How to make bows from decorative ribbon. How to make a beautiful bow from a satin ribbon with your own hands

Bows are not just hairstyles for girls. Charming bows decorate clothes and accessories; they are used in handicrafts, for gift wrapping and other various purposes.

It would seem that tying a bow from a ribbon is as easy as shelling pears. But when it comes to practice, it turns out that it would be nice to know the technology of this process. We offer several ways to tie beautiful ribbon bows.

The most beautiful bows are made from satin ribbon, but for beginners it may be too slippery. Try tying the ribbon of your choice into a knot and tighten it - if the knot does not come undone, then this ribbon is suitable for your first experiments.

The purpose for which you need the bow also plays a role. If you are going to decorate a dress or blouse, it is advisable to make a bow from the same material as the product itself, or at least similar in texture.

The same can be said about the color of the ribbon - it should be harmoniously combined with the gift wrapping, clothing or handbag that it will decorate.

Classic bow

This type of ribbon tying is usually chosen if fairly small decorative elements are needed. You can decorate a card with classic bows made from thin ribbon. self made, a hairpin or a soft toy.

You can take a wide ribbon and make a larger bow; in this case, make sure that the material is thick enough, otherwise the bow will not hold its shape.

To calculate the required length of the ribbon, you will have to practice; in any case, cut a little more to make it easier to tie the ribbon. Later you can trim off the long edges.

Take a piece of ribbon and fold it in the shape of the letter “M” - at the top you will get two rings of the future bow. Cross the rings by turning one of the rings half a turn. A third ring has formed at the bottom in the middle.

Thread one of the first rings into the third and tighten the bow. Try not to wrinkle the ribbon and work carefully so that the bow turns out smooth and symmetrical. If necessary, trim the ends of the bow to the desired length.

Strict bow

To make such a bow you will need textile glue. Take a piece of tape, lay it along the table and fold the edges towards the center, securing the structure with glue. You will get something similar to the letter “B”.

Now take a small piece of tape - the same color or in a contrasting shade and wrap it around the joint, securing it with glue on the back side. All that remains is to glue the bow to the product.

Based on a strict bow, you can make a two-color bow, which looks much more impressive. Take two ribbons of different widths and place them on top of each other so that the narrow ribbon is on the bottom. Next we proceed according to the above scheme.

Openwork bow

To create such a bow, you need to make several B-shaped blanks of different sizes. We fasten the blanks, placing the narrower ones above the wider ones. We place a ring of ribbon in the center, and thread a masking piece of ribbon into the ring, fixing it on the wrong side of the bow.

The design turns out to be tall, but rather flat, especially if the tape is narrow. If your lace bow doesn't hold its shape, increase the number of B-pieces or choose a thicker ribbon.

Multi-tiered bow

For such a bow, you will need at least three pieces of ribbon, each of which will be a couple of centimeters longer than the previous one and a couple of millimeters wider. You can use ribbon of the same color or different shades.

Cut triangles at the ends of each ribbon with the apex toward the center. Lay the ribbons one on top of the other so that the longest and widest is on the bottom.

We take the ribbon and tie the resulting stack strictly in the middle so that the knot is under the bottom ribbon, that is, on the wrong side. The ends of the connecting ribbon can be left long and used to tie a bow to a gift or to the neck of your beloved pet.

Lush floral bow

This bow resembles a flower bud; it can be used to decorate gift boxes, hair accessories; such a bow looks impressive on a bracelet made of the same ribbon or a wide elastic band.

Take an impressive length of ribbon and begin to form loops, holding the center of the future bow with your thumb and forefinger. Alternate the loops, directing them in one direction or the other.

When you decide the bow is big enough, secure what you're holding with your fingers with wire. If you are going to make a bracelet, sew the middle of the bow with thread and then remove the wire. Attach the bow to the product and straighten the loops.

Experiment with the color, texture and width of the ribbons, creating incredible designs using the simplest schemes proposed, and for clarity, we recommend watching the video. Add color and fun to any holiday or casual outfit.

Watch the video on how to make a bow from a ribbon of any size

Bows are everywhere. Mothers tie them in their daughters' hair. They serve as accessories for clothing and shoes.

Bouquets of flowers decorated with them look more impressive. Gifts, beautifully packaged and tied with an openwork ribbon, will not leave anyone indifferent. To make bows, a wide variety of materials and techniques are used, depending on the result that needs to be achieved.

How to beautifully tie a bow from a satin ribbon

Satin ribbons themselves look very beautiful, and in combination with an interesting shape they help create a bright and unique image.


The classic version of the bow has the simplest structure and does not require much experience to perform it.


  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors.

Figure No. 1.


  1. Cut the ribbon to the desired length;
  2. Fold the strip in accordance with what is shown in Figure No. 1, point (a);
  3. Cross the ends of the material (b);
  4. Pull one end of the tape into the resulting loop (c);
  5. Tighten the knot and straighten the tape.


More difficult option, allowing you to combine beauty with severity, is an excellent addition to office style.


  • satin ribbon (basic);
  • satin ribbon (finishing);
  • fabric glue;
  • scissors.

Figure No. 2.


