideal wife, should become an example of attractiveness and make sure that your husband is always proud of you, can happily go out with such a lady in public, and consider in every situation what a wonderful wife he is. Always remember that you are, first of all, a woman, be yourself. This man chose you because he initially understood that you were ideal and immediately saw the qualities that were most important to him. Do not disappoint your beloved husband, remain as you were originally.

Don’t forget that time is fleeting, beauty may not be your main weapon, so try to arm yourself in advance with some secrets of women of eternal youth, take care, maintain an ideal appearance, improve yourself, and emphasize your strengths. This should become a life motto so that your husband loves you all your life. Below, watch a video that will introduce you to how to always remain a feminine, attractive, ideal wife for your husband:

Know how to cook well

No matter how people say that the main thing for an ideal wife is beauty, and it is possible to eat in a restaurant or the housekeeper will cook, but the spouse must know the taste of the dishes prepared by your hands in order to love and eat these delicacies again and again. An important aspect of an ideal wife is the ability to feed her husband deliciously, to become a skilled cook, so that this man knows that he will not be fed so deliciously anywhere else. If such abilities are missing, then it is never too late to start developing them.

  • Today, this situation does not create any problems: there are a lot of culinary courses where professional chefs will be happy to share with you several useful secrets;
  • Use external sources: today's television is replete with daytime programs or grandiose culinary shows;
  • Don’t miss the opportunity to consult with your mother-in-law, find out family culinary masterpieces, find out what your beloved son loves, how to cook it;
  • Gain experience from your own mother, grandmother, memorize family recipes, adopt proven recipes.

Don't turn sex into marital duty

In order for your beloved spouse to be interested in you in bed, be able to become the most ideal lover. Don’t make sex routine, don’t turn this process into something comparable to taking out the trash. Both of you should constantly receive pleasure from each other, give your husband all your love, your husband will certainly give everything in return. Experiment in sex, find common ground, do not be afraid of anything, because in front of you is a person whom you trusted, like a woman, when getting married, so go to the end.

Create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home

From time immemorial, a woman was the keeper of the home, and this has come to this day, so God himself commanded you to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home. When a man knows that there is a faithful back at home, that they are always waiting there, they will welcome you with open arms, they will be incredibly happy.

  • Don’t make scandals for your husband when he comes home late from work, tired, just greet him with a smile, feed him, warm him up, hug him, and then talk to him about what’s troubling you.

  • Create all the conditions for home comfort, like an ideal wife, so that your loved one wants to return home after a hard day at work.
  • Keep order, neatness, and comfort of your hearth. Change bed linen, towels, and iron shirts on time.

Give him the lead role in the relationship

The spouse, under any circumstances, should feel like a man who will “attract a mammoth into the house,” resolve absolutely any difficulties, and make the right decisions. An ideal wife is a neck for her lover: where the wife turns, the husband looks. Just guide, and let him do the actions himself. So he will understand that he must retain the duties of the head; behind his broad back, like behind a stone wall, you completely give the reins of power into the hands of your spouse, including yourself. This instills a great sense of responsibility, determination and success later on.

Support your spouse in everything, appreciate him for who he is

An ideal wife values ​​her husband and supports him in every failure, endeavor, and undertaking. For your husband, you must become someone who inspires hope, believes in the strength of your spouse, will not betray, and will support you in any situation. You initially fell in love with your man for his masculinity, as he is, and it is of great importance that you need to perceive your loved one only this way, respect him, know all the shortcomings, but continue to love, carry him through many years, be happy together until old age.

Don't restrict his freedom and don't be jealous

Your husband is, first of all, a man who is not used to being under his wife’s thumb all the time, do not humiliate his dignity, give him freedom of action, actions, and desires. It is common for a spouse, like any other person, to have their own world of activities, affairs, and hobbies; accept this and cultivate a special level of trust in each other. Even if this activity takes place at night (for example, hunting, fishing), it drags on for more than one day. It’s okay, the main thing the beloved knows: an ideal wife is waiting for him at home, whom he will never even think about cheating on.

