How to choose lipstick color: step-by-step instructions. Beige lipstick: lip makeup a la naturel Beige lipstick color on the lips

A woman’s cosmetic bag sometimes resembles a wardrobe: it’s full, but there’s nothing to put on makeup. Are you familiar with a similar situation? Perhaps you simply don’t know how to choose decorative cosmetics. Take lip products: many young ladies buy them based solely on the principle of whether they like a particular shade or not. How to choose a lipstick color that is perfect for you and will truly shine on your face?

Each age has its own shades

Professional makeup artists advise: what to do younger woman, the lighter shades of lipstick she should choose. Sand, natural beige, peach and pinkish tones are most suitable for young beauties. For young women, bright colors can come in handy in their makeup bag. evening makeup. Mature ladies should consider rich dark shades. And yet, being guided only by your own age is unwise. In fact, how a particular color will look on your lips depends on a lot of factors. How to choose the lipstick color that suits you perfectly? Until recently, it was recommended to choose decorative cosmetics according to your own color type. Today, a completely different concept is increasingly used - skin undertone. Let's try to figure out what it is.

How to determine skin undertone?

Conducting a test that can give a 100% correct result is not difficult at home. To do this, you will need two foil samples: gold and silver. Bring them one by one to your face in front of the mirror. If the gold swatch fills your skin with radiance and shine, your undertone is warm. The face shining next to the silver foil can be classified as a cold type. If the skin looks equally good with both samples, the undertone can be defined as neutral.

How to choose the color of lipstick to suit your face, knowing the “warmth” of your skin? It's quite simple: those with cool undertones will be ideally suited to the appropriate shades. The most winning solutions: plum, pink, lilac tones. Warm shades can only be used in the form of translucent glosses. For those with warm skin tones, warm scarlet, coral, peach, and ruby ​​shades are suitable. How to choose the right lipstick color for neutral undertones? These women are truly lucky; almost all shades of any warmth suit them.

The best colors for blondes

For those with ash, wheat and light brown hair, all shades of pink look great. Choose a rich color - and you definitely won’t be left without attention. Try different tones from soft lilac to fuchsia. Try experimenting by choosing matte, glossy, pearlescent lipsticks and lip glosses. Blondes who want to look modest and touching should try nude shades and light brown tones. How to choose the color of lipstick for the owner blonde hair and warm skin tone? Peach, sand, rich coral and red shades are the best solutions.

Lipstick shades for hot brunettes

Dark hair looks very impressive in combination with bright makeup. Red and plum shades of lipstick suit all brunettes without exception. Those with porcelain skin and black hair should definitely “try on” bright pink and rich scarlet shades with a cold tint. For brunettes with dark skin, brick red or dark brown shades lipstick Dark brown-haired women with bronze hair can experiment with the color of lip cosmetics. The only condition is brightness.

What tones suit red and fair-haired girls?

Red hair is filled with inner light and golden tints from within. How to choose lipstick color for red-haired beauties? It will be useful to determine your skin undertone. Women whose skin is warm should try orange, coral and brown shades. Another good option for red-haired ladies is pinkish lipsticks in muted colors. Those with cool undertones should be careful with bright shades. Light pink translucent glosses, as well as matte nude lipsticks, will look most advantageous. Many modern fashionistas are increasingly refusing to dye their hair. What decorative cosmetics should fair-haired women choose? If your hair color is neutral and your skin is very fair, red lipstick, beige and pink shades are an excellent solution. The natural light brown-golden shades of the curls are very beautiful. You can highlight them with lipsticks with a golden tint or yellowish ones. Almost always with brown hair Beige and brownish shades go well together.

Secrets of choosing lipstick to match your eye color

Many fashionistas are interested in how to choose the color of lipstick according to the color of their eyes. Indeed, with the help of makeup you can emphasize your own natural advantages. Green eyes appear brighter and deeper when combined with terracotta and coral shades. Plum and beige lipstick colors are perfect for gray-eyed ladies. Brown eyes highlight brown, red or light pink shades. How to choose the right lipstick color for blue-eyed women? Try beige-pink and cherry tones, they will make your eyes of heavenly shades shine even brighter.