  1. Measure the required length and cut off the appropriate part of the tape;
  2. Fold the strip into a circle, connecting the ends;
  3. Secure the place where the ends touch with glue and press the joint to the opposite side of the circle;
  4. Carefully, without leaving bubbles or folds, smooth the material at the connecting point;
  5. Using finishing tape, wrap the joint (Figure No. 2);
  6. Also glue the ends of the trim.


The decoration is simple in execution and, at the same time, original in appearance.


  • two satin ribbons of different colors and different widths (but they should be harmoniously combined);
  • glue;
  • scissors.


  1. Cut parts of wide and thin ribbons so that they have the same length;
  2. Place a thin strip on top and along the wide one exactly in the middle, glue the ends of the two strips adjacent to each other;
  3. The opposite ends of the tapes are also secured with glue, forming a circle, and then press the joint to the side of the tape opposite it;
  4. Cut a small piece of a narrow strip and tie it across the bow, covering the connection point, tighten;
  5. Remove excess cross tape if necessary.

How to tie a bow around your neck beautifully

With the right selection, a neckerchief will fit into any situation and go with any outfit. To add charm to your look, you can give this accessory the shape of a bow. The bow can be laconic and small, reminiscent men's bow tie, or lush and bright, attracting attention.

For this “decor” you will need a scarf of small width and thickness. You need to roll it into a thin strip and start decorating the butterfly.

  1. Place the resulting “tourniquet” around the neck so that one of the hanging ends is longer;
  2. Cross the ends of the strip, placing the long side on top, and then pulling it through the bottom into the resulting loop;
  3. Shape the short side into a half-bow shape, and lower the long side over the central part of the decoration;
  4. Fold the long end into a second half-bow and pull the element through the loop behind the first half-bow;
  5. Tighten the butterfly;
  6. Straighten the halves of the decoration, achieving their symmetry.


This option is made with a scarf of regular width and, despite the simplicity of execution, looks extremely impressive.

  1. Wrap the scarf around your neck;
  2. Shape the ends of the accessory into loops;
  3. Intertwine the loops, tying them into a knot;
  4. Straighten the resulting bow, making it as fluffy as possible.

How to tie a bow on a dress beautifully

Bows attached to a dress can be a regular decoration, or they can draw attention to advantages or hide flaws. All these qualities will be in the hands of any lady.

You can place a figuratively tied ribbon on any part of the dress. Lush jewelry options are more suitable for tight-fitting outfits, while neat and modest ones are more suitable for looser ones.

Depending on the placement of the ribbon, you can focus on the belt, chest (neckline area), shoulders and other attractive curves female body. In many cases, fashionistas buy ready-made bows and attach them in the right place.

One of the options self-made such an element is as follows:

  1. Two ends of ribbons required material fold into loops and cross over each other;
  2. Secure the central part with a brooch or pin with decorations;
  3. Sew an accessory to any part of the dress where it is necessary.

Bow with one loop

A very simple, but aesthetic and timeless option.

A bow from one loop is made as follows:

  1. As in the classic version, you need to start with two loops;
  2. One of the ends needs to be circled around the other and pulled ½ into the knot;
  3. The second end must be threaded into the knot all the way, leaving it hanging freely.

How to beautifully tie a bow on a belt

A classic bow in the waist area can be considered a universal accessory for a dress of any style:

  1. Fold the ends of the belt into loops;
  2. Cross the resulting loops;
  3. Pass one of the elements into the loop formed by the crossed ends;
  4. Gently tighten the resulting knot and straighten the bow.

How to tie a beautiful ribbon bow on chairs

Typically, bows on chairs appear during the preparation of premises for various special events. Before fixing the decoration, it is customary to cover each chair with a cover of harmonizing colors, but this is not necessary.

In addition, the use of such an accessory implies compliance with the following rules:

  1. Do not disrupt the festive concept with out-of-order flowers or inappropriate bow design;
  2. To add rigidity to the shape, use organza ribbons;
  3. Make sure that the edges of the ribbons are neatly processed and do not create an untidy impression.

As in any other case, the most commonly used bow to decorate chairs is the classic one.

If there is no cover on the chair, you can do the following:

  1. Fold the bow ribbon in half;
  2. Hang the strip on the back of the chair so that a “loop” hangs from the inner (which the person sitting touches) side of the backrest, and two tails from the other;
  3. Under the crossbar, thread both tails into the loop and tighten the tape a little;
  4. If you wish, you can stop here, or you can wrap the ends of the ribbon around the grip area (initially you need to direct them in opposite directions) and also tie the decoration.

The bow can be lowered and raised along the back, adjusting its height. It is also possible to place several of these strips side by side.

How to beautifully tie bows on September 1

So that the day of knowledge leaves behind a lot of good impressions and a charge of vigor for the next academic year, you need to properly prepare for it. Last but not least, the girls associate their preparation with a brand new uniform and beautiful white bows in their hair. There are several ways to bring this idea to life.

Method No. 1: Folded bow

This option is usually preferred by girls adolescence because it looks very cute and romantic.


  • wide nylon ribbon;
  • thin elastic band (preferably to match the hair).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using an elastic band to secure the hair is the basis;
  2. Tie the ribbon around the hair, distributing it so that one of the “tails” is approximately 2/3 of the total length;
  3. Fold the longer end three times, and tie the resulting layers with the short one;
  4. Straighten the fabric, making it voluminous and fluffy.

