How to fix a long nose. How to make your nose smaller with makeup - visually

Nose exercises allow you to make your nose smaller and thinner, “tighten” wide wings and “cover” too wide open nostrils. Not every person is happy with the shape or length of their nose. But not everyone can afford plastic surgery. It’s easier for girls - they can use special technologies for applying makeup that hide all imperfections. What should men do? Medical experts recommend that representatives of the stronger sex, as well as women, take advantage of a number of practical advice, helping to effectively correct the shape and line of the nose.

How to reduce your nose at home without makeup and get permanent results? The most common aesthetic problem with the nose is that the wings are too wide, which makes the organ look rather wide and sloppy. The most effective exercise which can be done at home, at work, sitting in a car in a traffic jam - press your wings with your fingers for 5 minutes, breathing through your mouth. The more often you do this simple exercise, the faster the positive effect will come. As a result, after a month the wings will become less protruding.

To make your nose graceful and thin, you should use tea bags. Two used tea bags are applied to the wings and held in this area for 2-3 minutes. This should be done 3-4 times a day, after cooling the bags in the refrigerator.

Exercises can tighten flabby sinus muscles that cause your nostrils to become and appear overly wide. The nostrils need to be flared as much as possible, with a feeling of strong pressure in the nasolabial triangle, and the skin on the nostrils should rise slightly. You need to apply a little pressure with your fingers on the end of the nostrils so that they do not rise when inflated. Freeze in this position for 5 seconds, relax as you exhale.

Breathing exercises relieve inflammation from the mucous membrane that occurs with rhinitis and sinusitis, and tighten the wings of the nose, making it less wide.

Removing excess length

How to make your nose shorter without resorting to rhinoplasty? Before performing a series of exercises, you need to wash your face with cool water. The following exercises will help you shorten your length slightly:

  1. It should be performed while sitting at a table so that your elbows are on the surface. Using the fingers of one hand, take the tip and pull it up a little, while at the same time trying to touch your chin with your upper lip. Repeat 50-60 times, performing 2-3 approaches throughout the day. This manipulation also helps from.
  2. Pull in the abdomen and keep the muscular thigh corset under maximum tension. With two fingers (index and thumb), pinch the bridge of your nose and press. With your other hand, touch the tip of your nose, supporting it from below. You need to reach your lower lip towards your chin. Stay in this position for 5 seconds and relax. Perform 10-20 approaches. The more often you do it, the better. If there are other problems with the nose - congestion, impaired blood circulation, breathing is difficult due to rhinitis, this exercise will not only remove the cosmetic defect, but also normalize the functionality of the organ.
  3. If your nose is small and your nostrils are wide, you can do a simple exercise - open your mouth in a position as if pronouncing the letter “o”. The mouth should be extended as much as possible so that the nostrils narrow and the tip goes down.

Exercises for the nasal septum

According to experts, the main problems with the nose, which make breathing difficult without rhinitis or sinusitis, are a deviated septum or a weakening of the muscle. Few people are able to live normally with constantly stuffy sinuses, but not everyone decides to have an operation that could solve this problem quickly and forever. You can fix your nose with exercise, but it will take a little more time:

  1. The tip should be pulled down a little, while the nostrils should thicken, and tension should be felt under the sinuses. The mouth is slightly open, the upper lip reaches to the chin. There is no need to open your mouth much. In the corners the skin should not fold into folds. The forehead and eyebrows remain in place. In order for the septum muscle to become stronger, it needs to be tensed as often as possible. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then completely relax the muscles and perform the exercise again, doing the maximum number of approaches.
  2. The finger (preferably the index finger) is at the tip of the nose. While inhaling air, you need to forcefully pull your lower lip towards your chin, while using your finger to hold the tip in one position, not allowing it to fall. Tighten your muscles for 5 seconds, then relax completely and continue the exercise.
  3. “Ear-nose” exercise to correct a crooked septum - the index finger is placed on the wing on the side opposite to the curvature, and forcefully presses on it so that the tip points directly to the nose. Perform as many times as possible, as often as possible.

The healing properties of gymnastics

Exercises to reduce the nose can be performed not only to correct cosmetic defects, but also to colds. Training the nasal muscles allows you to:

  • prevent drooping of the tip, which occurs due to age-related changes;
  • reduce nasolabial fold;
  • improve breathing, relieve swelling from the mucous membrane;
  • is the prevention of infectious and viral diseases.