How to make your lips look bigger with the right lipstick?

Try to remember a simple rule: light shades visually increase, while dark shades, on the contrary, reduce them. If your lips are naturally thin, avoid rich cherry, brown and brick tones. Also, full-lipped beauties are not always suitable for transparent pink or peach lipsticks and glitter. Be sure to use this rule when choosing contour pencil. How to choose a lipstick color for lips that need plumping? Apply your favorite light tone as the base color, add a drop of transparent gloss to the center of your lower lip. Pearlescent lipsticks have one interesting property - they highlight all imperfections. Accordingly, ladies who are dissatisfied with the shape of their own lips should not use them. You can adjust the contours of your mouth by applying your favorite lipstick or gloss in combination with a pencil.

Each season has its own color!

How to choose the perfect lipstick color that will be appropriate in any situation? In fact, every lady should have at least 3-5 shades in her makeup bag. Brighter and more saturated colors decorative cosmetics useful for evening makeup. During the day you should use light colors. Using a similar principle, you should choose lipsticks for summer and winter. In the warm season, lighter, translucent shades are appropriate. In winter, you can safely use rich and deep colors.

When thinking about how to choose the color of lipstick, not all fashionistas pay attention to its texture. Complex, iridescent, wet lip makeup products are best left for evening outings, since this is when artificial lighting These lipsticks look the most impressive. During the day, it is better to use simple glossy and matte lipsticks.

In large modern stores we are offered to try the shades of decorative cosmetics we like, and this is a great way to find truly “your” color. The tester is a full-fledged copy of a tube of lipstick, not intended for sale. You should try it only on your hand. Draw a line on your wrist - this will help you evaluate the compatibility of the lipstick with the natural shade of your skin. Experts also advise paying attention to whether the cosmetics block the veins. If their color shows through under your lipstick, you should think about choosing a different tone. Additionally, you can purchase a sample. This is a small copy of your favorite product.

How to choose lipstick color to suit your face using a sampler? Very simple - paint your lips. Attention: unlike the sample, the tester cannot be applied to the skin of the face, since this sample is available to all store customers. You should like the lipstick you choose and combine favorably with your favorite clothes and overall look. When you bring home a new tube, we recommend that you immediately apply makeup and admire yourself in the mirror. If there is no doubt that the new thing is suitable, all that remains is to congratulate you. Now you know how to choose lipstick to match the color of your eyes, hair and skin. We wish you only pleasant additions to your cosmetic bag!

Beige lipsticks belong to the “nude” style. “Nude” is translated from English as “naked”, “naked”. Nude makeup assumes the transparency of the make-up, its maximum invisibility to others. A face with such nude makeup looks absolutely natural and natural, while the advantages of the face are emphasized and flaws are hidden. This is the essence of nude makeup: it works discreetly but effectively.

Almost every brand offers nude lipsticks. They are called “nude lipstick”. These include lipsticks with a soft pinkish tint and flesh color. Beige lipsticks with a light texture and almost transparent color are also nude.

Beige is the natural lip color of many people. However, beige lipsticks are also used by those whose natural lip color is significantly different. What's the point? What gives beige lipstick and why is it so popular, including among style icons?

Beige lipstick: who and why?

1. The first purpose of beige lipstick is to be the finishing touch to a nude makeup look. If the natural color of your lips is close to beige, then when creating nude makeup, you should give preference to just such a lipstick. It will give your lips a well-groomed look and a little volume, while your lips will look as natural as possible.

Nude makeup and beige lipstick

2. Beige lipstick allows you to maintain a balance of brightness and natural simplicity. If your eyes are heavily and brightly made up, richly colored lipstick can make your face look flashy. Choosing beige lipstick avoids this.

Lipsticks in beige tones are especially suitable for smokey eye makeup. Smoky eyes and beige lips - harmonious combination two neutral tones.