Method number 2: Four petals

Lush decoration, great for school formal events.


  • long corrugated tape.


  1. Wrap the hair pulled into a ponytail with a fabric strip and tie a knot so that the remaining ends are the same length;
  2. Fold the loops of the “tails” and tie them together in the form of a bow;
  3. Repeat the same with the remaining long ends;
  4. Straighten all the loops.

Method number 3: Lush flower

Exquisite decoration made from satin ribbon do it yourself: quick and easy.


  • long satin ribbon;
  • thread (to match the color of the ribbon);
  • thin hair elastic.


  1. Pass the thread along the middle of the ribbon;
  2. Move the satin along the thread as much as possible, collecting it into an “accordion”;
  3. Roll the resulting assembly like a snail and secure the base with a thread;
  4. Sew the fabric flower to the elastic.

Options for a beautifully tied bow on a gift box

A gift is good and important in itself, but it makes the right impression only if it is appropriately designed. First of all, this applies to the bows decorating the gift box. They can take completely different forms.


Its other name is multilayer.

This is a win-win option that allows you to achieve the desired effect.

  1. Fold the satin ribbon several times;
  2. Make cuts as shown in the picture;
  3. Fold the satin so that the cuts are in the center of the strip, tie this point with a small piece of ribbon;
  4. Take out all the petals one by one (taking them out to the right, then to the left), moving from the inner to the outer, and fluff them well;
  5. If necessary, process the edges of the bow (so as not to crumble).


This decoration is made of three ribbons of different widths and colors.

It creates a very cozy impression and is especially suitable for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

  1. Fold the medium-width strip of fabric 4 times so that each next layer goes exactly on top of the previous one;
  2. First give the widest ribbon a similar shape, and then straighten the layers so that they lie crosswise relative to each other;
  3. Place the first element on top of the second, and tie everything in the center with a thin ribbon.

When tying a bow, you should always take into account its compatibility with surrounding objects, materials and the purpose of use. It is better to choose denser materials, since silk does not hold its shape well enough, which negatively affects the appearance.

There are two ways to tie simple bows from satin ribbons in the following video.

Are you going to visit, have chosen a gift, and now you don’t know how to wrap it? Then you are at the right place. In this article, we’ll look at how to make a bow from ribbon to decorate gifts, and we’ll also tell you how you can make an exclusive gift for every taste from an ordinary ribbon.

How to create a festive mood?

Beautifully wrapped gift with original decoration always creates a festive mood, and it doesn’t matter whether you give it or whether such a gift was given to you. Exactly beautiful bow, which can be called a classic decoration technique, “warms up” the imagination, making you tremble in anticipation of a surprise. The originality of this decoration lies in its versatility, since a bow from ribbons can be made of different shapes or sizes, and today’s market offers a wide range of colors, from plain to complex patterns. Such decorations can give the souvenir more solemnity. Initially, you need to pack the surprise in gift paper, how to do this, read the article: well, we will teach you how to make a bow from a ribbon, the main thing is to be patient and not quit work after the first failure, because the wonderful grateful smile of the hero of the occasion to whom you are gathered guests deserves a little effort.

How to make a voluminous bow from ribbon to decorate a gift?

To get a truly voluminous bow, you need to give preference to cuts made of hard material. Having selected the ribbon, do the following:

  1. Having decided on the size of the bow (the longer the loops, the larger the bow), you need to make loops from the ribbon in 5-9 folds, placing them one on top of the other.
  2. Smooth out the resulting loops and carefully trim the edges, as shown in the photo below. You should end up with almost triangles around the edges.
  3. Take the loops by the middle and spread them to the sides so that the cut out parts are in the center.
  4. Secure the narrowest central part. You can do this:
  • the same ribbon;
  • sew with thread;
  • fasten with a stapler;
  • twist with wire.
  1. Straighten the resulting half-loops, give them volume and the beautiful bow is ready!

How to make a lush bow from ribbon? Video lesson

How to make a simple bow from ribbon to decorate a gift?

You can make a strict version for a “male” present. It will look great both on the packaging and on a bottle of an expensive strong drink. And you can read more about souvenirs for the men's holiday in the article:. Let's get started:

  1. Cut a piece of wide ribbon of the required size, roll it up, and glue the edges with glue. It should look like a ring.
  2. Flatten the resulting ring.
  3. Hide the joint under the same, but thinner cut.
  4. Carefully glue the edges and the simple decoration is ready.

How to make a ribbon bow - a classic option

The classic version of the decoration is very simple to make, and at the same time creates an excellent frame for any gift.

With such a bow, a book, a box of chocolates or a service, as well as ordinary wildflowers will look great. This classic is performed according to the following steps:

  1. Take a long ribbon and fold it into two loops, as in the photo below. There should be one addition in each hand.
  2. Place the loop on the left at the back, crossing the two folds. It turns out to be a circle at the bottom.
  3. Pull the right loop through the formed circle and pull it off. The middle should be in the middle.
  4. Straighten the loops - the beautiful bow is ready! If necessary, you can cut the lower ends to the desired shape (oblique, triangle, etc.).

