How to use an ultraviolet nail lamp. Basic safety measures when drying gel polish in a UV lamp and how long to dry depending on the power

The operation of irradiators operating in the UV range, which are of the open type, can pose a certain threat to both patients and service personnel.

Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on people working with such equipment, in accordance with GOST:

  1. reaching the age of eighteen;
  2. no medical contraindications;
  3. thorough knowledge of equipment specifications and instructions;
  4. completion of all necessary instructions;
  5. knowledge of safe processing techniques and their application in practice;
  6. completing an internship;
  7. passing tests regarding labor safety.

Also, the personnel of such installations are required to regularly update their knowledge of labor protection through repeated quarterly briefings. The assimilation of this information should be monitored annually through assessments. In addition, employees are required to undergo periodic medical examinations.

Operation of bactericidal equipment

The open type of emitters is used to disinfect rooms without people or with short-term presence of people inside them. The use of ultraviolet lamps of this type is allowed in the following premises:

  • ceiling height 3000 mm or more;
  • having ventilation or the ability to intensively ventilate them through open window sashes (complete air change within a quarter of an hour);
  • ceiling and wall coverings are not susceptible to destruction by UV irradiation;
  • grounded sockets for powering the illuminator;
  • protection against mains voltage fluctuations by 1/10;
  • the presence of equipment that turns off the emitter if the door or sockets are opened with a timer,
  • blocking its power supply after a specified time;
  • equipped with a light display or a sign above the entrance indicating the presence of UV radiation.

Maintenance and repair of emitters is carried out only after turning off their power supply. Removing dust from the unit and changing lamps is performed once a month.

Personnel are exposed to several harmful factors at once:

  • ultraviolet rays;
  • ozone;
  • mercury vapor (in case of damage to the integrity of UV lamps).

For this reason, personnel working with this equipment must be equipped with a number of personal protective equipment:

  • a robe made of cotton fabric;
  • rubber disposable gloves;
  • safety glasses or face shield;
  • medical mask;
  • a scarf or cap made of cotton fabric;
  • shoes or slippers made of genuine leather.

Also, for safety reasons, bactericidal emitters whose service life is ending or after they fail should be promptly replaced. And since the lamps contain a certain amount of mercury vapor in their bulbs, their replacement and installation must be carried out with extreme caution.

Each cabinet equipped with a UV emitter is equipped with a log where the values ​​of the following parameters are recorded:

  • bactericidal effectiveness;
  • ozone concentrations in the air;
  • device operating time.

Each employee involved in servicing the UV emitter follows the appropriate internal labor regulations.

If there are any malfunctions of the equipment, as well as incidents, employees must notify the head of the department, who is responsible for the implementation of the relevant instructions by the personnel.

Each worker is required to strictly follow all internal labor regulations.

Alcohol, drugs and toxic substances leading to various types intoxication, it is prohibited to use it at the place of work, and you cannot be under their influence there. Tobacco smoking is permitted in areas designated for this purpose. The immediate supervisor must verify compliance with these requirements.

Out-of-service UV emitters are stored in a special container that can be sealed hermetically, installed in a room specially designated for this purpose. They are handed over for disposal by a person authorized by the organization’s management to do so by order. Germicidal lamps are collected and disposed of by business entities that have received the appropriate license.

Violation of the requirements that are presented job description for operating personnel of UV emitters, imply liability under the laws of the Russian Federation.

Labor protection during work

While radiation treatment is being carried out in the room, information about this in the form given above should hang or glow (if there is a light display) above its entrance. Also at this time, access there should be stopped for both workers and visitors.

The duration of UV treatment must be strictly controlled. Upon completion, the irradiator must be turned off. Touching the metal parts of the plug is prohibited for 3 seconds after turning off the equipment.

Labor protection after finishing work

At the end of the radiation session, you need to do the following:

  • ventilate the room or turn on supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • entering into the registration log the time of processing and changing its duration;
  • report to management about all problems with the operation of equipment, if any;
    sanitizing the irradiator body with a mixture that includes hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution) and a detergent (solution), and the lamps with a swab moistened with ethyl alcohol (96 percent) and wrung out;
  • if a mobile device was used, then, upon completion of work, it is covered with a cover and removed for further storage in a room designated for this purpose.

After performing these manipulations, the personnel take off the special clothes and shoes in which they carried out the work and put them away in a temporary storage place. Next, you should take a shower or, if this is not possible, wash your hands and face with warm water.