Smokey eyes and nude lipstick

Combination of bright dark eyes and nude lips are typical of the 60s. Then the emphasis was only on the eyes. Powder was practically not used, and the lips were covered with lipstick of the natural color of the lips.

3. Using beige lipstick allows you to focus on your skin color if you want to highlight its beautiful golden or olive tint. Beige lipstick brightens the lips, and against their background the skin appears darker.

With red and hot pink lipsticks, on the contrary, the skin looks pale. If predominantly dark shades are used in eye makeup, the face may take on a sickly appearance. This will not happen with beige lipstick: the skin will look attractive.

Beige lipstick: how to do it right?

When choosing a beige lipstick for yourself, start not from the natural color of your lips, but from your skin tone. This is what many makeup artists advise. Nude lipstick should be a couple of shades darker or lighter than your skin color.

If your skin is pale, it is better to choose not a beige, but a beige-pink nude lipstick, otherwise the effect of a colorless moth is possible. For dark skin, beige lipstick is ideal. Accordingly, you should choose peach blush for pinkish nude lipstick, and bronze blush for beige lipstick.

It is better to choose beige lipstick using samplers. There are many shades of beige, and which one is right for you largely depends on the color of your skin. Only by trial and error can you find the right beige lipstick.

If you can’t find a beige lipstick, but you want to do nude makeup, you can use this method: press foundation or concealer into your lips with your fingertips, and apply chapstick or transparent gloss on top.

Using lipstick beige tone completely simple. With this makeup you will look good both on a romantic date in the park and at business negotiations. Beige lipstick may have a reddish, lilac or caramel undertone. In this case, it is advisable to choose pink or peach blush.

Stylists recommend using this type of makeup for girls who have just started learning how to apply makeup. To perform natural makeup with lipstick in beige shades, apply a little foundation with reflective particles to moisturized facial skin with your fingers or a sponge.

It is important to choose products that would be completely invisible on the face and at the same time could hide some flaws and imperfections, for example, acne or circles under the eyes. To correct red spots, you can use a thick concealer. To do a similar makeup, makeup artists do not recommend emphasizing the natural contours of the lips with a beige pencil; all lines must certainly be natural. To make your lips look well-groomed, you can purchase colorless gloss or hygienic lipstick. It is recommended to use it before applying beige lipstick.

Photos of brands

The choice of beige lipsticks is huge (from left to right): Dolce & Gabbana Classic Cream Lipstick, L'Oreal Paris Color Riche, Rouge Pur Couture Vernis a Levres Glossy Stain YSL, MAC Mineralize Rich Lipstick, Chanel Rouge Coco
Top: AVON Color Trend, The ONE Lip Sensation Oriflame

After the hygienic lipstick is absorbed, you should use your fingers to apply a beige lipstick. In this case, it is advisable to shade the contours well. To make your lipstick last a long time, you can use a simple trick: add a little foundation to your lips and distribute it evenly, then use a beige lipstick.

The eyes should look completely natural. For this purpose, concealer should be applied to the eyelid. Thanks to it, the shadows will last longer. Add golden shadows to the entire moving eyelid, carefully and slowly draw in the fold with brownish shadows. Eye makeup will be completed with a thin line of eyeliner and mascara. Do not use special false eyelashes for this purpose.

In pastel shades, add a little gold in the shadows

For this type of makeup, it is advisable to purchase a highlighter at a cosmetic store. This product contains reflective particles and helps highlight the cheekbones. Instead, you can buy cream shadows with glitter. The blush in this makeup should be natural. You can use the following tones for this purpose: pinkish, coral. You should choose only natural shades to ensure a beautiful blush.

In natural makeup, shadows should be peach, coral or pink shades

If we talk about, then they must certainly be thick. Do not make thin strings out of them, it will look artificial and vulgar. To highlight the contour of the eyebrows, you can take shadows of a light brown or gray shade. Use a small brush to define your eyebrows, making sure they look natural. This kind of makeup will look great on any occasion, even on vacation. It can easily be turned into an evening look by applying bright lipstick to your lips. Believe me, in this form you will definitely not go unnoticed.

