How to overcome laziness: advice from a psychologist. Ways to combat laziness

Before you understand how to overcome laziness, you need to understand the reason for this habit. Many people ask the age-old question: why am I too lazy to do something? Moreover, we all understand that laziness is bad, but we are still lazy. This is the cycle. It is important to understand what exactly makes you lazy.

Causes of laziness:

  1. Lack of purpose.
  2. Chronic fatigue.
  3. Not proper nutrition.
  4. Lack of motivation.
  5. Circle of friends.

1. Realistic goals. If there is a goal, then laziness simply retreats. When a person loses meaning in something, he simply goes with the flow without any specific direction. Be guided by your own desires and needs, and not those imposed by someone from outside. The goal must be yours personally. Silence the annoying, squeaky voice in your head, constantly itching how difficult and impossible all this is. And just like others tried, but did not achieve success. If the environment keeps telling you: it’s not necessary, it’s not worth it, it won’t work out, then you just shouldn’t pay attention to them.

It is worth proving, first of all, to yourself that everything will work out. You can jump over the bar above your head because someone else set it. Perhaps it's your environment or even society in general. Sometimes the bar is too high. But even if nothing comes of trying to achieve, making an effort already allows you to respect yourself more. Self-esteem changes a person, his life and his environment. There is a goal - move towards it.

Often a goal can seem so big that you want to give up and put it off until the next day, week or month. As a result, if you put it off for a long time, nothing will happen. It’s worth getting a notebook, a notebook, or downloading a special app for your smartphone and breaking your goals down into time periods: a week, a month, a year.

The plan should be as close to reality as possible. Often, having planned a huge number of tasks, it is purely physically impossible to carry them out, as a result of which an emotional decline occurs. A visually clear plan helps to sense the goal. There is no point in panicking if something doesn’t work out, the main goal is ahead and you need to continue moving towards it.

Set goals for yourself, achieve them and laziness will not overtake you. And all because you have something to do and you have no time to be lazy.

2. Daily routine. Many people mistakenly consider themselves lazy because throughout the day they are plagued by overwhelming fatigue and reluctance to do anything. This often happens due to lack of sleep and receiving a large amount of information per unit of time. In most cases, lack of sleep is not a consequence of external factors, but solely of the ability to manage your own time.

How often do people waste time sitting on social networks without thinking that streams of unnecessary information pollute the mind and lead to overwork. Since the work must be completed, the amount of sleep is reduced by an hour, two, or even more. You should try to go to bed and get up at the same time, this is the only way your daily routine will improve and your productivity will increase.

If you get proper rest and sleep, then you won’t be afraid of laziness! Everything is very simple.

3. Nutrition. Your diet should consist of real foods. Less sugar, salt and fat. You should eat foods that will charge your body with energy, minerals and vitamins. If you are full of energy, then it will be much easier for you to get rid of laziness forever. After a heavy, fatty meal, you want to collapse on the sofa, but there is no way to continue working. plays a huge role in being able to concentrate and not letting laziness take over you.

4. Motivation. In psychology, there are two types of motivation, such as positive and negative. In most cases, the negative one works stronger and the person wants to get rid of or change something as quickly as possible. Often, a person completes even very boring tasks with great desire if he imagines the reward that awaits him at the end. Unfortunately, not everyone has a dream job and does not appear immediately.

Since no one has canceled the financial component, and everyone needs money, they have to perform duties that do not suit their desires, but such motivation is strong only until the financial tasks are resolved. If you have such a job, you should acquire a hobby. This is a hobby that you won’t mind spending your time on. It is a method of self-expression and a way to break out of life's routine.

If you have tried 2 or even 3 hobbies that did not bring you pleasure, do not despair, continue your search, try and dare. Don’t get hung up on the vicious circle of home-work-home. Displace laziness from your life by doing what you love.