What should you do before working with a UV emitter?

First of all, personnel must ensure their own safety by wearing special clothing and shoes, as well as checking the availability and condition of PPE. Then, using the treatment time control log, check whether the UV lamps still have service life left. If it is already exhausted, then the dump is replaced. Next, you should check that there are no people, animals, or living plants in the room.

Be sure to check the condition of the socket and plug of the device. If malfunctions are identified during the inspection, then work is prohibited from starting; you must immediately seek help from electrical personnel.

Depending on where disinfection will have to be carried out, you need to select the level of bactericidal activity:

  • I category of premises - 99.90%;
  • II - 99.00%;
  • III - 95.00%;
  • IV - 90.00%
  • V - 85.00%.

The next preparatory stage is the choice of processing mode:

  • continuous mode provides the effect for half or a quarter of an hour;
  • the intermittent mode ensures that the irradiator is turned on for half or a quarter of an hour every 2 hours.

After setting up the equipment, the worker goes out, closes the door and turns on the irradiator with a switch, which simultaneously supplies power to the light display with a warning sign about UV radiation.

Rules for use in emergency situations

Operating personnel must respond to any equipment malfunctions that could lead to emergency situations in accordance with safety instructions.

In case of an emergency, the action algorithm is as follows:

  1. the equipment is disconnected from the mains power supply;
  2. surrounding people are alerted to the danger;
  3. the room is ventilated;
  4. your immediate superior should be notified immediately of the incident;
  5. further actions according to the emergency response plan.

If a source of fire is detected:

  1. work stops;
  2. the device is disconnected from the mains power supply;
  3. people are evacuating;
  4. start extinguishing the fire immediately (fire of electrical equipment requires the use of powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers);
  5. if the personnel cannot cope with the fire on their own, then the fire service is called;
  6. reported to the manager.

Accident, in the presence of or with an employee:

  1. work stops;
  2. immediate management is notified;
  3. the victim is removed from the dangerous place;
  4. he receives the necessary assistance;
  5. a doctor or an ambulance is called;
  6. the employee participates in organizing the transportation of the victim.

If a person has been electrocuted:

  1. the source of electricity is turned off, if it is impossible to do this quickly, the person is mechanically separated from the source of current using dry dielectric objects - sticks, ropes and the like;
  2. an ambulance is called;
  3. Before the ambulance arrives, the victim is examined, the wounds are treated and bandaged, if there is no pulse, CPR is performed until vital functions are restored or signs of biological death appear.

If ozone odor is detected:

  1. the irradiator is de-energized;
  2. ventilation is turned on (if available) or windows are opened and ventilation is carried out until the smell of ozone is no longer noticeable;
  3. the irradiator is turned on for one hour (the windows must be closed and the ventilation turned on), after which the presence of ozone odor and its concentration are monitored;
  4. If the maximum permissible concentration of the gas is exceeded or its persistent characteristic odor is observed, then the operation of the UV irradiator must be stopped and the lamps replaced.

If damage is detected on the flask of the bactericidal emitter and spreading of mercury, the glass fragments must be placed in a bag, and the liquid metal, using a rubber bulb, must be collected, placed in a container and tightly closed with a lid.

The room where the mercury has spread is washed with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate. All materials collected in this case are taken by an organization that has the appropriate license for the disposal of such materials.

UV lamps, which are used for drying special gels in beauty salons, have long been available for use at home. It is very easy to buy them; specialized boutiques and online stores offer a wide selection of UV lamps at different prices - from 800 rubles to 5000.