The effect of exercise depends on the regularity of its implementation. If charging is carried out once a week, for a few minutes, you should not expect any changes. Breathing exercises strengthen blood vessels, restore the natural protection of the mucous membrane of the sinuses from infections and other pathogenic microflora that enter the sinuses along with air. Strong, trained muscles prevent the nasal wings from protruding, the nostrils from flaring, and the tip from drooping.

Simple exercises to strengthen the nasal muscles are used during the rehabilitation period after injuries and surgical operations, especially if they were carried out to correct the nasal septum. It is highly not recommended for persons under 16 years of age to perform the exercises. Facial features at this age are not yet fully formed and can change over time, and such activities can cause significant harm.

How to fix a hump

An unsightly hump bothers many people. Unfortunately, a hump that occurs on bone tissue cannot be corrected by various physical exercises. It can only be corrected by. However, not all is lost for those people whose hump is formed by cartilage. IN in this case there is a chance to correct a cosmetic defect, but it should be emphasized that this will take a lot of time.

The main thing is to do the exercises carefully, without sudden movements. One of the exercises used to straighten the hump is to squeeze the bridge of the nose with your fingers, while simultaneously lowering the lower lip to the chin, the tip should also lower. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds, release, completely relax and repeat the movement.

However, it is best to contact a cosmetologist who will advise on the issue of non-surgical correction of the hump, and after examination he will make a verdict on the possibility of correcting the defect with exercises or the need for surgery.

Narrowing, shortening, straightening and even widening the nose in some places - all these problems can be solved not with surgery, but with the help of makeup. To do this, you only need a matte contouring product, a fluffy brush (sponge if the product is creamy) and a highlighter.

What not to do to make your nose smaller with makeup

When contouring the nose, just like the face, it is important to take into account all the structural features of the nose. Usually, all instructions show the same diagram, according to which a loop is drawn on the nose - from the base of the left eyebrow through the tip of the nose to the base of the right eyebrow. This technique is not suitable for almost anyone; it makes the nose thinner, but the contouring is very noticeable, since it does not follow the anatomical structure of this part of the face.

Instead of this scheme, professional makeup artists use a different nose contouring scheme. It is universal and suitable for any bone structure. Then, depending on the characteristics of your nose, you just need to apply the highlighter correctly.

Read also

How to make your nose smaller with makeup

Before you begin contouring your nose, it is important to apply foundation to prevent your makeup from looking muddy. If you use a powder sculpting product, powder your nose first. If you use a cream product for light correction, do not use powder.

Important: always stick to a cool range of shades, because it is important to create a shadow correction. Where have you seen orange shadows, except in the paintings of Andy Warhol?

So, the technique for contouring the nose is as follows:

  1. Apply foundation to your nose and set with powder (see note above).
  2. Apply the corrector to the sides of the nose from the eyebrow to the beginning of the wing. Do not follow the natural contour of the nose, so as not to emphasize the hump. Instead, draw straight lines along the "back". To do this, it is better to use a minimum of product on a fluffy brush. If necessary, you can add a little more sculpting product. Circular movements Fade out the outline so that the clear boundaries disappear.
  3. If the nose is not too long, you can limit yourself to the previous stage and apply highlighter to the “back” and tip of the nose, leaving a small gap between them to create the effect of a snub nose.
  4. If you need to make the nose visually narrower, darken the “wings”.
  5. To give the ponytail a more refined and aristocratic shape, highlight the curves of the nostrils with a sculpting agent and darken the tip a little. You can simply circle the tip of your nose with light movements.
  6. If you want to shorten your nose, darken the tip.
  7. To hide a hump on your nose, you need to place the highlighter correctly. Use shimmer to highlight only the tip of the nose and the area of ​​the bridge of the nose up to the hump. This way the nose will look even, because all important areas will be highlighted, and what needs to be hidden will remain in the shadows.

To correct the shape of your nose, it is not necessary to resort to plastic surgery.

Often, to make the features more harmonious, it is enough to use matte powder. Oily shine attracts the eye and adds volume and expressiveness of protruding parts.

But if such a light correction does not help, then you will have to learn special contouring techniques. This technique is often used by Kim Kardashian's makeup artists, making the TV personality's appearance impeccable.

In this article:

What you need

You can visually reduce your nose using decorative cosmetics. To do this, use the technique of contouring and highlighting makeup with lighter or darker tones. natural color faces.

To carry out such a correction, you need two brushes - an angled one for applying clear lines, and a soft one for shading. Cosmetic products are also needed:

    Or powder 2-3 shades darker than the skin;

    Light is 2-3 shades lighter than the natural complexion;

    To enlarge or make certain areas more expressive - or powders with a shimmering effect.

In order for highlighted and darkened areas to look natural, it is recommended to take into account your color type - warm or cold. Otherwise the correction will stand out.