5. Social circle. Surround yourself with successful people. Many people do not even realize how much influence their own environment has on them. After all, we all remember the saying: tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. Yes, we willy-nilly adopt the habits and qualities of the people with whom we most often communicate. If we are surrounded by people who do not believe in us and dissuade us from certain goals and deeds, gossip and constantly condemn others, then we will never overcome laziness once and for all. On the contrary, we will become apathetic and indifferent.

Most often, lazy and envious people judge others for what they would like to do or have themselves. But they don't want to. And they won't advise you anything good. So maybe it’s time for you to change your social circle, which is dragging you down, not allowing you to develop and fight laziness. Of course, here everyone makes their own personal decision. But friends should understand and support each other, and not ruin each other's lives. Every person has a moment when he has to choose: change something for the better or continue to go with the flow and be lazy and unpromising. Everyone chooses their own path.

If you are seriously thinking about radically changing your life, go ahead. Laziness aside. It’s worth starting at this very minute, at this second, while the fire is burning, the motivation is strong and the incentive has not left. When you achieve small goals, don’t forget why you started it all. Remember that the main goal has not yet been achieved. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Get ready to take action now. Even if you don’t succeed right away and you again feel that laziness has attacked you, do not despair. Anyone can get rid of laziness once and for all. You just need to be patient and not give up.

Good luck to you in your endeavors. And remember, your biggest enemy on the way to

Laziness can suddenly overtake each of us. From performing small daily duties to global strategic tasks. How to overcome laziness in this case depends on the reasons for its occurrence. If this is not emotional stress or physical fatigue, then it is advisable to overcome apathy. How to do this? How to overcome laziness so that it disappears and does not appear again? Are there effective methods to combat laziness? Should we declare war on her? Let's look for the answer in this publication.

First of all, you need to understand the factors that caused it. If this feeling is total and concerns all aspects of life, then perhaps it indicates a health problem. In this case, it is best to get examined by a doctor. If we are talking about something specific, for example work, study or a trip to the country, then it is best to overcome laziness. Fortunately, there are many ways. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Master motivation techniques.

Very often people cannot decide to undertake any type of activity, because the result from its implementation does not particularly motivate them. Or the amount of work is large and it’s not even clear where to start. How to overcome yours in this case? You need to educate yourself. If we are talking about another person (brother, sister, child), then you should figure out how you can interest him. Many options for motivation have been invented. The following are considered the most effective in the fight against laziness.

Swiss cheese method.

It is useful when you have to fight laziness when solving a large-scale task. It’s not even a feeling of laziness, but rather a lack of understanding of where to start. You can inherit the behavior of a mouse who is trying to handle a large piece of cheese. At first it doesn't work out for him. He randomly gnaws small pieces in random places. Gradually the slice gets smaller and eventually the mouse swallows it in one sitting. Also when solving large tasks. You should break them down into small subtasks and solve them in any order until the overall task is reduced to an acceptable size.


Quite a clever trick on how to overcome laziness. Each of us has something that we like to treat ourselves to occasionally. You can use this as a reward for completing certain tasks. For example, I called 10 clients in the morning and played Klondike for 20 minutes. This technique is especially effective for children.

How to overcome laziness and start learning? More precisely, how to force your child to study? He should be motivated for well-prepared lessons and high grades. Sweets, a trip to the cinema, a new computer game - there are many methods. Gradually, the information will be stored in your head that rewards will definitely follow for fulfilling your duties. The expectation of reward will become firmly attached to a certain type of activity and will be important to its implementation.

Eating “frog” for breakfast.

Another faithful assistant when the fight against laziness is declared and there is no turning back. This phrase means that the most unpleasant procedure should be performed in the morning. All other events during the day will be perceived with greater joy and...

Success Magazine.

Starting one is a good way not only to overcome laziness, but also. It is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. Everyday life can be turned into an interesting game with your own quests and bonuses for completing them. You should keep a journal and write down all your achievements during the day. Even if laziness once again comes out of nowhere, it’s enough to open these records and remind ourselves what great fellows and hard workers we are.

Use visualization.