Video lesson: how to tie a ribbon bow classic style to decorate a gift?

How to make a Dior bow from ribbon to decorate souvenirs?

The Dior bow is used not only to decorate gifts. With its help, unforgettable decors are created for parties, weddings and other celebrations. By the way, take note of the rules of behavior at the table at such celebrations. They are described in the article: .

To make such a bow, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare four cuts of different lengths.
  2. Roll each of them into a circle and secure with thread or glue.
  3. Stack the circles incrementally one on top of the other.
  4. Tie the resulting structure of ribbons in the center, inserting the binding tape into the upper (smallest) circle, as in the photo below.
  5. Fasten the structure.

How to make a ribbon bow on a fork?

Do you believe that you can tie a beautiful bow on a fork? No? Then let's learn, we suggest trying out two options for making such a decoration.

Option No1

Let's try to solve the following equation: Ribbon + Fork = Original bow. To solve, you need to do the following:

  1. Cut a narrow ribbon of the desired size. For ease of use, it should be at least 18 cm.
  2. Conditionally divide it into long and short sides. The short side will not be used.
  3. Pass the long part between the 2-3 teeth of the fork you are using.
  4. And bring its end up between these same teeth.
  5. After these steps you should get a small loop. Don't tighten it yet.
  6. Thread the remainder of the long end through the loop inward again.
  7. Pull this end out and tighten the knot.
  8. Trim the long ends as needed and singe them with matches or a lighter.


To get a beautiful bow in the form of a lush flower, you need to use two different ribbons:

  • thin;
  • wide nylon.

Execution steps:

  1. Insert a narrow ribbon transversely into the center of the fork. You will need it almost at the end of the work.
  2. Use a wide piece of nylon to braid the teeth of the fork, as shown in the photo below.
  3. Use a thin ribbon to tighten the bindings and tie them.
  4. Remove the workpiece and straighten it.
  5. Scorch the edges with fire.

The decoration is delicate. It will ideally complement any souvenir intended for the fair half of humanity.

Video lesson: how to make a ribbon bow on a fork

Photo ideas for decorating gifts with bows

Ribbon bows can be used anywhere. Their use will add originality to daily life, will decorate gifts for the holidays, and help create a unique hairstyle. There are many options for tying bows, from the simplest to the most complex and incredibly beautiful.

Bows are made from ribbons specially designed for this purpose.

Materials for tapes:

  • atlas;
  • organza;
  • tulle;
  • reps;
  • nylon;
  • paper;
  • lace;
  • cotton material.

Table of material features for tapes:

Material name Positive sides Flaws
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • with proper care, the material does not lose its shape;
  • completely safe;
  • absorbs moisture;
  • not electrified.
The fabric is heavy, shrinks when washed in hot water, the raw edge quickly crumbles
  • strength;
  • dimensional stability;
  • fabric deformation is completely eliminated;
  • rich appearance;
  • does not require special care.
  • it costs expensive;
  • unpleasant to the body;
  • does not allow air to pass through well;
  • Working with such fabric is quite difficult.
  • the fabric is elastic;
  • light and durable;
  • does not wrinkle;
  • holds heat well and allows air to pass through;
  • dries quickly;
  • affordable.
The material does not tolerate high temperatures, electrified
  • strength;
  • density;
  • holds its shape well;
  • allows air to pass through and absorbs moisture;
  • does not wrinkle.
Cotton fabric shrinks when washed in hot water; silk and wool fabrics should only be washed by hand and dried in a horizontal position.
  • strength;
  • ease;
  • smoothness;
  • the material repels dirt;
  • does not deform;
  • does not wrinkle.
  • completely synthetic material;
  • fades in the sun;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • doesn't warm up.
Paper Big variety by color scheme, glossy shine, easy to work with material Wrinkles and does not smooth out, easily damaged
Lace Elegant appearance, elasticity, fabric allows air to pass through well Requires special care: do not squeeze, do not overdry
Cotton material Natural, warm, durable, pleasant to the touch fabric. Easily wrinkles, difficult to smooth out, shrinks, fades after washing


To make your own ribbon bow, you will need:

  • tapes as the main material;
  • ruler for measurements;
  • well sharpened scissors;
  • tweezers for fixing the ends of the tape;
  • a fire source for singeing ends;
  • glue.

beads and rhinestones are used for decoration

Before making ribbon bows, you should consider the following nuances:

  • For a correctly made product, the front side of the tape should be visible, the back side should be hidden;
  • cuts must be singed;
  • in order not to spoil the shape of the material, it is not recommended to leave the ribbons tied for a long time;
  • if the bow will be used as a decorative element for clothing, the material of the bow must be compatible in texture with the material of the clothing;
  • to determine the correct length of ribbon for wrapping the box, you need to make 2 turns of the ribbon around the box and add at least 60 cm for the bow;
  • when tying a bow, it is important to leave the free ends of the ribbon as long as possible, and then shorten them with scissors;
  • You can shorten the ends using one of 2 options: cut diagonally or in a V-shape.

For gift boxes and bouquet arrangements, it is more convenient to use a ribbon with wire inside; the product will retain its original appearance for a long time.

