How to dye your hair at home no worse than in the salon (Bet you didn't know about onions). How to dye your hair without compromising its beauty Undyed hair

Arguments for and against hair coloring, as well as tips to help you dye your hair as successfully as possible

It’s hard to even imagine how many times during her life every woman thinks about whether to dye her hair or not. Indeed, there is something to think about here. On the one hand, changing your hair color is a great way to change your image, and therefore your life. But on the other hand, there is a danger of being left with a tuft of straw on your head instead of your former lush and silky hair.

To make such a significant decision for your appearance as hair coloring, you should carefully weigh all the factors and understand everything in detail.

Points for and against"

The results you can achieve by coloring your hair are truly worth the risk. For example, you can:

1. Completely hide the problem of gray hair.

2. Improve your natural color by slightly changing the shade and thereby making your hair more attractive, vibrant, and rich in color.

3. Dramatically change your image, for example, in just an hour, turning from a romantic blonde into a sizzling brunette, or from a modest gray mouse into a red-haired beast.

4. Turn your hairstyle into a complete flight of fancy and thereby express your rich and unique personality.

However, the danger that lurks when coloring your hair is just as great. For example, there is a risk of getting:

1. Unplanned, too provocative and completely out of harmony with appearance hair color, which will be very difficult to get rid of later.

2. Dried, very straw-like hair instead of silky curls.

3. Uneven painting, which is not so easy to even out.

4. A change in the structure and natural color of the hair, due to which even when “their” roots grow back, they will look much lighter, paler or darker than they were before.

5. Allergic reaction.

6. A sloppy hairstyle at the moment when the roots begin to grow and the color difference is noticeable.

7. Dependence on painting, which is all associated with the same sloppy overgrown roots, which either need to be regularly touched up or tolerate an unkempt appearance.

To take risks or not to take risks, to paint or not to paint - everyone makes a personal decision for themselves. Some people want to look stylish and bright, while others strive for naturalness and value health most of all. Regardless of what decision you make, let me give you a few tips to help make coloring as gentle as possible on your hair.

1. Never, absolutely never dye your hair at home. Firstly, the dyes available in ordinary stores are the most harmful and simply burn your hair. Secondly, it is difficult to dye your hair thoroughly on your own, so such a decision may result in an uneven tone. Thirdly, a non-professional cannot calculate what color the hair will turn out as a result of dyeing. For example, often girls get a swamp green tint instead of the desired black color, simply not taking into account that the new dye reacts with the dye that was used to dye their hair several months before.

2. It is better to try to choose a color that is not radically different from your natural hair color, especially trying to go from dark to light color. Otherwise, you will have to dye your hair several times, which will dry it out very much.

3. You should never dye your hair during menstruation, pregnancy or other periods of severe hormonal imbalances. Surprisingly, hair coloring at this time can give a completely unpredictable effect and reward the girl with an undesirable hair shade.

4. It is wiser to think about the decision several times before dyeing your hair. Firstly, this will give extra time to choose paint and a specialist. Secondly, long-term reflection will protect you from spontaneous, and often completely wrong decisions to change your image.

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“If you dye your hair, you will soon go bald.” Probably every girl who has at least once changed her hair color has heard this phrase. In fact, modern paints nourish, add shine and even laminate. But, unfortunately, dyeing at home can lead to unpleasant consequences, ranging from unexpected color to brittleness and split ends. To avoid this, you need to follow a number of simple rules.

website I have collected tips that will help you dye your hair at home no worse than in the salon, and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Decide on the type of dye

Before you dye your hair, you need to decide not only on the color, but also on the type of dye. They can be divided into four categories: blonding, physical, chemical and natural. They differ in the variety of colors, durability, and depth of penetration into the hair.

To purchase a dye, it is better to go to a professional hair cosmetics store, where sales consultants will help you choose the right shade and oxide that will cause minimal harm to your hair.

Blonding dyes

Blonding dyes can lighten your hair by three or more shades. They work by removing the natural pigment from the hair - melanin. Blonding dyes should be applied to dry and dirty hair, but heating the curls during coloring is extremely harmful and even dangerous. For special blondes, high percentage oxides are used - from 6% and above.

Remember that paint does not lighten paint. And to lighten previously colored hair, it is better to use powder, which should be purchased at a specialized store. It is mixed with the oxide in a 1:2 ratio, where one part is powder, and two parts are oxide.

Begin applying lightening powder from the back of the head, 3–5 cm away from the roots. The roots are painted last. The temperature at the roots is higher, the reaction occurs faster there. It is better to lighten with oxides up to 6%. A high percentage of oxide can simply coagulate the protein, causing hair to become yellow, and all further manipulations with bleaching will not bring the desired result. Never add water, shampoo or conditioner to the mixture. This disrupts the lightening technology, and the result becomes unpredictable.

Chemical dyes

This group of dyes also consists of two components: dye and oxide. Hair color changes by penetration of dye molecules into the hair. Chemical dyes cover gray hair well and have a varied palette of shades. Before applying them to your hair, be sure to do an allergy test on the crook of your elbow.

Apply chemical dye to dry, dirty hair, starting from the back of the head and moving towards the forehead. Then comb your hair with a non-metallic comb to evenly distribute the color.

These include tinting hair dyes. These are coloring tonics, foams, gels, masks. They envelop the outside of the hair with a film and do not react with the hair pigment. Such dyes are one-component; they are not mixed with oxide. They will not be able to make your hair lighter, so the resulting colors may be either darker or tone on tone.

Physical dyes are applied to freshly washed hair. They can be mixed with each other to obtain new interesting shades and tint hair after lightening. Unfortunately, too dark hair are not exposed to physical dyes; preliminary clarification is required. The longer the dye is left on the hair, the brighter and more saturated the color.

Natural dyes

We chose the paint, and this is already half the success. The second half is proper application.

  • Before you start coloring, drink hot tea, coffee or mulled wine to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the scalp.
  • Don't forget about protection - gloves and a cape over your shoulders. Apply to ears, neck and hairline fat cream or Vaseline. They will not allow the paint to be absorbed into the skin.
  • If you are in doubt about whether the color will suit you and how it will fit on your hair, then do a strand test. Dye a small section of hair and evaluate the result after 24 hours.
  • Add a vitamin complex or auxiliary substances that protect hair to the coloring mixture. You can also purchase them in specialized stores.
  • Mix hair dye in a non-metallic container and immediately apply to hair.
  • Divide your hair into 4 parts: occipital part, two temporal and frontal. The paint should be applied along the partings from the back of the head, moving towards the forehead. At the back of the head, body temperature is lower, which means the coloring process will be slower. The whiskey is colored last. Start coloring the strand from the roots to the ends of the hair. The exposure time should be counted only after the entire composition has been applied to the hair.
  • Micellar water, alcohol or makeup remover will help remove paint from the scalp, arms and neck.

Don't forget about care

Caring for after coloring will help preserve not only the hair color, but also its quality. Anti-dandruff shampoos and detergents For oily hair irritate the scalp and wash out the color very quickly. Therefore, it is better to use a ruler for colored hair or baby shampoo.

The hair care market now offers balms and masks containing pigments that maintain hair color or neutralize yellowness. Apply them in the same way as regular skincare products, leave for a few minutes and rinse off.

Do you have your own life hacks for hair coloring?

Hair should not be dyed under any circumstances.

Let's pause for a moment our ceaseless rush in search of liberal well-being and take a look at ourselves from the outside. If such an outside observer were any person from any previous era, then finding himself next to any woman today, what would he think?

This is not a woman, but some kind of painted scarecrow.
- She stinks so much! Where is that smell, saturated with pheromones, that spoke so much about the woman’s condition?! A disgusting unnatural stench emanates from it, drowning out the usual smells of the surrounding nature.
- She stands with her head uncovered, her hair is cut, thereby depriving herself of protection - so she’s already sick!
- What is this painted on her body? Some kind of satanic symbols that have nothing to do with family, children, or nobility. (Really, like the brood of thieves.)

- God, what’s that in her nose and on the tip of her tongue? Marks just like cattle. They hung bells on goats and cows.
- Yes, judging by the clothes, they are already damaged. Don't expect healthy offspring from such a person...

In fact, cunning market businessmen simply teach us to mindlessly mutilate our image, and hence the corresponding behavior. Which, in turn, changes our thinking. Not to mention the fact that we give away money just to follow fashion. Which turns us into an obedient and resigned herd.

What else could you come up with so that the brainless would give away their money, losing themselves as individuals? The clothes were long ago sorted out, as were the hair, eyes, ears and lips. With tongue. Now let's deal with the skin on the whole body - tattoos. What's left? The tips of the fingers have already been polished, the feet have also received polish, manicure and pedicure. What is missing for business? The forehead, pubis and anus remained untouched. You can also hang something on your back over the tattoos... Yes, perhaps, there should be a fashion for untouched areas of skin. On the fur cover. Like animals! That seems to be all for now.