The visualization method is to imagine what the results will be when completing the assigned task. We want a new car, but we are too lazy to go to work. You can close your eyes, relax, imagine yourself in a brand new car, and feel the admiring glances of others. We open our eyes and see that our legs themselves carry us to the office. The question of how to overcome laziness is no longer relevant.

2. Play sports.

Life position is closely related to a person’s motor activity. Physical exercise promotes the production of a number of stimulating substances into the blood. Therefore, after going to the gym or a morning jog, thoughts immediately become clearer and there is an increase in doing something. This is due to the characteristics of metabolism, which accelerates in response to physical activity.

How to overcome laziness? Very simple - on the tatami, on the wrestling mat or mats. Playing sports also improves a person’s health, which is especially useful in young years. Most athletes know how to not only fight laziness, but also beat it with an absolute knockout.

3. Learn to rest properly.

It sounds paradoxical, but in order to overcome laziness, you need to be able to rest well and fully. After all, if a person does not have time to recover, his enthusiasm for doing anything decreases. Having learned to competently alternate the phases of activity and rest, a person will be able to accumulate the energy necessary for work. Thus, regularly recharging for new achievements. The main thing is not to confuse laziness and the objective expediency of rest.

4. Elevate activity to the category of habit.

How to overcome laziness? There’s simply no chance for her to appear! Since childhood, we are taught to brush our teeth, wash our face, and do exercises in the morning. Performing these simple duties becomes part of our daily ritual. Why not make it a good habit to improve yourself. Do it automatically, without thinking or giving rise to rebellious thoughts.

For example, many people ask how. How to overcome laziness and take care of your body. The answer is simple, just like brushing your teeth – mechanically. Don’t elevate going to the gym to the category of a feat. Don’t spend hours tuning into it, but just get up, get ready and go.

5. Communicate with energetic people.

A good method to combat laziness is to communicate with those who have successfully done it. After all, there is a popular wisdom - “whoever you get along with, you’ll get the hang of it.” By choosing proactive people to surround us, we ourselves become more active and purposeful. Such people have long understood how to deal with laziness and willingly pass on this knowledge to others. When our friends, comrades, colleagues pay significant attention to their work and expanding their knowledge about the world, then each of us automatically begins to move in the same direction.

The listed ways to overcome laziness are effective individually, but if you apply them all, the positive effect will come much faster. At a minimum, you will develop a positive habit of not procrastinating. If you decide to fight laziness, then you should do this in all areas, so that an active life position does not leave laziness and a chance to appear.

It seems that I would have done a lot if it weren’t for my mother’s laziness, which simply does not allow me to “pull myself together” and start acting. Why is this happening? How to deal with laziness and disorganization in everyday life, what effective methods will help you tune in to a wave of determination and maximum impact in any business?

First, it’s worth understanding what laziness is, where it comes from, and how children and adults can overcome it. Perhaps this is ordinary fatigue or a subconscious reluctance to perform certain actions that can lead to negative consequences, or perhaps a simple reluctance to complete assigned tasks.

In this article you will learn:

  1. Why is a person lazy? What do psychologists say about this?
  2. How to get rid of laziness without effort and not put off everything until later?
  3. The effectiveness of “magic” advice.

Causes of apathy and inaction

If everything is not going well in life, this may be due to simple laziness, which does not allow you to take a step forward and change your idea of ​​the past, present and future. Why do people condemn themselves to inaction, stop enjoying what is happening, and “close” their eyes to all the delights of life?

Psychologists identify several key reasons: why laziness occurs, what factors influence its appearance?

  1. In the absence of motivation and perspective in life. But is this really so, or do you just not want to do anything, and therefore there is no desire to change something (at school, work, in personal relationships), to get rid of the subconscious resistance of this feeling.
  2. Or maybe it’s all about undeveloped will, when it’s difficult to force yourself to do something, start a new project or change life attitudes based on fear or a negative past.
  3. Lack of responsibility when it is possible to shift all matters to someone else without thinking about the consequences.
  4. For some, laziness is a true pleasure, when a person really gets pleasure from inaction, which over time can develop into a serious psychological problem when the work of a specialist is required to restore vital functions.
  5. Irresponsibility, such laziness can be sinned by men who were spoiled in childhood.
  6. In exceptional cases, laziness is a protective function, when the body is overloaded and really needs rest.