The cost consists of different indicators - power, manufacturer, design... However, the result of a manicure, as well as the principle of operation of the lamps, is the same for everyone.
At home, doing artificial nail extensions yourself is quite labor-intensive, especially the first few times. But covering your nails with gel polish, an alternative to regular nail polish, and drying them under a lamp is very simple!
In order for the manicure to remain in its original form for a long time, in addition to a lamp and colored gel, you will need a base gel and a finishing gel, as well as a degreaser and a special product for removing such a manicure. You can purchase all this in specialized boutiques, which can often be seen in shopping centers.
The manicure process occurs in several stages on bare nails. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is better to cover and dry the nails of the thumbs separately from the other four, since when drying in a UV lamp you need to hold the nails horizontally (parallel to the table surface) and turn them in this position thumb at the same time as the others will be problematic. It is optimal, in my opinion, to cover the nails of the index - little finger on one hand, then the same four nails on the other hand, and, finally, two thumbs - at the same time. Now more about the process:
1. To improve the adhesion of the coating to the nail plate, it is recommended to remove the top layer from the nail with a fine file. However, there are those who find this procedure very unpleasant. Don't worry, it's not required.
2. Treat your nails with a cotton pad and degreaser.
3. Apply a gel base to oil-free nails. The base layer should not be thick, but should cover the entire nail.
Dry the base in a UV lamp for 2-5 minutes. (usually 3 minutes). When the gel dries, the surface of the nail will become greasy.
4. Apply colored gel polish.
Dry it in a UV lamp for 2-5 minutes.
If you think one layer is not enough, you can apply a second layer and dry it in the same way. Apply a second coat after the first has dried.
The nail is oily after drying.
5. Seal the manicure with finishing gel. Like the base, it should cover the entire nail with a thin layer. Dry like the previous layers for 3-5 minutes. Until completely dry.
6. Using a cotton pad and degreaser, remove the oily layer from the surface of the nail.
Manicure is ready!
This method of coating nails is convenient, unlike the usual long-drying varnish, in that after the final drying and treatment with a degreaser, you can immediately begin any task without fear of ruining your nails. If you rummage in your purse, reach into your pocket, fasten buttons, or do anything else that you couldn’t do for a long time after a regular manicure, nothing will happen to your nails. There will be no dents, frayed ends or pillow marks. And the gel polish lasts for 1.5-2 weeks absolutely calmly.

The key to the health of beauty salon clients during manicure and pedicure procedures is the high-quality processing of the instrument. Today, 4 types of special sterilizers are used for this: ultrasonic, ultraviolet, quartz and dry heat. They differ in the principle of influence on the tool and in the time of its processing. In our article we will dwell in detail on the UV sterilizer. We will tell you what it is, note its advantages and disadvantages, and also present reviews from customers who have already experienced its effect in practice.

What is a manicure UV sterilizer?

Ultraviolet radiation is used to disinfect instruments after working with a client. To do this, all manicure devices are simply placed in a special box of the device, after which it is turned on. The lamp lights up and the disinfection process begins. In total, it takes about 40 minutes to process the tools laid out in one row. Approximately 20 minutes on each side.

The UV sterilizer for manicure tools can have one or two drawers. In addition, the power of such devices also differs. Accordingly, processing time may vary up or down. However, it should be remembered that before sending instruments for sterilization, they should be disinfected with a special agent. This will improve the quality of processing.

Operating principle

Let us consider in more detail how to use the sterilizer, as well as how the process of processing instruments proceeds. This will allow you to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of disinfection.

Instructions for using the device are as follows:

  1. All used instruments are subject to mandatory disinfection after a manicure or pedicure procedure. To begin with, they are washed under warm running water, and then placed in a tray with special solution. They must remain in the disinfectant for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Pre-treated instruments are laid out inside the sterilizer. According to the instructions, this should be done in one layer to ensure access of ultraviolet rays to the entire contents of the tray.
  3. The instruments are disinfected on one side for about 20 minutes, after which they will need to be turned over to the other side.
  4. After processing is completed, the device can be turned off or left to work further as long as the tools are in it. This practice is common in many beauty salons.

The operating principle of a UV sterilizer for instruments is based on the ability of ultraviolet radiation to disinfect water, air and various surfaces. Is ultraviolet really that effective? Read more about it.

Advantages of the sterilizer

The advantages of such a device include:

  • Simplicity and ease of use. It is enough to load the tools into a special drawer of the device and you can calmly go about your business. UV the sterilizer will disinfect them, after which they can be used again.
  • Safety. There is no need to worry about getting burns on your hands. Ultraviolet radiation only affects tools and is safe for people and surrounding objects.
  • Gentle influence. The instruments in the sterilizer are not dulled, but remain sharp.
  • Affordable price. The average cost of such a device is 2100 rubles.


Scientists have proven that a UV sterilizer does not allow for complete disinfection of instruments. Ultraviolet radiation, contrary to popular belief, destroys only some bacteria, fungi and prions, but not all. Therefore, complete disinfection of instruments does not occur. Unfortunately, the most terrible diseases, HIV and hepatitis B, cannot be identified and destroyed by ultraviolet light.

Other disadvantages include:

  • duration of the procedure;
  • the need to turn the tool over during processing;
  • ineffective in destroying pathogens of certain diseases.

