How to combine existing items in your wardrobe. How to create the perfect wardrobe based on simple things

To avoid such a situation, all Stylists and Shoppers of the world unanimously convince us to collect first basic wardrobe and only then, having the cherished “10 things”, complement it sharply fashionable news and not always, but only after thinking carefully.

At the same time, they impose on us the same lists, copy-pasted from each other, where the most important place is occupied by a white T-shirt and.

We have to disappoint you, there is no “stylish list”, just like there is no “pill for old age”!

All these canons and frameworks are very illusory, because style is, first of all, what reflects you as a person, and everyone has their own personality and it’s not always possible to stuff it into a pencil skirt.

A basic wardrobe is not a list of specific things, but the versatility of an image based on your lifestyle, habits and body type. Therefore, for each woman, her basic list of clothes will be fundamentally different, and sometimes diametrically opposed. So small is perfect for one black dress, and for the other, rough boots and skinny jeans.

Coming up with your own “magic list” is not that difficult.

First you need to take into account the main principle - everything flows, everything changes!

This may seem global and far-fetched to you, but it is a key step in creating the perfect basic wardrobe. After all, you are changing, and now you probably dress differently than you did in your first year of college.

Taste, seasons change and all this is reflected in what we put on ourselves.

Step one. I will wear it, I won’t wear it

You should start by understanding yourself, your lifestyle and, based on this, try to formulate what it is – your style!

Sometimes it happens that you like one thing, but something completely different suits you, don’t be upset, this happens to absolutely everyone.

First, let's give ourselves an inspiring analysis beautiful pictures with images that delight you. To do this, we head to a soft sofa, pick up a laptop or tablet, whoever has what, and begin to scour social media. networks of your favorite actresses, on Instagram of famous bloggers, and of course on Pinterest.

We save everything we like for further close study. Having looked through your selection of beauties more than once, you will begin to notice something in common in them, repeating images is your cherished style!

Step two. Shape and color

Now we need to remove from the collected images everything that we like but does not suit.

For example: I love short dresses tight-fitting and red, but based on my body type and complexion, they categorically do not suit me, so after thinking about it, we make a strong-willed decision - “everything that doesn’t suit me will not be in my wardrobe, even if I really like these things”!

Understanding shape and color is very important. Unfortunately, too many women wear things that highlight their flaws instead of highlighting their strengths.

Here is a small table that will help you decide on yours.

Step three. What do I need?

Armed with a pencil and paper, make a table with a list of those things that fit your lifestyle.

For example: I am a tour guide whose whole life is on the move, I walk a lot and am among people. This means that clothes should not only be beautiful and fashionable, but also appropriate and comfortable. Trousers, dresses with loose silhouettes, jeans are suitable here, that is, nothing formal, or, on the contrary, sexy and provocative. Shoes are not crazy high heels, but comfortable sneakers, loafers, ballet flats or mules.

This means that most of my wardrobe will be casual.

On your list, items should be distributed in the same way: most will be in the style and functionality that corresponds to the main area of ​​​​your life. The areas will change (for example, you were a secretary and suddenly decided to become a freelance photographer), and the basic wardrobe will change.

Step 4. Come up with basic images.

It sounds complicated, but in fact it’s simpler than ever. On average, for each seasonal weather you need about 4 looks. If each look consists of a couple of things with a simple silhouette and a neutral color, combining them with each other you no longer get 4 sets, but at least 10!

For example:

  • Boyfriend jeans, a white shirt and a biker jacket are one look.
  • Pleated skirt, sweater large knit and a neutral t-shirt is the second look.

By mixing things together you will get some more great looks. After all, a biker jacket, a T-shirt and a skirt go perfectly together, and boyfriends, a shirt and a sweater thrown over the shoulders create an excellent multi-layered look.

This is the meaning of basic things - they are neutral, do not conflict with each other and are easily combined.

Look carefully at the pictures you have selected and at your list, I guarantee that looking at them, in five minutes your mind will form puzzles of ideas into clear pictures of your images.

Knowing what items your wardrobe will consist of, you can decide on their quantity.

There are just a couple of small rules:

  1. There are at least 2 “tops” per “bottom”.
  2. For each “bottom” you need to have at least 2 pairs of shoes and preferably in different styles.
  3. For each season there should be at least 2 outerwear items (jackets, coats, jackets, raincoats, sheepskin coats, etc.) that are combined with shoes.

Step 5. Final.

Now, having done a lot of work on studying theory, it’s time to move on to practice. We roll up our sleeves, turn on our favorite music and open the doors of the closet, it’s time to sort out its deposits, leave everything you need, remove what you don’t need and make a list of everything you need to buy.

It is useful to take these five steps at least once every two years for prevention and then the eternal woman’s question - “What to wear?” will be solved by you with ease!

A woman's basic wardrobe is some kind of holy grail. modern fashion, about which so much has been written that your head is spinning. On various websites and blogs, the treasured list of things that makes up is reprinted again and again. women's basic wardrobe, and watching it makes you yawn - the eternal pencil skirt, T-shirt, shirt, trousers and all this stuff that sets your teeth on edge...

But tireless readers are again and again looking for a magic list that will once and for all solve all their wardrobe problems, forgetting that clothes and personal style are a reflection of their personality, and there simply cannot be any universal solutions (and even Evelina Khromchenko, whose list basic things are floating around the Internet like the ultimate truth, they won’t be able to decide for you what yours, and what not).


... not a list of things, but a system that takes your personal style as a basis. For each woman this system will be different, and the list of items in the basic wardrobe different women will be different. For some, the basic item will be the aforementioned pencil skirt, and for others, loose military-style trousers.

A basic wardrobe is a set of items that form the backbone of your style, reflect your taste, your lifestyle, your preferences and correlate with the characteristics of your figure and your phenotype (color palette).

The bad news: you'll have to come up with your basic wardrobe and create your list of items yourself. Good news: it's a lot easier than it sounds. And if you understand the principle once, then this skill will make your life much easier in the future.


You are changing. Your lifestyle, work, figure changes. Eras change. And your style is also changing (after all, you are unlikely to dress the same today as you did in your first year of college, right?..) Your basic wardrobe is also changing - some items go away, and their place is taken by others that correspond to the updated reality. Today, my basic wardrobe is very different from what I bought and wore 5 years ago - the birth of a child, leaving the office and a flexible work schedule have made adjustments to the content of my closets.

In addition to the tectonic changes that we all go through, the basic wardrobe is affected by seasonal changes: it’s all lies that trendy things cannot be included in the basic set, and that it should consist only of timeless classics (your wardrobe doesn’t owe anyone anything at all). You can plan a base for the season, and include items that are worn right now, suit your silhouette and fall into your personal style.

  • a basic wardrobe is not a list of things compiled by someone, but the backbone of your personal style (a basic wardrobe from Evelina Khromchenko is just a guide to creating a base in a certain style, which is not necessarily suitable for you);
  • your needs evolve and so does your basic wardrobe, so regularly review your preferences and bring them into line with the realities of your life.

OK, we've got that sorted out. If other people's lists are not suitable, then how to create your own?.. Very simple. Let's play!


The first place to start (if you have never done this before) is to try to formulate what is a style that you like, suits and suits your lifestyle. It may well be that you like one thing, but another goes. Or that you dress not in what you like, but in what seems appropriate to your status/age, and so on. To be honest, these are all topics for a separate long conversation, and not the subject of this post - so let's imagine that you already have a style, and you more or less know what you like, you just need to bring it all into some kind of system.

And to do this, we will start with... an inspiration session!

Why is this necessary? To get some fresh ideas and try to finally make a list of your Ideal Basic Items.

The easiest way to do this is using Pinterest, a visual search engine. If you have never used this site before, now is the time to start. Register, create a board and start collecting on it the images that you like, everything in a row.

Where to begin? Enter the name of your favorite item of clothing (“pencil skirt”), or the name of your favorite actress, or the name of your favorite brand into the search bar - Pinterest will bring you several hundred pictures on the topic (important: there is much less Russian-language content on the site than English-language content - it’s better to type in English names, for example pencil skirt). Look through them, and pin the images you like to your board (the “save” button in the upper right corner of the selected image).

Once you pin one image, Pinterest will suggest similar ones, so you'll quickly find yourself within the style you like. If you like the Parisian style that I write about here, you can start by exploring my boards – perhaps there are images there that correspond to your worldview.

First, collect everything you like, without any criteria (winter, summer looks, skirts, dresses, trousers, jewelry, etc.) When you have 150-200 pictures on your board, you will see that some images and combinations are repeated - these images will be a reflection of your Self.


Once you've collected many different looks, you need to filter down what will work for you personally. For example, I like midi skirts and fall colors, but they absolutely don’t suit me, so I don’t have them in my wardrobe.

Understanding your silhouettes and colors is very important, this is the basis of the basics. Unfortunately, a lot of women wear things that highlight their flaws instead of emphasizing their strengths, and if I had my way, I would introduce a mandatory course in school on this topic. I also talk in great detail about silhouettes suitable for different types figures, and how to figure out your color palette (with examples and photos) in the book “ ", or you can look for this information in different sources yourself - the main thing is to deal with this topic once and for all.

Look again at all the images that you have selected and remove what does not suit your body type and does not fall into your color scheme. Only what you like and suits you should remain on your board.


Now you need to understand what kind of clothes you need based on your lifestyle. And to do this, you need to sit down and draw a map of your wardrobe needs - that is, evaluate what clothes of what functionality and style should be in your closet and in what proportion.

Well, here's my map as an example:

I am a young mother who works from home, sometimes goes to business meetings and conducts seminars, sometimes goes to friendly parties in coffee bars, regularly spends time with family in parks/trips/malls, and appears at formal or evening social events every 1-2 months.

I spend most of my time in casual clothes, while I periodically need things in the business casual style (for work meetings in offices), sports in my life have replaced walks with a stroller, for which I need sportswear, for parties with friends I need cocktail tops and dresses, and for social events - a couple of statement dresses and matching shoes/bags. In a separate line - quite rare in my life now (alas) are high-status night events that require evening dresses/sets.

Actually, my basic wardrobe is based on these proportions, and consists of items that reflect my individual needs and what I like and feel comfortable wearing. The larger the segment of the wardrobe map, the more basic items should fall into the style of that segment (these are what you will wear most often).

In your database, items should be distributed in the same way: most of them should be in the style and functionality that corresponds to the main area of ​​your life. The areas will change (for example, you will go to the office after maternity leave), and the basic wardrobe will change.


Once you've been properly inspired, figured out what suits you and what your needs are, it's time to move on to planning.

Take another look at your map and at the photos you selected on Pinterest - which of the selected images correspond to which segment of your map? Ideally, you need to select 2-3 key images for each segment, and write down on a piece of paper the items that make up these images.

Well, for example, let's go through my map:


T-shirt, jeans and leather jacket with sneakers - this is one of my basic sets on days when I don’t have business meetings When I want to make this look more interesting, I change the Converse for more interesting shoes, and add accent jewelry with an interesting bag instead of my favorite backpack. Works great. one more set - long skirt with a cardigan or loose sweater, I love this silhouette and feel very comfortable in it
large cardigan, skinny jeans, T-shirt or top, Converse or ballet flats - this is my third basic casual silhouette
An alternative to a cardigan can be a light trench coat - it makes the look a little more collected and classy than relaxed knitwear.


since I work in the creative industry, I don’t have a strict dress code - an expensive white shirt with cigarette trousers or skinny jeans, boots and a statement bag are my “business” base in my basic set there is also a more classic combination for business meetings and exhibitions, which sometimes take place in a very formal atmosphere - classic trousers with heels and silk shirt-cut blouses


For going out to bars, birthdays and other casual evening events, I keep a couple of evening tops in my set, which I wear most often with cigarette pants or jeans
yes, an interesting little black dress just for such occasions is also included in my basic set


“day dress” - daytime status dresses that I wear to social brunches and other work-social non-evening events Some day dresses are quite appropriate in the evening, when complemented with appropriate accessories. In general, the more versatile an item is, the more I like it, so I always keep different interpretations based on it in mind when purchasing. second set for the same occasions - jacket, top, cigarette pants plus statement shoes & bag You can go to some daytime events (for example, press lunches) in jeans if you combine them with a statement jacket and jewelry.

Let’s leave sports and evening wardrobes out of the equation as highly specialized, but in general, my base consists of the above items, which I actively wear and update regularly.

What items will your wardrobe consist of? Your task is to pick 3-4 different images for each of its segments, and then make a list of the items that make up these images. And if you need ideas, or want to know more about different basic subjects, then read the posts about, and.


Once you know what items your basic silhouettes consist of, all you have to do is decide on the formula - that is, the minimum required number of different things. Everything here is also individual, although there are general rules:

  • One “bottom” must have at least 2 “tops” (that is, if your base consists of one trousers and one skirt, then they must be accompanied by 4 basic “tops”);
  • each “top” should have its own set of jewelry;
  • For each “bottom” there should be at least 2 pairs of shoes (in the same style - so that the shoes rest between socks - or in different ones, to change looks) - you can wear the same shoes with different “bottoms” (for example, shoes that suitable for basic trousers and jeans), but the main thing is that each of your basic “bottoms” is provided with at least two different shoe options;
  • for each season there should be 2 outer pieces of clothing (jackets, cardigans, jackets, raincoats, sheepskin coats, etc.), which correspond with shoes.

This is the general proportion that will form the basis of your formula. What it will be like - that is, how many and what kind of bottoms, tops, shoes and bags will be in your basic wardrobe - is up to you to decide.


Now let’s sum up everything we’ve done before and design our basic wardrobe, which relates to each area of ​​your life. For these purposes, the easiest way is to use the site - this is a designer with several thousand items of clothing from different collections, and in which you can develop capsule wardrobes for the season, or plan your basic wardrobe.

UPD: On 04/05/2018, the website unexpectedly stopped working. I haven’t found a worthy replacement yet, but I can recommend two alternative platforms - and Both of these services are still far from what polyvore offered (and there is no Russian version), but there are no other options yet. I will definitely unsubscribe as soon as I find a worthy alternative.

Register, click on Create (upper right corner) - you will be taken to the work field. On the right you will have a catalog of things (dresses, trousers, shoes, bags, etc.), on the left - an interactive board on which you will collect your image or a set of items for a basic wardrobe.

Dig through the catalog, choose what you need and use your mouse to drag the item you like onto the board. The designer is made very intuitively, you will quickly figure it out - you can choose a color in the catalog of things, or enter the name of the item in the search, so you will quickly find what you need.

You can collect image entirely, from underwear to jewelry, or collect basic set things that will become your guide when choosing and buying things in real life.

The result of this exercise should be a set of 5-6 universal images that you like, suit and correspond to different areas of your life. And a common board on which you will collect all these items - this board can be printed, downloaded to your phone, or simply kept in your head while shopping (the visual embodiment of all your disparate ideas and thoughts makes life much easier and reduces the shopping budget, as you are looking for and buy only what you need).


Well, when you are done with the theory, move on to analyzing your wardrobe - you need to understand what you already have of what you need for your developed basic wardrobe, and what is missing.

I already wrote about wardrobe analysis in the post “”, read it if you are interested.

The result of this stage should be setting a shopping task - that is, you will need to make something like a list of those things that need to be purchased. It’s very useful to make such a list before going to sales; it really helps to buy only what you need at a good price.

And you can also use the websites of large resellers for the same purposes, which offer the option “add to wish list” - when you more or less understand what you need, then go to the website, look at the options and mark them. Usually a wish list does not oblige you to anything, except that the store will send you information if there is a discount on the selected item. This exercise helps you set yourself a clearer framework for shopping (and if you find something that suits you perfectly, the faster you will solve your problems). A good choice(and you need to have as many of the most different options, both classic and trendy) and a convenient “favorites” function are available at asos and farfetch (the latter is great for navigating through luxury collections and searching for new brands).

Today I propose to talk about how to update your wardrobe so that it is thoughtful and functional. What is it inspired by? Personal experience. Has it ever happened to you that in a store something seemed to fit well, but at home, after trying it on, it turned out that it didn’t fit so well? Or, after wearing a thing once or twice, you realized that, in general, you were not on the right track?

It is important to update your wardrobe not only with basic things (+ decide what the “base” in your wardrobe is for you)

Write down the styles/colors/prints that don't suit you.

Surely, you already know from experience that some things don’t suit you. Knowledge comes from understanding the characteristics of the figure, color type, lifestyle, and sometimes simply intuitively: the thing is good, but you feel stupid or uncomfortable in it. Don’t be lazy and write down on a piece of paper those options for clothing, jewelry, and shoes that don’t suit you. As clear as possible. The larger the blacklist, the better: it is impossible for everyone to benefit from everything. Don't be alarmed if it contains a lot of items. In my experience, a big blacklist is a sign that you've taken a good look at your appearance and body shape and are truly ready to create a wardrobe that reflects you.

How to organize your clothes closet? Read

For example, for a long time I had a obsession with the beige color: I really liked it, and I wondered why in all the cool beige things I looked pale - like after an illness :). I tried different models, different shades, until, after 5 years, I came to the conclusion that beige simply does not suit my color type.

By the way, on your personal black list there may be things that suit many people - don’t let this bother you, your task is to rid yourself as much as possible of things that don’t suit you specifically.

Carry a piece of paper with the black list with you and look through it during the next attack of shopaholism.

Shoes are the basis of a well-thought-out wardrobe

We decided to update our wardrobe and allocated a certain amount for this task... At the next stage, many women think like this: I’ll buy more clothes, and what’s left will be used for shoes. But, as a rule, good couple shoes are more expensive than jeans or a cardigan. And by the way, an expensive, high-quality pair will pull off even an inexpensive look. Don't underestimate shoes!

Look for your stores

It is unlikely that you will like all the clothes in every store. Look for your stores, your brands. Sometimes, in order to create a diverse, rather than monotonous, wardrobe, it is worth looking into new places, but usually 3-5 favorite stores are enough to create a sufficient number of practical and stylish looks.

Don't get carried away with sales

Sales to update your wardrobe are not a bad thing, especially if you need to buy inexpensive basic things. And sometimes sales are a big help. But only until they become an end in themselves: they say, you really need to buy something, since there are such discounts! If you catch yourself thinking this way, run so as not to buy unnecessary things!

Functional wardrobe: no - identical styles

Once upon a time you realized that a certain style or color suits you, and now you only buy things that fit into these narrow frames. The beaten path sometimes helps a lot, but over time the wardrobe becomes boring and you yourself will be bored in it too. Having mastered one suitable style, do not stop - look for other styles, models, combinations that go perfectly. So, bit by bit, you will build a wardrobe that will delight you.. When you have enough suitable styles, you can stop for a while and stop experimenting, enjoying the wealth you have collected.

Is wearing 33 things for 3 months a reality for you? Read about Project 333

Build a wardrobe of things that make you look great, not just “okay.”

When updating your wardrobe, search and search until it clicks in your head: this is great! Then take it and be happy) It will, of course, take more time, but the purchase will make you happy. Well, you can wear something that makes you look great for a long time, but you will want to change something that is just “normal” very soon.

Don't add fashionable items to your wardrobe just because they're trendy.

On the one hand, trendy things are an opportunity to try something new for yourself. But if you don’t like yourself in a fashionable thing, then don’t buy it. If some trendy item is on your personal white list, great; if not, don’t force it there.

How do you update your wardrobe? Do you have your own tricks and secrets that allowed you to create a practical and thoughtful wardrobe?

In order to look stylish and fashionable every day, it is not at all necessary to buy branded items in expensive boutiques, which usually require large financial expenses, or to save a certain amount for several months in order to purchase something that you have long wanted to have in your wardrobe. You just need to know how to create your own stylish wardrobe.

The ideal wardrobe - how to create?

For many representatives of the fair sex perfect wardrobe, this is the one in which there are things that answer latest laws fashion, and everything else, they should be bought in expensive boutiques and, of course, in no case at sales. The ideal wardrobe is, in fact, a wardrobe that reflects a woman's individual style. But how to create an ideal wardrobe, what should be included in it, you can consider in more detail:

  1. First of all, you need to get rid of things that have been weighing on your closet for quite a long time, have not been worn for a long time, things that don’t fit well, are fattening, or have lost their appearance.
  2. Of the items you can definitely leave a black turtleneck and a skirt, exclusive, vintage items if they are in excellent condition.
  3. For convenience, you can hang things according to color scheme from cold to warm colors. Items of neutral colors, such as white, black, gray, are best hung separately.

Principles of wardrobe design

There are several principles for creating a wardrobe:

All these nuances are worth taking into account when the question arises of where to start updating your wardrobe.

Choosing the right wardrobe

Many women, sooner or later, face the question of how to choose the right wardrobe. When choosing clothes, you should take into account your body shape. Types of figures are divided into the following types: triangle, hourglass, trapezoid, rectangle. A description of each type is given below:

  • Triangle. This body type is characterized by broad shoulders and relatively narrow hips. Therefore, you should choose clothes that emphasize a beautiful waist and hips, that is, wear light-colored trousers, narrow or wide belts.

  • Women with an hourglass figure type are characterized by a narrow waist, wide hips and décolleté. Anything will look perfect on such a figure. This figure can be emphasized with fitted clothing, and it is better to choose trousers with a low waist. Wide and narrow belts can be chosen as accessories. But clothes with large patterns and those that are too tight should be avoided.

  • Trapezoid. It has wide hips, a narrow waist, and narrow shoulders. Women with this body type should not wear tight-fitting clothes. It's best to wear things that don't fit too tightly underneath. And the top should be voluminous, with an open neckline, and a square neckline.

  • This type of figure, such as a rectangle, is characterized by the proportionality of the hips and shoulders, and the waist is weakly defined. Things must be selected so that they create volume in the chest and hips, a semi-fitting or straight silhouette.

Basic wardrobe - choice of clothes

A basic wardrobe is things that are suitable for any situation and will become the basis of any outfit. Every girl needs to know how to choose clothes for her basic wardrobe. Not every woman knows how to choose the right things so that they are harmoniously combined with each other; often clothes of different styles are combined in one look: classic is combined with sporty, business with casual. But the image will turn out harmonious and complete if the clothes of the basic wardrobe are chosen correctly.

Below is a list of what should be in a basic wardrobe:

Sheath dress. Perhaps this is the first thing that should be in a basic wardrobe. Such clothes should be without voluminous, bright elements. This dress goes with different styles. It will be suitable for going out into nature, it will be appropriate for a walk, in a club, on a date.

How often do we, after flipping through glossy magazines, put them aside with the thought that looking stylish is the lot of the rich and famous? As usual, we take out the usual pair of jeans and a sweater from the wardrobe - the look “for the feast, and for the world, and for good people" ready.
And now the time for celebration comes. And in my head there is the eternal female thought-problem: “What will I wear?” On the eve of each celebration, we run around a bunch of stores, review online offers in search of something new, beautiful and original. Finally, it would seem, the most Nice dress found, and also a handbag, shoes, and even beads with a bracelet.

But why is there nothing to wear again for the next outing? How much more money do you need to spend on things that then gather dust in the closet?

So, let's create our ideal wardrobe for all occasions. And at the same time we solve the main women’s problems associated with it:

  • a full closet, but nothing to wear;
  • why don't I look stylish;
  • why is it difficult for me to combine things with each other?

What are “Basic Things”

First of all, the basis of an ideal wardrobe is simple things from the Basic category. They must meet a number of requirements.

1. Basic wardrobe should be selected individually. No general measurements like “you must have a trench coat in your wardrobe” beige colour, black jacket, vest”, etc., will not help you create your ideal wardrobe. Each woman has her own taste and color palette, and this must be taken into account.

2. The basic wardrobe must be neutral. Don't be afraid of a monochrome, gray or pastel palette. Firstly, it serves as an excellent background for one color accent in the image (this could be a scarf, bag, shoes, or one of the items of clothing). Secondly, a monochrome look in itself already looks stylish (provided that it is chosen according to your color type of appearance).

3. Basic items should not have active elements or prints. A pattern on a sweater, patch pockets on trousers, ruffles on a shirt, decorative zippers on a pencil skirt - and these are no longer Basic Wardrobe items. When they are combined, a strong imbalance occurs in the image.

4. All items in the Basic Wardrobe should be easily combined with each other. This is also achieved by selecting them according to the principle of a simple style and a single color palette.

5. When trying on items from your wardrobe, meticulously evaluate your appearance.– any item should fit perfectly!

Basic wardrobe - the basis of your image

You will say, Basic wardrobe is somehow boring and unoriginal. But not at all. Simple things will serve as a wonderful background for you. Add a bright accent to them - and stylish look You are guaranteed. And the next time you go out, you will change your question: “what should I wear?” to a more interesting one: “what do I want to look like today: strict, businesslike, romantic or simple and relaxed?”

Secrets of creating a Basic wardrobe

The most effective and correct solution for a stylish girl, which saves both time and money - create a Basic or capsule wardrobe. It involves purchasing a minimum number of simple things that are ideal for your figure and your type of appearance, and makes it easy to combine things with each other for all occasions. You will always look stylish at minimal cost!

Your basic wardrobe is based on your color type

There is no ideal selection, a la 10 things in your wardrobe. Each girl is individual: with her own taste preferences, rhythm of life, and especially the color type of appearance. Have you noticed that some colors suit you, while others, on the contrary, make you look tired. This is the notorious color type of appearance - the basis for building any wardrobe.

Having once read an opinion on a forum: “I can’t stand home-grown divisions by color type, so I choose the colors in my wardrobe solely according to my reflection in the mirror,” I remembered that until recently this concept myself seemed too sophisticated. Basically, girls choose the color of their wardrobe according to their taste preferences. Every time you choose clothes, you carefully look at the mirror in the fitting room. And the seller, of course, assures that the color suits you very well.

So, over time, a lot accumulates in the wardrobe different shades(then you wanted something colored, then gray, then beige, then bright, then green is in fashion). As a result, the wardrobe has no structure, things are difficult to combine with each other, and many are not worn at all. Therefore, if you take the time to determine your color type of appearance (spring, summer, autumn, winter) and a suitable color palette, it will become much easier and faster to select clothes in the store. You will “see” your colors immediately and you will not need to rely on someone else’s opinion. In addition, a single wardrobe palette makes it possible to combine all items with each other and create many looks.

Thus, half the battle is done. Your wardrobe, in any case, will suit you because you have chosen “your” right colors.
Now let’s try to present our figure in the most advantageous light (dreaming about an ideal “hourglass” figure is often useless).

To do this, determine your body type (pear, apple, hourglass, triangle, rectangle). What is this for, you ask? For example, you are a “pear” (pronounced waist, small breasts, and fairly voluminous hips). In this case, you should avoid the same tight top and bottom, or a clear emphasis on the bottom of the outfit. A straight cut skirt or trousers without active elements, a waist accentuated by a belt and additional volume for the top (scarf, large sweater, ruffles) - and you have ideal figure"hourglass.

Considering such secrets, you will easily learn which areas (top, bottom, waist or décolleté) should be emphasized as the most advantageous, and in which areas it is better to avoid unnecessary emphasis.

Please note, you can read a mountain of magazines, watch all the fashion channels and your head will be full of glossy advice. But, you need to understand how to navigate their diversity and try these tips on yourself?
They will help you with this free lessons Academy about the intricacies of creating your Basic wardrobe and a magnificent image.

And the next step will be to select the necessary things in the Shaf!