If you have found your reason for laziness, now is the time to figure out how to stop being lazy and start acting, change your life for the better, achieve success and improve many areas of your life.

What do psychologists say about laziness?

Laziness prevents you from achieving your goals, performing certain actions, analyzing the situation, and changing your life for the better. This is one of the genetic natural valves that restrains the irrepressible human ambition and ambition.

The purpose of laziness is to save energy resources and limit excess activity. It is based on instincts programmed at the DNA level, which are difficult to control without skills, willpower and perseverance.

Keeping up with everything, coping with life’s failures, moving forward and being on top is an excellent opportunity to control bouts of laziness, overcome the natural principle and stop being inactive.

Here's an interesting note - is it possible to be lazy, running away from an angry dog, while eating in a state of extreme hunger, flirting with the person you want, etc. Laziness appears when you need to get out of bed early in the morning and go in for sports, clean the apartment, write a report, prepare for an exam...

You need to look for the truth in the golden mean, not exhaust yourself completely, and then feel tired and apathetic, but be able to hear the unconscious voice that will take care of you and maintain your health at the proper level.

Each person is allotted a certain number of years to live, so why spend days in inactivity, dooming yourself to poverty, destroying your health and psyche. You need to “make friends” with laziness, perceive it as an assistant who can tell you what to do when and with whom.

How to negotiate with laziness?

Many people say that in the morning I feel depressive laziness, I don’t want to do anything, complete apathy towards life, I don’t have time to do anything, and therefore everything goes awry. What to do, how to cure laziness, make it your ally, learn to manage this feeling on a subconscious level?

If it’s all about fatigue, then you need to understand that a properly planned day is the key to excellent health and a strong nervous system. If you work hard, then you should definitely take a weekend to really enjoy your vacation, and not plan everyday global events.

If you have a vacation, then you shouldn’t neglect it, even if you can’t go somewhere, stay at home, get some sleep, watch entertainment programs, eat delicious food, and so on.

In order to be cheerful and not lose vital energy, you need to wake up earlier, get up immediately after waking up, and not lie in bed, and you need to go to bed earlier in order to always get enough sleep and be in a great mood.

You need to follow a regime, discipline yourself, this is one of the important points on how to drive away laziness. In the morning, it is important to set aside time for exercise, take a contrast shower, and be sure to have breakfast.

To get rid of apathy and have time to complete all household and work tasks in a day, you need to monitor your health, treat all diseases in a timely manner, do not ignore the symptoms and signs of deterioration in well-being, and conserve vital energy.

Planning is an opportunity to force yourself to “stay afloat”, defeat natural instincts, overcome laziness and change your life for the better. Even if you work at home, you need to organize time frames, allocate time for important things, plan rest, sleep, eating, and exercise.

At the same time, routine duty must be perceived as a goal to achieve victorious actions, the path will be your victory over yourself. After each serious “test” (do homework, write a report, finish a thesis, clean the house, wash the dishes), plan a pleasant rest as a reward for your efforts.

To wean yourself from putting everything off until tomorrow, psychologists advise assessing the importance of each task, working out the following mindset in your head - what will happen if I don’t do this, what consequences await me. Both your future life and your well-being will depend on this!

How to overcome your laziness and remove it from your life? Proper motivation is the key to success. It is especially important to develop it in children and adolescents who are not yet able to adequately assess the importance of each action (we are talking about studying, doing homework, household chores, etc.).

The child needs to understand that there are certain actions that no one will do for him. And after successfully completing things, you need to encourage him, let him go for a walk with friends, allow him to play computer games, etc.

To be obeyed, become an example for your children. Work on yourself, play sports, don’t show your fatigue by being inactive after work.