Light highlights will help make certain parts of the face more pronounced, and dark ones will visually narrow the area of ​​certain zones.

How to correct your nose with makeup

Wide: how to narrow it down

First, foundation is applied to the face, which exactly matches the natural skin tone.

Further algorithm of actions to make the nose narrower:

    Using an angled brush using a corrective agent one tone lighter, draw a thin line along the center of the nose, in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the tip.

    Apply shadow to the area from the inner corners of the eyes to the tip. If you need to narrow the nostrils, then go through them.

    Shade the lines. This will help make your nose visually thinner.


To shorten a long nose with makeup, darken other areas:

    In a dark tone, draw lines along the sides of the nose from the inner corners of the eyes to the nostrils.

    The same color is used at the tip and above the nostrils.

This contouring will lift the tip and reduce the length. The same technique can be used if there is a downward bend.


In this case, the goal is to narrow the nose at the bottom, where it is at its widest. To do this, draw a contour from the eyes in a darker skin tone, closing the lines at the bottom so that they form the letter U. The lower part of the figure is not made too sharp, as this affects the naturalness. The distance between the lines along the entire length to the rounding zone should be the same.

Other problems

The opposite problem is lack of volume. Then they mask the wings of the nose and try to raise the tip, as in the case of excessive length. A light line is drawn in the center.

To hide a hump, just walk with shadows over the protruding area and thoroughly shade the spot, otherwise your face will look untidy. Curvatures resulting from injury can also be corrected. It is enough to apply dark powder on the sides and draw a light line in the middle, which should coincide with the center of the face.

The snub nose is “leveled” by shading the lower part and bridge of the nose, A light dot is placed on the tip.

Lack of length also destroys the overall harmony. A line drawn with a highlighter with shimmering particles along the entire dorsum of the nose will lengthen the nose a little.

Additional correction methods

This problem can be solved in other ways.

You can visually make your nose smaller by drawing attention to another area.

Then they do bright makeup lips, thereby diverting eyes from the upper part of the face.

You should not paint your eyes brightly, as this will only cause others to direct their gaze to the central part of the face. and swelling under the lower eyelid also needs to be hidden. They are masked with a foundation that matches the skin. Eyebrows are given a semicircular or curved shape. Excessive thickness, as well as thread plucking, are contraindicated.

Experts also tell you how to hide a big nose with your hair. This is another tool that is used very successfully, especially if the hair is voluminous, curly, and disheveled.

The parting is done on the left or right, but not in the center. The optimal hair color for such women is light brown - light or dark. But it’s better to avoid bangs.

If you do everything correctly, but cannot correct the defect, then the problem may be in another part of the face - for example, close or deep-set eyes, asymmetry. Then you need to learn to correct these shortcomings.

In contact with

Before proceeding directly to nose correction, it is important to choose the right shade and format of the sculpting product.

  • The correction will look as natural as possible if you choose a corrector with a cool undertone to create a natural shadow effect.
  • Warm brown shades Suitable for those with tanned skin with golden undertones. Read more about how to choose the right sculpting product for your skin tone.
  • A dark sculpting product should be two to three shades darker than your skin, and a light product should be the same number of shades lighter.

Dry or cream concealer: which one to choose?

In order to make a good nose correction, you need to choose cosmetic product which is best suited for this.

  • The cream corrector allows you to create more accurate lines and is easier to shade, and also blends perfectly with the foundation. This is why it is better suited for everyday makeup.
  • Dry corrector is suitable for softer and faster correction. It’s easy to overdo it, making the shade too rich and intense. To prevent this from happening, before darkening the sides of your nose, remove excess product by running the brush over the back of your hand.
  • If you don't have dry concealer on hand, you can use matte brown eyeshadow or blush with a brown tint instead.

Nose contouring: photo instructions

How to properly contour your nose using a cream corrector, see our step-by-step photo instructions.

Apply foundation to your nose

The same one you use on the rest of your face. Using the corrector on bare skin without foundation may look unnatural, since particles of the dark corrector will “get stuck” in the pores or will not blend well, leaving stains.

Apply concealer to the sides of your nose

Use a small flat faux bristle brush for this purpose. At the same time, do not follow the natural curves of the nose by outlining them - this will make the nose larger and less straight. Instead, resisting the natural contour of the nose, draw straight lines along the “back” of the nose.

  • At this stage, you can also move the correction towards the eyes (if you need to make the nose visually longer), darken the wings of the nose (to make the nose narrower), emphasize the curves of the nostrils (to give the tip of the nose a more graceful shape), and darken the tip of the nose (if you need to make the nose Briefly speaking). More details about the correction various forms nose, read the next section.