How to beautifully tie a bow from a satin ribbon

How to tie a bow from a satin ribbon in the classic variation:

  • determine the middle of the tape;
  • place the ribbon over your index fingers, the loops should be equal, the bottom of each loop is pinched with your thumb;
  • cross the loops;
  • thread one loop into another;
  • tighten the knot.

To make a strict bow from satin ribbon, you need:

  • lay out a strip of material on the table and determine the middle;
  • each edge of the tape is fixed with glue in the middle of the tape (if folded correctly, the side view resembles an infinity sign), smooth out;
  • A small piece of tape (can be of a different color) is wrapped around the joint;
  • glue the ends on the back of the bow.

To tie a double bow, you will need 2 ribbons of the same length.

  1. The ribbons are folded together.
  2. Place 1 loop on your index fingers.
  3. Cross the loops.
  4. Thread one of the loops into the ring formed at the bottom and tighten.
  5. Smooth out the finished bow, straighten the ends of the ribbon, you can hide them inside the loops of the bow.

The double bow can be done differently, and it will look a little different:

  • take wide and narrow ribbons of the same length;
  • place a narrow ribbon on a wide one, glue the ends together;
  • fold the ribbon in a circle, fasten the ends;
  • the joint of the glued opposite ends is located in the middle of the bow, the joint is fastened to the parallel part of the future bow;
  • wrap the contact area with thin tape.

On the neck

You can tie a bow in the shape of a butterfly around your neck using a ribbon in one of 2 ways:

  1. Place the ribbon over your neck and cross the ends.
  2. Pass the right end of the tape up and down. The right side of the ribbon should wrap around the left side until it crosses.
  3. Now the left half of the tape wraps around the right half, which is in a horizontal position, and is passed through the loop. At the end the knot is tightened.
  4. Place the ribbon on the neck so that its ends are different in length. Cross over (the longer part should be on top).
  5. Wrap this part of the ribbon around the short part and lower it down.
  6. Fold the short end into a semicircle.
  7. Long part at the same time it is located in front and also folds in a semicircle.
  8. Thread through the loop that is located behind the 1st half-bow.
  9. Tighten, straighten.

A voluminous bow on the neck is tied like this:

  • wrap the ribbon around the neck;
  • form loops;
  • intertwined and tied;
  • straighten the bow.

On the dress

How to tie a ribbon bow on a dress:

  • the ends of the decorative strip are folded into loops and crossed;
  • the place of crossing is fixed with glue (in this case, rhinestones are glued on top) or with a decorative pin;
  • attach the accessory to the dress.

On the belt

To beautifully tie a bow at the waist, you must follow the following procedure:

  • wrap a ribbon around your waist;
  • fold the ends into 2 loops, cross;
  • skip 1 element into the formed loop;
  • tighten.

An original solution for decorating the waist would be a bow with one loop.

Execution order:

  • the ribbon wraps around the waist, its ends should be different in length;
  • a loop is formed from a long piece of tape and crossed with the short end;
  • the loop goes down, wrapping around the short end of the tape;
  • tightens;
  • The length of the ends of the tape is adjustable.

How to tie a beautiful ribbon bow on chairs

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate the backs of chairs with bows. You need to be very careful when decorating chairs: the color of the bow should match the nature of the event. In order for the bow to retain its shape for a long time, it is better to choose rigid materials (organza), the edges of which must be well processed.

Most often, the backs of chairs are decorated with classic bows.

It goes like this:

  • wrap ribbon around the back of a chair;
  • make 2 loops at the free ends, cross;
  • wrap one loop around the other, moving towards you;
  • tighten, straighten.

Another option for tying a ribbon on the back of a chair involves placing the decoration under the top crossbar.


  • the tape is folded in half;
  • hang the ribbon on the top crossbar, with the loop located on the inside;
  • the tails are threaded into a loop and tightened.

How to beautifully tie bows on September 1

You can tie it in one of 3 ways:

  • pleated bow;
  • 4 petals;
  • luxurious flower.

For option 1 you will need a wide ribbon and an elastic band.

  1. The hair is gathered together and tied with an elastic band.
  2. Then the hair is wrapped with a ribbon, one edge of the ribbon is left long, the other short.
  3. The long end is folded several times and tied with the short one. The bow is ready.

The “4 petals” bow is made like this:

  • collected hair wrapped with ribbon and tied in a single knot, the ends of the ribbon should be the same;
  • loops are made from the tails and tied with a classic bow;
  • the remaining ends are also folded and tied.

Before creating the next hairstyle, the tape must be prepared:

  • sew the tape along the center;
  • assemble with an accordion;
  • shape the ribbon into a bow or flower and sew.

Attach the bow to the elastic band, gather the hair together, and tie it with an elastic band.

Bow on the box for gift decoration

Volumetric bows will always be appropriate on gift boxes.

Making a bow ball:

  • fold the tape in several layers;
  • cut off the corners of the resulting rectangle;
  • move the slices to the center, carefully moving the tape;
  • Tighten the narrowest part of the tape well;
  • pull out all the loops one by one, forming a ball.

To create a fluffy bow you will need 3 ribbons of different widths.