When performing any task, even the most insignificant one, you must not be distracted by secondary factors (conversations, the Internet, tea, coffee, other little things). You need to focus on your goal, complete the task, and then you can do whatever you want. Such an example for children will be the best help in their future lives!

In order not to be overcome by laziness, which is sometimes a consequence of a routine and monotonous life, you need to give yourself certain shake-ups, gaining new impressions and opportunities.

If you want to change your appearance, do it! During your vacation, you can go on a trip, make interesting acquaintances, and see the world. It is important to constantly move forward, learn something new, without stopping there!

To cope with fatigue and overcome laziness, you need to come to an agreement with it - if you don’t want to do anything, then don’t do it. Stand in the middle of the room and just be “lazy”, don’t think about anything, don’t answer the phone, don’t drink coffee, I wonder how long you can be inactive.

In a few minutes, laziness will pass, and you can safely get to work, no longer wondering how to manage everything and overcome this insidious feeling. This method is recommended by leading psychologists around the world.

Tip #10. If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it

And finally, if nothing helps, then you need to change your internal attitudes, change your subconscious attitude towards what is happening. And for this it is important to learn how to read affirmations, saying them out loud every day in front of the mirror:

  • I know how to distribute my strength and gain energy;
  • I can set achievable goals and implement them;
  • I overcome laziness easily, I can control it, I pay attention to its prompts;
  • I enjoy life in all its manifestations and do not waste time on idleness;
  • If I rest, I gain energy to complete my tasks.

Thus, you can eradicate the cause of laziness, direct your actions towards positive thinking, do what you love, and at the same time learn to “not let life take its course.”

Results of absence of laziness

What will get rid of laziness? What will happen if you can overcome this feeling and make your day more productive and energetic?

  1. If you get up earlier, you will do more planned things, you will have more time to relax, communicate with friends, and so on.
  2. Your career will go up, you will be respected and appreciated for your punctuality and hard work.
  3. In addition to work, you will have time to do what you love.
  4. You will feel pride and moral satisfaction.
  5. Improve your financial situation and allow yourself the purchases you want.
  6. Your children will be proud of you and follow your example.
  7. You will be able to take better care of yourself by devoting more time to morning and evening dressing, instead of lounging in bed and doing nothing for longer.
  8. Your life will become brighter and more fun.

Is this not enough to make it a basic rule to get rid of laziness and make it your ally? Let your life go beyond the template, become interesting, unusual and desirable.


If you correctly turn to your subconscious, then natural willpower and powerful affirmations will help kill laziness, cope with fatigue, remove the causes of apathy, and increase vitality.

Daily planned actions will help children, teenagers and adults not to put everything off until later, but to do it today and now, changing their lives for the better, strengthening their health and improving their well-being!

It is quite difficult to give an exact definition of laziness, since it is a very multifaceted concept, and in each person it can manifest itself differently and arise due to various reasons. But you can give some general advice on how to combat laziness.