See you at the bristle salons, fashionistas!

We all studied physics at school. The color of objects arises mainly in the process of wave absorption. A red vessel appears red because it absorbs all other colors of the light beam and reflects only red. When we say, “this cup is red,” what we really mean is that the molecular composition of the surface of the cup is such that it absorbs all light rays except red ones.

So, your hair has a certain color, as we know, there are no pure colors, hair shades are varied and very complex. Based on the above, hair absorbs energy flows of a certain wavelength. And exactly the energy that your body needs.

What happens when you dye your hair? Your body begins to receive energy that is alien to it. What is the result? That's right, illness. So women, think a hundred times about whether it’s worth covering your gray hair; does it really spoil you? By the way, French women, who are considered the ideal of style and taste, never painted over their gray hair.

Do you know that the average hair length for a woman is up to her buttocks? What about a normal one, capable of providing her with the necessary supply of energy - up to her knees?

Woman with long hair has such powerful energy that she is able to create a protective circle for her beloved man, protecting him with her energy from any troubles.

By the way, the husband receives protection from his wife when he combs her hair.
The Slavs had such a tradition.
A woman could only let her hair down at home or in nature. For the simple reason that loose hair (and even more so, cut hair) absorbs all the negative energy. Including the lustful thoughts of men.

Imagine a girl who has had her hair cut short throughout her entire childhood. And why is everyone surprised when she grows up and falls into fornication? Just imagine how much vulgarity she has absorbed throughout her life, so why be surprised?

Girls were given a braid, it was located along the spine and it was believed that all the bright Ecumenical forces pass through the hair into the spine and fill the body, Soul and Spirit of the girl with special vitality, preparing her for the future Sacred mission of motherhood.

It symbolized the unification of the vital forces of the Worlds of Reveal, Navi and Rule. Married woman I braided 2 braids to get energy for both myself and my unborn child. To prevent the braids from interfering with work, they were collected in a bun or hidden under a scarf...
Dear women, do not dye or cut your hair - this is your wealth!

First aid kit

In the case of increased fragility of curls, I do three simple things: I practice breathing exercises from yoga, look for Fusio-Dose Treatment, Kerastase, a protein-restoring treatment in the nearest salon, and immediately sign up for it, and take home LuxeOil shampoo and mask, Wella System Professional. Nothing gives me as much shine as products from the LuxeOil range.

Master of Radiance - Vitamin C

It acts as a great detox between coloring sessions. Find a vitamin C treatment at your local salon and take action. It helps to extinguish all inflammatory processes (and wash out elements that cause inflammation), in addition, it helps maintain color and gives excellent shine. When I have time, I try to do the procedure once every two weeks.

Protein diet

It's important to watch what you eat. The idea is to get enough protein by filling your plate with eggs, fish, lean meats and nuts. These are the basic products for healthy hair. Omega 3, vitamin B, zinc and iron - actively affect the growth, thickness and shine of curls. Don't underestimate vitamins and microelements. Personally, once a year I definitely take a course of the Phytophanere, Phyto complex, so beloved by many French women.

Don't go too hard with the hairdryer

Today it would be extremely frivolous not to use heat protection when styling. My latest discovery is Shu Uemura Art of Hair Wonder Worker Spray. But it is not yet available in Russia, so it is quite possible to pick up something from other brands. Otherwise, the classic rules apply - keep the device away from your head and do not turn on the “boiling mode”. The heat should barely touch your hair. And you shouldn’t be frantic when twisting your hair onto the brush; delicacy rather than aggression is more appropriate here.

Sleep on silk

If the situation is critical (no one talks about waste!), and every morning there are tufts of lost hair on the pillow, then you can change the pillowcase. Silk confidently resists friction, and therefore increased fragility. By the way, this is also good for the skin, since in the morning there are no folds or new wrinkles on the face.

No backcombing!

The main enemy in the fight for the health of damaged strands is backcombing. Although, of course, this is a good way to mask problems. During treatment you will definitely have to forget about the babylons on your head and switch to using sprays for root volume or hair thickening. My absolute favorite here is Diaboost, Nioxin Hair Diameter Increaser. For a year now, I keep it at hand all the time.

The comb is our everything

Using a ceramic or metal comb is like running an iron through your hair. Not much fun! This is even more dangerous than overheating your strands with a hairdryer. Find a comb from natural material not difficult at all. The whole world is going crazy for boar bristle brushes right now. I buy my combs at Cosmotheca stores. This is not a cheap pleasure, but it can also be looked at as a long-term investment (sometimes this is reassuring).

Color your hair with Olaplex

My world changed when Olaplex came to Russia. This is a unique chemical composition that makes coloring as safe as possible. Remember how Kim Kardashian praised him when she realized that blonde was not her thing and decided to return to a dark color?! The miracle molecule penetrates inside the hair and there is restorative hair there - merging and fixing everything that can be glued and fixed. As a result, the dyeing process itself becomes less harmful to the hair. It’s not so scary that if you fail to match the tone, everything can be changed immediately without fear of completely killing your hair. All details, locations, appearances and passwords for Olaplex can be found on the Internet.

Cut it, and cut it again

This is not my trick. Advantage short hair The fact is that I practically never have split ends. But all the experts repeat the same thing, and my long-haired friends confirm that it works. No matter what kind of braids you grow, no matter how much you want to outdo Rapunzel, the ends of your hair must be cut. Every two months. This is the law. That's it... Okay, once every three months.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archive

It may seem to many that caring for undyed hair is simple steps without any special “frills”. In reality, everything is a little more complicated, since although the strands have not been exposed to chemicals, they still have some problems of their own, ranging from dandruff to hair loss. And even if the strands look healthy on the outside, this still means that care should be regular and as beneficial as possible.

The main problems of undyed strands:

  • dry skin;
  • split ends;
  • dandruff;
  • lack of volume;
  • fragility;
  • dull shade.

Most girls with natural hair color think that their strands look too boring and monotonous. In this case, a decision is made to have it dyed in a salon, after which the curls often don’t look in the best possible way, and the coloring pigment quickly loses its brightness. beautiful haircut and continue hair care.

Natural hair color and special products

In fact, the natural shade of the strands can be quite bright and shining, the main thing is to start caring for your hair and use the appropriate preparations and devices. In addition, with the help of natural-based tinting products it is easy to make light brown strands darker or lighter, as well as add “ice” to a warm shade.

Toning shampoos and conditioners

Care products for undyed hair can be from any brand, the main thing is that they fully cleanse and moisturize the skin, making the shade more saturated and natural. Almost all tinting shampoos with purple pigment are suitable for natural curls, as they give brown hair cold ashy shade, which goes well with tanned skin and light eyes.

You can use this shampoo once a week instead of your usual product, and if you apply a balm of the same shade to the roots of your strands, you can hide emerging gray hair.

Masks for natural hair

Original methods of cleansing and nutrition

It would seem that what’s unusual about this is to wash your hair and apply balm? But in order for hair care to be correct, it is important to follow certain “steps”.

Step one - stop washing your hair with boiling water

Our grandmothers and mothers are sure that only very hot water can dissolve fat. Completely forgetting that this technique disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous ducts, which is why you will need to wash your hair more often and longer. It turns out to be a vicious circle that is difficult to break, but you can try today by canceling cleansing your strands with boiling water. Enough water at a pleasant temperature to rinse your hair thoroughly and not leave any particles of dust or dirt behind.

Step two - balm only on the ends of the hair

And this applies not only oily curls, but also all types of strands that do not want to turn into quickly dirty and greasy “icicles”. Moisturizer is used in a minimal amount and fast movements Apply to the ends of the curls.

Styling natural curls without weighing them down

Hairstyle is no less important than caring for your hair every day. In fact, styling is a unique way to highlight the beauty of your hair and demonstrate your way of maintaining strands in a healthy state. But in this matter, as in all others, you need patience and the right approach.

Too many styling products - change the system

It's worth trying to do without large quantity varnish, gel or mousse for volume. Hair of a natural shade can be significantly damaged by such a sloppy way to make curls more attractive. Therefore, we leave a minimum of funds and, if possible, create more natural care for undyed hair.

Blow dry - as needed

Of course, you can’t do without a hairdryer, but this action can be reduced to a minimum. The fact is that hot air dries the strands, but at the same time dries out the “soil”. As a result, the hairs fall out, become brittle and weak, and the color acquires a “dirty” coating.

The same applies to all heating devices, which are best left for special occasions. See this in the material “Simple hair care in the summer.” Tell us about your ways to maintain the beauty of natural hair.

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