Nude makeup is a popular format that involves transparent makeup. A certain weightlessness and invisibility for others is based on the principle: hide all the shortcomings, delicately emphasizing the advantages. Beige lipstick is a detail without which such makeup will look incomplete.

Almost any brand has in its “arsenal” lipsticks of a delicate beige color, which can set a certain neutral tone to the image and give the lips a well-groomed and attractive look. Despite the versatility of such a cosmetic product, choosing lipstick is sometimes very difficult.

The beige color of gloss or lipstick is necessary not only for creating nude makeup. This lipstick will allow you to maintain a balance of brightness and natural beauty in bolder and more radical looks for an evening out or creating a bright, unusual look:

  1. To prevent the face from looking too flashy, only the lips or eyes are always highlighted. Beige lip color is an ideal solution for smokey eye makeup. A neutral palette will further emphasize the sexuality of the cat’s gaze, allow you to shade the color of the eyes, and add texture to the image;
  2. Beige lip color is a must for retro style makeup. According to the style of the 60s, the eyes were strongly highlighted, without using other color accents (bright lip coating, blush, eyebrow dyes);
  3. A nude palette, provided that the makeup is perfectly formed, is used to emphasize the freshness of the skin and focus additional attention on the beautiful golden tone. A light natural (as opposed to) lipstick color allows you to lighten the skin of your lips, giving your complexion a darker appearance.

Basic rules for choosing a shade

When choosing lipstick, it is necessary to take into account the color and undertone of the skin, and not the natural shade of the lips. Makeup artists recommend choosing gloss or lipstick 1 to 3 shades darker than your skin color.

The pink undertone of the beige palette is suitable for girls who have very fair skin or a pale face. In order not to discolor the appearance, the slightly brighter texture of the lips is emphasized through light color accents. This could be peach blush, slightly more intensely tinted eyebrows and eyelashes.

It is easier for girls with dark skin to choose the right color for themselves from the “nude” palette. To make makeup on dark skin more textured, use bronze blush. In this case, the lipstick may contain brown pigment or a darker, rich color.

Makeup secrets

If you can’t find “yours” the first time perfect color from a nude palette, makeup artists recommend trying several techniques. If your lips are well-groomed and have a pleasant natural color, you can only use transparent gloss and a nourishing balm that gives your lips a pleasant shine.

The second option is to use it as a color base. Foundation or other similar means. If the upper lip differs from the lower lip in shape and size, or undesirable asymmetry is observed, the contour is corrected using a special pencil. Cover the lips with foundation and apply a little gloss on top.

Beige lipstick should look organic and appropriate. Too bright a shade does not correspond to the concept of “naked” makeup. See full instructions for lips.

Too light lipstick, chosen without taking into account the color and undertone of the skin, will make the girl look faded and give her face a sickly look. Beige gloss should emphasize the beauty of the lips, and not “erase” them from the face.

Matte lipstick is very fashionable variety cosmetics recently. It is perfect for women of any age and can highlight the lips very brightly and become the perfect finish to any makeup. Matte lipstick is cosmetic product which every girl should have.

Features and Benefits

Lipstick with a matte effect has its own characteristics, it is very different from cosmetics with glitter. This lip product has a very bright and rich color, which is distinguished by a large number of color pigments. In addition, this lipstick does not contain glitter or reflective particles that would shimmer on the lips. She is able to convey color and highlight lips as accurately and vividly as possible. All such products have a very soft and velvety structure to ensure even application and rich color. This product can become the highlight of any makeup.

You can choose a light shade for daytime look, which will very softly emphasize the lips, and bright color, which will undoubtedly attract attention to you.

Main feature This cosmetics is its texture (regardless of whether it is liquid or not). It is able to lie very softly on the lips, filling all the unevenness and covering the surface very evenly. This product can even have a moisturizing effect and not deprive your lips of moisture for a long time. Very often, manufacturers offer to buy a set of such mini lipsticks, which includes both nude and very bright, rich shades. You will have the opportunity to choose lipstick to suit any look.

Manufacturers also offer semi-matte cosmetic products for lips, which have a slightly different structure. They contain reflective particles that have a slight shine. This is a more neutral option and is great for those who want to highlight their lips but don't like glitter.


The composition of lipstick includes a large number of elements that are responsible for its shape, color, texture, softness, and so on. To ensure that the matte lip product holds its shape and is also flexible, wax is added to it. This component also makes the lipstick easier to apply on the lips. Since this element can cause allergies, it is often replaced with vegetable wax.

To make cosmetics soft and well distributed over the skin of the lips, add essential oils. Very often, castor oil is used as an oil component, but olive or Coconut oil. Some manufacturers also use petroleum jelly because it has similar properties.

To make matte lip product very stable and retain color for a long time, polymers are added to it, as they help maintain rich color.

To make lipstick softer and more nutritious, fats are added to it. When they harden, they make the product harder and are responsible for preserving moisture in the skin of the lips. In addition, this component helps to avoid chapping. An integral element of any lipstick are various preservatives, as well as dyes (for example, carmine). Most quality lip products also contain vitamins A and E. Those lip products that have a pleasant smell always contain fragrances.


There are two main types of matte lip products: gel or liquid lipstick. The first option has a classic appearance and a gel base. This lipstick is firmer. Most women use these types of lipsticks because they believe that this lipstick has a softer texture and lies gently on the surface of the lips.

Products with a liquid texture are distinguished by the fact that they are applied using a special applicator from an oblong tube; they have a liquid consistency and resemble lip gloss, but their colors are matte and bright.

Their consistency is soft and creamy. It is believed that such lipsticks last much longer than classic products. This product will not spread, but will literally harden, which is why you will not have to correct your makeup very often during the day. However, the classic version of lipstick (gel) has its advantages. It has a moisturizing effect and nourishes the lips more.

Review of fashionable shades

Nowadays matte lipsticks are at the peak of popularity. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of shades that can be chosen for absolutely any look. The most popular shades now are nude shades - neutral, natural colors such cosmetics. This palette includes the colors beige, soft pink, beige pink, pale brown café au lait, pale peach and many others. These lipstick tones with a matte effect are perfect for creating a delicate daytime look. They are perfect for a romantic date, for a friendly meeting, for everything daytime makeup, they make the image more delicate and are able to soften makeup.

These shades look very natural on the lips, so they are very popular and versatile. The light palette of matte lipsticks is also available in all varieties of pink shades. Nowadays, interesting and rich matte shades (coral, carrot, scarlet and classic red) are very popular. Very popular dark lipstick burgundy, brick and brown tones. They are suitable for brave and extravagant women. Such cosmetics can make any image very interesting and unforgettable.

Some women who prefer informal looks choose very dark matte lip products.

They acquire very unusual shades: black, dark blue or even purple. Fuchsia and bright purple colors are also relevant this season. Popular tones include lilac, purple and orange. They are great for summer season and are able to decorate your image.

One of the most popular matte lipstick tones is red. This is an unsurpassed classic that is relevant at any time and in any season. Such cosmetics are purchased by women of all ages; they are perfect for evening look and are able to make it more elegant and solemn. This is the choice of fatal beauties, it can be used as a light clothes, and with black cocktail or classic long dress. It will help complete your evening look and become its highlight.

Popular brands

Nowadays the production of lipsticks is very widespread. Matte liquid lipstick Sleek "Matte Me" is a fairly popular product, which is distinguished by its durability and color saturation. No less popular are lipsticks from the brand Nyx, they are distinguished by very bright color pigments and a wide range of shades. In addition, this product has a very dense texture and therefore spreads perfectly over the lips and guarantees a rich color. Cosmetic brand Make Up Factory is known for high quality lipsticks that come in very fashionable shades. A more budget-friendly and youth-friendly option is the brand’s matte product SOC, the price of such cosmetics does not exceed 500 rubles.

A very interesting and popular option is semi-matte lipstick from cosmetic brand Faberlic, this product is presented in 9 shades and is distinguished by the presence of reflective particles. "Ovation" is very popular. Another known remedy– “Alta Moda” from Relous, it is quite dense and has high durability. Liquid lipstick is no less popular Dose of Colors "Matte Lipstick", it has a liquid texture and a bright palette of shades.

An unusual matte product is lipstick pencil. Focallure "Matte Lip Crayon". This product provides maximum matte color. Another well-known product is matte lipstick from Smashbox, which is distinguished by the presence of vitamins and minerals in its composition that prevent drying of the skin of the lips. There are other popular brands that produce such products - for example, Huda, Cailyn, The Balm, Kalan, Ninelle, Isadora, Eveline and many others. All of them are in great demand among women.

Who does it suit?

Matte lip products are distinguished by their versatility, so they are suitable for all women without exception. However, cosmetologists assure that such products look more advantageous on women with average or large size lips However, if used correctly and combined with a lip pencil, it can visually enlarge your lips and make them plumper. That is why this product can be used by all women without exception, regardless of their age.

Warm shades of matte lipstick are more suitable for brunettes with dark skin tones.

The most universal shade is beige, but experts do not recommend using it for women with too light skin tones. skin face, since such a cosmetic product can blend in with the skin tone. In addition, this combination can create an unhealthy effect appearance. Natural red color is very versatile, but it is not recommended for pale girls. Cosmetologists advise such ladies to give preference to warmer colors of red.

Brunettes prefer burgundy shades, and blondes prefer scarlet shades. Light pink tones are also very versatile and will suit all types of women's appearance. It is also better not to use a very bright and cold shade of a matte product if you have pale skin. However, you may prefer fuchsia or a bright lilac shade. To determine if a lipstick is right for you, you need to apply it to your wrist and see how it looks on your skin and whether the color is too flashy.

How to choose?

Choosing matte lipstick, take into account its density, since it is this indicator that affects the uniformity of the coating, the saturation and intensity of the color. In addition, it should have a very delicate texture that gently envelops the lips. This lipstick should cover every crease very clearly. Its texture should be very soft and its color rich. When choosing this product, you should also pay attention to the fact that there are no shiny particles in it, since such a product will be semi-matte or even shiny.

When choosing a matte lipstick, you should decide what image you are choosing it for and what color you need. Darker and bolder tones are perfect for creating an evening look. This lipstick can be used for going out or for an evening meeting with friends. Light and pastel colors are more suitable for daytime makeup. When choosing a lip product with a matte effect, pay attention to its price, it is of great importance.


The cost of matte lipsticks largely depends on the brand. As a rule, a more popular and fashionable cosmetic brand produces quite expensive products. Budget lipsticks are produced by less popular brands. The cost of one tube of lipstick can range from 200 rubles to several thousand, depending on its manufacturer. Budget lip products with a matte effect are “Matte Color” from the Avon brand. Another inexpensive option is Golden Rose lipstick.

How to apply makeup correctly?

In order for lip cosmetics to adhere very well to the surface, it is important to use it correctly. Matte lipstick should be applied to previously lubricated lips. nourishing cream, since such products often have a lasting effect and dry out the lips. Most makeup artists recommend applying all matte products to your lips only after you have lined them with a pencil. The contour can visually make lips plumper and prevent lipstick from spreading.

Then you can begin to directly apply this product.

You need to carefully distribute it over your lips. In this case, it is necessary to paint over the line drawn with the lip contour, and you also need to cover the entire surface. After this, it is better to gently blot your lips with a cotton swab or a dry cloth (to remove excess of this product). After this, it is again necessary to draw the outline with a pencil to ensure the stability of this product. Lipstick with a blurred contour looks very gentle, as if the lips have just been kissed. To achieve this effect, you must first apply matte lipstick, and then use light finger movements, reminiscent of clapping, to move along the entire contour of your lips. This option is most suitable for applying shades of light colors.