Ways to overcome laziness

  1. Just do it
    Sometimes you may feel that you have too little strength to start doing something. Never mind this. Start and just do something - and soon you will get involved in work and receive a charge of strength from your activity.
  2. Have a rest
    Lack of rest can make you lazy. What kind of enthusiasm can you talk about if you haven’t had enough sleep? Get plenty of rest. And this is especially true for proper sleep - its lack should not be underestimated.
  3. Set a minimum time to start working
    The hardest thing is to start, but then it gets easier. Mentally set an alarm clock - “I start in five / fifteen minutes.” If it’s difficult to control yourself, then set a real alarm clock. And under no circumstances extend the specified period.
  4. Create an atmosphere of urgency
    This is one of the most effective ways to overcome laziness. Create a situation of time pressure (as in chess they call the lack of time to think about moves; in a figurative sense - an acute lack of time). It's much easier to start doing something if you realize you don't have much time.
  5. Remember the reward
    It is very difficult to start doing anything if you only have everyday work ahead. Come up with a reward that you will treat yourself with after finishing work - it will make your work easier. Focus on the final reward, and not on the difficulties that lie ahead.
  6. Create small incentives
    If you know that you need to wait a long time for the final result of the work, and each stage requires a lot of effort, then set a rule to reward yourself after each stage. This way you increase your motivation level.
  7. Imagine what will happen if you don't
    Not only rewards, but also possible troubles can become an incentive. Think about the misfortunes and inconveniences your inaction may cause, especially how it may harm others.
  8. Find partners
    Partnership helps fight laziness. Unlike internal ones, external incentives can be more effective. After all, in this way you will be responsible not only to yourself, but also to others.
  9. Reduce time free from any activity
    This is a good way to wean yourself from being lazy forever. Try to reduce your free time as much as you can. The more you do something, the more unnatural it becomes for you to do nothing. Of course, you need to rest, but it shouldn’t be mindless lying in front of the TV screen. Rest actively and profitably.
  10. Divide the tasks
    Sometimes we are lazy because we are intimidated by the amount of work that needs to be done. Divide the entire volume into smaller tasks and complete them gradually.
  11. Plan your next step
    It happens that we put off work because we cannot decide what to do next. Always look at the work you need to do as a whole and plan what steps you need to take next. When you have a clear action plan, you will move forward much faster.
  12. Take one action at a time
    This may seem obvious, but often failure to follow this simple rule makes people lazy and quit what they started. When you try to do everything at once, you will essentially get nothing done, and as a result, you will fall into despair.
  13. Challenge yourself
    Provoke yourself. How - you know better. One option is to tell yourself: “So many people can do this, so why can’t I?”
  14. Record your progress
    Your motivation increases if you can clearly evaluate the results of your laziness and your work. Therefore, record everything you did or didn’t do. Write down on paper, draw graphs or tables. But the main thing is to keep it in a visible place.
  15. Analyze the progress of those around you
    Understanding that you are already far ahead of your colleagues or friends will definitely stimulate you. And other people's success can inspire you, so follow others.
  16. Join someone
    Often you lack your own energy to overcome laziness. If you are not ready to start something yourself, then start collaborating with someone or helping someone. People who are passionate about a common idea will infect you with enthusiasm too.
  17. If you don't want to work, remove your workplace
    If you really don’t want to work at all, then you can switch to something else and put things in order in the workplace. And after that there will be a desire to move on to other things.
  18. Try doing nothing
    Yes exactly. Nothing to do. Absolutely! Stand in the middle of the room (or sit, but under no circumstances lie down) and just stand there. Don't watch TV, don't listen to music, don't read a book. How long do you think you can stand this? Well, 15 minutes maximum. And then you will still want to do something.
  19. Avoid the possibility of being “infected” by laziness
    You may have noticed that laziness can be transmitted from person to person. Once you find yourself in a team where everyone is trying to avoid work, you yourself will begin to do the same. A bad example is contagious. Therefore, try to avoid it.
  20. Love what you have to do
    Everyone knows the saying that the best job is a hobby. But what if you need to do something other than what you love? Try to find something positive in any task and love what you do. Doing what you love and being lazy are simply incompatible.

Our site will be useful to you if you want cope with laziness completely and completely, intend to completely kill laziness in themselves. If you just need to drive away the laziness that is tormenting you at this particular moment, and global positive changes do not interest you, then you probably will not find what you are looking for here. Although, maybe you will change your mind...

So, how can you cope with laziness in such a way as to completely give up this condition? Firstly, I will say that you still have to work on yourself. There will be nothing complicated about this, but you will need to set aside time and study (in principle, half an hour a day at a convenient time is enough).

The method is to remove from your head all the garbage that periodically (or constantly) drives you into a state of laziness. Although laziness is often felt as a negative physiological state, in fact, everything comes from the head. The only exception in this case is laziness that is caused purely by physical fatigue or health problems - then yes, this is pure physiology and you need to take care of your body and rest. If you do not experience physical fatigue, and your health is more or less in order, then you need to take care of your head.

