How we spend the summer in kindergarten. Photo report “This is our summer! Photo report on summer recreational work Photo reports of teachers in the summer

Summer in kindergarten.

Summer is a wonderful time for both children and adults. It is in the summer that children have a great opportunity to get a boost of health for the whole year. Therefore, many parents, long before the onset of warm weather, begin to worry about where and how their child will spend the summer. Certainly, the best option- this is to send the child out of town to relatives or to a camp by the sea. But, unfortunately, not all parents have this opportunity, so many children spend the summer in kindergarten.

The work of a kindergarten in the summer is slightly different from other times of the year and is usually called recreational. Children spend much more time in the fresh air, and here it is very important to take full advantage of the summer conditions that are favorable for strengthening children’s health and to ensure that the child gets stronger, gets healthier and hardens, learns to understand and love the amazing, beautiful world of plants and animals. In summer, nature provides great opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

Basic summer activities in kindergarten:

  • group games in the fresh air;
  • active and regular physical activity;
  • sport competitions;
  • familiarizing children with the nature around them;
  • reading children's literature.

A huge role in how interesting children will spend the summer in kindergarten is played by the desire and ability of the teacher to make every day bright for the child.

Ball games.

Jumping, playing ball, or playing football indoors is prohibited. Playing on the street is dangerous (roadways, cars). There are often children of different ages on the playground, so active games of more or less “adult” children can lead to injuries to children. So more and more children become “limited in their movements” against their will. And only in kindergarten on the sports ground in summer time they can really run around under the supervision and guidance of a teacher.

In my senior group there are a lot of boys and they really love ball games. Most of them quickly learn to handle the ball confidently and fluently. In one of summer days On a walk, I invited them to play football with me. The children were delighted with this offer. What made them happy was not even the process of the game itself, but the fact that the adult was running after the ball just like the kids. Some children immediately dribbled the ball quickly and confidently, while others were afraid to run up close and take it to the side. And here it is important for teachers to “correct the situation” in a timely manner so that the child does not lose the desire to play this game. During the games, I noticed that some children use complex elements of dribbling the ball with their feet, while others, observing this, quickly “adopt” these techniques and become worthy opponents.

Diversity game exercises captivates children so much that they sometimes “forget” about time. Having experienced the joy and pleasure of the activity offered to them, preschoolers leave the game with the desire to continue it as soon as possible. This is how a conscious interest and motivation to engage not only in football, but also in physical education in general, is formed. Now football is our favorite game while walking.

Drawing with crayons.

It is much more interesting to draw with children outside. We often take a set of colored crayons with us for a walk and boldly paint the asphalt. Moreover, we draw not only people and pictures, but also study letters, numbers, etc. Girls usually like to play hopscotch and other similar games.

Games with hoop and jump rope.

You can also improve your child’s physical fitness with the help of a hoop and a jump rope. We also use them quite often. We mainly use hoops as a target for throwing bags, and jump ropes for outdoor games and jumping. By the way, mostly boys like to throw bags at a target, and girls like to jump ropes.

Blowing soap bubbles.

All the kids love it bubble– observe, catch, and then blow out magical iridescent balls yourself. Such entertainment is not only interesting, but also useful for development. When we blow a bubble in front of the children, they learn to focus their eyes first on a stationary object and then on a moving one, and also learn to estimate the size of the object. Children try to grab the bubble - coordination of movements develops, the child estimates the distance to the object. And when children blow bubbles themselves, this is a wonderful breathing exercise that is useful even for adults.

In fact, there are a lot of options for summer games with children, you just need to use your imagination, and every day of summer will be a holiday.

Children need vigorous activity - rushing, rushing, jumping and playing. They get especially great pleasure when adults and children participate in the game. Therefore, parents should encourage interest in sports, and this happens when they themselves are excited about the movement and take part, and do not immediately retreat because they are tired or when it becomes too difficult.
From all of the above, we can conclude that the health of our little people depends entirely on us, on adults. We must and must create all conditions for a healthy lifestyle for our children.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Consultation for parents “Adaptation of 2-3 year old children in kindergarten.” How to make it easier for your child to get used to kindergarten

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Summary of the parent meeting in the junior preschool age group from 3 to 4 years old “To kindergarten - with joy. Adaptation of a child to kindergarten"

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“Adaptation of 2-3 year old children in kindergarten. How can I make it easier for my child to get used to kindergarten?”

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Marina Zhuravko

Summer This is a wonderful time for both children and adults. Job kindergarten in summer a little different from other times. Children receive no less attention, but they spend much more time outdoors. Main activities summer in kindergarten:

Collective games in the fresh air;

Active and regular physical activity;

Sport competitions;

Familiarizing children with the nature around them;

A huge role in how interesting children will spend summer in kindergarten, plays the desire and ability of the teacher to make every day bright for the child.

Performance dance group"Caramel" on festive concert dedicated to Children's Day

Morning exercises in the air in summer

Outdoor game "The little white bunny is sitting"

Competitive relay races with children

Drawing with chalk on the asphalt

A glorious harvest has grown

In our garden!

After all, everything worked here during the summer

Our children.

Helping the gardener

How beautiful all the flowers are!

Do you agree with me?

All nature is a marvelous color

Bloomed. Thank you, SUMMER!

Publications on the topic:

So summer has come, It suddenly became very hot, The sun was shining again, The flowers were blooming all around! We no longer wear hats or coats.