It’s difficult to be perfect in everything, but it’s possible: a little psychology

The psychology of a man and a woman is radically different, the ideal wife should understand this, as well as the fact that the key to any successful relationship is constant correctness towards the partner. Let's take a specific situation: your spouse returned home from work in a bad mood, and you spent the whole day preparing dinner by candlelight, did your evening makeup, dressed up beautifully, but your spouse paid absolutely no attention.

  • Try to understand the situation, take the side of your husband, leave the man alone with his thoughts, because he came home as if to his favorite haven, where he can lick his wounds, analyze the situation, and gain strength for further urban battles. And only then, when the storm subsides, begin your duties as an ideal wife who will feed, caress, calm, instill hope, and give strength.

  • The psychology of an ideal woman should become like this: “I am a representative of the fair sex, a loving wife of my husband, who gives every opportunity to remain a real man to the end under any circumstances.”

Having decided to become ideal, you will probably decide that this is simply unrealistic and refuse to follow these tips. However, believe me, you have already become such a wife, you have long received the name ideal, precisely for these very features of appearance, character, ability to listen, encourage, feed deliciously, and please. The husband chose the one and only ideal woman with whom he is ready to live until the end of his days. Simply, do not lose over the years the female abilities given by nature, but on the contrary: acquire, increase, develop, share experience with your daughters. Be happy!

Every man dreams of having a beautiful and respectful woman next to him. Many girls understand this. They take care of themselves and try to better understand how to become a good wife for their husband. But what should be the characteristics of an ideal wife? What ? After all, everyone can have their own set of characteristics. But still, I studied this issue in more detail and came up with 10 basic recommendations for girls so that they can become a good wife for their husband.

We must treat others the way we want to be treated. At the same time, you should never be rude or disrespectful. Try to be a positive and understanding person. Actively work on these qualities. Don't be the person who lashes out at people because she had a bad day. Try to always greet your husband with a smile. A good wife respects her husband, maintains a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face, and a neat and pleasant appearance.

2. Show respect

This is one of the most basic methods on how to become a good wife for your man. , which means they should treat him exactly the same. This can be expressed in how you behave in your family life and how you communicate with your spouse. Try to communicate with love and kindness. In addition, remember that a woman should value her man. Never try to humiliate him personally or publicly. And think carefully before you say something rude. After all, words cannot be returned back. And we must be very careful in expressing our thoughts.

3. Communication is the key to a strong and happy marriage.

Don't hide anything or keep secrets from your husband. Be honest with him. Always make time to, even if it's just 5-10 minutes. If you allow unresolved issues to build up and feel like there is no healthy dialogue between you, then your marriage may be in trouble. Also, try to be a good listener. You may have a lot of important events that you want to tell him about, but let your husband speak first. And never greet him with stories about your problems.

Effective communication indeed and relationships in general. And is an important element in how to become a good wife for your husband. In addition, you should not make important decisions in the family on your own. Yes, quarrels and misunderstandings may often occur between you. But you must find a compromise in everything. Always move on and don't hold grudges for the past. During quarrels, under no circumstances resort to insults, swearing, breaking dishes or anything else. If you do this, then . Always communicate calmly, politely and lovingly.

4. Support your man

The next way to become a good wife for your husband is to support him. He counts on your understanding and help, especially in difficult times. A good wife shows love to her man for his successes and failures. She supports his confidence when she sees that the man is in a difficult situation. You can quickly make a person resentful by criticizing or putting them down, especially in front of others. Be proud of his achievements and rejoice from your heart. As a result, you can expect it to behave in the same way.

5. Don't constantly grumble

I know well that . This only makes the situation worse. After all, your spouse, in any case, has his own point of view on this or that situation. If you want to get something from a man, then calmly ask for it, without grumbling or whining. You should remember that he has quite a lot of problems and tasks. In addition, the husband has his own hobbies and interests, for which he also needs to find time. And you shouldn’t stop your spouse if he wants to relax with his friends or do what he loves. He should have time for his personal life.

6. Intimate life

One of the most important things in any marriage. If you please your man, he will definitely begin to reciprocate. If you can't give a man pleasure in bed, then he will look elsewhere. According to research, one of the main reasons is a lack of intimacy. While for women it is a lack of attention and communication.