What kind of garbage can laziness create in your head? We are talking about various mental things that fill your mind. For example, these could be:

  • inspired by parents or some educators installations in the spirit of “keep your head down,” “be inconspicuous,” “don’t attract attention,” generally suppressing activity and initiative (remember, you’ve probably heard the phrase “do you need it more than anyone else?”);
  • various fears— failures/luck, disapproval/approval, fear of making a mistake, fear of condemnation and others;
  • psychological complexes and exhaustion by them;
  • doubts in yourself, in your strengths and abilities;
  • other self-restraint, internal prohibitions, taboo;
  • twisted importance some tasks or a specific task, which creates a lot of thinking instead of real actions, or even ultimately scares you away from getting down to business;
  • imaginary benefits doing nothing (like “it’s better not to do something, otherwise you’ll only cause problems!”);
  • nurtured for years protest against coercion by parents and other people to do certain activities, studies, errands, etc., which now manifests itself in any matters that “need to be done”;
  • and many other things.

In order not only to cope with laziness in some situation, but to finally deal with it, to kill laziness in yourself, you need to cleanse yourself of all the mental garbage that forms it. And for this task the most effective means is working through your past.

One way or another, any mental rubbish arises in some episodes in which you experienced something (for example, some unpleasant situation), or perceived some information and, as a result, made some decisions, drew conclusions, formed beliefs (sometimes harmful to yourself), or were influenced by some people (who imposed their fears, restrictions and other restrictions on you). So, whatever happened to you in your past, and whatever formed in your mind as a result of this, all this can be processed in such a way that all mental garbage disappears, and you as a whole become free from your past and problems it creates, including laziness.

Such processing of the past is possible thanks to the presence in all of us of such a wonderful thing as subconscious. Why is it wonderful? Firstly, information about every moment of your life is recorded in your subconscious, with all the details and details. Secondly, you can control your subconscious mind by giving it commands - for example, in the form of instructions.

Each instruction can be devoted to a specific problem. In the instructions, we can indicate what kind of episodes the subconscious should find and how to process them.

Let's take the problem of laziness in general - then in the instructions we can set for processing those episodes of the past in which we were lazy, in which someone else was lazy, in which we perceived some proverbs and sayings about laziness, in which someone called we are lazy, he condemned us for laziness, or we ourselves condemned ourselves for laziness, etc. After running such an instruction, the subconscious mind finds all such episodes and processes them in such a way that no emotional charge remains in the episodes (due to which these episodes could feel “not high” when remembering them) and all the mental garbage that formed in them disappears.

Moreover, note that the subconscious finds everything episodes that fit the given conditions. It doesn’t matter whether you remember something, or whether you don’t remember how old you were then (at least a couple of days old) - the subconscious will find everything and fully process it. And all you have to do is get results.

However, I’ll make a reservation: I gave the instructions about laziness simply as an example. Processing the episodes indicated in the example can only help you remove the surface from the problem of laziness. To cope with laziness completely, you will need to work through a lot more things - all those roots of laziness that I listed above and which you will still find in yourself. It will take time and effort, but there is no other way. Without eliminating all the causes of laziness, you will not be able to truly and forever knock it out of yourself - it will certainly appear again. But, I hope you understand that by eliminating all the causes of laziness, you will not just destroy laziness, but at the same time get rid of a whole bunch of your other problems, and transfer your life to a completely different quality level. So just be patient and work a little - it's worth it!

In addition, the process is not at all complicated and stress-free - you just read the instructions at any convenient time, launch it and go on about your business while the subconscious mind does all the work. Beauty! :)

Instructions for the subconscious, written to solve a variety of problems, and successfully used by many thousands of users (including me), are combined into a system for working on oneself, which is called Turbo Suslik. The book manual for the system is available for free, you can download it from our website:

Read what those who have already successfully dealt with laziness and a number of their other problems write, working using the Turbo-Suslik system.

I wish you to destroy laziness too!