Good time of day Dear colleagues. With the onset of warm summer days, our children spend a lot of time outdoors. Playing with sand.

The purpose of the holiday is to create an atmosphere of universal celebration, to bring joy to children from meeting their favorite characters, to provide every child.

What will you give me, summer? - Lots of sunshine! There's a rainbow in the sky! And daisies in the meadow! - What else will you give me? - Key ringing in.

Summer entertainment in kindergarten for the middle group “The Lost Summer” Goals: creating a positive emotional mood, involving children in joint activities. Objectives: consolidate knowledge of Russian folklore.

August has arrived!. The weather is nice, it's hot outside. So we decided to sunbathe. After all, the sun's rays warm you so pleasantly. And also the water itself.

Photo report for the summer health period

for the 2016-2017 academic year.


Peskova L.A.

Filippova N. F.

teacher of the first category MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 16 in Vyborg"

Summer work with children in kindergarten is usually called recreational work; it has its own specifics. It is important to use the summer conditions that are favorable for strengthening the health of children and ensure that the child gets stronger, gets healthier and hardened, learns to understand and love the amazing, beautiful world of plants.

Target: creating a kindergarten in the group and on the site as much as possible effective conditions for organizing recreational work and developing the cognitive interests of students in the summer.

  • implement a system of measures aimed at improving health and physical development children, their moral education, development of curiosity and cognitive activity, formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills;
  • formation in pupils of the habit of healthy image life;
  • developing safe behavior skills;
  • development of cognitive interests of pupils;
  • create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children, for independent, creative activities of children on the site;
  • carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on issues of education and health improvement of children in the summer.

The work was carried out in accordance with the daily routine and the work plan for the summer period. To solve the assigned tasks in the summer, the following conditions were observed.

In order to organize a water and drinking regime, our group had individual mugs for children, a decanter, and chilled boiled water; when organizing hardening procedures - individual towels for hands and feet.

To create safe conditions for children to stay in the preschool educational institution, the serviceability of the equipment on the exercise area was checked daily, the area was inspected before the walk for the presence of objects dangerous to children (nails, broken glass, dug holes, etc.). With the onset of the hot period, in order to avoid overheating, the pupils went for walks only in hats; preschoolers' exposure to direct rays of the sun alternated with games in the shade.

Good weather made it possible to spend enough time outdoors. The morning, under favorable climatic conditions, began with the reception of children at the kindergarten site, gymnastics, in the fresh air, which charged them with cheerfulness and energy for the coming day, and lifted the children’s spirits.

During the day, various types of hardening were carried out: sleeping with open windows, air, sunbathing, walking barefoot along massage paths, gymnastics after sleep, breathing exercises, washing feet. The children's clothing corresponded to the temperature conditions.

The summer days were full of exciting, educational activities.

For children the following were organized:

Entertainment event "Friendship Day"

Literary and entertainment event “Tales of A.S. Pushkin"

Conducted productive activity drawing, modeling, appliqué in accordance with the group’s work plan.

Master class “Minions made of rubber


Photo report about summer health period 1 group d/s 117



Postnikova E.I.

Kalugina O.A.

Summer is an amazing time of year when children can walk, run and jump to their heart's content. It is during this period that children spend a lot of time outdoors. Therefore, it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in kindergarten so that every day brings them something amazing, is filled with interesting cognitive content, emotionally rich, so that memories of summer time in kindergarten evoke positive emotions in children for a long time .

Goal of the work: preservation and strengthening of mental and physical health children taking into account individual abilities in the summer.

The following tasks were accomplished:

1. Creation of conditions that ensure the protection of life and promotion of children’s health;

2. Implementation of a system of measures aimed at improving health and physical education children, development of their own initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity;

3. Educate parents on issues related to the upbringing and health of children during the summer.

All work during the summer period was carried out in accordance with the approved plan preschool work for the summer period and operating hours.

The entire waking period, except sleep, was spent in the fresh air; the time for walking in the summer increased. In this regard, the motor activity of children increases due to the organization various types activities on the site - exercise, sports and outdoor games, entertainment, organization of games, labor, experimental activities children.

Fresh air for kids

Needed and useful!

We have a lot of fun walking!

And no diseases!..

A huge role was also given to the formation of hard work, instilling basic labor skills and abilities, familiarization with the work of adults, instilling responsibility, independence, and the ability to interact collectively.

Together with the children, work was carried out on the site to care for the plants, watering the plants and sand, and cleaning the site, during which work skills were developed among the pupils.

Who is the most important in the world?

The kindest, the most glorious?

Who is he? What's his name?

Well, of course, it's work!

Children Protection Day

We love to play with water! We love to bathe toys! Both in baths and basins! We are such pranksters!

Sandbox, sandbox,

All the kids are in the sand.

I want to build a house

Fun game.

Sun glare on my window -

The sun is knocking on the house, it’s such a good day!

It's such a wonderful day for me today,

Happy birthday to the Sun!

Let's go to the asphalt with crayons! See for yourself: We draw on the asphalt Not in a notebook, not on a desk! All artists - believe me, When children draw on the asphalt!

The ball jumps and jumps, The ball bounces on the threshold. Jumps ten times in a row From the palm and back.

If you blow harder

There will be a lot of bubbles!

One two three four five

No way to catch them!