  1. Lay a strip of medium width in 4 layers, the layers should be located one above the other.
  2. Also fold a wide strip and arrange the tiers crosswise.
  3. Place the 1st bow on top of the 2nd.
  4. Tighten the center with a thin ribbon.

Large fluffy ribbon bow

To create a large bow, you will need a very wide ribbon, from which a square is first cut.

  1. You need to place a base (a small strong box) in the center of the square.
  2. Cover the top and bottom of the base with the edges of the tape.
  3. Make several folds on the short sides of the resulting rectangle.
  4. In the middle, where the base is located, collect the ribbon and tie it.
  5. Straighten the bow loops.

Wide ribbon bow

A bow made from a wide plain ribbon will look very beautiful and original if a narrow stripe with an ornament runs along the center line along the entire length.

Scheme for creating a bow:

  • spread a wide strip of tape on the table;
  • along the middle line and along the edges, attach a narrow bright stripe or a stripe with a pattern with hidden stitches;
  • wrap the completed strip of fabric around your hand;
  • tie;
  • remove from hand and straighten.

From thin tape

For lush bows, a decorative strip of thin fabric is more suitable.

How to tie a bow from a ribbon is clearly shown in the photo.

For the craft you need:

  • lay the strip of fabric over its entire length in turns, the turns should be located one above the other. The more turns, the more magnificent the bow;
  • tie tightly in the center;
  • straighten;
  • arrange the rings in a circle.

From a narrow ribbon

How to tie a bow from a small width ribbon in the shape of a flower:

  • cut the tape to the required length (at least 100 cm);
  • measure 20 cm from one end and form the first loop about 3 cm long;
  • Make the 2nd loop in the same way from the opposite end;
  • Make the 3rd loop on the opposite side near the 1st, continue until the entire strip of fabric has been used;
  • carefully tie the center of the folded strip of fabric with special wire;
  • wrap the wire with tape;
  • straighten the loops in a circle.

From nylon tape

To make a lush bow from nylon, the ribbon must first be smoothed well and the cuts treated with fire.

  1. Now the tape is folded along the center line and sewn with small stitches along the fold. In this case, the thread should be tightly tightened.
  2. Twist the stitched tape into a spiral.
  3. Sew the edge assembled with an accordion.
  4. Attach the completed bow to the elastic.

A voluminous nylon bow can simply be tied on your hair.

To do this you need:

  • gather your hair into a ponytail and wrap it with a ribbon;
  • tie a single knot (cross the ends of the ribbon, wrap the lower end of the ribbon around the upper one);
  • make loops at both ends of the nylon strip, leave both free parts of the tape long, tie;
  • Form one more loop from the remaining long ends and tie.

From paper tape

To make a “Star” bow from paper ribbon, you need to do the following:

  • cut the tape into strips like this: The 1st 3 will be the longest, the 2nd 3 stripes will be a little shorter, the 3rd will be just as shorter than the 2nd stripes;
  • each strip is folded into a figure eight, the ends are secured;
  • the first three largest elements are laid in a circle, making up the lower tier;
  • a tier of medium-sized elements is laid on it in the same way, the petals should be arranged in a checkerboard pattern, the tiers are fastened in the center;
  • The small petals are attached last in a similar arrangement.

Wrap a small piece of ribbon into a ring and attach it in the center of the craft.

How to make a ribbon bow for discharge

To make the ribbon bow for graduation look elegant, it is better to use ribbons of several matching colors and decorative elements. This bow will be multi-tiered.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • work begins from the lower tier, the tape is cut into pieces 20 cm long, the ends of each piece are singed and stitched;
  • the petals are laid out in a circle and connected to each other;
  • for the petals of the next tier, cut strips 15 cm long, also make petals out of them and fasten them in a circle;
  • place the upper circle of petals on the lower one, sew at the central point;
  • Decorate the middle of the bow flower with beads and rhinestones.

Story about creating a bow for a newborn boy:

You can make a bow of 3-4 tiers. It is important to remember: the higher the petals, the smaller they are.


To make a two-color bow, you will need 2 different-colored ribbons of different widths. The wider ribbon will form the base and background; it should be plain. You can use a narrow ribbon with a bright pattern.

Work process:

  • cut 2 pieces of the same length of wide and narrow tape;
  • place a narrow ribbon on a wide one along the center line, secure the ends;
  • roll into a ring;
  • glue the joint;
  • smooth out;
  • pull the bow in the middle with a narrow ribbon, hiding the joint under it, and tie it;
  • adjust the ends.

Openwork "Dior"

The “Dior” bow is somewhat different from other crafts made from ribbons with loops and knots. It is a semicircular half of the bow lying in the same plane. To make it, you can choose any ribbon, including lace.


  • from tapes different lengths rings are made;
  • the rings are superimposed on one another from largest to smallest;
  • they are fixed in the middle with a stapler, so that each ring takes the shape of a figure eight;
  • the most is placed on top small ring, fixed;
  • hide the fixation point under the tape that passes through the small ring.

Using a fork

To make a bow on a fork with your own hands, you will need a ribbon at least 15 cm long and a dinner fork with 4 tines.