7. Surprise him

Men are like children, they love to be pleased and surprised. Organize a fun evening with his friends, a joint vacation to a country you haven't been to before, or buy a ticket to his favorite football team's game. If you don't have the opportunity to do something serious, then it could be cooking his favorite dish or just relaxing in nature.

8. Express your love and appreciation

Men like praise and gratitude. Make it an integral part of your family life. In addition, show interest in his hobbies. Even if you'd rather be doing something else. Make sure you never forget the important days in a man's life. Pamper him more often, especially when he has a day off and sits at home. You can cook something delicious for him or give him a massage. Such gestures will not go unnoticed and will inspire him to do something nice for you.

9. Be honest and true

To become a good wife to your husband, you must be honest, faithful and devoted to him. Marriage is a lifelong commitment and the vows you make during marriage. They must be observed throughout their entire life together. A good wife shows respect for her husband by maintaining a kind tone in her voice, a sweet smile on her face, and a neat and well-groomed appearance. Take care of your appearance not only for him, but also for yourself. Incorporate more exercise into your daily routine to stay fit and physically attractive. Some women think that when they get married they can care less about their appearance, but this is not true. And if you do this, then change quickly. Because self-love makes a woman happy and makes your husband happier.

10. Keep your home clean and tidy

Nobody likes a messy home. If you work a lot and simply do not physically have enough time to clean the apartment, try to share these responsibilities with your husband. Calmly discuss this moment in a relaxed atmosphere. Or you can hire a maid to take care of the home cooking work. Also, be wise with money. Men don't like it when women spend money on unnecessary purchases.

If you want a husband who will love and cherish you, then treat him the same way. I am sure that any man would be happy to have a wife with all the listed qualities. But don't forget that marriage is "It's a two-way street". In any relationship, there are two people who must work to develop and prosper. And when you start taking all the steps for this, then you will no longer think about how to become a good wife For

Being a good wife is not easy, even if you have an almost perfect husband. To be a good wife, you must be able to communicate effectively, maintain romance, and be your husband's best friend while still being an individual. If you want to know how to achieve this, just follow these steps.


Be a good companion

    Satisfy your husband's needs without compromising your interests. If he wants more sex, consider it. If he wants to spend more time with friends or pursue hobbies, don't be possessive. He will be happier and grateful for your understanding. You should support his wants and needs, or at least some of them, without doing anything that would make you uncomfortable.

    • If he wants more sex, think about it or wonder why you don't have that desire.
    • If he misses time spent with friends, let him have a boys' night out and throw yourself a girls' night out.
    • Give him time for personal hobbies. He will grow as a person by pursuing some of his hobbies, and this will benefit your relationship.
  1. Become your husband's best friend. Work to develop true intimacy and unconditional acceptance. Demonstrate the ability to be vulnerable and have confidence that your relationship can withstand conflict. Enjoy your shared history and laugh at your own jokes. Share interesting articles with him or just sit with him in friendly silence. Even your silence can mean a lot when a marriage is based on true friendship.

    • While you should maintain other important friendships in your life, filling it with love and laughter, the end of the day should be dedicated to your husband.
    • Strive to be the person your husband has more fun with than his best friend or favorite uncle. You must become the most important person for him, with whom he wants to be both in joy and in sorrow.
  2. Create shared dreams. Never forget about your common dreams. Whether it's a dream of going to warmer climes or a trip abroad for your twentieth anniversary, remember your dreams, talk about them and take steps on your part to make them come true. If your dreams do not coincide, and one of you dreams of something that the other does not want, a gap will arise between you, and you will move separately towards your own goals.

    • In addition to joint desires, it is useful to have your own dreams, but they should not be opposite to the dreams of your husband.
    • Even if your dreams together are lofty, you should still talk about them to keep the drive alive.
  3. Don't forget about your individuality. Maintain a fun and interesting lifestyle. If your husband leaves you tomorrow, will you still have friends with whom you will see at least once a month, will you have hobby clubs or sports interests? If not, then your husband will always fill this void and feel inadequate. When you realize yourself as an individual, you will be able to bring much more new things into your relationship. You will become a better life partner if you can share your own interests, experiences, and knowledge.