UV sterilizer: reviews

Despite all the shortcomings of this device, many manicurists and pedicurists still continue to actively use it to process their tools. They consider the UV sterilizer to be effective, reliable and inexpensive. And most buyers really believe that it completely destroys all bacteria and fungi from the treated surface.

In fact, a UV sterilizer is designed to store instruments after they have been disinfected, since it only maintains a sterile environment, but does not disinfect. However, this does not stop our masters, and they continue to process both manicure tools and hairdressing tools in such a device. To protect yourself, ask your manicurist what kind of sterilizer they use.

Quite simple. First, treat your nails and the skin around them. Remove cuticles and pterygium. Then, using a special nail file or soft pumice stone, remove the gloss from the surface of the nail and apply a degreaser.

After preparing the nail plate, apply a thin layer of base gel and keep your nails under ultraviolet lamp within two minutes.

Now apply the color gel in one layer. If you want to do this, first make white “smiles” on the ends, and then apply the gel Pink colour. After this, hold the gel under the lamp again for three to four minutes.

If you want it with glitter, then apply it to the area of ​​your choice and, before it dries, carefully sprinkle it with dry glitter. To ensure they are distributed evenly, use a regular eyeshadow applicator (it should be clean and dry) or a plastic drinking straw cut at an angle. Take a small amount of glitter and, tapping the applicator or tube, sprinkle it over the area with the clear gel applied. Keep your nails under the lamp for about two minutes.

Now, without removing the sticky layer from the gel, apply the top coat, carefully covering all free edges, otherwise the dried one will simply peel off. Keep your nails under the lamp for about two minutes and then remove the dispersion layer. To do this, take a clean sponge, apply a special product on it and gently move it along the nail in the direction from the base of the nail to the tip. Use a clean sponge every two to three nails, otherwise the gel surface will not be glossy. Now apply oil to the cuticle area and let it absorb.

The gel can be left on for three weeks (the period depends on the rate of nail growth). To remove it, you need to apply a special product to a cotton pad, then put it on the nail, wrap your finger in foil and place it under an ultraviolet lamp. After 10-15 minutes, the gel will come off easily and you can reapply it immediately, without interruption.

Even representatives short nails have the opportunity to boast of an impressively designed manicure done on extended nail plates. For this procedure, manicurists use a product called primer – a specially developed primer for artificial nail extensions.

Nail primer (gel polish) is an important element of an ideal manicure.

Nail primer: what is it?

Widely used in nail salons primer is a liquid that ensures optimal adhesion between the natural nail and the artificially extended one.

There are several varieties of these products designed to prepare the nail plate for finishing: they are acidic and acid-free. The product is packaged in containers, bottles or jars. They often dry out when exposed to air.

Nail primer, gel polish - what it is, why you need an acidic and acid-free primer - you will learn from the detailed information presented in our article

Some of them may have by-effect in the form of stretching or tingling of varying degrees of intensity. But this has no effect on the final result and goes away quite quickly.

Nail primer: composition

The consistency of the primer is a colorless watery liquid or gel-like mass, often odorless. It is packaged in small plastic or glass bottles with a brush cap. Typically, opaque bottles are used to help increase the shelf life of the product.

The primers contain combinations of complex chemical components: ethyl acetate, 2-hydroxyethyl matacrylate and methacrylic acid, which is the main element that affects the quality of the product, ensuring its adhesion to the surface of the nails.

Based on its composition, the primer is divided into two large groups: with the addition of acid and acid-free formulations. The latter have a lower acid content and a more gentle effect on the nail plate, but are less effective in maintaining the result.

Note! For thin nails, it is recommended to use acid-free primers that do not have a drying effect.

What is a primer for gel polish used for?

To obtain a uniform and high-quality coating when using gel polishes, it is advisable to use a product that degreases the nail surface. After such manipulation, the applied gel does not peel off and does not rise above the surface.

The use of a primer has the following main goals:

  1. Degreases the surface.
  2. Dries the top layer nail without undesirable effects on its internal layers, does not affect the structure of the plate.
  3. Conducts disinfection nail surfaces to keep them healthy.
  4. Protects against deformation and delamination that occurs with frequent use of synthetic nail coverings. The primer is able to protect the nail from direct contact with such materials.
  5. Helps improve adhesion. After lubrication with the product, the keratin scales rise slightly, providing a more stable adhesion of the polymer material to the nail. It is also effective to use a primer before applying it under every woman’s usual nail polish, but maximum effectiveness is achieved during the artificial extension procedure.