  • wrap the tape around the tines of the fork and cross them on the inside;
  • determine the length of the ends of the tape, one of them should be much longer than the other;
  • pull the long end through the middle gap between the teeth;
  • the same end is brought up between the 2nd and 3rd teeth;
  • the small loop formed does not need to be tightened yet;
  • the tape is threaded inside the loop;
  • pull the end of the workpiece out of the loop, tighten the knot;
  • remove the finished bow from the cutlery;
  • adjust the ends.

Kanzashi technique

How to make a ribbon bow using the kanzashi technique:

  • first you need to cut the ribbon into small rectangles, the more rectangles (for example, 15), the more voluminous the bow, a petal will be made from each rectangle;
  • place the tape face down on the table;
  • bend the top corner to the bottom line and secure with a safety pin;
  • flip the rectangle;
  • On the front side, bend an acute corner to the bottom;
  • hide the end;
  • secure with a pin;
  • do the same on the opposite side;
  • fold the workpiece so that the bent corners are on the inside;
  • Sew the bottom edge, tighten the thread;
  • turn over, straighten;
  • do all the petals in a similar way;
  • for the lower tier, put 7 petals on a thread and close them in a circle, for the middle - 5, for the upper - 3;
  • Glue the base to the middle of the lower tier from the wrong side;
  • From the front side, glue the middle one to the bottom tier, then the top one.

decorate the middle with a large bead.

From grosgrain ribbons

How to tie a bow from a rep ribbon:

  1. Fold the ribbon into a figure eight and secure the ends with pins.
  2. Fold the middle of each loop to the middle of the bow, fix it, you get 4 small loops.
  3. Both bows are stitched in the center, the thread is tightened, the stitch area is wrapped with thread, and the thread is secured.

From tapes different materials You can create a wide variety of bows to decorate clothes, gifts and home decoration. The technique of tying bows is extremely simple; anyone can do it.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video on how to make a beautiful bow yourself

You can learn how to make an elegant two-color bow from this video:

Bow decorations are used everywhere: clothing, gifts, decor, accessories. That’s why the topic of how to make a bow from ribbon is so relevant. Today we will learn how to tie the main types of bows, and also try to create original accessories in the form of hats, wedding decorations, and costume jewelry.

How to make a bow from ribbon? Learning to tie in basic techniques

So, an accessory in the form of a bow can be the perfect finishing touch to complete an ensemble in clothing, gift wrapping, jewelry making, etc. It can easily be located in any part of the product: on the side, back, above or below. Such a touch will attract attention and make the product more impressive.
As you know, bows are tied in different ways, so before we consider how to make a bow from ribbons to create a decoration, we will learn how to tie them using the most common techniques.

  1. Classics of the genre or getting stuck in classical technique.

  1. A bow made in several layers (multi-layered).

  1. Strict. It features discreet lines and a minimum of decor.

  1. From two tapes of different widths. It is also called bicolor.

  1. A complicated version of a strict bow or better known as Dior.

  1. Volumetric flower.

How to make a ribbon bow for hair decorations?

It's quite easy to create a hair accessory with a few pieces of ribbon. Products of different shapes and sizes are made from satin strips. Step by step instructions, given below, will help you cope with this task quickly and without difficulty.

How to make a ribbon bow for a regular hairpin?

Initially prepare the ribbons:

  • three of the same size;
  • one longer for elongated ends;
  • one shorter for turning in the center.

You will also need a hairpin, a singe candle, and transparent glue.

  1. From three identical ribbons we make a blank using the technique of making a strict bow.
  2. Roll two of the blanks, as shown in the photo, and fasten them together.
  3. Pull the third piece in the center.
  4. From the longest cut, roll the structure using the classic technique, but instead of tying, tie it in the center with thread.
  5. From the smallest piece, make a wrapped part to wrap the middle. Squeeze the edges of the workpiece (the photo shows the manufacturing principle) and scorch it.
  6. Assemble the hairpin:
  • a workpiece pulled together in the center;
  • two-piece workpiece;
  • bow based on the classical technique.
  1. Wrap the center and secure the decor with a hairpin.

How to make a flower bow from ribbon for a hairpin?

To decorate hairpins this way, you must have:

  • two ribbons of the same color, 5 cm and 2.5 cm wide;
  • metallized ribbon in silver or gold color;
  • needle and thread;
  • a candle or lighter for burning the edges;
  • glue (transparent);
  • scissors.
  1. Cut six pieces of the widest tape. They should be 14–16 cm. Heat the edges with fire and sew them with a flower, as in the photo.
  2. Perform the same actions with the second ribbon of the main color, the only difference is the length of the cuts should be 10–12 cm.
  3. From metallized, cut into six strips of 15–17 cm and 8–10 cm. Roll them like petals, solder them with fire.
  4. Assemble the flower by gluing it with transparent glue:
  • largest base flower;
  • large metallic petals;
  • second flower;
  • small metallic petals.
  1. Decorate the inside; you can use a bead or decorative pebble for this purpose.
  2. After the flower is attached, the elastic band or hair clip (clip) is ready. You can use this flower to decorate elastic bands or headbands.

Rose decoration with a bow for your hair bun?

To work you need:

  • 5 cm satin stripe;
  • tweezers;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread;
  • candle.

The work is done like this:

  1. Fold the cut in half and bend the corner down, as in the photo below. This is done so that the edge does not stick out from the flower.
  2. Using tweezers, twist the beginning of the rose.
  3. We fasten the bud with threads. When folding, form the edges and sew each branch with thread.
  4. Scorch the back of the resulting rose.
  5. Twist five flower blanks in this way.
  6. Glue them onto the base, and tie an original bow at the bottom, doing it in a classic style.

Video tutorial: a special tie with bows for weaving into a braid?

Photo: designs of all kinds of hair accessories with satin bows stripes

How to make a ribbon bow for wedding paraphernalia?

Recently, more and more often, hand-made paraphernalia is used at weddings, and this is not only decoration of the hall. Ribbons are actively used to make bracelets for bridesmaids, boutonnieres for decorating guests, and they are even used to make a garter for the bride.

Bow bracelet for bridesmaids, how to tie?

To tie a similar bracelet, the bridesmaids will need:

  • two ribbons of the same color, their width should be 5 cm and 1.2 cm;
  • matches, candle or lighter;
  • decorative elements;
  • transparent glue.

A bracelet for bridesmaids is made like this:

  1. Cut a piece of wide satin strip and singe the edges.
  2. Tie the ribbon using the classic technique, but do not tighten the central knot too much.
  3. Pass a narrow tie through it, with the help of which the decoration will be attached to your hand.
  4. Tighten the knot tightly and decorate the top.

How to make a boutonniere from ribbons?

You should prepare:

  • two ribbons of different colors, 5 cm and 1.2 cm wide (in our version, these are red and white);
  • scissors;
  • transparent glue;
  • pin;
  • candle or lighter;
  • decor in the form of a flower, stone or bead.

The boutonniere is made as follows:

  1. Tie two classic bows from ribbons.
  2. Glue them one to one, as in the photo.
  3. Carefully trim the edges and singe them.
  4. Decorate the center with a flower. It can be glued or secured with wire.
  5. Attach a pin and you're done!

How to make a garter made of ribbon with a decor in the form of a bow?

In order to make one of the most important attributes of a wedding - a garter, you need to stock up not only with patience, we prepare:

  • under the base: satin ribbon, at least 5 cm wide;
  • for decoration: ribbons from 1.2 cm to 2.5 cm.
  • wide elastic band;
  • pin;
  • decor;
  • thread with a needle.

Making a garter is quite simple, for this:

  1. Make a “bag” from a satin strip under the base. Sew the edges. Do not skimp on the cut, as a large number of folds only decorate the final version of the product.
  2. Using a pin, pull a wide elastic band into the resulting workpiece.
  3. Sew the ends of the elastic and garter together.
  4. Make bows in a classic design from thinner ribbons, as in the photo.
  5. Sew them to the garter.
  6. Decorate with decor. You can use beads, rhinestones, sequins, all kinds of flowers, etc.

Video lesson: how to make elegant glasses for newlyweds?

Photo: design options for wedding paraphernalia

How to make a ribbon bow for jewelry?

Ribbon is a universal material from which you can create anything. Many people do not believe this statement, so I would like to prove the opposite and demonstrate how bows from ribbons turn into truly exquisite decorations for all occasions.

Step-by-step execution of an exclusive brooch

We make an exclusive brooch. To create it you need to acquire:

  • ribbons made of satin, rapeseed and other materials. They should be different color, sizes, width;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • for scorching the edges, with a candle or lighter;
  • brooch pin;
  • transparent glue;
  • decorative elements.

Now let's talk about the stages of work:

How to create a necklace with a bow?

To work you need to prepare:

  • a ribbon, the type of necklace depends on its width;
  • large beads 8–16 pieces.

The work is as follows:

  1. Tie a knot on the cut.
  2. Put on the bead.
  3. Next, another knot, a bead, and so on until the beads run out.
  4. Tie the ribbon with a classic bow, as in the photo below.

DIY jabot making master class

For this decoration you need to have:

  • two satin stripes of the same width: one with a pattern - 5 cm, the second white rapeseed - 2.5 cm;
  • transparent glue;
  • scissors;
  • decorative element - pebble or bead.

The work is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Cut three 18 cm strips of rapeseed ribbon, fold them as in the photo, and glue them together.
  2. Cut 6 colored pieces of 8 cm each.
  3. Wrap them into loops and fold them into a base bow.
  4. On top of the colored loops, glue two white ones. How this was done is shown in the photo below.
  5. Now let's get down to making the lower part. The basis is rapeseed cut. It should be 22 cm.
  6. Starting from the bottom, glue two rapeseed loops onto it at an angle.
  7. Glue a colored loop on top and repeat 4 times. The photo shows how it should look.
  8. The last thing to glue is the white rapeseed loop.
  9. Glue the lower and upper (which was made in advance) parts.
  10. Glue the decor on top. For fastening, you can use a pin or a ribbon tie.

Video master class on making bow earrings

Photo: DIY jewelry options

Now you are convinced that knowing how to make a bow from a ribbon, you can make a lot of unique, beautiful accessories and other embellishments. Experiment and surprise others with exclusive products.