    • If your husband thinks that he is the only good thing that happens in your life, then he is bound to feel trapped.
    • Continue to pursue hobbies or interests that were important to you before marriage. Although you won't be able to do all or most of your previous activities, you should spend time on the hobbies that were truly important to you in the past.
  4. Cope with stress together. Men and women cope with stress all day, every day. Do what you can to help each other cope with stress in everyday life. Learning to cope with a stressful situation will take the strain off your marriage. If one of you suffers from chronic stress, and the other does not understand why this is happening, then you will start to have problems.

    • Help your husband cope with stress. Talk to your husband about problems and be considerate of him when he's had a hard day, instead of making him feel worse or angry about his tiredness or withdrawn behavior.
    • When you are stressed, your husband should know how you feel. This way he can help you around the house and get through troubles.

    Communicate Effectively

    1. Express your feelings and needs effectively. Your husband can't read minds. If you want something, just ask. If something is wrong, tell him about it. Don't give hints or beat around the bush, nothing will ever happen. If you want to express your feelings, say it in a positive tone and listen to what your husband has to say instead of bombarding him with accusations. Here are some ways to do this:

      • Send I-messages. Instead of blaming your husband for not meeting your needs, focus the conversation on yourself. For example, tell him, "I feel like you're ignoring me when you don't come home at 6:30 every night."
      • Listen to what he says. When your husband tells you something, repeat it so that he knows you understand him. For example: “I heard you talk about financial problems and that’s why you work late.”
      • Don't judge. Let him finish what he's saying before you answer. Offer a solution when he finishes his speech. For example, say, “I'm willing to live more frugally if it means we can spend more time together.”
    2. Choose your battles. Some issues are worth fighting for, and some are not. If you constantly find fault with your husband about little things that are not so important, then he will not listen to you in solving more important problems.

      • Criticism can destroy relationships. If the dishes in your house are always washed and intact, you shouldn’t nag your husband about how to “correctly” load the dishwasher. Let him do things his way. Don't sweat the small stuff.
      • Try not to criticize your husband in an unconstructive way. Act calmly and rationally, as strong emotions can easily turn a discussion into an argument. If you criticize everything he does, he will soon stop listening to you altogether.
      • You should praise your husband for what he does right more often than argue about what he does wrong. This way he will be more willing to listen to you and feel happier around you.
    3. Be understanding when discussing the issue with your husband. Fight the right way. Don't let your anger take over, or you risk saying something you'll later regret. Even in those moments when you disagree with your husband, respect his opinion and his point of view. A good wife must realize that on some issues you may not agree with each other at all. There are no such couples who have exactly the same concepts and opinions. This means that you will both need to learn how to deal with those times when you disagree on an issue.

      Talk to your husband, not about him. Never say anything bad about your husband to friends or relatives before you have spoken to him personally. Talking about your husband behind his back is a betrayal. When you get married, your first loyalty should be to your partner, not to your family or social group.

      • Complaining to friends or family about your husband will not only not solve your problem, but will also make them view your relationship in a negative light.
      • Your friends and family think they know what's best for you, but they don't understand your relationship as well as you do and may accidentally give you bad advice.

    Humble yourself

    1. Set realistic expectations. Nobody is perfect. Unfulfilled dreams annoy everyone. Set achievable goals in case your expectations are truly high or unrealistic. For example, it would be foolish to expect a manifestation of passionate love after every dinner at home. If you want to spend more time together, then be prepared for the fact that your desire will come true at certain costs.

      • Remember that there is no perfect relationship. It's simply unrealistic to live your whole life with your husband and be happy 100% of the time.
      • You should also have realistic financial expectations. Perhaps in five or ten years you and your husband will not achieve your planned financial well-being. This is fine. Appreciate what you have instead of expecting more.
    2. Don't try to change your husband. Accept him for who he is and show him that you are never going to change him for your sake. He will be able to do a lot for you if you give him the opportunity to be himself. He is growing personally just like you. Love him for who he is, and he will love you the same way back.

      • Accept that you and your husband are different personalities. He won't always see the world the same way you do, and that's good. If you are with a person who is different from you, your relationship will be multifaceted.
      • There is a difference between asking him to do house cleaning more often or forcing him to go for walks if he doesn't like nature. You can ask him to become better at something specific, but you can't make him like everything you like.
    3. Embrace change. Together you will experience moments of crisis, from job loss to the death of a parent. You may be experiencing financial difficulties or suddenly become rich and not know what to do about it. Your marriage can survive any change if you are willing to communicate and remain flexible. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you learn to embrace change:

      • Remember, no matter what happens, you and your husband should be one team, and not opponents on opposite barricades. Going through changes together will make it easier for you to cope with them.
      • Embrace changes in your personal life. Although you may still be in love with each other, don't be upset if your husband doesn't want to make love every night or kiss you twenty times a day like he did when you were newlyweds. You can still keep your love strong without trying to keep it exactly the same as it was before you got married.
      • Accept your external changes. Even though you continue to work hard on your figure and eat healthy foods, you have to accept that at 50 you won't look as slim as you did at 25, and that's okay.
    4. Recognize that relationships change when you have children. With the advent of children, your relationship with your husband will undoubtedly change and begin to develop in a new direction. This does not mean that life will change for the worse, but it does mean that you will have to devote much more of your free time to children and not to each other. Recognize that this will change your relationship and work to take it in new directions.

      • To navigate this transition, try to spend time with your children together rather than taking turns.
      • Find new and interesting hobbies that you can participate in as a family. This will help you and your husband raise children.
      • Strengthen your relationship by acting as a united front with your husband. You must agree on how to raise and discipline your children so that there are no “good cop” and “bad cop” roles in the family, and you are not at odds with each other when it comes time to control the children.
    5. Accept your mutual mistakes. If you want to be listened to as a wife, learn to accept your husband's mistakes and sincerely respect his apologies (as long as you can find a compromise). If you hold a grudge against your husband for a long time, you will not be able to appreciate his good qualities. It's better to accept his apology and talk about how he doesn't want to upset you again and move forward rather than holding grudges.

      • Admit your own mistakes too. Don't get caught up in trying to be the perfect wife, otherwise you'll have a hard time admitting when you're wrong.
      • Admitting when you're wrong will make it easier for you to grow as a couple.

    Make time for romance

    Don't forget about sex in your life. You may feel like sex should be spontaneous, but if you don't have a schedule, you'll start to neglect intimacy. Without frequent intimacy and the love of a partner, a person may become irritable, grumpy and ultimately suffer from lack of reciprocation or even become angry. Remember that making love provides a feeling of closeness and physical release, which is vital for both of you.

  5. Kiss passionately. After a while, you will start to just peck on the lips instead of long French kisses. Try to share a six-second kiss with your husband at least once a day or every morning and evening, even if you have no more time for privacy. You don’t want to let your husband know that your kiss is no different from the one you kiss your children with! Passion should always be present in your kiss.

  • Remember that it is better to discuss the problem rather than avoid the conversation. You got married after all and promised each other to always be together for a reason.
  • A woman who is happy with herself is the best wife. Remember, “if mom is unhappy, everyone around is unhappy too.”
  • Seek advice if your marriage is in trouble. Divorce is painful for both spouses and their children. Fight for your marriage, treat each other with understanding and try to fulfill your spouse’s wishes.
  • Do not force it. There is no need to insist on something that your partner does not want to do. This is counterproductive and potentially damaging to the relationship.
  • Many wives define their role in the family through the prism of religious beliefs. However, in a marriage in which the spouses have different religious views, the concept of a good wife may also differ. A too conservative concept of an ideal wife can hinder her individual development. Honor the faith, but also remember your own needs.
  • Couples in successful marriages are healthier, wealthier, and happier than people who remain single or divorce. Research shows that such couples are less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer and strokes. They also experience more pleasure in sex and experience less depression or domestic violence.
  • If you are facing problems in your marriage, talk to professionals rather than close friends or relatives as your conflict will eventually be resolved and they will be left with a bad impression of your husband. They may also give insincere advice.
  • Remember that you and your husband are a team, so when you help him achieve something, it is also your success, and vice versa. Help your husband with his work, and he will begin to reciprocate even more.
  • If you are dissatisfied with sexual intercourse, you always have the right to say so and be understood.
  • Pray to the Lord to be part of the Covenant he brought. This is why sharing faith is so important.

Why does a woman wonder how she can become an ideal wife for her husband? Perhaps this is love when a woman wants to make her loved one happy. Perhaps this is fear when a woman is afraid that her husband will cheat on her or even leave the family if she does not satisfy his requests. Perhaps this is simply a desire to receive social approval for how hard she is trying for her husband. Each woman is guided by her own personal motives, which prompt her to wonder how she can be ideal for her man.

In fact, there is no consensus here that will be correct in all cases. However, the psychological help website gives advice that is suitable for absolutely all couples - please those with whom you have linked your destiny. When you seek advice from other people who should tell you what you should be like for your husband to consider you an ideal wife, you are more interested in what they consider ideal. But in fact, the only person you should ask what you should be like is your husband.

Ask your husband what you need to be like for him to consider you ideal. After all, you are trying for him! This means that only he can list for you the criteria by which he will evaluate you as a bad or good wife.

Stories about unhappy and unrequited love, about the separation of once loving people - all this is about the saying that like is drawn to like. Why do you attract one type of suitor when you like another? Why do you love, but they don't love you? Why do the feelings of partners who were once happy cool down? All this can be answered unequivocally: the partners are simply not suitable for each other.

Each person has a set of concepts of what love and family are, a set of desires that he would like to embody in his love relationship with another person, as well as a list of requirements for the personality of a loved one. Thus, if all this does not coincide with the personality of at least one of the partners, then feelings and relationships come to zero. If you love your ideal, then understand that he also has his own desires for his partner. If you fall out of love, then know that you are no longer suitable for the other person according to some criteria. This is what all stories of unhappy love are based on.

When they fall in love with you, but you do not reciprocate, it means that for some reason the other person is not interesting to you. If you fall in love, and they don’t respond in kind, it means that you do not meet the requirements of your chosen one. If they break up with you or you break up with someone, then this only means that one of you is no longer satisfied with the personality of the second partner. Each of you has your own plans and desires that he wants to realize in a love relationship. And if someone does not correspond to them, that is, the person understands that his partner will not be able to help him make his desires come true, then the union breaks up or does not begin at all.

Become perfect for your ideal. Don't just look for your loved one, but also become the kind of person who would please your ideal. First, become ideal yourself, and then claim the hand and heart of your ideal. Then your relationship will not only begin, but will also have a future.

Stories about unhappy love only demonstrate the fact that someone was not suitable for someone. You may have fallen in love, but, unfortunately, your loved one has a different idea of ​​their partner, which you are not like. If you want to win the love of your ideal, become like his ideal. Imagine who your beloved husband wants to see next to you - and become such a woman. Remember that like always attracts like. And if you are just looking for your ideal in other people, but you yourself are not an ideal for him, then again you find yourself in another story about unhappy love.

Remember that any person will look for a more suitable partner for himself. He will not lower his standards or humiliate himself enough to make your dream come true. Another person wants to make his dream come true - to find his ideal partner. And if you are not such a person, then this is your omission. Therefore, first work on yourself, become an ideal for your ideal. Become exactly the person your loved one is looking for. And do not waste time on suffering that will not change your personality and will not unite you with your loved one.

How to become an ideal wife?

A woman asks a rather difficult question when she wants to become an ideal wife. This is encouraged both by other women and by the husband himself, who only benefits from the fact that his wife wants to match him and satisfy his desires. However, a lot of effort will have to be made here. You can't become perfect in one day. You will have to spend a lot of time trying to live up to your husband’s ideal.

A woman's desire is dictated by many motives. By and large, everyone simply wants to keep her husband near her so that he does not look at other women and does not cheat. It seems that by being ideal, you can keep your husband in this way. And there is some truth in this.

To be ideal, you will have to learn this art, because here you will have to be able to be:

  • Be feminine, kind, patient, sincere, natural.
  • Combine coldness and emotionality, bitchiness with charm.
  • Learn the art of seduction.

A woman must understand that she is wondering how she can be perfect alone. If she assumes that her desire will encourage a man to also become ideal for her, then she is committing meaningless actions. A man may not want to change anything about himself, despite the fact that a woman tries for him. To become ideal or not should be everyone’s personal desire, and not coercion, motivation or anything else.