What is a primer for shellac used for?

One of the secrets to the success of maintaining the results of the shellac application procedure is the use of a nail product - a primer.

Be careful! The application of this drug should be done with care to avoid contact with nearby skin covering and cuticle.

Before applying shellac, using a primer helps:

  • disinfection and easy drying of the nail surface;
  • protection of the nail structure;
  • improves the adhesion of applied shellac to the surface of the natural nail.

Primer for regular nail polish

A liquid called a primer will not be superfluous when painting nails with ordinary varnish. It can be applied as a primer to prepare the nail for painting.

This procedure guarantees longer preservation of nail polish. It protects the chemical elements of the varnish from penetrating the nail plate, and also ensures the possibility of applying the varnish in an even layer.

Is it possible to apply gel polish without primer?

Before applying gel polish to the surface of the nail, a procedure is preceded by degreasing the nail surface with a primer to protect it from components that have aggressive characteristics.

If the nails do not peel and their thickness is sufficiently dense, then the primer can be replaced with a regular base applied under gel polish.

Acid-free nail primer: what is it?

A primer that does not contain methacrylic acid is one of the main types of primers. It is commonly called an acid-free primer. It is identical in purpose to the sample to which the acid has been added.

It is produced in small bottles with a brush cap for ease of use. It is usually a clear liquid or colorless gel-like product with virtually no odor.

The product in question also disinfects, has a drying effect and helps more intensively attach the artificially created material to the natural surface of the nail. Its main difference is a more gentle effect on the treated nail, and a less effective result.

Carefully! All primers are capable of causing third degree burns. To prevent them, follow the manufacturer's recommendations and immediately wash the area of ​​skin on which the product comes in contact with water.

Why do you need an acid-free primer?

You should use an acid-free primer for gel extensions on weak and dry nails. Use on toenails is not recommended. The use of an acid-free primer, as well as an acid one, helps to extend the period of preservation of the results of the extension procedure and the aesthetic appearance.

Which primer is better: acidic or acid-free?

Initially, an acid-free primer was created, and only in 1988 a primer based on methacrylic acid appeared. Both primers effectively prepare the nail, but acid-free products are less likely to burn the nail bed or skin.

To say that so-called acid-free products do not contain acid is not entirely true. They just don't contain methacrylic acid. They contain from 10 to 30% solvent-based adhesion agents. They are less aggressive and do not corrode the skin as quickly as acid primers containing 70 to 100% methacrylic acid.

Despite this, the effect of using acid primers is more gentle compared to polishing nails with abrasive files.

Why do you need a bonder and primer?

The product used, called a bonder, serves solely for better adhesion of the nail extension material, while the primer is also used to improve other indicators. Bonder is also applied as a primer to degrease and equalize the pH balance of the nail plate.

Bonders are a sticky helium substance that must be dried under a lamp after application. The primer dries instantly in air.

Which primer is best for gel polish?

Manicurists advise using a primer for gel polish. This reduces the likelihood of fungal diseases and allows you to keep your manicure looking beautiful longer.

Note! When choosing this product, you should be based on the physiological characteristics and current condition of the nail plate.

Runail acid-free primer, reviews

This primer is available in small 15 ml bottles. But since it is a liquid, this amount is enough for a long period. It does not contain acid. Therefore, its effect on the nail is gentle. It helps to carefully connect the gel to the nail.

It should be used after giving the nail the intended shape and degreasing the surface. This primer dries instantly. It can be used under almost all types of gel polishes. Reviews about this product are mostly positive.

Acid-free primer Kodi (kodi): reviews, where to buy, price

This product is quite economical. It does not contain methacrylic acid. It has a gentle effect on cuticles and nail plates without burning the surface.

It is used for nail modeling in both gel and acrylic extension systems. Buyers only complain about the relatively high cost of the product, but are satisfied with its quality.

It can be purchased at almost any online store selling professional drugs for manicure and pedicure. The cost of a 15 ml bottle is 150-250 rubles.

Primer: Bluesky acid-free, reviews

Its structure resembles liquid vegetable oil without any odor. Apply before using the base. Does not require drying under a UV lamp. The bottle has a convenient dense brush.

Reviews from women and craftsmen who use this product note its long drying time, even if a very thin layer is applied. Some people, in order to quickly dry the Bluesky primer, blot it with a dry cloth after a couple of minutes of drying.