Apply light concealer along the bridge of the nose.

Do not make this line too wide, otherwise the nose after correction will look wider than it actually is. Make sure that all lines are as neat and straight as possible before shading. Uneven lines can create the impression of a crooked nose, while straight lines, on the contrary, can visually make the nose more straight.

The line drawn with a light corrector or highlighter should not be too wide! Otherwise, you will not get a refined, neat silhouette of the nose, but will only expand it further.

Use a damp sponge to go over your entire nose.

This step is necessary in order to shade the boundaries of the contour. Use a tamping motion and don’t forget to wet it first and squeeze it out properly. Blend the edges of the light contour first and then move on to the darker edges. Try not to move the drawn lines with sliding movements; instead, tap the applied corrector, as if blurring the boundaries.

If you want to achieve the most natural effect and make the correction invisible, apply a small amount of your foundation onto a sponge before blending. The correction will be under a thin layer of foundation, the effect of a more refined and neat nose will remain, but it will be almost impossible to guess this from the outside.

Apply dry highlighter to the bridge of your nose.

Blend it along your nose with a small fluffy eyeshadow brush. Maintain a straight line as any unevenness in application can make the nose appear crooked. If you have a long nose, avoid highlighting the tip of your nose as this will make it appear even more prominent.

To make sure this nose job works, compare the before and after results.

For more information on how to change the proportions of the nose using a sculpting agent, see our detailed video tutorial - and begin a detailed study of schemes for correcting individual areas.

Correction of various nose shapes

As we have already discussed, with the help of a corrective product you can make your nose wider or narrower, shorter or longer. It all depends on the task at hand and the application scheme. To change the shape of your nose cosmetically, follow our recommendations.

Wide nose

To make the nose narrower in the “back” area, draw the borders of the nose closer to the middle than they actually are. In this case, the lines should start at the frontal bone and go to the end of your nose. Using a light corrector, draw a thin line along the center and blend. If you have wide nose wings, apply a dark corrector to them and gently blend them in with a sponge. Check by looking in the mirror how the correction looks from the side. Make sure there are no clear boundaries visible. Avoid applying highlighter to the bridge of your nose.

A long nose

Darkening the tip of the nose and the bridge under the nose will help to visually shorten the nose. Apply dark concealer to this area and blend gently. Do not apply highlighter to the tip of the nose, add it only to the central part of the back.

Short nose

To make the nose visually longer, extend the dark correction lines on the sides of the nose upward - towards the frontal bone and orbital line. Don't forget to blend the shadow in the eye area in the same pattern as the contours of the nose. And always start from the bottom up: the richest shade should be in the eyebrow area, not on the bridge of the nose. Highlight the tip of your nose with a shimmering highlighter.

Potato nose

A dark shade of creamy corrector will help make the tip of your nose more neat. Darken the sides of the bridge of the nose, and then draw straight lines to the very tip, not obeying its natural curves. Softly blend the borders.

Aquiline nose

To hide the hump on your nose from prying eyes, apply a dark corrector to the hump itself. The same should be done in the case of asymmetry: the corrective agent must be distributed directly over the area that needs correction. But don't forget to shade the boundaries properly! This is the main secret of natural correction.

It's not often that you meet a person who is absolutely satisfied with the shape of their nose. Every second person wants to change their own appearance, and especially to correct their nose. So rhinoplasty (surgical modification) is one of the most popular surgeries in the world.

How to make your nose smaller?

There are several ways to correct the shape of the nose. It all depends on which one you choose. You can change your nose visually using makeup or using non-surgical and surgical correction. If you don’t know whether you need to decide on surgery, you can first ask how much rhinoplasty costs, what are the indications for it, and what is the duration of the rehabilitation period.

How necessary and is it necessary to perform surgical intervention or can it be done without it? With this question, it is best to contact a specialist surgeon who will tell you all the pros and cons of plastic surgery and help useful tips. For example, if nose correction is necessary to eliminate the consequences of injuries and burns, you will probably have to resort to surgery. But in any case, you can always use makeup: although it won’t last long, it will still help you make your nose the way you want it to be.

How to make your nose smaller with contouring

One of the greatest feminine tricks is makeup. With it you can hide facial imperfections and highlight your strengths. So, if you have a wide nose, a wide face, then makeup can easily help you fix it.

So, in order to reduce the size of the nose with makeup, we will need three shades of foundation:

  • one - matches your facial tone,
  • the other is a tone darker,
  • the third is a tone lighter than your tone.

Correctors are often used instead of foundation. They are more dense in their base, and they are much more convenient to use due to their higher effectiveness of masking properties. Want to know how to correct a wide or hump nose? We will tell you about it.

How to correct a wide nose

If you have a nose of this shape, know that this is far from a death sentence. A wide nose in girls is quite common, and you can correct it with makeup in one go. We draw a thin line from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose with the lightest foundation, and darken the wings of the nose with the darkest shade.

How to correct a long nose

Do you think your nose is too long? Apply a foundation that matches your tone on its surface, a little light on the bridge of your nose, and a little dark on the tip of your nose. This way you will visually shorten it.

How to visually make your nose smaller

If your nose looks big, how can you make your nose smaller? Apply foundation one shade darker to your entire nose. It is very important that the transition line from the dark shade to your natural tone is not visible. This can be done using a damp washcloth by removing excess foundation.

Instead of foundation, you can use blush in bronze or orange shades, but not pink. The main thing with blush is not to overdo it: they need to be applied in small quantities, blending well. Otherwise, a large, wide nose can only be visually enlarged.

Rules for nose correction from makeup artists

When a brush is in the hands of an experienced makeup artist, it can work wonders. All that is required to visually reduce your nose is a palette with correctors and a highlighter. The main rule of a makeup artist: dark powder should be on those places that you want to reduce, and the highlighter should be on those that you want to make a little convex (most often this is the area above the cheekbones, upper lip).

Don't ignore other details: the shape of the eyebrows also helps to significantly correct the shape of the nose and redirect attention. This does not mean that you need to make up your eyebrows so much that only they will attract attention. Indeed, very popular now wide eyebrows, but they must be neat, then all the accents on the face will be placed correctly.

If a wide nose bothers you, visually enlarge all other parts of the face, for example, use eyeliner to make your eyes larger. An important detail Correcting the shape of the nose is a hairstyle. Thus, the absence of bangs makes the facial features neater, while even bangs make the face look a little rougher.

Nose correction without surgery

Sometimes there is a great desire, but you don’t want to go under the operating knife. Then non-surgical intervention will come to your aid - a method that is popular all over the world.

What is the essence of the method? You are injected with fillers, their volume depends on the location and complexity of the case. With the help of an injection, asymmetry is corrected, the corners of the bridge of the nose are smoothed and the shape of the nose is changed. You shouldn’t rely heavily on this method if you need serious intervention, but it’s quite possible to correct minor defects. The drug does not dissolve over time, and the results last a long time. Usually, after 2 treatments, a stable change can be observed.

  1. Painless.
  2. Instant results.
  3. No scars or marks such as swelling.
  4. Short rehabilitation period.

You don’t have to be an adult for this operation; it can be performed at any age.

For fillers, different bases can be used: collagen, hyaluronic acid. It is possible to use drugs based on synthetic acids, polycaprolactone and calcium hydroxyapatite or the patient’s own adipose tissue.

The duration of the procedure takes from 15 to 20 minutes. For non-surgical rhinoplasty, exclusively absorbable agents are used, which retain the effect for a relatively long period. Most often, the result is observed within two years.


The shape of the nose can also be changed using a more labor-intensive process, so the cost is corresponding. Fortunately, modern medicine has made great strides forward: operations are performed almost without scars, and the rehabilitation period is relatively short.

There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. It is the closed one that does not leave any traces, since it is performed through the mucous membranes of the nose. After an open type of intervention, at first there is a small visible scar, which gradually completely resolves. Open rhinoplasty is used in cases where surgery is unavoidable (for example, after a serious injury to the nose). An incision is made on the skin of the nasal septum (the area under the nose). Therefore, even if a scar remains, it is absolutely invisible to others.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the recovery period is a week or a little more, depending on the degree of complexity. Of course, rhinoplasty has certain contraindications.

  1. Rhinoplasty is performed only from the age of 18.
  2. The optimal age for surgery is 18-40 years.
  3. Surgeries are not performed in case of poor blood clotting, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and systemic diseases (for example, rheumatism), bronchial asthma.

Cost of rhinoplasty

Surely, everyone who would like to reduce their nose or remove a hump has wondered how much it costs. The cost of this procedure depends on the degree of complexity and can range from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles. We are talking specifically about correction of the nasal septum. To remove a hump or correct the tip of the nose - from 150,000 rubles; a larger operation (for example, after an injury) can cost you 220,000 rubles or more.

Non-surgical intervention is cheaper (approximately 40-50 thousand rubles), but again, it all depends on the quality of the fillers, the amount of the drug used and the clinic where you will contact for services of this nature.