A woman must personally decide for herself whether she is ready to change for the sake of a man who may not want to change for her sake. After this, all actions must comply with this decision. However, if a woman decides to be ideal, even if her husband never makes an effort to live up to her ideals, then this also has its plus: the woman is trying to strengthen their relationship. It's much better than doing nothing at all. And when at least one of the partners tries, then the union has a chance to exist. After all, women often want to be ideal when their marriages are falling apart at the seams or they need to return their husbands to the family. Here you will definitely have to act alone and make men want to at least return to the relationship.

So, you decided to become perfect. What do I need to do? Develop the qualities of a good wife:

  1. Tolerance.
  2. Sense of tact.
  3. Kindness.
  4. Compassion.
  5. Understanding.
  6. Attentiveness.

Naturally, all this should be based on love. It's good when there are feelings between partners, because they help them maintain the union, even when they are imperfect.

It should be understood that a woman’s appearance matters, but it will not save the marriage if the man is dissatisfied with the qualities and behavior of his wife. Women who put themselves in order, thinking that in this way they will keep men, make a mistake. In fact, in this way you can only keep a man at bed level. And if you want him to still love and think about you, then you will have to have the following qualities:

  • Know how to listen to a man, understand him and even support him in his thoughts. It is important for a man that at the most difficult moment he can speak out and get advice, or at least remain heard.
  • Stay feminine. A man chooses a woman who must continue to remain feminine.
  • Be proactive. A man wants to see interest from a woman who is also interested in something.
  • Be interesting, that is, improve yourself, read, study, so that you can tell your husband something.
  • Stay unpredictable. It is desirable that the surprises be pleasant for the man.
  • Make home a man’s favorite place to relax. This means that a man should feel comfortable in the house. It should not only be clean and beautiful, but it should smell delicious. Also, a man should have his own territory in an apartment/house, where a woman should not pester him. He should have his own closet, where a woman should not poke her nose.
  • Stay passionate. Sex is important for a man, so a woman should not stop doing this with him. Moreover, over time you will have to use your imagination to somehow diversify sex, which your husband may already be bored with.
  • Communicate with your husband without demands or complaints. A man does not need to be tormented by his dissatisfaction. If any problems arise, they must be solved together, with respect for each other.
  • Stay independent. There is no need to dissolve in your husband. Moreover, this will allow you to remain unconquered and mysterious to the end. Have your own affairs, interests, desires and opinions so that a man sees you as a person, and not his shadow.
  • Meet your husband in a good mood. After all, he is your favorite person! Remember this.
  • Develop in yourself the qualities that your husband desires. What qualities are these, ask him about it personally. He will tell you what he wants to see in you.
  • Keep your requests in moderation. On the one hand, ask a man to do or buy something for you. On the other hand, don't climb on your neck. Keep it in moderation. Give up some purchases to save money or even buy something for your husband himself.
  • Have common goals with your husband. This point should be decided by partners even before marriage. If a woman and a man a priori look at their future in different directions, then it will be difficult for them to create anything in common. Life goals should become common and desired by both. At the same time, both men and women must implement them. Everyone must have their own responsibilities that are fulfilled. Everyone is responsible for what has been achieved, even if in the end nothing was achieved.
  • Be smart. What is meant here is not the amount of knowledge, but a woman’s ability to remain well-mannered, cultured in various situations, to be able to solve problems and have her own opinion.
  • Accept all sides of your husband. Your lover has strengths and weaknesses - you accept everything that is in him, continuing to love.
  • Continue to pay attention to your husband, even if a child appears in the family.

How to ultimately become an ideal wife?

Only the husband can say what he considers ideal for himself. Whether to comply or not should be your decision. However, if you decide to become the ideal wife for your husband, you will delight him.

At the same time, remember that all new qualities must fit perfectly into your personality. You should not contradict your own principles and views of yourself with your new actions. If the new image does not suit you, then your husband will see it, who may even think that it is time for him to look for a new wife. If something doesn't suit you, you don't have to force it on yourself. Remain yourself, because this is the kind of man who fell in love with you and has already taken you as his wife, which means that you are already suitable for him the way you are.