Primer TNL acid-free, reviews

The product is available in a dark 15 ml bottle with a convenient brush. Apply carefully to avoid contact with cuticles, which can cause skin irritation. Dries in about 30 seconds. If applied under gel, the manicure will remain chip-free for a month.

It perfectly adheres the surface of the nail to the extension material. But among the reviews about this professional product there are those in which, in addition to positive result complain about the difficulties if it is necessary to remove the extended plate. In addition, the nail surface underneath is deformed.

Nail primer, how to use it correctly

As a rule, instructions for using primers are applied to the bottle or packaging, but each manicurist has his own subtleties on how to use it.

When to apply gel polish primer

Typically, the primer is applied to the nail plate immediately before using the base.

By this time, the cuticles should be trimmed, the nails should be given the necessary shape, and removal should also be carried out. natural shine nail Acid-free primers require preliminary degreasing of the surface.

How to apply gel polish primer

The product should be applied with gentle movements, not reaching the side edges of the nail, so that the product does not get on the skin. If this happens, you need to wash your hands immediately. The brush sneaks to the center of the nail so that the product itself is distributed over the plate, and only then apply smearing movements to it.

It is important to know! When applying primer, it is recommended to carefully squeeze the brush against the edge of the bottle to ensure that the thinnest layer is applied.

Do I need to dry the primer in a UV lamp?

The product dries almost instantly, but products that are produced in gel form can take a longer time to dry. Drying the primer under a UV lamp is usually not required; only some manufacturers provide for this action. Therefore, before using a new product, you should read its instructions.

Acid-free primer with a sticky layer: how to use

Some gel primers have a sticky layer after application. They are compared to double-sided tape. They securely hold the extension product. Manicurists note the fact that you have to wait a relatively long time for such primers to dry.

Therefore, it should be applied in a fairly thin layer to ensure faster drying. To do this, it is recommended to carefully squeeze the brush against the edge of the bottle. If the product remains wet a few minutes after application, then soak the surface with a dry cloth.

Should I dry acid-free primer in a lamp?

Lamp drying of acid-free primers is not provided. But since manufacturers release new products, you should read the instructions before use. It is possible that the purchased product requires such drying.

Gel primer Toffee: how to use

This primer is used similarly to other products. The nail plate is lubricated with it immediately before applying the extension material. Be sure to wait until it dries completely, without using a UV lamp.

Nail primer: how to use bluesky

Bluesky acid-free primer is applied only to the nail plate that has been carefully prepared for extension. It works like double-sided tape and securely holds the acrylic or gel layer on the nail. Drying under an LTD lamp is not required.

The brush should be carefully pressed against the edge of the bottle to ensure minimal application of the product. The subsequent layer of acrylic or gel polish is applied only after the product in question has dried.

Vogue nails primer: how to use

The product has the smell of acetone. Apply in the usual way to a clean nail surface. Capable of holding gel polish securely. You don’t have to visit a specialist for a month. However, the nail noticeably suffers from this aggressive agent. After removing the extended layer, you can see obvious damage from using the primer.

How to replace primer for gel polish

The process of applying gel polish can be organized without the use of a primer, which will replace a less aggressive product - bond. He is also called Rev. It is more gentle, does not have a negative effect on the nail and only affects its top layer.

The result may be less durable, but there is no undesirable effect on the health of the nail plate.

Where to buy acid-free nail primer

It is advisable to buy acid-free primers in specialized salons or well-known online stores. This product can be purchased at exhibitions regularly held in large cities.

Primer for gel polish, where to buy (Russia, Ukraine)

To buy the necessary product, you can explore the market of more than just one country. Owning a little foreign languages You can order it from abroad using the Internet. It's convenient and profitable. If you buy the product directly from the manufacturer, you will not have to overpay.

Important to remember!
Today in Russia and Ukraine such purchases are delivered by post offices to the customer’s address.

Nail primer, price

The cost of a bottle of the product can range from 150 to 2000 rubles. At the same time, acid-free drugs are usually cheaper than those with added acid.

Nail primer, how to use: video

Don't skimp on primer. You should know the features of the product you are purchasing and choose the best option so that the manicure lasts for a longer period, but the nail plate does not deteriorate.

Nail primer, gel polish - what is it, why do you need a primer, see this video:

Nail primer, gel polish - what is it, what is the primer for, see this video: